FY19 FINAL HCCBG FUNDING PLANNAME AND ADDRESS Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDER DAAS -732 (Rev. 2/16) NHC Senior Resouce Center County Funding Plan County_New Hanover 2222 S. College Rd. July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 Wilmington, NC 28409 Provider Services Summary IREVISION #3 FINAL, DATE: 07/29/2019 A B C D E F G H 1 Services Ser. DdWery (Check one) Block Grant Funding Required Local Match Net- Sm Cost NSIP Subsidy Total Funding Projected HCCBG Units Projected Reimburse Rate Projected HCCBG Clients Projected Total Units Direct Porch. Access In -Home Other - Total I &A Case Assistance x 225093 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 25010 250103 250103 2200 Congregate Nutrition x 106899 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 11878 118777 118777 14483 8.2 515 19880 HDM Nutrition x 345891 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 1 38432 384323 1 384323 1 66382 5.57 1 682 89716 Sr. Center Ops x 86095 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 9566 95661 95661 330 Transportation General x 30558 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 3395 33953 33953 2838 11.66 134 7940 Transportation Medical x 59493 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 6610 66103 66103 5287 14.24 235 7335 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 Total 1— 1— 315144 1 0 1 538885 854029 94891 948920 0 948920 88990 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4096 124871 *Adult Day Care & Adult Day Health Care Net Service Cost ADC ADHC Daily Care Certification of required minimum local match availability. �r Transportation Required local match will be expended simultaneously Kathy EtA Coun Manager Date Administrative with Block Grant Funding. Covid Net Ser. Cost Total \ 'i0 k I �1l 'Lisa Wurtzbacher, County Finance ffic Date 1 an Barfield , Board of Commis Dale North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services Service Cost Computation Worksheet c:732a.x1s DAAS -732A Provider: Senior Resource Center 3/99 County: New Hanover Budget Period: July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 Revision _X_yes, _no, revision date _FINAL_7/29/2019 Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Grand Case Asst Cong HDM Senior Transport Transport Adult Day IHA I. Pro ected Revenues Total I&A Nutrition Nutrition Center General Medical Care /Home A. Fed /State 'undinq From the Division of Aging 1,173,084 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 225,093 106,899 345,891 86,095 30,558 59,493 99,052 220,003 Required Minimum Match - Cash ll!l!ll!lllll/ll 11l11/1l/ /ll/l1 lllllllllllllll llllllll!lll /ll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllll1111111 lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll 1 0 2 0 3 0 Total Required Minimum Match - Cash 130,342 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 25,010 11,878 38,432 9,566 3,395 6,610 11,006 24,445 Required Minimum Match - In -Kind 111 /ll /ll /llllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll 1 0 2 0 3 0 Total Required Minimum Match - In -Kind 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Total Required Minimum Match cash + in -kind 130,342 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 25,010 11,878 38,432 9,566 3,395 6,610 10,853 24,445 C. Subtotal, Fed/State/Required Match Revenues 1,303,426 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 250,103 118,777 384,323 95,661 33,953 66,103 109,905 244,448 D. NSIP Cash Subsidy/Commodity Subsidy/Commodity Valuation 0 /!1/1////1//1// E. OAA Title V Worker Wages, Fringe Benefits and Costs 0 Local Cash, Non -Match 1 County Contribution 449,566 / / / / / / /I / / / / /// 119,498 56,2171 167,955 13,8541 57,040 35,002 0 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 F. Subtotal, Local Cash, Non -Match 449,568 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 119,498 56,217 167,955 13,854 57,040 35,002 0 0 Other Revenues, Non -Match lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll 1!l!1l!lll!!lll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll 1 0 2 0 3 0 G. Subtotal, Other Revenues, Non -Match 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local In -Kind Resources Includes Volunteer Resources) 1 0 2 0 3 0 /1/l!ll1!llllll H. Subtotal, Local In -kind Resources, Non -Match 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I. Client Cost Sharing 30,200 / / / / / / / / / / / / /// 3,200 22,000 2,500 2,500 J. Total Projected Revenues (Sum I C,D,E,F,G,H, & 1) 1,783,039 /1//1///1//1/!/ 369,601 178,194 574,2781 109,515 93,493 103,605 109,905 244,448 Division of Aging Service Cost Computation Worksheet Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Grand Admin. I&A Cong HDM Sr. Center Trans Trans ADC IHA II. Line Item Expense Total Cost General Medical ADH Staff Salary From Labor Distribution Schedule 1 Full -time Staff 730,366 317,6471 64,729 204,508 81,405 31,038 31,039 2 Part-time staff do not include Title V workers 108,382 35,755 31,647 30,276 10,704 A. Subtotal, Staff Sala 838,748 0 3179647 100,484 236,155 81,405 61,314 41,743 0 0 Fnn a Benefits included in salary) ////!////////// / / / / / /1 / / / / / /// / / / / / // / / / / / /// /1/////1/!/!/1/ 1 FICA % 0 2 Health Ins. 0 3 Retirement @ 0 4 Unemployment Insurance 0 5 Worker's Compensation 0 6 Other 0 B. Subtotal, Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local In -Kind Resources, Non -Match 1 0 2 0 3 p C. Subtotal, Local in -Kind Resources Non -Match 01 0 0 0 01 0 01 0 0 0 D. OAA Title V Worker Wages, Fringe Benefits and Costs 0 Travel 1 Per Diem 0 2 Mileage Reimbursement 0 3 Other Travel Cost: 0 E. Subtotal, Travel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Operating Expenses / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / /// !//////11/11/1! !1/!1/!1/1!!!// 1 Contract Service - MIS fee 1,797 150 525 722 0 200 200 2 Contract Services - vendors 461,327 0 68,800 299,6501 2,600 28,8771 61,400 3 Postage 1,250 150 50 501 400 150 450 4 Printin Off Site 2,075 200 400 150 1,250 0 75 5 Printin - in house co ies 5,895 780 980 915 2,900 100 220 6 Supplies 25,515 600 5,795 3,000 15,800 100 220 7 Dues and Subscriptions 1,030 0 180 225 625 0 0 8 M & R 5,050 0 150 2,500 2,350 25 25 9 Cell Phone Expense 2,480 1,080 180 540 360 320 0 10 Gas 3,550 0 0 2,100 0 1,450 0 11 Volunteer Milea a Reimbursement 28,850 0 0 28,850 0 0 0 12 Trainin and Travel 4,3451 1,5501 560 635 11450 75 75 13 Em to ee Reimursement (mileage) 3,860 3,000 90 315 375 40 40 F. Subtotal, General Operating Expenses 1 547,0241 01 7,5101 77,7101 339,6521 28,110 31,3371 62,705 0 0 G. Subtotal, Other Administrative Cost Not Allocated lllllllllllllll I/ll/lll/llllll Ill/lllllllllll llllllll/lIlll/ ll /I /llllllllll 11l11111I11I11I ll/Illilllll/I/ I/llllllilll /ll lllll/llI/I/ll/ lll/lllllllllll Cost Computation Worksheet Grand of Rates The Division of Aging ARMS deducts reported program income from reimbursement paid to providers. Line III.D indicates the number of units that will have to be produced in addition to those stated on line III.0 in order to earn the net revenues stated on line I.C. Information on this form (DAAS -732A) corresponds with information stated on the Provider Services Summary (DAAS -732) as follows: Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service DAAS -732A DAAS -732 Block Grant Funding Line LA Col. A Required Local Match -Cash & In -Kind Line LB Col. B Net Service Cost Line I.0 Col. C NSIP Subsidy Line I.D Col. D Total Funding L. I.0 +I.D Col. E Projected HCCBG Reimbursed Units Line III.0 Col. F Total Reimbursement Rate Line 111.8.5 Col. G Projected Total Service Units Line III.F Col. 1 3 AND ADDRESS u— — - cUMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDER --- - " " " "' - --- _. "' ^" " " "' °' V1Oer nouns -- Interim Healthcare of the Eau— Carolinas, Inc. DAAS -732 (Rev. 2/16) PO Box 2249 County Funding Plan Canary New Hanover Whileville, NC 28472 July 1, L018 through June 30, 2012 Provider Services Summary REVISION N 2 , DATE: 07/16/19 S., u,u —, A B C D E F G H 1 ICnrek fie) Block Grant Pundin Required Net• Projected Projected Projected Projected Services dreg Parch. Access 1.41— Other Total Local Match Sm Cost NSIP Taal Subsidy Fundin HCCBG Reimburse HCCBG Total In -Home Aide Lev 1 GOLLs Rate Clients Units In•Hame Aide Lev 2 7222 \\\ \\ \11\\1 \1 \11 \\ 802 8024 8024 486 16.9851 4 486 In -Home Aide Lev3 78506 \\11\1 \ \\ \ \\\ \\ \\ 8723 87229 87229 3063 17.2575 18 5065 134275 1 \l \ \ \6 \ \ \ \ \ \1 \ \\ 14919 149194 149194 8885 1704496 21 8885 \U \ \\1\ \\\ \1\111\ 0 0 0 11 \ \ \11 \ \\1 \1 \ \11\ 0 0 0 \1\ \111111 \\ \ \\1 \\ 0 0 0 11 \1 \ \Il \1 \1l \ \ \1 0 0 0 11 \l1 \l1 \ \1U \11 \\ 0 p 0 \ \ \U\ \16 \ \1 \ \ \1\ 0 0 0 \ \ \1 \ \1 \11 \\\1 \ \ \1 0 0 0 \ \% \ \\ \A\ \ \o\\ 0 0 0 111 \ \\ \\1 \ \\\ \ \ \11 0 0 0 \P \ \1\1 \\1 \\ \\1\\ 0 0 0 Total \1 \1 \N 116 \1\ 0 "Adult Day Care & 220003 0 220003 24444 244447 1 p 244447 14436 \\ \11\1 \U \ \U Adult Day Health Care Net Service Cost 43 14436 ADC ADHC Daily Care Transportation Certification of required minimum local match availability. 1 ,c G --i Administrative Required local match will be expended simultaneously Authmi Signature, itic Dale Net Set. Cost Total with Block Grant Funding Carom i S ce Provide 4,6e I iJL __ g s , Signature, County Finance Officer Date Si m , Chairm and f ommissi— Dme Int :��s� ll li ;1 L T 11 C, d k 8.- I1011E f:,11i 1; :1 \li J "I.11'FI Xti July 16, 2019 New Hanover Senior Resource Center Attn: Amber Smith, Director 2222 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: FINAL Request for re- allocation of funds for FY 19 Amber, In reviewing projections through the end of the budget year, Interim Healthcare is expecting to have unused funds in Levels I & 2 that we would like to request to re- allocate to Level 3, which is currently overspent by $9,533. Please see explanation below: Level Current budget (F /S only) FINAL Usage FINAL "Unused" funding Level) $8,000 $ 7,222 $ 780 Level $82,000 $ 78,506 $ 3,494 Level $130.003 $139,536 -$9,533 TOTALS $220,003 $225,264 - $ 5,259 Based on the above, Interim Healthcare would like to request to move $780 from Level 1 to Level 3 and to move $3,494 from Level 2 to Level 3. This will leave an over spent amount of $5,259 in Level 3. Please find attached, the 732 revision #2 dated 07/16/2019 in order to complete this transaction. If there are any funds available to help to cover over budget amount in Level 3, we request that you please consider. If additional information is needed, please let me know mcere�ly, re� i betty [.owe , Project Coordinator Interim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc. Ph# (910) 642 -2106 ext 141 stiavic -E ccv,n at: Su5 LIaFR'IY SIMEUI -r, P.U. aoX 2-149, \\111TnV11JJ:, NC 284724219 •'1111. (9110 W-21ub • FAX (9111)!42 -MA �ryi9er -.e �N `Ir�mJO�swn P Iw. �1.r1N Z71� euv es.x3> e cnu;lnx'nsxlai- rinrn�,�.muxo.u3 lnJU UnWcauu. x11TSVIlE, N:bP3Tro rtv Ni�r .1 �1 •rce aaracu, >,.._,,.,r el ivi w. nlaax.rsn env •:xi.�i ' Supplement to Provider Services Summary Interim Healthcare of the Eastem Carolinas Inc. In -Home Services Detail Name of Community Service Provider DAAS -732 Supplement (Effective: 7/08) July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 Revision # 2 Date: 07/16/19 In -Home Services A B C F G H HCCBG In -Home Funding Required Local Match Net Service Cost Projected HCCBG Units Projected Reimbursement Rate Projected HCCBG Clients Level I - 235 Respite 0 0 Level I -041 H Mgmt 7222 1 802 8024 1 486 16.9851 4 Subtotal Level 7222 802 8024 486 4 Level II - 236 Respite 0 0 Level It - 042 PC 78506 8723 87229 5065 17.2575 18 Level It - 043 H M mt 0 0 Subtotal Level If 78506 8723 87229 5065 18 Level III - 237 Respite 0 0 Level Ill - 044 H M mt 0 0 Level III - 045 PC 134275 14919 149194 8885 17.4496 21 Subtotal Level 111 134275 14919 149194 8885 Level I V - 238 Res ite 0 0 Level IV - 046 H Mgmt 0 0 L21 Subtotal Level IV 0 0 0 0 Total 220003 24444 244447 14436 4 4"l JJ 07L0,21 Authorized Signature Tifit Date Community Service Provider 71 k \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ k \ \ \ \ \ k s � §'l � ) _ \co coo. aa7 ! 2 « U7 � }kk& ) 2� \ 32 )2\ {£ ■k G \ƒ f7 t|�) /� \7 }k)�\\ _ - .o�«ft 22 `` ( 2® kI! £k) { }j 0. 2u6u����.2lz® um ® ®o! ° a7 mew !A!o ,. %� ®ems -� ®e�w Division of Aging Service Cost Computation Worksheet Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Grand Admin. IHA IHA IHA 11. Line Item Ex ense Total Cost Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Staff Salary From Labor Distribution Schedule 1111 /11111!! /lI /1111 /Ill /1!111 !llll/lllll //l/ Il!!I /1l /11!!11 11111118111111 Ill/lllllllllll 1111111111111!) 71/I!l/Illl!!ll !!!l!!llllll/11 /f1I1111111/1l1 1 Full -time Staff 35,283 0 1,170 14,592 18,521 2 Part-time staff do not include Title V workers 176.4931 4,3011 64,223 107,969 A. Subtotal, Staff salary 211,776 0 5,471 78,816 127,490 0 0 0 0 p Frin a Benefits 12 FICA I /1!/ /N!I /1 /// / // / ///// / / /I /! 11lUlllll!111t /11//111111111/ 7.65 % 2,699 0 90 1,116 1,493 2) Heahh Ins. @ 0 3) Retirement 0 41 Unemployment Insurance SUTA .720% 254 0 8 105 141 5 Worker's Compensation 7% 2,470 0 82 1,021 1,366 6 Other FUTA 0.8% 282 0 9 117 156 B. Subtotal, Fringe Benefits 6,705 0 189 2 360 3,166 0 0 0 Local. in -Kind Resources, Non -Match 111 /lUl /11111! ll / /!ll /I //Il // /1!/ /!I /ll!/ /I! /Il1/1/ ll /1111! /l1 /NI 11/11l1/111111/ 1/llllllll!!lU 1111!/11 //11111 0 /fllllllllll!!l 0 11111! /111!1 /l1 1 0 2 0 3 0 C. Subtotal, Local In -Kind Resources Non -Match 0 0 0 0 0 D. OAA Title V Worker Wages, Fringe Benefits and Costs p 0 0 0 0 0 Travel 1 Per Diem 8/N/1/!MB 0 11111111111/N/ I!1!/l/!/Il!/l/ 111111111!/1l/ 1!1lllll/!Ifl1/ //I / /11/ / /!1 /// 1/!1lll/1U1111 22 Milea a Reimbursement p 3 Other Travel Cost: p E. Subtotal, Travel 0 0 0 0 0 -0-0-0-0 General Operating Expenses !!!1!/ /111/1//! !I //ll /111111 /l 1 / /I! / /I!/ /1111 /Ill /1/1!/11/ /! //Il/ll/Il!!lll Nll11 /1/1/1/1! l!1ll PNINl 11 11111111# 1/1/111/11111/1 0 Ullll /11 /11111 1 Management Information Systems 168 36 60 72 2 e ui mentde reciationlde reciation 1,741 157 348 1,236 3 renulease 4,304 387 861 3,056 4 insurances 9,148 397 1,045 7,706 7,896 5 consumable su lies 3,556 587 1,073 6 RN su rvision 5,500 500 2,000 3,000 7 utilities - computers, hones 2,549 300 667 1,582 8 0 F. Subtotal General O eratl Expenses 26,966 0 2 364 6,054 18,646 0 0 0 0 D G. Subtotal, Other Administrative Cost Not Allocated llllllllll/1lll Nllllll /11111! I/1!1111!ll111f 1!!lllflllllllf 1111!!1!lI/llll Ilfl/I111!!l11! lllllll!lI!l!!f 111111lI /11/11! IlllUlllllllll lfllll/lllll!ll in Lines ILA throw h F / / /I/ /!lllllll! !!f/Illl/Illm //1111111 /11111 l!!N!/!/1/1111 Ilflll /1/111111 /lllllll /1! /Ill flfllllf! /111!1 1!/lllll/Illll! /llllllll/l /11! Ifl /1111/!! /ll! H. Total Pro Expenses Prior to Admin. Distribution 11f/!/1NN12 1NIl1IR9,1 1111 /IlN /! /f /I Nlll111111 N1NfllNlu! Nllll /I //11111 /I/11NIll! / /ll . 1. Dlstributlon of Admininistrative Cost 244,447 /!1 /N! / //1111/ 0 0 8 024 87,228 87,22 149,19d 0 0 0 0 0 J. Total Pro). Expenses After Admin. Distribution 1 244,447 /11!! //11 /!/ //1 0 8,024 0 87,229 0 0 0 0 0 0 149,194 0 0 01 0 0 of Aging and Adult Services Cost Computation Worksheet Grand Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service The Division of Aging ARMS deducts reported program income from reimbursement paid to providers. Line III.D indicates the number of units that will have to be produced in addition to those stated on line III.0 in order to earn the net revenues stated on line I.C. tion on this form (DAAS -732A) corresponds with Lion stated on the Provider Services Summary 732) as follows: DAAS -732A OARS -732 Block Grant Funding Line LA Col. A Required Local Match -Cash & In -Kind Line I.B Col. B Net Service Cost Line LC Col. C NSIP Subsidy Line 1.0 Col. D Total Funding L. I.C.I.D Col. E Projected HCCBG Reimbursed Units Line III.0 Col, F Total Reimbursement Rate Line 111.6.5 Col. G Projected Total Service Units Line MY Col. I NC DIVISION OF AGING AND ADULT SERVICES COST OF SERVICES - ATTACHMENT A i LABOR DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE DAAS -732A1 _2/16_ -- — AGENCY NAME Interim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc ?- T FY: 2019 — - -- - ._-- .-- •.---- -._.._ L_.. I i--- — -- - - -- SFY 1� ,Re 007/16119 _ i t-- ._.— __...- .__..._.__' 'FULL _ - -- —� - - -� - -- -� - - TIME TOTAL ( ADMIN. IHA Level i IHA Level p IHA Level STAFF ` NAME POSITION PART TIME SALARY SALARY! 1 j 2 3 SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE '° SERVICE Registered Nurse _ Scheduler - -- (RN Scheduler FULL TIME ' 2.78_70 � 5,786 - $_0_ ' T I $790 -- - -- - __ - 218 -72 $11,702 -- ... 2,288 ' $15,378 - -- 3,280 ' - -� � - - -- - - -f -- '• " "— i- - -`- "- �— - -- FULL TIME —_O —..__ 0 0 l - - -T Data Entry /Pa�roII Billing Clerk 1Billm.# In -Home Aide DE/PR Clerk FULL TIME 724 - - t ; 90 4 301 268 334 64,223 _� 384 479 107,969 .-_ •- _ FULL TIME �• - - - -- 9031 176,493 I 'IHA _.� PART TIME - i i..._....._._.. —.._ - -- - -- - - - - -- - � � I SUBTOTAL FT:I $35,283 ' $0 ' $1,1701 -J- $14,5921 $19 521 $0 $0 ' _ $p - — SUBTOTAL PT: 176,493 0 4,301 ! 64,223 I 107,969 0 0 0� 0 0 TOTAL yI PERCENT FT: S211,776 16.66% 1 $0 ' #DIV /0! $5,471 21.39% $78,815 18.51% ' $127,490 15.31% 1 $0 #DIV /0! , $0 #DIV $0 ; $0 $0 PERET : 83.34% #DIV /0! 7861% 81.49% 84,69% #DIV /0! /0! I #DIV /0! ZDIV/0! V /01 #DIV /0! 1 #DIV /0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Page i NAME AND ADDRESS Home and Community Can Block Grant for Older Adults COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDER DAAS -732 (Rev. 2/16) County Funding Plan County_New Hanover Elderhaus, In. Jul 1, 2018 throw h Jane 30, 2019 1950 Amphitheater Dr. Provider Services Summary REVISION # 1 , DATE : 07/30/2019 Wilmington, NC 28401 A a C D E F G 11 1 Services Su, Dd-.y (C.—) 1 Block Grant Fundin Required Local Match Net* Sery Cost NSIP Subsidy Total Funding Projected HCCBG Units Projected Reimburse Rate Projected HCCBG Clients Projected Total Units Daect JP —1, I Access In -Home Other Total Adult Day Care 76669 M \\\ \\1 \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ 8519 85188 85188 1329 64.12 24 1422 Adult Day Health 20808 \\\\ \ \ \\1\\ \\ \ \\\ 2312 23120 23120 331 69.85 6 333 T rtabon -ADC 1454 \ \ \\\ \\\ \ % \ \\\\\ 162 1616 1616 1077 1.5 10 1070 Transportation -ADH 121 \ \ \ \\\\W\ \\\\ \ \\ 13 134 134 89 1.5 3 144 \ % \ \\\\ \ \\\ \ \ \\\ 0 0 0 R\\ \\\\1\\\V\\\\\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \\\\\1 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \\\M \ \\\ \ \\\\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ % \ \ \ \\\ \MA 0 0 0 % \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \\\\\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \l \ \ \ \ \ \\ 0 0 0 Total .1. 1 1) 1 97477 1 1575 1 99052 11006 1 110058 1 0 110058 1 2826 %V \ \1\ \ \ \ \\ 1 43 2969 *Adult Day Care & Adult Day Health Care Net Service Cost ADC ADHC ,J/ �1 Daily Care 33 40 CertificaUOn of required min ®um local match availability. �` ✓ — 3� �� Transportation Required local match will be expended simultaneously uthod-d ature, Title —0 Date Administrative 31 29.85 with Block Grant Funding. Common' ice Provider Net Ser. Cost Total 64 69.85 \na � '7T�°1� - Signature, County Finance Officer Date :r, Chairman, o o issioners Date Grant Document Routing Start date: 8/8/19 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: VLisa Wurtzbacher, Chief Financial Officer y thy Stoute, Assistant County Manager Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman, Board of Commissioners Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: 1 original — SRC — FYI Final Funding Plan for Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Explanation of document(s): Attached are the FYI HCCBG final funding plan revisions. The County's HCCBG revenue is being increased by $45,348. This includes an increase of $40,000 available due to unspent funds during FYI within our region and $5,348 unspent by Elderhaus within New Hanover County. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. -- ----- ---- ----- --- ---- --- - - - - -- .%r finance department use--------------- --- ------ --- ------- --- - - ---- -- DATE ADDED TO LASERFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature Hewett, Teresa From: Smith, Amber Sent: Friday, August 02, 2019 9:25 AM To: Hewett, Teresa Subject: FY19 HCCBG final revisions needs signatures Attachments: HCCBG 732 -A Service Cost Computation Blank Formatted FY 19 FINAL revision.xlsx; 732 Provider Services Summary FY 2019 FINAL revision.xlsx; Interim FY19 Final HCCBG budget revision.pdf, Elderhaus FY19 HCCBG final budget revision.pdf Hi Teresa. Happy Friday! Attached are the FY19 HCCBG final revisions. This includes the $40,000 increase which was added to the Case Management /Options Counseling section. Elderhaus did not spend $5,348 of their original allocation, so I move that unspent allocation into Home Delivered Meals. This increased HDM's revenue by $5,348. Neither the $40,000 and $5,348 increase to NHC's revenue did not result in NHC having to add an additional match. Interim, Elderhaus, and NHCSRC 732 will need to be signed. Once signed I will send them to the Area Agency on Aging. I am waiting on Interim's FY20 budget forms and once I receive it, I will route you the FY20 HCCBG budget forms for signatures. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. -Amber Amber Smith I Director Senior Resource Center New Hanover County 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798 -6410 p 1 (9 10) 798 -6411 f www.nhcaov.com Area Agenc On A�n� Cape Fear Council of Gownwwnts IMPORTANT INFORMATION: FINAL HCCBG ALLOCATIONS SFY 2018/2019 TO: Amber Smith, Director New Hanover County Senior Resource Center FROM: Jane Jones, Region O AAA Director ju DATE: July 26, 2019 RE: End of SFY 2018/2019 Additional HCCBG Funding Allocations The Area Agency on Aging was notified by NC DAAS on July 23, 2019 (and prior to the July 25v' final year end closure of ARMS for SFY 2018/2019) of unspent HCCBG funds that was made available for our region. Amber Smith, Director of New Hanover Senior Resource Center verified acceptance of any amount of additional funding available to help defray over expenditures of SFY 2018/2019 HCCBG monies. New Hanover Senior Resource Center's allocation of additional year end funding is $40,000. Please complete required budget forms and email to Ginny Brinson as soon as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions. Many thanks to you and the staff for your continued commitment of innovative programming to serve the older adult population in your county. CC: Ginny Brinson, AAA/COG Chris May, COG Director Dawn Tucker, COG Finance Officer Chris Coudriet, County Manager Tim Burgess, Deputy County Manager Teresa Hewett, New Hanover County Finance Serving Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender Counties 1480 Harbour Drive • Wilmington, NC 28401 • (910) 395 -4553 • (800) 218 -6575 • Fax: (910) 395 -2684 www.copefearcog.org An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action /ADA EnOoyer/Propran �j 0 o � � rj 3 N 0 ti 0 0 0 O 1 W F I v r w E C N m P T 1A Ja C � � O 3 �a x 8ily � 7 � f 0 C it � m Im QbI° E ]� G iy3 qO W C r m be o r EQ n i i (� .8 {� I� mQU I I N i [wi .� - Ali $ O < ga � 7 � f 0 C it � m Im QbI° E ]� G iy3 qO W C r m be o r EQ n i i (� .8 {� I� mQU I I N i Z fit 9 t C I is I I of of el e e� fig, � Q J� 2