FY19 Application for Matching Funds for Soil and Water Conservation-7/ 25S For Internal DS WC use only _a •_ Tracking# 0 Contract# 18- 024 -4109 DIVISION OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services 1614 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699 -1614 919.733.2302 • www.ncagr.gov /swc/ APPLICATION FOR MATCHING FUNDS FOR SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICTS Complete and send 1 notarized original and 1 copy to the address above; keep a copy for your file SWCD Name: I New Hanover Federal ID Number Tor entity that win receive payment Address for entity that will receive payment: 730 r I In' S , L APPLICATION: New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District, New Hanover County Vithin the limits of appropriations by the N.C. General Assembly, the New Hanover Soil and Vater Conservation District requests $3,600.00 to match funds provided to the District by the County. certify that the matching funds received in the previous fiscal year (July 1st, 2017 to June 30th, 2018) were used ccording to NC Soil and Water Conservation Commission (SWCC) policy. I also certify that funds requested for the urrent fiscal year will be used in keeping with SWCC policy. , hereby certify that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has approved an appropriation of to the New Hanover SWCD for oil and water conservation work during the current fiscal year, July 1st, 2018 to June 30th, 2019. This figure only ncludes the local County investment in the Soil and Water Conservation District program (takes into account the full appropriation for the District, minus an anticipated state matching funds and Technical Assistance dollars), and does iot include local funds that will be used as a match for other state dollars (any local funds that will b S i sed to match 11,,,, 1 tare Technical Assistance dollars have also bee btracted). Q�9A R. 'i17.t1 14 � )ate County Finance Officer Signatur NQTAR A$ '.worn to and subscribed before me .�Q�M, �C41 =' Notary Public Signature � �VBLIG c 'his the a day of C\N(, rr , 20�s{y �'•`• Ay Commission Expires ll� 1YM aCl�n '.CK COUNT ,.`' B The above application is APPROVED for thirty six hundred and no/129dollars ($3,600.00). The above application is DISAPPROVED. DSWC Form 203 htto: / /- .ncaar.goviswc/36.htmi Version 07.30.18