1962-07-16,18,23,25 Budget Meetings Minutes of the Meeting July 16, 1962 Continued ( DRAINAGE JO3N3'- SESSION Council Chambers Municipal Buildinq Wilminpton, N.C. 11:00 A.M. ..,ju.lv- 16,1962 ASSEMBLY - A,joint session of the City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 11:00 A. M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall with the following members in attendance: City: Yfayor O. O. Allsbrook, who presided, Mayor Pro-tem Hannah Block, Councilman J. E. L. Wade, City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr., City Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and City Clerk Mary B. Southerland County: Commissioners, Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr „ Vice Chairman John Uan B. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and Covnty Auditor T. D. Love. Mayor O. O. Allsbrook convened the ,joint meeting and presided during its session. The purpose was to discuss and agree on the Budget items for the departments which are ,jointlyoperated. /Tax Collector - Since there are certain functions the Tax Collector performs for the City that are not required by the Budget is not shared equally, therefore individual act- ion was taken on this particular item. The City recommended a Budget of $29,429.00 which was approved by their Council. Then Mr. Metts moved that the County approve the recommendations of the County Auditor of $25,305.8(} for the County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. /Health Department - Commissionerst Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, e.xplained that the yy employees in the Department of Health were controiled by the Merit System Council and ? that the pay was scheduled kR=scksedated in steps according to job classification grades. He reported that a comparative study of the pay plans recommended by the Merit System Council with current County employees' pay and the average paid by local firms for simi- ' lar work indicated that a minus two (2) classification WOllld place them in a favorable pay level and therefore he recommended that the City go along with that general policy. He explained that a few would by reason of their length of service and advanced training be even or one (1) or two (2) steps above the minimum recommended by the Merit System Council. He would not recommend that any employee be cut in pay by reason of the adoptio. of this general policy but those now at the minus two (2) level and above retain their present salary except the Health Director III which would be placed in a minufi three (3) category. After briefly discussing the matter, the joint Board urianimously agreed I on this policy by common consent. Local Military Units - Both of the Boards, by common consent, agreed to leave this ? I , n Minutes of the Meeting Joint Session July 16, 1962 __?Continued) _ - ? - ? - - - - -a ? Local Military Units - (continued) as recommended by the Auditor and the City Manager of $1,000 each by the II City and the County. Colored Library - A review of the Budget requests for the Colored Library disclosed $1200.00 was included for an Assistant Librarian and that the salary of the Librarian was increased in the amount of $300.00 per year. The City M,anager explained that it was the intenL of the City to allow a 5% increase salary-wise during the fiscal year and they had included $180.00 in their Sudget for the Librarian. As the County did not in- crease the salary last year; they agreed to go along with the City on.their pro-rata share of this increase, however, with the understanding that they would not allow the Assistant Librarian. Councilman Block offered a motiion that they jointly go along with a 5% raise but refuse to allow the Assistant Librarian as the book cit"culation did not justify it. The motion was.seconded by Commissioner Hall. Before the ballot was cast, ' Commissioner Broadhurst offered.a motion that the Budget be the same as last year. It was seconded by Commissioner Mayhari and since the motion affected the County only, Chair- man Hall presided and when the baliots were cast, Commissioners Broadhurst and Nrayhan voted "Yes" and Commissioners Braak, Hall, and Metts voYed "No" and the Chairman declar- ed the motion defeated. The Presiding Officer then called for a vote on the original joint motion and when the ballot was cast, Commissioners Broadhurst and Mayhan voted "No" I while Commissioners Braak, Hall, and Metts, along with Councilmen Allsbrook, Block and Wade voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the motion carried. / A Wilminyton Public Librarv - Chairman Hall observed that after studying the Budget requests of the Wilmington Public Library, he wouid go along with an increase of 5% in the salary of the present employees but disallow additional personnel which was a'sked for., After a brief discussion, Commissioner Metts moved that the Wilmington Public Library Budget requests be approved as presented. It was seconded by Councilman Wade and when the ballbt was cast, Messrs. Metts and Wade voted for the motion but Messrs. Allsbrook, Block, Braak, Hall, Broadhurst, and Mayhan voted against the.motion and the Chairman de- clared it defeated. After some further discussion on the matter, Commissioner Metts moved that the Budget requests presented by the "Wilmington Public Library be approved with the exception of additional help. This motion was seconded by Councilman Block and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion while Messrs. Allsbrook, Braak, Block, Hall, Metts, and lJade voted in favor of the motion which the Chairman declared passed by a majority vote. U. S. O. - No questions were posed with reference to the U.S.O. Budget of $2500.00 ? each by the City and County so Councilman Wade moved the adoption of the U.S.O. Budget as requested. It was seconded by Commissioner Nfayhan and unanimously adopted. ? Civil Defense - After a brief review of the Civil Defense Budget requests Council- man off'ered a motion that it be approved as presented in the amount of $5,473.25 each which was the same as last year. A closer look by the Commissioners revealed that an item of $2,550.00 was included in the porLion paid by the County as a contribution from some other agency which turned out to be the County Welfare Department. Commissioner Hall ex- plained that if they allowed the Civil Defense Agency to place a Civil Defense officer to serve as,a stafff advisor to be used for emergency welfare service and assist in coor- dinating the activities of'tiousing, feeding, clothing, registration and information, supplies and related services that one-half of her salary could be paid back by the Fed- eral government. She would work under the general direction of Civil Defense in an emerg- ency but would serve as a Welfare worker under normal circumstances. He recommended that the County go along with this program. As this particular item applies to the County only, it was mutually agreed that it could be settled at a later date when the Welfare salaries were being discussed. Mr. Braak seconded the motion with the understanding that they approve only that amount which was affected mutually by the City and County. IL was unan- imously adoptsd. / Cape Fear Armory - Although the City showed a Budget request of $464.10 For repairs and insurance to the Cape Fear Armory at 814 Narket Street, the City Manager explained that $92.10 of that amount was the Insurance premium, therefore the estimated repairs was $372.00. Since the building was thoroughly remodeled after a fire last year, it was agreed that no major maintenance should occur in the current fiscal year. Commissioner Ntetts offered a motion that the County approve a Budget request of $372.00 to equal the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Block and unanimously adopted. RECESS - At this time, Commissioner Metts offered a motion that the joint Boards re- cess for lunch to meet back in the Council Chambers at 2:30 P. M. It was seconded by Councilman Wade and unanimousiy adopted. RECONVENTION - Promptly at 2:30 P. M. the joint Boards were called to order by the Presiding Officer, Nayor O. O. Allsbrook. Tax Collector - At this point in the meeting, it was brought out that the Tax Collector ? had no boss as he operated as an agency of both Boards. A discussion of this subject re- sulted in a motion from Councilman Wade that the two Boards in joint session appoint the City Manager to have jurisdiction over the Tax Collector and that the Mayor of the City of Wilmington and the Chairman of the Board of New Hanover Courity Commissioners he author- ized to act in an advisory capacity and empowered to act for both Boards. The motion re- ceived no second and the Chairman declared it defeated. The Mayor at this point informed the meeting that at a regular meeting of the City Council on June 13th they had approved a policy of insisting on the Tax Collector taking immediate action to force collection of all delinquent City taxes 5 years or older. He asked the County if they would concur in this policy. After a thorougti discussion of the prob.lem attendant to personal taxes particularly, Commissioner Braak moved that the Chairman of the New Hanover County Commissioners and the Mayor of the City of Wilmington together with the attorneys of each political subdivision confer with the Tax Collector and go over all accounts on which the taxes are unpaid for five years or more and then be empowered to establish a policy with the Tax Collector in keeping wi.th the resuits of the study. It was seconded by Councilman Brock attd unanimously adopted. ,f ;-? j? .. Minutes of the..Meetxnq.__Jo1t?tS_e_s_s?on _7u1v__1_6,1q62 ?nniSnues? ? Board of Health - Chairman Hall of the County Commissioners explained that in the morning session no formal action was taken in regard to adopting a policy with reference to salary schedules on the Health Department and offered a motion that they adopt a salary schedule two grades below the minimum step recommended by the Merit System Covncil except for Dr. Davis, whose salary would be minus three (3) steps below and all employeells who were equal or above the minimum grade to remain the same. It was seconded by Councilman I Block and when the ballot was taken, Commissioners Broadhurst and Mayhan voted contrary ' to the motion while Messrs. Allsbrook, Braak, Block, Hall, Mayhan, Metts, and Wade voted in favor of the motion. The Chafrman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. i Mental Health - Chairman Hall informed the group that the Board of Commissioners, by i 1 a majority vote had approved the establishment of a Mental Health Center and a Budget in connection therewith as it was submitted with the exception of the salary of the Typist-Clerk which will be based on a minus two grade below the minimum step recommended by the Merit System Council to conform to the other departments controlled by that agency. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Hall offered a motion that it be approvec' by the joint Boards on the same basis. It was seconded by Councilman Block and when the I votes were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion and Messrs. Braal,', Hall, Block, Metts, and Wade voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried by a maj.ority vote. I ?Insect and Rodent Control - Councilman Block offered a motion that this item remain the same as last year. It was seconded by Commissioner Braak and when the vote was taken, Commissioner Broadhurst voted "No" but Messrs. Braak, Block, Hall, Metts and Wade voted "Yes" so the Chairman deciared the motion passed by a majority vote. \RESOLUTION Chairman Hall thanked the Council for their hospitality in allowing the use of their airconditioned chambers. He concurred wholeheartedly with Councilman Wade in proposing a commendation for the fine work done by the Fire and Police Departments in handling the difficult situation on Front Street the night Stelens was burned. In fact, all present were loud in their praise in the handling of this unfortunate event. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman, after as Executive Secretary ? ? I \ il W. G. Houck, Executive Secreta?y . Wilminqton, N. C SPECIAL BUDGET NEETING Monday, July 16, 1962 County Court House 7:115 P.M CONVENTION - ' The Chairman called the meeting to order at the appointed time for the pur- pose of hearing more discussion on the Budget with particular attention paid to the New Nanover County School System. The following members were present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, J.r., County Attorney L. Bradford Tiilery and County Auditor T. D. Love. / School Budqet - Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover County School Board accompanied by Board members Mrs. Thomas J. Crause, Dr. W. C. Mebane, Mrs. R. M. Piver and Malcoim C. Yeo; Superintendent of Schools, Dr. W. H. Wagoner, along with his AssisLant Superintendent T. O. Page. Chairman Hall of the Board of Commissioners wel- comed the entire group and offered them an opportunity to present their Budget as they saw fit. Chairman Laney of the School Board requested Dr. Wagoner to make the presenta- tion. Both the Regular and Supplementary proposed Budgets were reviewed in detail by Dr. Wagoner who explained each item about which anyone raised a question. After he had fin- ished, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners remarked that iC was the clearest School Budget that had been presented before the Board at any time since he had been a member. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that both the Regular and Supplementary proposed Budgets be approved as presented. It was seconded by both Messrs. Mayhan and Braak. When the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion but Nessrs Braak, Mayhan and Metts voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it adopted. . , Neqro Home Aqent - Chaarman Hall observed that some mention had been made in the past about allowing the Negro Home Economics Agent to move into the quarters recently vacated by the State Revenue Department. After a brief discussion of the matter, the Board, by unanimous common consent, agreed to move her offices into those quarters, and authorized the Executive Secretary to proceed. RECE55 - Upon motion of Mr. Netts, seconded by to recess until Wednesday night July 18th at 7:45 tar•.y was authorized to invite Department Heads to Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously P. M. at which time the Executive review their proposed Budget. w. 6. SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING Commissioners' Room July 18, 1962 7:45 P. M. Secretary agreed Secre- 11 CONVENTION - The Chairman cailed the meeting to order with the following members present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice Chairman, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tiilery I and County Auditor T. D. Love. ' i CountY Home - ? The Chair.man observed that he had invited the Chairman of the Board of Directors I of the County Home to present their recommendation for the Budget for that institution. He I advised them that $1,000 had been cut off the Grocery item because it was feit that with I? the new cold storage facilities, they could save that amount. Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of the Board of Directors, accompanied by a Board member, Mrs. H. A. Blackburn, explained h that they had some heaitancy about spending a large sum until after the.ttew hospital was I built. They feel that will release buildings at the James Walker Memorial Hospital which, I might be acceptable and meet requirements for use of the senior citizens as weil as those I who are forced to the County Home. He stated, however, that the wiring in his opinion was dangerous to the residents and suggested that it be brought up to the minimum standard of the code. Ttiey also recommended as a nonrecurring item $1,000 for the purpose of having the building treated for termites. They propose to put in acoa.l stoker for the furnaceCyrt,L estimate that they will save at least 20% on the croal bill. They proposed an adjustment ; in the compensation of the matron trD $3,600 stating that she was doing an excellent job and would be difficult to replace. They think a physical examination of each resident en a I periodic basis would aid in saving money on prescriptions as well as hopital bills. The ? Health'Department is now sending a nurse ovt there on a weekly basis but they suggest that she come out and set up a routine for the socalled practical nurses. He inforned the Board that Mr. N. L. Foy had agreed to serve on the Board of Directors as a replacemenL for - William H. Synder resigned provided the County Commissioners would indemnify them against I financial responsibility. Mr. Hall agreed to take the matter up with the Board of Health about having the nurses visit the County Home and give instructions to the practicai nurses. i The Chairman assured Mr. Marks that their requests would receive consideration. REGISTER OF DEEDS - 1 i II Mr. R. L. Black, the Register of Deeds, thanked the Commis.sioners making the transfer from the Binders and Records Account in last year's Budget as he requested but ; advised them in his opinion the 1962-63 Budoet should be left at the figure recommended ? by the Auditor of $2700.00. He also called their attention to the fact that he had employed Miss Farrow last year at a minimum salary and felt that it should be increased to $3,000 per annum. He is of the opinion that a minimum starting salary for any com- petent girl should be $2700.00 per year. Nir. Black pointed out that it would only require 50.80 adjustment in Miss NcCulloc/jJs salary to make her eligible for the maximum Social i Security benefits when she retired. Mr. Hall thanked him for his interest and assured him thst due consideration would be given to his requests on salary adjustments but asked continued - ' N li F'??, o?? _ M i n i??e 5 n f t h a S na r i a 1_?j?pp, t Mp,p?_j?? , 9 _/REGISTER OF DEEDS - (continued ? to see if he could not get along on $2500.00 in his Binders and Records Account for this year. % Airport - ? The Chairman, who is also on the Airport Committee, reported to the Board that in his opinion all the items recommended by the Auditor should stand with the exception of Repairs-Field but lightening had recently damaged wiring at the Airport to the extent of approximately $2,000 ,$400.00 of which was covered by InsUrance, which occurred in the tower equipment but that the other portions were not covered and he suggested that they increase the fioure to $1900.00. In addition the Federal Aviation Agency has suggested that the Run-ways be ma'r.ked with the all-weather marking system if our Airport is to maintain first class standards. He suggested that a sum of $4,000 be included in this item for making that improvement. This suggestion was mutually agreeable to the Board so $5,900 was placed in the Repairs-Field Account. Juvenile Detention Home - I Mr. H. Foster Edwards reported to the Board that he had been Clerk of Super- ior Court of New Hanover County for 12 years and had just learned,that G.S. 110-21 gave him exclusive original jurisdiction over juveniles and that his duty was to give each child such oversight and control in their detention quarters tnat was conducive to the weliare of the child and to the best interests of the State. He also cited GS 110-41 and pointed out that he was entitled to receive reasonable compensation for his services, the amount of which was to be determined by the County Commissioners and should be independent of any other compensation that might come to him as Clerk of the Superior Court. Mr. Braak reported that Mrs. Tyndall had been transferred from the County Home to the Juvenile Detention Home as Matron or House Mother at a salary of $2142.00 annually which is the same which she was receiving as a practical nurse in the Home. CSC Mr. Edwards continued his request above for compensation of not less than than $600.00 annually for his services as Judge of the Juvenile Court. The Chairman explained to him that all of the items in his Budget request had been approved as recommended by the Auditor with the exception of Fees-Insane & Inebriates which was re- duced to $700.00 from $1,000 and the Capital Outlay which was reduced from $600.00 to $500.00. The Chairman explained that the salaries had not been decided upon yet but his request would receive due consideration. ?Sheriff - Sheriff Miilis requested that Deputy Sheriff Bianton be allowed an adjust- ing increase in salary up to the minimum for a regular deputy. Also he requested that he be allowed to employ a new man at a starting figure of $3,654.00 per year in order to relieve the Jail Deputies from a 7 day per week work schedule.without aryre- lief and to act as a Dog Warden sincerr:Mr. Bridges, as a full-time deputy, had little or no time to devote to this duty. The Chairman informed him that they had increased his Budget requests in the Pistoi Range item from $200.00 to $400.00 and assured him that the salary schedules had not been determined as yet but his requests would receive full consideration. Air Conditioning - t ' At this point, the subject of air conditioning was discussed. It was the ' unanimous consensus of the Board's opinion that the Court Rooms, the 'Welfare and Sheriff's Department should have priority on the installation of air conditioning units. A rough estimate amounted to $16,000 for the Court Rooms and approximately $4,000 to cover the Welfare and Sheriff's Departments therefore $20,000 was included in the Repairs to Building Account under the Court House for this purpose with the underst,and- ing that $500.00 be set aside for the purchase of 3 air conditioning units which were already installed by the Jailor in his apartments. Court Rooms - Mr. John E. Wood, the County Electrical Inspector, reported that he i had been requested to appear before the Board by the Chairman for the purpose of dis- ' cussing air conditioning in the building. In his opinion, the old plans which were ? drawn by Henry Von Oesen & A? miates two years ago could be revised and new p2ans and specifications drawn from?o suit the present recommendation of using package - units. Mr. Wood estimated that it would take approximately 20,000 B.T.U's to cooi each Court Room. After discussing the matter at length, Mr. Metts offered a motion ; that John E. Wood be authorized to proceed to draw plans and specifications based on ' the drawings made by the engineering firm of Henry Von Oesen 8 Associates for the two , Court Rooms and that the Executive Secretary be directed to proceed with advertising for bids as soon as the specifications and plans were ready. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and it was unanimously adopted by the Board. Melfare Department - ' The subject of air conditioning the Welfare Department with window units was then discussed and after considering various plans for renovating the offices so that they could accomodate air conditioning units satisfactorily, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Welfare Board proceed to tear out partitions or do what was necessary for satisfactory air conditioning in the offices and come up;with some plans and approximate prices for air conditioning the Department. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. I ? lMiscellaneous - • After the Board had considered each item in detail on the Aid Lo the Blind, Aid to Dependent Children, Aid to Partially and Totally Disabled and Old Age Assist- ance, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the amounts recommended by the Auditor be I approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. ' Braak, Mayhan and Metts voted for the motion while Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion. The Chairman declared the motion prevailed by a majority vote. 'Salaries - Mr, Metts remarked that he had made a comparative study of the recommenda- i tions by the Merit System Council with other County employees and the report of wages ' continued- , , I 13?"?°. : Minutes of Special Budget Meeting July 18th, 1962 Continued _ ?i Salaries - (continued) i paid by firins in:.this area and found that generally he could go along with two grades below the minimum steps suggested. This subject was discussed at some length after which Mr. A7etts offered a motion that the Board adjourn to meet again at 10:00 A. M. ? on Monday, July 23rd, 1962 to resume a study of the Budget requests and to continue throughout ttie day and night to see if they could arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved, however, Mr. Broadhurst advised that he would not be able to attend the daylight session. ? SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING W. Pro"totvpe Fal;lout Shelter Court House Wilmington, N.C. Julv 23,1462 ve Secretary 8:00 P. M. CONVENTION - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Special Budget Ivieeting on this date at the above mentioned place with the following members in attendance: ChairmanChairman J. M. Hall, Jr.., Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and Covnty AttOrney L. g Tillery. Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst was out of the city and unable to attend the meeting. Juvenile Detention Home - ? The Chairman reminded the Board that the Clerk of Superior Court apparently was responsible for jurisdiction of Juveniles in their respective districts. The County Attorney ruled that they could appoint someone else to administer the details but that he was still responsible under tkie law. The question is whether or not he should appoint a Juvenile Judge and pay him a salary or pay the Clerk of Court the salary as suggested. After a brief discussion of this subject, the Board,by unanimous common consent, agreed to leave it for further study until the question of salaries was determined. Weifare Air Conditioners - / Pursuant to the question taken on July 18, regarding air conditioning of the Welfare Department, the Executive Secretary presented the following tabulation of bids received by the three firms. , Brand Quantity B.T.U/ hr. I Carrier 10 131,000 Fedders 9 117,500 G. E. 10 104,100 V Carrier 3 37,000. Fedders 39,000 G. E. 41,600 ? Total. B.T.U's 168',00OCarrier total " " 156,000 Fedders " " " 145,700 G. E " Weifare Dept. Price $2737.40 - $112.00 2328.00 ' Sheriffts Dept. $930.00 - $43.00 787.00 installation cost n n n ir Totals $2625.00 $887.00 $3.734•41 3,512.00 3,ii5.oo !After considering all the factors, Mr. Metts offered a motion that since the Commissioners ,are limited to $2,000.00 as an expenditure on informal bids, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to negotiate with the Goodyear Service Stores for 8 unSts to be placed in the most advantageous places in the Welfare Department at a cost not to exceed'the legal limit but try not to 00 over $1900.00 if possible. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - An application for County Home Care was received from the Acting Director of ? Public Welfare for Alex Francis Benton who is suffering from a chronic nervous condition and chronic bachache. -He has no where to go and is now sleeping in an old car near his sister's house and she is furnishing his food but can not continue. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, secon'tled by Nir. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the application. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR REPORTS - • It was reported to the Board triat the Electrical Inspector was no longer sub- ? mitting monthly reports on his work. He stated that the type of report which he had been making was useless to the Tax Listing Department and the Aroperty Assessors in determing new constrvction as well as remodeling. The Tax Listing Department has agreed to design a new type of report for him but as yet has not completed it. By common consent, the Board directed the Executive Secretary to write him a letter requesting that in the future a monthly report be submitted covering his activities for that period. GENERAL DISCUSSION - The Board then took the Budget Estimate and continued their study item by item. (continued) R l c r.. A- lr? Special Budget Meeting July 23, 1962 Continued - ADJOURNMENT - The Board ratified the departments which were considered for the.amounts recommended by the County Auditor and adjourned with the understanding that the Auditor had sufficient information on which to work up a tentative Tax Rate based on a valuatior' of 93% of one hundred and sixty-one million ($161,000,000.00). It was mutually agreed to meet again at 7:45 P. M. on Wednesday July 25th to pass the esolution and set a ?definite Tax Rate at that time. 1 bJ.. . `f011ck, Executive Secretary SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING County Courthouse July 25. 1962 7:115 P.N. Wilminqton,N.C. ASSEMBLY - ' The meeting was called to order by the Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, and the following members were present: Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. CON'MUNITY HOSPITAL - Chaifman Hall reported to the Board that he had asked Mr. Charles R. Anderson, Administrator of Cornmunity Hospital and Mr. E. M. Butler, Chairman of the Board to come before the Commissioners for the purpose of discussing'further the agreement which had been reached at a previous meeting with reference to nurses' salaries. He observed that upon a closer examination and investigation what at first appeared to be an inequity in the Nursing Department of Community Hospital compared to other nurses and he had found that incentive plans such as are used at the James Walker Memorial Hospital were missing from the Community Hospital so that the nurses received actually $2.50 per month less pay than at the James Waiker Memorial Hospital. He found the starting salary of $282.50 per month true but that none of the nurses who had started at that figure had less than 3 years actual experience and service. He also had found that the base pay for general nursing duty at the James Walker Memoriai Hospital was $25$.00 per month. He, therefore concluded that there was no further reason for revising the agreement they had wiLh the Community Hospital officials and thanked Messrs. Anderson and Butler for the inconvenience in coming down. BUDGET RESOLUTION - The Chairman remarked that all of the departments had been reviewed by each and at lea agreed that they were necessary functions of the necessary to go back over the same items again. this opinion and Mr. Braak offered the following Budget requests of all of the County st the majority of the Board had County. He did not feel that it was A majority of the Board concurred in Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1962 and ending June 30, 1963, the following appropriations be made to the several funds for the pur- pose of financing what we deem to be necessary operations of the New Hanover County government: Appropriations General $ 717;973•36 Agriculture 8 Economics 21,529.50 ' Aid to Blind 14,477,61 ? I Aid to Dependent Children 774,000.00 Aid to Permanently 8 Totally Disabled 382,800.00 Old Age Assistance 434,520.00 County Home 117,171.46 He21th 149,881.90 Hospitalization - Indigent & Public Asst. 67,215•45 I Hospitalization - Community 448,525,1p ' New Hanover Memorial Hospital Bldg. Fund 500,000.00 welfare 160,471.50 Revaluation 15,000.00 Workmen's Compensation 1,500.00 . School Bond 353,825.00 School Book 26,000.00 School Building 5 000.00 School Capital Outlay 16,200.00 Driver Education 28,000.00 Industrial Education Center 133,152.75 . School Lunch 70,000.00 National 45,000.00 Trainable Children 24,000.00 I School Pensions 64,338•13 ? School Regular 576,995•00 ? , School Supplement 397,660.00 Wilmington College 161,050.00 New Hanover Memorial Hospital 507,950.00 (Debt Service) Court Room Fund 5,150.00 • Total .......... $6,219,386.76 BE IT FLTRTHER RESOLVED that the Bu dget be adopted in detail and spent only in the amounts appropriated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Continued- ' q ?I, , Minutes of the Special Budqet Meeting Continued July25. 1962 BUDGET RESOLUTION - (Continued) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Rate of.$1.40 per $100.00 valuation be levied on all.taxable properties in the County for the Fiscal Year 1962-63 which is necessary for carrying on the business of the County or as much as may be necessary for each of the items scheduled above. The Resolution W8S seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broad- hurst voted "No" explaining that he could not go along with several of the items approved in the Budoet, but Messrs.•Braak, Mayhan and Metts voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the Resolution adopted by a majority vote. COLORED LIBRARY SALARY - The Chairman remarked that he had discovered since the subject was discussed, that the Librarian at the Negro Library was not the same one as last year, and therefore he could not go along with the 5% increase which was agreed to in the Joint Meeting with the City Council. The entire Board was in agreement with this thinking and tney directed the Executive Secretary to notify the.City Manager in writing to this effect. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded to adjourn and declared the Budget adopted. by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted I W. G. , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. August 6, 1962 ? ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 R. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Chairman was unavoidably detained for a few minutes and the meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, John Van B. Metts, Jr., who requested Reverend James C. P. Brown, Pastor of Sunset Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. Mr. MeLts presided over the meeting_until the Chairman arrived. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the regular semimonthly meetino of July 16th and the joint meeting with the City Council on the same date and the Special Budget Discussions of July 16th, 18th, 23rd and 25th were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written. PETITION FOR RELIEF - Mr. Omer S. Rogers came before the Board and requested readmittance to the ? County Home for care. He was last admitted in May of 1962 but was injured by being hit by an automobile and after he received his payment for damages from the Insurance com- pany, he had soine funds left over after paying his hospital bill and other expenses in- cidental to his injuries, he left the County Home and now wants to go back. He is al- most blirid and receives $66.60 per month Social Security. After discussing the Kerits of this case in which it was brought out that he had been admitted to the County Home on several occasions but was not satisfied and was not willing to abide by the rules and regulations, Mr. Braak offered a motion that he be given one more chance and that they approve his plea for readmittance to the County.Home provided he would abide by the rules and regulations as well as pay $60.00 per month out of his Social Security check for his upkeep. Mr. Mayhan seconded the motion and when the ballot was cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "No", but since Messrs. Braak, Mayhan and Metts $ted "Yes", the ? Chairman declar.ed the motion prevailed. Mr. Braak requested that he) go out there un- til the afternoon to give time for arrangements to be made for his admittance. ? STREET CLOSING HEARING - II Hearinq Notice - The following noflice was published in the Wilmington / N Morning Star under date of July sth, 1962: To all persons owning property adjoining Stanley Street and North Street in Love Grove, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina and to any and all other persons or corporations who may have an interest in the closing of the portions of Stanley and North Streets described below. Take notice that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County at the regu- lar meeting to be held Monday, August.6th, 1962 at 9:00 A. M. in the County Commissioners' office in the Court House at Wilmington will act upon a request made at its July 2, 1962 meeting for the closing of the following described portions of Stanley and North Streets in Love Grove, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153-9.17. FIRST TRACT: All that portion of Stanley Street lying east of the east- ? ern lines of Biocks 23 and 28; north of a line connecting the southern line of Lot 6, Block 23 and the southern line of Lot 14, Block 24; west of the west- ern lines of Blocks 24 and 29; and south of Smith's Creek, all as shown on the map of Love Grove Subdivision recorded in Book 56, page 575 in the New Hanover ? County Registry. continued- -A