Updated Trip Generation Info Table 1: Trip Generation Summary Land Use (ITE Code) Intensity Daily Traffic (vpd) AM Peak Hour Trips (vph) PM Peak Hour Trips (vph) Enter Exit Enter Exit Single-Family Detached Housing (210) 62 units 670 12 37 40 24 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) (220) 262 units 1,940 27 92 88 51 Total Trips 2,610 39 129 128 75 It is estimated that the proposed development will now generate approximately 2,610 total site trips on the roadway network during a typical 24-hour weekday period. Of the daily traffic volume, it is anticipated that 168 trips (39 entering and 129 exiting) will occur in the AM peak hour and 203 trips (128 entering and 75 exiting) during the PM peak hour. Porters Neck Road at Edgewater Club Road/Shiraz Way (roundabout) Scenario Overall LOS Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2019 Existing A 8 2023 Future A 9 2023 Future with Project A 10 PM PEAK 2019 Existing A 7 2023 Future A 8 2023 Future with Project A 9 Porter’s Neck Development – LOS Table Updates Page 2 of 2 Market Street and Porters Neck Road Scenario Overall LOS Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2019 Existing D 41 2023 Future D 43 2023 Future with Project D 44 PM PEAK 2019 Existing D 44 2023 Future D 47 2023 Future with Project D 48 US 17 at Market Street/Futch Creek Road Scenario Overall LOS Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2019 Existing B 18 2023 Future B 20 2023 Future with Project C 24 PM PEAK 2019 Existing C 33 2023 Future C 31 2023 Future with Project D 37 US 17 at U-Turn (North of Futch Creek Road) Scenario Overall LOS Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2019 Existing C 22 2023 Future C 26 2023 Future with Project C 31 PM PEAK 2019 Existing A 9 2023 Future B 10 2023 Future with Project B 13 Scale: Not to Scale Porter's NeckNew Hanover County, NC Site N Ma r k e t St r e e t 17 SR 1400 (Futch Creek Road) SR 1491 (Porter's Neck Road) SR 2 9 3 2 (S h i r a z W a y ) SR 1 4 0 2 (E d g e w a t e r Cl u b R o a d ) SR 1491 (Porter's Neck Road) SR 1400 (Market Street) Site Drive 1 Site Drive 2 SR 2 8 4 5 (M a r k e t S t r e e t ) 17 140 Total Site Trip Assignment LEGEND Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection X / Y Weekday AM / PM Peak Hour Site Trips 2/ 6 58 / 3 4 7/ 4 18/58 58/34 4/ 1 3 18 / 5 8 64/37 1 9 / 6 4 64/37 39 / 2 3 25 / 1 4 39 / 2 3 7/ 2 6 64/37 12 / 3 8 19 / 6 4 65/38 20 / 6 4 7/ 2 6 26/1 5 8/2 5 13 / 8 Roundabout Scale: Not to Scale Porter's NeckNew Hanover County, NC Site N Ma r k e t St r e e t 17 SR 1400 (Futch Creek Road) SR 1491 (Porter's Neck Road) SR 2 9 3 2 (S h i r a z W a y ) SR 1 4 0 2 (E d g e w a t e r Cl u b R o a d ) SR 1491 (Porter's Neck Road) SR 1400 (Market Street) Site Drive 1 Site Drive 2 SR 2 8 4 5 (M a r k e t S t r e e t ) 17 140 Combined (2023) Peak Hour Traffic 43 6 / 2 6 6 59 / 2 6 28 / 1 2 20 5 / 1 2 7 68 / 3 0 0/ 1 43/158170/221323/265 241/210 72/103 656/549 12 3 / 1 8 1 95 6 / 1 2 7 3 42 3 / 4 2 4 64/37 0/0 1 2 6 / 1 2 8 3 7 / 1 0 6 107/5 7 0/5 26 3 / 1 4 7 8/ 5 21 8 1 / 1 6 9 9 91 / 9 3 433/237 40 / 8 2 13 3 2 / 2 2 1 8 15 0 / 2 2 1 18 / 4 2 19 / 6 4 0/065/38 20 / 6 4 82 / 1 2 4 14 8 / 1 6 5 11 8 2 / 1 1 2 9 15 3 / 2 3 0 0/4185/24716/15 106/19553/10449/98 140/ 9 1 1/2 68/45 0/ 0 21 2 / 1 2 0 43 / 2 0 0/ 0 LEGEND Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection X / Y Weekday AM / PM Peak Hour Traffic Roundabout20 1 4 / 1 6 5 9