FY20 SRC HCCBG funding plansoAAS-734 Julv 2019 th.ourh June 2020 Home strd Conmuolty Crre Block Grsnt for Older Adults Communlty Servlce Provider Strndsrd Aslurrnces New Hmov€r County Senior Resoute C.at6 agrees to provide services through the Home aod Community Care Block Grant, as specified on the Provider Services Summary (DAAS-732) in ac.ordance with the following: 1. Services shall be prcvidod in accordance wilh rcquiremcnts s€t fonh in: a) The County Funding Plan; b) The Division of Aging and Adult Services Home and Community Care Block Grant Prccedu€s Manual for Comnunity Sqvice Pmviders; and c) The Division of Aging and Adult SeFic€s Standads Manual, Volumes I lhrcugh IV or at htto://www-ncdhhs.govlarine/monitor/moolicy.htm . Community service providers shall moritor any subcontsacts with pmvidrs of Block Grant services and tak€ appropriate meariues to ensue that services are providod in accordance with lhe aforementioned documens. 2. Prioaity shall be given to providing s€rvices to lhose older persons with the gr€atest economic or social needs. The service needs of low-income minority elderly will b€ addrEssed in the manner specified on the Melhodolo5r !o Ad&€ss service Needs of I-ow-lncome (tncluding Low Income Minodty Elderly), Rural Elderly and Eldedy with Limiled English Proficiency forma! (DA,AS-733). 3 'Ihe following s€rvice authorization activities will b€ carried out in conjunction wilh all s€rices provided firough the Block Crant: a) Eligibility det€nnination; b) Clieot intakdrEgistration; c) Client ass€ssmen/rEass€ssmenls and quanerly visits, as appropriate; d) Determidng tle arnount of s€rvices to be received by lhe clienq and e) Rwiewing consrmer contributions policies with eligible clients. 4 AI licens€s, p6mits, bonds, ard in$rrance necessary for carrying out Block Crant Services will be maintained by the community service providq and any contaacted pmvide6. - As sp€cified in 45 CFR 75. Subpafl D-Post Federal Awad RoquirEineDts, Procur€rnetrt Standardq corpnunity service providers shall have ptocedur€s for s€ttlinS all contractral and administ"ative issues arising out of!,mcur€rnent of savic€s tluough the Block Grant. Community service proyiders shall have pmcedures governing the evaluation of bids for services and procedurEs though which biddos aod confacted providers rnay app€al or dis?ute a docision made by fte community service provider. 6. Applicany'Client 4p€als shall be addressed as specified in S€ction 7 of the Division of Aging ard Adult Sef,vic€s Home and Community Carc Block Grant MaNal for C.mmuity Service Boviders, datod February I ?, I 997. T Community service providers sre r€sponsible for pmvidilg or arranging for the provision of required local march, as specified on the Provider Services Summary, (DAAS-732). t cal malch sh6ll be expeded simultanoously with Block Grant funding. E Community service prcviders agree to comply wilh audit and fiscal rcproning requirernents as specifi€d in the Agreement for the Pmvision of County-Bas€d Aging Seflices (DAAS-?35). 9 Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans with Disabilities Act ,lquirernents, as spocified in pamgaph founeen (14) of the Agreemeni for the Provision of Couaty-Based Aging Services (DAAS-73S) shall be maintain€d. 10. Pmviders of In-Home Aide, Home Heallh, Housing and Home Imptovemen! and Adult Day Carc or Adult Day Health Care shall sign and rEtum the attached assurance io the area agency on aging indicating !h8t rEcipients of these services have been informed of their client rights, as rcquir€d in Section 3 I 4 of lhe 2006 Amerdments !o the Older Americans Act. ll subcontracting - All HCCBG c.mmunity service providers must assue that subcontractors (fo.-profit and non-profit entities oDly) meel lhe following rcquir€ments: a. The subcontractor has not bee-n suspended or debarcd. (N.C.G.S. g l43C-6-23, 09 NCAC 03M) b. The subcontractor has not becn barr€d fiom doing business al the fedoal level. c. The subcontraclor is able to produce a notarized "State Grant Certification of No Overdue Tax Debts." d. All licertses, permits, bonds and insrrance necessary for carrying out Home and Community Carc Block Crant s6vices will be maintained by both the community s€rvice pmvider and any subcontracl,ors. e. The subconFactor is registercd as a charitable, tax-exempt (501c3) organizalion with the Intemal Revenue Service (non- profi I subcontracrors only). 12' Confidentiality and Security. Per the rcquiremenls in l0A NCAC 05J ard Section 6 ofthe Home and Community Carc Block Grant Procedures Manual, clier infonnation in any fomat and whether recoded or not shall be kept confidential and not disclosed in a form lhat identifies fte person without the irformed consent of the person or legal rcpreser ative. Cornrnuniqt service providers, including subconEaclors and vendors, must adhere to all ap,plicable liieral, slate and depanrnental rcquirernents for protecting lhe s€curity and confidentiality of client information including but not limited to appmpriately rEstricting access, €stablishing ptoceduB io rEduce fi€ risk of accidental disclosues fiom data processing systerns, and developing a process by which lhe Division of Adult Aging Services is notified of suspectod or confirmed s€curity incidents and data br€aches. 13. Record Rctention and Disposition. All community service providers are rcsponsible for maintaining custody of r€conds and documenl.atio[ l,o suppon the allowable expenditurc of fundq servic€ provision, and the r€imbursemer of services. Service providers must adhef,€ io the approved record rdention ard disposition schedule posted semiannually on the website offte NC D€partnelt of Heallh and Human Sewice6 Conttoller at . http://www.ncdhhs.qov/control/retention/retention.htm Service providers arc not suthorized to destroy rccords r€lated to fte povision of services under ihis Agreement exc@t in compliadce with the app.ovod DHHS retention and disposition schedulq which allows for the proper destuction of records based on a schodule by funding source and fiscal year. The agency agrees to comply wilh O? NCAC 04M .0510 when decidirg on a method of rccord desiuction. Confidential records will be destoyed in such a manner that the records cannot be practically read or rEconstsucted. (Authorized Signature) ,.\ - (Date) 6 o*t., *'t+"-qE;'1i's=t+o*-\ G*\ ult*. *- fuNb'r State Fiscal Year: Provider Name: Address Line 1: Address Line 2: County: Area Agency on Aging: sFY 2019-2020 New Hanover County Senior Resource Center 2222 S. Colleee Rd. NC 28403 NEW HANOVER Cape Fear Council of Governments Federal/State Local Match <<-Lcal Match will nr.d to br brokcn out by sou.cc (Cash/ln-Xind) on 732A Svc Cost Computation Form <<-Lc!l Mltch will nlcd to bc broken out by sou.cc (Cash/ln-(ind) on 732A Src Cost ComputatDn Form Match wlll nerd to bc brok.n out by sourcr lc.sh/tn-Kind) on 732A Sw Cost Compwatron Form <-Le.l Mltch will nccd to b. brokrn out by source (C!sh/ln-Xind) on 732A Src Cort Computlton Form <-L@al Match will nced to be brok.n out by sourcr (Cash/ln-Kind) on 732A Svc Cost Computation Form .Ltr!l Mltch wlll nrcd to br brokcn out by sourcc (Cash/ln.Kind) on 732A Sw Cost Computation Form <-L@.1 Match will na.d to bc brokrn out bV sourcc (Cash/ln-Xlnd) on 732A Svc Cost Computation Form <<-L@al Match will ne.d to bc brokcn out by sourcc (Cash/ln-Kind) on 732A Svc Cost Computation Form REQUIRES INPUT TO POPULATE WORXEOOX-> REQUIRES INPUT TO POPULATE WORI(8OOX-> REQUIRES INPUT TO POPUTATE WORKBOOI(-> REQUIRES INPUT TO POPULATE WOR(BOOX-> REQUIRES INPUT TO POPULATE WORXBOO(.:> REOUIRES INPUT TO POPULATE WORKBOOK-> Please Select Services to 8e Dellvered lnformation & Case Assistance Contregate Nutrition Home Delivered Meals Senior Center Operation f ransportation (General) f ransportation (Medical) Adult Day Care ln-Home Aide-Level I - Home Management Compoilson ol Fed/Stote Fundlng ond Rotes vs. Prlor yeor Prior Year Rate Current YrService nformation & Case Assistance SonSregate Nutrition lome Delivered Meals ;enior Center Operation Transportation (General) Transportation (Medical) Adult Day Care ln-Home Aide-Level l- Home Management S L2,545 38,061S e,em DAAS.73O (Rev. 4/2019) Home and Communify Care Block Grant for Older Adults County Funding Plan Identification ofAgency or Office with Lead Responsibility for County Funding Plan County New II4IavaI July 1, 2019 through June 30,2020 The agency or office with lead responsibility for planning and coordinating the County Funding Plan recommends this funding plan to the Board of Commissioners as a coordinated means to utilize community-based resources in the delivery of comprehensive aging services to older adults and their families. New Hanover Countv Senior Resource Center (Name of agency/office with lead responsibility Authorized signature (Kathy Stoute, Assistant County Manager) (date) DAAS-731 (Rev. 2/16) Homo and Communlty Caro Block Grant ror Oldgr Adults County New Hanover County Funding Plan July 1, 20'19 through June 30, 2020 County Ssrvlcss Summary I c D E F G H Services Block Grant Fundinq Required Local Match Net Service Cost NSIP Subsidy Total Fundinq Projected HCCBG Units Projected Projected HCCBG Clients Projected Total UnitsAccessln-Home Other Total Rate l&A Case Assist 186093 20677 206770 206770 2100 Conqreqate 112899 12544 125443 14254 139697 18641 6.7294 520 19005 Home Delivered Meals 342541 38060 380601 64470 445071 80662 4.7185 675 8s960 Senior Center Ops 80095 8899 88994 88994 6800 General Trans 31100 3456 34556 34556 3082 11.2127 160 10900 l,redical Trans 61347 6816 68163 68163 4711 14.4678 180 6450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 278540 342541 192994 814075 90453 904527 74724 983251 107096 10435 122315 I Home .nd Communlty Csre Block Grant for Older Adults New Hanover County Senior Resource Center 2222 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 County Funding Plan Provider SeMces Summary DAAS-732 Couoty: NEW HANOVER Budget Period: July 2019 through June 2020 Revlslon #: dt D!te: 7ll9l2\l9 Services Serv. Delivery B C D E F C H I Block Crant Funding R€quired Local Match Net Service Cosl NSIP Subsidy Total Funding Projected HCCBC Units Projecled Reimburse Rate* Projected HCCBC Projected Clients Total Units (Chcck one) Dir€ct In-Home Othcr Total Information & Case Assistance $ 186,093 $$$ t86.093 $ 20.677 $ 206,710 s $ 206'770 s 2,100 Congregate Nutrition 5 $$ l12,899 $ r r2.E99 $ 12.544 $ 125,443 $ t4,2s4 $ t39,697 18,641 s 6.7294 s20 19,005 Home Delivered Meals $$ 142,541 $$ 342.541 $ 38,060 $ 380,601 $ 64,470 $ 445,07t 80,662 $ 4.7185 675 85,960 Senior Center Operation $$$ 80.095 $ 80,095 s 8,89 $ 88,994 $$ 88,994 $6.800 Transportation (Ceneral)$ lt,t00 $$$ 3 r,100 $ 3,456 $ 34,556 $$ 34,556 3,082 s I1.2127 t60 t0.900 Transponation (Medical)$ 61,347 $$$ 61,347 $ 6,816 s 68.163 $$ 68.163 4;tII $ 14.4678 Il30 6,450 Adult Day Care $$ 105,400 $$ t05.400 $ ,7l l $ llT,lll $$ llT,lll $45 In-Home Aide-tavel I - Home Management s $ 220,003 $$ 220.003 $ 24.445 $ 244.448 $$ 244.448 $38 0 s $$$$$$$$ 0 s $$$$$$s s 0 s 5 $s $$$s $ 0 $$$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$s $$$ Total s 278.540 $ 661,944 $ t92,994 $ t26,608 $ r,266,086 $ 78,724 $ I,344,810 107,096 10,518 t22,lt5rAdult Dry C.re & Adult Dry H€rlth Crre Proj. Scrvice ADC Daily Care Administrative Proj. Reimbursement Rate Administralive o/o s33.07 32.2a $65.35 CosuR.tc ADHC s 40.00 S 31.1s s 7t t5 n88% t1t311*1$ Certification of requirod minimum local match availability. Requircd local match will b€ expended simultaneously with Block Grant Funding. Signature, Title Service Providr Date Signatue, County Finance Olficef I tq< lJ ur tc\,o'rj,ter Gr (' EE^=:b 9 f,€ ! El,lit-t;t; ltl;li*3lllE s'3 lllsgEt5iciat55i}T 96 i 3-aq-txt i3{l :l Ii a a I i :P i !, lr5<Eg!r5<i& I + !l , ilf<J I < 6' 67< a=.. 1; liriE$iEifEt i'iiiiiiiiii'iEiif;iltFliiui; E 'iiEE , EiEISaSilg1E FEg;:gl EiiiF :E;;r *F a3 6 B 1) F|CA @ 7 .65 X 4) UEmploym.nt rn$nhc. 5) work .'s c.mp.nstion L subior.l, F.lna. B.mnt Ld.l ln-xi.d R.$or..r Non-M.tch 2) 3) C aubd.l,le.l h.{hd i6@Er tld{.Lh 0. OMTlt. V vvoii(.rlv.g r, frl.g. B.n nL.ndCdL 2) Mil..8. R.imbur*m.nt G.Er.l Op.r.tina Erp.n*3 1) ffi.en+M5r.- 2) 3uppl, rd{q .id 6 th. rdini. 3) oitur !Ii. 4) hs md 3uhGtPdo.. s) c.{ rh.i..id wri 7) v.r Mrh... i.rmrm 3) rdnri..id rnhr hd rhrby.. i.hb F. $Urirl, G.n .l Or..d.g CrD.n-r G. S!!&trl, O$.r A.tDlnLndv. Cdt Not Alcrr.d h ti. Tot l Prol. ExFou Prl,o. io ldmln. Dbinboton L Dlrt lbudoi ot^drl nl.tath. C6r J. Toirl Pro,. ErD.nt.. A't.r ldrnltr, DLt lbudd S.ryb. S.ftrc. Sdi, Cord Clpmrio. I6nspo.tati.i (C*.o.aD S.dlc. S.dlc. Adun D.y C.r6 r Airdrvol l - Hom M.ftIr.n co(.ioll (i5lc.l) l[. Co|rirotrloo ., Rrb. A Co.rErrlddr ot Unn C6r i.b: 1 . Iobl E rfi!.s (r4ulb lh. ll.J) 2. Tor.r Ft!,.cbd Uniis 3 Tdl Unit CGI Rtr B. ComD(ldon oa R.ldt(lrt.m. tirb: l. Tobl R.v.nL,G (.qu.ts In. l.J) 2. !B: tislP (.qu.E lin l.O) Trtbv (.qu.ts lin l.E e.sll,O) t{d M.Er h-xhd (.qu.b ll. r.H " rr.c) 3. Filvau.s S{biEt b Unir RrftbulE rn nt 4. Iobl Proirbd UniB {.au.b rm .A2) 5. Tobl Rtitr$uEdn€nl R t C. Unlb R.hb.xt d lhroqh ttCCtlG O. Untb R.tnh,l d Thrd{h Pro!.rn lico.txr E. Untb R.inlrrrxd tnroqlh R.h.hhg R.r.ru.. F. ToLl unlb R.lmlor..dIoi.l Pid.cbd unl! g_a a ; 3 3 ll a I a !? I d I ll ? 1:16;iiit:EB;; N ta? r 9.I ei aI r a 3 E 7 8:t a 39 1 I e I ;x B 8 i a aa l g NCDIVISIONOFAGINGANDADULTSERVICESCOSTOFSERVICES-LABORDISTRIBUTIONSCHEOULE DAAS.732A1 AGENCY NAME: N.w H.nowrCdnty S.nior R@ur@Clntar Strte Fbsl Y6r: sFY 2ot9-2020 SATARY TOTAL FTE FUtL TIME Assignable PART TIME SUBTOTALFTT S 632,800 rbol Hod: SERVICE ADMIN. SATARY 166,123 ,aer 3 .8,i ,.ror ! :1,r, t : l- PERCENT FT: 92.27 fDlv/o| 100.00p,6 60.91%88.98r'/6 100.00/6 100.00% 100.0096 {DlV/01 *DlV/Ot s6 E E DAAS-733 (Rev. 2/19) Ilome and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults Outreach Methodolory Julv 2019 throush June 2020 Methodology to Address Service Needs of low Income (Including Low-Income Minority Eldedy), Rural Elderly and Elderly with Limited English Proficiency (Older Americans Act, Section 305(a)(2)(E)) Community Service Provider: New Hanover Countv Senior Resource Center County: NEW HANOVER The Older Americans Act requires that the service provider attempt to provide services to low-income minority individuals in accordance to their need for aging services. The community service provider shall specify how the service needs of low income, low-income (including low income minority elderly), rural elderly and elderly with limited English proficiency will be met through the services identified on the Provider Services Summary (DMs-732). This narrative shall address outreach and service delivery methodologies that will ensure that this target population is adequately served and conform with specific objectives established by the Area Agency on Aging, for providing services to low income minority individuals. Additional pages may be used as necessary. Although New Hanover County is second smallest in area (328 Sq. miles) in the State, it is one of the most populous as its county seat, Wilmington, is one of the state's largest cities. According to the US Census 2016 population estimates, New Hanover Count/s population was estimated to be 223,483. This is an increase of 10.26% from 202,688 at the 2010 census. The population density equates to approximately 1,058 per square mile and approximately 15.7% over the age of 65 years. According to the 2016 census estimates 17,3% live below the poverty level. The Senior Resource's Center (SRC) is the focal point for aging services in New Hanover County. The SRC mission to provide services which promote wellness, encourage independence and enhances the quality of life for all older persons. The SRC is committed to providing quality community based services that addresses social determinates of health. The SRc has 5 primary units of services: Recreation/Socialization, Nutrition, Transportation, social Services, and Volunteerism. Within the 5 focus areas of service, there are a multitude of programs and activities that are offered and provided to New Hanover County's older adults and caregivers. The NHC Senior Resource Center (NHC-SRC) has a case assistance program (Life Enrichment program) committed to identifying all the needs of the individuals that come in contact with our staff and volunteers. The mission of the Life Enrichment Program is to provide quality and responsive services to older adults and their families. lt is the Soal of this program to promote social, physical, economic and emotional well-being while encouraging maximum independence and improving the quality of life for older adults and their caregivers. Services provided by LEP include five areas of focus: Home Based Services: Bringing resources to the home Protection & Advocacy: Ensuring the ritht to rafety and dignity Health lndependence Selvicei: Promoting wellness Caregiver Support Programs: Providint respite and supportive seNices for caregivers. Community Enrichment: Enhancint quality of life Prescrlption Assistance Program: assistint seniors enroll in p.ogGmsto reduce prescription costs. Social Workers arsess client needs and link individuals with the most appropriate services. The intake p.ocess beSins with an inquiry from a prospedive client, family member, a member ofthe community, oran aSency. Our socialworkers are very knowledteable aboutSRC seNices and comnunity resources. We act as a community liaison between the client, family and multiple community o.tanizations. Our team responds to the Srowin8 needs ofour Older Adult Community, and advocates on thei. behatf. We evaluate potential clients for program elitibility and participate in the development ofcommunity resources and seNices. SocialWorke6 conduct home assessments, .eass€ssments, options counselin& facilitate support groups, provide information and assistance, etc. Home visits are offered to engage and assisttamilies, who are in the process ofplanning for loved ones. The SRC has a Case Worker located at the buildi.g ent.ance who is dedicated to providing i€rvice ortriate to the approp.iate individualto provide assistance. A kiosk for E-Pass has been installed in the SRC lobby for senior access and handrrn assistance lif needed) from a case worker to make the use of the system less frustrdting and still private, The Center continues to maintain connedions with local community sites (churches, senior housing, etc.) in low income and rural aommunities for presentations and educationa I events forall outreach protrams. Transportation assistance is publicized forthese eventswhen fundin8 is available, The Center is also a site for earlyvoting and primary elections with access to candidate forums and transportation as available for many on- site events. Ourwebsite is r€niorfriendly and promotes the many se ices and specialprograms offered at the SRC. The SRC also provides bi-monthly newsletters, bi-weekly Gov Oelivery announcementt and social media out,eaah that promotes allservices and prog,ams. The sRc has a robust nutrition program that includes Home oelivered Meals, conSregate Nutrition, rais€d bed garden, on site nutritionlst, and a variety of heatthy cookint and wellness support troups. tn Fy19, the SRC opened a nutrition satellite site in the ruralnorthern part ofthe county. wellness and socialservice activities are also offered atthe satellite site. The sRcaativities and recreation program consists ofapproximately so different exercise, education, and socialization protrams for a divere troup oforder adurts to enjoy. The variety ofcrasses keeps seniors engaged and promotes wellness, encourage independence, and enhance the quarity of life ofaI older persons. over 60% ofthe activities offered are at no cost to the participant. The SRC has an active Retired and S€niorVolunteer proSram (RWp) and Foster Grandparent proSram (FGpl that engates approximately 6oof s€niors to volunteertheir time, skills, and talents in the community, The majority ofvolunteer opportunities have a focus on healthyfutures and includes; Home oelivered Meals, volunteer lncome Tax fusistance, senior Hearth rnsu.nce rnformation program, hospitar, food banks, curtuaar arts, schools, etc. The SRC Transportation Protram provides transportation services to seniors for nutrition, socialization, non- emergency medical appointments, dialysis, employment seNices, and essential shopping. The SRC uses a variety ofcontracted vendors who meet the federaland state contract standards. The SRC has one van that is used for nutrjtion, essentialshopping trips, and day trips. Standard Assurance To Comply with Older Americans Act Requirements Regarding Clients Rights For Agencies Providing ln-Home Services through the Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults As a provider of one or more of the services listed below, our agency agrees to notify all Home and Community Care Block Grant clients receiving any of the below listed services provided by this agency of their rights as a service recipient. Services in this ass;fl."";::r" ' Home Care (home health) ' Housing and Home lmprovement ' Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care Notification will include, at a minimum, an oral review of the information outlined below as well as providing each service recipient with a copy of the information in written form. ln addition, providers of in-home services will establish a procedure to document that client rights information has been discussed with in-home services clients (e.9. copy of signed Client Bill of Rights statement). Clients Rights information to be communicated to service recipients will include, at a minimum, the right to: . be fully informed, in advance, about each in-home service to be provided and any change and any change in service(s) that may affect the wellbeing of the participant; o participate in planning and changing any in-home service provided unless the client is adjudicated incompetent; . voice a grievance with respect to service that is or fails to be provided, without discrimination or reprisal as a result of voicing a grievance; o confidentiality of records relating to the individual; o have property treated with respect; and . be fully informed both orally and in writing, in advance of receiving an in- home service, of the individual,s rights and obligations. Client Rights will be distributed to, and discussed with, each new client receiving one or more of the above listed services priortothe onset ofservice. For allexisting clients, the above information will be provided no later than the next regularly scheduled service reassessment. Agency Name: Name of Agency Administrator:Amber Smith Signature: (Please return this form to your Area Agency on Aging and retain a copy for your fires_) NAMI AND ADDRESS COMMT-INITY SERVICE PROVIDER Interim Healthcare ofthe Eastem Carolinas. Inc PO Box 2249 Whiteville, NC 28472 Home and Commtlnity Care Block Grant for Older Adnlts County Funding Plan Provider Services Summary DAA3-732 (R€v. 2/16) County NS!-lljllICI July l,20!a ihrough June 30, gXlq IRIVISIO\ i , DATF . Services B C D E I C H I ,at""r;;l Block Grant liunding Required l-ocal Malch Net+ Serv Cost NSIP Subsidy Total !unding Proj€cted HCCBG Unils Projected Projected HCCBG Cli€nts Projected Total UnitsIn-Home Other Iixal l<ate ln-Home Aide Lev I 3000 313 3331 3313 196 t6.9851 ln-llome Aide l,ev 2 2t000 2333 23133 23331 t352 t7.2575 20 t352 ln-Homc Aidc Lev l 36000 ,1000 10000 40000 2293 t 7 4496 20 2293 0 0 {) 0 0 0 l)0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (l 0 0 0 li)lal 0 60000 o 60000 6666 0 3 8,11 16 38.1r *Adult Day Car€ & Adult Day Health Care Net Service Cost ADC ADHC Daily Care Transportation Adrninistrative Net Ser. Cost Total C-ertification ofrequlred minimum local m Required local match will be expended sirr with Block Grant Funding. *:. \,r r, Signature. County Finance Officer t-L atch availability.ka Authorizcd Dale >ralrq I)ate (ol D. Interim Healthcare of the Eastern-.lQalqlin4s-lnc. Name of Community Service Provider Revision # Supplement to Provider Services Summary In-Home Services Detail DAAS-732 Supplement (Effective: 7/08) July l, 2019 through June 30, f!f,! ln-Home Services B C F G H HCCBG In-Home Fundins Required Local Match Net Service Cost Projected HCCBG Units Projected Reimbursement Rate Projected HCCBG Clients Levelt-235Respite 0 0 Level I - 041 H Msmt 3000 333 3333 196 16.985 I 6 Subtotal LeYel I 3000 333 t96 6 Level lI - 236 Respite 0 0 Level Il - 042 PC 21000 2333 1352 17.25'75 20 Level tl - 043 H Mgmt 0 0 Subtotal Level II 2 1000 2333 23333 1352 20 Level Ill - 237 Respite 0 0 Level III - 044 H Msmt 0 0 Level III - 045 PC 36000 ,1000 40000 2293 t7 .4496 20 Subtotal Level llI 36000 4000 40000 2293 20 Level IV - 238 ResDite 0 0 Level IV - 046 H Mgmt 0 0 Subtotal Level lV 0 0 0 0 0 Total 60000 6666 66666 3841 Community Service Provider North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services Service Cost computation worksheet c:732A.xrs DAAS-732A Provider: lnterim Healthcare ofthe Eastern Carolinas, lnc. 3/99 Counly: New Hanover Budget Period: July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 Revision _yes, _X_no, revision date _ Service Service Service Service Service Service Service ServiceGrand IHA IHA IHA l. Prorected Revenues Total Level 'l Level 2 Level 3 A. Fed/State Funding From the Division of Aging 60,000 3,000 21,000 36,000 Required Minimum l\ratch - Cash 1 0 2)0 3)0 total Required Minimum lvlatch - Cash 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Required lvlinimum Match - ln-Kind 1 333 2.333 4,000 2)0 3)0 fotal Requrred Mrnrmum Match - ln-Kind 6,666 2.333 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 B Total Required Minimum Match (cash + in-kind)6,6 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 . Subtotal, Fed/State/Required Match Revenues 23,333 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 D. NSIP Cash Subsidy/Commodity Valuation E. OAA Title V Worker Wages, Fringe Benefits and Costs Local Cash, Non-Match 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 F Subtotal, Local Cash, Non-Match 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 Other Revenues, Non-Match I 0 2 0 3 0 G. Subtotal, Other Revenues, Non-Match 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local ln-Kind Resources (lncludes Volunteer Resources) 0 2 0 3 0 H Subtotal, Local ln-kind Resources, Non-Match 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 I Client Cost Sherin.r 0 J. Total Projected Revenues (Sum lC,D,E,F,G,H, & l)66,666 3,333 23,333 40,000 0 0 0 0 ofAging Cost Computation worksheet Service Service Service IHA IHA IHA Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Service Service Service Service Service ll. Line ltem Grand Total Admin. Cost 2 of Aging and Adult Services Cost Computation Worksheet of Rates The Division of Aging ARMS deducts reported program income from reimbursement paid to providers. Line lll.D indicates the number of units that will have to be produced in addition to those stated on line lll.C in order to earn the net revenues stated on line l.C. lnformation on this form (DAAS-732A) corresponds with information stated on the Provider Services Summary (DMS-732) as follows: DAAS-7324 DAAS-732 Block Grant Funding Lrne lA Col A Required Local Match-Cash & ln-Kind Line LB Col. B Net Service Cost Line l.C Col. C NSIP Subsidy Line l.D Col. D Total Funding L. l.C+l.D Col. E Projected HCCBG Reimbursed Units Line lll.C Col. F Total Reimbursement Rate Line Ill.B.5 Col. G Projected Total Service Units Line lll.F Col. I Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Match ln-Kind (equals line I H and ll 3 NC DIVISION OF AGING AND ADULT SERVICES COST OF SERVICES. ATTACHMENT A LABORDISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE DAAS.732AI 2116 AGENCY NAME Interim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc FY:2020 SFY 2O2O STAFF NAME POSITION FULL TIME PART TIME TOTAL SALARY ADMIN. SALARY IHA Level I IHA Level 2 IHA Level 3 SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE Reeistered Nurse ItN FULL TIME 5.079 $ I,399 $480 $ r,600 $ l,600 Scheduler Scheduler FULL TIME I,916 617 r55 572 572 Data Entry/Payroll DE/PR FULL TIME 876 722 r8 68 68 Billine Clerk Billine Clerk FULL TIME 753 s62 23 84 84 In-Home Aide HA PART TIME 49,931 1,789 t7,208 30,934 SUBTOTAL FT:$8,624 $3,300 $676 s2,324 $2,324 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL PT:49,931 0 t,789 17,208 30,934 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $58,s55 $3,300 $2,465 $ 19,532 $33,2s8 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 PERCENT FT:14.73o/o r00.00%27.42o/o ll.90Yo 6.99o/o #DIV/O!#DIV/O!#DIV/O!#Drv/0!#Dwt0! PERCENT PT:85.27o/o 0.00%72.s8%88.10%93.01o/o #DIV/O!#DIV/O!#DIV/OI #DIV/O!#DIV/OI Page I I i DAAS-733 (Rev. 2/16) Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults County Funding Plan July l, 2019 through June 30,2020 Methodology to Address Service Needs of Low Income (lncluding Low-Income Minority Elderly), Rural Elderly and Elderly with Limited English Proficiency (Older Americans Act, Section 305(a)(2)(E)) Community Service Provider: Interim Healthcare of the Eastem Carolinas. Inc. County: New Hanover The Older Americans Act requires that the service provider attempt to provide services to low- income minority individuals in accordance to their need for aging services. The community service provider shall specifo how the service needs of low income. low-income (including low income minority elderly), rural elderly and elderly with limited English proficiency will be met through the services identified on the Provider Services Summary (DAAS-732). This nanative shali address outreach and service delivery methodologies that will ensure that this target population is adequately served and conform with specific objectives established by the Area Agency on Aging, for providing services to low income minority individuals. Additional pages may be used as necessary. Interim HealthCare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc. shall provide In Home Aide Level services to qualified consumers in New Hanoyer County as outlined in the Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults. Those determined to be in need of In Home Aide services will be eligible for services regardless of their income although some recipients will be asked to voluntarily participate in the consumer contributions program. lnterim will share information about the In Home Aide program with local doctors, hospital discharge planners, hospice agencies, skilled agencies, senior advocacy groups, Adult Protective Services and the Community Alternatives Program agency (CAP). The program information will be disseminated via written and oral education as well as through weekly marketing visits and phone calls made by Interim. Interim will admit lo*'income, including low income minority elderly consumers, rural elderly and rural elderly and elderly with limited English proliciency as well older adults (age 60 and over) using the following priorities: *Older adults for whom the need for Adult Protective Services has been substantiated by the Department of Social Services and the service is needed as part of the adult protective services plan. * Older adults who are at risk of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. * Older adults with extensive impairments in actiyities ofdaily living (ADL's), or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL's), who are at risk of placement or substitute care. * Older adults with extensive ADL or IADL impairments. * Older adults with less extensive (l-2) ADL or IADL impairments. * Well older adults. Interim HealthCare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc. complies }tith Title vI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. And the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. DAAS-734 (revised 2/ l6) July l, 2019 through June 30, 2020 Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults Community Service Provider Standard Assurances Interim Healthcare of the Eastem Carolinas. Inc., agrees to provide services through the (Name of Provider) Home and Community Care Block Grant, as specified on the Provider Services Summarv (DAAS-732) in accordance with the following: 1. Services shall be provided in accordance with requirements set fo(h in: a) The County Funding Plan; b) The Division of Aging and Adult Services Home and Community Care Block Grant Procedures Manual lor Community Service Providers; and c) The Division of Aging and Adult Services Standards Manual, Volumes I through IV or at http://ur'l"vl..ncdhhs.sov/aqins/monitor/mpolicy.htm . Community service providers shall monitor any subcontracts with providers of Block Grant services and take appropriate measures to ensure that services are provided in accordance with the aforementioned documents. 2. Priority shall be given to providing services to those older persons with the greatest economic or social needs. The service needs of low-income minority elderly will be addressed in the manner specified on the Methodoloey to Address Service Needs ol Low-lncome (Includine Low Income Minority Elderly). Rural Elderlv and Elderlv with Limited Enelish Proficiency format, (DAAS-733). 3. The following service authorization activities will be canied out in conjunction with all services provided through the Block Grant: a) Eligibility determination: b) Clientintake/registration: c) Client assessment/reassessments and quarterly visits, as appropriate; d) Determining the amount of services to be received by the client; and e) Reviewing consumer contributions policies with eligible clients. 4. All licenses, permits, bonds, and insurance necessary for carrying out Block Grant 5. 6. 7. 8. DAAS-734 (revised 2/16) Services will be maintained by the community service provider and any contracted providers. As specified in 45 CFR 75, Subpart D-Post Federal Award Requirements, Procurement Standards, community service providers shall have procedures for settling all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurement of services through the Block Grant. Community service providers shall have procedures goveming the evaluation ofbids for services and procedures through which bidders and contracted providers may appeal or dispute a decision made by the community service provider. Applicant/Client appeals shall be addressed as specified in Section 7 ofthe Division of Aging and Adult Services Home and Community Care Block Grant Manual for Community Service Providers, dated February 17 , 1997 . Community service providers are responsible for providing or arranging for the provision ofrequired local match, as specified on the Provider Services Summarv, (DAAS-732). Local match shall be expended simultaneously with Block Grant funding. Community service providers agree to comply with audit and fiscal reporting requirements as specified in the Aqreement for the Provision ofCounty-Based Asine Services (DAAS-735). Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, as specified in paragraph fourteen (14) ofthe Asreement for the Provision ofCountv-Based Asins Services (DAAS-735) shall be maintained. Providers of In-Home Aide, Home Health, Housing and Home Improvement, and Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care shall sign and retum the attached assurance to the area agency on aging indicating that recipients ofthese services have been informed oftheir client rights, as required in Section 314 ofthe 2006 Amendments to the Older Americans Act. Subcontracting - All HCCBG community service providers must assure that subcontractors (for-profit and non-profit entities only) meet the following requirements: a. The subcontractor has not been suspended or debarred. (N.C.G. S. l 113 C -6-23, 09 NCAC O3M) b. The subcontractor has not been barred from doing business at the federal level. c. The subcontractor is able to produce a notarized "State Grant Certification ofNo Overdue Tax Debts." 9. 10. ll. 12. DAAS-734 (revised 2/16) d. All licenses, permits, bonds and insurance necessary for carrying out Home and Community Care Block Grant services will be maintained by both the community service provider and any subcontractors. e. The subcontractor is registered as a charitable, tax-exempt (501c3) organization with the Internal Revenue Service (non-profit subcontractors only). Confidentiality and Security. Per the requirements in 10A NCAC 05J and Section 6 of the Home and Community Care Block Grant Procedures Manual, client information in any format and whether recorded or not shall be kept confidential and not disclosed in a form that identifies the person without the informed consent of the person or legal representative. Community service providers, including subcontractors and vendors, must adhere to all applicable federal, state and departmental requirements for protecting the security and confidentiality of client information including but not limited to appropriately restricting access, establishing procedures to reduce the risk of accidental disclosures from data processing systems, and developing a process by which the Division of Adult Aging Services is notified of suspected or confirmed security incidents and data breaches. Record Retention and Disposition. All community service providers are responsible for maintaining custody of records and documentation to support the allowable expenditure of funds, service provision, and the reimbursement of services. Service providers must adhere to the approved record retention and disposition schedule posted semiannually on the website of the NC Department of Health and Human Services Controller at http : //www.ncdhhs. qov/control/retentiorVretention. htm. Service providers are not authorized to destroy records related to the provision of services under this Agreement except in compliance with the approved DHHS retention and disposition schedule, which allows for the proper destruction of records based on a schedule by funding source and fiscal year. The agency agrees to comply with 07 NCAC 04M .0510 when deciding on a method of record destruction. Confidential records will be destroyed in such a manner that the records cannot be practically read or reconstructed. 13. Standard Assurance To Comply with Older Americans Act f'- - Requirements Regarding Clients Rights For Agencies Providing ln-Home Services through the Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults As a provider of one or more of the services listed below, our agency agrees to notify all Home and Community Care Block Grant clients receiving any of the below listed services provided by this agency of their rights as a service recipient. Services in this assurance include: o ln-Home Aide. Home Care (home health). Housing and Home lmprovement. Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care Notification will include, at a minimum, an oral review of the information outlined below as well as providing each service recipient with a copy of the information in written form. ln addition, providers of in-home services will establish a procedure to document that client rights information has been discussed with in-home services clients (e.9. copy of signed Client Bill of Rights statement). Clients Rights information to be communicated to service recipients will include, at a minimum, the right to: o be fully informed, in advance, about each in-home service to be provided and any change and any change in service(s) that may affect the wellbeing of the participant; . participate in planning and changing any in-home service provided unless the client is adjudicated incompetent;. voice a grievance with respect to service that is or fails to be provided, without discrimination or reprisal as a result of voicing a grievance;. confidentiality of records relating to the individual;o have property treated with respect; ando be fully informed both orally and in writing, in advance of receiving an in-home service, of the individual's rights and obligations. Client Rights will be distributed to, and discussed with, each new client receiving one or more of the above listed services prior to the onset of service. For all existing clients, the above information will be provided no later than the next regularly scheduled service reassessment. Agency Name: lnterim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas. lnc. Name of Signature:o.t, Dtf olf -t 19 (Please return this form to your Area Agency on Aging and retain a copy for your files.) CLIENT/PATIENT RIGHTS L You have the right to be fully informed of all your rights and responsibilities as a clienvpatient of the program. 2. You have the right to appropriate and professional care relating toyourneeds. 3. You have the right to be fully informed in advance about the care to be provided by the pro9 ram. 4. You have the right to be fully informed in advance of any changes in the care that you may be receiving and to give informed consent to the provision of the amended care. 5. You have the right to participate in determin ing the care that you will receive and in altering the nature of the care as your needs change. 6. You have the right to voice you grievances with respect to care that is provided and to expect that there will be no reprisal for the grievance expressed. 7. You have the right to expect that the information you share with the agency will be respected and held in strict confidence, to be shared only with your written consent and as it relates to the obtaining of other needed community services. 8. You have the right to expect the preservation of your privacy and respect for your property. 9. You have the right to receive a timely response to you request for service. '10. You shall be admitted for service only if the agency has the ability to provide safe and professional care at the level of intensity needed. 11. You have the right to be informed of agency policies, changes, and costs for services. 12. lf you are denied service solely on you inability to pay, you have the right to be referred elsewhere. 13. You have the right to honest, accurate information regarding the industry, agency and of the program in particular. '14. You have the right to be fully informed about other services provided by this agency. /3J- llom€ rnd Commullity Csre Block Grsnt for Older Adults DAAS-732 County: NEW IIANOVER Budget Pcriodr July 2019 through June 2020 Rcvicion #: Dr&: Elderhaus, lnc. I 950 Amphitheater Dr. Wilmington. NC 2840'1 County Funding Plan Provider Services Summary Services Serv Delivery B C D E F c H I Block Clant Iunding Required Local Match Net Service qo6t NSIP Subsidy Total Funding Projected HCCBC Units Projected Reimbune ,dut"' PIojected HCCBG Projected Clients TotalUnits (Check one) Direct Access In-Home Other Total Adult Day Care $$ 79,225 $ 79,225 s y' 8,803 s'/ 88,028 $$ 88,028 1,347 t 65.3541 1,350 Adult Day Carc-Transportation $$ 1,550 $$ 1,550 $ ./ 112 { ,/ 1.722 $$ t,722 1,t52 $,/t.4954 I, t85 Adult Day Health $s 24,475 $s 24,475 $ r' 2,it9 $ ./ 27.te4 $$ 27,194 382 A 1t.ts32 185 Adult Day Health-Transportation $xi 150 s $150 $,/17 $/t67 $$167 ll2 $/ 1.4966 145 0 $$s $$$$$$ 0 $$$$s $$$ 0 $s $$$$$$$ 0 s $$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$$$s $ 0 $$$$s $$$$ 0 $$$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$$$$$ I olal $$ 105.400 $$ r05,400 s lr,7ll $ l r7,ll l $$ llT,lll 2,992 3,065 'Adult Dsy Crrc & Adull Dry H.alat C.r. proj. S.rvic. Daily Care Adminishative Proj. Reimbursement Rate Administrative 7o Co(/Ratc ADHC S 4o.oo s 31.1s s 7t t5 77.55% Ceaification ofrcquired minimum local match availability. Required locsl match will be expended simultafleously with Block Grant Funding. ta-' I)ate r <.r i. 1,, ,-lz \nacL<r s- $- ME AND ADDRESS MMI]NITY SERVICE PROVIDER YADA HOME IIEALTI] CARE, INC. )5 Randall Parkway, Suite 205 mington, NC 28403 Home atrd Commutrity Care Block Gnnt for Older Adults DAAS-?32 (Rea, 2/16) County Fundlng Plan Providsr Servic€s Summary Courtv New llanover October t. 2019 throush June30.2020IREvr$oill;iL-- Services B C D E F G H I A'""'*Jl Block Crant Fundins Required Local Matcl Net* Serv Cost NSIP Subsidy Total Funding Projected HCCBG Units Projected Projected HCCBG Clients Projected Total Unitsln-Home Other Tolal Rate IHA LEVEL I x r6000 1118 17178 t'7't'78 l05l r6.9151 6 1051 IHA LE\EL II X 88002 9',118 91',780 97780 5570 t1.5541 20 5570 IIIA LEVEL III x s6001 6222 62223 62223 35?l t'7.4246 8 3571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 160003 0 160003 1',l1',l8 t'7't781 0 l'7'7',78t 10t 92 34 10192 *Adult Day Car€ & Adult Day Health Carc Net Service Cost.ADC ADHC Daily Care Transportation Administrative Net Ser. Cost Total Certification of required minimum local match availability. Reqlired local match will be expended simultaneously with Block Grant Funding. 8- I ll 7-t Date Chaiman,Signalure, County Finarcc OfficerI r-\ ((( North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services Service Cost Computation Worksheet c:732A.xr6 DAAS-732A Provider: BAYADA HOME HEALTH CARE, lNC. 3/99 County: New Hanover Budget Period; October 1,2019 through June 30,2020 Revision _yes, _X_no, revision date _ Service Servico Sgrvice Service Seryice Service Soryico Seryice in-Home ln-Home ln-Home Grand Aide Aide Aide l. Projected Revenues Total Level I Level ll Level lll Fed/State Funding From the Division ofAging 160.'16,1 88,002 56,00r Reouired Minimum Match - Cash iiiiiiitl nt u n/t tl 0 3)0 Total Required Minimum Match - C 0 0 0 0 0 0 Required Minimum Match - ln-Kind ) Adminstrative Match ln-Kind 17,77 1,778 9,778 6,22:, 2\0 3)0 Total Required Minimum Match - ln-Kind 17.778 1,771 6,22:,0 0 0 0 B. Total Required Minimum Match (cash + in-kind 't7,778 1.778 9,778 0 0 C. Subtotal, Fed/Stat6lR6quired Match Revenues 177,7 17,778 97,780 62,223 0 0 D. NSIP Cash Subsidy/Commodity Vaiuation 0 E. OAA Title v Worker Waq€s, Fringo Bensfits and Costs 0 Local Cash, Non-Match I 0 4)0 F. Subtotal. LocalCash. Non-Match 0 0 0 0 rer Revenues, Non-Match 2 0 3l 0 G. Subtotal, Other Reyenu6s, Non-Match 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local ln-Kind Resources (lncludes Volunteer Resources) 0 0 3)0 I tttutlttH. Subtotal, Local ln-kind Resources, Non.ilatch 0 0 0 l. Clieni Cosi Sharing nmiiniiJ. Total Projected Revenues (Sum I C,D,E,F,G,H, & D 177,781 17,77A 97,7 62,0 0 0 (((' Servico Service ln-Home ln-Home Aide Aid6 Level I Level ll Service Service Servics Service Sorvice Ssrvice ln-Home Aide ( not include Title V workers Division of Aging and Adult Services Cost Computation Worksheet ' The Division ofAging ARMS deducts reported program income from reimburs€ment paid to provid€6. Line lll.D indicatEs the number of units that will have to be produced in addition to those ststed on line lll.C in order to earn the net revenues stated on line l.C. lnformation on this form (DAAS-732A) corresponds with stated on the Provider Services Summary DMS-732A OMS-732 Block Grant Funding Line fi'----.o|. A Required Local Match-Cash & ln-Kind Line LB Col. B Net Service Cost Line l.C Col. C NSIP Subsidy Line l.D Col. D Total Funding L. l.C+l.D Col. E Projected HCCBG Reimbursed l,Jnits Line lll.C Col. F Total Reimbursement Rate Line lll.B.5 Col. G Projected Total Service Units Line lll.F Col. I Service Service ln-Home ln-Home Aide Aide Level I Level ll Servic€ ln-Home Aide Service Servicg Service Sorvice Service (DAAS-732) as follows: (('( NC DIVISION OF AGING AND ADULT SERVICES COSTOF SERVICES - ATTACHMENTA LABOR DISTRIBUTION SCI{EDULE DAAS-732AI 2/16 AGENCY NAME:BAYADA HOME HEALTH CARE INC.FY:2020 SFY_October 1,20 9 - June 30, 2020 STAFF NAME POSITION FULL TIME PARTTIME IOTAL SALARY ADMIN. SALARY IN HOME AIDE LEVEL I IN HOME AIDE LEVELtr TN HOME AIDE LEVELIII SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE Terri Stallings Director (salary proportioned for Block Grant Services)FullTime 3,000 3.000 Rebecca Seck, RN Clinical Manager (salary proportioned for Block Grant Services)FullTime 8,000 1.000 5,000 2,000 Samantha Rivenbark Client Services Manager (salary proportioned for Block Grant Services)Full Time 6,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 IHA LevelI In Home Aide Part Time 9.440 9,440 IHA Level ll In Home Aide Part Time 5t,921 51.921 IIIA Level III ln Home Aide Part Time 33,040 33,040 SUBTOTAL FT:$17,000 $3,000 $2,000 $8,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL PT:94,401 0 9.440 51,921 33,040 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $l11.401 $3,000 $11,440 $s9,921 $37,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (1 ^'e" t I I I I I I I I l I I ( PERCENTFT:15.26%100.00%17.48o/o 13.35Yo 10.80%#DIV/OI #DIV/O!#Drv/0!#DIV/O!#DMo! PERCENTPT:84.740 0.00v;o 82.52Yo 86.65yo 89.20o/c #DMO!#DIV/O!#DM0!#DMo!#DMol ((("eez I I I I I I I YADA HOME HEALTH CARE, TNC. ne of Commudty SerYice Provider isiotr # Supplement to Provider services Summary In-Home Services Detail DAA$732 Supplement (Effective: 7/08) October I, 2019 through June 30' 2020 In-Home Services B C I G H HCCBG In-Home Funding Required Local Match Net Service Cosl hojected HCCBG Units Projected Reimbursemen Rate Projected HCCBG Clients Levell-235Respite 0 0 LevelI-04lHMgmt 16000 t'7'78 t'7't't8 l05l $ 16.9153 6 Subtotal Level I 16000 1',?78 t7'7'.18 l05l 6 Level II - 236 Respite 0 0 Level lI - 042 PC 88002 9778 97 780 5570 $ 17.5547 20 Level II - 043 H Mgmt 0 0 Subtotal Level II 88002 9',778 97780 0 5570 20 Level III - 237 Respite 0 Level III - 044 H Mpcnt 0 0 Level IU - 045 PC 56001 6222 62223 35',7 |s t7.4246 8 Subtotal Level lIl 56001 6222 62223 3571 8 Level IV - 238 Respite 0 0 Level IV - 046 H Mgml 0 0 Subtotal Level IV 0 0 0 0 0 Total 160003 1',t'778 177't8t 10192 tl L- DAAS-733 (Rev.2/16) Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults County Funding Plan October l, 2019_ through June 30' 2020- Methodology to Address Service Needs of Low Income (Including Low-lncome Minority Elderty), Rural Elderly and Elderly with Limited English Proficiency (Older Americans Act, Section 305(a)(2)(E) Community Service Provider BAYADA HOME HEALTH C County New Hanover The Older Americans Act requires that the service provider attempt to provide services to low-income minority individuals in accordance to their need for aging services. The community service provider shall speci$ how the service needs of low income, low- income (including low income minority elderly), rural elderly and elderly with Iimited English proficiency will be met through tlle services identified on the Provider Services Summary @AAS-732). This narrative shall address outreach and service delivery methodologies that will ensure that this target population is adequately served and conform with specific objectives established by the Area Agency on Aging, for providing services to low income minority individuals. Additional pages may be used as necessary. BAYADA Home Health Care, lnc. shall provide In-Home Aide Level I, Level II, and Level III services to qualified consumers in New Hanover County as outlined in the Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults. Those determined to be in need of In-Home Aide services will be eligible for services regardless of their income, although some recipients will be asked to voluntarily participate in the consumer contributions program. BAYADA will share information about the In-Home Aide program with local doctors, hospital discharge planners, hospice agencies, skilled agencies, senior advocacy groups, Adult Protective Services (APS) and Community Altematives Program (CAP). Information regarding the In-Home Aide program will be disseminated via written and oral education as well as through weekly marketing visits and phone calls made by BAYADA. BAYADA will admit low-income, including low-income minority elderly consumers, rural elderly and rwal elderly with limited English proficiency, and well older adults (age 60 and over) using the following priorities: -Older adults for whom the need for Adult Protective Services has been substantiated by the Department ofSocial Services and the service is needed as part ofthe Adult Protective Services plan. -Older adults who are at risk of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. -Older adults with extensive impairments in activities of daily living (ADL's), or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL's), who are at risk of placement or substitute care. -Older adults with extensive ADL or IADL impairments. -Older adults with less extensive (1-2) ADL or IADL impairments. -Well older adults BAYADA Home Health complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. DAAS-734 (revised 2/16) October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults Community Service Provider Standard Assurances BAYADA HOME HEALTH CARE, INC. agrees to provide services through the Home and (Name of Provider) Community Care Block Grant, as specified on the Provider Services Summarv (DAAS-732) in accordance with the following: l. Services shall be provided in accordance with requirements set forth in: a) The County Funding Plan; b) The Division of Aging and Adult Services Home and Community Care Block Grant Procedures Manual for Community Service Providers; and c) The Division of Aging and Adult Services Standards Manual, Volumes I through IV or at http://www.ncdhhs.gov/asinq/monitor/mpolicy.htm . Community service providers shall monitor any subcontracts with providers of Block Grant services and take appropriate measures to ensure that services are provided in accordance with the aforementioned documents. 2. Priority shall be given to providing services to those older persons with the greatest economic or social needs. The service needs of low-income minority elderly will be addressed in the manner specified on the Methodolosy to Address Service Needs of Low-Income (Includinq Low Income Minori8 Elderlv). Rural Elderlv and Elderly with Limited Enelish Proficiency format, (DAAS-733). 3. The following service authorization activities will be carried out in conjunction with all services provided through the Block Grant: a) Eligibility determination; b) Client intake/registration; c) Client assessment/reassessments and quarterly visits, as appropriate; d) Determining the amount of services to be received by the client; and e) Reviewing consumer contributions policies with eligible clients. 4. All licenses, permits, bonds, and insurance necessary for carrying out Block Grant DAAS-734 (revised 2/16) Services will be maintained by the community service provider and any contracted providers. 5. As specified in 45 CFR 75, Subpart D-Post Federal Award Requirements, Procurement Standards, community service providers shall have procedures for settling all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurement of services through the Block Grant. Community service providers shall have procedures governing the evaluation ofbids for services and procedures through which bidders and contracted providers may appeal or dispute a decision made by the community service provider. 6. ApplicanVClient appeals shall be addressed as specified in Section 7 ofthe Division of Aging and Adult Services Home and Community Care Block Grant Manual for Community Service Providers, dated February 17, 1997. 7. Community service providers are responsible for providing or arranging for the provision of required local match, as specified on the Provider Services Summarv, (DAAS-732). Local match shall be expended simultaneously with Block Grant firnding. 8. Community service providers agree to comply with audit and hscal reporting requirements as specified in the Agreement for the Provision of Countv-Based Asine Services (DAAS-735). 9. Compliance with Equal Employment Opporhmity and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, as specified in paragraph fourteen (14) of the Asreement for the Provision of Countv-Based Asing Services (DAAS-735) shall be maintained. 10. Providers of In-Home Aide, Home Health, Housing and Home Improvement, and Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care shall sign and retum the attached assurance to the area agency on aging indicating that recipients ofthese services have been informed of their client rights, as required in Section 314 of the 2006 Amendments to the Older Americans Act. 1 1. Subcontractins - All HCCBG community service providers must assure that subcontractors (for-profit and non-profit entities only) meet the following requirements: a. The subcontractor has not been suspended or debarred. (N.C-GS-$41ed23, 09 NCAC O3M) b. The subcontractor has not been barred from doing business at the federal level. c. The subcontractor is able to produce a notarized "State Grant Ce(iflcation of No Overdue 'I'ax Debts." 12. DAAS-734 (revised 2/16) d. All licenses, permits, bonds and insurance necessary for carrying out Home and Community Care Block Grant services will be maintained by both the community service provider and any subcontractors. e. The subcontractor is registered as a charitable, tax-exempt (501c3) organization with the Intemal Revenue Service (non-profit subcontractors only). Confidentialitv and Security. Per the requirements in 10A NCAC 05J and Section 6 of the Home and Community Care Block Grant Procedures Manual, client information in any format and whether recorded or not shall be kept confidential and not disclosed in a form that identifies the person without the informed consent ofthe person or legal representative. Community service providers, including subcontractors and vendors, must adhere to all applicable federal, state and departmental requirements for protecting the security and confidentialiq/ of client information including but not limited to appropriately restricting access, establishing procedures to reduce the risk of accidental disclosures from data processing systems, and developing a process by which the Division of Adult Aging Services is notified of suspected or confirmed security incidents and data breaches. Record Retention and Disposition. All community service providers are responsible for maintaining custody ofrecords and documentation to support the allowable expenditure of funds, service provision, and the reimbursement of services. Service providers must adhere to the approved record retention and disposition schedule posted semiannually on the website of the NC Department of Health and Human Services Controller at http ://www.ncdhhs. qov/control/retention/retention.htm. Service providers are not authorized to destroy records related to the provision of services under this Agreement except in compliance with the approved DHHS retention and disposition schedule, which allows for the proper destruction ofrecords based on a schedule by funding source and fiscal year. The agency agrees to comply with 07 NCAC 04M .0510 when deciding on a method of record destruction. Confidential records will be destroyed in such a manner that the records cannot be practically read or reconstructed. 13. Standard Assurance To Comply with Older Americans Act RequiremenE Regarding Clients Rights For Agencies Providing ln-Home Services through the Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adulis As a provider of one or more of the services listed below, our agency agrees to notiry all Home and Community Care Block Grant clients receiving any of the below listed services provided by this agency oftheir rights as a service recipient. Services in this assurance include: . ln-Home Aide. Home Care (home health). Housing and Home lmprovement. Adult Day Care orAdult Day Health Care Notification will include, at a minimum, an oral review of the information outlined below as well as providing each service recipient with a copy of the information in written form. ln addition, providers of in-home services will establish a procedure to document that client rights information has been discussed with in-home services clients (e.9. copy of signed Client Bil! of Rights siatement). Clients Rights information lo be communicated to service recipients will include, at a minimum, the right to: . be fully informed, in advance, abouteach in-home service to be provided and any change and any change in service(s) that may affect the wellbeing of the participant; . participate in planning and changing any in-home service provided unless the client is adjudicated incompetent;. voice a grievance with respect to seNice that is or fails to be provided, without discriminalion or reprisal as a result of voicing a grievance;. confidentiality of records relating to the individual;. have property treated with respect; and. be fully informed both orally and in writing, in advance of receiving an in-home service, of the individual's rights and obligations. Client Rights will be distributed to, and discussed with, each new client receiving one or more ofthe above listed services prior to lhe onset of service. For all existing clients, the above information will be provided no later than the next regularly scheduled service reassessment. Agency Name: BAYADA HOME HEALTH CARE. lNC. Name ofAgency Administrator: Bobbv Shoemake. MA Signature:oate: 7'?-t1 (Please return this form to your Area Agency on Aging and retain a copy for your files.) CLIENT/PATIENT RIGHTS . . You have the right to be fully informed of all your rights and responsibilities as a clienUpatient of the program. 2. You have the right to appropriate and professional care relating to your needs. 3. You have the right to be fully informed in advance about the care to be provided by the program. 4. You have the right to be fully informed in advance of any changes in the care that you may be receiving and to give informed consent to the provision of the amended care. 5. You have the right to participate in determining the care that you will receive and in altering the nature ofthe care as your needs change. 6. You have the right to voice you grievances with respect to care that is provided and to expect that there will be no reprisal for the grievance expressed. 7. You have the right to expect that the information you share with the agency will be respected and held in strict confidence, to be shared only with your written crnsent and as it relates to the obtaining of other needed community services. 8. You have the right to expect the preservation of your privacy and respect for your property. . You have the right to receive a timely response to you request for service. 10. You shall be admitted for service only if the agency has the ability to provide safe and professional care at the level of intensity needed. '11. You have the right to be informed of agency policies, changes, and costs for services. 12. lf you are denied service solely on you inability to pay, you have the right to be referred elsewhere. 13. You have the right to honest, accurate information regarding the industry, agency and of the program in particular. '14. You have the right to be fully informed about other services provided by this agency.