Z19-14 Opposition Petition This petition has collected 1265 signatures using the online tools at ipetitions.com Printed on 2019-11-25 Page 1 of 103 Protect Porter's Neck About this petition A large developer is proposing a large development in Porters Neck, NC on a 51 acre parcel. It will require a rezoning hearing to change from the existing R15/R20 (which has been a large family owned farm since 1904) to mixed/multi use. The developer's proposal on this small parcel includes 300+ apartments in several three story buildings, 125+ duplexes and 50+ single family homes. Their proposed lots would be small, even by Wilmington standards. The neighbors of Porters Neck, and New Hanover/Pender counties vehemently object to this proposal based on the environmental and traffic impacts. Additionally, the newest local elementary school is currently over 100% capacity in its second year. The developer held a community informational meeting on Oct. 1, 2019, as is required prior to application for rezoning with the planning board and County Commissioners. This meeting was attended by over 550 people in red shirts voicing their objections. The developer was not prepared for the crowd, and provided poor answers to the community's concerns. Despite this large turnout, and objection, the developer is still applying for the proposal without significant changes to their plan. Let your county planning board, and elected officials with the County Commissioners, know we do not want, and our area cannot survive this high density development! Join us, and voice your objection, by signing this petition standing up to this poorly planned development. Page 2 of 103 Signatures 1. Name: Trevor Matthes on 2019-10-09 01:59:56 Comments: 2. Name: MaryScott Wilson on 2019-10-09 02:03:30 Comments: 3. Name: Melissa Matthes on 2019-10-09 02:04:43 Comments: 4. Name: Keith Renye on 2019-10-09 02:06:23 Comments: This proposed development will severely impact the environment, waterways, family safety, road conditions, traffic flow, and so much more to an already congested area. 5. Name: Jennifer Cox on 2019-10-09 02:08:45 Comments: 6. Name: Kellie Garrabrant on 2019-10-09 02:10:00 Comments: 7. Name: Nick High on 2019-10-09 02:10:03 Comments: This development is a terrible idea for our already congested area of town. ReZoning this property is bad for everyone. 8. Name: Kate Hiatt on 2019-10-09 02:11:38 Comments: 9. Name: Sarah Shay on 2019-10-09 02:14:20 Comments: 10. Name: Steven Barnhill on 2019-10-09 02:14:23 Comments: I oppose this development due to the apartments included. 11. Name: Joshua Genes on 2019-10-09 02:14:50 Comments: We just do not want the apartments. 12. Name: Kenneth Wilson on 2019-10-09 02:16:52 Comments: 13. Name: Nickolaus Mitchell High on 2019-10-09 02:17:50 Comments: Page 3 of 103 14. Name: Amy Barnhill on 2019-10-09 02:19:03 Comments: 15. Name: Angi Israel on 2019-10-09 02:19:17 Comments: 16. Name: Kristin Dallos on 2019-10-09 02:19:58 Comments: 17. Name: Dustin Daniels on 2019-10-09 02:21:13 Comments: 18. Name: Cathy Bouchard on 2019-10-09 02:21:59 Comments: 19. Name: Gary Hinson on 2019-10-09 02:22:46 Comments: 20. Name: Deanna Hudson on 2019-10-09 02:24:49 Comments: The Porters Neck area cannot handle the 1000+ cars that would be added with this type of proposed development. It would cause major issues with traffic not to mention adding to the already overcrowded schools in this district. This is too much for only 51 acres of land and I strongly oppose the apartment buildings. 21. Name: Stephanie Ellis on 2019-10-09 02:26:37 Comments: 22. Name: Bronwyn Jagutis on 2019-10-09 02:28:11 Comments: 23. Name: Jennifer Crumpler on 2019-10-09 02:28:31 Comments: 24. Name: Monica mccaskill on 2019-10-09 02:29:49 Comments: 25. Name: Jodi Adams on 2019-10-09 02:30:25 Comments: 26. Name: Paige Nagle on 2019-10-09 02:31:33 Comments: Page 4 of 103 27. Name: Martin Wasserberg on 2019-10-09 02:33:38 Comments: 28. Name: Tiffany on 2019-10-09 02:34:54 Comments: 29. Name: Joanne Cavan on 2019-10-09 02:36:07 Comments: 30. Name: Ashley on 2019-10-09 02:38:24 Comments: 31. Name: Patrick Knittel on 2019-10-09 02:40:32 Comments: 32. Name: Darren Smith on 2019-10-09 02:42:17 Comments: 33. Name: Ethel Wasserberg on 2019-10-09 02:51:00 Comments: 34. Name: Felicia on 2019-10-09 02:52:13 Comments: 35. Name: Misti Smith on 2019-10-09 03:08:32 Comments: 36. Name: Betsy Buckingham on 2019-10-09 03:16:30 Comments: 37. Name: Heather Sheehan on 2019-10-09 03:16:43 Comments: Born and raised here, there is not enough traffic equipment in place for a development. 38. Name: Jared Jagutis on 2019-10-09 04:03:56 Comments: 39. Name: Brandi Hessenius on 2019-10-09 07:40:58 Comments: 40. Name: Frank Bisselink on 2019-10-09 08:33:11 Page 5 of 103 Comments: 41. Name: Julie Crow on 2019-10-09 09:03:18 Comments: 42. Name: Khari on 2019-10-09 09:52:02 Comments: 43. Name: Tanya Edwards on 2019-10-09 09:59:44 Comments: 44. Name: Carey on 2019-10-09 10:00:14 Comments: Porters Neck used to be quiet, full of nature and safe. Now it is being overdeveloped just like the rest of Wilmington. Developers putting $ in the pockets while people suffer with overcrowded resources and unsafe conditions. 45. Name: Caroline Pearson on 2019-10-09 10:04:51 Comments: 46. Name: Marylou Tooley on 2019-10-09 10:09:19 Comments: Stop building! 47. Name: Ashley McKibbin on 2019-10-09 10:11:53 Comments: 48. Name: Kevin Crumrine on 2019-10-09 10:16:20 Comments: 49. Name: Andy Adams on 2019-10-09 10:22:09 Comments: 50. Name: Robert Hiatt on 2019-10-09 10:24:01 Comments: 51. Name: Carrie Dixon on 2019-10-09 10:24:15 Comments: 52. Name: Pamela Stambaugh on 2019-10-09 10:26:31 Comments: 53. Name: Kelly McLemore on 2019-10-09 10:40:44 Comments: Page 6 of 103 54. Name: Wendi sullivan on 2019-10-09 10:43:15 Comments: 55. Name: Christy crumrine on 2019-10-09 10:45:27 Comments: 56. Name: Stephanie Gould on 2019-10-09 11:01:36 Comments: 57. Name: Deborah Beasley on 2019-10-09 11:09:10 Comments: 58. Name: Soren Lonneberg on 2019-10-09 11:09:48 Comments: 59. Name: Shawn W McGrath on 2019-10-09 11:14:53 Comments: 60. Name: Robert Parker on 2019-10-09 11:17:51 Comments: 61. Name: Shena Carr on 2019-10-09 11:19:19 Comments: Porters neck can’t handle the amount of traffic and population this development would introduce We vote No 62. Name: Lori ficken on 2019-10-09 11:19:58 Comments: This area of Porters Neck is not designed to handle the additional traffic/storm flooding that will result if this project is approved. 63. Name: Eileen Regan on 2019-10-09 11:20:34 Comments: 64. Name: Beverly Conant on 2019-10-09 11:21:16 Comments: 65. Name: Tandi Lehocky on 2019-10-09 11:22:22 Comments: 66. Name: Julie Jadick on 2019-10-09 11:24:29 Comments: Page 7 of 103 67. Name: Gregory Loehr on 2019-10-09 11:24:33 Comments: 68. Name: Jeff Hiatt on 2019-10-09 11:27:13 Comments: Don’t destroy Porters Neck neighborhoods by over building more apartment complexes. !!!! 69. Name: Victoria tucker on 2019-10-09 11:27:13 Comments: While I realize I live in a growing city and growth and change is inevitable, I am opposed to this development. Growth is great for local economy and the city, but the city needs to put the infrastructure in first, then develop it. The traffic will not be able to accommodate it. We will have more flooding. 70. Name: Beth Locke on 2019-10-09 11:31:40 Comments: 71. Name: Jeremy Locke on 2019-10-09 11:32:33 Comments: 72. Name: Jessica Blacher on 2019-10-09 11:32:51 Comments: 73. Name: Mary Sanza on 2019-10-09 11:40:00 Comments: I am concerned about the apartments and the impact it will have on my house's property value and surrounding traffic. 74. Name: Heidi Zeppelin on 2019-10-09 11:40:09 Comments: 75. Name: Nikki Smith on 2019-10-09 11:43:51 Comments: 76. Name: Renn Carroll on 2019-10-09 11:44:35 Comments: 77. Name: Ellen Maselli on 2019-10-09 11:46:11 Comments: 78. Name: Laura Boneau on 2019-10-09 11:47:28 Comments: Page 8 of 103 79. Name: Laura Boneau on 2019-10-09 11:47:28 Comments: 80. Name: David Fialk on 2019-10-09 11:48:04 Comments: 81. Name: Jamie Stern on 2019-10-09 11:49:01 Comments: Anything denser than single family should be denied. Need to compel multiple access points to Porters Neck Road. Need to also pursue connecting point to Market Street as well. 82. Name: Janet Rodrick on 2019-10-09 11:50:23 Comments: Quality of life is the biggest issues , air quality, water availability, etc etc Taking more trees down and crowding people in an area like this is a terrible idea! 83. Name: Janet cronemiller on 2019-10-09 11:52:32 Comments: 84. Name: Peter Sanza on 2019-10-09 11:52:33 Comments: I am against rezoning. The increased local flooding as evidenced by Hurricane Florence is still fresh in my mind. Traffic around the PN Rd circle in the morning and afternoon on school days is already ridiculous. 85. Name: Jaime Lang on 2019-10-09 11:53:41 Comments: No more building places for people to live without the first building the proper infrastructure to support it. (Schools, roads, drainage, etc) 86. Name: Nate roy on 2019-10-09 11:54:18 Comments: 87. Name: Brittni adkins on 2019-10-09 11:54:34 Comments: 88. Name: Kathryn Stanfield on 2019-10-09 11:56:01 Comments: 89. Name: Camden breeden on 2019-10-09 11:57:22 Comments: 90. Name: Michael Adkins on 2019-10-09 11:57:25 Comments: 91. Name: Ani Leonard on 2019-10-09 11:58:12 Page 9 of 103 Comments: 92. Name: Michelle Shaffer on 2019-10-09 11:58:19 Comments: Do not allow more development off Porter’s Neck Rd., especially multi-use! Too much traffic already! 93. Name: Mariah Baltezegar on 2019-10-09 11:58:52 Comments: 94. Name: Holly Stevens on 2019-10-09 11:59:57 Comments: 95. Name: Marie Stacks on 2019-10-09 12:00:32 Comments: 96. Name: Joseph Stevens on 2019-10-09 12:02:21 Comments: 97. Name: Cate on 2019-10-09 12:02:22 Comments: 98. Name: Cindi Moore on 2019-10-09 12:04:28 Comments: This unchecked overdevelopment has to stop. 99. Name: Tippin Harkins on 2019-10-09 12:04:34 Comments: Please preserve what little land we have left! 100. Name: Lisa Cookson on 2019-10-09 12:05:09 Comments: 101. Name: Robyn on 2019-10-09 12:05:43 Comments: 102. Name: Nadine Flint on 2019-10-09 12:07:04 Comments: Let’s keep our community safe! Traffic is already horrible on Porters Neck and Market Street. Think about the impact on our schools!! 103. Name: Linda Woods on 2019-10-09 12:07:13 Comments: We need single story duplexes for retired people but definitely no more apartments! 104. Name: Kay Howard on 2019-10-09 12:07:35 Page 10 of 103 Comments: 105. Name: Penny Jones on 2019-10-09 12:08:53 Comments: We are beginning so over built. The infrastructure here can't handle the growth by the developer's. The environmental impact from ripping up the trees is unbelievable. 106. Name: Brenda Rock on 2019-10-09 12:10:18 Comments: Public safety should be primary concern of County Commissioners. 107. Name: Kay Howard on 2019-10-09 12:10:42 Comments: 108. Name: Pat Gallaher on 2019-10-09 12:12:31 Comments: 109. Name: Alison Caplanson on 2019-10-09 12:14:02 Comments: 110. Name: Anna Allegretto on 2019-10-09 12:14:53 Comments: Protect Porters Neck; the area cannot support 14 apartment buildings. 111. Name: Stephanie Dickerson on 2019-10-09 12:15:02 Comments: 112. Name: Barbara VanLenten on 2019-10-09 12:19:02 Comments: A very big no 113. Name: Jo Parker on 2019-10-09 12:19:23 Comments: 114. Name: Barbara McNinch on 2019-10-09 12:20:21 Comments: 115. Name: Catt Larson on 2019-10-09 12:20:22 Comments: 116. Name: Megan OBryan on 2019-10-09 12:21:18 Comments: 117. Name: Stephanie Jackson on 2019-10-09 12:21:24 Comments: Page 11 of 103 118. Name: Donna Baker on 2019-10-09 12:21:34 Comments: I live off of porters neck rd and this would be a major impact to this area with more traffic etc... No problem in developing it but not with all the is purposed . Just too many structures in such a small area ! We would need more lights too ! The traffic around the circle is dangerous too ! Planning for all this in Wilmington was not done well ! 119. Name: Sarah Wheaton on 2019-10-09 12:21:52 Comments: 120. Name: Carole Merkerson on 2019-10-09 12:21:58 Comments: Just how many car washes and apartments can you put in one little spot? 121. Name: Kiera Pridgen on 2019-10-09 12:22:00 Comments: 122. Name: ERIN Hinson on 2019-10-09 12:22:51 Comments: 123. Name: Moria Hobbs on 2019-10-09 12:24:50 Comments: The proposed redistricting plans for Porter's Neck Elementary and Holly Shelter Middle schools for 2020 show both schools will be over capacity with current enrollment. Do not approve rezoning to add an additional 400-500 homes to an already overutilized school! Between the school capacity issues, serious flooding concerns, and lack of infrastructure to handle the additional traffic, this rezoning request should be denied without question! 124. Name: John Cavan on 2019-10-09 12:25:23 Comments: The best interests of the existing communities should take priority over the selfish interests of the Developer and the Builder. 125. Name: Kristy High on 2019-10-09 12:25:25 Comments: 126. Name: Gerald Mancuso on 2019-10-09 12:26:17 Comments: Keep the zoning the same 127. Name: Samuel Altman on 2019-10-09 12:29:03 Comments: 128. Name: Marie-Claire Croiger on 2019-10-09 12:29:13 Comments: Page 12 of 103 129. Name: Araceli Leon on 2019-10-09 12:30:11 Comments: 130. Name: Danielle Wilson on 2019-10-09 12:31:50 Comments: We have been asking the planning board, city and county elected officials to stop the excessive building but sadly they continue to approve these plans—there won’t be a tree left in the county in 5 years at the rate they are going. 131. Name: Stephanie Sheehan on 2019-10-09 12:33:26 Comments: 132. Name: Tracy on 2019-10-09 12:35:02 Comments: 133. Name: Jennifer Dicksey on 2019-10-09 12:36:28 Comments: 134. Name: Helen Ley on 2019-10-09 12:37:40 Comments: 135. Name: Kathleen Epperly on 2019-10-09 12:38:11 Comments: 136. Name: Jimmy Sampson on 2019-10-09 12:38:14 Comments: 137. Name: Martin Michaelson on 2019-10-09 12:38:57 Comments: The proposed "Special Use Permit" would be a slap in the face to all the residents of the "Porters Neck" area. The roads and the schools cannot handle the proposed density of 380 apartments. The R-15 zone should allow only 153 units on the combined properties. 138. Name: Shawn on 2019-10-09 12:39:30 Comments: Please stop the over development!! 139. Name: Elaine Santaniello on 2019-10-09 12:40:06 Comments: 140. Name: Lynda Hunter on 2019-10-09 12:41:20 Comments: The impacts on this area would be catastrophic in regards to traffic congestion, loss of green space, and over population which puts a high strain on our infrastructure. The county needs to be more conservative and forward thinking in allowing this sort of development which will destroy the continuity of our neighborhood. Page 13 of 103 141. Name: Tara Harris on 2019-10-09 12:43:42 Comments: No.... just no! 142. Name: Beth Soles on 2019-10-09 12:45:11 Comments: 143. Name: Jennifer Maddux on 2019-10-09 12:45:23 Comments: 144. Name: Sabrina Cleveland on 2019-10-09 12:45:37 Comments: 145. Name: Mark Maddux on 2019-10-09 12:46:20 Comments: 146. Name: Nancy Peterson on 2019-10-09 12:46:26 Comments: 147. Name: Alexandra Harper on 2019-10-09 12:48:00 Comments: 148. Name: Jodi gartlan on 2019-10-09 12:50:10 Comments: 149. Name: Sami Genes on 2019-10-09 12:50:32 Comments: 150. Name: Denise Heye on 2019-10-09 12:50:44 Comments: 151. Name: Jamie Borum on 2019-10-09 12:52:02 Comments: 152. Name: Rusty Jones on 2019-10-09 12:52:36 Comments: No more apt. Town house . Homes need to have bigger lots not built on top of each other are streets and utilities cant handle much more and there will be more flooding from the extra run off of rain water . 153. Name: Jen Krex on 2019-10-09 12:53:36 Comments: Page 14 of 103 154. Name: Del Flint on 2019-10-09 12:54:08 Comments: The developer mush align with the existing zoning regulations. Wilmington cannot afford to let money hungry corporations ruin our piece of paradise. Once built there is no going back! 155. Name: Francis fox on 2019-10-09 12:54:32 Comments: This area should only have single family homes. The density they are proposing will be catastrophic to an already burdensome traffic. 156. Name: Angela Dabney on 2019-10-09 12:55:23 Comments: 157. Name: Julie hieronymus on 2019-10-09 12:56:33 Comments: 158. Name: Elizabeth DErasmo on 2019-10-09 12:57:00 Comments: 159. Name: Joanne Halls on 2019-10-09 12:57:17 Comments: The site plan is too dense for the environment and storm water impacts on site. There is increased risk to adjacent neighborhoods and there is no plan to improve infrastructure such and roads and safety. 160. Name: Diane schafer on 2019-10-09 12:58:31 Comments: 161. Name: Erin McCarthy on 2019-10-09 12:59:07 Comments: 162. Name: Taren Mock on 2019-10-09 12:59:15 Comments: 163. Name: Kathleen Anne Goriup on 2019-10-09 13:01:07 Comments: 164. Name: Michele Robinson on 2019-10-09 13:02:11 Comments: Please make decisions based on the wishes of your constituents....no outlandish developments that change the neighborhoods we love...busy is not always better!!! 165. Name: Tabitha Kitchen on 2019-10-09 13:02:35 Comments: No apartments or duplexes! Single family homes to match the current neighborhood! Page 15 of 103 166. Name: Heather Fleuriet on 2019-10-09 13:05:28 Comments: 167. Name: Cristina Powell on 2019-10-09 13:06:42 Comments: Hell. No. 168. Name: Paige Crews on 2019-10-09 13:07:55 Comments: 169. Name: Ben on 2019-10-09 13:09:22 Comments: 170. Name: Eric Powell on 2019-10-09 13:09:32 Comments: No. Just no. 171. Name: Randall Sands on 2019-10-09 13:10:20 Comments: I object to the proposed 51 acre Development in Porters Neck due to it density of residents, structures, parking and roads. It does not blend with the area and its long established zoning of single family residential and its country feel. 172. Name: Elise Thompson on 2019-10-09 13:10:48 Comments: 173. Name: William Whitley on 2019-10-09 13:11:16 Comments: the traffic consequences would be horrible for everyone on the northeast side of the county 174. Name: Susan Sands on 2019-10-09 13:13:10 Comments: 175. Name: Susie Burch on 2019-10-09 13:13:12 Comments: Traffic is already congested. 176. Name: Brad Sands on 2019-10-09 13:15:32 Comments: 177. Name: Pablo torres on 2019-10-09 13:16:18 Comments: This project will destroy the neighborhood. I’m completely against this project. Don’t build. 178. Name: Brooke Sands on 2019-10-09 13:16:36 Page 16 of 103 Comments: 179. Name: Tricia Rankin on 2019-10-09 13:16:51 Comments: enough!!!!! we need trees and land for water! stop being so greedy! 180. Name: Allison Luckadoo on 2019-10-09 13:16:58 Comments: 181. Name: Travis braxton on 2019-10-09 13:17:35 Comments: 182. Name: Bobbi Sikes on 2019-10-09 13:18:51 Comments: 183. Name: Nicole Reiber on 2019-10-09 13:20:15 Comments: There should be a vision for Porter’s Neck instead of haphazard development and inefficient infrastructure. Start listening to the people who live there (for a change). The opportunities to preserve and protect Wilmington communities are dwindling. What could have been is largely gone thanks to poor development decisions. 184. Name: Kenneth MacDonald on 2019-10-09 13:22:11 Comments: Please, a single family neighborhood is more appropriate for that area. 185. Name: Jamie Pate on 2019-10-09 13:23:06 Comments: 186. Name: Tiffany Jones on 2019-10-09 13:24:44 Comments: 187. Name: Randy Jones on 2019-10-09 13:25:32 Comments: 188. Name: Barry Billand on 2019-10-09 13:26:20 Comments: 189. Name: Cindy Burton on 2019-10-09 13:26:26 Comments: 190. Name: Susan Polizzotto on 2019-10-09 13:26:48 Comments: The traffic this will generate in an already congested area will be horrific. Getting from Hampstead to Wilmington (and anywhere in between) on 17 and Market Street is already a lengthy, dangerous trek. Why are you selling out our beautiful, semi- rural landscape? People who desire to live and work in densely populated areas should Page 17 of 103 move elsewhere, and developers (who are only in it for the money) should be redirected to Charlotte and the Triangle area. Stop spoiling New Hannover and Pender Counties. 191. Name: James Eubanks on 2019-10-09 13:28:07 Comments: The infrastructure along Porters Neck Road cannot handle this proposed traffic. Only one true in-out road for the area. The PNR and Market Street intersection is already a nightmare of accidents and near misses. Backups constantly occur on PNR due to increased elementary school traffic and poor access. Don't aggravate an already dangerous situation. 192. Name: Dennise Wallace on 2019-10-09 13:29:08 Comments: 193. Name: Laura Roos on 2019-10-09 13:29:55 Comments: 194. Name: Ashley Hales on 2019-10-09 13:36:07 Comments: 195. Name: Jennifer Nicole Sawyer on 2019-10-09 13:39:27 Comments: 196. Name: Brittany Knittel on 2019-10-09 13:41:31 Comments: Do the right thing Logan and build a respectable single family homes neighborhood that is an asset to Porters Neck. Not the high density representation of corporate greed which is the current development plan. 197. Name: Bates Toone on 2019-10-09 13:41:50 Comments: over development is ruining Wilmington. 198. Name: Brianne Jablow on 2019-10-09 13:42:37 Comments: 199. Name: Dorothy Corbett on 2019-10-09 13:43:28 Comments: No to this proposal 200. Name: Jill Manzo on 2019-10-09 13:44:15 Comments: 201. Name: Christopher Cauley on 2019-10-09 13:44:16 Comments: 202. Name: Brent Bowditch on 2019-10-09 13:45:25 Page 18 of 103 Comments: 203. Name: Judy DeMartis on 2019-10-09 13:45:36 Comments: 204. Name: Doug Dameron on 2019-10-09 13:45:42 Comments: 205. Name: Beth Tulip on 2019-10-09 13:46:00 Comments: 206. Name: Laurie Ankarlo on 2019-10-09 13:48:00 Comments: 207. Name: Barbara lucas on 2019-10-09 13:50:57 Comments: 208. Name: Brad Reiter on 2019-10-09 13:58:48 Comments: 209. Name: Michael Hudson on 2019-10-09 14:00:56 Comments: 210. Name: Donna and Tom Owens on 2019-10-09 14:03:27 Comments: 211. Name: Mimi Beckes on 2019-10-09 14:03:54 Comments: Just because they “can” does not mean they “should”. Making a plea to the developer to use common sense and refrain from making such a detrimental decision simply for more money. The impact on traffic alone (not to mention all the other reasons) should be basis enough for our elected officials to reject this plan. 212. Name: Kathy Weitner on 2019-10-09 14:03:55 Comments: No to overcrowded developement 213. Name: Christina Gately on 2019-10-09 14:05:46 Comments: No to the proposal. We have more than enough traffic & drainage issues already. 214. Name: Erin Dills on 2019-10-09 14:06:08 Comments: We DO NOT want the proposed development in our community! Page 19 of 103 215. Name: James Stephens on 2019-10-09 14:07:16 Comments: 216. Name: Tom Ziermann on 2019-10-09 14:11:13 Comments: 217. Name: Cathyanne Amdur on 2019-10-09 14:13:17 Comments: 218. Name: Clark Helton on 2019-10-09 14:13:42 Comments: I'm not opposed to progress, but please develop / build responsibly, (single family homes only, and leave as many trees as possible). 219. Name: Saundra Campbell on 2019-10-09 14:18:04 Comments: 220. Name: Jane Anglin on 2019-10-09 14:19:15 Comments: 221. Name: George Barnes on 2019-10-09 14:19:27 Comments: 222. Name: Lindy Jackson on 2019-10-09 14:19:30 Comments: 223. Name: alan campbell on 2019-10-09 14:21:02 Comments: not interested in re-zoning as the traffic on Porters Neck Rd is already too heavy. 224. Name: Katherine Bumgardner on 2019-10-09 14:21:42 Comments: 225. Name: Brad Stoebig on 2019-10-09 14:23:33 Comments: 226. Name: Jeanie Baker on 2019-10-09 14:26:27 Comments: 227. Name: Jonathan Amdur on 2019-10-09 14:28:51 Comments: I am opposed to this development of property without any foresight on traffic, enviromental, and drainage impact. Page 20 of 103 228. Name: Lisa Arstone on 2019-10-09 14:31:01 Comments: We don’t need all the pollution run off in Paige’s creek as well as the increase in flooding in our area with all the trees gone. Preserve our community! 229. Name: Jane Blank on 2019-10-09 14:32:31 Comments: 230. Name: MICHELLE O URBAN on 2019-10-09 14:35:17 Comments: 231. Name: Jason Lanier on 2019-10-09 14:43:58 Comments: 232. Name: Larry Fischer on 2019-10-09 14:45:58 Comments: Allotment roads are entirely to narrow and lots are too small. Market st is already overburdened with traffic and adding a mixed use allotment such as this would overwhelm Market adding to the current congestion which will be even worse during the years of modifications being made to Market. It will put additional stress on local schools and infrastructure such as power, water and sewage. Who will be responsible for covering all these additional costs brought on by such a large development. Squeezing so much into such a small area is nothing short of pure greed. Developers must start thinking more about the economic and environmental impacts of new developments to the sourrounding existing families and communities and not just on their own personal gains 233. Name: Art on 2019-10-09 14:46:06 Comments: ...and no more Dollar Generals either !! 234. Name: Stephen Sasser on 2019-10-09 14:47:51 Comments: 235. Name: Maria Sommer on 2019-10-09 14:48:17 Comments: 236. Name: Lisa Ann Pelosi on 2019-10-09 14:50:16 Comments: 237. Name: Betsy Albright on 2019-10-09 14:53:15 Comments: 238. Name: susanne lamphier on 2019-10-09 14:54:57 Comments: 239. Name: Pamela Wilson on 2019-10-09 14:58:10 Page 21 of 103 Comments: I am completely opposed to the proposed development for this property. It will place an unsustainable burden on resources, the environment and the community at large. 240. Name: Pamela Wilson on 2019-10-09 14:58:11 Comments: I am completely opposed to the proposed development for this property. It will place an unsustainable burden on resources, the environment and the community at large. 241. Name: Geraldine Storch on 2019-10-09 15:00:02 Comments: Maybe there should be a rule that developers live in the community they create for at least one year. 242. Name: Joan Page on 2019-10-09 15:01:29 Comments: Please consider the detriment to the Porter’s Neck area. 243. Name: Rick Duden on 2019-10-09 15:04:13 Comments: Quiet neighborhoods don't need greedy builders making it overcrowded 244. Name: Tuula Hayes on 2019-10-09 15:04:35 Comments: I strongly oppose this plan. No idea how this builder is going to strong arm himself into our already crowded area!!!! 245. Name: Nicole Galarneau on 2019-10-09 15:09:26 Comments: We can not afford or home another mass construction 246. Name: DJ Urban on 2019-10-09 15:09:54 Comments: 247. Name: Sandra Folcher on 2019-10-09 15:10:44 Comments: 248. Name: Daniel Barbara Smith on 2019-10-09 15:11:53 Comments: 249. Name: Russ Page on 2019-10-09 15:13:14 Comments: 250. Name: Susan Mello on 2019-10-09 15:17:44 Comments: 251. Name: Elizabeth Masiero on 2019-10-09 15:19:11 Comments: Page 22 of 103 252. Name: Keith Dove on 2019-10-09 15:19:16 Comments: 253. Name: Dana Zuckerman on 2019-10-09 15:21:42 Comments: Enough is enough. We need a high school not more apartments. The roads are overcrowded and this isn’t going to help the issue. 254. Name: marie pendola on 2019-10-09 15:22:23 Comments: 255. Name: Dana West-Mcelwee on 2019-10-09 15:22:26 Comments: My vote is a no on developers building new residences in porters neck! Our beautiful trees, land, and animals will be destroyed unnecessarily and we just built an elementary school that’s maxed out! 256. Name: Dana Witt on 2019-10-09 15:22:59 Comments: 257. Name: Angel R on 2019-10-09 15:23:22 Comments: 258. Name: Jackie Robinson on 2019-10-09 15:24:52 Comments: no high density buildings in this area. We are already jammed up with traffic issues, as well as drainage issues. We need to keep green space. 259. Name: Cris Davis on 2019-10-09 15:27:51 Comments: 260. Name: Rachel Lanier on 2019-10-09 15:28:03 Comments: 261. Name: Pat Rider on 2019-10-09 15:28:14 Comments: We were trapped by water that would not drain during Florence. And the traffic circle on porters neck cannot handle the traffic. This large a development is not right. 262. Name: MARGARET C COLMAN on 2019-10-09 15:29:01 Comments: 263. Name: Taryn dickens on 2019-10-09 15:37:21 Comments: Page 23 of 103 264. Name: Samantha on 2019-10-09 15:39:57 Comments: 265. Name: Robert Huie on 2019-10-09 15:40:15 Comments: Bad idea 266. Name: Tom Riggins on 2019-10-09 15:40:52 Comments: 267. Name: Roseline Diaz-Quiroz on 2019-10-09 15:41:13 Comments: 268. Name: Clare McCutcheon on 2019-10-09 15:41:47 Comments: 269. Name: Amber Bolen on 2019-10-09 15:42:37 Comments: 270. Name: Patty Benford on 2019-10-09 15:43:27 Comments: No to the proposal 271. Name: Drew Brown on 2019-10-09 15:47:41 Comments: I object to the project 272. Name: Jenna Jamison on 2019-10-09 15:53:08 Comments: 273. Name: Kay Bilisoly on 2019-10-09 15:53:20 Comments: Absolutely oppose more concrete and less green space. 274. Name: Paul Chase on 2019-10-09 15:54:46 Comments: 275. Name: Rita Scull on 2019-10-09 15:55:02 Comments: There is already too much traffic in PN. This development would add ~1,000 more cars (2 per dwelling). Gridlock & due to water surrounding PN no or few alternate roads. 276. Name: Jolie Russ on 2019-10-09 15:55:37 Comments: We have to STOP IT ALREADY!!!! 277. Name: Jolie russ on 2019-10-09 15:56:22 Page 24 of 103 Comments: 278. Name: Wesley Craven on 2019-10-09 15:56:56 Comments: 279. Name: Laura Rezek on 2019-10-09 16:01:44 Comments: 280. Name: Kelly Catino on 2019-10-09 16:03:28 Comments: 281. Name: Jay M Brooks on 2019-10-09 16:07:29 Comments: 282. Name: JoAnn Tamney on 2019-10-09 16:07:50 Comments: Enough already ! 283. Name: Larry Graham on 2019-10-09 16:08:19 Comments: Please end the build cycle. The last few years this County has done nothing to mitigate the traffic and flooding. 284. Name: Bobbie Favero Fricano on 2019-10-09 16:09:03 Comments: 285. Name: Lynne Rupp on 2019-10-09 16:14:58 Comments: 286. Name: Jennifer Harris on 2019-10-09 16:15:14 Comments: 287. Name: Elizabeth Dinko on 2019-10-09 16:15:54 Comments: NO to this developer. 288. Name: Curtis Dinko on 2019-10-09 16:16:58 Comments: NO to this developer. 289. Name: Ilona Monahan on 2019-10-09 16:18:38 Comments: 290. Name: patrick smith on 2019-10-09 16:19:06 Comments: NO Apartments!! Page 25 of 103 291. Name: Cheryl Wolf on 2019-10-09 16:19:43 Comments: 292. Name: Donna Whitehill on 2019-10-09 16:20:00 Comments: 293. Name: J B Henderson on 2019-10-09 16:22:23 Comments: No rezoning!! You bought R15/R20, You sell R15/R20. 294. Name: Kayla on 2019-10-09 16:23:12 Comments: 295. Name: Jessup Katz on 2019-10-09 16:24:58 Comments: There is already too much development in that area. Traffic is a nightmare. I live behind Big Lots and can’t even turn left onto Market St most of the time. 296. Name: Kate Norwood on 2019-10-09 16:27:33 Comments: 297. Name: Robyn Thomas on 2019-10-09 16:27:34 Comments: Resident of porters neck. Do not build here! 298. Name: Lindsey Katz on 2019-10-09 16:29:39 Comments: 299. Name: Jeremy W Gunter on 2019-10-09 16:32:00 Comments: 300. Name: Amanda Johnson on 2019-10-09 16:33:43 Comments: 301. Name: Patricia Potter on 2019-10-09 16:36:27 Comments: Our area is getting more crowded every day. Impact on schools,roads and traffic would be devastating. 302. Name: Michele Brandon on 2019-10-09 16:37:25 Comments: We do not want more big developments in an already over populated area. 303. Name: Trisha Antley on 2019-10-09 16:41:55 Comments: 304. Name: MICHAEL CATULLO on 2019-10-09 16:48:21 Page 26 of 103 Comments: No more than single family homes! 305. Name: David Morgan on 2019-10-09 16:48:42 Comments: No to this proposal 306. Name: Michelle Morgan on 2019-10-09 16:49:09 Comments: No to this proposal 307. Name: Tony Walters on 2019-10-09 16:50:24 Comments: 308. Name: Joe Campomanes on 2019-10-09 16:51:17 Comments: This is our family's vote AGAINST Logan homes building apartments in our community! The traffic and environmental impact will not be sustainable and will dramatically affect the area negatively! 309. Name: Lori Daley on 2019-10-09 16:52:14 Comments: Porters Neck Rd. can't handle more traffic! 310. Name: Carol Halls on 2019-10-09 16:52:32 Comments: No to this proposal 311. Name: Marisa Gallaher on 2019-10-09 16:53:18 Comments: Please listen to your constituents! This will negatively impact this community in numerous ways. It's time to put your constituents before the almighty dollar 312. Name: Charles Patton on 2019-10-09 16:53:26 Comments: 313. Name: Mark Greenberg on 2019-10-09 16:53:46 Comments: The current zoning should be maintained and the requested variance should be denied. The proposed development is out of sync with the neighborhood and would cause overly burdened infrastructure - roads, drainage, schools, etc., to become even more of a problem. Any elected or appointed representative who approves the proposed Logan development plan can expect major resistance because the proposed development is WRONG FOR PORTERS NECK and WRONG FOR WILMINGTON. 314. Name: Katie Ferree on 2019-10-09 16:56:17 Comments: 315. Name: Faranak Hartwick on 2019-10-09 16:57:07 Comments: Page 27 of 103 316. Name: Brad stich on 2019-10-09 16:57:32 Comments: I moved to the edge of the county to be a way from people. I don’t want high density housing nearby. Why have zoning, if you keep changing it whenever a developer requests. 317. Name: Steve Fine on 2019-10-09 16:58:57 Comments: 318. Name: Lindsay Maitland on 2019-10-09 17:00:15 Comments: 319. Name: Jean LeGwin on 2019-10-09 17:01:07 Comments: Enough already! 320. Name: Nicole Fortiscue on 2019-10-09 17:01:22 Comments: 321. Name: Ann Miller on 2019-10-09 17:07:15 Comments: Left DC area due to congestion, have lived it and know first hand this area is not equipped to handle the multitudes of people and changes needed to accommodate those numbers. 322. Name: Alicia Boaz on 2019-10-09 17:07:20 Comments: Traffic is already a nightmare and I’ve been here 16 years No reason to build in that spot and cause more problems which will definitely cause more accidents and traffic congestion on an already congested road 323. Name: Amy Clem on 2019-10-09 17:11:04 Comments: 324. Name: Gunther Kempin on 2019-10-09 17:11:08 Comments: Thank you.... 325. Name: Lorie Hales on 2019-10-09 17:12:54 Comments: 326. Name: Ashley Hales on 2019-10-09 17:13:44 Comments: 327. Name: Hedley Mendez on 2019-10-09 17:18:25 Comments: 328. Name: Eric Kennedy on 2019-10-09 17:19:13 Page 28 of 103 Comments: As Woody said we need to be more like Charleston and less like Myrtle Beach. Wilmington and surrounding has already been decimated by poor planning. Remember Pottersville from It's a Wonderful Life? Well, SlumLord Pottersville here we come. I'm voting for Bedford Falls and Charleston. 329. Name: Alvin Howard on 2019-10-09 17:19:15 Comments: 330. Name: Claude Reed on 2019-10-09 17:21:30 Comments: 331. Name: Cheryl Schleuss on 2019-10-09 17:21:49 Comments: 332. Name: Linda Witchey on 2019-10-09 17:23:37 Comments: 333. Name: Erica Smith on 2019-10-09 17:25:57 Comments: 334. Name: Carl Samet on 2019-10-09 17:26:21 Comments: 335. Name: Sarah Bolton on 2019-10-09 17:26:54 Comments: 336. Name: Tracee Meyer on 2019-10-09 17:27:07 Comments: 337. Name: Jane Blank on 2019-10-09 17:33:12 Comments: 338. Name: Linda Davidson on 2019-10-09 17:34:18 Comments: The. two roads into the Porters Neck area (Porters Neck and Futch Creek Roads) are not able to handle the in and out traffic of the many people who live in this area. The Logan development would only exacerbate the situation by adding more cars. In addition, our area has flooded frequently in the past. With the addition of more buildings and pavement, the excess water will have nowhere to go because almost all of the available land has been developed. That would result in more flooding. 339. Name: Nancy Parsons on 2019-10-09 17:36:06 Comments: Page 29 of 103 340. Name: Janie Paone on 2019-10-09 17:38:30 Comments: PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THIS DEBACLE! Thank you 341. Name: Susan Underhill on 2019-10-09 17:40:32 Comments: 342. Name: Patricia Hart on 2019-10-09 17:46:33 Comments: The last things we need in Porter's Neck are, clear cutting of one of the remaining forested areas, more cars and more apartment buildings. Please prevent this developer's assault on our community. 343. Name: Jennifer Jones on 2019-10-09 17:47:01 Comments: 344. Name: Mary Freeman on 2019-10-09 17:47:45 Comments: 345. Name: Thomas Renart on 2019-10-09 17:49:09 Comments: 346. Name: Brittany king on 2019-10-09 17:49:36 Comments: 347. Name: Zach Schuman on 2019-10-09 17:52:18 Comments: Too many people already 348. Name: Patricia Rowell on 2019-10-09 18:06:19 Comments: No more building in wilmington! 349. Name: Zee Westbrook on 2019-10-09 18:06:47 Comments: 350. Name: Jeff Hall on 2019-10-09 18:07:09 Comments: 351. Name: Brad Kammer on 2019-10-09 18:16:13 Comments: 352. Name: Richard and Mary Fimbel on 2019-10-09 18:21:18 Comments: Page 30 of 103 353. Name: Julie Millet on 2019-10-09 18:26:06 Comments: 354. Name: Martha Bateman on 2019-10-09 18:27:05 Comments: 355. Name: Erica haines on 2019-10-09 18:27:57 Comments: 356. Name: William Blenk on 2019-10-09 18:32:55 Comments: Apartments will be built on wetlands, where will the water go. Traffic will be dangerous especially at the school. 357. Name: Ricardo Ruiz on 2019-10-09 18:36:59 Comments: 358. Name: Lauren zwack on 2019-10-09 18:38:35 Comments: This cannot happen! This area was not meant to become another Greenville loop road 359. Name: Linda Retson on 2019-10-09 18:43:12 Comments: 360. Name: Charles Paone on 2019-10-09 18:47:10 Comments: Standard lack of planning and zero (-0-) forward thinking on the part of county commissioners and planning board. 361. Name: Brooke Malone on 2019-10-09 18:52:10 Comments: As a resident who uses old Market St. daily, I am 100% opposed to this construction. We do NOT have the infrastructure to accommodate this project. 362. Name: Jennifer Kinard on 2019-10-09 19:01:37 Comments: 363. Name: Amy Marcy on 2019-10-09 19:04:39 Comments: 364. Name: Philomena Stephens on 2019-10-09 19:05:27 Comments: 365. Name: Mary Spaven on 2019-10-09 19:08:55 Comments: Page 31 of 103 366. Name: Kathleen Ricketts on 2019-10-09 19:13:44 Comments: 367. Name: Cindy Hudson on 2019-10-09 19:14:39 Comments: 368. Name: Jessica Morman on 2019-10-09 19:19:37 Comments: The density of this proposed property is unacceptable for the resources we have in our area! 369. Name: Pat Crawford on 2019-10-09 19:21:15 Comments: Definitely needs more planning and thought to abutters! 370. Name: Amanda R on 2019-10-09 19:25:11 Comments: 371. Name: Patricia Blenk on 2019-10-09 19:30:04 Comments: Studies done on traffic are insufficient and ground water study is very insufficient to allow any building on site. Schools and traffic will be gravely affected. 372. Name: Don Byrd on 2019-10-09 19:34:37 Comments: 373. Name: Sergio Esparrago on 2019-10-09 19:37:34 Comments: NO to the building of this new development! NO to adding more traffic to our neighborhoods. NO to increasing the possibility of flooding more than it is. NO to decreasing the value of our homes by building apartments! 374. Name: Joelle Johnson on 2019-10-09 19:38:02 Comments: 375. Name: Silvia Audi on 2019-10-09 19:43:27 Comments: This is an outrageous proposal which will make life here very difficult to endure. 376. Name: Cynthia Olsen on 2019-10-09 19:44:06 Comments: 377. Name: Mary Sheffield on 2019-10-09 19:56:29 Comments: I live off Futch Creek. The additional traffic and loss of green space is unacceptable. Single family homes maybe but 400 additional people with the apartments is not. Page 32 of 103 378. Name: Lou Villareal on 2019-10-09 19:57:08 Comments: 379. Name: Ed Sheffield on 2019-10-09 19:59:15 Comments: I The additional traffic and loss of green space is unacceptable. School system is already over loaded. Single family homes and or townhouses maybe but 400 additional people with the apartments is not. 380. Name: Beth Howard on 2019-10-09 20:04:31 Comments: I VOTE NO ON THIS REZONING!!!! 381. Name: Robert T Brown on 2019-10-09 20:14:16 Comments: This is a wholly inappropriate and selfishly developed proposal that appears to benefit only the developers. 382. Name: Brittany Long on 2019-10-09 20:15:17 Comments: 383. Name: Phyllis Chechile on 2019-10-09 20:19:53 Comments: I strongly reject the idea of rezoning in the Porters Neck area. The local roads and school will be dramatically impacted with negative results. More thought needs to be given to this type of expansion in the area before approval. 384. Name: Jennifer Boughton on 2019-10-09 20:20:33 Comments: Object rezoning of Logan Homes/ apartment project in Porters Neck 385. Name: Haley Morton on 2019-10-09 20:26:19 Comments: 386. Name: Stephanie Gilbert on 2019-10-09 20:46:15 Comments: 387. Name: Kristen witkowski on 2019-10-09 20:46:52 Comments: 388. Name: Kelly Sechrist on 2019-10-09 20:52:43 Comments: Porters Neck Plantation resident 389. Name: John and Karen Bryan on 2019-10-09 21:00:56 Comments: Oppose the building of apartments by Logan Homes behind Vineyard Plantation. 390. Name: Mary Ann Olsinski on 2019-10-09 21:10:35 Page 33 of 103 Comments: 391. Name: Norma Gavin on 2019-10-09 21:34:07 Comments: 392. Name: Beth Steinberg on 2019-10-09 21:37:01 Comments: 393. Name: Kaylyn Patterson on 2019-10-09 21:41:15 Comments: 394. Name: Mary Jane Martin on 2019-10-09 21:50:04 Comments: 395. Name: Jeanne casper on 2019-10-09 21:51:07 Comments: 396. Name: Dominique Mackenzie on 2019-10-09 21:52:12 Comments: resident of porters crossing way 397. Name: Helen Bell on 2019-10-09 22:07:15 Comments: 398. Name: Ashley Forystek on 2019-10-09 22:23:08 Comments: 399. Name: Heather Musselwhite on 2019-10-09 22:24:28 Comments: 400. Name: Tracy Geschickter on 2019-10-09 22:27:58 Comments: 401. Name: Mrs Sandy Dickinson on 2019-10-09 22:31:34 Comments: Please deny the zoning change request of Logan Homes for this very controversial project to prevent more over-building of multi-family units within this proposal.. As neighboring communities voiced their opinions in the recent meeting, we welcome single family residential under the current R-15 zoning...Thanks for your consideration of our request. 402. Name: James McLawhorn on 2019-10-09 22:39:01 Comments: Page 34 of 103 403. Name: Courtney Motz on 2019-10-09 22:47:16 Comments: Enough is enough! 404. Name: Susan Ferrell on 2019-10-09 22:48:48 Comments: 405. Name: Terry Love on 2019-10-09 22:52:32 Comments: I vote no to the rezoning. 406. Name: MARY OLEARY on 2019-10-09 23:00:04 Comments: this area does not need another apartment building also there is only 1 exit unless you want to go to Hampstead. Please consider our petetion ,thank you 407. Name: PAUL OLEARY on 2019-10-09 23:02:36 Comments: 408. Name: Rose Biangardi on 2019-10-09 23:17:13 Comments: Stop this overbuilding madness 409. Name: Anthony Rodrick on 2019-10-09 23:18:03 Comments: 410. Name: Cristy on 2019-10-09 23:21:44 Comments: 411. Name: Ian Butler on 2019-10-09 23:21:55 Comments: 412. Name: Linda DeMartis on 2019-10-09 23:25:54 Comments: 413. Name: Catherine Owen on 2019-10-09 23:31:38 Comments: 414. Name: Allison Tam on 2019-10-09 23:33:49 Comments: 415. Name: John Crapo on 2019-10-09 23:49:14 Comments: 416. Name: Kristin Crapo on 2019-10-09 23:49:45 Comments: Page 35 of 103 417. Name: Trec Tisdale on 2019-10-09 23:53:11 Comments: This is crap. Apartment residents pay no taxes and now will overcrowd already overcrowded schools. There is no proper and safe infrastructure to support this crap and overdevelopment. 418. Name: Melissa Hufham on 2019-10-09 23:54:40 Comments: Please do not put apartments in our neighborhood . 419. Name: Tamara Agnell on 2019-10-09 23:55:31 Comments: Please stop the over building in Wilmington, NC. It is horrible, look at what is happening in Ogden on Military Cut-off down Station Road. 420. Name: Sarah Wilson on 2019-10-09 23:58:32 Comments: 421. Name: Courtenay Malyj on 2019-10-10 00:01:18 Comments: 422. Name: William Segur on 2019-10-10 00:08:44 Comments: 423. Name: Sandy Zabriskie on 2019-10-10 00:11:42 Comments: I respectfully vote to disapprove the project as it is currently being presented. The parcel was not originally zoned for high density housing and should not be now. Keep consistent with the current neighborhoods: Build single family homes preserving much of the natural vegetation. Please respect our community and our families. 424. Name: Derek Kuperus on 2019-10-10 00:12:02 Comments: 425. Name: Ryan Nyquist on 2019-10-10 00:13:39 Comments: I oppose this new development. 426. Name: Laura Lazour on 2019-10-10 00:14:13 Comments: Too much density for the area! Deny the zoning change of request. 427. Name: L Dolan on 2019-10-10 00:15:48 Comments: 428. Name: Lisa Jones on 2019-10-10 00:21:56 Comments: Page 36 of 103 429. Name: Kelly Capobianco on 2019-10-10 00:28:34 Comments: 430. Name: Shannon Burns on 2019-10-10 00:35:00 Comments: 431. Name: Jenn Sulloway on 2019-10-10 00:37:31 Comments: 432. Name: Linda McBriety Stecklein on 2019-10-10 00:40:11 Comments: Please consider the infrastructure and other new development. 433. Name: Kyle Phillips on 2019-10-10 00:41:42 Comments: NOT in favor of development 434. Name: Lisa Brown on 2019-10-10 00:41:47 Comments: 435. Name: Patricia Reeves on 2019-10-10 01:04:25 Comments: 436. Name: Jan Gouck on 2019-10-10 01:05:34 Comments: 437. Name: Heather Ohm-Fisher on 2019-10-10 01:06:10 Comments: 438. Name: JR Kelly on 2019-10-10 01:08:52 Comments: Makes absolutely no sense. Why would this be considered when the infastructure and traffic are out of control 439. Name: Addy on 2019-10-10 01:14:33 Comments: 440. Name: Ashley Barnes on 2019-10-10 01:16:21 Comments: This madness has got to be stopped. I invite anyone in charge of allowing this ridiculous proposal, to drive down Market Street at ANY time between 6 am and midnight. This area CAN NOT handle any further development, period. 441. Name: Lynn Regan on 2019-10-10 01:21:36 Comments: Page 37 of 103 442. Name: Alexander Batchelder on 2019-10-10 01:21:46 Comments: I would have no objection to single family homes. 443. Name: Loma Siegel on 2019-10-10 01:22:02 Comments: NOT in favor of this development 444. Name: Jane Ramsey on 2019-10-10 01:30:44 Comments: I do not wish the Logan development to proceed as planned 445. Name: Linda Padezanin on 2019-10-10 01:33:49 Comments: I am not in favor of this proposal. The infrastructure cannot handle what we have now. Traffic was horrendous before they added the lowes and chick fila. With this proposal it would create more traffic nightmares. The county should have learned after hurricane florence that we have too much concrete and no place for the water to drain. Until the county can address this issue as well as drainage, I vote no. 446. Name: Barbara H Lewis on 2019-10-10 01:34:09 Comments: 447. Name: Patricia Luciano on 2019-10-10 01:39:48 Comments: Stop BUILDING!!! 448. Name: Wendy Prins on 2019-10-10 01:47:33 Comments: 449. Name: Amy Smith on 2019-10-10 01:53:58 Comments: 450. Name: Brooke Acas on 2019-10-10 01:59:47 Comments: 451. Name: Kathy Dennis on 2019-10-10 02:05:59 Comments: Please stop this 452. Name: Tara Martine on 2019-10-10 02:06:52 Comments: 453. Name: Mary Cusick on 2019-10-10 02:07:38 Comments: Current infrastructure cannot handle this project!! 454. Name: Patti Briggs on 2019-10-10 02:12:15 Comments: No! to the huge number of apartments, townhouses and parking in the small space, where flooding and traffic are already a severe problem!! Page 38 of 103 455. Name: Vicki Dowdy on 2019-10-10 02:12:43 Comments: 456. Name: Jacob Furbee on 2019-10-10 02:12:58 Comments: 457. Name: Robert Dowdy on 2019-10-10 02:13:50 Comments: 458. Name: Michele Sulwer on 2019-10-10 02:16:51 Comments: 459. Name: Nicole on 2019-10-10 02:18:50 Comments: Please stop the madness !!! The roads and schools are awful worst I the state 460. Name: Diane Mauceri on 2019-10-10 02:22:15 Comments: 461. Name: Patricia Smith on 2019-10-10 02:26:09 Comments: 462. Name: Mary Anne Paul on 2019-10-10 02:36:47 Comments: This is a serious petition please give it your attention 463. Name: Heather Gunter on 2019-10-10 02:44:32 Comments: 464. Name: Debra Stauss on 2019-10-10 03:21:04 Comments: 465. Name: Jacob Brinson on 2019-10-10 03:22:35 Comments: 466. Name: Lizsiel Brinson on 2019-10-10 03:27:03 Comments: 467. Name: James Strickland on 2019-10-10 03:33:01 Comments: 468. Name: Kimberly Brumsey on 2019-10-10 04:22:27 Page 39 of 103 Comments: 469. Name: Pam Hudson on 2019-10-10 05:43:01 Comments: 470. Name: KAREN Brunt on 2019-10-10 07:43:08 Comments: Drainage / flooding needs to be addressed before we allow more building - need to think ahead 471. Name: Peter Langer on 2019-10-10 09:13:24 Comments: 472. Name: Andrea karns on 2019-10-10 09:16:07 Comments: 473. Name: Amie Gilmore on 2019-10-10 09:33:30 Comments: 474. Name: Jaci Webb-Dempsey on 2019-10-10 09:37:16 Comments: The unfettered growth in this area has already had devastating effects (dangerous traffic, inadequate green space creating damaging rain runoff, strain on county services, etc.) with no consideration of safety or quality of life for current residents and taxpayers. 475. Name: Carine McConekey on 2019-10-10 10:06:39 Comments: Too much!! 476. Name: Craig Stevens on 2019-10-10 10:10:21 Comments: 477. Name: Marcie Joynes on 2019-10-10 10:10:34 Comments: 478. Name: Tasha Fritz on 2019-10-10 10:12:54 Comments: 479. Name: Lisa Erling on 2019-10-10 10:14:24 Comments: 480. Name: Linda Ritenour on 2019-10-10 10:25:11 Comments: Page 40 of 103 481. Name: Chris Dicksey on 2019-10-10 10:38:32 Comments: 482. Name: Kim Nunn on 2019-10-10 10:41:55 Comments: 483. Name: Lee Ann Wright on 2019-10-10 10:48:25 Comments: 484. Name: Whitney Daughtry on 2019-10-10 10:55:26 Comments: 485. Name: Jeremy Reynolds on 2019-10-10 10:58:08 Comments: 486. Name: Trish Ziermann on 2019-10-10 11:05:10 Comments: 487. Name: Etty Lam on 2019-10-10 11:06:52 Comments: 488. Name: Katie Hinely on 2019-10-10 11:13:36 Comments: 489. Name: Sara Lewis on 2019-10-10 11:20:08 Comments: 490. Name: Tia Lee on 2019-10-10 11:22:45 Comments: 491. Name: Sarah Tun on 2019-10-10 11:25:10 Comments: 492. Name: Naymyo Tun on 2019-10-10 11:26:07 Comments: 493. Name: Katie Carney on 2019-10-10 11:49:52 Comments: 494. Name: Brenda hall on 2019-10-10 11:52:49 Comments: Page 41 of 103 495. Name: vicky hanes on 2019-10-10 11:56:54 Comments: 496. Name: Robyn Meek on 2019-10-10 12:08:42 Comments: 497. Name: Carol Cease on 2019-10-10 12:14:10 Comments: 498. Name: Drew Arndt on 2019-10-10 12:21:43 Comments: 499. Name: Richard Rossi on 2019-10-10 12:23:32 Comments: 500. Name: Elizabeth Cottle on 2019-10-10 12:28:41 Comments: 501. Name: Linwood Cottle on 2019-10-10 12:29:55 Comments: 502. Name: Eric Cutrell on 2019-10-10 12:36:19 Comments: 503. Name: Lynn Goodman on 2019-10-10 12:37:16 Comments: 504. Name: Paige Brumit on 2019-10-10 12:37:50 Comments: 505. Name: Lindsay Mikloucich on 2019-10-10 12:38:30 Comments: 506. Name: Frank Mikloucich on 2019-10-10 12:39:05 Comments: 507. Name: Kimberly Z Lundy on 2019-10-10 12:47:07 Comments: 508. Name: Chanze McCaskill on 2019-10-10 13:02:55 Comments: Page 42 of 103 509. Name: Bianca Ebersole on 2019-10-10 13:03:26 Comments: 510. Name: Amanda Robinette on 2019-10-10 13:11:25 Comments: 511. Name: Deedee Gasch on 2019-10-10 13:13:45 Comments: Nothing has changed since the original zoning that would make high density apartments and duplexes feasible. We don’t have better roads, more accessible entrance/exits to the area, alternate roads to access/exit, schools with capacity to handle more students, or environmental safeguards to prevent flooding during with overpopulating a low lying and flood prone area. This is bad for Porters Neck. 512. Name: Cathy Bagley on 2019-10-10 13:26:49 Comments: 513. Name: Kristi Harris on 2019-10-10 13:30:13 Comments: 514. Name: Lacy Phillips on 2019-10-10 13:30:34 Comments: 515. Name: Allen Baker on 2019-10-10 13:38:32 Comments: 516. Name: Kaitlin Rinaldi on 2019-10-10 13:45:39 Comments: 517. Name: Brian Pisani on 2019-10-10 13:52:31 Comments: 518. Name: kara Pisani on 2019-10-10 13:53:46 Comments: 519. Name: david creech on 2019-10-10 14:00:58 Comments: 520. Name: Barbara Walker on 2019-10-10 14:02:58 Comments: This will severely effect our communities. Poorly planned. Rethink this. Upscale homes would be nice 521. Name: Laura Schultz on 2019-10-10 14:09:56 Comments: Page 43 of 103 522. Name: Brenden Donovan on 2019-10-10 14:21:07 Comments: We do not have the infrastructure IE schools, or roads for this magnitude of a development in Porters Neck. 523. Name: Rosalie Calarco on 2019-10-10 14:27:56 Comments: 524. Name: Wendy Ellis on 2019-10-10 14:57:35 Comments: Too much! 525. Name: Kathleen Moon on 2019-10-10 14:59:33 Comments: 526. Name: Jim Sweetwood on 2019-10-10 15:05:56 Comments: 527. Name: Denise Lewis on 2019-10-10 15:06:12 Comments: 528. Name: Jamie Howell on 2019-10-10 15:19:05 Comments: 529. Name: Melanie Smallwood on 2019-10-10 15:32:10 Comments: 530. Name: Shane Johnson on 2019-10-10 15:35:38 Comments: Apartments will exercabate already prevalent flooding. Single family homes are fine. Please, no apartments! 531. Name: Elisabeth Myers on 2019-10-10 15:42:51 Comments: 532. Name: Rebecca Francis on 2019-10-10 15:43:43 Comments: 533. Name: Nina Vance on 2019-10-10 15:44:10 Comments: 534. Name: Amanda Mountford on 2019-10-10 15:47:33 Comments: This area cannot accommodate these additional residents. Page 44 of 103 535. Name: Sarah Parks on 2019-10-10 15:52:06 Comments: 536. Name: Karen Miller on 2019-10-10 15:56:28 Comments: 537. Name: Jennifer Henson on 2019-10-10 16:00:47 Comments: 538. Name: Roger Kramer on 2019-10-10 16:02:17 Comments: 539. Name: MaryAnn Murray on 2019-10-10 16:03:16 Comments: No apartments PLEASE! 540. Name: Brooke Johnson on 2019-10-10 16:08:19 Comments: 541. Name: Tim Johnson on 2019-10-10 16:11:08 Comments: 542. Name: Kathy Bassett on 2019-10-10 16:13:03 Comments: Traffic will be nightmare especially on the circle! 543. Name: Erin Langston on 2019-10-10 16:18:41 Comments: We know this area will be developed but please be reasonable with the scale of the project. Cramming an excessive number of dwellings in for the sake of profits hurts our environment and degrades the quality of life for residents already residing here. 544. Name: bonnie bird on 2019-10-10 16:20:23 Comments: 545. Name: Randy Dallos on 2019-10-10 16:24:01 Comments: 546. Name: Grace Wadford on 2019-10-10 16:31:14 Comments: 547. Name: Jerry Stahr on 2019-10-10 16:33:46 Comments: We need to stop the over development of New Hanover County! 548. Name: Heidi Campomanes on 2019-10-10 16:33:57 Page 45 of 103 Comments: 549. Name: David Brandon on 2019-10-10 16:44:26 Comments: 550. Name: Heidi Smith on 2019-10-10 16:49:20 Comments: Traffic is already dangerously out of control I think the area. Adding another 300+ residents without proper adjustments to traffic patterns/roads will only create further bottlenecks 551. Name: Peggy Hochuli on 2019-10-10 16:51:24 Comments: 552. Name: Alexis Vogelsong on 2019-10-10 16:52:14 Comments: This is a horrible idea. The traffic during business/school hours is already an issue!! We have a new school and several new communities already just built or being built which also adds to current traffic nightmare. I strongly oppose this land use idea!!! 553. Name: Happy - Jeff Jones on 2019-10-10 16:52:16 Comments: 554. Name: Cindy Fearnhead on 2019-10-10 16:59:21 Comments: 555. Name: Amy smith on 2019-10-10 16:59:29 Comments: We at porters neck already encounter way to much traffic in and out. I absolutely do NOT support this new development! 556. Name: Kerrie Grant on 2019-10-10 17:15:01 Comments: Reasonable development is to be expected but the excessive number of apartments and houses on tiny lots planned by Logan would put an intolerable strain on roads, services and schools. It will definitely affect the quality of life of all existing residents. 557. Name: Nina Gibson on 2019-10-10 17:15:24 Comments: 558. Name: Kim Eaves on 2019-10-10 17:15:48 Comments: 559. Name: Dawn Poignonnec on 2019-10-10 17:24:14 Comments: Page 46 of 103 560. Name: Renee Ertischek on 2019-10-10 17:31:44 Comments: There is also concern for water problems. 561. Name: debra pennington on 2019-10-10 17:37:26 Comments: 562. Name: Amoreena Cook on 2019-10-10 17:38:31 Comments: 563. Name: Matt Dickens on 2019-10-10 17:41:20 Comments: 564. Name: Susan James on 2019-10-10 17:41:28 Comments: 565. Name: Taylor Anderson on 2019-10-10 17:46:37 Comments: 566. Name: Karen Lambert on 2019-10-10 17:49:14 Comments: 567. Name: Suzanne Neurauter on 2019-10-10 18:17:04 Comments: 568. Name: John Walsh on 2019-10-10 18:27:46 Comments: 569. Name: David Warren on 2019-10-10 18:41:51 Comments: Drowning in development and we have very little infrastructure to support it. 570. Name: Kayla on 2019-10-10 19:09:13 Comments: This town can not handle anymore growth. Absolutely ridiculous how this town looks in the last couple of years even more so the last year! Let the people breathe! 571. Name: Nancy Cowen on 2019-10-10 19:13:49 Comments: 572. Name: Kristine ludtke on 2019-10-10 19:21:11 Comments: 573. Name: Charles Kitchen on 2019-10-10 19:38:42 Comments: Page 47 of 103 574. Name: Bruce Band on 2019-10-10 19:56:58 Comments: 575. Name: Kelly L Meadows on 2019-10-10 20:10:48 Comments: We have enough congestion in our corner of the county already. This would only add to our endless problems with traffic. 576. Name: Nancy Fenstermacher on 2019-10-10 20:10:54 Comments: 577. Name: Kate on 2019-10-10 20:26:35 Comments: No more apartments and condos! 578. Name: william garling on 2019-10-10 20:28:42 Comments: 579. Name: Bryan Harrington on 2019-10-10 20:35:53 Comments: 580. Name: Tracy Nicholson on 2019-10-10 20:53:41 Comments: 581. Name: Ben Howell on 2019-10-10 20:56:52 Comments: 582. Name: Pam Calhoun on 2019-10-10 21:02:13 Comments: 583. Name: Scott Gowdy on 2019-10-10 21:06:33 Comments: I oppose the new proposed development off of Porters Neck Road. 584. Name: Kendra Harrison on 2019-10-10 21:07:48 Comments: 585. Name: Danielle Knipp on 2019-10-10 21:19:05 Comments: 586. Name: Michele Connelly on 2019-10-10 21:36:57 Comments: 587. Name: Diana Wallace on 2019-10-10 21:41:47 Page 48 of 103 Comments: I am opposed to the development 588. Name: Ed Weinberg on 2019-10-10 21:41:49 Comments: Outrageous plan without adequate roads to school for approximately 500 kids 2 times per day! Plus all those going to work in the AM. Must have traffic light at entrance and exits for getting out of Blue Point to Market (255 homes) children’s buses and adults to work. You are adding more than 250% to population (total more than 770 homes)!!! 589. Name: Any Giddens on 2019-10-10 21:42:57 Comments: 590. Name: Robin Riggs on 2019-10-10 21:47:23 Comments: 591. Name: Erica Jones on 2019-10-10 21:56:18 Comments: 592. Name: Alice Fortier on 2019-10-10 21:57:20 Comments: 593. Name: Kenneth Fortier on 2019-10-10 21:58:20 Comments: 594. Name: Michelle Myers on 2019-10-10 21:58:40 Comments: 595. Name: Rebecca Linek on 2019-10-10 21:59:27 Comments: 596. Name: Wade Myers on 2019-10-10 22:00:06 Comments: 597. Name: Celeste Anderson on 2019-10-10 22:00:22 Comments: 598. Name: Jennifer Hendren on 2019-10-10 22:04:17 Comments: 599. Name: Steve Hamburger on 2019-10-10 22:20:24 Comments: Page 49 of 103 600. Name: Christine villari on 2019-10-10 22:22:54 Comments: 601. Name: Elizabeth Knight on 2019-10-10 22:30:53 Comments: 602. Name: Natalie Reinhart on 2019-10-10 22:34:16 Comments: 603. Name: Valerie Fackler on 2019-10-10 22:56:55 Comments: 604. Name: Doris Tulloch on 2019-10-10 22:58:44 Comments: 605. Name: Judy Fenton on 2019-10-10 23:12:49 Comments: 606. Name: Laura Craft on 2019-10-10 23:13:04 Comments: 607. Name: Rob Fenton on 2019-10-10 23:13:56 Comments: 608. Name: Lillian Ashley on 2019-10-10 23:29:49 Comments: My family and I have lived in the Porter's Neck community for the last 4 years. We love our neighborhood and our neighbors. In order to keep the integrity of our community it is imperative that it not be developed beyond its reasonable capacity. Our area is already overwhelmed with massive volumes of commuter traffic and people moving to the area and a development as large as this would be devastating. There is not enough infrastructure in place to handle the load of a planned community of this magnitude. Please keep our streets safe for our children and pets, family and friends and stop this development from being approved. 609. Name: Chris ONeal on 2019-10-10 23:33:08 Comments: 610. Name: Jennifer Raynor on 2019-10-10 23:36:04 Comments: No more neighborhoods in PN! 611. Name: Michael Wax on 2019-10-10 23:43:14 Comments: Page 50 of 103 612. Name: Gil Brueckner on 2019-10-10 23:44:07 Comments: Opposed to the proposed development 613. Name: Judy Wax on 2019-10-10 23:44:08 Comments: 614. Name: Lauren Sykes on 2019-10-10 23:44:53 Comments: Its just too much 615. Name: Kristin Pleasant on 2019-10-10 23:46:42 Comments: 616. Name: Brandi Scott on 2019-10-10 23:50:18 Comments: 617. Name: Cindy Murray on 2019-10-10 23:50:22 Comments: Against the current plan 618. Name: Diane Levine on 2019-10-10 23:52:56 Comments: 619. Name: Tammy Tann on 2019-10-10 23:54:05 Comments: DON’T BUILD!! 620. Name: Cheryl Patton on 2019-10-10 23:56:58 Comments: 621. Name: Christel Filak on 2019-10-11 00:01:51 Comments: 622. Name: Heather Prezioso on 2019-10-11 00:04:48 Comments: 623. Name: Susan on 2019-10-11 00:06:22 Comments: Against the proposed development. 624. Name: Linda Taylor on 2019-10-11 00:11:06 Comments: 625. Name: William Rinaldi on 2019-10-11 00:21:08 Comments: Page 51 of 103 626. Name: Wilson Rogers on 2019-10-11 00:25:08 Comments: I oppose this resining. 627. Name: Joy on 2019-10-11 00:33:13 Comments: Stop with this irresponsible over crowding for MONEY!! This will have detrimental impacts on wilmington as a whole and you all know it so please STOP! 628. Name: Sarah McIntosh on 2019-10-11 00:34:45 Comments: 629. Name: Cathleena Fonville on 2019-10-11 00:47:59 Comments: Against the proposed development. 630. Name: Judi Cody on 2019-10-11 00:53:24 Comments: It’s time for our commissioners start being responsible to our environment and our wildlife. Military Cutoff and Eastwood are no longer attractive. The roads are too busy. Doing this in Porters Neck would be another irresponsible act by our commissioners. Vote them out, especially Woody White 631. Name: Cynthia Carroll on 2019-10-11 01:05:09 Comments: STOP THE INSANITY!! 632. Name: William Fenstermacher on 2019-10-11 01:05:57 Comments: 633. Name: Lisa Gritton on 2019-10-11 01:09:44 Comments: My family is against a large apartment complex that leaves no green space increasing the traffic that is already horrible in Porters neck and hurting property values. 634. Name: Emily Hudson on 2019-10-11 01:10:33 Comments: 635. Name: Shaun Penniman on 2019-10-11 01:11:08 Comments: Way too much traffic for this area! 636. Name: Kathy Murchison on 2019-10-11 01:11:48 Comments: Stop development until we upgrade infrastructure 637. Name: Chikako Sugawara on 2019-10-11 01:12:52 Comments: 638. Name: Heath Vaughan on 2019-10-11 01:20:21 Page 52 of 103 Comments: 639. Name: Courtney on 2019-10-11 01:29:18 Comments: 640. Name: Crystal Bienias on 2019-10-11 01:45:06 Comments: 641. Name: David Forcinito on 2019-10-11 01:47:20 Comments: 642. Name: Christine M Burke on 2019-10-11 01:56:53 Comments: 643. Name: Daniel Cain on 2019-10-11 02:08:13 Comments: 644. Name: Lee Snyder on 2019-10-11 03:16:41 Comments: 645. Name: David Schultz on 2019-10-11 03:25:32 Comments: This is a very irresponsible proposal. This project will be very harmful to the community and will over burden the surrounding infrastructure. 646. Name: Ashley Paterson on 2019-10-11 03:27:16 Comments: 647. Name: Carrie Cavanaugh on 2019-10-11 03:55:51 Comments: 648. Name: Mary Vogelsong on 2019-10-11 04:09:01 Comments: 649. Name: Edward Vogelsong on 2019-10-11 04:09:55 Comments: 650. Name: Ashley McKinney on 2019-10-11 04:29:20 Comments: 651. Name: Lisa Talerico on 2019-10-11 06:00:29 Comments: No development please! Page 53 of 103 652. Name: Tammi Dagostino on 2019-10-11 08:37:37 Comments: 653. Name: Cody Hoffman on 2019-10-11 09:23:07 Comments: The Porter's Neck area has already seen unprecedented growth in the last five years; the congestion on Market street has already become unbareable and UNSAFE. Porter's Neck (Blair) Elementary was just completed two years ago to relieve overcrowding, adding a community of this size would return that burden to our teachers and students. There are already multiple hosing developments under construction within 1.5 of this proposed location, i.e. Waterstone, and the Townhomes at Planation Landing. NO MORE IRRESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT IN PORTERS NECK! 654. Name: Caroline Dickenson on 2019-10-11 09:42:49 Comments: 655. Name: Kelly on 2019-10-11 10:05:29 Comments: 656. Name: Lindsay Lonneberg on 2019-10-11 10:18:30 Comments: 657. Name: Susan thompson on 2019-10-11 10:26:20 Comments: Traffic nightmare in the making 658. Name: Kathy Hudson on 2019-10-11 10:55:25 Comments: 659. Name: Jack Hudson on 2019-10-11 10:57:20 Comments: 660. Name: Cynthia isyk on 2019-10-11 11:04:35 Comments: County commissioners do not care, it's all about money 661. Name: pia gronning on 2019-10-11 11:06:26 Comments: 662. Name: Walter Nunalee on 2019-10-11 11:06:38 Comments: 663. Name: Shannon Puschaver on 2019-10-11 11:08:24 Comments: Over development is plaguing Wilmington. We are not being responsible to the current residents or to those who build buy these homes considering that affects of storms and flooding. There is already a huge issue with this that was exposed by Florence. This development is irresponsible, bottom line. Page 54 of 103 664. Name: Sheila Wilson on 2019-10-11 11:09:41 Comments: 665. Name: Zach on 2019-10-11 12:02:19 Comments: 666. Name: Zach on 2019-10-11 12:05:09 Comments: Build that wall! 667. Name: Scott Robinson on 2019-10-11 12:14:31 Comments: Support your constituents and limit over development...it will ruin a good thing! 668. Name: Cindy East on 2019-10-11 12:15:26 Comments: 669. Name: Beverly DeLuise on 2019-10-11 12:31:08 Comments: 670. Name: Ron Patterson on 2019-10-11 12:37:40 Comments: No! 671. Name: Karyl Dowd on 2019-10-11 12:47:38 Comments: 672. Name: Jacqueline Ross on 2019-10-11 12:54:20 Comments: Dont you think we should make more things to do around here before building more quick cash homes? I mean where are all the new people gonna go? Food lion and the car wash? Maybe swing by dollar General on their way home? Theres nothing to do around here except get stuck in traffic, glad youre helping the problem with your greed! 673. Name: Jennifer Patterson on 2019-10-11 12:55:25 Comments: No apartments, no duplexes, no more traffic congestion, EMS already overloaded as are the schools PLEASE 674. Name: Kahlim Miller on 2019-10-11 12:58:10 Comments: 675. Name: Fernandez-Villa on 2019-10-11 13:04:05 Comments: Page 55 of 103 676. Name: Jen Onley on 2019-10-11 13:12:38 Comments: 677. Name: Richard Nettell on 2019-10-11 13:22:38 Comments: 678. Name: Sandra Bass on 2019-10-11 13:29:43 Comments: 679. Name: Emanuel Klein on 2019-10-11 13:54:15 Comments: 680. Name: Jasmine on 2019-10-11 14:09:16 Comments: 681. Name: Yvonne Spencer on 2019-10-11 14:18:17 Comments: Native North Carolinian, family has lived in Porters Neck since the early 60's. Please protect our neighborhood and not allow multi-family dwellings. 682. Name: Kimberly Crockett on 2019-10-11 14:28:44 Comments: 683. Name: Julie A Edwards on 2019-10-11 14:46:59 Comments: The lack of study with regard to traffic impact, and appropriate drainage indicates very irresponsible planning on the part of the developer. Single family homes could be managed, but not appartments. Too dense for this neighborhood. 684. Name: English Tuttle on 2019-10-11 14:59:15 Comments: This is horrible for the people who live on Tibbys 685. Name: Liz Moore on 2019-10-11 15:00:46 Comments: 686. Name: Carole Magyar on 2019-10-11 15:15:19 Comments: 687. Name: Danielle SILVESTRI on 2019-10-11 15:16:40 Comments: 688. Name: Cvcole on 2019-10-11 15:31:55 Comments: Will Logan Builders cover the future infrastructure, environmental, and personal disaster costs which will be incurred by his greedily, for profit only, paving over of needed drainage areas and his for-profit overloading of this regional carrying capacity? Page 56 of 103 Who will bear these future costs? Logan? The County? Taxpayers? Homeowners? 689. Name: Allyn Nunalee on 2019-10-11 15:39:02 Comments: 690. Name: Teresa Morgan on 2019-10-11 15:49:11 Comments: Greatly concerned about the branch in Tibbys Branch. The branch flows from low (drought conditions) to moderate (normal rain conditions) to high (hurricane conditions). A major hurricane will overflow the banks. When I asked the developer why the branch was not on his map, He said "You mean that ditch?". That ditch holds a significant amount of water from the land he wants to build on. The property sold on Tibbys side was always thought to be a part of our development. We will back up to drainage ponds and duplexes with a minimum buffer. If the propsal goes through,I would ask the developer to consider a considerable hedge row and tree buffer to be installed. We did not buy in this neighborhood with the intention of living by duplexes and apartments. No one is against development, just make it similar single family homes like the existing communities around the proposed development 691. Name: Jerry Pope on 2019-10-11 15:49:11 Comments: Absolutely opposed to rezoning. Traffic is dangerous enough on Porters Neck Rd as it is. Same for anywhere between the new Walmart and just north of Scotts Hill 692. Name: Amanda welliver on 2019-10-11 15:59:01 Comments: 693. Name: Joe welliver on 2019-10-11 15:59:42 Comments: 694. Name: Barbara raynor on 2019-10-11 16:00:26 Comments: 695. Name: Meredith Lambert on 2019-10-11 16:04:18 Comments: 696. Name: Diana Calomino on 2019-10-11 16:24:35 Comments: 697. Name: Simon Robson on 2019-10-11 16:38:36 Comments: 698. Name: Lynda Brooks on 2019-10-11 16:45:30 Comments: County officials need to understand that we do not support uncontrolled growth and will remember their actions on election day! Page 57 of 103 699. Name: JON on 2019-10-11 16:46:01 Comments: 700. Name: Laura Adams on 2019-10-11 16:55:28 Comments: 701. Name: Kristal Moore on 2019-10-11 17:19:34 Comments: Too much growth, too fast, failing infrastructure.... stop lining people’s pockets at the expense of our communities! 702. Name: Ben Ligotti on 2019-10-11 17:39:23 Comments: This devoloment would be a disaster. 703. Name: Albert Dias on 2019-10-11 17:44:14 Comments: 704. Name: Jennifer Lopatka on 2019-10-11 17:57:34 Comments: 705. Name: Jennifer Bakane on 2019-10-11 18:01:22 Comments: 706. Name: Brenda Stater on 2019-10-11 18:37:23 Comments: Could we at least get the overpass finished?? 707. Name: Jean Lion on 2019-10-11 19:12:45 Comments: 708. Name: David Pate on 2019-10-11 19:34:09 Comments: 709. Name: Joe Cap on 2019-10-11 19:40:16 Comments: 710. Name: Lynne Loeser on 2019-10-11 19:40:34 Comments: If this goes forward (which I hope it does not) could we please ask for some considerations for natural buffers between existing homes and preservation of natural areas and trees 711. Name: Chelsea Robson on 2019-10-11 19:47:21 Comments: Page 58 of 103 712. Name: Pennie Mattingly on 2019-10-11 19:52:30 Comments: 713. Name: Edward Lion on 2019-10-11 20:13:33 Comments: 714. Name: Denny Loeser on 2019-10-11 20:16:56 Comments: Infrastructure can not handle this growth. Sewers, water and traffic etc. 715. Name: Kristina woodard on 2019-10-11 20:25:53 Comments: 716. Name: Dawn Spencer on 2019-10-11 20:29:57 Comments: 717. Name: Jason call on 2019-10-11 20:40:34 Comments: 718. Name: Elizabeth Jordan on 2019-10-11 20:43:32 Comments: This proposed reasoning and development is atrocious! Have you NO regard for the environment and quality of life!?!? SHAME ON YOU! NO, NO, NO to this proposal!!! 719. Name: John Lehmann on 2019-10-11 21:09:36 Comments: 720. Name: Tom Paranto on 2019-10-11 21:19:22 Comments: No way will this project move forward. 721. Name: Dana greer on 2019-10-11 21:36:39 Comments: 722. Name: Beckett Jagutis on 2019-10-11 21:48:59 Comments: 723. Name: Ela Mac Jagutis on 2019-10-11 21:49:43 Comments: 724. Name: Jeff price on 2019-10-11 21:58:43 Comments: Preserve what is left of the diminishing natural habitat in the greater Page 59 of 103 Wilmington area. 725. Name: Jim Fisher on 2019-10-11 23:00:54 Comments: 726. Name: Alexa French on 2019-10-12 00:34:56 Comments: Stop development in Porters Neck. Look what happened at Plantation Landing Dr. -- crammed in townhomes being built that don't fit with the rest of the surrounding community. 727. Name: Alecia Scheiber on 2019-10-12 01:38:33 Comments: There is no funds for new schools much less improvements to the current ones. Take this into consideration and realize you are also creating more congestion in an area that cannot take anymore. 728. Name: Melissa Schosek on 2019-10-12 01:44:02 Comments: 729. Name: Patty Piner on 2019-10-12 02:15:01 Comments: 730. Name: Jessica Beckerich on 2019-10-12 03:30:14 Comments: 731. Name: Sabrena Reinhardt on 2019-10-12 09:42:06 Comments: 732. Name: Elizabeth Hourigan on 2019-10-12 10:18:16 Comments: 733. Name: Danielle on 2019-10-12 10:30:28 Comments: 734. Name: Sherry Kooyman on 2019-10-12 10:35:19 Comments: 735. Name: Megan Nunez on 2019-10-12 11:05:06 Comments: If this passes this will ruin our neighborhood. 736. Name: Dennis Brownlee on 2019-10-12 11:10:19 Comments: This will cause an excess of traffic. Page 60 of 103 737. Name: Katherine Knight on 2019-10-12 11:29:16 Comments: Not only are you destroying more free space but added more traffic to a congested area to add more houses and apartments that Wilmington does not need. What we need are better job opportunities and additional schools. This is a greedy and senseless proposal 738. Name: Julie Barefoot on 2019-10-12 11:40:36 Comments: 739. Name: Robert Bagley on 2019-10-12 12:21:00 Comments: 740. Name: Jenny Parlier on 2019-10-12 12:43:55 Comments: 741. Name: Cade Sanchez on 2019-10-12 12:53:31 Comments: 742. Name: Sherwood Evans on 2019-10-12 13:16:59 Comments: 743. Name: Liz Eggleston on 2019-10-12 13:26:50 Comments: Against additional development in Porters Neck area. 744. Name: Kyle J on 2019-10-12 15:31:31 Comments: 745. Name: Julie Bordo on 2019-10-12 16:02:11 Comments: Enough!!! This will harm our community in too many ways. NO! 746. Name: Julie Rosen on 2019-10-12 16:11:29 Comments: 747. Name: Susan La Forgia on 2019-10-12 16:26:10 Comments: 748. Name: Johnsawyer on 2019-10-12 16:36:30 Comments: 749. Name: Chris Smith on 2019-10-12 17:42:00 Comments: Stop the County's Greed and irresponsible actions by not protecting the residents Page 61 of 103 750. Name: Wendy Fonvielle on 2019-10-12 17:51:24 Comments: Build a nice new development that will enhance the area, but absolutely no apartments please! 751. Name: Shannon Reynolds on 2019-10-12 20:29:03 Comments: 752. Name: Ashley Pierce on 2019-10-12 21:23:11 Comments: 753. Name: Karlee Isenhart on 2019-10-12 22:48:41 Comments: 754. Name: Francine Klein on 2019-10-13 02:24:41 Comments: 755. Name: Nina Walker on 2019-10-13 02:27:28 Comments: 756. Name: Jaclyn Simoneau on 2019-10-13 02:56:31 Comments: 757. Name: Jeff Hufham on 2019-10-13 03:32:16 Comments: 758. Name: Kelly Domino on 2019-10-13 03:57:57 Comments: 759. Name: Ryan Blacher on 2019-10-13 12:22:36 Comments: Against the rezone, area is too congested and schools are already full. 760. Name: Elizabeth Johnston on 2019-10-13 12:27:45 Comments: 761. Name: Jonathan P McCarthy on 2019-10-13 12:30:43 Comments: 762. Name: C Cadden on 2019-10-13 12:58:08 Comments: Single family homes only. The Porters Neck fire station response time will be negatively affected by the increased traffic backups at the Market St. light. Page 62 of 103 763. Name: Dianne Cadden on 2019-10-13 12:59:36 Comments: 764. Name: Ryan Edwards on 2019-10-13 13:02:00 Comments: 765. Name: Racheal Smith on 2019-10-13 13:05:51 Comments: 766. Name: Kyria Henry on 2019-10-13 13:09:35 Comments: 767. Name: Rebecca Labonne on 2019-10-13 13:57:58 Comments: 768. Name: Jenifer Capps on 2019-10-13 14:12:15 Comments: 769. Name: Karen McCarthy on 2019-10-13 15:08:33 Comments: 770. Name: Nicole on 2019-10-13 15:10:00 Comments: 771. Name: Edward Penniman on 2019-10-13 15:12:01 Comments: The traffic study as presented at the Community Meeting was inadequate and misleading. 772. Name: Connie Johnson on 2019-10-13 15:12:01 Comments: 773. Name: Charles Gibson on 2019-10-13 15:18:29 Comments: 774. Name: Deb Gibson on 2019-10-13 15:19:48 Comments: 775. Name: Trish Salvant on 2019-10-13 15:23:48 Comments: 776. Name: Jennifer Waldrop on 2019-10-13 16:01:28 Comments: Page 63 of 103 777. Name: Rudolf Russart on 2019-10-13 16:02:58 Comments: 778. Name: Robert W Latstetter on 2019-10-13 16:30:14 Comments: 779. Name: Leah McCall on 2019-10-13 17:37:54 Comments: 780. Name: Jeffrey Johnson on 2019-10-13 17:43:43 Comments: 781. Name: April Jones on 2019-10-13 17:44:06 Comments: 782. Name: Laine on 2019-10-13 17:59:00 Comments: 783. Name: Megan Demolina on 2019-10-13 18:46:47 Comments: 784. Name: Jill Moody on 2019-10-13 19:15:51 Comments: 785. Name: Christophe Moody on 2019-10-13 19:17:10 Comments: 786. Name: Trisha on 2019-10-13 20:06:17 Comments: 787. Name: Deb Seed on 2019-10-13 20:10:01 Comments: We do not need any high density living here. The infrastructure /flooding won’t hold it, and its a family area. Single family homes are ok. Just please don’t allow it. Rather build hi density the other side of 17 788. Name: Heather Yarborough on 2019-10-13 22:17:53 Comments: 789. Name: Kendall Murphy on 2019-10-13 23:06:48 Comments: Page 64 of 103 790. Name: Cari Guerin on 2019-10-13 23:40:10 Comments: 791. Name: Cathy Andrews on 2019-10-13 23:44:29 Comments: 792. Name: Rob Hartwick on 2019-10-14 00:02:21 Comments: 793. Name: Will Hall on 2019-10-14 02:11:19 Comments: 794. Name: aubrey andrews on 2019-10-14 02:24:57 Comments: 795. Name: olivia on 2019-10-14 02:28:53 Comments: 796. Name: Taylor s on 2019-10-14 02:33:36 Comments: 797. Name: Caroline Peterson on 2019-10-14 02:35:01 Comments: 798. Name: Shayla on 2019-10-14 02:41:00 Comments: 799. Name: sheridan lycett on 2019-10-14 02:42:38 Comments: 800. Name: Reagan Turner on 2019-10-14 02:51:26 Comments: 801. Name: abigail on 2019-10-14 02:51:50 Comments: 802. Name: addy blanton on 2019-10-14 04:02:42 Comments: 803. Name: Joni Naudet on 2019-10-14 04:58:42 Comments: Page 65 of 103 804. Name: Caroline Chambliss on 2019-10-14 09:09:29 Comments: 805. Name: Lynn Matthews on 2019-10-14 10:21:11 Comments: I’m opposed 806. Name: haley goens on 2019-10-14 10:45:17 Comments: 807. Name: Kayla C on 2019-10-14 11:50:14 Comments: 808. Name: Jack jones on 2019-10-14 12:58:17 Comments: 809. Name: Peter Olson on 2019-10-14 13:12:05 Comments: 810. Name: Jacob c on 2019-10-14 13:51:55 Comments: Build another high school not more houses 811. Name: Gracyn Dwyer on 2019-10-14 13:54:28 Comments: 812. Name: jessi brown on 2019-10-14 13:55:04 Comments: 813. Name: Brittany on 2019-10-14 13:59:28 Comments: 814. Name: Lily on 2019-10-14 14:09:02 Comments: 815. Name: Claire R on 2019-10-14 14:10:08 Comments: 816. Name: Joan OKelly on 2019-10-14 14:17:37 Comments: Already the roads cannot handle the traffic. Build better roads and first. Very bad planning which is going to lead to chaos! Think ahead. 817. Name: Patrick Kerr on 2019-10-14 14:41:01 Comments: Wilmington and surrounding areas is being ruined by large development. Our Page 66 of 103 infrastructure cannot support large development and green areas are lost forever. 818. Name: Grace Clavadetacher on 2019-10-14 15:06:02 Comments: 819. Name: Maggie Stephens on 2019-10-14 15:15:47 Comments: 820. Name: kianna on 2019-10-14 15:22:35 Comments: 821. Name: kensie williams on 2019-10-14 15:29:29 Comments: 822. Name: Madeline key on 2019-10-14 15:33:30 Comments: 823. Name: Madeline key on 2019-10-14 15:33:33 Comments: 824. Name: Gary waters on 2019-10-14 15:54:27 Comments: 825. Name: Connie Flores on 2019-10-14 16:32:51 Comments: 826. Name: bridgette corpus on 2019-10-14 16:53:07 Comments: 827. Name: Siena Carilli on 2019-10-14 17:16:25 Comments: 828. Name: Siena Carilli on 2019-10-14 17:16:36 Comments: 829. Name: Chloe Allen on 2019-10-14 17:23:37 Comments: 830. Name: Matt Nicholson on 2019-10-14 17:26:03 Comments: 831. Name: Tracy Nicholson on 2019-10-14 17:27:41 Page 67 of 103 Comments: 832. Name: Cate Cornelius on 2019-10-14 18:47:52 Comments: 833. Name: Christi Natale on 2019-10-14 20:03:53 Comments: 834. Name: Jenny Leeds on 2019-10-14 21:46:29 Comments: The proposed development will have severe consequences for Tibbys Branch. We have the potential to experience MORE flooding. The Porter's Neck area does not have the infrastructure to support this many new residents. 835. Name: John Newby on 2019-10-14 21:49:21 Comments: Keep the land at the current residential zoning limit 836. Name: Meara on 2019-10-14 21:54:05 Comments: 837. Name: nathan stilwell on 2019-10-14 21:56:42 Comments: Idk 838. Name: Tara Laymon on 2019-10-14 23:03:02 Comments: 839. Name: Melissa G Mclaughlin on 2019-10-15 00:38:35 Comments: 840. Name: Melissa Peters on 2019-10-15 01:09:18 Comments: 841. Name: Jennifer Tilghman on 2019-10-15 10:37:16 Comments: 842. Name: Bonnie McNay on 2019-10-15 13:42:24 Comments: I can't imagine the strain this will cause to an already overbuilt area with more crawling traffic, more road rage and stress on schools, infrastructure and general quality of life. Stop the greed of overbuilding! 843. Name: Trentt James on 2019-10-15 13:55:43 Comments: Page 68 of 103 844. Name: Jenny Hsu on 2019-10-15 17:00:48 Comments: 845. Name: Kristina fanning on 2019-10-16 02:08:35 Comments: 846. Name: Marley fanning on 2019-10-16 02:09:10 Comments: 847. Name: Robin Jeffers on 2019-10-16 02:11:13 Comments: 848. Name: Barry gritton on 2019-10-16 02:22:58 Comments: 849. Name: Amy James on 2019-10-16 09:54:22 Comments: 850. Name: Sarah Matheny on 2019-10-16 10:19:32 Comments: 851. Name: Joshua Dills on 2019-10-16 10:58:24 Comments: 852. Name: Donna Updegrove on 2019-10-16 11:27:18 Comments: 853. Name: Lisa Grogan on 2019-10-16 11:38:45 Comments: 854. Name: Amanda Tuttle on 2019-10-16 12:15:01 Comments: 855. Name: Ian Fanning on 2019-10-16 14:13:10 Comments: 856. Name: Rhonda Goebel on 2019-10-16 15:15:43 Comments: 857. Name: Sheila White on 2019-10-16 15:32:14 Comments: All this traffic would be traveling through my neighborhood. Please no apartments!!! Single family homes only!!! Let's keep the neighborhood quality at a level Page 69 of 103 similar to the surrounding neighborhoods! 858. Name: Ann O'Leary on 2019-10-16 15:57:29 Comments: Density of homes should be no higher than that of the immediately surrounding neighborhoods 859. Name: Ginny Jones on 2019-10-16 18:01:10 Comments: Traffic and accidents on Market St. and environmental impacts by over- development are already out of control. Put a moratorium on high-density developments in this area and preserve single-family zoning. 860. Name: Leanne Esteves on 2019-10-16 18:16:35 Comments: 861. Name: Dianna Carson on 2019-10-16 20:15:53 Comments: 862. Name: Amiee muir on 2019-10-16 22:35:40 Comments: No apartment 863. Name: Tom Freeman on 2019-10-16 23:27:32 Comments: 864. Name: Liz on 2019-10-16 23:45:06 Comments: Do not allow this development!! 865. Name: samuel colman on 2019-10-17 00:55:47 Comments: if your going to build build homes not apartments this is not the city 866. Name: Greg herring on 2019-10-17 02:05:30 Comments: 867. Name: Diane Ross on 2019-10-18 08:27:14 Comments: do not permit with current housing levels. Reduce number of apartments and townhouses. 868. Name: John P Ruppe on 2019-10-18 09:56:37 Comments: 869. Name: Gary Denton on 2019-10-18 11:20:26 Comments: This area can not accommodate another 800 and 1000 more people on this Page 70 of 103 two lane country road, not to mention the existing over crowding in our new elementary school. No to this development as it exists. No apartments! 870. Name: William Y Doran on 2019-10-18 11:29:25 Comments: 871. Name: John Hunter on 2019-10-18 13:04:54 Comments: 872. Name: John Koropatnick on 2019-10-18 13:04:55 Comments: In this narrow patch of land it is being designed for 14 apartment buildings with 575 parking spaces, plus town homes and single family homes. To get right to the point, our small traffic circle at Porters Neck Road, Sharaz Way and Edgewater Club Road leading to Figure Eight Island and Blair Elementary School will be overwhelmed. I addition, the traffic light at Porters Neck Road and Market Street is already challenged by all the commercial development at that intersection, which continues to grow with a new hotel being built. At the information session conducted over a week ago, it was standing room only with 200 people held outside by the fire marshal. They were allowed in later for an unplanned second session. Residents are very concerned. If unchecked, The "Port City" will soon have to change its nick name to the "Apartment/Storage Unit" city. We hope to organize and engage some of our more influential residents on Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Island to help in at least modifying the proposed development to something realistic. Being reasonable people, growth and development is a good thing, over development and high concentration of residents is not. With a more measured decision process on your part, perhaps you will modify the development to just single family homes, and not the apartments and town homes being proposed. 873. Name: Judy Wells on 2019-10-18 13:44:09 Comments: 874. Name: J Lawrence Jamieson on 2019-10-18 13:45:55 Comments: I am completely opposed to this development plan 875. Name: Carol Anderson on 2019-10-18 14:00:37 Comments: 876. Name: Jeanne Gordon on 2019-10-18 14:04:40 Comments: 877. Name: Carolyn D Cebula on 2019-10-18 14:44:51 Comments: Page 71 of 103 878. Name: William Piner on 2019-10-18 15:06:43 Comments: Unbridled development will destroy our neighborhood while the developers take the money and run. 879. Name: Robert Gordon on 2019-10-18 15:51:23 Comments: 880. Name: Roger Wells on 2019-10-18 16:16:56 Comments: The Logan Development in Porters Neck should not be approved. The roads near the planned development do not have the capacity to handle the traffic for the proposed high density development. The proposed development will create traffic safety issues for Porters Neck residents and elementary school students, families driving to the school and school buses. The parcel must remain at its current zoning level. 881. Name: Maurice Snavely on 2019-10-18 18:05:24 Comments: 882. Name: Cathy Grampp on 2019-10-18 18:07:21 Comments: 883. Name: Susan Keifer on 2019-10-18 18:25:57 Comments: 884. Name: Ken Ross on 2019-10-18 18:30:41 Comments: This is nothing but a huge negative for Porters Neck. Increased traffic we don't need. Will drive more traffic thru The Vineyards which has lot of young families w/ kids. Will also have a negative affect on property values. 885. Name: Ray Cardella on 2019-10-18 19:10:29 Comments: The area is primarily a single family community and should remain as is. Additionally, the proposed development woundi bring about extreme congestion to an already overcrowded roadway system. Further, our new school would face then insurmountable task of accommodating the additional students which woulld be a result of the proposed develop. Enough is enough! Vote no to the developers plan. Thank you, Ray Cardella 886. Name: jim Stathis on 2019-10-18 19:22:20 Comments: The overall environment will be impacted negatively and we need to voice our concerns. 887. Name: Francis Pinkston on 2019-10-18 20:07:59 Page 72 of 103 Comments: This development, as it stands, should not be approved. Change to single family homes to blend in with the rest of this beautiful community. 888. Name: Coleen W Huse on 2019-10-18 20:39:39 Comments: 889. Name: Dorothy Mazepa on 2019-10-18 20:44:42 Comments: In addition to the overcrowding of the neighborhood school, what about a traffic study? What about the fact there is another large development going in next to the school? How is our community supposed to handle this? 890. Name: Shirley A Gerrior on 2019-10-18 20:55:40 Comments: A real negative for the area--traffic and environmental impact studies need to be done. 891. Name: Peggy J Glass on 2019-10-18 21:05:58 Comments: 892. Name: William Bartlett on 2019-10-18 21:09:19 Comments: This is the greatest threat to my neighborhood since I have been here. This includes two major hurricanes. I will follow the votes and work to ensure that anyone who votes for this project is held accountable at the ballot box. 893. Name: Tina Bartlett on 2019-10-18 22:21:12 Comments: 894. Name: Michelle Bowen on 2019-10-18 22:50:17 Comments: 895. Name: Faye E Egan on 2019-10-19 00:14:08 Comments: I am strongly opposed to this development 896. Name: Matt Lopatka on 2019-10-19 00:36:51 Comments: Market street cannot handle the traffic now!!! Do not let this happen. There is already more apartments being built at Marsh Oaks. 897. Name: George Dodson on 2019-10-19 00:41:09 Comments: I hope you would not even consider approving. Traffic is at a standstill two - three times a day now turning on to Market Street 898. Name: Joanne purnell on 2019-10-19 00:42:08 Comments: We already have gridlock in the notch end of town and mainly one road in and out of the Porters Neck area. We do not need to add to this. Page 73 of 103 899. Name: John Mize on 2019-10-19 00:51:06 Comments: The congestion already present in this area argues against any additional homes or apartments. Our roads cannot support any more residents. 900. Name: Kelli Kuperus on 2019-10-19 01:18:04 Comments: 901. Name: Laura Lee Handel on 2019-10-19 01:18:46 Comments: We need to stop this proposal 902. Name: Ryan Kuperus on 2019-10-19 01:18:50 Comments: Local infrastructure is already suffering. Adding more apartments in not a solution to this problem. 903. Name: Amy k on 2019-10-19 01:30:48 Comments: 904. Name: Arthur Miles on 2019-10-19 01:46:41 Comments: 905. Name: Denise Cherewich on 2019-10-19 01:52:08 Comments: 906. Name: Grace Cooley on 2019-10-19 02:52:47 Comments: 907. Name: Jacob long on 2019-10-19 03:06:07 Comments: 908. Name: Priscilla Jack on 2019-10-19 05:14:12 Comments: 909. Name: Mugnos jeanine on 2019-10-19 09:45:22 Comments: Our Neighborhood cannot support the traffic this plan would generate (As is we have overcrowded streets like Market) endanger kids walking home from school as well as the animal life living in the land of the proposed development 910. Name: Gail keller on 2019-10-19 10:43:27 Comments: 911. Name: D Ellen Gallo on 2019-10-19 12:15:48 Page 74 of 103 Comments: 912. Name: Laura Drew on 2019-10-19 12:16:55 Comments: 913. Name: Ann Keller on 2019-10-19 12:36:23 Comments: 914. Name: Julie Terrell on 2019-10-19 12:37:42 Comments: 915. Name: Karen Zink on 2019-10-19 13:02:41 Comments: I am extremely concerned about this density affecting flood control and traffic. 916. Name: Deborah Woods on 2019-10-19 13:11:10 Comments: Porters Neck already is too densely populated. There is only one main road leading to Market Street that is already congested. A secondary smaller road makes it difficult to head south on Market Street. Logan has not performed adequate tests on flooding or traffic congestion. Moreover our property values will go down! Do Not Allow Rezoning for Logan 917. Name: Grant Applewhite on 2019-10-19 13:34:16 Comments: strongly opposed to this dense population project 918. Name: Bryan Keller on 2019-10-19 13:34:22 Comments: This development should be refused. Way too much density and lack of infrastructure !! 919. Name: Larry Monahan on 2019-10-19 13:46:55 Comments: 920. Name: Susan Flater on 2019-10-19 14:17:45 Comments: I think the proposed development is too dense for that area, especially with only one main road to carry all the traffic, which is already congested. 921. Name: Eileen Gallagher on 2019-10-19 14:18:52 Comments: 922. Name: Yona Bar-Zeev on 2019-10-19 14:20:43 Comments: 923. Name: Greg Whitacre on 2019-10-19 14:48:40 Comments: Page 75 of 103 924. Name: Lauren Dwyer on 2019-10-19 14:57:18 Comments: 925. Name: Richard D Ferguson on 2019-10-19 15:11:07 Comments: I am not in favor of this change to our community. 926. Name: Roberta Michael Gillman on 2019-10-19 15:47:45 Comments: 927. Name: Brian Parsons on 2019-10-19 16:07:48 Comments: We moved here to get away from the over-development and resulting over- population of a Washington, DC suburb. We fear that the proposed development will result in similar increases of crime, pollution, congestion, and pose a safety risk to our children. The current population of the Porters Neck area is more than sufficient to support the already growing number of local businesses. 928. Name: A Christine Conry on 2019-10-19 17:19:25 Comments: No apartments , no apartments, no apartments ... 929. Name: Marvin Siefers on 2019-10-19 17:53:31 Comments: I am totally against this construction for all the reasons we local citizens have clearly defined and presented! 930. Name: Elaine Weinert on 2019-10-19 17:59:36 Comments: 931. Name: James D Barkley on 2019-10-19 18:00:39 Comments: Single family homes only!!! 932. Name: Patricia J Moisa on 2019-10-19 19:43:48 Comments: 933. Name: Madeline Watson on 2019-10-19 22:05:27 Comments: 934. Name: Danielle Jernigan on 2019-10-19 22:09:28 Comments: 935. Name: Timothy Conry on 2019-10-19 22:34:44 Comments: Add the cost for upgrading the local fire house for the addition of equipment to handle taller structures. Page 76 of 103 936. Name: Suzanne Relyea on 2019-10-19 23:00:01 Comments: 937. Name: Allison Bart on 2019-10-19 23:21:47 Comments: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 938. Name: LouiseCaglaran on 2019-10-20 00:00:12 Comments: It 939. Name: Linda Tobin on 2019-10-20 01:00:25 Comments: 940. Name: Elisa D Holt on 2019-10-20 03:43:55 Comments: 941. Name: Marguerite Curtis on 2019-10-20 04:05:44 Comments: 942. Name: Charlotte Ferguson on 2019-10-20 12:00:00 Comments: 943. Name: John Lyon on 2019-10-20 12:54:22 Comments: 944. Name: Berni Walsh on 2019-10-20 13:10:50 Comments: If this was your community, would you approve this? 945. Name: Stan Weinrich on 2019-10-20 14:02:09 Comments: An Utterly Ridiculous Proposal !!! The Planning Board must not support this fiasco. 946. Name: Rainer Kienle on 2019-10-20 15:57:01 Comments: The high population density of the proposed project will create a traffic nightmare. Unacceptable! 947. Name: WILLIAM PICKELL on 2019-10-20 16:55:14 Comments: This project is completely Unacceptable, get a grip on this type of development ! 948. Name: Martha Barbour on 2019-10-20 17:24:00 Comments: Object to rezoning of Logan Homes development in Porters Neck. Both Porters Neck Road and Market Street cannot take any more traffic. What has happened to Wilmington? Building is occurring on every inch of land available without any regard to Page 77 of 103 our infrastructure of the roads, neighborhoods, and the environment. Please stop!! 949. Name: Deb Seed on 2019-10-20 18:04:22 Comments: Way too hi density for the area, no supporting infrastructure at all! This will reduce home values and change the character of our neighborhood. 950. Name: Sara Aarthun on 2019-10-20 18:10:58 Comments: Too high a density for traffic and good use of land for waste water management 951. Name: Ann Johnson on 2019-10-20 18:14:47 Comments: 952. Name: John Barbour on 2019-10-20 18:24:57 Comments: Traffic in the Porters Neck is already an issue. If this development goes through it will be a traffic nightmare since the infrastructure is not compatible to handle this size of this development. 953. Name: Bette Northup on 2019-10-20 18:41:53 Comments: 954. Name: Ernie Northup on 2019-10-20 18:43:41 Comments: 955. Name: Delores and Serge Claire on 2019-10-20 20:08:02 Comments: 956. Name: Nancy Fisher on 2019-10-20 20:32:53 Comments: 957. Name: Stephanie Haley on 2019-10-21 13:15:26 Comments: 958. Name: daniel m smith on 2019-10-21 13:29:25 Comments: The proposed development makes no sense and will negatively alter our community. If you must build apartments do so on the other side of Route 17 959. Name: Edward Seed on 2019-10-21 14:35:35 Comments: 960. Name: Rolf Ficken on 2019-10-21 16:11:01 Page 78 of 103 Comments: Virtually all traffic from this development will dump through the already congested PN traffic circle as majority of traffic will be heading towards the downtown direction. The amount of traffic resulting from the proposed population density cannot be handled and will effectively block in fire station. Apartments on this site make absolutely no sense. 961. Name: Emily Powell on 2019-10-21 21:30:19 Comments: 962. Name: Maryann Bridges on 2019-10-22 15:38:58 Comments: 963. Name: Heidi Johnson on 2019-10-22 17:01:47 Comments: 964. Name: Andy Johnson on 2019-10-22 17:05:17 Comments: 965. Name: Suzanne Thrasher on 2019-10-22 17:07:20 Comments: 966. Name: Janeth Dill on 2019-10-22 17:20:10 Comments: 967. Name: Stephen Nickol on 2019-10-22 17:38:57 Comments: If this new project is approved I suggest we get sheets of paper to hand out to drivers when the traffic gets gridlocked. The paper will have the names an address of the officials that approved the project. 968. Name: Jessica Herring on 2019-10-22 17:45:22 Comments: 969. Name: Gregg Yoder on 2019-10-22 17:46:22 Comments: 970. Name: Amanda Herring on 2019-10-22 17:47:38 Comments: 971. Name: Kathleen Herring on 2019-10-22 17:48:31 Comments: 972. Name: David J Martindale on 2019-10-22 18:28:38 Comments: We are 100% against the proposed development as structured. Page 79 of 103 973. Name: Carolyn Stokley on 2019-10-22 18:39:53 Comments: Until all communities in Porters Neck have water and sewer, plus roads to handle additional traffic we do not need this sort of housing. Fix the infrastructure before allowing this kind of growth. 974. Name: Gwendoline F Healy on 2019-10-22 19:09:01 Comments: Traffic and flooding are my main concerns. This area cannot handle it already. If this goes through it will be disastrous to the entire community. Surely common decency can prevail above greed! 975. Name: John McElwee on 2019-10-22 19:55:30 Comments: Against this development 976. Name: Jake Hanna on 2019-10-22 20:09:10 Comments: The infrastructure of Porters Neck Road cannot possibly handle the influx of traffic. If this developer is allowed to have this land rezoned, a precedent will be set for any other developer acquiring land trying to rezone to multi family. 977. Name: John M Nelson on 2019-10-23 02:19:50 Comments: 978. Name: Erica Nelson on 2019-10-23 02:20:28 Comments: 979. Name: Keri Anne Simonelli on 2019-10-23 02:37:04 Comments: 980. Name: Heather King on 2019-10-23 03:50:13 Comments: 981. Name: Linda McKarney on 2019-10-23 11:25:04 Comments: Listen to your locals. Obviously bad planning and needs further examination. 982. Name: John Natale on 2019-10-23 11:57:59 Comments: 983. Name: Felicia Natale on 2019-10-23 13:19:29 Comments: 984. Name: Josh Hartzell on 2019-10-23 14:51:46 Comments: Page 80 of 103 985. Name: Haley Moon on 2019-10-23 17:06:34 Comments: Enough is enough, leave some of the beauty of Wilmington! 986. Name: Tracey Callahan on 2019-10-23 18:58:25 Comments: Mother Nature says that Logan Builders needs re think their proposal maybe cut it in half! They are being greedy and will pay for their greed! 987. Name: Deidre Gould on 2019-10-23 19:24:41 Comments: 988. Name: Mark Hardy on 2019-10-23 21:53:07 Comments: 989. Name: Mary Beth Hardy on 2019-10-23 21:54:22 Comments: 990. Name: Ann Latstetter on 2019-10-23 23:57:25 Comments: 991. Name: Catherine Logan on 2019-10-24 12:15:02 Comments: 992. Name: Madeleine on 2019-10-24 12:16:56 Comments: 993. Name: Beverly Reed on 2019-10-24 16:53:25 Comments: 994. Name: Laura Webb on 2019-10-24 17:43:54 Comments: 995. Name: phyllis salatino on 2019-10-24 17:56:03 Comments: 996. Name: Diane Wood Cortiglio on 2019-10-24 18:45:45 Comments: Please, we are experiencing so much more traffic and flooding issues now this congested road cannot tolerate any more! 997. Name: Mary Melia on 2019-10-24 19:06:06 Comments: 998. Name: Merv Wilkinson on 2019-10-24 20:02:26 Page 81 of 103 Comments: The inadequacy of revised infrastructure is at a tipping point in many newly developed areas in Wilmington. Please let us not add to the problem without proper short , medium and long term logistical planning 999. Name: Ein Dawson on 2019-10-24 20:20:10 Comments: Enough! We chose this area for our retirement home because of its beauty. Don’t destroy it by high density building, increased traffic, and flooding potential. 1000. Name: Cathy Fisher on 2019-10-24 21:21:43 Comments: Additional traffic, demands and strain on infrastructure, and negative environmental impact are reasons to deny application 1001. Name: Debby Hogston on 2019-10-24 21:35:55 Comments: No apartments 1002. Name: Nancy Tillett on 2019-10-24 21:36:10 Comments: 1003. Name: Mary Bradley on 2019-10-24 22:19:28 Comments: The size and scope of the development will affect Not only the beauty and serenity of the area, it will affect traffic as well. I would expect New Hanover to reassess all of our taxes to a lower rate if this development moves forward. 1004. Name: John Bradley on 2019-10-24 22:25:15 Comments: We recently moved to Porters Neck to enjoy the privacy and lifestyle of the area. It is untenable to us that a developer who expects the good will of the people would think that apartments near an established golf community in a private area is acceptable. The area appears to have a high water table which may pose a problem to existing homes if such a large development is allowed. 1005. Name: Penny Riggs on 2019-10-24 22:52:15 Comments: 1006. Name: Janet Little on 2019-10-24 22:56:03 Comments: 1007. Name: Robert Lee on 2019-10-24 23:52:16 Comments: 1008. Name: Kristal Lee on 2019-10-24 23:53:15 Comments: 1009. Name: Bailey Lee on 2019-10-24 23:54:01 Comments: Page 82 of 103 1010. Name: Carol Haycraft on 2019-10-25 00:08:50 Comments: 1011. Name: Kathryn Price on 2019-10-25 01:55:12 Comments: 1012. Name: Kristen Harlach on 2019-10-25 08:40:52 Comments: I object to this proposal because our schools are already over crowded and the traffic has been deadly. Including loss of life and Futch Creek intersection and a child being hit on PN road while a women was passing a school bus. Porters Neck Road and Futch Creek U -turn are the only options for leaving our neighborhoods. 1013. Name: Clem Surak on 2019-10-25 11:17:23 Comments: 1014. Name: Sandra Liversidge on 2019-10-25 11:23:31 Comments: There is no room for over a 1,000 vehicles to be traveling Futch Creek Road and those that filter into it. This much development in an all ready heavily developed area would impact the environment terribly. 1015. Name: Ed Fonvielle on 2019-10-25 12:41:17 Comments: Please, rethink your proposed development and bring it in line with the surrounding neighborhoods. 1016. Name: Thomas Liversidge on 2019-10-25 12:58:04 Comments: 1017. Name: Joan Cocozziello on 2019-10-25 14:57:11 Comments: I oppose this building under any circumstances 1018. Name: Faye Thornton on 2019-10-25 16:41:31 Comments: Do not need more cars and people. Needs to get rid of apartment and do only homes. Will need to work on and be responsible for ways out Porter Neck Road and Futch Creek is already to busy. 1019. Name: Suzi Snyder on 2019-10-25 17:14:04 Comments: Porters Neck Road already has more traffic than it can handle. Getting out of Blue Point can take 5 minutes. You can also change the ridiculous 45 mph zone that stretches for a mile and endangers the lives of people turning into or out of traffic on Porters Neck Road. 1020. Name: Walter Burgess on 2019-10-25 18:12:27 Comments: Page 83 of 103 1021. Name: Dan V Malone Jr on 2019-10-25 18:14:08 Comments: nope 1022. Name: Andrew Gates on 2019-10-25 18:18:58 Comments: 1023. Name: chantal N Dewall on 2019-10-25 18:21:46 Comments: 1024. Name: Kristi Moore on 2019-10-25 18:34:30 Comments: 1025. Name: Rocco Quaranto on 2019-10-25 18:48:41 Comments: 1026. Name: John Henderson on 2019-10-25 18:57:31 Comments: The immediate area simply cannot handle the additional traffic and water runoff. 1027. Name: Susan Berry on 2019-10-25 18:58:19 Comments: 1028. Name: Latishia Johnson on 2019-10-25 18:59:01 Comments: 1029. Name: Fran Scarlett on 2019-10-25 19:05:57 Comments: Current infrastructure cannot support this kind of development. 1030. Name: Winston West on 2019-10-25 19:09:00 Comments: 1031. Name: William Pearson on 2019-10-25 19:11:51 Comments: The proposed number of units on this property is far more than the original R15/20 and would be completely out of place in the neighborhood that is single Family homes along with the area roads not being able to handle the added traffic. R15/20 zoning seems to make sense. 1032. Name: Alex badakpendou on 2019-10-25 19:23:55 Comments: very bad idea. We need resources ie schools, recreation, family friendly communities to improve existing and long time residents, not more apartments bldg. Page 84 of 103 1033. Name: Leanne Nicosia on 2019-10-25 19:31:52 Comments: 1034. Name: Stuart White on 2019-10-25 19:51:27 Comments: This area is more suited to single family homes than apartments. The drainage is a big concern as is the major increase in traffic, all funneled through the family homes that border thie planned development. 1035. Name: John Crysler on 2019-10-25 19:57:09 Comments: The traffic congestion on PN road and the PN traffic circle would be hazardous with this builder's plan coupled with a new school and fire station close to the PN traffic circle. 1036. Name: Richard Sanchez on 2019-10-25 20:05:38 Comments: 1037. Name: Heather Duskey on 2019-10-25 20:14:24 Comments: Please no building! 1038. Name: Chris Duskey on 2019-10-25 20:15:04 Comments: 1039. Name: Carol Crysler on 2019-10-25 20:20:29 Comments: Don’t think the County Commisioners and the Planning Board understand the amount of traffic on Porters Neck Rd and Market St. 1040. Name: Wanda Terrell on 2019-10-25 20:31:06 Comments: 1041. Name: Rabi Patoki on 2019-10-25 20:42:51 Comments: 1042. Name: Jeff and Kathleen Boyell on 2019-10-25 21:05:19 Comments: 1043. Name: Tina on 2019-10-25 21:08:00 Comments: 1044. Name: Kristin Jose on 2019-10-25 21:27:50 Comments: 1045. Name: Kris Jose on 2019-10-25 21:28:51 Comments: Page 85 of 103 1046. Name: Pam on 2019-10-25 21:33:36 Comments: 1047. Name: Tracy Wagner on 2019-10-25 22:04:02 Comments: 1048. Name: Greg Mroz on 2019-10-25 22:29:09 Comments: 1049. Name: Mindy Yates on 2019-10-25 23:03:40 Comments: 1050. Name: Bonnie Sanchez on 2019-10-25 23:28:30 Comments: 1051. Name: William Ritenour on 2019-10-26 01:26:40 Comments: 1052. Name: Therese Wagner on 2019-10-26 02:54:37 Comments: NO APARTMENTS-BAD IDEA ON SO MANY LEVELS, traffic alone on porters neck rd will be nightmare, just this week a boy was hit getting on the bus , after lady drove thru red lights on bus 1053. Name: Kris Jose on 2019-10-26 10:18:19 Comments: 1054. Name: Chad Hinders on 2019-10-26 10:23:15 Comments: 1055. Name: Robert Kaess on 2019-10-26 11:23:58 Comments: This proposal to build 406 dwelling units on 51 acres far exceeds any land use all of Porters Neck. It disregards community safety, degrades property value, and disrespects quality of life. 1056. Name: Travis Dant on 2019-10-26 12:27:09 Comments: 1057. Name: Halley White on 2019-10-26 13:22:14 Comments: Thoughtful, careful and long-term zoning and development is necessary to maintain the integrity and value of New Hanover County. Page 86 of 103 1058. Name: Ben Ligotti on 2019-10-26 17:02:11 Comments: 1059. Name: William Mountford on 2019-10-26 17:39:36 Comments: 1060. Name: Kristie McGrady on 2019-10-26 19:19:39 Comments: 1061. Name: nancy mckean on 2019-10-26 20:46:02 Comments: please no more building. the traffic is bad enough, and adding more will cause more accidents, a child was already hurt waiting for school bus. 1062. Name: Bobbi Crawford on 2019-10-27 00:19:34 Comments: 1063. Name: Misty A Jensen on 2019-10-27 00:21:21 Comments: 1064. Name: John Natale Jr on 2019-10-27 00:31:11 Comments: 1065. Name: Meg Newcomb on 2019-10-27 01:19:27 Comments: No more development please! Consider all the traffic on Market and the frequent accidents. Enough is Enough! How about a park instead. Perhaps with pool? 1066. Name: Rachel Mroz on 2019-10-27 01:57:30 Comments: 1067. Name: Megan Moore on 2019-10-27 01:59:36 Comments: 1068. Name: Stephen Fortlouis on 2019-10-27 03:19:49 Comments: Please maintain the integrity of Porter’s Neck. 1069. Name: Denise LEsperance on 2019-10-27 11:01:53 Comments: 1070. Name: Paula Perkins on 2019-10-27 14:57:04 Comments: 1071. Name: Carol Lasch on 2019-10-27 15:11:01 Page 87 of 103 Comments: Not smart for our community, for once can we get the board to just say no!!! 1072. Name: Alice Buchanan on 2019-10-27 16:12:16 Comments: 1073. Name: Linda Masters on 2019-10-27 17:13:48 Comments: This is way too many homes, town houses apartments for this area. 1074. Name: Ron Smith on 2019-10-27 17:40:12 Comments: 1075. Name: joan Perry on 2019-10-27 19:09:23 Comments: Apartments bring traffic, lower property values and crime rates increase. No thank you. 1076. Name: Adam Schroeder on 2019-10-28 02:25:56 Comments: The commissioners should consider the impact on State road 17 (Market Street. Especially now that construction has begun from Military cutoff to I140. It will take a few years to complete the planned construction and this development would only add to the congestion of Market Street. 1077. Name: Lawrence Ward on 2019-10-28 10:23:38 Comments: 1078. Name: Susan Ward on 2019-10-28 10:24:59 Comments: 1079. Name: Jodie Hall on 2019-10-28 12:49:44 Comments: 1080. Name: Kevin Casey on 2019-10-28 14:57:15 Comments: Protect Porter’s Neck!!! 1081. Name: Melissa Raymer on 2019-10-28 15:45:35 Comments: protect porter's neck. too much traffic. 1082. Name: Mary Ann Beltracchi on 2019-10-28 16:53:24 Comments: 1083. Name: Beth Manson on 2019-10-28 17:17:59 Comments: Page 88 of 103 1084. Name: Heather Dant on 2019-10-28 17:57:14 Comments: 1085. Name: Ronald Manson on 2019-10-28 18:39:37 Comments: 1086. Name: Nora Costello on 2019-10-28 19:21:10 Comments: 1087. Name: Paul Stern on 2019-10-28 19:23:47 Comments: We need to make this an egress issue to solve so we address traffic load in VP. Also, pushing for single family residence density only, no attached or multi-family. 1088. Name: Kent Halac on 2019-10-28 19:25:29 Comments: 1089. Name: Lawrence D Knoerl on 2019-10-28 19:26:59 Comments: I own the house at 715 Chablis Way. I strongly oppose the development of apartments and duplexes being proposed by the developer. Please do not approve the rezoning being requested by the developer. 1090. Name: John Kirkwood on 2019-10-28 19:30:58 Comments: 1091. Name: Casey Mako on 2019-10-28 19:31:29 Comments: 1092. Name: Katie on 2019-10-28 19:33:51 Comments: 1093. Name: Todd Walls on 2019-10-28 19:35:33 Comments: 1094. Name: Chris Nagle on 2019-10-28 19:37:17 Comments: I strongly oppose Logan Homes request to build any type of apartments due to safety concerns for our young children over increased traffic directly in front of my home. 1095. Name: Mike Brown on 2019-10-28 19:42:01 Comments: Hard no on apartments. 1096. Name: Regina Holliman on 2019-10-28 19:44:46 Comments: Page 89 of 103 1097. Name: Regina Holliman on 2019-10-28 19:47:09 Comments: 1098. Name: John Geist on 2019-10-28 19:48:40 Comments: 1099. Name: Brittni Scott on 2019-10-28 19:49:46 Comments: 1100. Name: Juliana Adkins on 2019-10-28 19:51:08 Comments: 1101. Name: Richard Boughton on 2019-10-28 19:58:20 Comments: 1102. Name: Bryon Nazelrod on 2019-10-28 20:03:13 Comments: 1103. Name: Debra Pennington on 2019-10-28 20:05:32 Comments: 1104. Name: Jim McManus on 2019-10-28 20:08:42 Comments: Well thought out and planned growth is good for WILMINGTON and it’s citizens. Haphazard over-development by unscrupulous developers is destructive to existing communities and environments. I hope our commissioners are not blinded by additional tax dollars. 1105. Name: Brad Shaver on 2019-10-28 20:08:49 Comments: 1106. Name: Wing Li on 2019-10-28 20:18:31 Comments: 1107. Name: Jamie Howell on 2019-10-28 20:20:56 Comments: I 100% oppose this plan!!! I cannot fathom the increase in traffic, the number of children needing to attend an already at-capacity school and the impact to the property values in the surrounding neighborhoods. Single family homes...if we have to, then yes. Multi-unit dwellings....NO! 1108. Name: Amy Kline on 2019-10-28 20:37:22 Comments: 100% object to this plan! This will cause a traffic nightmare to all surrounding neighborhoods. Page 90 of 103 1109. Name: Kevin Thompson on 2019-10-28 21:35:07 Comments: 1110. Name: Yuhong Cai on 2019-10-28 21:38:21 Comments: 1111. Name: Yunlong li on 2019-10-28 21:41:15 Comments: 1112. Name: LINDA S WRIGHT on 2019-10-28 21:44:30 Comments: 1113. Name: Lori valenti on 2019-10-28 22:08:32 Comments: 1114. Name: Vicky Nazelrod on 2019-10-28 23:19:23 Comments: 1115. Name: Kimberly Winslow on 2019-10-29 00:20:33 Comments: We all know the type of development being proposed will have a huge, negative impact on the value of our homes as well causing major traffic issues in Porters Neck (as if traffic isn’t already bad enough). Thank you. 1116. Name: Reggie Cox on 2019-10-29 01:24:39 Comments: In my opinion, if anything is built there it should be single family residences that are relatively close to the existing neighborhood. I also think if anything is built there they should be required to not only tie into Futch Creek Road but find a way to tie into Porters Neck Road. 1117. Name: Eileen Karam on 2019-10-29 01:37:09 Comments: 1118. Name: Tricia Deckert on 2019-10-29 02:16:32 Comments: 1119. Name: Diane Molchan on 2019-10-29 03:14:25 Comments: Opposed to developer's proposed type of apartments. It would cause major traffic issues on Porters Neck Road. Land should only by used for single family homes as originally zoned. Page 91 of 103 1120. Name: Jen Fernandez-Villa on 2019-10-29 10:27:43 Comments: 1121. Name: Michael Brown on 2019-10-29 12:05:03 Comments: 1122. Name: Bryan C on 2019-10-29 13:07:17 Comments: Keep the zone as originally planned for single family homes. 1123. Name: Tom Ledford on 2019-10-29 13:26:03 Comments: 1124. Name: Cady McLawhorn on 2019-10-29 14:11:13 Comments: 1125. Name: Sharon Hammond on 2019-10-29 15:36:41 Comments: 1126. Name: Bill Milholland on 2019-10-29 15:56:51 Comments: PLEASE do not let this go through without changes. At the VERY LEAST, restrict this to single family homes to reduce the potential density that will make for over- crowding of our roads and school. 1127. Name: Mary Elizabeth Wood on 2019-10-29 17:49:39 Comments: The traffic alone would be unsustainable. Has the DOT even looked at this? 1128. Name: david scott on 2019-10-29 18:05:53 Comments: To add apartments to this area with the 2 limited entry/exit points is would be a traffic nightmare. Single family homes -in keeping with the fabric of the community! 1129. Name: Dave rowe on 2019-10-29 18:50:26 Comments: Too many apartments and how about road infrastructure? How about use taxes for other needed areas? 1130. Name: William Best on 2019-10-29 19:43:43 Comments: 1131. Name: Lois Penniman on 2019-10-29 23:42:50 Comments: 1132. Name: Grace on 2019-10-30 01:08:49 Comments: Page 92 of 103 1133. Name: Matthew Martin on 2019-10-30 01:34:14 Comments: 1134. Name: Walter Busbee on 2019-10-30 10:35:48 Comments: This development will have major flooding,traffic and other negative impacts. 1135. Name: Matthew Erwin on 2019-10-30 14:59:10 Comments: 1136. Name: PATSY MACKMULL on 2019-10-30 15:06:11 Comments: 1137. Name: Virgil King on 2019-10-30 16:07:54 Comments: 1138. Name: Michael Pinson on 2019-10-30 19:22:07 Comments: Apartments are too much for the infrastructure of the neighboring communities. I understand what the developer is trying to accomplish but the neighborhood is not ready as planned. It would be best for single family homes only. 1139. Name: Mitch Johnston on 2019-10-30 19:55:44 Comments: 1140. Name: Paula Scott on 2019-10-30 22:52:22 Comments: No! Do not want the development!! No! 1141. Name: Daniel Richani on 2019-11-01 09:46:12 Comments: 1142. Name: david mccarthy on 2019-11-01 15:46:31 Comments: 1143. Name: Steve Beuth on 2019-11-01 16:30:51 Comments: Too much traffic, accidents, and overrun schools. This is shameful how we don't control this out-of-hand growth. 1144. Name: Mary alpin on 2019-11-02 18:22:06 Comments: 1145. Name: pam bryden on 2019-11-03 00:38:28 Comments: Stop Logan. Do traffic study on PN Rd Page 93 of 103 1146. Name: Sarah valenti on 2019-11-03 12:29:14 Comments: 1147. Name: Patrick Calomino on 2019-11-03 18:51:34 Comments: 1148. Name: Mary Corcoran on 2019-11-03 21:04:09 Comments: 1149. Name: EILEEN RUI on 2019-11-05 20:23:00 Comments: 1150. Name: Marco Meier on 2019-11-05 20:24:03 Comments: 1151. Name: Jeff Stanfield on 2019-11-06 12:46:21 Comments: It's the responsibility of the commissioners to protect the interests and quality of life for the citizens of New Hanover county, not to maximize a developers profits. 1152. Name: Shawn Murphy on 2019-11-06 17:09:57 Comments: 1153. Name: Greer Creech on 2019-11-07 22:47:03 Comments: 1154. Name: Jennifer Singleton on 2019-11-08 23:38:10 Comments: No more building!! 1155. Name: Irene Henderson on 2019-11-10 13:28:32 Comments: 1156. Name: Ashley Perritt on 2019-11-11 02:13:08 Comments: 1157. Name: Sarah Fish on 2019-11-11 22:38:43 Comments: Enough - too much development! 1158. Name: Dana Laymon on 2019-11-12 03:19:38 Comments: 1159. Name: Karlyn Stanfield on 2019-11-12 04:50:35 Comments: Page 94 of 103 1160. Name: Caraline Martin on 2019-11-12 14:32:06 Comments: 1161. Name: Jennifer Glass on 2019-11-12 18:44:53 Comments: 1162. Name: Thomas King on 2019-11-12 20:42:40 Comments: 1163. Name: Brynn Raynor on 2019-11-12 20:50:05 Comments: 1164. Name: Nick Raynor on 2019-11-12 20:51:43 Comments: 1165. Name: Katherine Carlson on 2019-11-12 22:59:19 Comments: 1166. Name: Deborah Colclough on 2019-11-13 03:45:22 Comments: 1167. Name: Amy on 2019-11-13 09:41:45 Comments: Opposed to any apartments. 1168. Name: Mary Hinsdale on 2019-11-13 11:30:04 Comments: North Wilmington is at max capacity. In the 20 years I have lived here we have never flooded in these neighborhoods until the last few years. Our traffic has exponentially increased to the point that it used to take me 10 minutes to get to work and now it takes 30. What is best for the well being of the Community should trump a developer wanting to make money. We will fight these type of development plans as much as we can and New Hanover County should too. Get behind your people New Hanover County, no one wants this. 1169. Name: Sara Maurer on 2019-11-13 15:30:14 Comments: Opposed to apartments. 1170. Name: Daniel Check on 2019-11-13 15:37:44 Comments: 1171. Name: Terry Wright on 2019-11-13 16:54:10 Comments: Page 95 of 103 1172. Name: Ryan Konrady on 2019-11-13 17:19:04 Comments: 1173. Name: Courtney Kingston on 2019-11-13 17:21:26 Comments: 1174. Name: Jennifer Zielinski on 2019-11-13 20:52:04 Comments: 1175. Name: Debbie Fogle on 2019-11-13 22:56:15 Comments: 1176. Name: Kara Sweeney on 2019-11-13 23:01:06 Comments: 1177. Name: Katharine Hesmer on 2019-11-13 23:40:29 Comments: 1178. Name: Ally Thornton on 2019-11-14 01:03:47 Comments: 1179. Name: Randi Kinney on 2019-11-14 02:19:24 Comments: 1180. Name: Stephanie Johnson on 2019-11-14 06:25:51 Comments: Trying to turn left from Futch Creek Road (behind Porters Neck Plantation) onto Champ Davis is risky now due to poor visibility and curves in the road in both directions. Adding potentially 500-1000 more cars would make that left hand turn next to impossible. 1181. Name: Amber Lang Smith on 2019-11-14 18:11:55 Comments: 1182. Name: Al Caperna on 2019-11-14 18:37:07 Comments: This is a very stable family community. Having an apartment completely changes the dynamics and make it not as safe And relational as we currently have. 1183. Name: Kathleen Caperna on 2019-11-14 18:38:12 Comments: This is a safe quiet family neighborhood & apartments & transients Would completely change that ... and not for the better! 1184. Name: Jeffrey DeJulio on 2019-11-14 21:53:49 Comments: Single Family homes. Page 96 of 103 1185. Name: Christie DeJulio on 2019-11-14 21:54:35 Comments: Single family homes 1186. Name: Daniel Tozour on 2019-11-15 00:07:22 Comments: 1187. Name: Rano Mathew on 2019-11-15 00:49:36 Comments: 1188. Name: Frank Wells on 2019-11-15 01:06:52 Comments: 1189. Name: Bryan Stephany on 2019-11-15 02:05:58 Comments: 1190. Name: Doug Messina on 2019-11-15 02:06:29 Comments: 1191. Name: William Brown on 2019-11-15 02:10:07 Comments: Please no more apartments in our suburb. Affluent home buyers do love and future ones will love this area. 1192. Name: Seth perry on 2019-11-15 02:39:01 Comments: 1193. Name: Kristen Smith on 2019-11-15 02:48:44 Comments: The almighty dollar shouldn't trump our community. 1194. Name: Chris Smith on 2019-11-15 02:49:18 Comments: 1195. Name: Julia Lee on 2019-11-15 12:42:43 Comments: 1196. Name: Elizabeth Dixon on 2019-11-15 14:02:43 Comments: 1197. Name: Ryan Zielinski on 2019-11-15 14:42:02 Comments: Single Family 1198. Name: Joan Desantis on 2019-11-15 19:57:12 Page 97 of 103 Comments: 1199. Name: Melanie A Romano on 2019-11-15 20:02:09 Comments: No apartment complex!! 1200. Name: Christy Dameron on 2019-11-16 18:25:38 Comments: 1201. Name: Paul Johnson on 2019-11-16 18:48:39 Comments: The intensity of this project cannot be supported by the local infrastructure and institutions. Porters Neck Road in particular is over burdened today and additional traffic lows could endanger citizens and property. This road already had a child struck by a car last month, probably from a frustrated driver trying to get through a traffic tieup. What this are needs is lower density zoning to help mitigate traffic growth and storm water challenges. Thank you. Paul Johnson 1202. Name: Michelle Ferris on 2019-11-16 18:50:54 Comments: 1203. Name: Shawn Carroll on 2019-11-16 19:21:38 Comments: Adamantly opposed to this project. The proposed density is inconsistent with the area, the local school is already at capacity, and infrastructure is not suited for additional traffic and stormwater impacts. 1204. Name: Caroline Pearson on 2019-11-16 20:16:25 Comments: 1205. Name: Joan Eubanks on 2019-11-16 22:08:52 Comments: 1206. Name: Bridgette Valdivia on 2019-11-17 01:14:59 Comments: 1207. Name: Andrea Johnson on 2019-11-17 03:52:52 Comments: 1208. Name: Ron Russ on 2019-11-17 09:58:48 Comments: We can’t handle the additional water run off. Traffic is already terrible. This is really unnecessary and pray for our neighborhood. 1209. Name: Moria Rooney on 2019-11-17 12:37:04 Comments: Page 98 of 103 1210. Name: Mariam Metius on 2019-11-17 12:55:22 Comments: I live in Blue Point and I am against this expansion. Porters Neck Road cannot handle the current traffic flow, let alone additional traffic. Don't ruin our environment! 1211. Name: Vann Zick on 2019-11-17 13:10:27 Comments: 1212. Name: Carl Zick on 2019-11-17 13:11:27 Comments: 1213. Name: Carrie Carver on 2019-11-17 13:12:38 Comments: 1214. Name: Kimberly Kopaczewski on 2019-11-17 13:16:18 Comments: 1215. Name: Brandy garris on 2019-11-17 13:57:22 Comments: 1216. Name: Samantha Thompson on 2019-11-17 15:06:56 Comments: 1217. Name: Kathleen Boyle on 2019-11-17 15:32:57 Comments: 1218. Name: Michelle Cornett on 2019-11-17 18:20:08 Comments: 1219. Name: David Sweeney on 2019-11-17 18:23:50 Comments: 1220. Name: Ellie Ivy on 2019-11-17 20:05:28 Comments: Porters Neck can’t handle any high density residential zoning! 1221. Name: Lorna Moran on 2019-11-17 20:55:57 Comments: If the commissioner’s are listening to those that voted them in this should never get approved. If it does, it’s time for new commissioner’s. 1222. Name: Laurel Thornton on 2019-11-17 21:33:54 Comments: Porters Neck cannot handle the traffic this would create. Page 99 of 103 1223. Name: James Steele on 2019-11-18 03:38:07 Comments: Over Developement.....do not proceed !!! 1224. Name: Denyse McDonnell on 2019-11-18 15:14:56 Comments: 1225. Name: Leslie Armstrong on 2019-11-18 16:10:13 Comments: 1226. Name: Emil Trabulsi on 2019-11-18 16:48:42 Comments: Enough is enough 1227. Name: Jared Millet on 2019-11-18 18:09:30 Comments: 1228. Name: Kathy Natale on 2019-11-18 18:10:10 Comments: 1229. Name: Deborah and Comey Dilanjian on 2019-11-18 18:40:14 Comments: Go away and build you duplexes somewhere else remote. Away from are already congested roads. 1230. Name: Penny Brinkley on 2019-11-19 02:48:31 Comments: Against Logan Development in Porters Neck 1231. Name: Katie Meekins on 2019-11-19 03:09:13 Comments: 1232. Name: Tammy Pruden on 2019-11-19 06:25:37 Comments: The community impact of more dense residential apartments would compromise and negatively effect traffic, current residents, and tourists by creating a more dense populated area consuming already stretched resources and utilities. 1233. Name: Steve Miller on 2019-11-19 12:36:26 Comments: I think it's wonderful for our community to show which opposition to this development to the board of commissioners and the planning board. However, I'm skeptical of the response of a board which is so dominated my people so closely tied to the real estate industry. That's why I have decided to run for a seat on the county board of commissioners. 1234. Name: Alli Luckadoo on 2019-11-19 18:39:08 Comments: Page 100 of 103 1235. Name: Ryan Luckadoo on 2019-11-19 18:39:54 Comments: 1236. Name: Christine Sampson on 2019-11-19 18:42:35 Comments: 1237. Name: Imer Smith on 2019-11-19 20:56:06 Comments: I am not in favor. Roads needs work in this area 1238. Name: Ken Madsen on 2019-11-19 21:01:48 Comments: Infrastructure will not support proposal. 1239. Name: Diane Carapella on 2019-11-19 22:51:33 Comments: 1240. Name: Susan and John La Forgia on 2019-11-20 21:32:34 Comments: We are opposed to Rezoning 51-acre parcel from R15/R20 for mixed/multi use by Logan Homes. 1241. Name: Caroline Manoogian on 2019-11-21 01:53:49 Comments: 1242. Name: Stephen Anderson on 2019-11-21 02:49:33 Comments: Edgewater Club Rd 1243. Name: Christa Macsay on 2019-11-21 02:57:03 Comments: 1244. Name: Tracie Conner on 2019-11-21 10:23:29 Comments: 1245. Name: Heather Renye on 2019-11-21 13:36:02 Comments: The impacts this will have on traffic and schools is disastrous. The facts are not facts, the data collected in traffic studies is inaccurate. Adding this many people to such a small area would be dangerous Considering there are only 2 roads to escape in case of an emergency. 1246. Name: Trevor Yates on 2019-11-21 13:38:35 Comments: 1247. Name: Wing Li on 2019-11-21 13:43:36 Comments: Page 101 of 103 1248. Name: Melissa Quaranto on 2019-11-21 14:41:51 Comments: 1249. Name: Inbal Claudio on 2019-11-21 14:55:27 Comments: 1250. Name: Angela Dabney on 2019-11-21 15:24:03 Comments: 1251. Name: Jeff dabney on 2019-11-21 15:26:55 Comments: Why must we fill every green space with houses???? No one in their right mind would agree that all these new home does not affect traffic. Stop the building!!!! 1252. Name: Sarah Cain on 2019-11-21 15:34:47 Comments: 1253. Name: Kelli Kuperus on 2019-11-21 16:05:26 Comments: 1254. Name: Jason Zilewicz on 2019-11-21 16:16:00 Comments: 1255. Name: Addy Penniman on 2019-11-21 16:55:17 Comments: 1256. Name: Pam Poindexter on 2019-11-21 17:05:39 Comments: 1257. Name: Susan on 2019-11-21 18:47:48 Comments: No more development! Roads cannot handle it. Too much crime. Too many accidents. Stop. Enough is enough. 1258. Name: Leslie on 2019-11-21 18:49:52 Comments: I oppose 1259. Name: John on 2019-11-21 18:55:47 Comments: Be careful of what you wish for... If DR Horton gets involved (I hear they have a back-up offer on the property) you will end up with $199,000 poorly built homes. That will bring in the wrong type of people to our neighborhood! I don't like apartments, but at least Logan is a reputable builder who is proposing homes at similar or higher prices than the neighborhoods around it. Page 102 of 103 1260. Name: Rocco Giuseppe Poveromo on 2019-11-21 23:56:58 Comments: Our Community is overstressed and overpopulated with not enough room on the roads or in the schools 1261. Name: Daniel Thompson on 2019-11-22 01:53:38 Comments: 1262. Name: Celine Barefoot on 2019-11-22 13:02:00 Comments: 1263. Name: Alethea Jenkins on 2019-11-22 15:43:55 Comments: 1264. Name: Tara Gatliff on 2019-11-23 14:08:53 Comments: 1265. Name: Tim Jacobs on 2019-11-24 01:51:12 Comments: The area doesn't need anymore development or traffic. 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