Z19-08 Application Package Application for ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Applicant: John Hinnant, agent for Ogden-New Hanover Volunteer Emergency Medical Services, Inc Parcel ID#s: R07000-006-006-000 & R07000-006-005-000 Land Classification: Improved: 2 structures (Bldg 1 = 6,000 SqFt, Bldg 2 = 13,300 SqFt [2 stories]). 1) How will the requested change be consistent with the County’s Policies for Growth and Development? The proposed rezoning from R-15 (SUP) to B-2 would create a more feasible zoning designation for the parcel of land fronting Carolina Beach Road. The current R-15 zoning designation is outdated and left- over zoning from the County’s original zoning law implementation from the late 1960’s. The Future Land Use Map has the site designated as Community Mixed Use. This zoning application, which is an up zoning (from R-15 to B-2)) will permit the property to more effectively offer the community a better mixture of uses. Nearly half of the permitted uses permitted under B-2 would be suitable uses for the existing structures, totaling over 17,000 square feet of metal, light industrial buildings. In addition, this section of Carolina Beach Road is in transition, from historically rural residential to dense residential development with commercial/special uses fronting Carolina Beach Road. 1) How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property’s classification on the Land Classification Map? As previously stated, the proposed zoning change would better allow the property to offer a variety of uses, thus meeting the County’s objective of Community Mixed use under the Future Land Use Map. The current limitations of the SUP limit the marketability of the property. 2) What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the use permitted under the existing zoning? The two parcels making up the subject property is encumbered by a conservation overlay, flood zone and high-tension power line easement. The existing improvements are currently in the only buildable area that does not endanger the environmentally sensitive area. Over the last 20 years, the county fair has relocated, creating land for mixed use development. There have been commercial developments, multifamily, ministorage facilities, special use properties and the redevelopment of the Echo Farms Golf Course are examples of the transition the area is undergoing. Under the B-2 district, there are 46 permitted uses that would work within the existing structures, preventing teardown and redevelopment of the current site. 3) How will this change of zoning serve the public interest? The proposed zoning allows the property to be more effectively using the existing structures and remain consistent with the desired Community Mixed Use designation provided in the Future Land Use Plan. The existing environmental buffer will protect adjacent residential uses, and the existing structures already blend in with the other adjacent uses which include B-2 zoning.