08 AUGUST 2019 PB MEETING MINUTES - APPROVED Minutes of the New Hanover County Planning Board August 1, 2019 Meeting The New Hanover County Planning Board held a regular meeting on Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the André Mallette Training Facility of the New Hanover County Government Center, Wilmington, NC to hold a public hearing. Planning Board Present Staff Present Jordy Rawl, Chair Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director Donna Girardot, Vice-Chair Ken Vafier, Planning Manager Paul Boney Brad Schuler, Senior Planner Ernest Olds Rebekah Roth, Senior Planner Jeffrey Petroff Sharon Huffman, Deputy County Attorney Planning Board Absent Allen Pope Chair Jordy Rawl opened the meeting and welcomed the audience to the public hearing. Planning Manager Ken Vafier led the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Chair Rawl reviewed the procedures for the meeting. ITEM 1: REZONING REQUEST (Z19‑09) – REQUEST BY SOUTHEASTERN SITE ACQUISITIONS, LLC, ON BEHALF OF THE PROPERTY OWNER EDWIN I. JR AND NANCY R. ENNIS, TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 12.3 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN THE 2500 BLOCK OF CASTLE HAYNE ROAD, FROM R-15, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, AND B-2, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT, TO UMXZ, URBAN MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT, IN ORDER TO CONSTRUCT A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT. Senior Planner Brad Schuler provided information pertaining to location, land classification, access, transportation and zoning, showed maps, aerials, and photographs of the applicant’s proposed rezoning and gave an overview of the proposed application and staff report. He concluded by stating staff is recommending approval of the application. Chair Rawl asked if board members had any questions for staff. Vice-Chair Donna Girardot asked if the residential units included in the proposed mixed-use buildings are included in the total 226 units proposed with this project. Mr. Schuler responded that the site would have a maximum of 226 units and that includes the units that would be above some of the commercial uses. Mr. Rawl asked for an overview of how Traffic Impact Analysis (TIAs) are conducted for Commercial Redevelopment that is not subject to review by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). Mr. Schuler replied that the county's regulations for TIAs apply to both residential and commercial projects. For commercial redevelopment, the County reviews the net change of the trips generated during the peak hours. If more than 100 peak hours trips are added, a TIA must be conducted in accordance with County standards. Chair Rawl opened the public hearing and recognized the applicant. 2 | Page APPLICANT PRESENTATION Joe Taylor of Murchison, Taylor & Gibson Law Firm representing the applicant introduced the Wrightsboro Commons Development Team: Allison Engebretson, Land Planner and Landscape Architect; Tim Clinkscales, Project Engineer with Paramounte Engineering; Chris Dunbar, President Blue Ridge Development and Dan Cumbo, Traffic Engineer with Davenport who were available to answer any questions. Mr. Taylor gave an overview of the proposal, explaining how it fits with the new Urban Mixed-Use Zoning District and how the project would benefit the community by providing workforce housing and pedestrian-orientated improvements that will help revitalize Wrightsboro. Land Planner and Landscape Architect, Allison Engebretson spoke about the UMXZ Conditional Rezoning Plan and presented slides, exhibits, maps of the proposed mixture of uses consisting of multi-family studios, lofts, 1,2 & 3-bedroom apartment homes integrated into a commercial development mainly consisting of office, retail and restaurants – all combined to create a walkable community. She explained the proposed maximum building height and a 35-foot buffer which is an additional 15 feet from what's required. Adding storm water, proposing three ponds, two new ones and one existing that will be expanded. She summarized by saying the proposal would be a great fit for the area that secures the 226 units and the 41,000 square feet of commercial area as mixed-use. She further explained the benefits of the proposal including that it will locate residents closer to existing commercials services and promote redevelopment and use of those commercial services. Ms. Engebretson explained how the buffer along the residential neighborhood will be designed to reduce impacts on the abutting homes as well as the location and designs of the proposed stormwater facilities. Chair Rawl asked if there were any questions for the applicant? Mr. Taylor presented letters of support from the community. He presented a written agreement between neighborhood property owners to the south and the applicant that states the applicant will maintain the common drainage ditch along the sites southern property line. Chair Rawl opened the opposition portion of the public hearing. OPPOSITION COMMENTS Brent Johnson of Horne Place Drive expressed concerns about the traffic study and apartments. He suggested that the project be postponed until after NCDOT upgrades Castle Hayne Road. APPLICANTS REBUTTAL Mr. Taylor pointed out that if the site were redeveloped with the existing R‑15 and B‑2, it would end up with an almost identical number of trips as under this complete new plan of the applicant. He pointed out that they’ll be under construction for a year to two years, the practical impact of any traffic should mesh with NCDOT’s plans. Davenport Traffic Engineer, Dan Cumbo gave more information about the level of service and the review of the TIA. He explained that the full build out of the proposed development did not drop a level in service nor did it increase the delay by 25% at the intersection of North Kerr Avenue and Castle Hayne Road. Planning & Land Use Director, Wayne Clark clarified that according to the TIA, the proposed development will not reduce the level of service of the intersection of North Kerr Avenue at Castle Hayne Road from what the level of service is expected to be in the future. In addition, with the proposed improvements included in the TIA, the delay of seconds will be slightly improved. Board Member Ernest Olds asked what kind of target a, b, c, d can we look forward to once the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been executed? 3 | Page Mr. Cumbo explained that it was not a part of what they studied but added the plan had a northbound right turn lane on Castle Hayne Road that is very much needed and would help the intersection. Board Member, Paul Boney asked if there were new right in/right outs and any new turn lanes in the plans as part of the upgrade. Mr. Cumbo explained there were not any new driveways that are proposed – the plan is using existing driveways. Mr. Clark stated that the NCDOT project, because of the median, would limit left turns from the existing driveways. Traffic will be required to use the signalized intersection to make a left turn. Ms. Girardot asked if they would be treating the water of the large pond that failed during the hurricane. Mr. Taylor replied that there is a berm in between but that they wouldn’t be adding any outfall water to the pond. Chair Rawl noted that there were two pages of people signed up in support and because of time didn’t feel that everyone signed up needed to speak but asked if there were anyone from the Blue Ridge Companies that would like to speak. President of Blue Ridge Companies, Chris Dunbar introduced Development Director, Jim Grdich and Amy Richie who handles the Wilmington Area. He summarized by saying they want to be good neighbors in the community and enhance the retail aspect. OPPOSITION REBUTTAL: Mr. Johnson expressed concerns about traffic on North Kerr Avenue and asked about any proposed improvements to the turning and through lanes. Chair Rawl asked if any adjacent developments were going to be charged with making any roadway improvements to that intersection that have not yet been completed. Mr. Schuler explained the Riverside Project is required to install an eastbound right turn lane on Riverside Drive at Castle Hayne Road and install new traffic signal poles at that intersection. Chair Rawl asked about the right-of-way dedication and maintenance of Riverside Road. Mr. Schuler explained the road is privately dedicated and a roadway agreement is in place. Chair Rawl asked if there was a joint roadway agreement that's in place? He requested Mr. Taylor provide clarification whatever traffic could potentially stack back into Castle Hayne Road and the current status a joint roadway agreement with adjacent property owners. Mr. Taylor responded it is an item that they will be covering with everyone in that particular area. Chair Rawl asked if the team had put together any indication of what sort of improvements Riverside Drive may require since it's not NCDOT owned and rather narrow. Mr. Taylor answered they had not yet, but had that under study currently. Chair Rawl closed the public hearing and opened up board discussion. 4 | Page BOARD DISCUSSION: Board Member Jeffrey Petroff asked staff to clarify how the reduction from 360 to 226 apartments will affect the existing approval for that area. Mr. Schuler explained the apartments originally approved with the Riverside Development allowed up to 72 multi‑family units. In the past, the applicant was seeking to obtain that property and increase it to 144-multi-family units. It is no longer being proposed but there is still the ability for Riverside to put 72 multi‑family units there. Mr. Petroff asked the height of the cell towner and if there are any setbacks to the existing cell towers. Mr. Schuler responded that the tower is 142 feet tall and was permitted in 1997. Setbacks are applied to towers when they’re originally proposed to separate them from existing residential development. Those setbacks wouldn’t apply to any new residential development that wanted to locate close to the cell tower. Chair Rawl asked Mr. Schuler to provide information on the density for the residential component that the UMXZ zoning district would allow and how much the applicant is actually seeking. Mr. Schuler stated for multi‑family it would allow up to 25 dwelling units an acre. Any mixed‑use vertical building in the UMXZ zoning allows up to 36 dwelling units per acre and this one is proposed at 18.4 units per acre. Mr. Petroff commented that the applicant had done everything that the board would ask people who are coming forward under this new ordinance to do. They had met with the community and provided interconnectivity in the community. Ms. Girardot complimented their landscaping plan and proposal Chair Rawl stated there were some significant distinctions between this site and the Riverside Project. They can come closer to a main thoroughfare with future roadway improvements; they have more than one connection point out to that roadway; They're not creating much impact on adjacent property owners. This type of zoning allows for more accessibility from a live-work standpoint and commented that he hoped to see more of these style projects that encourage pedestrian accessibility. He summarized by saying the proposal was well thought-out, well put together and conveyed with a lot professionalism – they presented multiple options and were not asking for the maximum density out of the project. He said he looked forward to seeing more projects trying to utilize these codes. Mr. Boney commented he thought it's well laid out and believed it would be a nice project. MOTION Board Member Boney MOVED, SECONDED by Board Member Olds to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a UMXZ district. He found it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition of uses from higher intensity to lower intensity areas, provides for a range of housing types, and allows for future residents’ convenient access to basic goods and services. He also found APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the Wrightsboro community by providing diverse housing options, by increasing the customer base to support area businesses and by allowing for more pedestrian-oriented travel. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMINMOUSLY. With no other items of business, Chair Rawl adjourned the meeting at 7:04 PM. Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Planning Board Meeting.