Application and Supp Materialsv2Attachment 1 - Proposed use(s) and written description The proposed new use that will be added to the 53-year-old senior care campus will be a 150-unit independent living four-story multi-family development with an additional 32 single-story cottage units consisting of duplexes and triplexes. There will also be a one-story wellness facility of approximately 25,000 square feet. The existing 179-bed skilled nursing facility and 123-unit assisted living facility will remain in use as well as the detached pharmacy and administrative buildings. The existing zoning has been designated as 0+1 (CUD) for decades since the facility did not meet New Hanover County1s (NHC) definition of a continuing care retirement community. As such, these uses could not be located in an R-20 zone. The original facility pre-dated the NHC Zoning Ordinance. With the addition of independent living as a new use the owner is now seeking a reversal of the 0+1 (CUD) zone to R-20 for the existing developed tract in addition to seeking a special use permit for both the developed tract and adjoining R-20 tract with proposed independent living for combined use as a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). The central portion of the skilled nursing facility known as The Community Center is currently undergoing extensive renovations with partial rebuild. This is the oldest portion of the existing facility and will be replaced with a modern one-story building of similar footprint. Centralized services such as shipping, receiving, laundry, maintenance and storage is proposed to be moved from the current community center building to a new outbuilding located off of the existing service drive behind the fire station. This new facility will consolidate all large truck deliveries near the service drive behind the fire station. Deliveries to individual structures will utilize vans or small trucks. Other design elements include relocation of the storm water pond across the street, removal of the existing water tower and partial relocation of overhead power lines. I Attachment 3 - Criteria Required for Approval of Special Use Permit 1. The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and approved. a. The existing health care facility has been a convenient source for licensed senior health care in the Porters Neck area for more than half a century. The comprehensive plan cites a fast pace growth in census between 2000 and 2010 including a 27.8% growth for ages 25-44 and 25.9% growth for ages 45-64 which will be the target demographics for this facility. b. The new independent living element is consistent with the surrounding general residential use map with a medium high concentration of elderly (65+). The addition of independent living with the new wellness facility providing both campus and neighboring residents’ locally sourced services meeting residents’ needs without adding traffic to local traffic arteries. c. Traffic impact will be less then 100 daily trips for AM and PM trips combined (see attached analysis from Davenport Engineering). d. Public water and sewer capabilities are available to the site. CFPUA has agreed to receive effluent in a preliminary statement for capacity as calculated on the proposed density. e. This site is located adjoining the local fire station affording quick emergency responses. f. The on-site wet storm water pond designed to a 25-year storm will be replaced by a larger infiltration storm water pond across the street, designed to a 100-year storm exceeding both county and state water requirements. BMP practices will also be incorporated into the developed site to aid in process and infiltration of storm water on site. g. The facility was a receiving site for seniors-at-risk during Hurricane Florence. The facility has emergency stand-by power including air conditioning. 2. The use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zone ordinance. Senior Living: Continuing Care Retirement Community or Life Care Community is permitted via special use permit within the R-20 Zone District. The existing developed skilled nursing facility with 179 licensed beds and existing assisted living facility with 123 licensed beds will be combined with the new 182-unit independent living project proposed to create the continuing care retirement community under Section 72.43.1 Senior Living Options of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance as follows. 1. Total developed acreage is approximately 70 acres, exceeding the minimum required 20 acres. 2. On-site parking will exceed the minimum required of 1. Skilled nursing beds 179 ÷ 4 = 45 spaces 2. Assisted living units 123 x 1.5 = 184.5 spaces 3. Independent living units 183 x 1.5 = 274.5 spaces 4. Wellness Center 25,000 SF ÷ 400 SF/Space = 62.5 spaces 5. Employees of the largest shift 105 x 1 = 105 spaces Total Parking Spaces Required 671 spaces Total Provided Spaces 734 spaces 3. Maximum impervious areas do not exceed 40% of the developed acreage. Storm water infiltration systems designed to a 100-year storm will be provided to satisfy the Coastal Storm Water Provisions. 4. Commercial uses do not exceed 2% of the new developed acreage. All of the independent structures that do not contain senior residential living are directly related to the CRCC rather than the outparcel shops. They are as follows: • Existing former residence (now Human Resources) 2,000 sf • Pharmacy support and training building 6,000 sf • Central Services building proposed 10,000 sf • Independent Living Wellness Center 25,000 sf 5-6. All building setback lines are represented at 50’, permitting consideration of 50’ tall structures. All buildings are one-story approximately 25’ tall except as follows: • Existing assisted living – 3 stories –35’ tall • Proposed I.L. multi-family building – 4 stories – 50’ tall 7. Public water and sewer serve the site. 8. Open space and improved recreational area exceed 35% of the net acreage. 9. Vegetative buffers exceed 20’. 10. Traffic impacts will be reviewed and approved by MPO and NCDOT. The CRCC fronts on a neighborhood collector street. 11. All other local, state and federal guidelines will be satisfied. NHC TRC requirements will be satisfied. 3. The use will not materially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. a. The proposed development shall improve neighborhood access to locally sourced services and be an enhancement to neighboring properties. b. The original development of this site as a skilled nursing facility began in 1967, prior to the development of a county ordinance and has maintained continued operation since. Nearly all of the developed surrounding properties were constructed after development of this site. c. Convenient senior housing and licensed skilled assisted and nursing beds serves a public health necessity for this community’s elderly population. d. The proposed construction provides a more up to date and residential appearance that will have a positive impact on neighboring residential properties. 4. The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. a. The site was constructed prior to the adjacent Plantation Village, an assisted living and independent living complex, which is contractually allowed continual care retirement community which creates a harmonious environment. b. The project is in conformity with New Hanover County plan for development by serving the surrounding areas with convenient access to the senior housing, assisted and skilled nursing facility. Table 1 - ITE Trip Generation Davis Community Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method/Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Congregate Care Facility 253 150 Dwelling Units Adjacent/Equation 303 6 4 14 12 Senior Adult Housing 252 32 Dwelling Units Adjacent/Equation 103 2 4 5 4 Total Unadjusted Trips 406 8 8 19 16 This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer content. All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding, is 100% recyclable. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM February 11, 2020 Davis Community New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, PC Project #: 190263 Q oAVEN>ORT Technical Memorandu m Davis Co mm unity New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, PC February 11, 2020 Analysis by: Tou Lee, El Drafting/Graphics by: Tou Lee, El Reviewed by: Robert Gey, PE Timothy Lowe, PE Sealed by: Robert Gey, PE SEAL I\ I II II I/// ,,, ,,, ,, CA 1, (. ,, . . "',.. ·., -:, ---. 3 \,, ....... ~,\,GI N~~'.-···{ ,f ', 1>o ·········· , 111, o'f:RT 'I<. 1111// II I .. 0 This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer content. • All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding, is (!l 100% recyclable. This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT shall be without liability to DAVENPORT and shall be a violation of the agreement between DAVENPORT and the client. Home Office: 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Main: 336 744.1636; Fax. 336 458.9377 Wilmington Regional Office: 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28403 Main 910 251 8912, Fax 336 458 9377 Serving the Southeast since 2002 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 1 Intersection Capacity Analysis for Davis Community Technical Memorandum DAVENPORT Project Number 190263 Prepared for Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, PC February 11, 2020 Introduction DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of the Davis Community Independent Living project and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The proposed project is to be located north of the existing Davis Community in New Hanover County, NC. The project proposes 32 senior adult housing and a 182 congregate care facility dwelling units. One (1) new site access point is proposed along with interconnectivity to the existing Davis Community. The new site access is proposed to be located at Futch Creek Road and Champ Davis Road. Methodology Figure 1 in the Supporting Documents illustrates the site plan. The vicinity map and the existing lane geometry are illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively. Quality Counts staff collected existing traffic counts at the study intersection on November 5, 2019. Approved developments are developments that have been recently approved in the area, but not yet constructed. There are two (2) approved developments to be considered in this analysis. The first is Oaks at Murray Farm (previously known as Porters Neck Development) located north of Porters Neck Road and west of Shiraz Way. This development consists of 58 single family homes and 348 multi-family housing units to be built by 2023. The second approved development is Waterstone Development located on Edgewater Club Road and south of Porters Neck Road. This development consists of 151 single family homes to be built by 2020. Existing volumes were projected out to a future analysis year of 2022 by applying an 1% annual traffic growth rate and adding the approved development trips. Existing volumes and 2022 future no build volumes are shown for AM and PM peaks in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The trip generation potential for this site was projected based on the 10th edition of ITE Trip Generation Manual. Table 1 presents the results. Site trips for this project were distributed based on the existing traffic patterns and engineering judgment. The trip distribution model is shown in Figure 6. The 2022 build-out traffic volumes were obtained by summing the 2022 future no build volumes, and site trips generated by the proposed Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 2 project. Site trips are shown in Figure 7. The 2022 future build volumes are shown for AM and PM peaks in Figure 8. Synchro traffic software and SIDRA 8.0 were used to determine the level of service of the study intersection. Queue lengths were reviewed based on the SimTraffic simulation. In general, the analysis for this project was conducted utilizing commonly accepted NCDOT standards. The following intersections were included in the study: 1. Porters Neck Road at Shiraz Way / Edgewater Club Road (ROUNDABOUT) 2. Porters Neck Road at Davis Community Service Driveway 3. Porters Neck Road at Jessie Ball Dupont Road 4. Porters Neck Road at Champ Davis Road 5. Champ Davis Road at Davis Nursing Home Road / Jeanelle Moore Blvd. 6. Champ Davis Road at Futch Creek Road / Proposed Site Access 1 The intersections were analyzed during the AM (7-9 am) and PM (4-6 pm) peaks for the following conditions:  2019 Existing Conditions  2022 Future No-Build Conditions  2022 Build Conditions Capacity Analysis Overall, the study intersections currently operate at level of service (LOS) A or B during the AM and PM peak hours, as shown in Table 2 through Table 7 on the next page. The 2022 future no build conditions (without the project site trips) remain at the same levels of service. In 2022 future build conditions (which includes the proposed project site trips) the studied intersections remain at the same levels of service. Overall, a slight increase (less than a second) in delay is expected at all intersections. A summary of the queue length analysis is shown in Table 8.1 and Table 8.2. No queuing issues are expected based upon the analysis results. Based on the NCDOT turn lane warrant charts, no turn lanes are warranted. Therefore, it is recommended to design the site access according to NCDOT standards. Figure 9 shows the recommended improvements. Table 1 - ITE Trip Generation Davis Community Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method/Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Congregate Care Facility 253 182 Dwelling Units Adjacent/Equation 368 7 4 16 14 Senior Adult Housing 252 32 Dwelling Units Adjacent/Equation 103 2 4 5 4 Total Unadjusted Trips 471 9 8 21 18 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 3 Table 2 - Porters Neck Road at Shiraz Way / Edgewater Club Road (ROUNDABOUT) Scenario Overall LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (7.3) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.3) A (7.3) A (7.3) A (7.4) A (7.4) A (7.4) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.3) A (7.4) A (7.1) 2022 Future No Build A (9.2) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.2) A (8.2) A (8.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (9.9) B (10.6) B (10.6) B (10.6) A (8.2) A (9.2) A (9.9) B (10.6) 2022 Future Build A (9.4) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.3) A (8.3) A (8.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (10.0) A (10.0) A (10.0) B (10.7) B (10.7) B (10.7) A (8.3) A (9.3) A (10.0) B (10.7) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (8.7) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.5) A (8.5) A (8.5) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (8.7) A (8.7) A (8.7) A (8.4) A (8.4) A (8.4) A (8.5) A (9.3) A (8.7) A (8.4) 2022 Future No Build B (12.6) L T R L T R L T R L T R B (12.8) B (12.8) B (12.8) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (12.5) B (12.5) B (12.5) B (11.5) B (11.5) B (11.5) B (12.8) B (13.0) B (12.5) B (11.5) 2022 Future Build B (13.1) L T R L T R L T R L T R B (13.3) B (13.3) B (13.3) B (13.6) B (13.6) B (13.6) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (11.8) B (11.8) B (11.8) B (13.3) B (13.6) B (13.0) B (11.8) Table 3 - Porters Neck Road at Davis Community Service Driveway Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (10.7) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.7) B (10.7) A (0.9) A (0.0) B (10.7) 2022 Future No Build B (10.7) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.7) B (10.7) A (0.9) A (0.0) B (10.7) 2022 Future Build B (10.5) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.5) B (10.5) A (1.0) A (0.0) B (10.5) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.8) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.8) A (9.8) A (0.1) A (0.0) A (9.8) 2022 Future No Build B (10.0) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.0) B (10.0) A (0.2) A (0.0) B (10.0) 2022 Future Build B (10.1) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.1) B (10.1) A (0.4) A (0.0) B (10.1) Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 4 Table 4 - Porters Neck Road at Jessie Ball Dupont Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (10.4) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (0.5) A (0.0) B (10.4) 2022 Future No Build B (10.4) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (0.5) A (0.0) B (10.4) 2022 Future Build B (10.4) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (0.5) A (0.0) B (10.4) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.9) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (0.2) A (0.0) A (9.9) 2022 Future No Build B (10.1) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.1) B (10.1) A (0.2) A (0.0) B (10.1) 2022 Future Build B (10.2) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.2) B (10.2) A (0.2) A (0.0) B (10.2) Table 5 - Champ Davis Road at Porters Neck Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (11.7) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (12.8) B (12.8) B (9.2) B (11.2) B (11.2) B (11.2) A (1.8) A (0.1) B (11.7) B (11.2) 2022 Future No Build B (12.0) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (13.1) B (13.1) A (9.2) B (11.4) B (11.4) B (11.4) A (1.9) A (0.1) B (12.0) B (11.4) 2022 Future Build B (12.1) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (13.2) B (13.2) A (9.2) B (11.4) B (11.4) B (11.4) A (1.9) A (0.1) B (12.1) B (11.4) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (13.7) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (14.1) B (14.1) A (9.0) B (10.2) B (10.2) B (10.2) A (2.8) A (0.0) B (13.7) B (10.2) 2022 Future No Build B (13.9) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (14.6) B (14.6) A (9.0) B (10.5) B (10.5) B (10.5) A (2.8) A (0.1) B (13.9) B (10.5) 2022 Future Build B (14.1) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (14.9) B (14.9) A (9.0) B (10.6) B (10.6) B (10.6) A (2.9) A (0.1) B (14.1) B (10.6) Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 5 Table 6 - Champ Davis Road at Davis Nursing Home Road / Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.7) EB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.7) A (9.4) A (1.6) A (0.3) 2022 Future No Build A (9.7) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.7) A (9.5) A (1.7) A (0.3) 2022 Future Build A (9.6) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.5) A (9.6) A (2.1) A (0.3) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.6) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.6) A (0.2) A (0.5) 2022 Future No Build A (9.7) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.3) A (9.7) A (0.3) A (0.5) 2022 Future Build A (9.8) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.8) A (9.8) A (9.8) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.8) A (0.8) A (0.5) Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 6 Table 7 - Futch Creek Road / Site Access 1 at Champ Davis Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.2) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (1.8) A (0.0) A (9.2) 2022 Future No Build A (9.2) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (1.8) A (0.0) A (9.2) 2022 Future Build A (9.5) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (1.7) A (0.8) A (9.5) A (9.4) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.6) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (5.3) A (0.0) A (9.6) 2022 Future No Build A (9.7) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (5.3) A (0.0) A (9.7) 2022 Future Build B (10.0) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (9.9) B (10.0) B (10.0) B (10.0) A (4.9) A (0.3) A (9.9) B (10.0) Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 7 Table 8.1 - Queue Results AM Peak Hour Queues Scenario Porters Neck Road at Shiraz Way / Edgewater Club Road (ROUNDABOUT) Porters Neck Road at Davis Community Service Driveway Porters Neck Road at Jessie Ball Dupont Road 2019 Existing EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR SBLR EBLT WBTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 60.5 31.6 38.7 16.2 31 0 55 0 0 31 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 60.5 31.6 38.7 16.2 2 0 1 1 0 1 Storage Bay (ft) FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future No Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR SBLR EBLT WBTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 77.9 37.8 63.3 38 52 0 35 33 0 30 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 77.9 37.8 63.3 38 2 0 1 1 0 1 Storage Bay (ft) FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR SBLR EBLT WBTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 79.6 39.2 63.9 38.6 49 0 30 22 0 35 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 79.6 39.2 63.9 38.6 2 0 2 1 0 1 Storage Bay (ft) FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL PM Peak Hour Queues Scenario Porters Neck Road at Shiraz Way / Edgewater Club Road (ROUNDABOUT) Porters Neck Road at Davis Community Service Driveway Porters Neck Road at Jessie Ball Dupont Road 2019 Existing EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR SBLR EBLT WBTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 88 45.2 42.7 20.9 0 0 31 0 0 31 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 88 45.2 42.7 20.9 0 0 2 0 0 2 Storage Bay (ft) FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future No Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR SBLR EBLT WBTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 166.1 70.6 85.4 40.3 24 0 44 16 0 35 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 166.1 70.6 85.4 40.3 0 0 2 0 0 2 Storage Bay (ft) FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR SBLR EBLT WBTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 175.5 78.2 89.7 41.5 51 0 35 33 0 35 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 175.5 78.2 89.7 41.5 1 0 3 0 0 2 Storage Bay (ft) FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 8 Table 8.2 - Queue Results AM Peak Hour Queues Scenario Champ Davis Road at Porters Neck Road Champ Davis Road at Davis Nursing Home Road / Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Futch Creek Road at Champ Davis Road / Site Access 1 2019 Existing EBLT EBR WBLTR NBLT NBR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR NBLTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 28 0 0 28 24 52 31 22 23 27 0 0 45 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 3 0 0 2 0 10 1 1 1 0 1 0 9 Storage Bay (ft) FULL 150 FULL 50 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future No Build EBLT EBR WBLTR NBLT NBR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR NBLTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 36 0 9 32 24 54 32 27 14 0 0 0 49 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 3 0 0 2 0 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 9 Storage Bay (ft) FULL 150 FULL 50 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future Build EBLT EBR WBLTR NBLT NBR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue (ft) 30 0 6 32 24 70 46 27 24 10 17 15 30 60 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 3 0 0 2 0 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 10 Storage Bay (ft) FULL 150 FULL 50 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL PM Peak Hour Queues Scenario Champ Davis Road at Porters Neck Road Champ Davis Road at Davis Nursing Home Road / Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Futch Creek Road at Champ Davis Road / Site Access 1 2019 Existing EBLT EBR WBLTR NBLT NBR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR NBLTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 27 0 0 27 23 52 32 21 0 0 28 0 57 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 5 0 0 3 0 9 1 1 0 0 2 0 7 Storage Bay (ft) FULL 150 FULL 50 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future No Build EBLT EBR WBLTR NBLT NBR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLT WBTR NBLTR SBLR Max Queue (ft) 43 0 0 36 19 49 50 50 0 0 28 0 51 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 5 0 0 3 0 10 2 1 0 0 3 0 8 Storage Bay (ft) FULL 150 FULL 50 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL 2022 Future Build EBLT EBR WBLTR NBLT NBR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue (ft) 42 0 0 28 24 51 36 22 9 5 29 9 39 44 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 6 0 0 3 0 11 2 1 1 0 3 0 1 9 Storage Bay (ft) FULL 150 FULL 50 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 9 Summary and Conclusion DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this project and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. Based on the trip generation rates and equations published in Trip Generation (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 10th Edition), this development has a trip generation potential of 17 trips in the AM peak and 39 trips in the PM peak. Overall, this capacity analysis shows that the proposed project will have a relatively minimal impact on capacity (less than a second increase in delay). Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate future build traffic. In conclusion, this study has reviewed the impacts of both background traffic and proposed development traffic and has provided recommendations to accommodate future traffic. Please note that all site accesses should be designed according to NCDOT standards. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Figure 1: Site Plan 2. Figure 2: Vicinity Map 3. Figure 3: Existing Lane Geometry 4. Figure 4: 2019 Existing Volumes 5. Figure 5: 2022 Future No Build Volumes 6. Figure 6: Trip Distribution 7. Figure 7: Site Trips 8. Figure 8: 2022 Future Build Volumes 9. Figure 9: Recommended Improvements Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 10 Supporting Documents FIGURE 1 SITE PLAN   FIGURE 2 VICINITY MAP STUDY INTERSECTIONS BACKGROUND PROPOSED   SITE 12 3 4 5 6  *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT andthe client. FIGURE 3 EXISITNG LANE GEOMETRY DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTLIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND Jeanelle Moore Boulevard ShirazWaySPEEDLIMIT15 Davis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck Road DavisCommunity Edgewater ClubRoad150'50'FULL4,100 5,20014,500 SPEEDLIMIT45 SPEEDLIMIT45 SPEEDLIMIT 45 SPEEDLIMIT 25 SPEEDLIMIT45 SPEED LIMIT35 600'625'600'1200'XXXX 2018 AADT VOLUMES1,8002,200 ROUNDABOUT *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT andthe client. FIGURE 42019 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTLIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard ShirazWayDavis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck RoadDavis Community Service DrivewayEdgewater ClubRoad0 / 2 170 / 224 14 / 10 25 / 81 168 / 194 175 / 186 193 / 21726 / 813 / 782 / 949 / 111 / 232 / 4 229 / 229 1 / 2 178 / 2205 / 170 / 115 / 6 214 / 225 0 / 1 173 / 2105 / 120 / 22 / 14 128 / 139 1 / 1 52 / 82 161 / 132 1 / 14 5 / 80 / 00 / 141 / 630 / 129 / 90 / 3 0 / 2 5 / 5 2 / 2 0 / 0 1 / 8 9 / 328 / 935 / 614 / 581 / 510 / 011 / 35 21 / 6458 / 2934 / 4060 / 18 19 / 42 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT andthe client. FIGURE 52022 FUTURE NO BUILD VOLUMES DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTLIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard ShirazWayDavis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck RoadDavis Community Service DrivewayEdgewater ClubRoad0 / 3 176 / 231 16 / 16 48 / 152 174 / 200 203 / 264 264 / 26642 / 2518 / 11154 / 13722 / 302 / 333 / 5 240 / 239 2 / 3 185 / 2326 / 180 / 216 / 7 225 / 235 0 / 2 180 / 2226 / 130 / 33 / 15 133 / 149 2 / 2 54 / 85 170 / 139 2 / 15 6 / 90 / 00 / 243 / 650 / 230 / 100 / 4 0 / 3 6 / 6 3 / 3 0 / 0 2 / 9 10 / 429 / 966 / 715 / 684 / 530 / 012 / 37 22 / 6660 / 3036 / 4262 / 19 20 / 44 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this documentby others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT andthe client. FIGURE 6TRIP DISTRIBUTION DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 19026310% INJeanelle Moore Boulevard ShirazWaySite Access 1Davis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck RoadDavis Community Service DrivewayEdgewater ClubRoad20% 10% 60% UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT 10% 60% OUT 10% OUT 10% IN 20% IN 20% OUT10% OUT40% OUT40% IN40% OUT 60% IN 30% OUT 30% IN 30% OUT 30% IN 30% IN30% OUTDESTINATION NODE% 40% IN *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT andthe client. FIGURE 7SITE TRIPS DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTLIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard ShirazWayDavis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck RoadDavis Community Service DrivewayEdgewater ClubRoad0 / 0 5 / 11 1 / 2 0 / 0 5 / 13 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 01 / 23 / 60 / 10 / 04 / 8 3 / 6 0 / 0 2 / 53 / 70 / 00 / 0 3 / 6 0 / 0 2 / 50 / 00 / 00 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 7 4 / 80 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 00 / 0 0 / 0 Site Access 1UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS 2 / 4 2 / 40 / 00 / 00 / 01 / 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 00 / 02 / 50 / 00 / 20 / 0 0 / 00 / 0 *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT andthe client. FIGURE 82022 FUTURE BUILD VOLUMES DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTLIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard ShirazWayDavis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck RoadDavis Community Service DrivewayEdgewater ClubRoad0 / 3 181 / 242 17 / 18 48 / 152 179 / 213 203 / 264 264 / 26642 / 2519 / 13154 / 13722 / 302 / 337 / 13 243 / 245 2 / 3 187 / 2379 / 250 / 216 / 7 228 / 241 0 / 2 182 / 2276 / 130 / 30 / 4 0 / 3 6 / 6 3 / 3 5 / 16 14 / 1229 / 966 / 715 / 684 / 5312 / 37 22 / 66 60 / 3036 / 4262 / 19 20 / 44 Site Access 1UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS 2 / 4 2 / 40 / 00 / 00 / 04 / 17 133 / 149 2 / 2 57 / 91 170 / 139 2 / 15 6 / 90 / 00 / 245 / 700 / 230 / 120 / 0 0 / 00 / 0 *** NOT TO SCALE *** This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for thespecific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability toDAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreementbetweenDAVENPORT and the client. FIGURE 9 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTLIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Davis Nursing Home Road Champ Davis RoadFutch Creek Road Futch Creek RoadJessie Ball Dupont RoadPorters Neck RoadDavis Community Service DrivewayEdgewater ClubRoadSite Access 1600'625'600'1,200'150'50'FULLDesign site access according to  NCDOT standards ShirazWay 514 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 phone 910.762.2621 www.bmharch.com The Davis Community Independent Living Community Meeting Minutes for Conditional Use District Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Church January 23, 2020 Attending for owner’s team: Bruce Bowman, BMH Architects – Presenter David Ball, BMH Architects – Architect Charles Long, CEO – The Davis Community Angie Barr, Davis Administrative Team Jeff Winecoff, Davis Administrative Team Amy Schaefer, Lee Kaess Law Firm – Land Use Attorney Phil Tripp, Tripp Engineering – Civil Engineer Tim Lowe, Davenport Engineering– Traffic Engineer Cal Morgan, J C Morgan Company – Appraisal Specialist Community Attendees: See Attachment #1 for list of attendees for 3:30pm and 5:30pm community meetings Presentation: Each presentation opened with an 8-minute video on the history of The Davis Community since 1963. The video was followed by a 34 slide Power Point (see Attachment #2). Mr. Bowman discussed each slide and requested that questions be held until after the presentation. 3:30 Community Meeting Summary of Questions and Answers Q 1 Denny Casterline (Plantation Village) Did the traffic study collect data on school traffic, work traffic and does it include traffic impact from neighboring Logan Home Development? A 1 Tim Lowe, Davenport Engineering School and work traffic loads were extrapolated using accepted methods and practices. Morning peak traffic captures school load. Afternoon traffic at the school will hit ahead of PM peak load. The Logan Home Development was included in the study. Q 2 Julia Worth (Bald Eagle Lane) This area has a large elderly population creating some confusion and, in turn, traffic delays. Have you considered adding turn lanes to lessen this? A 2 Bruce Bowman The calculated traffic load does not warrant turn or decelerating lanes with only 56 total daily peak load increase. We will, however, look at opportunities to improve signage at the various entrances as well as altering the main driveway gate to improve car stacking off of the Porters Neck roadway. The driveway proposed at Shiraz Way has been reduced to just a bike path and trail. This was modified since the community meeting announcement at the request of Trevor Matthews and neighbors to the west. Q 3 Mary Michaelson (Vineyard Plantation) Please consider a solid privacy fence along Shiraz Way behind the centralized services building. Will a turn lane be provided for trucks at this entrance? A 3 Bruce Bowman We will add an opaque fence here and will maintain the existing landscape buffer. A turn lane will not be provided but adequate truck egress queuing will be provided on the campus side of the gate. The gate is set back 100’ from the right-of-way allowing for stacking of two trucks on the road side of the gate. We may study increasing the west bound turn radius from the existing 25’ radius to 30’ radius to improve truck egress into Porters Neck Road. Q 4 Tom Owens (Vineyard Plantation) We have flooding concerns after Hurricane Florence with all the new proposed developments in the neighborhood. When will storm water details be finalized? A 4 Bruce Bowman The storm water design is conceptually complete but will be finalized for the county technical review process. The design calls for replacement of the existing wet storm water pond designed to meet a 25-year storm with a larger infiltration storm pond across the street to meet a 100-year storm. Local infiltration beds and rain gardens will be included in the site development to minimize the water leaving the site to the new pond. We have conducted soil borings and the soils are very favorable to infiltration. Our wet pond remains mostly dry at the existing pond location for this reason. Q 5 Sandy Clark (Plantation Village) Please show us the location of the existing power lines. Have you included accessible design in the site and facility? A 5 Bruce Bowman The overhead energy power lines were identified. There will be a study as to the possibility of partial relocation of these. The campus site and all buildings are designed to meet barrier free requirements. In several cases these requirements have been exceeded. Q 6 Porters Neck Plantation We have flooding concerns related to the storm water pond. A 6 We have strategically located the new pond on the southeastern parcel to route storm water away from Porters Neck Plantation. The northeastern parcel will not be the receiving site but will continue to infiltrate storm water in a passive fashion. The new design will handle larger storms and should improve flooding at Porters Neck Plantation due to the relocation. Q 7 Connor (Reisling Avenue) Can you improve the distance of the cottage drive away from the west boundary including possibly flipping the cottage orientation with the drive for a back yard to back yard arrangement? Also, will trucks use this driveway? A 7 Bruce Bowman The cottage drive will not have service traffic. Service traffic will be on the internal road by the Health Care Center. We will relocate the cottage drive to improve setback and will study buffer yard improvements. We will study flipping the cottage orientation but cannot agree to that at this time. Some in the audience mentioned that the current arrangement provides a greater separation between the cottages and the neighboring houses. Q 8 John Sawyer (Lincolnshire) The Futch Creek and Champ Davis intersection is dangerous. The new driveway should be carefully designed. A 8 Bruce Bowman The design of this driveway will involve the relocation of a power pole and will include fill dirt to raise the driveway to improve visibility to oncoming vehicles. Conclusion - Bruce Bowman Thank you for attending our community meeting. Please feel free to contact myself or the County Planning staff if you have any further questions. The public hearings for this item should be scheduled in March for the Planning Board and April for County Commissioners and will be announced through a public notice process. The 3:30pm community meeting ended at 4:50pm. 5:30pm Community Meeting Summary of Questions and Answers Q 9 Is the project funded and ready to start after the rezoning process and is it your intention to keep the facility open during construction? A 9 Bruce Bowman The project financing is pending but expected to finish shortly. The community will remain open during construction. Phase I pond relocation and centralized services building will begin after the rezoning process is concluded. The cottages will be complete in early 2021 and the Wellness Facility and Multi-Family Buildings are scheduled for completion mid-year 2022. This timeline is still tentative. Q 10 Have you considered the effect of other nearby development in your design? A 10 Bruce Bowman Yes, we have included the Logan Home traffic impact in our traffic planning. The peak trip are 56 addition peak load trips per day for the proposed development. This only exceeds the by-right traffic impact for half-acre lots by 27 additional vehicles per day at peak times for just the two adjoining parcels excluding the pond parcel. Q 11 The site coverage is concerning with respect to stormwater and flooding problems. A 11 Bruce Bowman Our design of the multi-family building is proposed at four-stories rather than three stories to minimize site coverage and building footprints. We will incorporate storm water infiltration measures on site in addition to the new infiltration basin across the street. These will be designed to meet a 100-year storm. The storm water design will be well vetted once approved at the County Technical Review and State Division of Water Quality. Q 12 Please show and describe the buffer yard. A 12 Bruce Bowman We have a 20’ buffer yard within a 50’ building setback. We propose to adjust the drive along the west boundary to exceed the buffer requirements. Existing tress will remain in this buffer yard. Q 13 How will the four-story building appear from outside the development? A 13 Bruce Bowman The multi-family building will not exceed the 50’ height limit permitted. Existing trees along the roadway will remain to provide a visual buffer as well as new landscaping plantings. The building will be visible from the street between the trees. The building placement is about twice the distance back from the right-of-way than it is tall. This site placement was chosen to buffer the taller building from the neighbors since the Champ Davis Roadway falls between the four-story building and adjoining residential neighbors to the north. Q 14 What will happen with the existing deer population? A 14 Bruce Bowman They will likely disperse during construction with some possibly returning after the construction concludes. Conclusion repeated from Session One. The 5:30pm community meeting concluded at 6:32pm. Prepared: Bruce Bowman Attachment #1Attendees - 3:30pm and 5:30pm meetings. January 23, 2020 COMMUNITY MEETING Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoadDavis Community Properties 17.91 Acres 37.45 Acres 12.0 Acres 6.51 Acres 1.97 Acres Current Zoning O+I CUD Existing Developed Site R-20 R-20 R-20 R-20 R-20 Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Undeveloped Parcels Undeveloped This Parcel Undeveloped This Parcel Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Parcels for Development New Independent Living Development Existing Site to be Redeveloped Open Space Conservation Area Stormwater Infiltration Pond 100 Year DesignChamp Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad New Proposed Zoning R-20 CUD R-20 R-20 R-20 CUD 20’ Buffer YardTypical Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Proposed Campus Plan Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Existing Skilled Nursing Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Existing Assisted Living Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Support Buildings Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Independent Living Cottages Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Independent Living Multi Family Building Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Wellness Building Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Memorial Garden Memorial Garden Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Proposed Davis Community Site Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Site Access Diagram New Independent Living Entrance Existing Rear Entrance Existing Main Entrance Existing Service Entrance Bicycle & Trail Entrance Only Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoadExisting Rehab Entrance Site Phasing Plan PHASE 1 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Proposed & Existing Heights 25 Feet 35 Feet 50 Feet 50 Foot Setback for 50’ Permitted Height Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Proposed Parking Plan Parking Calculations Skilled Nursing 179 Beds 1 space per 4 beds = 45 Employee Largest Shift 1 space per employee = 105 123 Assisted Living Units 1.5 spaces per unit = 185 150 Independent Living Units 1.5 spaces per unit = 225 32 cottage units 1.5 space per unit = 48 Wellness Building 25,000 sf 1 space per 400 gsf = 63 Total Required =671 Total Provided = 671Champ Davis RoadPorters Neck Road NShiraz WayFutchCreekRoad Reforestation Plan •Tree Survey Update Now in Progress •No Heritage Trees are Present on Site •County Arborist will be Considered •Landscape Architect Engaged to Design Mitigation Plan •2”Tree Replacement Required for Every 1” of Regulated Tree Requiring Mitigation •191 2” Trees Planted on the Developed Site to Mitigate Trees Removed to Build Current Retention Pond •Tree Mitigation Required for •Flowering Trees > 8” •Deciduous Trees >24” •Pine Trees >24” Independent Living @ The Davis Community Community Services @ The Davis Community Traffic Analysis Thank You N O R T HProposed Site Plan New Independent Living Multifamily Building - 120 Units / Four Story / 50’ High SEEKING HEIGHT EXTENSION TO 50’ New Wellness Center for Healthy Living - One Story / 35’ High New Independent Living Cottages - 32 Units / One Story / 25’ High New Central Services Building - One Story / 25’ High New NCDOT Drive - Gate at North Entrance Independent Living Campus Future Independent Living Expansion - 30 Units / Four Story / 50’ High New Memorial Garden Existing Community Center - One Story / 25’ High (Under Renovation) Existing Fire Station Existing Skilled Nursing Pods - 34 Beds / One Story / 25’ High Existing Assisted Living - 123 Beds / Three Story / 35’ High Existing Skilled Nursing -145 Beds / One Story / 25’ High Existing Main Entrance - Existing Gate to Be Relocated to Improve Vehicle Stacking Existing South Service Drive - Independent Living / Wellness Center Undeveloped Parcel Existing Admin / Pharmacy - One Story / 25’ High Existing Rehab & Wellness - One Story / 25’ High Existing HR Building - One Story / 25’ High New 100 Year Storm Stormwater Infiltration Pond Conservation Zone Nature Trails Greenspace Remove Existing Wet 25 Year Storm Pond Remove Existing Tower - Cell Antenna Relocated New Gated Bike & Foot Trail (Non-Vehicular) Champ Davis Memorial Garden Overhead Power Easement Memory Care Courtyard Existing Service Area Trails to Be Reworked or Embellished Covered Parking Level One East Driveway Entrance - Rehab East Driveway Entrance - IL & SN Future Parking for 30 Unit Expansion Future Covered Surface Parking Enclose Existing Carport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 22 23 A101Proposed Site Plan CONDITIONAL USE PERMITPHASE ONE JUNE 2020 - NOVEMBER 2020 INSTALL NEW POND AND CENTRALIZED SERVICES BUILDING PHASING SCHEDULE PHASE TWO DECEMBER 2020 - MAY 2021 RENOVATE COMMUNITY CENTER, FILL IN OLD POND & BUILD FIRST COTTAGES PHASE THREE JANUARY 2021 - JUNE 2022 BUILD MULTIFAMILY BUILDING & WELLNESS BUILDING PHASE FOUR JANUARY 2021 - JUNE 2022 BUILD FINAL PORTION OF COTTAGES TO SYNC COMPLETION WITH MULTI FAMILY BUILDING NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINT LEGEND EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT MAIN BUILDING ENTRANCE NEW PAVED SURFACE EXISTING PAVED SURFACE 404 WETLANDS NO WORK UNDEVELOPED PARCEL OPEN SPACE scale: 1" = 100'-0" 0'100'200'400' 50’ SETBACK - 50’ MAX HEIGHT 25 26 27 28 29 EXISTING DECORATIVE FENCE & GATE 30 NEW DECORATIVE FENCE & GATE 31 LIMIT OF SITE DISTURBANCE EXTEND STORM WATER PIPES TO MEET NCDOT REQUIREMENTS - TEMP ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSURE TO BE COORDINATED WITH NCDOT 32 33 DATES TENTATIVE RELOCATED CELL ANTENNA FROM WATER TOWER NEW DECORATIVE WOOD FENCE 20’ MINIMUM PLANTED BUFFER YARD - INTERIOR OF PROPERTY LINE 34 35 36 FEBRUARY 21, 2020The Davis Community The Independent Living Campus 1011 Porters Neck Road Wilmington, NC 284112/13/20, 9:39 AM JOB NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NUMBER Ball REVISIONS 514 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Tel - (910) 762-2621 Bowman February 6, 2020 5951 WIL MINGT O N ,N CHCAR N O RT O L IN A BRU C E F.BOW M A NREGS T E R ED ARCH T ECTII FOR ZONING REVIEW ONLY 2/13/20, 9:39 AM 11 2 22 34 1 1 2 22 34 1 2 3 4 SHIRAZ WAYPORTERS NECK ROAD JEAN E L L E M O O R E B L V D .CHAMP DAVIS ROADCHAMP DAVI S R O A DFUTCH CREEK RD1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 11 12 12 1314 15 15 16 17 19 20 21 18 22 KEYED NOTES 23 24 SITE DATA EXISTING DEVELOPED SITE AREA 37.45 ACRES NET ADDITIONAL PROPOSED DEVELOPED AREA 17.91 ACRES NET DEVELOPED POND AREA 5.00 ACRES NET TOTAL DEVELOPED SITE AREA 60.36 ACRES NET UNDEVELOPED SITE AREA 15.48 ACRES CONSERVATION SITE AREA 7.12 ACRES TOTAL SITE AREA 75.60 ACRES GROSS MINIMUM SITE AREA REQUIRED 20.00 ACRES GROSS MINIMUM OPEN SPACE REQUIRED 21.13 ACRES OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 22.73 ACRES NET TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5.00 ACRES APPROX TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 35.00 ACRES APPROX PARKING DATA PREFERRED POWERLINE RELOCATION TO EXISTING POWER EASEMENT SEE SHEET A102 FOR ALL EASEMENT LOCATIONS 25 26 27 2727 28INTERIOR SERVICE DRIVENEW 29 31 31 3030 COTT A G E DRIVE32 33 28 30 30 34 35 36 35 179 SKILLED NURSING BEDS/ 1 SPACE PER 4 BEDS 45 SPACES 1 PER EMPLOYEE @ LARGEST SHIFT (PENDING VERIFICATION) 105 SPACES 123 ASSISTED LIVING UNITS AT 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT 185 SPACES 150 INDEPENDENT LIVING UNITS AT 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT 225 SPACES 32 COTTAGE UNITS AT 1.5 SPACE PER UNIT 48 SPACES WELLNESS BUILDING AT 25,000 SF X 1 SPACE PER 400 GSF 63 SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING SPACES 671 SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED SPACES 734 SPACES R1 R1 R1R1 SITECONCEPT SITE PLANThe Davis CommunityThe Independent Living Campus1011 Porters Neck RoadWilmington, NC 28411 N O R T HExisting Site Plan A100Existing Site Plan CONDITIONAL USE PERMITHI - HICKORY P - PINE O - OAK M - MAGNOLIA CM - CRAPE MYRTLE D - DOGWOOD G - GUM H - HOLLY LEGEND scale: 1" = 100'-0" 0'100'200'400' FOR ZONING REVIEW ONLY The Davis Community The Independent Living Campus 1011 Porters Neck Road Wilmington, NC 284112/5/20, 11:19 AM JOB NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NUMBER Ball REVISIONS 514 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Tel - (910) 762-2621 Bowman February 6, 2020 5951 WIL MINGT O N , N CH CAR N O RT O L IN A BRU C E F.BOW M A NREGS T E R ED ARCH T ECTII SITE DATA 1. TREE SURVEY FROM SURVEY DATED 2009 FOR DAVIS COMMUNITY 2. NEW 2020 TREE SURVEY UNDERWAY SHIRAZ WAYPORTERS NECK ROAD JEAN E L L E M O O R E B L V D .CHAMP DAVIS ROADCHAMP DAVI S R O A DFUTCH CREEK RDPOWER LINE EASEMENT5"Dog wood 15"Pine 18"Hi ckory6"Dog wood 14" Pine 14"Pine 10"Do gwood 18"Pine 18"Pine 8"Ch erry 12" Pine 18"Oak 8"Oak 15"Pine 18"Pine 12" Pine18"Pine 18"Pine 24"Oak 18" Pine 15"Pine 15"Pine 12"Oak15"Pine 18"Pine 24"Oak 12"Do gwood 24"Oak 18"Oak 36"Oak 18"Pine "Azalea "Azalea "Az alea "Azalea "Azalea"Az alea"Az alea"Az alea 8"Oak15"Pine15" Pine 12"Pine 15"Pine 15"Pine 12"Pine6"Oak 12"Oak 18" Pine6"Oak 6"Oak 12"Ma gnolia 12" Oak15"Pine 18"Pine 15" Pine 18"Pine 15"Pine 15" Oak 15" Pine12"Pine 18"Pine"Azalea "Az alea "Azalea "Azalea"Az alea "Azalea 15"Oak 15"Oak 18"Pine 15" Pine8"Hic kory 6"Hic kory 10"Oak 8"Oak 8"Oak15"Pine 12"Pine 15"Pine 12"Oak 15"Pine18" Pine 18"Pine 14" Pine24" Pine12" Oak 10"Do gwood 10"Holly 18" Oak 6"Oak 10"T ree 18"Pine 18"Pine 18"Pine15"Pine 18"Pine 15"Pine 18"Pine 18" Pine18"Oak 22"Pine 15"Pine12"Gum 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