2019-01-31 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS/STRATEGIC PLAN WORKSHOP January 31, 2019 PRESENT: Joe Benson, Mayor Town of Carolina Beach Anne Brodsky, Hotel-Motel Town of Kure Beach Christine Divoky, Tourism Attraction Natalie English, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Kim Hufham, President/CEO NHC TDA Nicole Jones, Hotel Manager/Owner (150- rooms) Nicolas Montoya, Hotel Manager/Owner (150+ rooms) Chuck Pennington, County Bed and Breakfast Daniel Perkins, Hotel Manager (150+ rooms) Angela Rhodes, County Restaurant Bill Saffo, Mayor City of Wilmington EXCUSED: Mayor Bill Blair, Mayor Craig Bloszinsky, Lisa Wurtzbacher, Jason Bryant, Commissioner Patricia Kusek, LeAnn Pierce STAFF: Jeanette Foster, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Linda Brothers, Financial Analyst, New Hanover County Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager Shawn Braden, VP Marketing GUESTS: Don Anderson, DCG Mary Baggett, Blockade Runner Resort Chairman Nicolas Montoya called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 12:20 p.m. in the conference room of the Greater Wilmington Area Chamber of Commerce. ITEM #1 RECOGNITION OF NEW MEMBERS AND RE-APPOINTMENTS NICOLAS MONTOYA Chairman Nicolas Montoya recognized new Board members Christine Divoky of Friends of Fort Fisher, representing attractions and Nicole Jones of the Courtyard by Marriott, Wilmington, representing 150 rooms (-). 1 In addition, reappointments were recognized: Angela Rhodes in Restaurant Owner/Manager category, Commissioner Patricia Kusek, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, LeAnn Pierce, Carolina Beach Hotels. ITEM #2 APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 1, 2018 NICOLAS MONTOYA \[Motion made by Anne Brodsky, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously accepted to approve minutes as read of the November 1, 2018 TDA Board meeting. ITEM #3 FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT LINDA BROTHERS Financial Analyst for New Hanover County Linda Brothers advised the income statement being presented is for July 1, 2018 December 31, 2018. Revenues indicated are for the first four months of the Fiscal Year with total income of 37% received. Grand total for expenditures spent at this time stands at 26%. ROT Collections for first 3% for July-November FY 2018/2019 shows an increase of nd 16.30% over same period last year; 2 3% Collections for the beaches for FY 2018- 2019 (July-November) Carolina Beach 7.05% increase over same time last year; Kure Beach 3.74% increase; Wrightsville Beach (-) 5.28% decrease due to 33.25% increase over same period of time last FY; Convention Center District 41.51% increase over same period of time last FY; District U 13.95% increase over same period of time last FY. Linda was asked by Lisa to give a report on the short term rental software. The new staff member for the software is now in place. Has been involved for the past 3- 4 weeks. System has generated 1,300 unique properties in the system and working with the c Working on a letter to send out and hoping sometime in February to have the numbers on listings versus payments and be able to send the letters out. The 1,300 properties are countywide. Kim advised that one thing that will have to be watched is the 90 day plus stays. Linda indicated once someone reaches the long term versus short term stay, will need to contact the county offices so the information can be inputted into the system as the new software will not automatically calculate this. ITEM #4 EXPENDITURE REQUEST CAROLINA BEACH KIM HUFHAM The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funds in the amount of $306,618.82 for expenses incurred for travel and tourism related activities for lifeguard/ocean rescue salaries, benefits and expenses for July 1 to November 30, 2018. (03) Funds are available and this amount is being requested for reimbursement upon the 2 \[Motion made by Daniel Perkins, seconded by Anne Brodsky and unanimously accepted to approve TDA funding in the amount of $306,618.82 for expenses incurred for lifeguard/ocean rescue salaries, benefits and expenses for July 1 to November 30, 2018.) ITEM #5 COMEBACK CAMPAIGN UPDATE KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham said the objective when we went into our recovery effort was to promote the area to host visitors, to promote positive stories of recovery and to minimize negative impact on longer term planning on spring/summer travel. Worked together with the beaches to promote a single umbrella campaign branded as a united destination which encompasses Wilmington, Carolina, Kure and Wrightsville Beaches. Kim showed the two encompassed the same message and carried the same message through all the advertising, did the same concept for meetings and conventions. Kim said it was very important to get the word out that we were open for visitors. We are getting positive feedback on the message being out. Will be having a spring post FAM recovery tour. At this time, actually working on getting select national media here who were involved with on-sight coverage of Florence. Kim also discussed media coverage we have to date. In addition, Kim went over upcoming events staff members will be attending: NC Legislative Tourism Day in Raleigh (February 12.) Doing annual presentation with the Wilmington Convention Center to the City of Wilmington (February 19.) Hosting the VISIT 365 Conference here this year (3/31-4/2.) Having an additional media FAM tour here the end of March. Chairman Nicolas Montoya wanted to thank Kim and the TDA Board in general for supporting and approving the umbrella budget; also that we are catching up with spring campaigns, etc. Together we are much more powerful. Appreciate all the Board has done to get to this point and also thank Don for all his input and hard work. ITEM #6 STRATEGIC PLAN WORKSHOP DON ANDERSON Don Anderson said he is glad to be back and hear the story reference coming up with a new game plan; glad to know we are moving forward and nice to see the figures and see some positive things happening. Pleased the Strategic Plan has been approved by the TDA Board. Now that this has been done, Don will be looking at various priority initiatives. He noted that it had been determined to incorporate 9 of the 20 initiatives for FY 19/20. 3 The consensus of the workshop today is to get additional input from the Board; will be very helpful to the Management Team as they build their 19/20 destination marketing business plan as of July 1 of this year. Don said to assist with the workshop, an agenda, the Strategic Plan and a power point will assist with the discussion. Don pointed out that the first part of the power point would be a refresher. As part of the refresher, Don discussed all of the meetings (over 40) that have been held with industry partners, community leaders and others. Looked at opportunities and what to go forward on. As challenges are recognized, can move forward and communicate well among ourselves. An online survey was done and we had 268 responses and felt we were inclusive in where we should be headed in the future. Don said we are a trailblazer, that we continue to evolve the destination that delivers a compelling and authentic marketplace experience. Talked about top destination challenges (not in priority order): Highly seasonal leisure travel destination. Shortage of qualified visitor industry professionals. Low countywide public understanding of tourism. Inadequate attention to quality visitor experience development. No agreed-upon sustainable funding source for beach renourishment. Insufficient cooperative group meeting/convention center marketing and sales mandate. Fragmented approach to destination marketing and sales effort (get more visitors here.) Challenges: New potential markets; support qualified new visitor industry professionals; need to tell our story even better; need a master development plan (first impression is important; being acknowledged as a key tourism brand asset; insufficient cooperative group meetings/convention center marketing and sales mandate; numbers are up somewhat; more intragrated approaches in recovery process. Need plans that are going to resonate. Don said given these challenges, 20 priority initiatives were identified with 9 of these priorities for 2019/20 FY. Five strategic goals are: Enhance destination brand awareness. Increase destination sales and service conversion. Facilitate impacted destination development. Engage in influential stakeholder communications. Affect higher resources performance. 4 Priority Initiatives (Don briefly discussed these): Clarify destination brand identity in alignment with promotional partners (Priority 2019/20). Formulate and implement a coordinated county wide convention sales and services strategy including memorandum of understanding among DMO, WCC and hotels. Develop a visitor services strategy including relevant digital communications and visitor information center presence (Priority 2019/20). Support to tourism/hospitality workforce development (Priority 2019/20.) Formulate and execute a comprehensive special interest tourism strategy with related evaluation (Priority 2019/20). Prepare and implement a stakeholder/resident communications plan (Priority 2019/20). Engage fully with TDA and civic leadership on key issues of critical importance to the tourism industry (2019-2021) (Priority 2019/20). Approve updated strategic plans tied to annual marketing/operational plan with budget (Priority 2019/20). Evaluate and advise on an effective TDA/CVB and beach community marketing budget planning process and committees organization (Priority 2019/20). Board discussion followed on various ideas including the Myrtle Beach market; needed funding to implement programs; getting more family oriented business; what messages out to visitors and the community (best ways to communicate); Wilmington and the beaches coming to the table together to work on various ideas; getting media more involved, etc. Don further discussed formalizing our communication plan; to perhaps do more templates; work closer with municipalities; look outside of the box; get in other newsletters (city, chamber, etc.) Our upcoming marketing plan is tied to 2020 with budget. Everyone needs to work together, meet with different marketing groups; Don indicated Wilmington and the beaches need to come to the table together for research efforts. Following a short break, Don had TDA Board to form 4 groups to have a breakout discussion of the TDA/CVB priority initiatives for FY 19/20-FY 21/22 destination marketing and business plan. The groups came up with the following: Enhance Destination Brand Awareness 2020 and Beyond: Excited by recovery campaign. Test for united campaign for all four destinations. Piggy back with other areas. Spend more money out of state for direct flights. 5 Get Tourists/vacationers at time they are making reservations to extend their vacations, etc. Important each of the beach towns are included in research programs. Need local media plan. Need to know customers better. Need something to entice visitors to stay in hotels, etc., instead of with families. Need to encourage this. Each of beach towns contribute to a research campaign. Facilitate Impactful Destination Development: Requires a lot of money for plan. Bring other agencies together. Working programs (signage, branding, directional information, Ad hoc committees. Eventually talking with residential groups.) What should be in place by 2030 (Don). Partners have to participate in brand host training programs (Kim). Engage in Influential DMO Advocacy and Community Relations: Work with partners (chambers, media, hospitality, social groups, etc.) Take time as a Board to talk about key issues. Manage Effective DMO Financial and Administrative Resources: Annual Board retreat one key issue and have great speakers. VISITNC 365 offer TDA members opportunity to attend to learn about trends, etc. Workshops controversial issues. Have someone come in to speak. Look at measures already in place and find the holes. Research take that opportunity to find out the demographics and stay on top of the research; continually monitor it. Competitive analysis done annually; study other destinations and how they expand their resources. Don said he will work with the management team on timing and budget allocation in respect to what other destinations have done. Would like to come back to the TDA Board and present the twenty priority initiatives, especially for FY 2019/20 There will be some good rationale and will have some good deliberation and see if 6 that will go forward. Our collections are up and going forward. Don indicated we are looking at the current nine for this fiscal year (2019/20). Some have started, some we will have to carry over to 2020/21. Don thanked the Board for all their efforts over the last six months. Nicolas asked Don when he felt we would become more aggressive and more we will be actively involved. There will be some the management team will need to prioritize. Nicolas further discussed what we will be doing in the next few weeks. Natalie commented that at every Chamber Board meeting, the agenda is planned with strategic plan items. At every meeting, a report is made on the status of things being worked on. Also have created committees that Board members are asked to chair or sit on. Don said there is expertise on this TDA Board that can engage on critical issues. team will bring in their expertise. Kim said we know there will be some items we may not be able to accomplish. Some things may need to be looked at or need some adjustment. In the next couple of weeks, we as a management team, will sit down and go through them and work with the Executive Committee. The goal will be to bring forth the initiatives and be able to prioritize them. Let the Board sign into that and at that point bring in some of the monetary implications they are going to have. That will help us as we go into our budgeting that we know we are going to have for the upcoming year. Kim noted that some of the things to be considered include research and product development. In March, wants to be able to come to the TDA Board and ask if they are going to be willing to commit fund balance to accomplish these goals. These bigger ticket items in March have to be brought forth so we have some direction Don again thanked everyone and is looking forward to being here the end of March for the VISIT 365 Conference. As there was no further business, meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Next meeting Wednesday, March 27, 2019 7 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Daniel Perkins, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XIII 8