1963-06-24,28, 07-1,8,10,15 Budget Discussions"'30 r `) INFORMAL BUDGET DISCUSSIOIQ MEETINGS June 24, 1963 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date in the I ? County Commissioners Room of the Court House for a discussion of the Budget Estimate. II Present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery. iCZ?C RATE BREAKDOWN AS FOLLOYdS: ? Schools and Colleges -------------------------- $ .90d i Welfare - Hospitalization ------------------------ .2341 II I Health ----------------------------------------- 0796 I Revaluation ------------------------------------ .0088 Agriculture & Economics --=--------------------- .0111 General Fund ---------------------------------- .1646 . . . ? Total Tax Rate 1.39822 • SCHOOL FIRE INSPECTION POLICY - The Chairman opened a discussion of the fire hazards inspection of the schools outside the City of Wilmington limits. He stated that he learned that the Electrical Inspector for the County is qualified under GS 160-122 to make such inspections and recom- mends that the Electrical Inspector be appointed and paid for the work on the same basis as Mr. Fred Futchs. After briefly reviewing the subject, it was unanimously decided to instruct John E. Wood, the County Electrical Inspector, to make the inspections in the I future and Auditor T. D. Love to pay him as their designated representative. The Execu- tive Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Fred Futchs that his services would not be required after July 1, 1963 and to thank him for the fine ,job which he had done on clean- ing up the fire hazards which existed at the time he started his inspections, i ?OAK GROVE CEMETERY - The Chairman announced that plans to have the right-of-way across disputed lands to thzproposed new site of Oak Grove Cemetery in the Flemington section had failed to materialize but that Mr. J. F. Hobbs and his wife are willing to donate six (6) acres to the County free and clear if they will put a road into the premises. The Board unani- mously agreed that it wouid go along with whatever the Chairman and the Committee of Mr. Ernest R. Mayhan thought was best for the County. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman then declared the meeting adjourned. w. INFORMAL BUDGET DISCUSSION ,1une 28, 1963 ? MENTAL HEALTH Secretary An informal Budget Discussion Uras held on the above date with'the following present: Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Mr. Peter H. Braak, Mr. L. E. Broadhurst, Mr. Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, Mr. Robert \ N. Kallman and Mrs.,,Alice Borden Sisson. PRESENT - The Chairman called attention to aMemorandum received from the State Board of Health announcing the creation of a Department of Mental Health eaRenxeing Ehe ereeEiex e€ e BepeeE»sexE e€ W;ente+ Hes+Ek by the General Assembly effective immediately. The legislation stipulates thaL the County Commissioners or a combination of governing agencie> may establish mental health clinics, under certain conditions. State funds will bear two-thirds of the first $30,000.00 and one-half of the remaining amount of the budget. This makes it a County function and removes it from the jurisdiction of the Consolidated Board of Health. The Bu7lget Estimate was reviewed item by item with Mr. I{allman and Mrs. Sisson explaining any questionable items not understood by members of the Commissioners. Mr. Kallman observed that since the members of the N,ental Health Advisory Council were appointed by the Board of Health it is uncertain as to its responsibility or authority to continue in that capacity. It was mutually agreed that a daily telephone log would be kept and that local travel would be paid on a mileage basis instead of a flat sum and I that a daily mileage log would be recorded hy speedometer readings, all records and funds ' now in the Mental Health Center are to be turned over to the County Auditor who will keep all future records and pay all bills after initial approval by the Nental Health Officials. The Chairman assured those present, representing the Mental Health Advisory Council, that some decision would be,made soon relative to its future. 'NUSEUM - WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER ? In the discussion that developed around this function, the Board Minutes of .luly 26, 1961 were reviewed and at that time it was agreed to appropriate $7,500 for the purpose of moving, including some fixtures, etc., and salary for the Director but that the annual re-occuring expense would not exceed $5,000. After considering all factor it was agreed that the Board is willino and prepared to stand by their commitment at that time but that is as far as they feel justified in going. It was'agreeable to leave $5,000 in the current fiscal year Budget. Informal Hudqet Discussion Meetings June 28, 1963 (Continued) LIBRARY - m ? This is a joint appropriation and it was decided to ask the Board of the Library to meet with the joint Boards for a discussion of their mutual problems. ISHERIFF - ? ' The Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to get a list of services rendered ?'by his department inside the City which is not a part of the police duties. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - After a brief review of the activities of the Volunteer Fire Departments as seen i by those who went on the inspection tour several weeks ago, Mr. Netts moved that an addi- tional $$,000 be included in the budget for that function to be distributed by the Fire Inspection Committee among the various rural departments. It was Seconded by Mr. Braak land unanimously approved. 'ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman then declared the meeting adjourned. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING . . ? Ju1y 1, 1963 , 7:30 P. c. ? r . PRESENT - Chairman J. N. Hall, Commissioners Peter H. Braak,, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love?and County Attorney L. ? Bradford Tillery. • COUAJTY H01,E - After an item by item review of this department's estimated budget, Nr. Mayhan moved that a contract be entered into for regular periodic medical.service at the County Home limiting the fees to not more than $2,000. It was seconded by Mr..Braak and passed ? by a majority vote. Mr. Broddhurst voted against it with the remark that he would like to N discuss it further. N • '??, MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - • ? The Chairman reminded the Board that some action should be taken with reference ? I to the appointment of an Pd5cisarv Roard for the newly created Mental Health Department, , i either by ratifying the original Board, or appointing a new one. In his opinion, the orig inal should be continued in this service. After a brief consideration, Mr. Braak moved ! the appointment of the following named persons to serve as the Mental Health.Aduisory Council to complete the terms of office as originally authorized by the Consolidat'ed Board of Health:'Ilt\? Ps. J. E. Bowden, Mrs. Dan C. Darrow, Dr. Rowena Ha11, Rev. Richard K. Johnson, Robert ? N. Kallman, Reverend E. E. Kirton, Mrs. Henry M. von Oesen, Nrs. W. E. Sisson, Talmadoe 0. Page, Dr. James H. Smith, and Nrs. James D. Wethren. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously carried. The Executive Secretary was directed to write each of them and confirm the reappointment by the County Commissioners. ? NEXT BUDGETSMEETING - It was decided to hold the next budget discussions on Monday, July 8, 1963 at 7:00 P. M. and the Executive Secretary was directed to set up a meeting with the Board-of Directors of Community Hospital for 7:00 P. M. and with the Health Department at 8:00 P.M. asking Dr. Davis to bring with him Nr. W. H. Cranford, Miss Aanie Lou Davis and Mrs. ,losephine Liles with sufficient records to answer questions concerning the operation. It was also agreed to hear the Board of Education presentation on Wednesday night, July lOth, at 7:30 P. M. and the Executive Secretary was instructed to arrange this meeting for that time. ? ? i ANNOUPICEMENT - / The Chairman announced that he had tentatively agreed on the following names for the County Planning and Zoning Board: 'Frank I. Ballard; Maurice S. Emmart, RFD #2;. J. B. Hines; and E. H. Tinga, 692 Castle Hayne Road, The negro who he had in mind is employed by the State so cannot serve. He will keep trying until one svitab2e is available. JOINT MEETING - It was unanimously agreed, by common consent, that the Executive Secretary is to arranoe a joint meeting with the City Council at 9:00 A. M„ July 15, 1963 if possible. ADJOURNMENT - Nr. Netts moved recess until P9onday July 8, 1963 at 7:00 P. M. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 8, 1963 7:00 P. M. rxc.?niv i - Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, Peter H. ? Braak, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and Charles L. Anderson, Administrator, Community Hospital and Edward L. Ward, representing the Board of ?irectors. The estimated budgeted items of the hospital were carefully reviewed item by item and adjustments made where it was deemed advisable and explanations made for the items not clear to every one. It was pointed out that the most urgent need in the Capital Outlay category is a Station WaSon. After discussing various substitutes or plans for the use to which it is felt necessary, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that approval be given for the purchase of a new station wagon and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids allowing for the trade- in of the old suburban which is now being used. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. (continued) A ? I Mudget Discussion Neetia-C-(_c-Ontinuarll ?i„l., A. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Those present for a discussion of the Health Department Budget were: Dr. C. B. Davis, Director, Mr. W. H. Cranford, Miss Josephine Liles, Miss Annie Lou Davi: and the New Hanover Board of Commissioners, as above. After an item by item review of I this budget estimate and the various changes made iahere deemed advisable, Mr. Metts suggested that in order to make all County Departments uniform that they be changed from depreciation and (}e mileage basis to straight 7e per mile. There were no objections from ?I any member of the Board of County Commissioners. ADJOURNMEIdT By - II common consent, the Board unanimously agreed to adjourn. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 10,1963 7:00 P.M. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING Present: Dr. W. H. Wagoner, Dale K. Spencer, T. O. Page, J. 0. Marshall, I E. A. Laney, Dr. W. C. Mebane, Murdoch M. Dunn, Mrs. T. J. Gause, W. E. Brock, Auditor, Mrs. Ione Whitehead, Mrs. Nina B. Tenuta, Dr. Robert A. Melton, All the members of the Board of County Commissioners were present. After reviewing all budgeted items one by one and changes made where deemed expedient, Dr. 4Jagoner observed that there is an urgent need to appoint a Board for the Industrial Education Center, a corporate body, to receive funds from the State. He hopes to make the transition smoothe and be ready by August 1, 1963. In his opinion, it will mean much to New Hanover County and those interestl- ed in education. CONFEDERATE CENTENNIAL CONilUITTEE AND FORT FISHER RESTORATION COWIITTEE - Present: N;r. Henry J. MacMillan, Nr. A. L. Honeycutt, Glenn M. Tucker, re- counted the accomplishments at Fort Fisher and the money appropriated by the State, to purchase land and build a Visitor-Museum Center and asked that the County make an appro- priation of $10,000.00 to encourage the Restoration Committee in soliciting private funds for a total of $25,000.00 to reconstruct one gun emplacement and earthworks, by private subscriptions. Secondly, he asked for an appropriation of $2,900.00 for use in planning II a Ground Breaking Ceremony and Commemorate the "HEBE" Skirmish which occurred on August 23, 1$63. This was the most important Civil l•Jar Site in North Carolina. The Ground Breaking is planned for August 24, 1963. ELECTIONS Present: Henry C. Bost, A Webb Chenoweth, and Edward C. Snead made a report on the current condition of the Voter Registration system and recommended a study he made with reference toward preparing for voting machines. Mr. Chenoweth said that he would be glad to make such a study without cost to the County. , ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman then declared the meeting adjourned. SPECIAL ,IOINT BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING Council Chambers Nunicipal Buildinq, Wilminqton, N.C. July 15,1963 9:00 q,M I ATTENDIPIG Those present were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Leon E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Nayhan, John b'an B. N.etis, Jr.; County Attorney L. Brad- ford Tillery. Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, Council-Woman Hannah S. Block, E. S. Capps, Jr.; J. H. Batuyios, J. C. Symmes, City Attorney, Cicero P. Yow and City N:anager, E. C. Brandon, Jr. INi/BEATION - N:ayor O. O. Allsbrook presided over the meeting and called on Councilman J. C. Symmes for the invocation. OPENING - • I The Nayor declared the meeting open for the business of considering mutual problems and discussing the Joizt Appropriations. Chairman Hall requested permission to i read the following statement and have it recorded in the Minutes of this meeting: "The very first thing I think should be brought up at this conference is that the Board of County Commissioners have for many years sat down with you at conferences and discussed in a very friendly manner those items in our respective budgets which have in the past required joint participation. Taking into consideration that past friendliness, our Board was not only a bit shocked at the nature of the remarks which were attributed to certain members, ir. fact all members of the City Council regarding our joint budyet,items, but were quite upset over their attitude. Recently, your City Manager came out with a statement in!/ho icat'ng that County residents who live within the City limits were paying some $47in County taxes ? for which they received no benefits, or words to that effect, your City Council ? followed with apparent approval and agreement at a meeting shortly thereafter. We ' do not understand where he got this wild figure and, to our minds, it appears that he most certainly must not hae been aware of the functions which this money performs. We are unable to follow him at all. ? The figures which follow, I believe, are substantially correct and if there are any errors they are very slight. They are listed below: The City valuation for taxes in 1962 was'$74,483,699 for which the County collected a tax rate of $1.40 or approximately $1,042,771 and here it how that money was spent: (continued) , s ?.? P?6 t Budqet Discussion - July----- 15,_ 1963 (Continued) OPENIIVG - (Continued) 55•64,o For 5chools (a County-wide service) 23.47% For Welfare (a County-wide service) 05•97% Health Dept. (a County-wide service) 00.61% Revaluation (° It It 't ) 00.83% Agriculture & Economics " " ) 13.48% County General Fund n " ) (This coyers Register of Deeds, Oourts, Elections, Coroner, Airport, Court House, Jail, Tax'Listing and Tax Listing and Tax Collecting and other County-wide activities. Only an infinitesimal amount of this could anyone say wasn't for the benefits of all the residents of the County. $580,198 244,738 62;253 6,360 8,655 144,565 Ufe wish to call to your attention that of the $161,000,000 which was used as a base in establishing the County tax levy, approximately $74,000,000 was in the City limits and about $87,000,000 outside of the City limits. At present the A. B. Control Board profits are divided as follows: From Wilmington stores 50% to City, 50% to County. From Beach stores, the County receives 25% and the beaches 75%. There has been no change in this for a lona number of years. Below are listed some of the distributions of A.B.C. profits in other Counties: Beaufort Bertie Carteret Caswel l Catawba Chowan Craven Cumberland Dare Durham Green Ntecklenburg Moore o„SioW Pamlico Pasquotank Pitt Rowan Tyrell Vance Wake Washington Wilson 100 % to County 85% 85% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% " " . 85% 50% to City of Durham, 50% to County 60% to County 471Z% to County, 471% to Charlotte and 5% for special purposes 100% to County 74% " " ioo% " 50% " Elizabeth City, 50% to County 100% " County 50% " County, other 50% to Salisbury and special purposes. 100% " " 85% n n 73% " " 80% " " 75% It ir I do not have figures for all communities where only a town in the County has legal sales. When the distribution of A.B.C. profits was set up for New Hanover County and its municipalities, consideration was given to those specific functions which the communities within the County itself performed. For instance, in the fiscal year 1955-1956 the City of 4Jilmington had a$40,000 item budgeted for Community Hospital. In 1456 - 1957, the County had assumed all but $20,000. In 1957-1958, the City had nothing budgeted for Community Hospital. The County took over the hospital be- ginnino July 1, 1957• You see that New Hanover County relieved the City of a $40,000 expense item and in addition paid a$30,000 deficit which the hospital had accr,ued. The City, in 1955-1956 had $22,000 budgeted f6r Hospitali2ation of Indigents. The County assumed this obligation entirely in 1956-1957 Budget. In 1957-1958, the Gity had a Health Department Budget of $46,402. In their 1958-1959 Budget this was cut to $24,487 and the County was obligated to pay 5/6 of the total tiealth Department Budget instead of the previous 113. So, just in these three items you can see where the County residents who live in the City of Wilmington were relieved of $86,000 a year -- all this in the face of no change in the division of A.B.C. pro- fits. Here are.some figures which you might well have had when you were thinking that the City of Wilmington got nothing in return for the money it paid into the County: Welfare Program records reveal that 81% of the welfare recipients are inside the City limits, and 19% outside the City limits: In the General Assistance Program, 77% of the recipients are inside the City limits, 23% outside. Again, I remind you that the City valuation for taxes was $74,000,000 inside Wilmington and $87,000,000 not in YJilmington, Here are some typical figures on the work load in the Consolidated Health De- partment: On June 28, 1963 from 9:00 A. N. to 4:30 P. M. 217 residents had re- ceived immunizations in the Health Department Clinic, 90 immunizations for non-City residents. The nurses family f?2ders indicate that 707 City families were visited at home on a regular basis and 98 non-City families. The Health Department Chest Clinic case load is divided into 144 City'residents and 32 County residents. Well Baby Clinics held monthly - 10 in the City, 5 in the County. Under our Health Depart- (continued) A ,Loint_„T'?udoet Discussion - Julv 15. 1963 (continued)___ _ ` OPENING - (continued) ment Charter, the City is relieved of all plumbina inspections and the records indicate that 857o of all rat control work is done inside the City limits. Occasionally, it is brounht up that the County receives ail the profits from the Recorders Court. It is quite appropriate to call your attention to the fact that this is not a profit making institution. The County bears all of the expenses _I of the covrt, which expenses are paid out of the item °Cost of Court". All the ' fines which are collected are paid entirely to the Board of Education, thereby helping, to reduce our tax rate for necessary school expenses. There have been questions as to dupiicated services by the Sheriff's Department I and the Police Department. Here are duties performed by the Sheriffts Department for ' citizens of Tdew Hanover County who live within the City limits of the City of Wil- mington; Serve Criminal Warrants received from Laea Enforcement Departments outside of Serve all Jury Duty Summons for Superior Court. Suboonena all witnesses for 5uperior Gourt (Criminal and Civil Gases) Subpoena all witnesses for Grand Jury. Count , Serve all Civil Law Suit Papers, Claim and Delivery, etc, (Local and Foreign) Serve all Executions and Attachments from Clerk of Superior Court (inventory and sale of all property seized) Serve all mental papers and transport patients to State Hospitals. Serve all Superior Court Arrest Capias. Serve all Uniform Support Act Papers. Issue and Maintain File and Investigate pistol permit applications. Furnish a Deputy Sheriff for both courts (Criminal and Civil in Superior Court) Maintain Jail for all City Prisoners and transport same to Central Prison in Raleigh after having been sentenced. The foregoing information indicates to us that County residents who live within the City of Wilmington get as much or more for the ad valorem tax dollar as any citizen in the County that lives outside the City of Wilmington. We, as County Commissioners, are.interested in every citizen of the County. d We can understand that A4r. Brandon, being somewhat new in our community, may not have been aware of the facts as enumerated above but we are entirely unable to under- stand how this Countil itself could have overlooked these things, inasmuch as you have lived here for many years and have sat down and discussed these items year after year with the Board of County Commissioners. In the past, these conferences have been on a very friendly basis. We would have liked to have continued on the same friendly tone but if that kind of antagonistic'ttunking permeates the minds of th3s Council, we may just as well bluntly state what we think and what we will do as a Board of County Commissioners and if you do not choose to continue some of the City services with the assistance of the County, then the burden of the discontinuance will rest squarely on your shoulders. We are willing to continue o,ur participation in the joint services, on the same general proportionate basis. Rny item which you do not think the residents of the City of Wilmington are entitled to, or f?or which you do not want our continued support, then it is up to you to cut it out. That responsibility is yours. We feei that in coming to your conclusions, good reason should take the place of emotionalism. The Board of County Commissioners will go along witheither of the following three proposals, 1- to continue on the same proportionate basis as in the past, 2- to withdraw from any service completely, 3- to assume full responsibility for these joint operations with the understanding that a re-allocation of A.B.C. profits be made in order to bear these expenses. Gentlemen, the choice is yours." \ City and County sitting in to study the mutual appropriations and come up with some recom- mendations for the joint Bodies to consider. It was seconded by Commissioner Metts and when the votes were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted "NO". Messrs. Braak, Hall, and Metts along with all of the Council members voted "YES". The Presiding Officer de- clared the motion carried by majority vote. He then appointed.Messrs. Capps and Symmes to represent the City Council along with the City Attorney Cicero P. Yow and Chairman Hail appointed Messrs. Broadhurst and Metts along with County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery to represent the County on the Committee. Mr. Metts was made Chairman to convene the Committee and bring in a report. The Mayor then stated that he felt that no member of either of the IIoards had any personal animosity towards any other member and that after a discussion of the problems they could come up with a solution. He pointed out that the City of Wilmington was the "HUB" of the county and its influence on the county was great yet it received little benefit from it. Why Wilmington received only 50% of the ABC profits and the other in- corporated tokms in the county got 75% was posed for discussion. After briefly consider- I ino this question with no apparent progress being made the Mayor suggested that each body appoint a small commitLee to study the mutual appropriations and bring in some recommenda- ' tions. Councilman Capps offered a motion that the Mayor appoint two (2) members of a committee and that the Chairman'appoint two (2) members with the respective attorneys of th: JOINT BOARDS RECONVENTION - _ It was mutually decided to assemble again in joint session in the Council Chambers at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Monday, July 22, 1963 for hearing the recommendations and report of the Committee. ADJOURNMENT - The Mayor then declared the meeting adjourned, W. G. V V4' ;4 v 5ecretary L_ II