TRC Agenda Packet 1.22.2020TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA January 22, 2020 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in the Lucie Harrell Conference Room (601) of the New Hanover County Government Center located at 230 Government Center Drive to review the following: 2:00 p.m. Item 1: Bayshore Commercial Center – Commercial Site Plan Request by Paramounte Engineering for a commercial site plan for a shopping center consisting of a total of 102,000 square feet on 17.28 acres of land located at 7416 Market Street. The property is zoned B-2, O&I, and R-15. Discussion Item: Conceptual Site Plan for Bennett Village Reserve Future Items:  No items scheduled at this time. Bayshore Commercial Center - TRC Review Page | 1 To: Allison Engebretson, Paramounte Engineering Hill Rogers, Cameron Management, Inc From: Brad Schuler Senior Planner Date: January 17, 2019 Subject: Bayshore Commercial Center – Commercial Site Pan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the January 22, 2020 TRC meeting. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised site plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving approval. Planning, Brad Schuler, 910-798-7444 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. The setback for Bayshore Drive is 35 feet. Property that fronts on two streets are considered to have two front yards (definition of Lot Frontage). b. It appears the FAR calculation may be incorrect (total floor area of all structures divided by the gross area of the site). c. There appears to be a proposed tree located within the parking spaces located adjacent Market Street. d. Staff counted 408 parking spaces (406 noted on the plan). 2. Medical offices would be classified as “Clinics, Medical” in the parking standards, which requires four spaces for each doctor and one space for each employee (Section 81). 3. The street yard plantings and retaining wall along Market Street appear to be located within utility easements. Please provide confirmation from the easement holders that these improvements are acceptable. 4. Please provide the calculations for the for the interior parking lot islands. Interior parking landscaping shall be provided equal to 8% of the total area used for parking, driveways, drive aisles, and loading areas (Sec 62.1-5(2)(B)). 5. Prior to approval, the plans must be resubmitted showing the building footprints, loading areas, foundation plantings, dumpster locations, and the outparcel design. The outparcel lot may be submitted separately. 6. An additional row of plantings may be required within the rear buffer yard depending on the retained vegetation. The new planting must be at least six feet in height when installed. Bayshore Commercial Center – TRC Comments Page | 2 7. Section 62.1-3(1)(B)5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 15 trees to be retained or planted on the property for each acre disturbed by the development. Please add this calculation to the landscaped plan and provide the number of trees being retained if needed. 8. All trees installed in accordance with the landscaping standards (parking, street yard) must be at least 2 inches in caliper at the time of planting. 9. The Conservation Overlay District shows that wetlands may exist on the site. In addition to delineating the wetlands, please provide the approved USACOE jurisdictional determination. 10. Is there any reason the southernmost drive aisle is 29 feet in width? This could be adjusted to 24 feet to reduce impervious surfaces. 11. The driveway design off Market Street next to the existing NHRMC medical office may create safety issues. Discussions with NCDOT indicated redesign of the driveway may be required during the driveway permitting process. Fire Services, David Stone, 910-798-7458 1. All new construction must comply with Section 510 of the 2018 NC Fire for Emergency Responder Radio Coverage (ERRC) more information can be provided to the Developer/Engineer if needed. 2. All new and existing buildings shall comply with Appendix J of the 2018 NNC Fire Code. 3. Detailed site plan will need to show access to the proposed outparcel, hydrant locations and FDC locations. 4. No further comments at this time. NHC Engineering, Phil Bevilacqua, 910-798-7072 1. A New Hanover County Stormwater Authorization-to-Construct is required. Stormwater control measures are required to maintain the pre-development runoff rate for the 2-, 10- and 25-yr storms. Analysis for the 100-yr storm is required to verify that no buildings are flooded. 2. On-site collection systems are required to be designed for the 25-yr storm and analyzed for the 100-yr storm. 3. Any off-site drainage is required to be delineated and conveyed through the site in accordance with NHC standards. 4. The proposed pond appears to drain to isolated wetlands. An adequate outlet to the public system needs to be identified. An outlet to Bayshore Dr. or the channel at the southeast corner of the property may be alternatives. 5. Verify that the proposed retaining wall is not interfering with conveyance of off-site drainage through the channel and adjacent floodplain at the southeast corner of the property. 6. The normal pond level should match the adjacent wetland elevations to avoid altering the ground water level. This will maintain the hydrology of the adjacent wetlands and avoid sub-surface migration to adjacent properties to the southeast. There may be some opportunity for bio- retention or infiltration in the large landscape islands proposed near the property frontage to help with groundwater recharge. NHC Engineering – Land Disturbance, Beth Wetherill, 910-798-7432 1. Land disturbing plans have not been approved for the Shopping Center at this time. Bayshore Commercial Center – TRC Comments Page | 3 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson, 910-332-6620 1. Utility Plan Review required by CFPUA (new utility aligned plan review will need to be completed. 2. CFPUA water and sewer available 3. Sewer will require a private permit. 4. At this time capacity is available. 5. DWQ permit application will require a Planning FTSE; as we are working towards incremental capacity upgrades at the downstream pump stations. 6. Capacity is also dependent on the analysis of the pipe collection system (gravity and force mains). 7. A capacity determination can be provided upon submittal of the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE Application Form and a Preliminary Plan, this determination does not guarantee capacity. 8. Capacity is issued to projects on a first come, first serve basis, when capacity is available, the plans meet Authority requirements, and the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE forms are signed by the Authority. 9. If hydrant is to be public, hydrant must be at Market Street, not extended into the property. 10. Per CFPUA Ordinance, Chapter 4, Article II, Sec. 4-29. - General water extension requirements: “…the minimum distance for extensions shall not be less than one platted block or completely across the lot frontage, whichever is applicable…” NCDOT, Nick Drees, 910-398-9100 1. NCDOT has no comments on the site plan at this time. NCDOT is currently working with HNTB with the design modifications (required by the TIA) to the current NCDOT Project U4902D. The applicant will do a reimbursable agreement and the required improvements will be incorporated into the project and installed by Sealand Contractors. If you have any questions let me know. NCDOT District 3 (Brunswick/New Hanover) is now paperless. When ready to submit email all information to Div3Dist3@ncdot.gov Environmental Health, Marie Hemmen, 910-798-6664 1. Even though this property will be served by CFPUA for water and sewer, if there are any existing wells located on the property, Environmental Health will require them to be surveyed and properly abandoned. Well abandonments require a permit by Environmental Health prior to well abandonment. There is no charge for these permits, however, an application is required on COAST. WMPO, Abby Lorenzo 1. TIP Projects in the Area: U-4902D Construction Year: Under Construction Description: Route US 17 BUSINESS, convert the existing center turn lane on US 17 Business to a raised median from MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD TO MENDEHNALL DRIVE/MARSH OAKS DRIVE. 2. BikePed Projects in Adopted Plans: Military Cutoff Road Trail (MUP)(New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Greenway Plan 2013) Bayshore Commercial Center – TRC Comments Page | 4 DCM, Tyler McGuire, 910-796-7424 1. This would not be in an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) and would not require CAMA authorization. New Hanover County Schools, Mark Clawson, 910-254-4084 1. There is no impact to New Hanover County Schools. Planning (Addressing), John Townsend, 910-798-7443 1. Number of suites/units for each building will be required for addressing purposes. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison NCDEMLR, Dan Sams USACE, Rachel Capito, 910-251-4000