S19-02 Application Package5 9 1 1 O L E A N D E R D R I V E , S T E . 2 0 1 , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 July 2, 2019 MIDDLE SOUND WEST 7241 MARKET STREET COSWALD LLC Deed Book 4883, Page 903 All that tract or parcel of land located in Harnett Township, New Hanover County, State of North Carolina, being a portion of the lands conveyed to Coswald LLC as recorded in Deed Book 4883 at Page 903; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron rod located at the southwesterly corner of the herein described parcel; said iron rod located on the northeastern right of way of Lendire Road being a 60’ right of way. Thence along the northwestern line of said parcel and the southeastern side of Jacobs Ridge West Bay HOA, Inc recorded in deed book 3576 page 824, N 45°45'11" E a distance of 156.96' to an existing iron pipe; Thence N 37°23'17" E a distance of 1079.69' to an existing iron pipe; Thence turning and running with the lands of Camelot Campground, Inc as recorded in deed book 1863 page 212, Thence S 60°33'55" E a distance of 555.53'; Thence with a new boundary line running through said Coswell LLC parcel the following eight (8) calls: Thence S 37°23'17" W a distance of 895.06'; Thence S 49°23'06" E a distance of 75.16'; Thence S 45°42'15" W a distance of 38.00'; Thence S 47°58'39" W a distance of 29.38'; Thence N 53°00'18" W a distance of 290.32'; Thence S 36°46'05" W a distance of 226.05'; Thence S 53°03'22" E a distance of 245.34'; Thence S 45°32'58" W a distance of 202.55' ; Thence along the right of way of Lendire Road N 44°30'42" W a distance of 571.58'; to the point of beginning, Having an area of 681,189+/-square feet, 15.638 +/-acres more or less. B L D G 24 . 8 ' 25.1' NIP 5/8" REBAR EIP 3/4" CRIMP TOP EIP 5/8" SOLID EIP 1/2" REBAR @ 50.18' 3.24' RIGHT OF LINE NIP 5/8" REBAR EIP 1/4" REBAR PARCEL ID# R04400-002-031-001 N/F JOSEPH E. SHANNON D.B. 1130-20 PARCEL ID# R04400-002-032-000 N/F JOSEPH E. SHANNON D.B. 856-600 PARCEL ID# R04400-002-034-000 N/F MARY J. SHANNON D.B. 1240-1612 PARCEL ID# R04400-002-035-000 N/F CHARLIE M. WALLACE, JR. D.B. 3240-220 PARCEL ID# R03617-001-001-000 N/F CAMELOT CAMPGROUND, INC. D.B. 1863-212 6   ƒ       (          7 1ƒ  (         1  ƒ       :            7 6ƒ  : 156.96'6ƒ : 60' R/W R/W EIP 3/4" OPEN TOP 6ƒ  : 166.27' 20' AT & T EA S E M E N T PER P.B. 34-3 0 6 APPROXIMATE L O C A T I O N 30' EASEMENT P E R N E W H A N O V E R S A N I T A R Y S E W E R SYSTEMEPA PROJECT N O . C - 3 7 0 4 2 6 H O U S E H O U S E 40' DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER P.B. 34-212 (20' EACH SIDE OF PROPERTY LINE) 10' AT & T EASE M E N T PER P.B. 34-212 NIP 5/8" REBAR EIP 3/4" OPEN TOP 55 5 . 5 3 ' 895.06' 6ƒ : 75 . 1 6 ' 6   ƒ       ( 38.00' 6ƒ  : 29.38' 6ƒ     : 1   ƒ       :         226.05' 6ƒ : 24 5 . 3 4 ' 6   ƒ       ( 202.55' 6ƒ  : 57 1 . 5 8 ' PROPOSED TRACT 6)“ $&“ EXISTING SITE DATA PROJECT ADDRESS:7241 MARKET ST.PARCEL ID:R04400-001-003-000 TOTAL TRACT AREA:“$&SUP AREA:“$& ZONING DISTRICT:B-2LAND CLASSIFICATION:URBAN & GENERAL RES. OWNER INFORMATION:COSWALD, LLC.1030 E. WENDOVER AVE. GREENSBORO, NC 27405 0 25 50 100 200 SCALE: 1"=50' GRAPHIC SCALE SITE INVENTORY NOTES 1.Soils Types: Se (Seagate fine sand), Le (Leon sand), Mu (Murville fine sand), & DO (Dorovan) 2.This property is not impacted by any AEC. 3.This site is not impacted by any recognized historic or archeological significance. 4.No cemeteries were evidenced on the site. 5.There is no evidence of jurisdictional wetlands within the proposed Special Use Permit area. 6.There is no evidence of endangered species or habitat issues on the site. 7.No portion of this property is within a Special Flood Hazard Area asevidenced on N.C. Flood Map 3720315900J, dated April 3, 2006.    % K P G O C  & T K X G 9K N O K P I V Q P   0 Q T V J  % C T Q N K P C              Ä      1         Ä      ( 0%  . K E G P U G     % Ä     DA T E : SC A L E : DE S I G N E D : DR A W N : CH E C K E D : PEI JOB#: CO N C E P T U A L L A Y O U T : PR E L I M I N A R Y L A Y O U T : FI N A L D E S I G N : RE L E A S E D F O R C O N S T : PR O J E C T S T A T U S RE V I S I O N S : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N SEAL CL I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N : TG C JC M JC M 1" = 5 0 ' 7/ 1 / 2 0 1 9 BO U N D A R Y E X H I B I T 19244.PE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT; NOT INCLUDED IN S.U.P. PROPOSAL REMAINING PARCEL AREA; NOT INCLUDED IN S.U.P. PROPOSAL S.U.P. BOUNDARY VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1,000'NORTH CAR O L I N A B E A C H R D . TO R C H W O O D D R . LE N D I R E R D .