Z19-01 Application - 2016 Comprehensive Plan Consistency Statement 1.30.19 Supporting Evidence for Consistency of Piner Road CZD Rezoning Request with Plan NHC 2016 Comprehensive Plan The Plan NHC 2016 Comprehensive Plan is based in large part upon the general concept that “there is a need for a change in development patterns” and a need to switch “from traditional sprawling development patterns to a denser, mixed-use style of land use”. The benefits of mixed-use projects and a mixed-use land development pattern include offering goods and services in close proximity to residences, which encourages walking and healthy lifestyles, leaves room to preserve and protect natural resources, and creates more opportunities for housing, job creation, and providing shopping options in a convenient and efficient manner. Allowing a neighborhood scale retail store in the proposed location not only brings convenient goods and groceries closer to existing residences, but it will also be a benefit to new residential developments currently under construction or approved for development in this vicinity. It should also be noted that while Monkey Junction is a growth node, the retail businesses on the east side of Monkey Junction are specialized in nature. Generally speaking, there are no general goods stores or grocers on the eastern side of Monkey Junction, or for that matter, on the eastern side of College Road in this area for a significant distance north until you reach 17th Street Extension. There are also no general goods stores or grocery stores located on the eastern side of Carolina Beach Road in this vicinity. The only commercial establishments on the eastern side that offer general goods and groceries (in a very limited capacity) are a few gas stations. The only option a resident currently has to walk to a general goods or grocery store from the Piner Road area is to cross the Monkey Junction intersection. The proposed rezoning will provide an efficient, convenient and affordable shopping option and alternative for area residents, including pedestrian access, which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The following excerpts from the Plan, to name a few, illustrate how the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Plan’s purpose and goals: [continued on next page] Comprehensive Plan Pre-Prologue/Prologue Final Decision of the Coastal Resources Commission In the Matter of New Hanover County’s Request for Certification of New Hanover County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan Section I. Facts This same language is repeated in the Prologue in “What the Plan Will Do”: Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2: Existing Conditions Pg. 5: Health Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3: Framing the Policy Page 4: The Livable Built Environment Page 5: Healthy Community Page 15: Plan Goals Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4: Visualizing the Future Page 2: Visualizing the Future Page 5: General Residential Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6: Building the Future Strategic Plan • Guideline I.C.2: Develop strategies for encouraging office, retail and other light intensity non-residential uses within existing residential areas to provide community level service. • Guideline III.D.1: Encourage incremental transformation of single uses into compatible mixed use centers that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. • Guideline V.B: Facilitate programs to encourage reuse, rehabilitation, and redevelopment of existing residential, commercial, industrial buildings and properties where appropriate. • Guideline IX.A: Promote a mixture of uses where appropriate in an effort to cluster development and minimize impacts on natural resources. • Guideline IX.D.1: Encourage incremental inclusion of mixed uses into areas that are single use dominated where the uses are compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. • Guideline XXI.A.1: Promote compact development and infill with a mix of integrated community uses (e.g. housing, shops, workplaces, schools, parks, and civic facilities) within walking or bicycling distance that minimize vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled. • Guideline IX.D.2: Encourage infill development to maximize use of previously developed sites for highest and best use.