1963-07-15 Regular Meeting (Duplicate)?? ?? wiimington, N. C. July 15, 1963 10:15 A. M. ASSENBLY - ? The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 10:15 A. M. on the above date with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commiss- ioners Peter H. Sraak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County AtLorney John Van B. Metts, Jr. INVOCATION - The Chairman declared that the invocation held at the joint meeting would suf- fice for this meeting. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Nayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting held on July lst, copies of which had been sent to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. I AIR CONDITIONIAG - HEALTH SUILDING Mr. Carl W. Hodges, owner of Hodges Electric Co., appeared before the Boa'rd _ and stated that he was speaking for Huahes Brothers to whom he had quoted a price of ` $395•00 for a new service in the Health Department Building in order to install air con- ditioning. He discovered, after making his bid that the present wiring system is old and obsolete and the panel is overloaded. He also found that thece were two services leading into the Health Building which is a violation of the Electrical,Code and that it wovld require an additional $325.00to put the wiring in an acceptable condition to meet the requirements of the Code in order for the City Electrical Inspector to approve the connection of current by the power company. This work is not necessary so far as the air: conditioning is concerned. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary arrange a meetina between the County Electrical Inspector, the City Electrical Inspector and this contractor to see if satisfactory electrical wiring could be worked out without this additional cost and that all County buiidings be in- spected by the County Electrical Inspector and his approval secured before any electrical wiring is done and the Executive Secretary is instructed to notify all department heads and the Custodian. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. TAX WAIVER - Nr. H. S. Rogers was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he repre- sented the'Junior Chamber of Comme`rce and that they were sponsoring the Clyde-Beatty- i Co1e Brothers Circus in October for the purpose of raising funds in support of a Girls' C.lub. They request that Schedule "B" taxes be waived so that all of the income can be used for the purpose intended. Mr. Mayhan moved thaC5chedule "B" taxes.be waived on this circus. It was.seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. I FEDERAL PRISONERS - A letter was received from the U. S. Marshall enclosing a renewed contrac,t for New Hanover County Jail. The current contract expires August 12, 1963. Its terms stipulate that the Federal government will pay New Hanover County $2.00 per day for i Federal prisoners held in the New Hariover County Jail. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the contract and authorized the Chairman to sign the document in behalf of the County. TAX l4AIVER A - disabled war veteran, Mr. Clarence Brock, requested approval for not list- ing his automobile for personal property taxes. He presented a letter from the Veterans? Administration confirming his disability. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously waived the listina,for taxes of his automobile. JAMES WALKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL The Chairman read a letter from the president of the Board of Managers of the James 'rJalker Memorial Hospital requestino that hospitalization for indigent patients be increased a minimum of $1.00 per day and Emergency Room visits be increased by SOd per,. day. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary arrange for repre- sentatives of the-hospital to meet with the Board tonight after the meeting with the Welfare Board. COURT REPORTER Mr. H. Dwight McEwen recalled that his contract with the County as a Court Reporter entitled him to receive $113.00 per week and that he had just be'en informed that.: tYJO extra weeks had been added to the Superior Court terms of Neia Hanover County for the next fiscal year and he suggested that the Commissioners mioht like to include sufficient funds in this ye2r's Budget to carry tiim through. Mr. Mayhan moved that $226.00 be add- ed added to this item for the two regular terms added to Superior Court Calendar for the year. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ' RESIGNATION - MENTAL HEALTH DIRECTOR The Chairman read a letter from Psychologist Benjamin H. Alien, Actino Director of the New Hanover Mental Health Center, tendering his resignation effective September 1, 1963. He ofFered to continue his services as a Consultant at the rate of $100.00 per day plus travel expenses and stated that although he would be living 130 miles from L•Jil- mington he felt that arrangements could be made on a once a week or every two week basis.-- as might prove mutually agreeable. The Board unanimously accepted the resignation by common consent but suggested that the Mental Health Advisory Council be alerted to screen any proposed trips to insure that they are made in the interest of the Mental Health Pro- gram. Appointment - During the discussion of the Mental Health Center, the Chair- man observed that since it has become a County responsibility he would like to appoint II Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan as a representative of the Board to the Mental Heaith Advisory Council. -A F' 236 Minutes of the Meetino Julv 15. 19h? (Continnecil INTERNAL REVENUE FEES - ?` Mr. Broadhurst informed the Board that Register of Deeds is charging a fee I? of 751 for recording and dischzrging of Federal tax liens. He understands-that the present law permits the Register of Deeds to charge $1.00 for this service and he re- I commends that our New Hanover County Register of Deeds bc authorized to make this change. Upon motion of W. Braak, seconded by W. Broadhurst, the matter was referred to the County Attorney. for his approval.andif found correct that the Register of Deeds be authorized immediately to,change $1.00 for the filing and discharging of Federal tax liens. r TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - 11 i The Executive Secretary reported that he had an offer to purchase an indi- vidual lot in Block 350, Parts of Lots 2 and 3, which is 501 x 150' fronting on North 7th Street located at approximately 1312 - 1314 North 7th Street. It is one of the properties included in a list which was submitted to the Board for consideration on June 3, 1963 and approval rejected because of its proximity to the proposed new North End school. It has been appraised by the County Property Appraisors at $890.00. The Board desired a detailed description of this property and requested the Executive Secretary to get the Block Book and it was discovered that adjacent to this same lot fronting on McRee Alley, there is another piece of property being 60, x.751 and a part , of Lots 3 and 4 which has been appraised at $340.00. Since the lot fronting on 7th Street wou2d be the access to the one fronting on McRee Alley, the Board decided that if the prospective buyer eould accept both of these lots, they might agree to their ' sale. They instructed the Executive Secretary, by common consent, to contact the prospective purchaser to see if he would be willing to buy both lots and report back to the Board on the matter. (The prospective buyer was contacted and has agreed to take both of these lots if they are approved at their appraised value.) I CITATION - i Mr. Mayhan presented the Board with a facsimile copy of a certificate of award which he suggests be presented to all County employees with 5 years or more service to the County. He suggested that they be presented on the basis of 5 year periods but that on the initial presentation, the employee certificate bear the exact number of years which that employee has served and all further presentatioas be madc on a 5 year period. By common consent, the Executive Secretary was authorized to t 1 II 9e samp es and prices and report back to the Board. COUNTY PLANNING AND 20NING BOARD - The Chairman reported that he was ready to appoint the'County Pla nning and ? Zoning Board from the names submitted to him by Lhe members of the Board of Commiss- ?' ' ioners. He then named Frank I. Ballard, Fren ch I. Dav3s, Morris S. Emmart, J. B. ? ? "Bunny" Hines and I. John Tinga. By common consent, the Board unanimously approved these appofntments.: TAX SUPERVISOR - , Mr. Mayhan observed that it was time to reappoint a Tax Supervisor. After checking the minutes and finding that the last appointment was made in 1961, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. T. D. Love, Jr. be reappointed as Tax Supervisor for the ensuing 2 years. He did not receive a second and the Board's attention was diverted to other matters pertaining to Budget considerations. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS A.brief discussion resulted in the Board deciding to meet at 7:30 P. M. tonight at which time they would hear the presentation of the Welfare Board and at 9:30 P. M. the presentation of a request by the James Walker Memorial Hospital Board of Managers. The Executive Secretary was instructed to arrange for these meetings. STATE HIGHGJAY CONTi riISSION The Chairman obstrved that he had received a communication from the Director'', of the State Highway Commission enclosing a questionnaire on County P2anning Control ' and requested that it be answered so that ajoint Committee of the AASHO-NACO could be informed in time for the answers to be evaluated before a fall meeting of the NationEll Assoclation of County officials. By common consent, the Board authorized the Chairman to complete the questionnaire as requesLed. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Copies of Memorandum and Annual Report of the Wilmington Port and Waterway Development Commissionfrom Col. George W. Gillette. 2- Wilmington Public Libraries Reports. 3- Report'for July, 1963 from the County Agriculturai Agent. 4- Consolidated Tax Department Report Lhrough June 30, 1963. 5- Report from National Rivers 8 Harbors Congress, stepping up the Cape Fear River Projects from Class 1 to a Class 2 position, which means it is meritorious. b- Home Economics Agent's Report for June, 1963. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman declared the meeting ad,journed as no further business was presented for considerati-on. . G ive 5ecretary J