Porter's Neck TIATraffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1 1.1.Site Location and Study Area ................................................................................................1 1.2.Proposed Land Use and Site Access......................................................................................2 1.3.Adjacent Land Uses ...............................................................................................................2 1.4.Existing Roadways ................................................................................................................2 2.EXISTING (2019) PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS ............................................................7 2.1.Existing (2019) Peak Hour Traffic ........................................................................................7 2.2.Analysis of Existing (2019) Peak Hour Traffic .....................................................................7 3.BACKGROUND (2023) PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS ..................................................9 3.1.Ambient Traffic Growth ........................................................................................................9 3.2.Adjacent Development Traffic ..............................................................................................9 3.3.Future Roadway Improvements .............................................................................................9 3.4.Background (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ..................................................................9 3.5.Analysis of Background (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Conditions ..........................................10 4.SITE TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION .....................................................14 4.1.Trip Generation ....................................................................................................................14 4.2.Site Trip Distribution and Assignment ................................................................................14 5.COMBINED (2023) TRAFFIC CONDITIONS .............................................................17 5.1.Combined (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ...................................................................17 5.2.Analysis of Combined (2023) Peak Hour Traffic ...............................................................17 6.TRAFFIC ANALYSIS PROCEDURE ............................................................................19 6.1Adjustments to Analysis Guidelines ....................................................................................20 7.CAPACITY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................21 7.1.r Club Road / Shiraz Way .............................................21 7.2.Market Street (US 17) and ..................................................................22 7.3.Futch Creek Road/Market Street (SR 1400) and Market Street (SR 2845) ........................24 7.4.US 17 and U-turn Location (North of SR 1400 Market Street) ..........................................25 7.5.US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) ....................................................................................26 7.6.-Turn ................................................................27 7.7.Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 ...............................................................................................28 7.8.Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 ...........................................................................29 Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina ii 8.CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................30 9.RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................32 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map ...................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2 Preliminary Site Plan .................................................................................................. 5 Figure 3 Existing Lane Configurations ..................................................................................... 6 Figure 4 Existing (2019) Peak Hour Traffic ............................................................................. 8 Figure 5 Projected (2023) Peak Hour Traffic ......................................................................... 11 Figure 6 Adjacent Development (2023) Peak Hour Traffic ................................................... 12 Figure 7 Background (2023) Peak Hour Traffic ..................................................................... 13 Figure 8 Site Trip Distribution ................................................................................................ 15 Figure 9 Site Trip Assignment ................................................................................................ 16 Figure 10 Combined (2023) Peak Hour Traffic ...................................................................... 18 Figure 11 Recommended Lane Configurations ...................................................................... 33 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Existing Roadway Inventory ..........................................................................................3 Table 2: Trip Generation Summary ............................................................................................14 Table 3: Highway Capacity Manual Levels-of-Service and Delay .........................................19 Table 4: Analysis Summary of Porte ......................21 Shiraz Way ....................................................................................................................21 Table 5: Analysis Summary of Market Street (US 17) and Porter .......................22 Table 6: Analysis Summary of Futch Creek Road / Market Street (SR 1400) and Market Street (SR 2845) ........................................................................................................................24 Table 7: Analysis Summary of US 17 and U-turn Location (North of SR 1400 Market Street)25 Table 8: Analysis Summary of US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) .........................................26 Ta s Church Road / NB U-Turn .....................27 Table 10: Analysis Summary of Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 ...................................................28 Table 11: Analysis Summary of Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 ..............................29 Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina iii TECHNICAL APPENDIX Appendix A: WMPO Scope of Approval Appendix B: Traffic Counts Appendix C: Signal Plans Appendix D: Adjacent Development Information Appendix E: Capacity Calculations Porter oad and Edgewater Club Road / Shiraz Way Appendix F: Capacity Calculations Market Street (US 17) and Porter Appendix G: Capacity Calculations Futch Creek Road / Market Street (SR 1400) & Market Street (SR 2845) Appendix H: Capacity Calculations US 17 and U-turn Location (North of SR 1400 Market Street) Appendix I: Capacity Calculations US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) Appendix J: Capacity Calculations US 17 / U-Turn Location and Stephen s Church Road Appendix K: Capacity Calculations Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 Appendix L: Capacity Calculations Market Street (SR 2845) and Drive 2 Appendix M: SimTraffic Queuing Report TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS PORTER S NECK DEVELOPMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1. INTRODUCTION The contents of this report present the findings of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) conducted for the proposed Porter s Neck Development to be located south of Futch Creek Road and east of Porter s Neck Road in New Hanover County, North Carolina. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential impacts to the surrounding transportation system created by traffic generated by the proposed development, as well as recommend improvements to mitigate the impacts. The proposed development, anticipated to be completed in 2023, is assumed to consist of 58 single family homes and 348 low rise multi family housing units. Access is provided via one full-movement driveway each on Market Street (SR 2845) and Shiraz Way. The study analyzes traffic conditions during the weekday AM and PM peak hours for the following scenarios: Existing (2019) Traffic Conditions Background (2023) Traffic Conditions Combined (2023) Traffic Conditions Combined (2023) w/ Improvements Traffic Conditions 1.1. Site Location and Study Area The development is proposed to be located south of Futch Creek Road and east of Porter s Neck Development in New Hanover County, North Carolina. Refer to Figure 1 for the site location map. The study area for the TIA was determined through coordination with the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) and North Carolina Department of Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 2 Transportation (NCDOT). The approved scoping document can be found in Appendix A. The approved study area consists of the following intersections: Porter s Neck Rd. and Edgewater Club Rd./Shiraz Way Market Street (US 17) and Porter s Neck Road Futch Creek Rd./Market St. (SR 1400) and Market St. (SR 2845) US 17 and U-turn location (North of SR 1400 Market St.) US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 (Proposed) Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 (Proposed) 1.2. Proposed Land Use and Site Access The proposed development, anticipated to be completed in 2023, is assumed to consist of 58 single family homes and 348 low rise multi family housing units. Site access is proposed via one full-movement driveway on both Market Street (SR 2845) and Shiraz Way. Refer to Figure 2 for a copy of the preliminary site plan. 1.3. Adjacent Land Uses The proposed development is located in an area consisting primarily of office and residential development. The Waterstone Development is located on Edgewater Club Road which is south of the Porter s Neck Development. Retail development is located along US 17. 1.4. Existing Roadways Existing lane configurations (number of traffic lanes on each intersection approach), lane widths, storage capacities, and other intersection and roadway information was collected through field reconnaissance by Ramey Kemp & Associates, Inc. (RKA). Table 1 provides a summary of the field data collected. Refer to Figure 3 for an illustration of the existing lane configurations within the study area. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 3 Table 1: Existing Roadway Inventory Road Name Route Number Typical Cross Section Speed Limit Maintained By 2017 AADT (vpd) Porter s Neck Road SR 1402 SR1491 Two-lane undivided 45 mph Local 14,000 Edgewater Club Road SR 1402 Two-lane undivided 45 mph Local 5,200 Shiraz Way SR 2932 Two-lane undivided 25 mph Local 2,140* Market Street SR 2845 Two-lane median- divided 35 mph (assumed) NCDOT 660* Futch Creek Road SR 1400 Two-lane undivided 35 mph (assumed) Local 2,200 US 17 N/A Four-lane median- divided 55 mph NCDOT 43,000 * ADT based on the traffic counts from 2018 and assuming the weekday PM peak hour volume is 10% of the average daily traffic. 12 Unit Apt. Bldg WETWETWET WET WET W ET WET WET WET WET WET 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A B A B A B AB A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 24 Unit Apt. Bldg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 Unit Apt.Bldg A B A B 14 20' DATE:SCALE:DESIGNED:DRAWN:CHECKED: PE I J O B # : CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT:PRELIMINARY LAYOUT:FINAL DESIGN:RELEASED FOR CONST: PROJECT STATUSREVISIONS: DRAWING INFORMATION SE A L CLIENT INFORMATION: 1" = 200'09/17/2019 193 0 5 . P E SI T E D A T A TO T A L S I T E A C R E A G E : EX I S T I N G Z O N I N G : R - 1 5 AN T I C I P A T E D Z O N I N G : R M F - L * ( R E S I D E N T I A L MU L T I - F A M I L Y L O W - D E N S I T Y ) PR O P O S E D U S E : S I N G L E - F A M I L Y D U P L E X , M U L T I - F A M I L Y ALL O W A B L E D E N S I T Y : 1 0 D U / A C ( 5 3 0 U N I T S ) PR O P O S E D D E N S I T Y : 7 . 7 5 D U / A C ( 4 0 6 U N I T S ) UN I T C O U N T : 4 0 6 U N I T S SIN G L E F A M I L Y L O T S : 5 8 L O T S ( 6 5 ' X 1 2 0 ' ) D U P L E X E S : 3 6 U N I T S ( 1 8 ) B U I L D I N G S A P A R T M E N T S : 3 1 2 U N I T S ( 2 ) 1 2 - U N I T B U I L D I N G S : ( 1 2 ) 2 4 - U N I T B U I L D I N G S : DIM E N S I O N A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S SIN G L E F A M I L Y MU L T I - F A M I L Y PE R I M E T E R S E T B A C K : 2 0 ' 2 0 ' FR O N T S E T B A C K : 2 0 ' 3 5 ' RE A R S E T B A C K : 1 5 ' 2 5 ' SID E S E T B A C K : 5 ' I N T E R I O R 2 0 ' I N T E R I O R 10 ' S I D E S T R E E T 3 0 ' S I D E S T R E E T BU I L D I N G S E P A R A T I O N : SIN G L E F A M I L Y : 1 0 ' SIN G L E F A M . & D U P L E X : 2 0 ' OT H E R D W E L L I N G S : 2 0 ' MIN I M U M L O T S I Z E : N / A MA X . B L D G . H E I G H T : 4 5 ' ( 3 S T O R I E S ) AP A R T M E N T P A R K I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S : SE C 8 1 - 1 : M U L T I - F A M I L Y R E S I D E N T I A L : O N E A N D O N E - H A L F ( 1 . 5 ) S P A C E S P E R 1 B E D R O O M UN I T A N D T W O ( 2 . 0 ) S P A C E S P E R 2 + B E D R O O M U N I T S . PA R K I N G R E Q U I R E D : 5 7 2 S P A C E S 2*2 2 = 4 4 PA R K I N G P R O V I D E D : 5 7 4 S P A C E S ( I N C L U D I N G A D A A N D R . O . W . S P A C E S ) AM E N I T Y P A R K I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S : SE C 8 1 - 1 : C L U B S , P U B L I C , P R I V A T E , A N D A S S O C I A T E D U S E S : O N E ( 1 ) P A R K I N G S P A C E F O R EA C H O N E H U N D R E D ( 1 0 0 ) S Q U A R E F E E T O F G R O S S F L O O R S P A C E . PA R K I N G R E Q U R E D : 1 2 S P A C E S PA R K I N G P R O V I D E D : 1 2 S P A C E S ( I N C L U D I N G A D A S P A C E S - S H A R E D W I T H AP A R T M E N T S ) OP E N S P A C E C A L C U L A T I O N S : RE Q U I R E D PR O V I D E D 40 6 U N I T S x . 0 3 = 1 2 . 1 8 A C PA S S I V E O P E N S P A C E 6 . 0 9 A C 6 . 0 9 A C AC T I V E O P E N S P A C E : 6 . 0 9 A C 6 . 0 9 A C CO U N T Y R E Q U I R E M E N T S S T A T E S T H A T R E C R E A T I O N S P A C E S H A L L B E P R O V I D E D I N T H E AM O U N T O F 0 . 0 3 A C R E S P E R D W E L L I N G U N I T . 5 0 % O F T H E R E Q U I R E D R E C R E A T I O N S P A C E SH A L L B E P A S S I V E A N D T H E O T H E R 5 0 % I S R E Q U I R E D T O B E A C T I V E . *A N T I C I P A T E D Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T P E N D I N G AP P R O V A L B Y N E W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y . ST O R M W A T E R P O N D 45' ROW 45 ' R O W 20 ' S E T B A C K 45' ROW STO R M W A T E R P O N D 20 ' S E T B A C K 45' ROW ST O R M W A T E R P O N D STO R M WA T E R P O N D SIN G L E - F A M I L Y L O T , 65 ' X 1 2 0 ' , T Y P . DU P L E X , T Y P . PR E L I M I N A R Y / N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N - T H I S S I T E P L A N I S A G R A P H I C R E P R E S E N T A T I O N A N D S H O U L D B E U T I L I Z E D F O R D I S C U S S I O N P U R P O S E S O N L Y . T H I S S I T E P L A N AP P R O X I M A T E S E X I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S R E L A T I N G T O S T R U C T U R E S W E T L A N D S , R O A D S , P A R K I N G , V E G E T A T I O N A N D P R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R I E S . P L A N C O M P O N E N T S M A Y CH A N G E B A S E D U P O N R E G U L A T O R Y A N D M U N I C I P A L R E G U L A T I O N A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S A T T H E T I M E O F A P P R O V A L S A N D O R D E V E L O P M E N T A C T I V I T Y . 12 U N I T A P A R T M E N T BU I L D I N G , T Y P . OV E R H E A D PO W E R L I N E S PO S S I B L E W A L K I N G T R A I L / O P E N P L A Y A R E A OP E N S P A C E W E T L A N D A R E A , TY P . PR O P O S E D 2 0 ' A C C E S S & UT I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 24 U N I T A P A R T M E N T BU I L D I N G , T Y P . SP A C E W I T H P O O L AN D P O O L H O U S E GA R A G E , T Y P . Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 7 2. EXISTING (2019) PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS 2.1. Existing (2019) Peak Hour Traffic Existing peak hour traffic volumes were determined based on traffic counts conducted at the study intersections listed below, in September 2019 by RKA during a typical weekday AM (7:00 AM 9:00 AM) and PM (4:00 PM 6:00 PM) peak periods: Porter s Neck Rd. and Edgewater Club Rd./Shiraz Way Market Street and Porter s Neck Road Futch Creek Rd./Market St. (SR 1400) and Market St. (SR 2845) US 17 and U-turn location (North of SR 1400 Market St.) US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 (Proposed) Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 (Proposed) Traffic volumes were balanced between study intersections, where appropriate. The methodology for balancing existing traffic has been approved by the NCDOT and WMPO. Refer to Figure 4 for existing (2019) weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes. A copy of the count data is located in Appendix B of this report. 2.2. Analysis of Existing (2019) Peak Hour Traffic The existing (2019) weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes were analyzed to determine the current levels of service at the study intersections under existing roadway conditions. Signal information was obtained from NCDOT and City of Wilmington (City) and is included in Appendix C. The results of the analysis are presented in Section 7 of this report. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 9 3. BACKGROUND (2023) PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS In order to account for growth of traffic and subsequent traffic conditions at a future year, background traffic projections are needed. Background traffic is the component of traffic due to the growth of the community and surrounding area that is anticipated to occur regardless of whether or not the proposed development is constructed. Background traffic is comprised of existing traffic growth within the study area and additional traffic created as a result of adjacent approved developments. 3.1. Ambient Traffic Growth Through coordination with the WMPO and NCDOT, it was determined that an annual growth rate of 1% would be used to generate projected (2023) weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes. Refer to Figure 5 for projected (2023) peak hour traffic. 3.2. Adjacent Development Traffic Through coordination with the WMPO and NCDOT, it was determined that the Waterstone Development would be considered as approved adjacent development in this study. Refer to Figure 6 for adjacent development (2023) peak hour traffic. Adjacent development information can be found in Appendix D. 3.3. Future Roadway Improvements Based on coordination with the WMPO and NCDOT, it was determined there were no future roadway improvements to consider with this study. The Military Cutoff Extension project is expected to reduce traffic volumes along US 17; however this project was not considered in this study. 3.4. Background (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes The background (2023) traffic volumes were determined by projecting the existing (2019) peak hour traffic to the year 2023 and adding the adjacent development trips. Refer to Figure 7 for an illustration of the background (2023) peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 10 3.5. Analysis of Background (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Conditions The background (2023) AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections were analyzed with future geometric roadway conditions and traffic control. The analysis results are presented in Section 7 of this report. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 14 4. SITE TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION 4.1. Trip Generation The proposed development is assumed to consist of 58 single family homes and 348 low rise multi family housing units. Average weekday daily, AM peak hour, and PM peak hour trips for the proposed development were estimated using methodology contained within the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Table 2 provides a summary of the trip generation potential for the site. Table 2: Trip Generation Summary Land Use (ITE Code) Intensity Daily Traffic (vpd) AM Peak Hour Trips (vph) PM Peak Hour Trips (vph) Enter Exit Enter Exit Single-Family Detached Housing (210) 58 units 630 12 34 38 22 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) (220) 348 units 2,590 36 120 113 66 Total Trips 3,220 48 154 151 88 It is estimated that the proposed development will generate approximately 3,220 total site trips on the roadway network during a typical 24-hour weekday period. Of the daily traffic volume, it is anticipated that 202 trips (48 entering and 154 exiting) will occur in the AM peak hour and 239 trips (151 entering and 88 exiting) during the PM peak hour. 4.2. Site Trip Distribution and Assignment Trip distribution percentages used in assigning site traffic for this development were estimated based on a combination of existing traffic patterns, population centers adjacent to the study area, and engineering judgment. The following distributions have been approved by the NCDOT and WMPO: 20% to/from the west via NC 140 20% to/from the north via US 17 5% to/from the south via Edgewater Club Road (SR 1402) 55% to/from the south via US 17 The site trip distribution is shown in Figure 8. Refer to Figure 9 for the site trip assignment. 6 Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 17 5. COMBINED (2023) TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 5.1. Combined (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes To estimate traffic conditions with the site fully built-out, the total site trips were added to the background (2023) traffic volumes to determine the combined (2023) traffic volumes. Refer to Figure 10 for an illustration of the combined (2023) peak hour traffic volumes with the proposed site fully developed. 5.2. Analysis of Combined (2023) Peak Hour Traffic Study intersections were analyzed with the combined (2023) traffic volumes using the same methodology previously discussed for existing and background traffic conditions. Intersections were analyzed with improvements necessary to accommodate future traffic volumes. The results of the capacity analysis for each intersection are presented in Section 7 of this report. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 19 6. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Study intersections were analyzed using the methodology outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), 6th Edition published by the Transportation Research Board. Capacity and level of service are the design criteria for this traffic study. A computer software package, Synchro (Version 10.3), was used to complete the analyses for most of the study area intersections. Please note that the unsignalized capacity analysis does not provide an overall level of service for an intersection; only delay for an approach with a conflicting movement. The HCM defines capac reasonably be expected to traverse a point or uniform section of a lane or roadway during a given Level of service (LOS) is a term used to represent different driving conditions and is defined a measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, and their perception by Level of service varies from Level presenting free flow, to Refer to Table 3 for HCM levels of service and related average control delay per vehicle for both signalized and unsignalized intersections. Control delay as defined by the HCM includ move-up time, stopped delay, and fina of 50 seconds at a signalized intersect Table 3: Highway Capacity Manual Levels-of-Service and Delay UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE AVERAGE CONTROL DELAY PER VEHICLE (SECONDS) LEVEL OF SERVICE AVERAGE CONTROL DELAY PER VEHICLE (SECONDS) A B C D E F 0-10 10-15 15-25 25-35 35-50 >50 A B C D E F 0-10 10-20 20-35 35-55 55-80 >80 Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 20 6.1 Adjustments to Analysis Guidelines Capacity analysis at all study intersections was completed according to the NCDOT Congestions Management Guidelines, with the exception of the following items: Congestion Management Guidelines indicate the applicant shall identify mitigation improvements at study area intersections if at least one of the following conditions exist when comparing the background and combined conditions: The total average delay of the intersection or an individual approach increases by at least 25%, while maintaining the same level of service. The level of service degrades by at least one level. The level of service is F. This TIA does not mitigate every instance of necessary improvement based on the above items, specifically if the level of service degrades by at least one level. For intersections that are expected to degrade one level of service, but operate with delay that is close to the next level of service under background traffic conditions and the proposed development is not expected to increase an individual approach delay by 25%, improvements were not recommended. Analysis of the intersection of US 17 and Market Street was completed with and without right- turn-on-red (RTOR) at the intersection. Since all turns from Market Street are right, the analysis with RTOR is considered to be the most accurate. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 21 7. CAPACITY ANALYSIS 7.1. Porter s Neck Road and Edgewater Club Road / Shiraz Way The existing roundabout at Porter s Neck Road and Edgewater Club Road/Shiraz Way was analyzed under existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 4 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix E for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 4: Analysis Summary of Porter s Neck Rd and Edgewater Club Rd/Shiraz Way ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach (sec) Overall (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach (sec) Overall (sec) Existing (2019) Conditions EBL/T/R 70* / 66 A 7 A (7) A (8) 70* / 72 A 7 A (7) A (7) WBL/T/R 30* / 30 A 7 A (7) 38* / 37 A 7 A (7) NBL/T/R 65* / 35 A 8 A (8) 33* / 34 A 7 A (7) SBL/T/R 35* / 71 A 9 A (9) 15* / 15 A 6 A (6) Background (2023) Conditions EBL/T/R 83* / 83 A 8 A (8) A (9) 98* / 99 A 8 A (8) A (8) WBL/T/R 35* / 35 A 9 A (9) 30* / 31 A 7 A (7) NBL/T/R 93* / 94 A 10 A (10) 45* / 46 A 8 A (8) SBL/T/R 45* / 45 B 11 B (11) 18* / 18 A 6 A (6) Combined (2023) Conditions EBL/T/R 88* / 90 A 8 A (8) A (10) 123* / 124 A 9 A (9) A (9) WBL/T/R 35* / 36 A 9 A (9) 48* / 47 A 9 A (9) NBL/T/R 108* / 110 B 10 B (10) 50* / 52 A 9 A (9) SBL/T/R 78* / 78 B 13 B (13) 27* / 28 A 8 A (7) * A vehicle length of 25 feet was used to determine the 95th percentile queue in feet. Capacity analysis of existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the intersection of Porter s Neck Road and Edgewater Club Road/Shiraz Way is expected to operate at a LOS A during both the weekday AM and PM peak hour. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 22 7.2. Market Street (US 17) and Porter s Neck Road The existing signalized intersection Market Street (US 17) and Porter s Neck Road was analyzed under existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 5 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix F for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 5: Analysis Summary of Market Street (US 17) and Porter s Neck Road ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach (sec) Overall (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach (sec) Overall (sec) Existing (2019) Conditions EBL EBT EBR 74 / 146 105 / 139 84 / 121 D F E 51 81 55 E (60) D (41) 135 / 201 170 / 193 133 / 169 E E D 57 80 49 E (61) D (44) WBL WBT WBR 347 / 328 131 / 322 299 / 200 E F E 67 82 59 E (66) #352 / 308 169 / 323 266 / 200 F F E 80 81 59 E (75) NBL NBT NBR 102 / 175 559 / 398 133 / 177 E D A 75 35 7 C (31) 136 / 353 705 / 456 101 / 151 E D A 73 35 6 C (34) SBL SBT SBR 115 / 276 694 / 428 39 / 90 E C A 64 32 4 C (32) 157 / 409 616 / 594 51 / 132 E C A 76 32 5 D (35) Background (2023) Conditions EBL EBT EBR 76 / 150 108 / 135 86 / 122 D F D 49 80 55 E (58) D (43) 141 / 207 177 / 199 139 / 177 E E D 57 80 49 E (61) D (47) WBL WBT WBR 389 / 370 136 / 407 344 / 200 E F E 66 82 64 E (67) #409 / 552 173 / 471 295 / 200 F F E 88 81 62 F (81) NBL NBT NBR 105 / 244 604 / 425 150 / 200 E D A 75 39 8 C (33) 140 / 380 752 / 496 126 / 175 E D A 73 38 7 D (35) SBL SBT SBR 122 / 376 #765 / 490 41 / 80 E D A 64 36 4 D (36) #187 / 423 656 / 983 53 / 141 F C A 82 34 6 D (38) Combined (2023) Conditions EBL EBT EBR 76 / 144 108 / 128 86 / 130 D F D 47 80 55 E (57) D (45) 141 / 190 177 / 199 139 / 166 E E D 57 80 49 E (61) D (49) WBL WBT WBR 441 / 378 136 / 458 344 / 200 E F E 67 82 64 E (67) #459 / 365 173 / 437 295 / 200 F F E 104 81 62 F (91) NBL NBT NBR 105 / 238 608 / 426 160 / 202 E D A 75 41 8 C (35) 140 / 425 765 / 783 159 / 193 E D A 73 38 8 C (35) SBL SBT SBR 122 / 380 #813 / 544 41 / 130 E D A 64 39 4 D (38) #187 / 412 664 / 558 53 / 135 F C A 82 34 6 D (38) Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 23 Capacity analysis of existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the intersection of Market Street (US 17) and Porter s Neck Road is expected to operate at an overall LOS D during the weekday AM and PM peak hours. The proposed development is not expected to increase the approach delay by 25% at any approach. The intersection is expected to exceed capacity at the eastbound and westbound approaches under all traffic conditions. This is because they are minor street approaches at a major thoroughfare that is the first signal after an interchange. The Military Cutoff Road Extension project will provide an alternative route to vehicles traveling to/from Wilmington and Hampstead which will alleviate some through traffic along US 17. This project is currently under construction and is expected to provide an opportunity to allow more green time for the eastbound and westbound approaches. It is anticipated that this intersection will operate with less delay after the completion of the Military Cutoff Road Extension project. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 24 7.3. Futch Creek Road/Market Street (SR 1400) and Market Street (SR 2845) The existing unsignalized intersection of Futch Creek Road / Market Street (SR 1400) and Market Street (SR 2845) was analyzed under existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 6 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix G for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 6: Analysis Summary of Futch Creek Road / Market Street (SR 1400) and Market Street (SR 2845) ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Existing (2019) Conditions EBL/R 3* / 50 B 11 B (11) N/A 3* / 39 A 10 A (10) N/A NBL/T 0* / 3 A1 81 N/A 0* / 3 A1 81 N/A SBT/R -- / -- -- -- N/A -- / -- -- -- N/A Background (2023) Conditions EBL/R 5* / 62 B 11 B (11) N/A 3* / 33 B 10 B (10) N/A NBL/T 0* / -- A1 81 N/A 0* / 8 A1 81 N/A SBT/R -- / -- -- -- N/A -- / -- -- -- N/A Combined (2023) Conditions EBL/R 20* / 87 B 12 B (12) N/A 10* / 59 B 11 B (11) N/A NBL/T 0* / 5 A1 81 N/A 0* / 8 A1 81 N/A SBT/R -- / -- -- -- N/A -- / -- -- -- N/A 1. Level of service and delay for major-street left-turn movement. * Due to limitations with the HCM 6th TWSC reporting, a vehicle length of 25 feet was used to determine the 95th percentile queue in feet. Capacity analysis of existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the major street left-turn movement and minor street approach are expected to operate at LOS B or better during the weekday AM peak hour and the weekday PM peak hour. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 25 7.4. US 17 and U-turn Location (North of SR 1400 Market Street) The existing signalized intersection of US 17 and the U-turn location was analyzed under existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 7 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix H for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 7: Analysis Summary of US 17 and U-turn Location (North of SR 1400 Market Street) ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Existing (2019) Conditions NBU 169 / 249 D 38 D (38) C (22) 95 / 155 C 32 C (32) A (9) SBT #743 / 447 B 20 B (20) 321 / 173 A 8 A (8) Background (2023) Conditions NBU 176 / 247 D 38 D (38) C (26) 98 / 171 C 32 C (32) B (10) SBT #791 / 571 C 25 C (24) 356 / 185 A 8 A (8) Combined (2023) Conditions NBU 213 / 290 D 40 D (40) C (33) 112 / 188 C 32 C (32) B (13) SBT #797 / 751 C 32 C (32) 400 / 222 B 11 B (11) Capacity analysis of existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the intersection of US 17 and U-turn location is expected to operate at LOS C during the weekday AM peak hour and LOS B or better during the weekday PM peak hour. Adequate storage is available with the existing U-turn lane to accommodate future queues Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 26 7.5. US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) The signalized intersection of US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) was analyzed under existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 8 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix I for the Synchro analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 8: Analysis Summary of US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Existing (2019) Conditions EBL 50 / 130 B 16 B (16) B (18) 64 / 246 C 27 C (27) C (33) WBR #255 / 291 D 40 D (40) 169 / 189 D 38 D (38) NBT NBR 271 / 86 53 / 68 B A 13 8 B (13) #793 / 85 57 / 73 C A 35 6 C (32) Background (2023) Conditions EBT 51 / 123 B 16 B (16) B (20) 66 / 299 C 29 C (29) C (31) WBR #269 / 326 D 42 D (42) #178 / 197 D 50 D (50) NBT NBR 300 / 164 54 / 95 B A 15 8 B (14) #855 / 185 60 / 95 C A 32 5 C (30) Background (2023) Conditions Field Conditions EBT 51 / 101 B 16 B (16) B (17) 66 / 94 C 30 C (30) C (25) WBR #238 / 218 D 36 D (36) 150 / 196 D 42 D (42) NBT NBR 300 / 171 23 / 95 B A 14 2 B (13) #855 / 184 33 / 95 C A 25 2 C (24) Combined (2023) Conditions EBT 56 / 154 B 16 B (16) C (25) 89 / 116 C 29 C (29) D (39) WBR #348 / 531 E 58 E (58) #250 / 217 E 58 E (58) NBT NBR 300 / 175 60 / 95 B A 17 9 B (16) #855 / 182 75 / 95 D A 40 6 D (37) Combined (2023) Conditions Field Conditions EBT 56 / 102 B 16 B (16) C (22) 89 / 130 C 30 C (30) C (32) WBR #319 / 272 D 46 D (46) #213 / 228 D 48 D (48) NBT NBR 300 / 170 25 / 95 B A 16 2 B (14) #855 / 182 39 / 95 C A 33 3 C (31) Capacity analysis of existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the intersection is expected to operate at an overall LOS D or better during the weekday AM and PM peak hours. The development is expected to increase queues on Market Street by approximately 80 feet in the AM peak hour. The analysis scenario shown in green in Table 8 represents Field Conditions which includes consideration of right-turn-on-red which is currently allowed at the intersection. Since all turns on the westbound approach are right turns, this analysis should more accurately represent field conditions. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 27 7.6. US 17 and Stephen s Church Road / NB U-Turn The existing signalized intersection of US 17 and Stephen s Church Road / NB U-Turn was analyzed under existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 9 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix J for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 9: Analysis Summary of US 17 and Stephen s Church Road / NB U-Turn ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Existing (2019) Conditions EBR 70 / 113 D 38 D (38) B (13) 46 / 61 C 30 C (30) B (12) WBT 47 / 86 C 33 C (33) 72 / 94 C 32 C (32) SBT SBR 705 / 177 m1 / 10 B A 12 2 B (12) 490 / 202 m1 / 46 B A 11 3 B (11) Background (2023) Conditions EBR 73 / 101 D 38 D (38) B (14) 47 / 62 C 29 C (29) B (12) WBT 47 / 220 C 33 C (33) 74 / 1234 C 32 C (32) SBT SBR m703 / 176 m1 / 22 B A 13 2 B (13) 510 / 201 m1 / 64 B A 11 3 B (11) Combined (2023) Conditions EBR 73 / 100 D 38 D (38) B (13) 47 / 90 C 29 C (29) B (11) WBT 47 / 281 C 33 C (33) 74 / 1258 C 32 C (32) SBT SBR m689 / 156 m1 / 20 B A 12 2 B (12) 510 / 160 m1 / 14 A A 10 2 A (10) Capacity analysis of existing (2019), background (2023), and combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the intersection is expected to operate at an overall LOS B during both the weekday AM and PM peak hour. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 28 7.7. Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 The proposed unsignalized intersection of Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 was analyzed under combined (2023) traffic conditions with existing lane configurations and traffic control. Refer to Table 10 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix K for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 10: Analysis Summary of Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Combined (2023) Conditions EBL/R 10* / 60 B1 101 B (10) N/A 5* / 56 A1 91 A (9) N/A NBL/T 3* / 35 A 8 N/A 5* / 45 A 8 N/A SBT/R -- / -- -- -- N/A -- / -- -- -- N/A 1. Level of service and delay for major-street left-turn movement. * Due to limitations with the HCM 2010 TWSC reporting, a vehicle length of 25 feet was used to determine the 95th percentile queue in feet. Capacity analysis of combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the minor-street approach and major-street left-turn movement at the intersection of Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 are expected to operate at LOS B or better during the weekday AM and PM peak hours. Shiraz Way is not expected to have an AADT of 4,000 vpd by the year 2023, which is the typical threshold for considering designated turn lanes at unsignalized intersections; therefore, no designated turn lanes are recommended at the proposed site drive. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 29 7.8. Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 The proposed unsignalized intersection of Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 was analyzed under combined (2023) traffic conditions with lane configurations and traffic control shown in Table 11. Refer to Table 11 for a summary of the analysis results. Refer to Appendix L for the Synchro capacity analysis reports and Appendix M for the SimTraffic queuing reports. Table 11: Analysis Summary of Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 ANALYSIS SCENARIO LANE GROUP Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Queue 95th / Max (ft.) Lane LOS Delay (sec) Approach LOS (sec) Overall LOS (sec) Combined (2023) Conditions WBT/R 8* / 58 A1 91 A (9) N/A 5* / 50 A1 91 A (9) N/A NBT/R -- / -- -- -- N/A -- / -- -- -- N/A SBL/T 3* / -- A 7 N/A 5* / 22 A 7 N/A 1. Level of service and delay for major-street left-turn movement. Capacity analysis of combined (2023) traffic conditions indicates the major-street left-turn movement at the intersection of Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 is expected to operate at LOS A during both weekday AM and PM peak hours. Market Street (SR 2845) is not expected to have an AADT of 4,000 vpd by the year 2023, which is the typical threshold for considering designated turn lanes at unsignalized intersections; therefore, no designated turn lanes are recommended at the proposed site drive. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 30 8. CONCLUSIONS This Traffic Impact Analysis was conducted to determine the potential traffic impacts of the proposed Porter s Neck Development, to be located south of Futch Creek Road and east of Porter s Neck Road in Wilmington, North Carolina. The proposed development is expected to include single family homes and multi-family units and be built out in 2023. Site access is proposed via one full-movement driveway on both Market Street (SR 2845) and Shiraz Way. The study analyzes traffic conditions during the weekday AM and PM peak hours for the following scenarios: Existing (2019) Traffic Conditions Background (2023) Traffic Conditions Combined (2023) Traffic Conditions Combined (2023) w/ Improvements Traffic Conditions Trip Generation Based on data from the existing facility, it is anticipated that the proposed development will generate 202 trips (48 entering and 154 exiting) will during the weekday AM peak hour and 239 trips (151 entering and 88 exiting) during the weekday PM peak hour. Capacity Analysis Summary Overall, the development is not expected to have a significant impact at study intersections. Congestion occurs during peak hours at Porter s Neck Road/US 17 and at Market Street (SR 1400)/US 17. These two roads (Porter s Neck Road and Market Street) are the only two connections to US 17 for the Porter s Neck area. With completion of the Waterstone development and the proposed development, nearly all land in the Porter s Neck area will be development, which minimizes the potential for future traffic increases in this area beyond these developments. The Military Cutoff Extension project is under construction and is expected to alleviate some traffic along US 17 through the study area. This should improve intersection operations along US 17, including the Porter s Neck Road / US 17 intersection. Changes to traffic patterns as a Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 31 result of this new roadway were not considered in this traffic study, which provides a conservative analysis for the study area. Porter s Neck Road and Edgewater Club Road/Shiraz Way The roundabout is expected to operate at an acceptable level of service in the future with full build out of the development. The development is not expected to cause a significant increase in delays or queues along the approaches of the roundabout. Market Street (US 17) and Porter s Neck Road The intersection is expected to operate at LOS D under background conditions and combined conditions with build out of the development. Site trips are expected to increase intersection delay by approximately 2 seconds in the peak hours. Queues on the westbound approach of Porter s Neck Road are expected to increase by approximately 2-3 vehicles during the heaviest peak hour period. Operations at this intersection should improve with completion of the Military Cutoff Road Extension project. US 17 and U-turn Location (North of SR 1400 Market Street) The signalized u-turn location is expected to operate at LOS C or better under future conditions with the development. The northbound u-turn queues are expected to increase by approximately 2-3 vehicles during the AM peak hour; however, adequate storage is available to accommodate future queues. US 17 and Market Street (SR 1400) The intersection is expected to operate at an overall LOS D or better under each analysis scenario. The proposed development is expected to increase queues along Market Street (SR 1400) by approximately 80 feet during the heaviest peak hour. Other study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service during the weekday AM and PM peak hours under each analysis scenario. Traffic Impact Analysis Porter s Neck Development New Hanover County, North Carolina 32 9. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of this study, specific geometric improvements have been identified and are recommended to accommodate future traffic conditions. See a more detailed description of the recommended improvements below. Refer to Figure 11 for an illustration of the recommended lane configuration for the proposed development. Recommended Improvements by Developer Shiraz Way and Site Drive 1 Provide site access via full-movement intersection with one ingress lane and one egress lane. Provide stop control for Site Drive 1. Market Street (SR 2845) and Site Drive 2 Provide site access via full-movement intersection with one ingress lane and one egress lane. Provide stop control for Site Drive 2.