TIA Approval September 11, 2019 Mr. Dan Cumbo, PE Davenport Transportation Consultants 3722 Shipyard Blvd, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Approval of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) associated with the proposed Bayshore Commercial Development The WMPO, NCDOT, and New Hanover County staffs have reviewed the Bayshore Commercial Development TIA sealed July 30, 2019. This approval is based on the following land uses as proposed in the TIA: • 20,000 sf: Medical/Dental Office (LUC 720) • 70,000 sf: Shopping Center (LUC 820) • 8,000 sf: High Turnover Sit Down Restaurant (LUC 932) • 4,000 sf: Fast Food Restaurant with Drive Through Window (LUC 934 • Build Year: 2022 Based on review of the analysis provided in the TIA report, the following improvements are required by the developer: US 17 (Market Street) at SR 1363 (Bayshore Drive)/SR 2717(Torchwood Boulevard) (signalized full movement intersection) • Provide an additional westbound left turn lane with 250 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 100 feet of taper. The additional left turn lane will need to be constructed into the median so that it can run concurrently with the opposing left. Extend the storage of the northbound right turn lane to provide a continuous turn lane from Site Drive 1. • Perform signal timing modifications. US 17 (Market Street) at Existing Site Driveway 2 (existing stop-controlled T-intersection; future RIRO) • Continue the northbound right turn lane beginning at Bayshore Drive full through the intersection. • For the westbound approach of the existing Site Drive 2: o Construct a pocket left turn lane for the existing driveway to the existing medical office to the north. o Due to the queueing on this internal stem, remove the first internal driveway to the proposed site. Page 2 of 2 US 17 (Market Street) at Site Driveway 1 (future RIRO) • Construct the westbound approach with one ingress and one egress lane. • Provide stop control for the westbound approach. • Provide a minimum 100-foot internal protected stem. • For the continuous northbound right turn lane to Bayshore Drive, provide 150 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 100 feet of taper at Site Drive 1. US 17 (Market Street) at Site Driveway 3/Church Driveway (proposed stop-controlled full movement intersection) (Though this driveway is shown as limited access in the figures, NCDOT project U-4902D will create a full movement intersection. • Construct the northbound approach with one ingress and one egress lane. • Provide stop control for the intersection. • Provide a minimum 100-foot internal protected stem. • Align northbound approach with southbound church driveway. • Provide an eastbound right turn lane with 100 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 100 feet of taper. If changes are made to the proposed site driveways and/or land use, the current trip distribution may need to be modified and would require a revised Traffic Impact Analysis to be submitted for review by the NCDOT, WMPO, and New Hanover County. This approval will become null and void. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable New Hanover County and NCDOT permits for access to the road network. All applicable NCDOT and New Hanover County technical standards and policies shall apply. Please contact me at 910-473-5130 with any questions regarding this approval. Sincerely, Amy Kimes, PE Senior Project Engineer Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization Ec: Ben Hughes, PE, District Engineer, NCDOT Madi Lee, EI, Development Review Engineer, NCDOT Jon Roan, Assistant District Engineer, NCDOT Jessi Leonard, PE, Division Traffic Engineer, NCDOT Kirsten Spirakis, PE, Senior Assistant Traffic Engineer, NCDOT Don Bennett, PE, City Traffic Engineer, New Hanover County Denys Vielkanowitz, PE, Signal Systems Management Engineer, New Hanover County Brad Schuller, Senior Planner, New Hanover County Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director, WMPO