2018-11-01 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS November 1, 2018 PRESENT: Bill Blair, Mayor Town of Wrightsville Beach Craig Bloszinsky, Mayor Town of Kure Beach Anne Brodsky, Hotel-Motel Town of Kure Beach Jason Bryant Vacation Rental Properties Kim Hufham, President/CEO NHC TDA Patricia Kusek, Commissioner New Hanover County Nicolas Montoya, Hotel Manager/Owner (150+ rooms) Chuck Pennington, County Bed and Breakfast Daniel Perkins, Hotel Manager (150+ rooms) LeAnne Pierce, Hotel Carolina Beach Bill Saffo, Mayor City of Wilmington Lisa Wurtzbacher New Hanover County Finance Officer EXCUSED: Mayor Joe Benson, Angela Rhodes ABSENT: Natalie English STAFF: Jeanette Foster, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Linda Brothers, Financial Analyst, New Hanover County Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager John Sneed, VP Sales Shawn Braden, VP Marketing GUESTS: Mary Baggett, Blockade Runner Resort Chairman Nicolas Montoya called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 5:35 p.m. in the Lucy Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center. ITEM #1 EXCUSED NICOLAS MONTOYA Angela Rhodes, Mayor Joe Benson 1 ITEM #2 APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES FOR AUGUST 29, 2018; SPECIAL CALLED MEETING ON OCTOBER 4, 2018 NICOLAS MONTOYA \[Motion made by Commissioner Patricia Kusek, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously accepted to approve minutes as read of the August 29, 2018 TDA Board meeting and the October 4, 2018 TDA Board meeting.\] ITEM #3 AUDIT PRESENTATION APRIL ADAMS - 18. April briefly addressed the role of the auditors which includes actions involving performing procedures to obtain audit evidence concerning amounts and disclosures in the financial statement, results that financial statements are free of material misstatements, requirement communications on audit evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for their audit opinion, etc. April stated they make sure internal controls are in place. Financial results showed revenues more than expenditures for FY 17-18 (budget to actual). April said they had full cooperation of New Hanover County during their audit process and that the TDA was given a clean opinion. This is the highest that can be received. (Copy of presentation attached.) ITEM #4 BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL - LISA WURTZBACHER Lisa Wurtzbacher, Authority Finance Officer, presented Budget Amendment BA#2019-002: To appropriate the available fund balance as outlined in the FY 17-18 annual nd audit from remaining funds of the 2 3% ROT for promotions at Carolina, Kure and Wrightsville Beaches and District U. New budget is $2,187,805. To appropriate the available fund balance as outlined in the FY 17-18 annual nd audit from remaining funds of the 2 3% ROT for activities at Carolina, Kure and Wrightsville Beaches. New budget is $2,851,317. To appropriate remaining fund balance received in FY 17-18 from the City of Wilmington for convention center marketing and benefits. New budget is $95,037. \[Motion made by Anne Brodsky, seconded by Commissioner Patricia Kusek and unanimously accepted to approve Budget Amendment BA#2019-002 as presented.\] ITEM #5 FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT LISA WURTZBACHER Lisa Wurtzbacher reported July 1, 2018 September 30, 2018 financials. At this time, 21% in revenues received; actual expenditures are showing $1,067,705 or 16% spent. 2 ROT collections for FY 18/19: st 1 3% for July and August showing increase of 3.85% total over previous year. nd 2 % for July and August: Carolina Beach showing -0.01% decrease total over previous year; Kure Beach 1.43% increase over previous year; Wrightsville Beach increase of 2.61% over previous year; City of Wilmington showing 2.04% increase total over previous year; Convention Center District showing 27.66% total over previous year and District U showing 7.58% increase total over previous year. ITEM #6 EXPENDITURE REQUESTS CAROLINA AND WRIGHTSVILLE BEACHES KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented funding requests from the Towns of Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches. CAROLINA BEACH: The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $152,047.09 for Ocean Rescue salaries, expenses and benefits related to ocean rescue during the period of 4/1/18-6/30/18. (2003) The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $17,457.00 for the Boardwalk Makeover (now known as the Carolina Beach Downtown Initiative (CBDI/PIRA) for family entertainment for all ages during the period of 2/1/18-6/30/18. This includes Boardwalk Bingo on Wednesdays and bands and/or entertainment on Thursday evenings before fireworks. (2008) The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $9,147.00 incurred by the Town of Carolina Beach Boardwalk Activities providing family entertainment for all ages at the Carolina Beach Boardwalk including Family Night on Tuesdays and Performing Arts/Bands on Fridays. (2008) The total requested amount of TDA funding is $178,651.09. Funds are available and are requested upon approval by the TDA Board. \[Motion made by Commissioner Pat Kusek, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously accepted to approve the total requested amount of TDA funding in the amount of $178,651.09 to be paid upon approval of the TDA Board.\] WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH: The Town of Wrightsville Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $387,101.00 to be favorably considered for support their Ocean Rescue Program (Lifeguards) during FY 2018-2019. This service provides comprehensive ocean rescue coverage for nearly four miles of beach strand 3 and manning for (13) lifeguard stations along with mobile coverage and encompasses (30) fully qualified personnel. The sum requested includes salaries and associated operational costs for the Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue Program and incorporates the salaries for the Ocean Rescue Director and Lifeguard Captain. (2004) The Town of Wrightsville Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $12,000.00 to help support the necessity of maintaining a public restroom in the hub of Wrightsville Beach business area (Trolley Stop) during FY 2018-2019. This area is a vocal point for visitors to Wrightsville Beach. The facility is the only public restroom in the central business district and is part of the ongoing development of the Trolley Stop area. The facility is critical in supporting their local tourism industry and serving both the beach strand as well as the popular Wynn Plaza park and public dock. (2005) The Town of Wrightsville Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $29,000.00 to be favorably considered to help fund fireworks, advertising, public relations and media support associated with the planning and presentation of the 2018 North Carolina Holiday Flotilla. These funds are used exclusively to help pay for a fireworks display ($12,000.00) and other expenses to promote and execute the annual event ($17,000.00). Funds are only disbursed to the Flotilla by the Town of Wrightsville Beach on a reimbursement basis after a review of paid invoices. The event is th traditionally held during the Thanksgiving weekend. This is the 35 year for it and it continues to be one of the premier tourist attractions of the year for Wrightsville Beach (July December, 2018). (2004) The Town of Wrightsville Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $55,000.00 to support their Beach Patrol Officer function during FY 2018-2019. This service provides two dedicated Beach Patrol Officers to patrol nearly four miles of beach strand and attend to the enforcement of ordinances and policies related to the use of parks and beaches by both residents and visitors to the beaches, parks and local public facilities that support the tourism industry. (2004) The Town of Wrightsville Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $70,000.00 to help support the cleaning of the beach bathhouses and sanitation pick up on the oceanfront and other tourists-related areas during FY 18-19. The Town spends at least 1,600 hours performing this function. The amount requested includes the salaries and benefits for those hours performing tourism related cleaning within the Town. (2007) The total requested amount of TDA funding is $553,101.00. Funds are available. \[Motion made by Chuck Pennington, seconded by LeAnne Pierce and unanimously accepted to approve the total requested amount of TDA funding for FY 18-19 in the amount of $553,101.00. 4 ITEM #7- KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented a Recovery Plan Update. Copy is attached. Kim also had other comments: Said the Program of Work/Recovery Plan presentation to our partners had approximately 80 people in attendance. Kim reported at the marketing plan update with VISITNC, our area was fortunate compared to other counties we heard from in the devastation created by Hurricane Florence. Working with VISITNC on perception at our areas post-storm. ITEM #8 OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS (See Below) ITEM #9 NICOLAS MONTOYA Chairman Nicolas Montoya said he was hopeful everyone read the e-mail after talking about moving forward with the Strategic Plan Schematic. Nicolas advised he feels it is time to move forward. Have put in a lot of effort; it is a plan that seeks -mail was meant to focus on those scope of the plan. This plan calls for a lot of work. With the work that is already in progress, this shows what actions will be forthcoming and the importance of being one and working together. We need to move forward. Kim indicated should be able to incorporate nine of the initiatives in the 19/20 Program of Work. Anne Brodsky commented on being comfortable with moving forward; Chuck Pennington feels this will make the TDA Board more professional and encouraged the TDA Board to move forward. Chairman Montoya asked for a motion to approve the Schematic Plan. \[Motion made by Commissioner Pat Kusek, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously approved the Strategic Plan Schematic.\] (Attached.) As there was no further business, meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Next meeting Wednesday, January 30, 2019 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Daniel Perkins, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XIII 5 6