2019-03-12 Minutes Minutes New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Programming Sub-Committee 101 Chestnut Street, Harnett Room March 12, 2019 – 5:30 PM Programming Sub-Committee Members Present: Evelyn Bryant, Jeffrey Hovis, Jen Johnson, Kristen McKeithan, and Lori Wainright Absent: None Staff Present: Tufanna L. Bradley-Thomas Citizens: None I. Call to Order Ms. Wainright called the meeting to order at 5:46 p.m. A quorum was established. II. Approve Agenda MOTION: Mr. Hovis MOVED, SECONDED by Ms. Wainright, to approve the agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY. III. Appointment of a Chair There was a brief discussion regarding the committee bylaws that state that the Chairman appoints all standing committee chairmen. Ms. Bryant, Committee Chair, appointed Lori Wainright as the Programming Sub-Committee Chair. IV. Determine Regular Meeting Dates & Times There was a brief discussion regarding appropriate dates and times for the committee to meet. The committee determined that it would meet on the fourth Tuesday at 4:30 pm in the New Hanover Room of the New Hanover County Public Library (Main). V. Review Sub-Committee Purpose There was a brief facilitated discussion regarding the sub-committee’s purpose to lead into a discussion regarding goals, strategies and action items. VI. Determine Goals and Strategies The following goals and strategies were discussed: PURPOSE: The committee was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council for the purpose of addressing community issues involving prejudice or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, creed or religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authorities and other organizations, as necessary. Minutes New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Programming Sub-Committee 101 Chestnut Street, Harnett Room March 12, 2019 – 5:30 PM  Make recommendations and follow up on those recommendations such as the recommendation for the City and County to make implicit bias training a requirement  Invite groups to come to learn about the CRAC in a Programming Sub-Committee meeting or go to them like a lunch and learn or meet and greet  Make connections with specific people/contacts for identified groups  Create a calendar of events VII. Action Items & Next Steps Several action items were discussed:  Find out how to get a representative involved or appointed to the NHCS Equity Committee (Ms. Bradley-Thomas)  Follow specific groups affected or impacted by prejudice or discrimination on social media (ALL)  Continue to update resource contact list (ALL in Google Drive)  Ask how many NHC employees completed implicit bias training (Ms. Bradley-Thomas)  Make recommendation on the implicit bias recommendation (Ms. Wainright)  Research and document organizations/events regarding national origin and race (Ms. Wainright)  Research and document organizations/events regarding the Hispanic and LGBT communities (Ms. McKeithan)  Research and document organizations/events regarding disability (Ms. Johnson)  Research and document organizations/events regarding women (Mr. Hovis)  Create a Google document or form to enter researched group information (Ms. Bradley- Thomas) VIII. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned by Lori Wainright at 7:05 p.m. PURPOSE: The committee was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council for the purpose of addressing community issues involving prejudice or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, creed or religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authorities and other organizations, as necessary.