1963-04-01 Special Meeting I r Informal Joint Meeting of the Commissioners with the Welfare Board Commissionerst Room Court House, Wilmington, N. C. 2:30 P.M. April 1,1963 PRESENT - An informal meeting of the County Commissioners and the Public Weifare Board was held on this date with the following persons attending: Commissioners: Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, Mr. L. E. BroadhurUst, Mr. Ernest R. Mayhan, 1Nr. J. Van B. Metts, Jr. II and Peter H. Braak, who also serves as Chairman of the Welfare Board with Mr. N. P. Bare- foot and Nr. F. P. Fensel and accbmpanied by Miss Leila Moore Hall, Director, from the Welfare Board. County Auditor T. D. Love was also present for the meeting. BUDGET DISCUSSION The Chairman asked Mr. Braak, who is Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, to present their tentative Budget Estimate and any other matters which they deemed of in-, terest to the joint Boards. Mr. Braak stated that it was customary to present the State Board of Public Welfare with a tentative Budget Estimate for services and administration of the local welfare unit in order for them to get a preliminary picture of the Budget that wouid be required to be furnished'out of State and Federal funds. He then svggest- ed that Miss Hall present the details since she was more familiar with them. In general, she stated that the present Budget request was approximately $10,000'less than lest year's Budget. Travel Expense - The first item that received considerable attention was the 71 per mile being paid for personally owned cars used in their work, also the depreciation payments of $25.00 per worker per month. No definite conclusion was reached but the Board agreed to study these two items further. i Postaqe, Telephone & Teleqraph - Some members of the Soard questioned the estimated $3,360 under this heading and felt that it might be reduced, however, the members ' of the 4Jelfare Board suggested that it was a fair expense. Employers Contribution to Local Government Employers Retirement Svstem - A discussion on this subject led to the deletion of trie $7,743.60 estimated for this expendi- ture. II Public Assistance - The Pubiic Assistance Program tncluding O.A.A., A.D.C., ..A.P.T.D. and A.B. decreased $10,278,00 as estimated for the coming year under last year's iBudget. The Case 4Jorker Salary and Travel Account?;,will increase slightl.y and the Countyts part will amount to $2,380.17. No MoneY Payment - In this category, O.A.A., A.D.C. and A.P.T.D. have increased a tota 1 of $004, z9. ? Administration - Estimates show an increase of $7,098•53 as compared to a Public Assistance decrease of $9,393.71. • , Boardino Home Care for Children - The over-all picture in this category shows !an increase of $2,650.00 over last year. I Hospitali2ation - Over-all, this item shorred a net increase of $5,650.00. 'I Out-Patient Service - This showed a net increase of $2,960.00 while other ser- vices under this category showed a net decrease of $1,500.00. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary I Wilmington, N. C. April 16,1963 ASSEN]BLY - The regular semimonth2y meetino of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 'was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members pre- Isent: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and n John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend G. W. Shepard, Pastor of the Community Advent Christian Church, to give a prayer of invocation. ? APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the previous meeting, copies of which had been sent to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. FOREST FIRE CONTROL - I A delegation of citizens, headed by Mr. Bruce B. Cameron, as spokesman reported that the recent dry spell coupied with the high winds had caused fires to get out of con- trol and burn an estimated twelve to fifteen thousand acres of wooded land in Masonboro tovmship during last weekend. They estimated that the damage to land values exceeds $250,000.00. He pointed out that New Hanover County was one of seven or eight counties in ?I Ithe State which did not participate in the cooperative Forest Fire Controi Program. They , had the highest praise for the excellent job done by-the air force and rurai volunteer i fire departments although they were handicapped by the lack,of equipment for fighting a ; major fire such as this. The cooperation of the local pulp wood companies is commendable and the men themselves stayed on the scene until physically exhausted. He suggested continued- ? ?? J