2019-07-23 Minutes AGENDA New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Programming Sub-Committee NHC Library – 101 Chestnut Street, New Hanover Room July 23, 2019 – 4:30 PM Programming Sub-Committee Members Present: Jeff Hovis, Jen Johnson, Elise Rocks, and Lori Wainright Absent: Staff Present: Tufanna L. Bradley-Thomas Citizens: None I. Call to Order Ms. Wainright called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. A quorum was established. II. Approve Agenda MOTION: Ms. Rocks MOVED, SECONDED by Ms. Johnson, to approve the agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY. III. Old Business  Resource Contact List – Ms. Wainright has begun merging the C-RAC resource list with the NCWorks Community Assistance Guide and asked the sub-committee to review it for edits and/or additions. After a discussion, the sub-committee decided to separate it into a resource list and organization contact list. The resource list should only have resources that are related to prejudice and/or discrimination. The organization contact list can be broader services to assist complainants that need additional services in addition to specific prejudice and/or discrimination resources. After discussion, Mr. Hovis agreed to get his contact to make the updates/corrections to the resource list and organization contact list. Mr. Hovis will present the updates at the August C-RAC meeting. MOTION: Ms. Rocks MOVED, SECONDED by Ms. Johnson, to approve the updated resource contact list with corrections as discussed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY. PURPOSE: The committee was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council for the purpose of addressing community issues involving prejudice or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, creed or religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authorities and other organizations, as necessary. AGENDA New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Programming Sub-Committee NHC Library – 101 Chestnut Street, New Hanover Room July 23, 2019 – 4:30 PM  Specific Groups/Organizations and Events – the sub-committee discussed the feasibility of keeping a calendar because of management issues. Ms. McKeithan has agreed to reach out to her contact (TR Nunley) for the LGBTQIA community. Based on discussion, the sub-committee decided to make a recommendation to o the C-RAC to begin bringing groups to the meetings. The first presentation (possibly in August) would be from the LGBTQIA o community, the second (possibly September) would be from the disabled community, and the third would be from the ACLU (possibly in October). The timeframe for the presentations is 15 minutes (10 minutes for the o presentation and 5 minutes for questions). There was discussion and consensus that the organization should offer a o conversation versus a formal presentation in order to build relationships and it should be communicated that they should be prepared to discuss events and activities to share with the C-RAC. MOTION: Ms. Johnson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Hovis, to recommend to the C-RAC that the group presentations be held first or before C-RAC old business. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY. After discussion, the sub-committee decided to not do a community calendar due challenges of maintenance and including every group/event possible.  UNCW Survey – Ms. Wainright informed the sub-committee that the survey is still on target to be administered in the fall, UNCW students will be trained and will then begin making calls, and it should wrap up in October. IV. New Business Ms. Wainright informed the group that Ms. McKeithan has resigned effective immediately from the C-RAC and thus the sub-committee. The city will be recruiting for her replacement. Ms. Wainright informed the sub-committee that she will be out in August, therefore, someone from the sub-committee needed to run the August sub-committee meeting and report out at the August C-RAC meeting. PURPOSE: The committee was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council for the purpose of addressing community issues involving prejudice or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, creed or religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authorities and other organizations, as necessary. AGENDA New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Programming Sub-Committee NHC Library – 101 Chestnut Street, New Hanover Room July 23, 2019 – 4:30 PM MOTION: Mr. Hovis MOVED, SECONDED by Ms. Rocks, to cancel the sub-committee meeting in August and Mr. Hovis will make the committee report in the C-RAC meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY. VII. Action Items & Next Steps Several action items were discussed:  Continue compiling the resource directory with edits and separate it again into a resource directory and an organization contact list; an update will be sent before the next meeting (Ms. Wainright and Mr. Hovis)  Follow up with the LGBTQIA contact (Ms. Johnson)  Follow up with the Cape Fear Disability Committee (Ms. Johnson)  Follow up with the ACLU (Ms. Wainright)  Give report in August C-RAC meeting (Mr. Hovis) VIII. Adjourn: Ms. Johnson adjourned the meeting at 5:27 pm. PURPOSE: The committee was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council for the purpose of addressing community issues involving prejudice or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, creed or religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authorities and other organizations, as necessary.