MARCH PB AGENDA PACKET N E W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y PL A N N I N G B O A R D A G E N D A A ssembly Room, N ew H anover C ounty H istoric C ourthouse 24 N orth Third S treet, Room 301 Wilmington, N C 28401 M embers of the B oard D onna G irardot, Chair | Paul B oney, V ice-C hair Thomas 'J ordy' R awl | Ernest O lds | J effrey B . Petroff | H . Allen Pope | Colin J . Tarrant Wayne Clark, Director of P lanning & Land Use | Ken Vafier, P lanning M anager M A R C H 5, 2020 6:00 P M M E E T I N G C A L L E D TO O R D E R (V ice-Chair Paul Boney) P L E D G E O F A L L E G I A N C E (P lanning Manager Ken Vafier) A P P R O VA L O F M I N U T E S R EG U L A R I T E M S O F B U S I N E S S The P lanning B oard may consider substanal changes in these peons as a result of objecons, debate, and discussion at the meeng, including rezoning to other classificaons. 1 P ublic H earing Rez oning Request (Z 20-03) - Request by D esign S olu>ons on behalf of the property owner, H D, L L C , to rezone approximately 74.83 acres of land located near the 5800 block of Carolina Beach Road, nor th of the exis >ng Tar in Woods s ubdiv is ion, from R-1 5 , Residen>al D is trict, to (C Z D ) R-5, M oderate-H igh Res iden>al D is trict, in order to develop 4 9 9 dw elling units (97 s ingle-family dwellings and 402 tow nhomes ). 2 P ublic H earing Rez oning Request (Z 20-04) - Request by D es ign S olu>ons on behalf of the property owner, Trinity Reformed O rthodox Church, to rezone approximately 3.00 acres of land located at 4725 S outh C ollege Road from R-15, Residen>al D istrict, to (C Z D ) R-5, M oderate-H igh Residen>al D istrict, in order to develop 22 townhomes. 3 P ublic H earing Rez oning Request (Z 20-05) – Reques t by D esign S olu>ons on behalf of the property ow ner, Redland D evelopment I ncorporated, to rezone approximately 7.15 acres of land located at 8814 M arket S treet, north of F utch Creek Road, from R-15, Res iden>al D is trict, and B-1, Neighborhood Bus iness D is trict, to (C Z D ) R M F -M, Residen>al Mul>-Family Moderate D ensity D istrict, and (C Z D ) C B, C ommunity Bus iness D is trict, in order to develop 96 mul>-family dwelling units and a 4,000 s quare foot retail s ales /office building. 4 P ublic H earing Rez oning Request (Z 20-06) - Request by Blue Ridge Atlan>c Community D evelopment on behalf of the property ow ners , B H C P roper>es , L L C , to rezone approximately 4.77 acres of land located at 205 and 217 M iddle S ound L oop Road, from R-15, Residen>al D istrict, to (C Z D ) R M F -M , Res iden>al M ul>-Family M oderate D ens ity D is trict, in order to develop 72 S enior Living mul>- family dw elling units . 5 P ublic H earing & Q uasi-J udicial H earing Rez oning & S pecial U s e Per mit Request (Z 20-07) – Reques t by Bow man M urray H emingway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 A rchitects on behalf of the property ow ner, C ornelia Nixon D avis, I nc., to: 1. Rez one approximately 67.3 8 acres of land located near the 1000 block of Por ter s Neck Road, from R-20, Residen>al D is trict, and (C U D ) O &I , O ffice and I ns >tu>onal D istrict, to (C U D ) R-20, Condi>onal U s e Res iden>al D is trict; and 2. O btain a s pecial use permit to expand the exis>ng campus and establis h a Con>nuing C are Re>rement C ommunity within the area proposed to be rezoned. 6 Q uas i-Judicial H earing S pecial U s e Permit Reques t (S 20-01) –Request by Lee Kaess, P L L C , on behalf of the property owner, Parkside W F I nvestors , L L C , for a S pecial U s e Permit for a community boa>ng facility located on 0.83 acres of land located w ithin the S ummer Res t development and near the 200 block of S ummer Rest Road. OT H E R I T E M S 1 D evelopment C ode U pdate Planning Board - March 5, 2020 N E W HA N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 3/5/2020 Regular DE PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Ken Vafier, Planning Supervisor C O N TA C T(S ): Ken Vafier; Wayne C lark, Planning & L and U se Director S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 20-03) - Request by Design S olu3 ons on behalf of the property owner, H D, L LC , to rezone approximately 74.83 acres of land located near the 5800 bloc k of C arolina Beach Road, north of the exis3ng Tarin Woods subdiv ision, from R-15, Residen3 al Distric t, to (C Z D) R-5, M oderate-High Residen3 al District, in order to develop 499 dwelling units (97 single-family dwellings and 402 townhomes). B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he area pro posed to be rezo ned is an extension o f the exis'ng Tarin Woods I I subdivision. T his subdivisio n currently has appro val for 188 single-family lo ts, 66 o f which are lo cated in the area pro posed to be rezoned. 118 lots have been pla0ed, about half of which contain occupied homes. A previous pro posal f o r this sec'on o f Ta rin Woods I I was made in N o vember 2019, which was submi0ed as a “general use” or “stra ight ” rezo ning from R -15 to R -5 and would have allowed up to 599 units. T he "straight" rezoning request was subsequently withdra wn, and the applicant is now reques'ng approval of a co ndi'o nal district co nsis'ng of 499 dwelling units (97 single-family detached units and 402 townhome units) and a secondary amenity area a t a density o f 6.6 units per acre. I n addi'on, the current proposal adds an addi'onal point of egress directly to C arolina B each Road. T he applicant co mpleted a Traffi c I mpact Analysis (T I A) for the Ta rin Woods I I subdivision in 2018 which studied the impacts of 531 to tal units being pro posed at that 'me. T he es'mated trips f ro m a development of this intensity is about 350 in the A M peak hour a nd 460 in the P M peak. T he improvements required as part of that T I A included the installa'on of a northbound leCover/U -turn lane on C arolina B each Road at the Harris Teeter driveway (required to be installed prio r to 215 lo ts being pla0ed), and the insta lla'on o f a sec o nd westbo und right turn lane on Manassas Drive at C aro lina B each Road. T he applicant is currently coordina 'ng a revision to the T I A with N C D OT that would address the scope o f the current pro posal, which includes an increase o f 86 units above the mo st recent T I A sco pe. T he current pro posal is an'cipated to generate appro ximately 337 A M peak hour and 418 PM peak ho ur trips. Although the total number o f units propo sed is an increase f ro m the previo us proposal, the trip genera'o n is reduced due to the reduc'on in the quan'ty of single-family homes to townhomes, which typically generate approximately half of the peak ho ur trips of a single-f amily home. T he current propo sal is an'cipated to genera te approximately 13 A M peak hour trips and 42 P M peak hour trips less than the previous "straight" R -5 rezoning request. T he 2016 C omprehensive Plan classifies the site a s General Residen'a l and U rban Mixed U se, tho ugh o nly abo ut 2.5% of the site is designated as U rban Mixed U se. B ecause of the general nature o f place type bo rders, sites lo cated in proximity to the boundaries between place types could be appropriately developed with either place type, allowing site-specific features and evolving development pa0erns in the surrounding area to be considered. T he pro posed R -5 condi'onal district is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the intent o f the 2016 C o mprehensive Plan because the o vera ll density o f the project is in line with reco mmenda'o ns for a General Residen'al area in close proximity to an U rban Mixed U se growth node, it provides for a range of housing types, and it will transi'o n densi'es Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 from the por'ons of the pro perty adjacent to U rban Mixed U se areas, where moderate to high density mul'-family and higher intensity commercial is desired, to those abuJng exis'ng lower density residen'al neighborhoods. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Economic DevelopmentE ncourage development of complete communi'es in the unincorporated countyE nsure N H C has appropriate housing to support business growth R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends approval of the applica'on and suggest the following mo'on: I move to A P P R OV E the proposed rezoning to a (C Z D ) R -5 district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because it provides for a range of housing types, and it will transi'on densi'es from the por'ons of the property adjacent to U rban Mixed U se areas where moderate to high density mul'-family and higher intensity commercial is desired to those abuJng exis'ng lower density residen'al neighborhoods. I also find A P P R OVA L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the overall density of the project is in line with recommenda'ons for a General Residen'al area in close proximity to an U rban Mixed U se growth node. A lterna3ve M o3on for Denial I move to D E N Y the proposed rezoning to a (C Z D ) R -5 district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because it provides for a range of housing types and it will transi'on densi'es from the por'ons of the property adjacent to U rban Mixed U se areas where moderate to high density mul'-family and higher intensity commercial is desired to those abuJng exis'ng lower density residen'al neighborhoods. However, I find DE N I A L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anager) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 SCRIPT for Conditional Zoning District Application (Z20-03) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, HD, LLC, to rezone approximately 74.83 acres of land located near the 5800 block of Carolina Beach Road, north of the existing Tarin Woods subdivision, from R-15, Residential District, to (CZD) R-5, Moderate-High Residential District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-5 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides for a range of housing types, and it will transition densities from the portions of the property adjacent to Urban Mixed Use areas where moderate to high density multi-family and higher intensity commercial is desired to those abutting existing lower density residential neighborhoods. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the overall density of the project is in line with recommendations for a General Residential area in close proximity to an Urban Mixed Use growth node. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-5 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides for a range of housing types and it will transition densities from the portions of the property adjacent to Urban Mixed Use areas where moderate to high density multi-family and higher intensity commercial is desired to those abutting existing lower density residential neighborhoods. However, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-5 district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 2 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 1 of 13 STAFF REPORT FOR Z20-03 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z20-03 Request: Zoning Map amendment to rezone 74.83 acres from R-15 to (CZD) R-5 Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions HD, LLC Location: Acreage: 5800 Block of Carolina Beach Road; 5900 Block of Shiloh Drive 74.83 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: The PIDs are included in the applicant’s materials. General Residential & Urban Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped 97 Single Family detached and 402 Single Family attached units Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15 (CZD) R-5 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Undeveloped, Institutional (Autumn Care of Myrtle Grove), Commercial (Discount House), Single-Family Residential R-15, (CZD) B-2 East Single-Family Residential (Sentry Oaks) R-15 South Single-Family Residential (Tarin Woods, Battle Park, Covington) R-15 West General Commercial – Office, retail, warehousing, Tregembo Animal Park B-2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 2 of 13 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 4) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Myrtle Grove Schools Bellamy Elementary, Codington Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, Murray Middle, and Ashley High schools For more information, see the full School statistics below. Recreation Myrtle Grove School Park, Monterey Heights, Veterans Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation Conservation resource maps indicate that pocosin wetlands may exist on the property. The property owner further evaluated the site during a previous preliminary plat application and delineated the areas which are subject to additional standards of the conservation resources. The preliminary plat review indicated that the proposed development is capable of complying with these standards. Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 3 of 13 BACKGROUND, PROPOSED USE, AND CONCEPTUAL PLAN  The area proposed to be rezoned is an extension of the existing Tarin Woods II subdivision. This subdivision currently has approval for 188 single-family lots, 66 of which are located in the area proposed to be rezoned. 118 lots have been platted, about half of which contain occupied homes.  A previous proposal for this section of Tarin Woods II was made in November 2019, which was submitted as a “general use” or “straight” rezoning from R-15 to R-5 and would have allowed up to 599 units.  The current proposal alters the previous application by proposing a conditional district, limiting the development to that shown on the submitted conceptual plan.  In addition, the current proposal adds an additional point of egress directly to Carolina Beach Road, and limits the maximum number of units to 499 at a density of 6.6 units per acre.  The application proposes 97 single family detached units and 402 single-family attached units consisting of duplexes, triplexes, and quadruplexes. The units are located on two separate tracts consisting of 74.83 acres. Tract 1 consists of 72.76 acres and is directly adjacent to the previously platted Tarin Woods II section, while Tract 2 consists of 2.07 acres and is located on the west side of Shiloh Road, just north of the intersection with Manassas Drive.  The current zoning of the property (R-15) would allow up to 187 dwelling units at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. The proposed (CZD) R-5 district would allow a total of 499 dwelling units at density of 6.6 dwelling units per acre. The proposed zoning would allow a maximum increase of 312 units. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 3 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 4 of 13  The R-15 and R-5 districts are both residential zoning districts. While the R-5 district permits more base density than the R-15 district, it prohibits mobile homes and typical multi-family development, like apartments, allowing a maximum of 4 units within any residential structure. In addition, the special use permit for high density developments is not permitted in the R-5 district, and the number of permitted nonresidential uses is reduced. Proposed Conceptual Plan R-15 (CZD) R-5 Proposal Min Lot Size (Conventional) 15,000 sf 5,000 sf Base Density (Performance) 2.5 du/ac (187 total units) 6.6 du/ac (499 total units) Additional Dwelling Allowance SUP 10.2 du/ac (763 total units) N/A Permitted Housing Types Single-family, mobile home, duplex, townhomes, multi- family Single-family, duplex, triplex, quadruplex. Nonresidential Uses ≈ 20 uses w/ SUP (convenience stores, kennels, camping) ≈ 15 uses by-right (wholesale nurseries, stables) Secondary amenity area Egress to Carolina Beach Road Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 4 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 5 of 13 TRANSPORTATION  The primary point of ingress and egress is provided to the subject property by Manassas Drive (SR 1581) which connects to Carolina Beach Road. The development also connects to the adjacent residential subdivisions of Battle Park, Covington and Tarin Woods by way of Shiloh Drive, Appomattox Drive, and Tarin Road. In addition, existing and future interconnectivity allows for access to Myrtle Grove Road through the Sentry Oaks subdivision and the proposed Congleton Farms subdivision.  An additional point of egress from the proposed development to Carolina Beach Road has been added to this revised plan. At this time, the NCDOT has advised that this connection will provide a right-out movement only due to safety issues caused by the proximity to the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Sanders Road. The subject property also abuts Rosa Parks Lane, however, this road is not maintained by NCDOT and is unimproved adjacent to the subject site.  The property on which the egress to Carolina Beach Road is proposed to be located is currently zoned B-2, and future development of this property with a commercial use will potentially add a right-in (ingress only) from Carolina Beach Road. The applicant intends to design this site in a manner that will provide internal circulation to the right-out (egress only) on Carolina Beach Road.  A future phase of Tarin Woods II, located south of the Myrtle Grove Shopping Center, had proposed a connection to that shopping center via The Kings Highway. That phase is not proposed at this time and that connection is not part of the current proposal.  The applicant completed a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the Tarin Woods II subdivision in 2018 which studied the impacts of 531 total units being proposed at that time. The estimated trips from a development of this intensity is about 350 in the AM peak hour and 460 in the PM peak. The improvements required as part of that TIA included the installation of a northbound leftover/U-turn lane on Carolina Beach Road at the Harris Teeter driveway (required to be installed prior to 215 lots being platted), and the installation of a second westbound right turn lane on Manassas Drive at Carolina Beach Road. Required Road Improvements based on 2018 TIA shown in red, with approximate location additional egress shown in yellow. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 5 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 6 of 13  The applicant is currently coordinating a revision to the TIA with NCDOT that would address the scope of the current proposal, which includes an increase of 86 units above the most recent TIA scope.  The applicant’s traffic engineer has produced a technical memorandum, dated February 4, 2020, that shows that the total proposed unit count is expected to generate 337 AM peak hour and 418 PM peak hour trips. With the inclusion of the new point of egress on Carolina Beach Road, the technical memorandum suggests that no additional recommended improvements are necessary to offset this increase in units, and that vehicular queue lengths, volume, and delay on Manassas Drive will decrease during both the AM and PM peak hours.  Although the total number of proposed units represents an increase when compared to the prior “straight” R-5 proposal considered in November 2019, the estimated trip generation has been reduced because the quantity of proposed single-family homes have been changed to townhomes, which typically generate approximately half of the peak hour trips of a single-family home.  As currently zoned, R-15, the subject site would be permitted a maximum of 187 dwelling units under the performance residential standards (including the lots already given preliminary approval). A detached single-family dwelling typically generates about one trip during the peak hours. Therefore, the property could currently generate approximately 187 trips during the peak hours.  The net change from the potential trip generation if the site were to be developed under the existing R-15 district to the proposed (CZD) R-5 district shows an approximate increase of 150 AM peak hour trips and 231 PM peak hour trips. Comparison of Potential Trip Generation Scenarios Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped (74.83 acres) 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 187 single-family homes 187 AM / 187 PM Development under approved 2018 TIA (the associated rezoning request was not approved): 531 units (339 single family homes, 192 multi-family units) 350 AM / 460 PM Development under Proposed (CZD) R-5 Zoning: 210 single-family homes (118 previously platted, 92 currently proposed) 402 townhomes 337 AM / 418 PM Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 6 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 7 of 13 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects:  STIP Project U-5790 o Project to convert the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and College Road to a continuous flow intersection and widen a portion of Carolina Beach Road south of that intersection. Continuous flow intersections permit more efficient travel movements and help alleviate congestion by allowing more of the main street’s traffic to move through the intersection. Bidding of the project is expected to occur in 2024. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 7 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 8 of 13 Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Tarin Woods II (Includes Subject Site) Phase 2A:  214 Single-Family Homes Phase 2B(1) – Includes Phase 2A:  339 Single-Family Homes  192 Multi-Family Units  Approved October 31, 2018  2020 Build Out Year  Revision under review The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a northbound leftover/U-turn on Carolina Beach Road at the Harris Teeter driveway (required to be installed during the development of Phase 2A).  Installation of a second westbound right turn lane on Manassas Drive at Carolina Beach Road. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Beau Rivage Update  Beau Rivage Townhomes Development Status: Development is under construction. 118 lots have been platted at this time, and remaining units are subject to approval of the conditional zoning request. 2. Habitat Restore Building  20,320sf of Discount Store  14,830sf of Shopping Center  Approved February 26, 2018  2022 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a southbound right turn lane on Carolina Beach Road at the site’s access.  Increasing the length of an existing southbound u-turn lane on Carolina Beach Road at Cathay Road. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Beau Rivage Update  Beau Rivage Townhomes Development Status: No construction has started at this time 3. Kaylies Cove  110 Single-Family Homes  Approved February 20, 2018  2019 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a eastbound right turn lane and westbound left turn lane on Piner Road at the site’s access. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 8 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 9 of 13 Development Status: Homes under construction. 110 lots have been platted at this time, and both turn lanes have been installed. 4. Congleton Farms  162 Single-Family Homes  Approved February 5, 2018  2018 Build Out Date The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Constructing the section of Lieutenant Congleton Road along the site frontage to connect to the existing roadway with one lane in each direction. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: Under construction. 89 lots have been platted at this time. 5. Beau Rivage Update  4,500 square feet of drive- thru bank  3,500 square feet of fast food drive thru  6,900 square feet of supermarket (addition to the existing Harris Teeter)  7,500 square feet of shopping center  Approved December 28, 2016  2018 Build Out Date The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of an eastbound right-turn lane on Sanders Road at the site’s access and Carolina Beach Road. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Tarin Woods  River Lights Development Status: Under construction. The right-turn lane on Sanders Road at the site’s access has been constructed. SCHOOLS  Students generated from this development would be assigned to Bellamy Elementary and Ashley High schools. Students from the northern section of attached units would be assigned to Myrtle Grove Middle, while students from the remainder of the development would be assigned to Murray Middle. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 9 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 10 of 13  One hundred eighty-seven dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and 499 units would be allowed under the proposed zoning for an increase of 312 dwelling units.  Based on average student generation rates,* there are an average of 0.24 public school students (0.11 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. The proposed development can be estimated to generate 74.8 (33.5 elementary, 1.9 middle, and 24.31 high) more students than if developed under existing zoning. *Average student generation rates are calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year by the estimated number of dwelling units in the county. While different housing types and different locations typically yield different numbers of students, these average generation rates can provide a general guide for the number of students to anticipate. Total projected student enrollment was used, which includes students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTECH. School Enrollment* and Capacity**—2021-2022 Estimates *Enrollment is based on projected New Hanover County Schools enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined by New Hanover County Schools for the 2020-2021 school year and are based on NC DPI Facility Guidelines & Class Size Requirements. Modifications refer to specific program requirements unique to a particular school. These may include exceptional children’s classrooms beyond the original building design; classrooms to serve a unique population such as ESL; or classrooms designated for art and music if the building wasn’t specifically designed with those spaces. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  Existence of wetlands will be verified during the development review process for the undeveloped portions of the site.  The property is within the Everett Creek (SA;HQW) and Motts Creek (C;Sw) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation), Class III (severe limitation), and Class IV (unsuitable) soils, however, the site will be served by CFPUA water and sewer. Level Total NHC % Capacity School Enrollment of Assigned School Capacity of Assigned School w/ Portables % of Capacity of Assigned School Funded Capacity Upgrades Elementary 97% Bellamy 465 499 93% None Middle 107% Myrtle Grove 714 738 97% None Middle 107% Murray 899 848 106% None High 105% Ashley 1869 1776 105% None Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 10 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 11 of 13 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential & Urban Mixed Use The subject parcel is primarily General Residential, with roughly 2.5% designated as Urban Mixed Use. Because of the general nature of place type borders, sites located in proximity to the boundaries between place types could be appropriately developed with either place type, allowing site-specific features and evolving development patterns in the surrounding area to be considered. Place Type Description General Residential: Focuses on lower-density housing (1-6 du/ac) and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Types of uses include single-family residential, low- density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational. Urban Mixed Use: Promotes development of a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at higher densities. Types of uses encouraged include office, retail, mixed use, small recreation, commercial, institutional, single-family, and multi-family residential. Analysis The subject parcel is located between existing lower density residential neighborhoods and the Carolina Beach Road commercial corridor, which is envisioned for the most intensive place type, Urban Mixed Use. In general, the Comprehensive Plan designates areas along roadways for higher residential densities and a mix of uses and those near existing neighborhoods as General Residential in order to allow for an orderly transition of densities and intensities. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 11 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 12 of 13 The proposed R-5 zoning, one of the new zoning tools adopted in 2019 to provide for the development patterns outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, would provide a transition in density and intensity between existing and future development along Carolina Beach Road, and the existing single family residential districts to the east. Providing a transition between mixed- use or commercial development and low to moderate density residential development is one of the stated intents of this districts. The R-5 district allows a range of single-family housing products, however, mobile homes and multi-family developments, such as traditional apartments, are not permitted in this district. The design for this development positions higher density attached units (two- unit, three-unit, and four-unit buildings) closest to the higher intensity Urban Mixed Use area with lower density single-family lots closest to existing neighborhoods. This type of development pattern provides an appropriate transition in density and aligns with the Comprehensive Plan’s goal of providing for a range of housing types. In addition, the low-moderate density proposed (approximately 6.6 units per acre) is generally aligned with the 0-6 units per acre density outlined for General Residential areas. (To compare, the next highest intensity place type, Community Mixed Use, provides for moderate densities around 8 units per acre.) Consistency Recommendation The proposed R-5 conditional district is generally CONSISTENT with the intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the overall density of the project is in line with recommendations for a General Residential area in close proximity to an Urban Mixed Use growth node, it provides for a range of housing types, and it will transition densities from the portions of the property adjacent to Urban Mixed Use areas, where moderate to high density multi-family and higher intensity commercial is desired, to those abutting existing lower density residential neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 12 Z20-03 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 13 of 13 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed (CZD) R-5 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-5 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides for a range of housing types, and it will transition densities from the portions of the property adjacent to Urban Mixed Use areas where moderate to high density multi-family and higher intensity commercial is desired to those abutting existing lower density residential neighborhoods. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the overall density of the project is in line with recommendations for a General Residential area in close proximity to an Urban Mixed Use growth node. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-5 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because it provides for a range of housing types and it will transition densities from the portions of the property adjacent to Urban Mixed Use areas where moderate to high density multi-family and higher intensity commercial is desired to those abutting existing lower density residential neighborhoods. However, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 13 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 7 Legal Description for Conditional District Rezoning Tract #1 Beginning at a point in the eastern boundary of Shiloh Drive, said point being at the southwestern corner of “Lot 23” on a subdivision plat entitled “Battle Park – Section 6,” recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 9, at Page 45; and running thence from the point of beginning: North 04-32-24 East, 951.67 feet to a point; thence South 77-26-57 West, 259.20 feet to a point; thence North 04-32-24 East, 219.23 feet to a point; thence North 74-29-22 East, 17.29 feet to a point; thence North 13-49-04 East, 405.92 feet to a point; thence South 65-37-26 East, 292.00 feet to a point; thence North 25-41-42 East, 450.02 feet to a point; thence North 65-37-58 West, 281.94 feet to a point; thence North 31-08-21 East, 439.77 feet to a point; thence South 82-25-07 East, 942.56 feet to a point; thence North 12-22-28 West, 163.99 feet to a point; thence North 17-30-29 East, 759.46 feet to a point; thence South 72-29-31 East, 864.60 feet to a point; thence South 09-57-39 West, 1353.18 feet to a point; thence North 80-02-21 West, 137.92 feet to a point; thence North 09-57-29 East, 73.35 feet to a point; thence North 80-04-01 West, 180.00 feet to a point; thence North 08-58-14 East, 313.07 feet to a point; thence North 80-02-30 West, 190.00 feet to a point; thence North 79-54-19 West, 460.40 feet to a point; thence South 10-38-19 West, 32.78 feet to a point; thence South 05-51-32 West, 66.27 feet to a point; thence South 10-00-08 West, 51.31 feet to a point; thence South 01-58-57 East, 69.86 feet to a point; thence South 07-57-19 East, 30.17 feet to a point thence South 01-28-03 East, 35.53 feet to a point; thence North 68-06-05 West, 25.89 feet to a point; thence South 21-53-55 West, 30.00 feet to a point; thence South 68-06-05 East, 39.45 feet to a point; thence South 42-45-53 East, 15.50 feet to a point; thence South 37-36-19 East, 11.26 feet to a point; thence South 50-13-49 West, 188.58 feet to a point; thence South 39-46-11 East, 149.44 feet to a point; thence South 50-13-49 West, 45.00 feet to a point; thence South 39-46-11 East, 65.00 feet to a point; thence South 50-13-49 West, 120.00 feet to a point; thence North 39-46-11 West, 50.00 feet to a point; thence South 55-02-27 West, 59.10 feet to a point; thence South 21-35-17 West, 129.57 feet to a point; thence South 01-28-12 East, 44.26 feet to a point; thence Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 8 (Continued Legal Description Tract #1) South 11-01-50 West, 180.38 feet to a point; thence South 08-24-13 West, 95.14 feet to a point; thence South 03-42-34 East, 34.88 feet to a point; thence South 40-14-22 West, 108.17 feet to a point; thence North 62-19-40 West, 45.81 feet to a point; thence Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 25.00 feet and Length of 42.68 feet a Chord of South 63-00-01 West, 37.68 feet to a point; thence South 19-38-43 West, 45.03 feet to a point; thence Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 25.00 feet and Length of 39.91 feet a Chord of South 23-30-53 East, 35.10 feet to a point; thence South 21-04-02 West, 43.16 feet to a point; thence North 63-36-55 West, 6.63 feet to a point; thence North 85-21-52 West, 139.13 feet to a point; thence North 04-34-17 East, 75.04 feet to a point; thence North 86-50-34 West, 167.72 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 72.76 acres more or less. Tract #2: Beginning at a point in the western boundary of Shiloh Drive; said point being at the southeastern corner of “Lot 1” on a subdivision plat entitled “Battle Park – Section 6,” recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 9, at Page 45; and running thence from the point of beginning: North 81-25 West, 187.75 feet to a point; thence North 08-32 East, 480.00 feet to a point; thence South 81-25 East, 187.75 feet to a point; thence South 08-32 West, 480.00 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 2.07 acres more or less. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 9 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Project Name: Tarin Woods II Proposed Zoning: R-15 to (CZD) R-5 The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on January 17, 2020 . A copy of the written notice and list of recipients is attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Thursday, January 30, 2020, 6:00 p.m.; Best Western Plus – Wilmington, 5600 Carolina Beach Road The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Reference attached sign-in List The following issues were discussed at the meeting: A description was given of the proposed rezoning petition and about the Conditional Zoning District process. Questions were taken. Primary concerns were over traffic – specifically current and future trips via Manassas Drive. A secondary egress has been coordinated with NCDOT for a driveway onto Carolina Beach Road just south of the Tregembo zoo property boundary. Other opportunities for inter- connectivity are being actively pursued, but are not available at this time. The signalization improvements already installed at the Manassas intersection with Carolina Beach Road. Future improvements include an additional right-turn lane on Manassas. Major opposition is over any development other than single-family homes. It was explained that the existing zoning does not control the possibility for multi-family buildings, but the proposal would limit housing styles to single, duplex, triplex or quadriplex homes. The meeting was brought to a close with the note that we intended to submit the rezoning petition for the March Planning Board agenda and that notice would be given for all hearings. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: The attached-housing areas of the plan have been oriented in locations that are more transitional between the commercial corridor of Carolina Beach Road and the higher-density housing sections. The petition includes a proposed density less than the maximum that could be permitted in the R-5 district. Date: February 5, 2020 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 10 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 11 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 12 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 13 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 14 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 16 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 17 ADJACENT OWNER LIST MCAULEY FAMILY TRUST300 CRAIG ST SCHESTERFIELD, SC 29709543 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON BRYANT JOEL L AMY H8385 NC 581 HWY S BAILEY, NC 27807 527 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 6236 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6132 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 1104 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON LANDMARK DEVELOPERS INCPO BOX 4127WILMINGTON, NC 28406  LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON DELACOURT JOHN S JENNIFER T 1109 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1109 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON MCCLOSKEY JEAN LOUISE6121 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6121 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON MILLS IRENE5801 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125801 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5831 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HASSELL W W SR LIFE ESTATE3796 ASHLEY PHOSPHATE RD CHARLESTON, SC 29418 1052 ROSA PARKS LN  WILMINGTON FARRINGTON ALFRED L SHIRLEY E6208 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6208 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON BREWER LARRY JO ANN602 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 602 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON CHANCE TIMOTHY JEAN6009 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28406 6009 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON MCAULEY FAMILY TRUST300 CRAIG ST SCHESTERFIELD, SC 29709535 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6221 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON MILLER CROFT NATASHA IRENE536 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412536 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON KALOGIROS ATHANASIOS IOANNIS ETAL6010 SHILOH DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 544 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1120 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON LAWRENCE HEIDI E1129 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1129 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 6204 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON JJ & K PROPERTIES INCPO BOX 15148 WILMINGTON, NC 28408 5800 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125902 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON ROSS VONZENIA A925 SEABREEZE RD NWILMINGTON, NC 28409 1051 ROSA PARKS LN  WILMINGTON WILLIS JOHN R DERINDA FAYE532 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 532 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 6225 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON BRANCH GABRIEL N ETAL1009 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1009 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON SWARTZ MICHAEL E ETAL724 PILOTS RIDGE RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125933 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5933 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 1121 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284801125 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON WAUGH CHRISTOPHER ETAL6130 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6130 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON DEBROSKEY WILLIAM E KAREN E6124 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6124 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON HALES BRIAN E HANNAH M809 RIDDICK CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 809 RIDDICK CT  WILMINGTON DEBROSKEY DAVID P1013 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1013 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON ALL STOR CAROLINA BEACH LLC5200 DTC PKWY STE 200 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 5719 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6117 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1112 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON YINGLING COREY O6114 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6114 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON TARIN WOODS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN INC1612 MILITARY CUTOFF RD #108WILMINGTON, NC 28403913 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125915 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON WINDHAM GRADY J CAROLYN T7520 MASONBORO SOUND RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 524 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON ARTHUR ERNEST S JRPO BOX 1688SWANSBORO, NC 28584 5675 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6137 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON NAEF TRUST6162 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6162 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON GAMESTER LANCE D II HEATHER M1137 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1137 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5936 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5937 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON SALWIERZ HENRY J1124 LT CONGELTON RD WILMINGTON, NC 284111124 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5940 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON TULLAR ROBERT N SHEILA Y1004 LT. CONGLETON DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1004 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON TAYLOR JEREMY R TERESA B1121 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1121 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON MYRTLE GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH800 PINER RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1150 KINGS DR  WILMINGTON COFFIN MILES C JORDAN G6135 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 284126135 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284801105 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL  STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6125 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5905 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON DOBRECKI FAMILY TRUST1103 LINKWAY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1103 LINKWAY LN  WILMINGTON TREGEMBO SHERRY ETAL5813 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125817 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON BROCK CHRISTOPHER J KATHRYN S6115 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6115 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON FLEMING PAUL JENNI1111 OVERLAND CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1111 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON VERMA SNEH6139 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6139 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6109 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HAISLEY DANIEL MARIA R1117 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1117 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON THANOS DANNY B MARIA A1809 HOBBS RD GREENSBORO, NC 27410 610 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON KUJAWSKI MICHAEL PAMELA H6120 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6120 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON GARNER NORMA1111 LINKWAY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1111 LINKWAY LN  WILMINGTON HAWKSWORTH JOSEPH M HANNAH R805 RIDDICK CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 805 RIDDICK CT  WILMINGTON BREWER LARRY JOANN602 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6013 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON AFTEW PROPERTIES LLC2020 CHURCHILL DR SWILMINGTON, NC 284035806 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5929 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON HALL JOHN E MEGAN K1105 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1105 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 18 RABON AUSTIN T MELISSA L1104 OVERLAND CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1104 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON FOWLER MINA E1222 HILL ST WILMINGTON, NC 284035801 BROWN PELICAN LN  WILMINGTON LONG LOYCE F609 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 605 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON NIXON KEVIN LYNNE 6021 CULDEES LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6021 CULDEES LN  WILMINGTON KIEVITT DREW A ETAL1120 PEMBROKE JONES DR WILMINGTON, NC 284056110 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON MCAULEY FAMILY TRUST300 CRAIG ST SCHESTERFIELD, SC 29709547 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125910 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON BOWENS CHAPEL AME ZION CHURCH2730 WORTH DR WILMINGTON, NC 284035822 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON CHARLES BRADLEY M HANNELORE M6113 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6113 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON E 85 TRANSPORT LLC 6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1200 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON TREGEMBO ROBERT D ETAL5811 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125815 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON JAMES GEORGE RODERICK828 SAINT ANDREWS DR APT OWILMINGTON, NC 284125667 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND ELIZABETH RUPERT B1107 OVERLAND CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1107 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON BOWENS CHAPEL2730 WORTH DR WILMINGTON, NC 284035826 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON THOMPSON MITCHEAL O LOGAN W6106 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6106 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON FRANKLIN SEAN A LISA M6143 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6143 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON OLDHAM GREGORY A LORI D1112 OVERLAND CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1112 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON SHERMAN CLAUDIA ETAL1125 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1125 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON ROBINSON ANDREW P JOYELLE L 6000 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6000 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON MASTERSON ALLEN L LYNN C PO BOX 156KURE BEACH, NC 284491046 ROSA PARKS LN  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INC107 STOKELY DR #102WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284806228 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON JONES ROBERT M ANGELA A6326 GRANBY ST WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6326 GRANBY ST  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6129 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 6229 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON LANDMARK DEVELOPERS INCPO BOX 4127WILMINGTON, NC 28406  AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5925 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON BREWER LARRY JOANN602 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6009 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125914 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON LUDGATE TIMOTHY J EDITH J6170 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6170 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON SUPERIOR CENTER LLCPO BOX 15256 WILMINGTON, NC 28408 5951 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6209 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6217 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON COASTAL CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL1332 JOHNS CREEK RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1150 KINGS RD  WILMINGTON KURTZ HEATHER E6154 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6154 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284801141 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON PERSON ELISA A515 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 515 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON BOWERS BRANDON S TRACIEPO BOX 2848GRAND RAPIDS, MI 495016131 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5841 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125918 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON KOWALSKI JAMES D KELLI RENA6125 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6125 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6220 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON COOK TERRY WESLEY 1001 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1001 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON FARRINGTON ELIZABETH ANNE6204 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6204 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON LEWIS BRYCE A SAMANTHA A1117 CANOPY WAY WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1117 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5941 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON NIELSEN CHARLES W PATRICIA J1136 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1136 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5926 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON WATTS CARRIE6131 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6131 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409  SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284806233 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON BUXTON RUSSELL V JENNIFER A6001 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 284116001 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON FARMER JAMES MICHELLE6005 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6005 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON E 85 TRANSPORT LLC 6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5935 APPOMATTOX DR  WILMINGTON FLORENCE WILFRID FORTUNATA6016 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6016 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5917 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON WILLIAMSON J C609 PINER RD #181WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5661 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6128 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5909 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON BROWN WILLIS CATHERINE6200 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6200 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON S & P COMMERCIAL PROP LLCPO BOX 15660 WILMINGTON, NC 28408 5905 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON MEYERS MARY JANE6111 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6111 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6234 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6145 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6232 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON LIVERMAN JANELLE TRUST601 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 601 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON DEVONE LEON JR JOSEPHINE C 1132 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1132 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284806212 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5913 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6113 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 1129 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 1124 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5917 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON BANKSON KIMBERLY1005 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1005 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON COBLE CHRISTOPHER RAY6118 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6118 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 19 HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6141 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON PETERSON ROBERT PATRICIA HAHN528 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 528 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON STRONG TODD D SARA A6108 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6108 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON STANLEY ANDREW LATONIA M801 RIDDICK CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 801 RIDDICK CT  WILMINGTON IZZO ANTHONY H HOLLY L 6127 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6127 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON STEVENS MALCOLM G CAROL A6103 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6103 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON BREWER LARRY JO ANN602 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6014 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON CAFE CORP801 ARNOLD AVE STE 1L POINT PLEASANT BEACH, NJ 087425900 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON TREGEMBO ROBERT DEE RITA1332 HILL VALLEY WLK WILMINGTON, NC 284125813 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON GIANCARLO LLC6806 FINIAN DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5953 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 1128 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON STEFFENS THOMAS J SANDRA407 VICTOR HUGO DR CARY, NC 275116128 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON LONG WILLIAM ARDELL JR HRS609 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 609 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON HUGHES STEVEN R BARBARA A6126 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 284126126 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON NIXON KATIE CARNELL ETAL 5671 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125671 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5945 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON MARAPOTI JAMES A BARBARA D269 CREEDMOOR RD JACKSONVILLE, NC 28546 1108 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5922 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON GREGORY GILL L ELLEN P6109 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6109 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6124 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON KALOGIROS KONSTANTINOS ETAL 6010 SHILOH DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6010 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON SENTRY OAKS HOA INCPO BOX 4127WILMINGTON, NC 28406 6101 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON RADECSKY JOHN VIVIAN A6001 APPOMATTOX DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6001 APPOMATTOX DR  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284806205 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HALL MATTHEW J KIMBERLY W1037 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1037 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON HENRY WILLIAM E MARY G730 PELHAM RD UNIT 1C NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10805 1043 ROSA PARKS LN  WILMINGTON BROOKS GEORGE S PATRICIA K6116 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6116 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON GARRIS KENNETH R LESLIE M6013 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6013 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5944 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON CARTER ERIC J JENNIFER E1115 OVERLAND CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1115 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON BEAUDOIN MICHAEL P GAYLE D6212 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6212 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5921 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON TROUTMAN GREGORY JESSICA1112 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1112 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1136 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON JOHNSON MELVIN ETAL 901 QUEEN ST WILMINGTON, NC 284011040 ROSA PARKS LN  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5901 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1132 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON ROBISON BILL WESLEY5805 BROWN PELICAN LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5805 BROWN PELICAN LN  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6121 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON SENTRY OAKS HOA INCPO BOX 4127WILMINGTON, NC 28406 6100 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON FARROW MELISSA M JAMES H1104 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1104 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 1113 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON WILLIAMS JOSEPH MILDRED M1921 RIVERSIDE DR ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 084015647 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6133 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON SPRINGER CRAIG B LYNN W6318 GRANBY ST WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6318 GRANBY ST  WILMINGTON ARTHUR ERNEST S JRPO BOX 1688SWANSBORO, NC 28584 5675 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON PUCKETT KEITH A BARBARA519 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 519 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON ROSS VONZENIA A925 SEABREEZE RD NWILMINGTON, NC 28409 1055 ROSA PARKS LN  WILMINGTON MUNROE LISA G MICHAEL A6107 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6107 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON CAVINESS & CATES BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT639 EXECUTIVE PL STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 6149 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON PERRY JOSHUA A STEPHANIE B6122 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6122 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125915 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON PRITCHARD HERMAN S1103 OVERLAND CT WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1103 OVERLAND CT  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5923 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6105 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON VAN NOTE SCOTT SUZANNE1107 LINKWAY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1107 LINKWAY LN  WILMINGTON MUNGO THOMAS H JACQUELYN E1106 LINKWAY LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1106 LINKWAY LN  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 1137 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON WYLUBSKI ADAM L ANGELA M6134 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6134 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON HOLT LYNDON K BTRETTANY S 548 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 548 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON TREGEMBO ROBERT D1332 HILL VALLEY WALK  WILMINGTON, NC 284125811 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON ANDROS JACK W LAUREL B6013 CULDEES LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6013 CULDEES LN  WILMINGTON HOBBS SHARON ELIZABETH540 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412540 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284806224 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1116 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1109 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON BAUM LINDA J MARY E MCGOLDRICK6117 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6117 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON BURNETT WILLIAM1008 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1008 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON JAMES DAVID M JAMIE B6119 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6119 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON ALL STOR CAROLINA BEACH LLC5200 DTC PKWY STE 200 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 801115885 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON IVES WILLIAM P MICHELLE L608 BREWSTER LN WILMINGTON, NC 284126314 GRANBY ST  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 5930 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON PHIFER WALTER J LUISE1128 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1128 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON CROTT RAYMOND C MARGARET J6017 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6017 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR  WILMINGTON Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 20 HUDSON COLE M CATHERINE O6005 APPOMATTOX DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6005 APPOMATTOX DR  WILMINGTON SENTRY OAKS HOA INCPO BOX 4127WILMINGTON, NC 28406 6162 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6216 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON KIRCHDOERFER RICHARD G ALICE J8 GRAPE VINE LANE BLOOMINGTON, IL 61704 6147 TARIN RD  WILMINGTON ALSTON THOMAS NAPOLEON JR6020 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6020 CHANCELLORSVILLE DR  WILMINGTON JC WILLIAMSON5659 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125659 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON MCAULEY FAMILY TRUST300 CRAIG ST SCHESTERFIELD, SC 29709539 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON MILLS IRENE S5801 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125805 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON SEYMOUR JUSTIN ANGELA1133 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1133 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON MYERS LINDA K ISAAC D JR149 WOODBURY RD EDISON, NJ 08820 6322 GRANBY ST  WILMINGTON LAYMON CHAD ELIZABETH1113 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1113 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON GEORGE LARRY D KAY H606 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 606 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON FLURY STEVE EDWIN TERESA MARIE6206 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6206 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON OHM STEPHEN P BRITTNI A6123 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6123 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON STRICKLAND'S 3 LLC5915 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 284125906 SHILOH DR  WILMINGTON AMERICAN HOMESMITH LLC12917 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 6208 SWEET GUM DR  WILMINGTON BRYANT AMY HIGH JOEL L8395 HWY 581  S BAILEY, NC 27807 531 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON LOBBESTAEL DOUGLAS KEITH JESSICA6310 GRANBY ST WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6310 GRANBY ST  WILMINGTON OHI ASSET NC WILMINGTON LLC303 INTERNATIONAL CIR STE 200 HUNT VALLEY, MD 21030 5725 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON CRAMER REBECCA L MICHAEL B703 LIBERTY LANDING WAY WILMINGTON, NC 28409 703 LIBERTY LANDING WAY  WILMINGTON SIEBOLD DAVID S AMELIA C6202 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6202 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON MCCULLEY JILL A6102 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6102 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON HARDISON BUILDING INCPO BOX 809WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 284801133 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON STATE EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNIONPO BOX 26807RALEIGH, NC 276115830 CAROLINA BEACH RD  WILMINGTON BUTTS RICHARD E LOIS J6112 AMBLESIDE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6112 AMBLESIDE DR  WILMINGTON KEYSER LESLIE A NADYA R523 MANASSAS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 523 MANASSAS DR  WILMINGTON ADDERLEY LEESCOTT P ETAL 707 LIBERTY LANDING WAY WILMINGTON, NC 28409 707 LIBERTY LANDING WAY  WILMINGTON MCGOWAN MARVIN R III AMY L6216 LYDDEN RD WILMINGTON, NC 284036216 LYDDEN RD  WILMINGTON SMITH TIMOTHY B THERESA S1108 CANOPY WAY WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1108 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON HOOSIER DADDY LLC6025 TARIN RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1140 CANOPY WAY  WILMINGTON BEAKES JEREMY D SARAH S1116 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 1116 LT CONGLETON RD  WILMINGTON Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 21 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Notice of Meeting    January 17, 2020    To: Adjacent Property Owners    From: Cindee Wolf    Re: Tarin Woods II    The Tarin Woods II developer has spent a great deal of time in the past several months working with  professionals on a masterplan, alternatives for traffic circulation and identifying housing styles to best  accommodate the growth in this section of the County.  We will be submitting a Conditional District  rezoning petition to allow additional residential density in an area deemed appropriate for it by the  New Hanover County Comprehensive Land Use Plan.      Approval of a Conditional District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with a  specific plan, standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project.  The  proposal will restrict future development to single‐family lots, duplexes, triplexes, and/or quadri‐plex  buildings.  There are no multi‐family structures on the plan.  The layout will also provide an alternative  egress to Carolina Beach Road, north of Sanders Road.          The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet of the  tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties.  This provides neighbors with an opportunity  for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements,  benefits and impacts.    A meeting will be held on Thursday, January 30th, at the Best Western Plus – Wilmington, 5600 Carolina  Beach Road, 6:00 p.m.  If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 910‐ 620‐2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions.    We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to  the community.   Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 22 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 23 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 24 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H. TROGDON, III GOVERNOR SECRETARY State of North Carolina | Department of Transportation | Division 3, District 3 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 Customer Service: (877) 368-4968 (910) 398-9100 www.ncdot.gov December 16, 2019 James Yopp Hoosier Daddy, LLC 6025 Tarin Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Subject: Tarin Woods – Access to US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) Dear Sir: We have received the additional traffic analysis prepared by DAVENPORT and a conceptual layout prepared by CSD Engineering related to a proposed egress road to US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) to serve the Tarin Woods development. The proposed egress road is located approximately 350+/- feet north of SR 1187 (Sanders Road). Based on our review of the provided information, the proposed egress road provides an alternate route for exiting site traffic of the development and a benefit to traffic due to the increased connectivity. Therefore, NCDOT is in agreement with allowing a driveway connection for an egress road to US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) for the Tarin Woods development via the driveway permit process. In addition, NCDOT is agreeable in concept with permitting a right-in only driveway to access the commercial property fronting US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) in this area. In general, the right-in only driveway would need to serve the commercial property only and not provide direct ingress to the residential portion of the development. When a more detailed site plan of the commercial property is available, NCDOT can provide further review and comments on the proposed right-in only driveway for the commercial property. Sincerely, Benjamin T. Hughes, P.E. District Engineer BTH/drc ec: Brad Schuler, Current Planner, New Hanover County Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 1 12 18 11 7 6 6 9 3 13 9 13 7 7 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 2 This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer content. All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding, is 100% recyclable. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM February 24, 2020 Tarin Woods II New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Hoosier Daddy, LLC Project #: 160278 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 1 eDAVEN10RT Technical Memorandum Tarin Woods II New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Hoosier Daddy, LLC February 24, 2020 Analysis by: Tou Lee, El Drafting/Graphics by: Tou Lee, El Reviewed by: Robert Gey, PE Timothy Lowe, PE Sealed by: Robert Gey, PE SL\l. 0 This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer content. All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding , is 100% recyclable. ~- This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT shall be without liability to DAVENPORT and shall be a violation of the agreement between DAVENPORT and the client. Home Office: 119 Brookstown Ave . Suite PH 1 Winston-Salem . NC 27101 Main : 336 .744 .1636 ; Fax : 336 .458 .9377 Wilmington Regional Office : 3722 Shipyard Boulevard , Suite E Wilmington , NC 28403 Main : 910 .251 .8912 : Fax : 336.458 .9377 Serving the Southeast si nce 2002 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 2 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 1 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum DAVENPORT Project Number 160278 Prepared for Hoosier Daddy, LLC February 24, 2020 Introduction The intention of this technical memorandum is to provide revised results for Phase 2B(1) from the originally submitted addendum dated October 2, 2018. This analysis will include an additional egress for the development onto Carolina Beach Road north of Sanders Road. The proposed land use size will be adjusted appropriately to demonstrate the number of units that will be able to be supported by the already approved improvements on Manassas Drive and the additional proposed egress on Carolina Beach Road. Since the proposed land use size is between the Phase 2B(1) and Phase 2B submitted in the TIA, this new/additional phase will be labeled Phase 2B(2). Both revised and additional phase build year were assumed to be 2020. The new distribution for Phase 2B(2) used is similar to that of Phase 2B(1) with a change to add traffic flow to the additional egress. Trip Generation Trips for Phase 2B(1) were projected using TripGen10 software, based on the 10th edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Table 1 presents the results. Table 1 - ITE Trip Generation Tarin Woods II - New Full Build Phase 2B(1) Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method - Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Single Family Detached Housing 210 219 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Equation 2,139 40 120 136 80 Townhomes 220 398 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Equation 2964 41 136 127 75 Phase 2B(1) Total Trips 5,103 81 256 263 155 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 3 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2 Trips for Phase 2B(2) with the additional egress were projected using TripGen10 software, based on the 10th edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Table 2 presents the results. Table 2 - ITE Trip Generation Tarin Woods II - New Full Build Phase 2B(2) Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method - Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Single Family Detached Housing 210 219 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Equation 2,139 40 120 136 80 Townhomes 220 458 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Equation 3417 47 156 144 85 Phase 2B(2) Total Trips 5,556 87 276 280 165 Trip Distribution Site trips for Phase 2B(1) and Phase 2B(2) were distributed based on the previously approved Phase 2B(1) distribution, with a small change to add traffic flow to the additional egress in Phase 2B(2). Distribution for Phase 2B(1) is shown in Figure A1 and distribution for Phase 2B(2) is shown in Figure A2, and the directional distributions for site trips are as follows:  75% to and from the north on US 421 (Carolina Beach Road)  20% to and from the south on US 421 (Carolina Beach Road)  5% to and from the west on Sanders Road 2020 Phase 2B(1) Total Traffic The 2020 Phase 2B(1) total traffic volumes were obtained by summing 2020 future no build volumes (Figure B) and site trips due to the proposed development. Site trips are shown in Figure C. The 2020 Phase 2B(1) build volumes are shown for the AM and PM peaks in Figure D. 2020 Phase 2B(2) Total Traffic The 2020 Phase 2B(2) total traffic volumes were obtained by summing 2020 future no build volumes (Figure B) and site trips due to the proposed development. Site trips are shown in Figure E. The 2020 Phase 2B(2) build volumes are shown for the AM and PM peaks in Figure F. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 4 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 3 Discussion of Results The following section discusses the Phase 2B(1) Build and Phase 2B(2) Build level of service for each intersection. US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Sanders Road This signalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS D in both the AM and PM peaks in 2020 future no build conditions. In 2020 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS D in the AM peak and LOS E in the PM peak. In 2020 Phase 2B(2) build conditions, LOS is expected to remain unchanged. While LOS E is not ideal, this delay increase is within the 25% increase permitted by the congestion management guidelines. This site is mostly adding through traffic to the signal and is not expected to critically increase delay and queueing at the intersection. Additionally, the traffic model included fully protected phasing for the northbound and southbound left turns as required by congestion management standards, which generates conservative analysis results. Therefore, with Phase 2B(1) recommendations in place, no additional improvements are needed in Phase 2B(2). Table 3 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Sanders Road Scenario LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2020 Future No Build D (42.2) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (97.9) F (99.9) E (60.8) E (67.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) F (287.3) C (22.0) C (22.0) E (72.3) C (22.1) A (3.5) F (90.7) E (67.5) D (44.8) B (18.5) 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements D (38.1) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (97.9) F (99.9) E (61.1) E (67.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) F (180.4) C (25.5) C (25.5) E (72.3) C (23.0) A (3.5) F (90.7) E (67.5) C (34.9) B (19.4) 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build D (37.0) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (97.9) F (99.9) E (61.4) E (67.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) F (159.8) C (24.5) C (24.5) E (72.3) C (23.3) A (3.6) F (90.7) E (67.5) C (32.4) B (19.6) PM Peak Hour 2020 Future No Build D (48.1) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (192.2) F (198.9) E (75.2) E (70.3) E (70.3) E (70.3) F (136.1) B (14.3) B (14.3) E (78.3) D (37.7) A (3.9) F (174.7) E (70.3) C (24.4) C (32.9) 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements E (58.5) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (192.2) F (198.9) E (80.1) E (70.3) E (70.3) E (70.3) F (103.3) B (16.4) B (16.4) F (89.4) E (62.4) A (3.2) F (173.1) E (70.3) C (21.4) D (54.3) 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build E (60.1) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (192.2) F (198.9) E (80.1) E (70.3) E (70.3) E (70.3) F (99.8) B (16.6) B (16.6) F (89.2) E (65.2) A (3.2) F (173.1) E (70.3) C (21.3) E (56.6) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 5 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 4 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Manassas Drive This signalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS B during both the AM and PM peak hours in 2020 future no build conditions. In 2020 Phase 2B(1) Build conditions with improvements, LOS C is expected in the AM peak and LOS B in the PM peak. In 2020 Phase 2B(2) Build conditions with the additional egress, LOS is expected to remain unchanged. Therefore, with Phase 2B(1) recommendations in place, no additional improvements are recommended for Phase 2B(2). Table 4 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Manassas Drive Scenario LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2020 Future No Build B (16.6) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.7) D (50.5) C (32.9) B (13.0) A (4.3) C (30.5) A (3.1) A (2.5) C (30.7) D (50.5) N/A* N/A* 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements C (23.3) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.7) D (43.2) C (32.9) B (18.5) A (5.6) C (29.7) A (3.2) A (2.5) C (30.7) D (43.2) N/A* N/A* 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build C (21.1) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.7) D (38.9) C (32.9) B (17.0) A (5.5) C (31.2) A (3.2) A (2.5) C (30.7) D (38.9) N/A* N/A* PM Peak Hour 2020 Future No Build B (11.3) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.8) C (31.6) D (38.9) A (7.1) A (4.8) C (31.6) B (12.0) A (2.7) C (30.8) C (31.6) N/A* N/A* 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements B (17.4) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.8) C (22.0) D (38.9) B (14.2) A (9.8) C (26.1) B (11.8) A (2.7) C (30.8) C (24.1) N/A* N/A* 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build B (17.1) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.8) C (20.9) D (38.9) B (14.5) B (10.0) C (24.4) B (11.7) A (2.7) C (30.8) C (20.9) N/A* N/A* *Due to Synchro modeling practices for superstreets, which requires 2 separate nodes, the approach LOS can not be provided Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 6 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 5 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Autumn Care Nursing Home This unsignalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS C in both the AM and PM peaks in 2020 future no build conditions. In 2020 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS D in the AM peak and LOS C in the PM peak. In 2020 Phase 2B(2) build conditions, LOS is expected to remain unchanged. While a drop in LOS is not ideal, this delay increase is within the 25% increase permitted by the congestion management guidelines. This site is mostly adding through traffic to the intersection and is not expected to critically increase delay and queueing at the U-turns. Therefore, no improvements are recommended for either phase. Table 5 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Autumn Care Nursing Home Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2020 Future No Build C (23.8) WB Approach L T R U T R LU T R C (23.8) E (39.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) F (60.3) A (0.0) C (23.8) A (0.0) A (1.0) 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements D (27.3) WB Approach L T R U T R LU T R D (27.3) E (43.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) F (89.1) A (0.0) D (27.3) A (0.0) A (1.4) 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build D (27.6) WB Approach L T R U T R LU T R D (27.6) F (57.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) F (92.5) A (0.0) D (27.6) A (0.6) A (1.4) PM Peak Hour 2020 Future No Build C (19.6) WB Approach L T R U T R LU T R C (19.6) F (176.2) A (0.0) A (0.0) D (34.1) A (0.0) C (19.6) A (1.0) A (0.3) 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements C (21.4) WB Approach L T R U T R LU T R C (21.4) F (283.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) E (41.9) A (0.0) C (21.4) A (1.5) A (0.3) 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build C (21.5) WB Approach L T R U T R LU T R C (21.5) F (515.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) E (42.4) A (0.0) C (21.5) B (6.5) A (0.3) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 7 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 6 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Harris Teeter Driveway This unsignalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS C during the AM peak and LOS D during the PM peak in 2020 Phase 2B(1) Build conditions with improvements. In 2020 Phase 2B(2) Build conditions, the LOS is expected to remain unchanged. Therefore, with Phase 2B(1) recommendations in place, no additional improvements are recommended for Phase 2B(2). Table 6 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Harris Teeter Access Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Northbound Southbound Eastbound AM Peak Hour 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements C (16.2) EB Approach LU T R L T R L T R F (101.1) A (0.0) A (0.0) C (16.2) N/A* N/A* C (15.9) 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build C (16.3) EB Approach LU T R L T R L T R F (83.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) C (16.3) N/A* N/A* C (16.3) PM Peak Hour 2020 Phase 2B(1) Future Build + Improvements D (31.2) EB Approach LU T R L T R L T R F (1048.2) A (0.0) A (0.0) D (31.2) N/A* N/A* D (31.2) 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build D (30.3) EB Approach LU T R L T R L T R F (782.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) D (30.3) N/A* N/A* D (30.3) *Due to Synchro modeling practices for superstreets, which requires 2 separate nodes, the approach LOS can not be provided Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 8 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 7 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Site Access (Egress Only) This site access is proposed to be stop-controlled egress only access. In 2020 Phase 2B(2), LOS is expected to operate at LOS E during the AM peak and LOS C during the PM peak. While LOS E is not ideal, this is typical for stop-controlled movements entering a major roadway such as US 421. The delay is expected to be short-lived and no queuing issues are expected based upon the analysis results. Therefore, it is recommended to design the site access according to NCDOT standards. Table 7 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Site Access (Egress Only) Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Northbound Southbound Westbound AM Peak Hour 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build E (48.3) WB Approach LU T R L T R L T R A (0.0) A (0.0) E (48.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) E (48.3) PM Peak Hour 2020 Phase 2B(2) Future Build C (23.6) WB Approach LU T R L T R L T R A (0.0) A (0.0) C (23.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) C (23.6) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 9 02 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 0 1 6 0 2 7 8 Ta r i n W o o d s I I – T e c h n i c a l M e m o r a n d u m 8 Qu e u e R e s u l t s Ta b l e 8 b e l o w s h o w s t h e q u e u e r e s u l t s f o r a l l e x c l u s i v e t u r n l a ne s d u r i n g t h e P h a s e 2 B ( 1 ) a n d P h a s e 2 B ( 2 ) B u i l d sc e n a r i o s . T h e t a b l e b e l o w a l s o s h o w s t h e q u e u e l e n g t h s f o r P h a se 2 B ( 1 ) i f t h e a d d i t i o n a l e g r e s s w a s b u i l t w i t h o u t ad d i t i o n a l l a n d u s e s . F i g u r e G s ho w s t h e r e c o m m e n d e d i m p r o v e m e n ts . Ta b l e 8 - Q u e u e R e s u l t s AM P e a k H o u r Q u e u e s Sc e n a r i o US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t Sa n d e r s R o a d US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t M a n a s s a s D r i v e US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a Be a c h R o a d ) a t Ha r r i s T e e t e r A c c e s s US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Site Access (Right-Out) 20 2 0 F u t u r e N o B u i l d EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 6 2 5 3 4 8 2 7 2 2 9 8 5 2 7 9 2 2 5 9    95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 8 3 2 2 1 3 4 9 5 2 8 4 5 2 9 7 2 5 2 8 1 6 8    St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 5 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L    20 2 0 P h a s e 2 B ( 1 ) B u i l d + Im p r o v e m e n t s EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 2 9 9 9 7 3 5 0 7 2 4 1 1 7 0 1 7 5 8 2 2 6 7 4 0 2 2    95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 8 3 2 2 6 2 6 7 5 2 8 4 5 2 1 6 1 1 5 5 2 8 1 9 7 1 2 7 0 1    St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L + 2 2 5 2 5 0 N / A F U L L    20 2 0 P h a s e 2 B ( 1 ) B u i l d + Im p r o v e m e n t s w i t h R O EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 1 6 6 4 4 1 3 3 7 2 6 0 1 2 4 2 8 5 8 1 9 9 6 9 0 2 3 1 59 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 8 3 2 2 6 2 4 4 5 2 8 6 5 2 1 6 1 1 5 5 2 8 1 4 4 9 9 0 1 1 2 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L + 2 2 5 2 5 0 N / A F U L L F U L L 20 2 0 P h a s e 2 B ( 2 ) B u i l d EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 1 4 0 3 0 7 3 0 7 1 7 0 8 0 1 7 2 6 0 7 9 2 0 8 1 1 6 0 2 6 2 2 1 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 8 3 2 2 6 2 4 4 5 2 8 6 5 2 1 6 1 1 9 5 2 8 1 5 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 4 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L + 2 2 5 2 5 0 N / A F U L L F U L L Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 1 - 9 - 1 0 02 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 0 1 6 0 2 7 8 Ta r i n W o o d s I I – T e c h n i c a l M e m o r a n d u m 9 PM P e a k H o u r Q u e u e s Sc e n a r i o US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t Sa n d e r s R o a d US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t M a n a s s a s D r i v e US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a Be a c h R o a d ) a t Ha r r i s T e e t e r A c c e s s US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Site Access (Right-Out) 20 2 0 F u t u r e N o B u i l d EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 2 1 2 3 2 5 3 5 0 7 8 7 4 1 0 8 3 0 1 1 8 1 4 8    95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 5 0 8 1 6 6 2 5 9 6 1 9 7 1 2 0 1 5 1 0 9 7 4 9 7 6    St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 5 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L    20 2 0 P h a s e 2 B ( 1 ) B u i l d + Im p r o v e m e n t s EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 1 4 1 2 7 5 3 5 0 8 8 6 6 1 8 4 4 3 7 8 2 0 3 1 0 9 0 2 6    95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 5 0 8 1 8 8 1 7 3 4 2 6 4 1 2 0 4 8 2 5 5 7 4 9 7 8 2 2 1 0 2    St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L + 2 2 5 2 5 0 N / A F U L L    20 2 0 P h a s e 2 B ( 1 ) B u i l d + Im p r o v e m e n t s w i t h R O EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 1 2 4 2 6 8 3 0 7 1 1 6 6 5 1 7 2 4 2 1 0 1 1 1 4 8 1 0 2 2 8 6 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 5 0 8 1 8 8 1 5 7 6 1 9 8 1 2 0 4 8 2 2 5 7 4 9 6 4 1 8 4 0 2 9 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L + 2 2 5 2 5 0 N / A F U L L F U L L 20 2 0 P h a s e 2 B ( 2 ) B u i l d EB L EB R NB L U SB L U SB R NB L U NB R SB L U SB R EB R WB R NB L U SB R EB R WBR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 0 0 2 7 5 1 4 5 3 0 6 3 0 7 1 0 8 6 6 1 7 7 4 3 8 3 1 4 4 7 1 0 2 6 87 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 5 0 8 1 8 8 1 5 4 4 2 6 4 1 2 0 5 0 2 3 2 7 4 9 6 7 1 9 1 0 2 1 0 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 7 5 F U L L F U L L + 2 2 5 2 5 0 N / A F U L L F U L L Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 1 - 9 - 1 1 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 10 Summary and Conclusion The intention of this addendum revision is to provide revised results for Phase 2B(1) from the originally submitted addendum dated October 2, 2018. This analysis will include an additional egress for the development onto Carolina Beach Road north of Sanders Road. The proposed land use size was adjusted appropriately to demonstrate the number of units that will be able to be supported by the already approved improvements on Manassas Drive and the additional egress on Carolina Beach Road. Since the proposed land use size is between the Phase 2B(1) and Phase 2B submitted in the TIA, this new/additional phase will be labeled Phase 2B(2). Both revised and additional phase build year were assumed to be 2020. The new distribution for Phase 2B(2) used is similar to that of Phase 2B(1) with a change to add traffic flow to the additional egress. Based on the analysis, with the approved improvements in place, Phase 2B(1) will support up to 219 single family homes and 398 townhomes for a total of 617 dwelling units. By providing the proposed egress, an additional 60 dwelling units of townhomes can be sustained within Phase 2 of the development. Therefore, with Phase 2B(1) recommendations in place, no additional improvements are needed to accommodate Phase 2B(2). In conclusion, this study has reviewed the impacts of both background traffic along with the Phase 2B(1) and Phase 2B(2) development traffic, and has determined that with the recommended improvements in place that there will be adequate capacity to accommodate future traffic. Please note that all accesses to the site are required to be constructed to NCDOT standards. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 12 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 11 APPENDIX Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 13 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum LOS Results Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 14 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Future No Build Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 15 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 1 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)54241494411312914974183 Future Volume (vph)54241494411312914974183 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.985 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9780.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583017940017703539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018350017703539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)60241664411414316634203 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)301305166 090015716670023 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)24.3%24.3%24.3%9.7%9.7%10.4%10.4%55.6%10.4%10.4% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.960.970.560.101.440.730.25 Control Delay97.999.960.867.5287.322.072.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay97.999.960.867.5287.322.072.3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 16 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 2 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)1228364 Future Volume (vph)1228364 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)1364404 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)1364404 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)80.035.0 Total Split (%)55.6%24.3% Maximum Green (s)73.428.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)85.7117.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.600.82 v/c Ratio0.650.31 Control Delay22.13.5 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay22.13.5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 17 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 3 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFCE Approach Delay90.767.544.8 Approach LOSFED Queue Length 50th (ft)2942981428~19955521 Queue Length 95th (ft)#483#49022129#34986052 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)328329308961092281111 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.920.930.540.091.440.730.21 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 144 Actuated Cycle Length: 144 Offset: 90 (63%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.44 Intersection Signal Delay: 42.2Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 85.0%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 18 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 4 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSCA Approach Delay18.5 Approach LOSB Queue Length 50th (ft)41060 Queue Length 95th (ft)61584 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)21051308 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.650.31 Intersection Summary Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 19 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 5 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)20540001680180519000 Future Volume (vph)20540001680180519000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected0.987 Satd. Flow (prot)018390001611035391583000 Flt Permitted0.987 Satd. Flow (perm)018390001611035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)761295122769 Travel Time (s)2.625.21.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)22600001870200621000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0820001870200621000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)25.0%25.0%25.0%75.0%75.0% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)11.711.752.252.2 Actuated g/C Ratio0.150.150.690.69 v/c Ratio0.290.750.830.02 Control Delay30.550.513.04.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.550.513.04.3 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.550.512.9 Approach LOSCDB Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 20 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 6 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)34833273 Queue Length 95th (ft)72#1684429 Internal Link Dist (ft)1121542689 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)31927924291087 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.260.670.830.02 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.83 Intersection Signal Delay: 16.6Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 79.4%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 21 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 7 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0000741391 Future Volume (vph)0000741391 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)000017705085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)000017705085 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)76125145 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0000821546 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0000821546 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 30.2%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 22 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 8 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0019046 00000138011 Future Volume (vph)0019046 00000138011 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0021051 00000153312 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0021051 00000153312 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.1%21.1%78.9%78.9% Maximum Green (s)10.710.753.953.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)8.78.765.864.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.110.110.870.85 v/c Ratio0.110.240.500.01 Control Delay30.732.93.12.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.732.93.12.5 LOSCCAA Approach Delay30.732.93.1 Approach LOSCCA Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 23 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 9 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)922981 Queue Length 95th (ft)28521625 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)26931130621345 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.080.160.500.01 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.50 Intersection Signal Delay: 4.4Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 99.3%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 24 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 10 Lane GroupEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0046182400 Future Volume (vph)0046182400 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)003500 Storage Lanes0010 Taper Length (ft)25150 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)001770353900 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)001770353900 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)61482122 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0051202700 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0051202700 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 102.8%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 25 HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 12 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.5 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0612024810161596 Future Vol, veh/h0612024810161596 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow0712249911181773 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-1129177300225822580 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0198105--50224- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-198105--9393- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s23.801 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)105--19893- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.011--0.0340.311- HCM Control Delay (s)39.7--23.860.3- HCM Lane LOSE--CF- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0--0.11.2- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 26 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 1 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)443494241119912111214 Future Volume (vph)443494241119912111214 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.981 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9860.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583018020017703539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018270017703539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)49241042411211013461234 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)246250104 070012213470027 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)16.4%16.4%16.4%9.9%9.9%11.2%11.2%62.5%11.2%11.2% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio1.231.250.550.080.970.530.30 Control Delay192.2198.975.270.3136.114.378.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay192.2198.975.270.3136.114.378.3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 27 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 2 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)2044374 Future Volume (vph)2044374 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)2271416 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)2271416 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)95.025.0 Total Split (%)62.5%16.4% Maximum Green (s)88.418.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)100.4123.7 Actuated g/C Ratio0.660.81 v/c Ratio0.970.32 Control Delay37.73.9 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay37.73.9 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 28 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 3 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFBE Approach Delay174.770.324.4 Approach LOSFEC Queue Length 50th (ft)~315~32499712325126 Queue Length 95th (ft)#508#51616624#25966661 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)2002001881031262544129 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio1.231.250.550.070.970.530.21 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 10 (7%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.25 Intersection Signal Delay: 48.1Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.0%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 29 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 4 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSDA Approach Delay32.9 Approach LOSC Queue Length 50th (ft)98870 Queue Length 95th (ft)#147097 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)23371288 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.970.32 Intersection Summary Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 30 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 5 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)24133000830112931000 Future Volume (vph)24133000830112931000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected0.992 Satd. Flow (prot)018480001611035391583000 Flt Permitted0.992 Satd. Flow (perm)018480001611035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)761279122769 Travel Time (s)2.624.91.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)27148000920125434000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0175000920125434000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)31.6%31.6%31.6%68.4%68.4% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)11.511.552.452.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0.150.150.690.69 v/c Ratio0.620.380.510.03 Control Delay31.632.37.14.8 Queue Delay0. Total Delay31.632.37.14.8 LOSCCAA Approach Delay31.632.37.1 Approach LOSCCA Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 31 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 6 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)94401254 Queue Length 95th (ft)m1097621015 Internal Link Dist (ft)1119942689 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)44238524391091 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.400.240.510.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.63 Intersection Signal Delay: 11.3Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 59.6%ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 32 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 7 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00001571959 Future Volume (vph)00001571959 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)000017705085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)000017705085 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)76125145 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00001742177 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00001742177 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 41.2%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 33 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 8 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00430132 00000192633 Future Volume (vph)00430132 00000192633 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00480147 00000214037 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00480147 00000214037 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)9.79.754.954.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)10.710.757.955.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.140.140.760.74 v/c Ratio0.210.560.790.03 Control Delay30.838.912.02.7 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.838.912.02.7 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.838.911.9 Approach LOSCDB Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 34 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 9 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)20656596 Queue Length 95th (ft)49120m835m7 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)24828626951163 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.190.510.790.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 13.9Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.1%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 35 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 10 Lane GroupEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00132116000 Future Volume (vph)00132116000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)003500 Storage Lanes0010 Taper Length (ft)25150 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)001770353900 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)001770353900 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)61482122 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00147128900 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00147128900 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 99.6%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 36 HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2020 FNB C. Steiss Page 12 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.8 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h03891586510102340 Future Vol, veh/h03891586510102340 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow042101762611112600 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-884260000176817680 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver028830--105349- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-28830--144144- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s19.610.3 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)30--288144- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.333--0.1470.154- HCM Control Delay (s)176.2--19.634.4- HCM Lane LOSF--CD- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)1.1--0.50.5- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 37 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Phase 2B(1) Build + Improvements Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 38 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 1 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)5424153441110168941831289 Future Volume (vph)5424153441110168941831289 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200004500125 Storage Lanes1100101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.985 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9780.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583017940177035390017703539 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018350177035390017703539 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)45255555 Link Distance (ft)1083380592749 Travel Time (s)16.410.47.39.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)6024170441122187742031432 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)301305170090122188100231432 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtNAProtProtNA Protected Phases444352116 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443352116 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.120.312.912.920.6 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)24.3%24.3%24.3%9.7%9.7%10.4%55.6%10.4%10.4%55.6% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.960.970.570.101.120.820.250.68 Control Delay97.999.961.467.5180.425.572.323.0 Queue Delay0. Total Delay97.999.961.467.5180.425.572.323.0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 39 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 2 Lane GroupSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)364 Future Volume (vph)364 Ideal Flow (vphpl)1900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor1.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)1583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)1583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.90 Adj. Flow (vph)404 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)404 Turn Typepm+ov Protected Phases4 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.0 Minimum Split (s)13.9 Total Split (s)35.0 Total Split (%)24.3% Maximum Green (s)28.1 Yellow Time (s)5.0 All-Red Time (s)1.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.9 Lead/LagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?Yes Vehicle Extension (s)2.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.0 Recall ModeNone Act Effct Green (s)117.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.82 v/c Ratio0.31 Control Delay3.5 Queue Delay0.0 Total Delay3.5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 40 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 3 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT LOSFFEEFCEC Approach Delay90.767.534.919.4 Approach LOSFECB Queue Length 50th (ft)2942981458~13170721445 Queue Length 95th (ft)#483#49022629#267#113152666 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300512669 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200450125 Base Capacity (vph)3283293089610922811112105 Starvation Cap Reductn00000000 Spillback Cap Reductn00000000 Storage Cap Reductn00000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.920.930.550.091.120.820.210.68 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 144 Actuated Cycle Length: 144 Offset: 90 (63%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 140 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.12 Intersection Signal Delay: 38.1Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 90.4%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 41 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 4 Lane GroupSBR LOSA Approach Delay Approach LOS Queue Length 50th (ft)60 Queue Length 95th (ft)84 Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)1308 Starvation Cap Reductn0 Spillback Cap Reductn0 Storage Cap Reductn0 Reduced v/c Ratio0.31 Intersection Summary Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 42 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 5 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)201180004240180535000 Future Volume (vph)201180004240180535000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)0002250000 Storage Lanes00010100 Taper Length (ft)25252525 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8500.850 Flt Protected0.993 Satd. Flow (prot)018500002787035391583000 Flt Permitted0.993 Satd. Flow (perm)018500002787035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)761305122896 Travel Time (s)2.625.41.511.1 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)221310004710200639000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)01530004710200639000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)28.9%28.9%28.9%71.1%71.1% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)15.415.448.548.5 Actuated g/C Ratio0.200.200.640.64 v/c Ratio0.410.830.890.04 Control Delay29.743.218.55.6 Queue Delay0. Total Delay29.743.218.55.6 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 43 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 6 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSCDBA Approach Delay29.743.218.2 Approach LOSCDB Queue Length 50th (ft)621203786 Queue Length 95th (ft)115#197#53816 Internal Link Dist (ft)1122542816 Turn Bay Length (ft)225 Base Capacity (vph)39459422561009 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.390.790.890.04 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 75 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.89 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.3Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 87.0%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 44 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 7 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00001381442 Future Volume (vph)00001381442 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)000017705085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)000017705085 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)76125145 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00001531602 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00001531602 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 31.2%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 45 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 8 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0019046 00000143111 Future Volume (vph)0019046 00000143111 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0021051 00000159012 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0021051 00000159012 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.1%21.1%78.9%78.9% Maximum Green (s)10.710.753.953.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)8.78.765.864.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.110.110.870.85 v/c Ratio0.110.240.520.01 Control Delay30.732.93.22.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.732.93.22.5 LOSCCAA Approach Delay30.732.93.2 Approach LOSCCA Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 46 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 9 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)9221041 Queue Length 95th (ft)28521735 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)26931130621345 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.080.160.520.01 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.52 Intersection Signal Delay: 4.5Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 101.2%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 47 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 10 Lane GroupEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0046184000 Future Volume (vph)0046184000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)003500 Storage Lanes0010 Taper Length (ft)25150 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)001770353900 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)001770353900 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)61482122 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0051204400 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0051204400 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 104.7%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 48 HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 12 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.6 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0612216810161657 Future Vol, veh/h0612216810161657 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow0712462911181841 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-1236184100247124710 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver016894--36184- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-16894--7070- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s27.301.4 HCM LOSD Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)94--16870- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.012--0.040.413- HCM Control Delay (s)43.8--27.389.1- HCM Lane LOSE--DF- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0--0.11.6- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 49 HCM 2010 TWSC 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 14 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh6.4 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0043265 0000014424 Future Vol, veh/h0043265 0000014424 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control StopStopStopStopStopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length--0 --------0 Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0 -----0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow0043672 0000016024 Major/MinorMinor2Minor1Major2 Conflicting Flow All--8018011606---0 Stage 1---00---- Stage 2---8011606---- Critical Hdwy--6.947.546.54---- Critical Hdwy Stg 1--------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2---6.545.54---- Follow-up Hdwy--3.323.524.02---- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0032727610400-- Stage 100---00-- Stage 200-34416300-- Platoon blocked, %-- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver--327272104---- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver---272104---- Stage 1--------- Stage 2---339163---- ApproachEBWBSB HCM Control Delay, s16.2101.10 HCM LOSCF Minor Lane/Major MvmtEBLn1WBLn1SBTSBR Capacity (veh/h)327131-- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0140.823-- HCM Control Delay (s)16.2101.1-- HCM Lane LOSCF-- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)05.1-- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 50 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 1 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)443410824182132812142241 Future Volume (vph)443410824182132812142241 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200004500125 Storage Lanes1100101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.981 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9860.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583018020177035390017703539 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018270177035390017703539 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)45255555 Link Distance (ft)1083380554749 Travel Time (s)16.410.46.99.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)492412024191147612342490 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)24625012007091147700272490 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtNAProtProtNA Protected Phases444352116 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443352116 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.120.312.912.920.6 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)16.4%16.4%16.4%9.9%9.9%11.2%62.5%11.2%11.2%62.5% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio1.231.250.640.080.770.580.301.06 Control Delay192.2198.980.170.3103.316.489.462.4 Queue Delay0. Total Delay192.2198.980.170.3103.316.489.462.4 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 51 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 2 Lane GroupSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)374 Future Volume (vph)374 Ideal Flow (vphpl)1900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor1.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)1583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)1583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.90 Adj. Flow (vph)416 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)416 Turn Typepm+ov Protected Phases4 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.0 Minimum Split (s)13.9 Total Split (s)25.0 Total Split (%)16.4% Maximum Green (s)18.1 Yellow Time (s)5.0 All-Red Time (s)1.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.9 Lead/LagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?Yes Vehicle Extension (s)2.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.0 Recall ModeNone Act Effct Green (s)124.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0.82 v/c Ratio0.32 Control Delay3.2 Queue Delay0.0 Total Delay3.2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 52 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 3 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT LOSFFFEFBFE Approach Delay173.170.321.454.3 Approach LOSFECD Queue Length 50th (ft)~315~32411579229726~1421 Queue Length 95th (ft)#508#51618824m#173768m42#1696 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300474669 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200450125 Base Capacity (vph)20020018810312625441292354 Starvation Cap Reductn00000000 Spillback Cap Reductn00000000 Storage Cap Reductn00000000 Reduced v/c Ratio1.231.250.640.070.720.580.211.06 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 10 (7%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.25 Intersection Signal Delay: 58.5Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.2%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 53 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 4 Lane GroupSBR LOSA Approach Delay Approach LOS Queue Length 50th (ft)115 Queue Length 95th (ft)64 Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)1296 Starvation Cap Reductn0 Spillback Cap Reductn0 Storage Cap Reductn0 Reduced v/c Ratio0.32 Intersection Summary Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 54 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 5 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)243430002380112984000 Future Volume (vph)243430002380112984000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)0002250000 Storage Lanes00010100 Taper Length (ft)25252525 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8500.850 Flt Protected0.997 Satd. Flow (prot)018570002787035391583000 Flt Permitted0.997 Satd. Flow (perm)018570002787035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)761276122920 Travel Time (s)2.624.91.511.4 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)273810002640125493000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)04080002640125493000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s)33.433.433.442.642.6 Total Split (%)43.9%43.9%43.9%56.1%56.1% Maximum Green (s)27.627.627.636.336.3 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0.280.280.560.56 v/c Ratio0.790.340.630.10 Control Delay26. Queue Delay0. Total Delay26. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 55 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 6 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSCCBA Approach Delay26.122.013.9 Approach LOSCCB Queue Length 50th (ft)2295619519 Queue Length 95th (ft)m2257831748 Internal Link Dist (ft)1119642840 Turn Bay Length (ft)225 Base Capacity (vph)67410121989889 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.610.260.630.10 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.4Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.8%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 56 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 7 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00003671990 Future Volume (vph)00003671990 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)000017705085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)000017705085 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)76125145 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00004082211 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00004082211 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 41.8%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 57 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 8 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00430132 00000195733 Future Volume (vph)00430132 00000195733 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00480147 00000217437 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00480147 00000217437 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)9.79.754.954.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)10.710.757.955.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.140.140.760.74 v/c Ratio0.210.560.810.03 Control Delay30.838.911.82.7 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.838.911.82.7 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.838.911.7 Approach LOSCDB Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 58 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 9 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)20656916 Queue Length 95th (ft)49120m770m7 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)24828626951163 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.190.510.810.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.81 Intersection Signal Delay: 13.7Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.4%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 59 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 10 Lane GroupEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00132121300 Future Volume (vph)00132121300 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)003500 Storage Lanes0010 Taper Length (ft)25150 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)001770353900 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)001770353900 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)61482122 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00147134800 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00147134800 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 101.9%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 60 HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 12 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh1 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h03891702510102537 Future Vol, veh/h03891702510102537 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow042101891611112819 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-949281900189718970 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver026121--87310- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-26121--119119- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s21.41.50.3 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)21--261119- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.476--0.1620.187- HCM Control Delay (s)283.6--21.441.9- HCM Lane LOSF--CE- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)1.4--0.60.7- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 61 HCM 2010 TWSC 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements T. Lee Page 14 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh28.2 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0042146 0000024184 Future Vol, veh/h0042146 0000024184 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control StopStopStopStopStopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length--0 --------0 Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0 -----0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow0042351 0000026874 Major/MinorMinor2Minor1Major2 Conflicting Flow All--134413442691---0 Stage 1---00---- Stage 2---13442691---- Critical Hdwy--6.947.546.54---- Critical Hdwy Stg 1--------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2---6.545.54---- Follow-up Hdwy--3.323.524.02---- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver00142110~ 2100-- Stage 100---00-- Stage 200-160~ 4500-- Platoon blocked, %-- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver--142107~ 21---- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver---107~ 21---- Stage 1--------- Stage 2---155~ 45---- ApproachEBWBSB HCM Control Delay, s31.2$ 1048.20 HCM LOSDF Minor Lane/Major MvmtEBLn1WBLn1SBTSBR Capacity (veh/h)14228-- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0312.659-- HCM Control Delay (s)31.2$ 1048.2-- HCM Lane LOSDF-- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.18.9-- Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 62 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Phase 2B(2) Build Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 63 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 1 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)5424153441102164341831307 Future Volume (vph)5424153441102164341831307 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200004500125 Storage Lanes1100101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.985 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9780.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583017940177035390017703539 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018350177035390017703539 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)45255555 Link Distance (ft)1083380592385 Travel Time (s)16.410.47.34.8 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)6024170441113182642031452 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)301305170090113183000231452 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtNAProtProtNA Protected Phases444352116 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443352116 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.120.312.912.920.6 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)24.3%24.3%24.3%9.7%9.7%10.4%55.6%10.4%10.4%55.6% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.960.970.570.101.040.800.250.69 Control Delay97.999.961.467.5159.824.572.323.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay97.999.961.467.5159.824.572.323.3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 64 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 2 Lane GroupSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)372 Future Volume (vph)372 Ideal Flow (vphpl)1900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor1.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)1583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)1583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.90 Adj. Flow (vph)413 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)413 Turn Typepm+ov Protected Phases4 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.0 Minimum Split (s)13.9 Total Split (s)35.0 Total Split (%)24.3% Maximum Green (s)28.1 Yellow Time (s)5.0 All-Red Time (s)1.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.9 Lead/LagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?Yes Vehicle Extension (s)2.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.0 Recall ModeNone Act Effct Green (s)117.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.82 v/c Ratio0.32 Control Delay3.6 Queue Delay0.0 Total Delay3.6 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 65 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 3 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT LOSFFEEFCEC Approach Delay90.767.532.419.6 Approach LOSFECB Queue Length 50th (ft)2942981458~11366721455 Queue Length 95th (ft)#483#49022629#244#108052681 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300512305 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200450125 Base Capacity (vph)3283293089610922811112105 Starvation Cap Reductn00000000 Spillback Cap Reductn00000000 Storage Cap Reductn00000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.920.930.550.091.040.800.210.69 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 144 Actuated Cycle Length: 144 Offset: 90 (63%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 130 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.04 Intersection Signal Delay: 37.0Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 89.1%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 66 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 4 Lane GroupSBR LOSA Approach Delay Approach LOS Queue Length 50th (ft)62 Queue Length 95th (ft)86 Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)1308 Starvation Cap Reductn0 Spillback Cap Reductn0 Storage Cap Reductn0 Reduced v/c Ratio0.32 Intersection Summary Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 67 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 5 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)201230003610180535000 Future Volume (vph)201230003610180535000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)0002250000 Storage Lanes00010100 Taper Length (ft)25252525 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8500.850 Flt Protected0.993 Satd. Flow (prot)018500002787035391583000 Flt Permitted0.993 Satd. Flow (perm)018500002787035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)761292122896 Travel Time (s)2.625.21.511.1 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)221370004010200639000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)01590004010200639000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)28.9%28.9%28.9%71.1%71.1% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)14.414.449.549.5 Actuated g/C Ratio0.190.190.650.65 v/c Ratio0.450.760.870.04 Control Delay31.238.917.05.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay31.238.917.05.5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 68 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 6 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSCDBA Approach Delay31.238.916.8 Approach LOSCDB Queue Length 50th (ft)651003756 Queue Length 95th (ft)119150#53816 Internal Link Dist (ft)1121242816 Turn Bay Length (ft)225 Base Capacity (vph)39459423051031 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.400.680.870.04 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 65 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.87 Intersection Signal Delay: 21.1Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 85.0%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 69 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 7 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00001431446 Future Volume (vph)00001431446 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)000017705085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)000017705085 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)76125145 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00001591607 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00001591607 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 31.3%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 70 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 8 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0019046 00000143511 Future Volume (vph)0019046 00000143511 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0021051 00000159412 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0021051 00000159412 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.1%21.1%78.9%78.9% Maximum Green (s)10.710.753.953.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)8.78.765.864.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.110.110.870.85 v/c Ratio0.110.240.520.01 Control Delay30.732.93.32.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.732.93.32.5 LOSCCAA Approach Delay30.732.93.2 Approach LOSCCA Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 71 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 9 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)9221051 Queue Length 95th (ft)28521745 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)26931130621345 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.080.160.520.01 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.52 Intersection Signal Delay: 4.5Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 101.3%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 72 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 10 Lane GroupEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0046184000 Future Volume (vph)0046184000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)003500 Storage Lanes0010 Taper Length (ft)25150 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)001770353900 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)001770353900 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)61482122 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0051204400 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0051204400 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 104.8%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 73 HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 12 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh1 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h06232231810161661 Future Vol, veh/h06232231810161661 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow07262479911181846 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-1244184600248824880 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver016694--35181- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-16694--6868- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s27.60.61.4 HCM LOSD Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)94--16668- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.272--0.040.425- HCM Control Delay (s)57--27.692.5- HCM Lane LOSF--DF- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)1--0.11.7- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 74 HCM 2010 TWSC 1000: US 421 & Site Access 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 14 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh1 MovementWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0832204001700 Future Vol, veh/h0832204001700 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None-None-None Storage Length-0 ---- Veh in Median Storage, #0-0--0 Grade, %0-0--0 Peak Hour Factor909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222 Mvmt Flow0922449001889 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-12250--- Stage 1------ Stage 2------ Critical Hdwy-6.94 ---- Critical Hdwy Stg 1------ Critical Hdwy Stg 2------ Follow-up Hdwy-3.32 ---- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0171-00- Stage 10--00- Stage 20--00- Platoon blocked, %-- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-171 ---- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------ Stage 1------ Stage 2------ ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s48.300 HCM LOSE Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBTWBLn1SBT Capacity (veh/h)-171- HCM Lane V/C Ratio-0.539- HCM Control Delay (s)-48.3- HCM Lane LOS-E- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)-2.7- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 75 HCM 2010 TWSC 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out T. Lee Page 16 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh4.7 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0043453 0000014604 Future Vol, veh/h0043453 0000014604 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control StopStopStopStopStopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length--0 --------0 Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0 -----0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow0043859 0000016224 Major/MinorMinor2Minor1Major2 Conflicting Flow All--8118111626---0 Stage 1---00---- Stage 2---8111626---- Critical Hdwy--6.947.546.54---- Critical Hdwy Stg 1--------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2---6.545.54---- Follow-up Hdwy--3.323.524.02---- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0032227110100-- Stage 100---00-- Stage 200-33915900-- Platoon blocked, %-- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver--322267101---- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver---267101---- Stage 1--------- Stage 2---334159---- ApproachEBWBSB HCM Control Delay, s16.3830 HCM LOSCF Minor Lane/Major MvmtEBLn1WBLn1SBTSBR Capacity (veh/h)322133-- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0140.727-- HCM Control Delay (s)16.383-- HCM Lane LOSCF-- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)04.2-- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 76 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 1 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)443410824177129912142262 Future Volume (vph)443410824177129912142262 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200004500125 Storage Lanes1100101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.981 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9860.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583018020177035390017703539 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018270177035390017703539 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)45255555 Link Distance (ft)1083380554376 Travel Time (s)16.410.46.94.7 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)492412024186144312342513 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)24625012007086144400272513 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtNAProtProtNA Protected Phases444352116 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443352116 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.120.312.912.920.6 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)16.4%16.4%16.4%9.9%9.9%11.2%62.5%11.2%11.2%62.5% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio1.231.250.640.080.740.570.301.07 Control Delay192.2198.980.170.399.816.678.364.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay192.2198.980.170.399.816.678.364.5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 77 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 2 Lane GroupSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)379 Future Volume (vph)379 Ideal Flow (vphpl)1900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor1.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)1583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)1583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.90 Adj. Flow (vph)421 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)421 Turn Typepm+ov Protected Phases4 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.0 Minimum Split (s)13.9 Total Split (s)25.0 Total Split (%)16.4% Maximum Green (s)18.1 Yellow Time (s)5.0 All-Red Time (s)1.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.9 Lead/LagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?Yes Vehicle Extension (s)2.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.0 Recall ModeNone Act Effct Green (s)124.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.82 v/c Ratio0.32 Control Delay3.8 Queue Delay0.0 Total Delay3.8 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 78 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 3 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT LOSFFFEFBEE Approach Delay173.170.321.356.0 Approach LOSFECE Queue Length 50th (ft)~315~32411578729426~1416 Queue Length 95th (ft)#508#51618824m#15476161#1724 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300474296 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200450125 Base Capacity (vph)20020018810312625441292358 Starvation Cap Reductn00000000 Spillback Cap Reductn00000000 Storage Cap Reductn00000000 Reduced v/c Ratio1.231.250.640.070.680.570.211.07 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 10 (7%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.25 Intersection Signal Delay: 59.7Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 94.0%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 79 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 4 Lane GroupSBR LOSA Approach Delay Approach LOS Queue Length 50th (ft)72 Queue Length 95th (ft)98 Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)1298 Starvation Cap Reductn0 Spillback Cap Reductn0 Storage Cap Reductn0 Reduced v/c Ratio0.32 Intersection Summary Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 80 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 5 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)243570001990112987000 Future Volume (vph)243570001990112987000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)0002250000 Storage Lanes00010100 Taper Length (ft)25252525 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8500.850 Flt Protected0.997 Satd. Flow (prot)018570002787035391583000 Flt Permitted0.997 Satd. Flow (perm)018570002787035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)761291122920 Travel Time (s)2.625.11.511.4 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)273970002210125497000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)04240002210125497000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s)33.433.433.442.642.6 Total Split (%)43.9%43.9%43.9%56.1%56.1% Maximum Green (s)27.627.627.636.336.3 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)21.621.642.342.3 Actuated g/C Ratio0.280.280.560.56 v/c Ratio0.800.280.640.11 Control Delay24.420.914.510.0 Queue Delay0. Total Delay24.420.914.510.0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 81 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 6 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSCCBB Approach Delay24.420.914.2 Approach LOSCCB Queue Length 50th (ft)2384519820 Queue Length 95th (ft)m2326731750 Internal Link Dist (ft)1121142840 Turn Bay Length (ft)225 Base Capacity (vph)67410121967880 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.630.220.640.11 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.80 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.1Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.2%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 82 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 7 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00003811992 Future Volume (vph)00003811992 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)000017705085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)000017705085 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)76125145 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00004232213 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00004232213 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 41.8%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 83 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 8 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00430132 00000195933 Future Volume (vph)00430132 00000195933 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00480147 00000217737 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00480147 00000217737 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)9.79.754.954.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)10.710.757.955.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.140.140.760.74 v/c Ratio0.210.560.810.03 Control Delay30.838.911.72.7 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.838.911.72.7 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.838.911.5 Approach LOSCDB Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 84 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 9 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)20656966 Queue Length 95th (ft)49120m769m7 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)24828626951163 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.190.510.810.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.81 Intersection Signal Delay: 13.6Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.5%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 85 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 10 Lane GroupEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00132121600 Future Volume (vph)00132121600 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)003500 Storage Lanes0010 Taper Length (ft)25150 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)001770353900 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)001770353900 Link Speed (mph)205555 Link Distance (ft)61482122 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00147135100 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00147135100 Sign ControlFreeFreeFree Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 102.0%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 86 HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 12 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh3 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h038221709510102550 Future Vol, veh/h038221709510102550 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow042241899611112833 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-953283300190419050 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0260~ 21--86308- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-260~ 21--118118- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s21.56.50.3 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)~ 21--260118- HCM Lane V/C Ratio1.164--0.1620.188- HCM Control Delay (s)$ 515.3--21.542.4- HCM Lane LOSF--CE- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)3.3--0.60.7- Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 87 HCM 2010 TWSC 1000: US 421 & Site Access 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 14 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.3 MovementWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0501763002662 Future Vol, veh/h0501763002662 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None-None-None Storage Length-0 ---- Veh in Median Storage, #0-0--0 Grade, %0-0--0 Peak Hour Factor909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222 Mvmt Flow0561959002958 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-9800--- Stage 1------ Stage 2------ Critical Hdwy-6.94 ---- Critical Hdwy Stg 1------ Critical Hdwy Stg 2------ Follow-up Hdwy-3.32 ---- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0249-00- Stage 10--00- Stage 20--00- Platoon blocked, %-- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-249 ---- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------ Stage 1------ Stage 2------ ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s23.600 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBTWBLn1SBT Capacity (veh/h)-249- HCM Lane V/C Ratio-0.223- HCM Control Delay (s)-23.6- HCM Lane LOS-C- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)-0.8- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 88 HCM 2010 TWSC 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO T. Lee Page 16 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh19.6 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0042239 0000023734 Future Vol, veh/h0042239 0000023734 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control StopStopStopStopStopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length--0 --------0 Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0 -----0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow0042443 0000026374 Major/MinorMinor2Minor1Major2 Conflicting Flow All--131913192641---0 Stage 1---00---- Stage 2---13192641---- Critical Hdwy--6.947.546.54---- Critical Hdwy Stg 1--------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2---6.545.54---- Follow-up Hdwy--3.323.524.02---- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver00147115~ 2300-- Stage 100---00-- Stage 200-1664800-- Platoon blocked, %-- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver--147112~ 23---- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver---112~ 23---- Stage 1--------- Stage 2---16148---- ApproachEBWBSB HCM Control Delay, s30.3$ 7820 HCM LOSDF Minor Lane/Major MvmtEBLn1WBLn1SBTSBR Capacity (veh/h)14732-- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.032.118-- HCM Control Delay (s)30.3$ 782-- HCM Lane LOSDF-- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.17.8-- Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 89 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum Queueing and Blocking Reports Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 90 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Future No Build Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 91 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 FNB 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 MovementNBNB Directions ServedTT Maximum Queue (ft)268260 Average Queue (ft)1616 95th Queue (ft)103107 Link Distance (ft)707707 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)4001071275506257517503437633882 Average Queue (ft)3405821719417280252620017621 95th Queue (ft)4561060369346376425952034431359 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669 Upstream Blk Time (%)931 Queuing Penalty (veh)0316 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)2571013317170 Queuing Penalty (veh)10729729544630 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)8525911212529 Average Queue (ft)439689775 95th Queue (ft)8019013012523 Link Distance (ft)331244525252 Upstream Blk Time (%)331211 Queuing Penalty (veh)257268 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 92 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 FNB 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSB Directions ServedLT Maximum Queue (ft)2540 Average Queue (ft)11 95th Queue (ft)813 Link Distance (ft)101101 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)927211512227 Average Queue (ft)143737451 95th Queue (ft)5064941109 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)3512 Queuing Penalty (veh)16610 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)189555 Average Queue (ft)1215 95th Queue (ft)67229 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 93 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 FNB 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBSB Directions ServedRUL Maximum Queue (ft)3053 Average Queue (ft)321 95th Queue (ft)1844 Link Distance (ft)286 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 807 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 94 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 FNB 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSBB4 Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTRT Maximum Queue (ft)400104727551212295308325759776350428 Average Queue (ft)39897019312871181266056856728559 95th Queue (ft)404119339739163229241256811823498240 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669712 Upstream Blk Time (%)631011 Queuing Penalty (veh)0122129 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)719030300 Queuing Penalty (veh)22728471113 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementB4 Directions ServedT Maximum Queue (ft)466 Average Queue (ft)64 95th Queue (ft)265 Link Distance (ft)712 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 95 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 FNB 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1041481118874 Average Queue (ft)753973377 95th Queue (ft)106921288235 Link Distance (ft)331227505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)52730 Queuing Penalty (veh)8128142 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)1085252 Average Queue (ft)2733 95th Queue (ft)782020 Link Distance (ft)101101101 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)2 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1187312212230 Average Queue (ft)406280788 95th Queue (ft)918713612329 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)4779 Queuing Penalty (veh)624759 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 96 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 FNB 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNB Directions ServedLT Maximum Queue (ft)7862 Average Queue (ft)203 95th Queue (ft)5922 Link Distance (ft)437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedRUUL Maximum Queue (ft)793150 Average Queue (ft)2889 95th Queue (ft)602632 Link Distance (ft)287 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1177 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 97 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Phase 2B(1) Build + Improvements Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 98 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedT Maximum Queue (ft)11 Average Queue (ft)0 95th Queue (ft)8 Link Distance (ft)48 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedR Maximum Queue (ft)52 Average Queue (ft)3 95th Queue (ft)24 Link Distance (ft)508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)76 Average Queue (ft)23 95th Queue (ft)69 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)3 Queuing Penalty (veh)27 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 99 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 2 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1541241811681013743447324331031923 Average Queue (ft)54211036840139148101301121193 95th Queue (ft)11571159144883103124121625426214 Link Distance (ft)485150719431943508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)300002 Queuing Penalty (veh)100003 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)4008672754929940742597392422350 Average Queue (ft)35153721081492002121219019354 95th Queue (ft)4618913893228338140561363376206 Link Distance (ft)1008310500500669669 Upstream Blk Time (%)10 Queuing Penalty (veh)00 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200450125100 Storage Blk Time (%)2369014170 Queuing Penalty (veh)9829103622 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)10522618614013541 Average Queue (ft)80133951101029 95th Queue (ft)10919917913313731 Link Distance (ft)361249535353 Upstream Blk Time (%)6923200 Queuing Penalty (veh)961401231 Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 Storage Blk Time (%)00 Queuing Penalty (veh)10 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 100 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 3 Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSBB25B12B12 Directions ServedL TTTTT Maximum Queue (ft)17049441205556 Average Queue (ft)67332266 95th Queue (ft)17023191266566 Link Distance (ft)101101101224408408 Upstream Blk Time (%)2103 Queuing Penalty (veh)77016 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)587212712417 Average Queue (ft)153735461 95th Queue (ft)4574951129 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)3313 Queuing Penalty (veh)15712 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)27190179 Average Queue (ft)26951 95th Queue (ft)15151135 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 101 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 4 Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)8015916142 Average Queue (ft)5970566 95th Queue (ft)9014513026 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)62 Queuing Penalty (veh)56 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedRUUL Maximum Queue (ft)431461 Average Queue (ft)6119 95th Queue (ft)26747 Link Distance (ft)239 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access MovementEBWB Directions ServedRLT Maximum Queue (ft)2274 Average Queue (ft)345 95th Queue (ft)1474 Link Distance (ft)21414 Upstream Blk Time (%)32 Queuing Penalty (veh)31 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 102 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 5 Intersection: 1101: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)86 Average Queue (ft)11 95th Queue (ft)47 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1064 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 103 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 MovementNBSBSB Directions ServedRTT Maximum Queue (ft)82148 Average Queue (ft)1600 95th Queue (ft)60106 Link Distance (ft)5087474 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)95 Average Queue (ft)48 95th Queue (ft)104 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)15 Queuing Penalty (veh)86 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 104 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 2 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1591242302061843443328128228929350 Average Queue (ft)7123134103701441551515079977 95th Queue (ft)134821981881382872935125219821628 Link Distance (ft)485150719541954508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)601002 Queuing Penalty (veh)301002 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSBB4 Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTRT Maximum Queue (ft)400105727541141287286275763764350569 Average Queue (ft)393101421276114815029605612263119 95th Queue (ft)425111039328123271262140881889496424 Link Distance (ft)1008310463463669669710 Upstream Blk Time (%)7213130 Queuing Penalty (veh)01601710 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200450125100 Storage Blk Time (%)7692028281 Queuing Penalty (veh)254302071068 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementB4 Directions ServedT Maximum Queue (ft)593 Average Queue (ft)136 95th Queue (ft)466 Link Distance (ft)710 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 105 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 3 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Movement EBWBWBNBNBNB Directions Served LTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)107 203 12011911266 Average Queue (ft)887524987824 95th Queue (ft)991307213612457 Link Distance (ft)361220 535353 Upstream Blk Time (%)59 19152 Queuing Penalty (veh)216 76599 Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn Movement SBSBSBB25 Directions Served LTTT Maximum Queue (ft)1844866133 Average Queue (ft)1126816 95th Queue (ft)196283872 Link Distance (ft)101101101224 Upstream Blk Time (%)120 Queuing Penalty (veh)740 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Movement EBWBSBSBSB Directions Served RTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)788812213143 Average Queue (ft)336784929 95th Queue (ft)668713513631 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)587100 Queuing Penalty (veh)7647690 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 106 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 4 Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)79130124 Average Queue (ft)263315 95th Queue (ft)689668 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)100355553234 Average Queue (ft)6714114432 95th Queue (ft)94301350130 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)680 Queuing Penalty (veh)880 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSBSBSB Directions ServedRUULTT Maximum Queue (ft)6973437780 Average Queue (ft)261711811 95th Queue (ft)57583479107 Link Distance (ft)33219541954 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 107 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements 02/19/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 5 Intersection: 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access MovementEBWB Directions ServedRLT Maximum Queue (ft)2667 Average Queue (ft)547 95th Queue (ft)1877 Link Distance (ft)2428 Upstream Blk Time (%)50 Queuing Penalty (veh)33 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1101: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)109 Average Queue (ft)19 95th Queue (ft)68 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1847 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 108 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Phase 2B(1) Build + Improvements with Right-Out Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 109 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements Right Out 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Movement EBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served LLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)4008122754216638638444332304133 Average Queue (ft)3234341878791611721018616426 95th Queue (ft)443686383311483313413231129288 Link Distance (ft)1008 310 500500 317317 Upstream Blk Time (%)000 Queuing Penalty (veh)300 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300 200 450 125 100 Storage Blk Time (%)10580 0 15150 Queuing Penalty (veh)422471 0 3571 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Movement EBWBWBNBNBNB Directions Served LTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)92 199 17213012760 Average Queue (ft)7212067107969 95th Queue (ft)10717815313513635 Link Distance (ft)361235 525252 Upstream Blk Time (%)57 21160 Queuing Penalty (veh)79 1281013 Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 110 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements Right Out 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 2 Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)1241014 Average Queue (ft)2901 95th Queue (ft)8979 Link Distance (ft)101101101 Upstream Blk Time (%)2 Queuing Penalty (veh)6 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)587210510728 Average Queue (ft)173533412 95th Queue (ft)45698410014 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)31120 Queuing Penalty (veh)14690 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)31173160 Average Queue (ft)25543 95th Queue (ft)15141127 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 111 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements Right Out 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 3 Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedRUUL Maximum Queue (ft)353881 Average Queue (ft)61421 95th Queue (ft)263660 Link Distance (ft)242 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1000: US 421 & Site Access MovementWBNBNB Directions ServedRTT Maximum Queue (ft)1591110 Average Queue (ft)6300 95th Queue (ft)12287 Link Distance (ft)1240317317 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access MovementEBWB Directions ServedRLT Maximum Queue (ft)2369 Average Queue (ft)243 95th Queue (ft)1373 Link Distance (ft)21414 Upstream Blk Time (%)31 Queuing Penalty (veh)26 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 112 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements Right Out 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 4 Intersection: 1101: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)46 Average Queue (ft)6 95th Queue (ft)29 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 725 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 113 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements with RO 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 MovementSB Directions ServedR Maximum Queue (ft)8 Average Queue (ft)0 95th Queue (ft)6 Link Distance (ft)463 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)40082027541124254255268390384307 Average Queue (ft)325435200747727937362358229 95th Queue (ft)44171038028102182195177425427436 Link Distance (ft)1008309463463307307 Upstream Blk Time (%)0027221 Queuing Penalty (veh)003612890 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200450125100 Storage Blk Time (%)17690030290 Queuing Penalty (veh)552262081102 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)11214011412911765 Average Queue (ft)896822997826 95th Queue (ft)1011207314013261 Link Distance (ft)361235545454 Upstream Blk Time (%)6419133 Queuing Penalty (veh)235755411 Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 114 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements with RO 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 2 Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSBB25B25B12 Directions ServedL TTTTT Maximum Queue (ft)1726993891411 Average Queue (ft)10911161000 95th Queue (ft)188446049108 Link Distance (ft)101101101224224419 Upstream Blk Time (%)1200 Queuing Penalty (veh)7401 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1018712912242 Average Queue (ft)306183946 95th Queue (ft)719014514527 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)55680 Queuing Penalty (veh)7241560 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)116129119 Average Queue (ft)233316 95th Queue (ft)749869 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 115 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements with RO 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 3 Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBNBNBSBSBSB Directions ServedRUTTRULTT Maximum Queue (ft)60270192124196447454 Average Queue (ft)251249426137135 95th Queue (ft)5429111687137615616 Link Distance (ft)336710710977977 Upstream Blk Time (%)12 Queuing Penalty (veh)00 Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%)304 Queuing Penalty (veh)2401 Intersection: 1000: US 421 & Site Access MovementWBSBSBB4B4 Directions ServedR TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)86414416577592 Average Queue (ft)31319320310322 95th Queue (ft)66520529784796 Link Distance (ft)1084317317710710 Upstream Blk Time (%)222201 Queuing Penalty (veh)28428069 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access MovementEBWB Directions ServedRLT Maximum Queue (ft)2267 Average Queue (ft)242 95th Queue (ft)1375 Link Distance (ft)2428 Upstream Blk Time (%)45 Queuing Penalty (veh)27 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 116 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B1 with Improvements with RO 02/21/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T. Lee Page 4 Intersection: 1101: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)81 Average Queue (ft)12 95th Queue (ft)49 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 2305 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 117 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum 2020 Phase 2B(2) Build Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 118 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 2 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway Movement EBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)117761901701373813948526034534328 Average Queue (ft)46131036648151167151261211283 95th Queue (ft)98511721461083143375322326627916 Link Distance (ft)4851507 19431943 508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100 200325 250600 Storage Blk Time (%)200002 Queuing Penalty (veh)100003 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Movement EBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served LLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)40090027558194400422160378373316 Average Queue (ft)322451197101021671841818718159 95th Queue (ft)4477693823819234136292357346219 Link Distance (ft)1008 310 500500 317317 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 00110 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 001380 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300 200 450 125 100 Storage Blk Time (%)10580 0 15180 Queuing Penalty (veh)412450 0 3653 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Movement EBWBWBNBNBNB Directions Served LTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)9619117114013560 Average Queue (ft)78114701109810 95th Queue (ft)10717414413214039 Link Distance (ft)361235 525252 Upstream Blk Time (%)65 22181 Queuing Penalty (veh)92 1341087 Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 119 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 3 Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn Movement SBSBSBB25 Directions Served LTTT Maximum Queue (ft)1604461107 Average Queue (ft)542310 95th Queue (ft)148192869 Link Distance (ft)101101101224 Upstream Blk Time (%)13 01 Queuing Penalty (veh)4903 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Movement EBWBSBSBSB Directions Served RTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)587211811522 Average Queue (ft)153438451 95th Queue (ft)45709710811 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)3012 Queuing Penalty (veh)14711 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn Movement NBNBNB Directions Served LTT Maximum Queue (ft)45164163 Average Queue (ft)36450 95th Queue (ft)22140135 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 120 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 4 Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn Movement WBSBSBSB Directions Served LTTT Maximum Queue (ft)8416715928 Average Queue (ft)5570555 95th Queue (ft)8714312722 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)56 Queuing Penalty (veh)51 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway Movement WBNBSB Directions Served RUUL Maximum Queue (ft)386474 Average Queue (ft)71621 95th Queue (ft)274453 Link Distance (ft)239 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1000: US 421 & Site Access Movement WBNBSBSB Directions Served RTTT Maximum Queue (ft)14384549 Average Queue (ft)65022 95th Queue (ft)12451823 Link Distance (ft)1240317307307 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 121 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements Right Out 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 5 Intersection: 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access Movement EBWBSB Directions Served RLTR Maximum Queue (ft)18694 Average Queue (ft)2400 95th Queue (ft)13682 Link Distance (ft)2141451 Upstream Blk Time (%)31 Queuing Penalty (veh)27 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1101: US 421 Movement NBNB Directions Served LT Maximum Queue (ft)544 Average Queue (ft)60 95th Queue (ft)333 Link Distance (ft)818 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 906 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 122 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 2 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway Movement EBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1541242131981472993257528537136959 Average Queue (ft)71221361067111011313152941089 95th Queue (ft)135802001881332362474625724425837 Link Distance (ft)4851507 19541954 508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100 200325 250600 Storage Blk Time (%)601001 Queuing Penalty (veh)301001 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Movement EBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served LLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)40085627543145232233306398390307 Average Queue (ft)333489177860676832363360210 95th Queue (ft)45685736929123173177155403410435 Link Distance (ft)1008 309 463463 307307 Upstream Blk Time (%)2 027241 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 03623130 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300 200 450 125 100 Storage Blk Time (%)23700 30300 Queuing Penalty (veh)762301 81133 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Movement EBWBWBNBNBNB Directions Served LTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)11214412512812066 Average Queue (ft)896425987725 95th Queue (ft)1011207413313060 Link Distance (ft)361235 545454 Upstream Blk Time (%)65 18142 Queuing Penalty (veh)246 73579 Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 123 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 3 Intersection: 301: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn Movement SBSBSBB25B25 Directions Served L TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)177657411119 Average Queue (ft)10881381 95th Queue (ft)19037504914 Link Distance (ft)101101101224224 Upstream Blk Time (%)1300 Queuing Penalty (veh)7900 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 302: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Movement EBWBSBSBSB Directions Served RTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)838112812743 Average Queue (ft)306582946 95th Queue (ft)668713714329 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)60690 Queuing Penalty (veh)8039610 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 303: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn Movement NBNBNB Directions Served LTT Maximum Queue (ft)108136102 Average Queue (ft)342915 95th Queue (ft)899665 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 124 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 4 Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn Movement WBSBSBSB Directions Served LTTT Maximum Queue (ft)98370528254 Average Queue (ft)7014214541 95th Queue (ft)91296367210 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)69 00 Queuing Penalty (veh)8900 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway Movement WBNBNBNBSBSBSB Directions Served RUTTRULTT Maximum Queue (ft)601436148114689893 Average Queue (ft)24532219179192 95th Queue (ft)541544334117782814 Link Distance (ft)332 71071019541954 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325 325 Storage Blk Time (%)5 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 Intersection: 1000: US 421 & Site Access Movement WBSBSBB4B4 Directions Served R TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)87421424718731 Average Queue (ft)33315321348368 95th Queue (ft)67528529844868 Link Distance (ft)1084317317710710 Upstream Blk Time (%)232412 Queuing Penalty (veh)2923101020 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 125 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2020 Phase 2B2 with Improvements with RO 02/20/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report T.Lee Page 5 Intersection: 1100: US 421 & Harris Teeter Access Movement EBWB Directions Served RLT Maximum Queue (ft)2666 Average Queue (ft)343 95th Queue (ft)1675 Link Distance (ft)2428 Upstream Blk Time (%)47 Queuing Penalty (veh)29 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 1101: US 421 Movement NB Directions Served L Maximum Queue (ft)71 Average Queue (ft)11 95th Queue (ft)44 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 2589 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 126 02/24/2020 160278 Tarin Woods II – Technical Memorandum Supporting Documentation Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 127 *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORT andtheclient. FIGUREA1PHASE 2B(1)TRIP DISTRIBUTION DESTINATION NODE% RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT 100% OUT Kings  Highway Lieutenant Congleton Road Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d US   4 2 1 75% 20% 20 % I N 80 % I N 75 % O U T 20 % O U T 75 % I N 75 % I N 75 % O U T 55% IN 5% IN 5% IN 5% O U T 5% O U T 55 % O U T 60% OUT 40% IN 5% IN 5% 5% O U T DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e 75 % I N 75 % O U T BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED Autumn Care  Nursing Home 75 % I N 75 % O U T Harris Teeter  Driveway 10 % O U T 10 % O U T 80 % O U T 40 % O U T 60% IN 80 % I N Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 128 *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORT andtheclient. FIGUREA2PHASE 2B(2) WITH RIGHT-OUTTRIP DISTRIBUTION DESTINATION NODE% RIGHTOUTONLY 70% OUT Lieutenant Congleton Road Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d US   4 2 1 75% 20% 20 % I N 80 % I N 53 % O U T 20 % O U T 75 % I N + 5% O U T 75 % I N 75 % O U T 55% IN 5% IN 5% IN 10 % O U T 10 % O U T 40 % O U T 50% OUT 40% IN 5% IN5% 2% O U T DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED Autumn Care  Nursing Home 75 % I N + 8% O U T 53 % O U T Harris Teeter  Driveway 10 % O U T 5% O U T 55 % O U T 20 % O U T 60% IN 80 % I N + 5% O U T Site  Access c 8% O U T 3% O U T 30% OUT Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 129 Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N 0 / 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE B 2020 FUTURE NO BUILD VOLUMES Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorization andadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshall beaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 170 / 237 14 0 / 1 0 8 21 6 9 / 1 5 7 2 54 / 1 3 3 13 8 0 / 1 9 2 6 11 / 3 3 19 / 3 1 18 0 5 / 1 1 2 9 46 / 1 3 2 RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e 1 / 1 0 / 0 0 / 2 542 / 443 0 / 0 149 / 94 3 / 0 12 2 8 / 2 0 4 4 36 4 / 3 7 4 0 / 1 14 9 7 / 1 2 1 1 12 9 / 9 9 168 / 83 19 / 43 0 / 0 146 / 55 0 / 0 1 / 0 48 / 110 4 / 24 0 / 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 25 / 1 3 57 / 109 19 4 / 6 9 Ta r i n Ro a d 5 / 5 0 / 1 3 / 6 7 / 30 1 / 0 41 / 8 59 / 9 5 13 / 1 1 18 / 2 1 20 / 2 4 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVERKings  Highway73 / 103 15 5 / 1 7 0 15 0 8 / 1 8 8 9 38 / 7 8 17 2 3 / 2 4 9 6 22 9 1 / 1 5 1 2 91 / 1 2 9 6 / 38 8 / 5 20 2 4 / 1 5 8 6 1 / 9 10 / 1 0 16 / 1 0 15 9 6 / 2 3 4 0 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 130 Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N 0 / 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE C PHASE 2B(1) SITE TRIPS Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorization andadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshall beaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 0 / 0 0 / 0 19 2 / 1 1 6 65 / 2 1 0 51 / 3 1 0 / 0 16 / 5 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   Dr i v e 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 13 0 / 0 61 / 1 9 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 19 2 / 1 1 6 13 / 8 256 / 155 0 / 0 0 / 0 154 / 93 0 / 0 32 / 105 49 / 158 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 10 2 / 6 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 13 13 / 8 Ta r i n Ro a d 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 13 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER Kings  Highway0 / 0 0 / 0 61 / 1 9 7 0 / 0 61 / 1 9 7 19 2 / 1 1 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 19 2 / 1 1 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 61 / 1 9 7 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED 45 / 145 0 / 0 14 1 / 8 5 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 13 / 8 0 / 0 Harris Teeter  Driveway 20 5 / 1 2 4 26 / 1 6 26 / 1 6 65 / 2 1 0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 131 Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N 0 / 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE D 2020 PHASE 2B(1) FUTURE BUILD Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorization andadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshall beaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 170 / 237 14 0 / 1 0 8 23 6 1 / 1 6 8 8 11 8 / 3 4 3 14 3 1 / 1 9 5 7 11 / 3 3 35 / 8 4 18 0 5 / 1 1 2 9 46 / 1 3 2 RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   Dr i v e 1 / 1 0 / 0 0 / 2 542 / 443 0 / 0 153 / 108 3 / 0 12 8 9 / 2 2 4 1 36 4 / 3 7 4 0 / 1 16 8 9 / 1 3 2 8 11 0 / 8 2 424 / 238 19 / 43 0 / 0 300 / 148 0 / 0 33 / 105 97 / 268 4 / 24 0 / 2 0 / 0 10 2 / 6 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 25 / 1 3 61 / 122 20 6 / 7 7 Ta r i n Ro a d 0 / 0 5 / 5 4 / 13 3 / 6 0 / 0 41 / 8 59 / 9 5 0 / 0 18 / 2 1 20 / 2 4 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER Kings  Highway73 / 103 15 5 / 1 7 0 15 6 8 / 2 0 8 6 38 / 7 8 17 8 4 / 2 6 9 3 24 8 3 / 1 6 2 8 91 / 1 2 9 6 / 38 8 / 5 22 1 6 / 1 7 0 2 1 / 9 10 / 1 0 16 / 1 0 16 5 7 / 2 5 3 7 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED 45 / 145 0 / 0 14 1 / 8 5 0 / 0 1 / 0 0 / 1 7 / 30 0 / 0 13 / 8 0 / 0 Harris Teeter  Driveway 18 3 1 / 1 4 4 8 65 / 4 6 32 / 2 1 14 4 2 / 2 4 1 8 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 132 Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE E PHASE 2B(2) SITE TRIPS Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorization andadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshall beaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 70 / 2 2 4 55 / 3 3 0 / 0 17 / 5 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 RIGHTOUTONLY US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   Dr i v e 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 14 0 / 0 79 / 2 1 8 8 / 5 0 / 0 14 6 / 8 7 6 / 3 193 / 116 0 / 0 0 / 0 138 / 83 0 / 0 35 / 112 52 / 168 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 55 / 3 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 14 28 / 1 7 Ta r i n Ro a d 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 14 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER 0 / 0 0 / 0 20 7 / 1 2 4 22 / 1 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 65 / 2 1 0 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED 48 / 154 0 / 0 11 0 / 6 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 28 / 1 7 0 / 0 Harris Teeter  Driveway 15 2 / 9 1 14 / 8 28 / 1 7 83 / 2 3 2 Site  Access 14 6 / 8 7 87 / 2 2 3 83 / 50 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 133 Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE F PHASE 2B(2) BUILD VOLUMES Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorization andadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshall beaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 12 3 / 3 5 7 14 3 5 / 1 9 5 9 11 / 3 3 36 / 8 7 18 0 5 / 1 1 2 9 46 / 1 3 2 RIGHTOUTONLY US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   Dr i v e 1 / 1 0 / 0 0 / 2 542 / 443 0 / 0 153 / 108 3 / 0 13 0 7 / 2 2 6 2 37 2 / 3 7 9 0 / 1 16 4 3 / 1 2 9 9 10 2 / 7 7 361 / 199 19 / 43 0 / 0 284 / 137 0 / 0 36 / 112 101 / 278 4 / 24 0 / 2 0 / 0 55 / 3 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 25 / 1 3 61 / 123 22 1 / 8 6 Ta r i n Ro a d 0 / 0 5 / 5 4 / 14 3 / 6 0 / 0 41 / 8 0 / 0 18 / 2 1 20 / 2 4 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER 6 / 38 8 / 5 22 3 1 / 1 7 0 9 23 / 2 2 10 / 1 0 16 / 1 0 16 6 1 / 2 5 5 0 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED 48 / 154 0 / 0 11 0 / 6 6 0 / 0 1 / 0 0 / 1 7 / 30 0 / 0 28 / 1 7 0 / 0 Harris Teeter  Driveway 17 7 8 / 1 4 0 2 53 / 3 9 34 / 2 2 14 6 0 / 2 3 7 3 Site  Access 22 0 4 / 1 7 6 3 17 0 0 / 2 6 6 2 83 / 50 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 134 Sh i l o h Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN W OODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORT andtheclient. FIGUREGRECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Sanders Road RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT 300' SPEED LIMIT 55 FULL SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 35 SPEED LIMIT 35 US   4 2 1 Sh i l o h   D r i v e Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Manassas Drive SPEED LIMIT 55 US   4 2 1 32 5 ' 55 0 ' 200' 12 5 ' 10 0 ' 17 5 ' 40 0 ' FULL 35 0 ' 10 0 ' Ta r i n Ro a d FULL Kings  Highway 60 0 ' 100' FULL FU L L 60 0 ' 200' 25 0 ' 225' 100'in Phase 2A and 250' in Phase 2B(1) Signal Modifications Harris Teeter  Driveway FULL black = existing grey = unanalyzed green = committed red = proposed in phase 2B(2) blue = proposed in phase 2B(1) purple = proposed in phase 2A Site Access  (Egress Only) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 135 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 1- 10 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 1- 10 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 1- 10 - 3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 1- 10 - 4 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 11 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 1 - 11 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 1- 12 - 1 N E W HA N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 3/5/2020 Regular DE PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Gideon Smith C O N TA C T(S ): Gideon Smith, B rad Schuler, Senior Planner, Wayne C lark, Planning and L and U se D irector S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 20-04) - Request by Design S olu4ons on behalf of the property owner, Trinity Reformed Orthodox C hurch, to rezone approximately 3.00 acres of land located at 4725 S outh C ollege Road from R-15, Residen4al District, to (C Z D) R-5, M oderate-High Residen4al District, in order to develop 22 townhomes. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is propo sing to rezone approximately 3.0 acres f ro m R -15 to (C Z D ) R -5 f o r the develo pment of townhomes near the intersec.on of Hidden Valley Ro ad and South C o llege Ro ad. T he propo sed conceptual plan indicates the residen.al development will consist of 22 dwelling units with a maximum of 4 units in any structure. T he current zoning of the property (R -15) would allow up to 8 dwelling units at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre under the perf o rmanc e residen.al sta ndards. T he a pplic ant is propo sing 22 townho mes at a net density of 7.33 dwelling units per acre, which is below the ma ximum density o f the R -5 district (8 dwelling units per acre), as well as the reco mmended density of the C o mprehensive Pla n’s C ommunity Mixed U se Place Type (12-15 dwelling units per acre). A 20-foot perimeter setback and buff eryard is required alo ng the northern, so uthern, and eastern property boundaries because the pro posed develo pment is adjacent to single-family dwellings within the H idden Valley and Wedgefield subdivisions. I n addi.on, the dwelling units are restricted to a maximum height of 35 feet. C ompliance with these provisions, alo ng with all other standards of the R -5 zo ning distric t, will be reviewed by the Technical Review C ommi>ee during the subdivision review process. N ew Hanover C o unty E ngineering staff ha ve indicated the Hidden Valley subdivisio n, along with other neighborhoods in the vicinity, have o n-going drainage issues tha t existed prio r to Hurricane Florence because they are situated in a lower area between C ollege Road and Masonboro L oop Road with a por.on of the stormwater runoff draining west to C o llege Road to wards Mo>’s C reek and the remainder dra ining to Maso nbo ro L o o p Ro ad towards Whiskey C reek. I n addi.on, there have been dra ina ge issues iden.fied along the N C D OT right-o f -way (C o llege Ro ad) a nd in the backyards of Hidden Valley residents. E ngineering staff has submi>ed a F E M A Hazard Mi.ga.o n Grant Progra m propo sa l to determine po ten.al mi.ga.on and/or improvement pro jects to help with issues in this area. I n addi.on to possible f ederal funding, the C ounty ’s Stormwater Services program will begin maintenance and capital improvement projects in J uly 2020. T he co nceptual plan sho ws a c c ess is pro vided to the subject pro perty by Hidden Valley Ro ad (S R 1704) which connects to South C o llege Road, appro ximately 500 f eet to the west. Hidden Valley Ro ad currently has a divided median near the intersec.on with South C ollege Road separa.ng traffic entering and exi.ng the exis.ng Hidden Valley subdivision. Typically, townho mes generate appro ximately 0.5 trips in the peak hours, while single-family dwellings generate approximately o ne trip in the peak hours. A by-right residen.al develo pment on the site under the current zoning Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 would allow 8 dwelling units, which is es.ma ted to generate abo ut 11 trips in the AM peak hours a nd 9 trips in the P M peak ho urs. U nder the propo sed R -5 zo ning, 22 townho mes co uld be constructed on the site, which is es.mated to generate abo ut 12 trips in the A M peak ho urs and 16 trips in the P M peak ho urs. T he expected net diff erence in traffic would be an increase of 1 AM and 7 P M peak trips. B ecause the proposed use does not meet the 100 peak ho ur trips threshold to require a T I A, staff has provided the volume to capacity ra.o for South C ollege Road near the subject site. W hile volume to capacity ra.o, based on average daily trips, can pro vide a general idea of the func.on of adjacent ro adways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersec.ons is generally co nsidered a mo re effec.ve measure when determining the L evel o f Service of a ro adwa y. Ho wever, the available vo lume to capacity data indicates c apacity currently exists in this area to support the expected minor increase in traffic projected if this request is approved. T he subject property is located at the corner of S. C ollege Road and Hidden Valley Road, just north o f the C arolina B each Ro ad and S. C ollege Ro ad intersec.on (Monkey J unc.on). I t is designated C ommunity Mixed U se, which is common for areas along highway corrido rs. T his place type assignment is intended to support mo re density near major roads with a transi.on to lower densi.es adjacent to exis.ng lower intensity residen.al neighborhoods. T he C ommunity Mixed U se place type calls fo r up to 15 mul.-family dwelling units per acre and 8 dwelling units an acre f o r single family residen.al. T he proposed density at 8 units a n acre falls in line with the place type. T he 7.3 unit per acre density o f the pro posed to wnhome development is in line with this reco mmenda.o n a nd wo uld provide the intended transi.on from higher density uses along South C ollege Road to the lower density exis.ng neighborhoods. T he proposed (C ZD) R -5 rezoning is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the C o mprehensive Plan’s intent of providing an orderly transi.on of residen.al densi.es f ro m higher intensity to lo wer intensity areas, is in line with density range recommended for the C ommunity Mixed U se place type, and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Economic DevelopmentE ncourage development of complete communi.es in the unincorporated countyE nsure N H C has appropriate housing to support business growth R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends approval of the C ondi.onal Zoning D istrict and suggests the following mo.on: I move to A P P R OV E the proposed rezoning to a condi.onal R -5 district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transi.on of residen.al densi.es from higher intensity to lower intensity areas and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area. I also find A P P R OVA L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is in line with the density range recommended for the C ommunity Mixed U se place type, and it supports opportuni.es for more affordable housing and assists with providing a range of housing types to the area. A lterna4ve M o4on for Denial I move to D E N Y the propo sed rezoning to a co ndi.o nal R -5 district. W hile I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transi.on of residen.al densi.es from higher intensity to lower intensity areas and provides f o r the provision o f a range o f housing c hoice and diversity in the area, I find D E N I A L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest bec ause the proposal is no t consistent with the desired character of the surrounding co mmunity and the density will adversely Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 impact the adjacent neighborhoods. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anager) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 SCRIPT for Conditional Zoning District Application (Z20-04) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Trinity Reformed Orthodox Church, to rezone approximately 3.00 acres of land located at 4725 South College Road from R-15, Residential District, to (CZD) R-5, Moderate-High Residential District, in order to develop 22 townhomes. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion of Approval I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a conditional R-5 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition of residential densities from higher intensity to lower intensity areas and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is in line with the density range recommended for the Community Mixed Use place type, and it supports opportunities for more affordable housing and assists with providing a range of housing types to the area. Example Motion of Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a conditional R-5 district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition of residential densities from higher intensity to lower intensity areas and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning to a conditional R-5 district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 1 of 10 STAFF REPORT FOR Z20-04 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z20-04 Request: Zoning Map amendment to rezone 3.0 acres from R-15 to (CZD) R-5 to develop 22 townhomes Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions Trinity Reformed Orthodox Church Location: Acreage: 4725 S. College Road 3.0 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R07100-004-012-001 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Dual-Unit Attached & Quadraplex Dwellings (2- 4- unit townhome structures) Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15 (CZD) R-5 Moderate-High Residential SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential R-15 East Single-Family Residential R-15 South Single-Family Residential, Institutional R-15 West S. College Road Right-of-Way, Multi-Family Residential MF-L (City of Wilmington) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 1 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 2 of 10 ZONING HISTORY October 15, 1969 Initially zoned R-15 (Masonboro) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Specific design will be determined during site plan review. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Myrtle Grove Schools Bellamy Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, and Ashley High schools For more information, see the full School statistics below. Recreation Myrtle Grove School Park, Arrowhead Park, Trails End Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 2 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 3 of 10 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN Above: Applicant’s Conceptual Plan with Staff Markups  The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 3.0 acres from R-15 to (CZD) R-5 for the development of townhomes near the intersection of Hidden Valley Road and South College Road. The proposed conceptual plan indicates the residential development will consist of 22 dwelling units with a maximum of 4 units in any structure.  A 20-foot perimeter setback and bufferyard is required along the northern and eastern property boundaries because the proposed development is adjacent to single-family dwellings within the Hidden Valley and Wedgefield subdivisions. In addition, the dwelling units are restricted to a maximum height of 35 feet. Compliance with these provisions, along with all other standards of the R-5 zoning district, will be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee during the subdivision review process.  New Hanover County Engineering staff have indicated the Hidden Valley subdivision, along with other neighborhoods in the vicinity, have on-going drainage issues that existed prior to Hurricane Florence because they are situated in a lower area between College Road and Masonboro Loop Road with a portion of the stormwater runoff draining west to College Road towards Mott’s Creek and the remainder draining to Masonboro Loop Road towards Whiskey Creek. In addition, there have been drainage issues identified along the NCDOT right-of-way (College Road) and in the backyards of Hidden Valley residents. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 3 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 4 of 10  Engineering staff has submitted a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program proposal to determine potential mitigation and/or improvement projects to help with issues in this area. In addition to possible federal funding, the County’s Stormwater Services program will begin maintenance and capital improvement projects in July 2020. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS  The R-15 and R-5 districts are both residential zoning districts. While the R-5 district (8 du/ac) permits more base density than the R-15 district (2.5 du/ac), it prohibits mobile homes and typical multi-family development, like apartments, allowing a maximum of 4 units within any residential structure. In addition, the additional dwelling allowance permit is not permitted in the R-5 district, and the number of permitted nonresidential uses is reduced.  The current zoning of the property (R-15) would allow up to 8 dwelling units at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre under the performance residential standards. The applicant is proposing 22 townhomes at a net density of 7.33 dwelling units per acre, which is below the maximum density of the R-5 district (8 dwelling units per acre), as well as the recommended density of the Comprehensive Plan’s Community Mixed Use Place Type (12- 15 dwelling units per acre). R-15 R-5 Proposed (CZD) R-5 Min Lot Size (Conventional) 15,000 sf 5,000 sf N/A Base Density (Performance) 2.5 du/ac (8 total units) 8 du/ac (24 total units) 7.33 du/ac (22 total units) Additional Dwelling Allowance Permit 10.2 du/ac (31 total units) N/A N/A Permitted Housing Types Single-family, mobile home, duplex, townhomes, multi- family Single-family, duplex, townhome (max 4-units/building) Townhomes (max 4-units/building) Nonresidential Uses ≈ 20 uses w/ SUP (convenience stores, kennels, camping) ≈ 15 uses by-right (wholesale nurseries, stables) ≈ 10 uses w/ SUP (recreation establishments, day care centers) ≈ 10 uses by-right (parks, libraries, churches) N/A Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 4 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 5 of 10 TRANSPORTATION  The conceptual plan shows access is provided to the subject property by Hidden Valley Road (SR 1704) which connects to South College Road, approximately 500 feet to the west. Hidden Valley Road currently has a divided median near the intersection with South College Road separating traffic entering and exiting the existing Hidden Valley subdivision.  There are no turning movement restrictions for both traffic entering or exiting the proposed subdivision. The driveway location Hidden Valley Road allows traffic generated by the subdivision to access both South College Road to the west or Masonboro Loop Road to the east. A driveway permit will be required to access the site via Hidden Valley Road. Additional review will be conducted during the driveway permitting process.  Typically, townhomes generate approximately 0.5 trips in the peak hours, while single- family dwellings generate approximately one trip in the peak hours. A by-right residential development on the site under the current zoning would allow 8 dwelling units, which is estimated to generate about 11 trips in the AM peak hours and 9 trips in the PM peak hours. Under the proposed R-5 zoning, 22 townhomes could be constructed on the site, which is estimated to generate about 12 trips in the AM peak hours and 16 trips in the PM peak hours. The expected net difference in traffic would be an increase of 1 AM and 7 PM peak trips.  Because the proposed use does not meet the 100 peak hour trips threshold to require a TIA, staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for South College Road near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. However, the available volume to capacity data indicates capacity currently exists in this area to support the expected minor increase in traffic projected if this request is approved. Traffic Counts - 2018 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C South College Road 3700 Block (south of S. 17th Street) 47,124 49,248 0.96 South College Road 5200 Block (north of S. College Road/Carolina Beach Road ) 32,452 49,248 0.66 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 5 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 6 of 10 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects:  STIP Project U-5702B o Proposal that will install access management and travel time improvements to S. College Road from Shipyard Boulevard to Carolina Beach Road. This project is currently unfunded.  STIP Project U-5790 o Proposal that will convert the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and College Road to a continuous flow intersection and widen a portion of Carolina Beach Road south of that intersection. Continuous flow intersections permit more efficient travel movements and help alleviate congestion by allowing more of the main street’s traffic to move through the intersection. Construction of the project is expected to being in 2024. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 6 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 7 of 10 Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Whiskey Branch  Phase 1A: 88 Single-Family Dwellings, 82 Townhomes  Phase 1B: 325 Apartments  Phase 2: 50,000 sq. ft. of General Office, 150,000 sq. ft. of Shopping Center  TIA originally approved August 25, 2017  Revised TIA approved October 10, 2019 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Phase 1B: o Construct southernmost site access and restrict to right-in/right-out (roughly across from Pine Hollow Drive)  Full Build: o Install traffic signal at the unsignalized U-turn pair north of Mohican Trail. o Construct a southbound signalized left turn lane on S. College Road at the northernmost site access (roughly across from The Gardens Condominiums) o Construct a southbound to northbound U-turn south of Weybridge Lane o Construct a northbound to southbound U-turn north of Weybridge Lane. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: 156 lots in Phase 1 have been platted at this time. SCHOOLS  Students generated from this development would be assigned to Bellamy Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, and Ashley High schools. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools.  Eight dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and 22 units would be allowed under the proposed zoning for an increase of 14 dwelling units  Based on average student generation rates,* there are an average of 0.24 public school students (0.11 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. The proposed development can be estimated to generate 3.4 (1.5 elementary, 0.8 middle, and 1.1 high) more students than if developed under existing zoning. *Average student generation rates are calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year by the estimated number of dwelling units in the county. While different housing types and different locations typically yield different numbers of students, these average generation rates can provide a general guide for the number of students to anticipate. Total projected student enrollment was used, which includes students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTECH. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 7 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 8 of 10 School Enrollment* and Capacity**—2021-2022 Estimates *Enrollment is based on projected New Hanover County Schools enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined by New Hanover County Schools for the 2020-2021 school year and are based on NC DPI Facility Guidelines & Class Size Requirements. Modifications refer to specific program requirements unique to a particular school. These may include exceptional children’s classrooms beyond the original building design; classrooms to serve a unique population such as ESL; or classrooms designated for art and music if the building wasn’t specifically designed with those spaces. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  Existence of wetlands will be verified during the development review process.  The property is within the Whiskey Creek (SA;HQW) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class III (severe limitation) soils, however, the site will be served by CFPUA water and sewer. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Level Total NHC % Capacity School Enrollment of Assigned School Capacity of Assigned School w/ Portables % of Capacity of Assigned School Funded Capacity Upgrades Elementary 97% Bellamy 465 499 93% None Middle 107% Myrtle Grove 714 738 97% None High 105% Ashley 1869 1776 105% None Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 8 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 9 of 10 Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Analysis The subject property is located at the corner of S. College Road and Hidden Valley Road, just north of the Carolina Beach Road and South College Road intersection (Monkey Junction). It is designated Community Mixed Use, which is common for areas along highway corridors. This place type assignment is intended to support more density near major roads with a transition to lower densities adjacent to existing lower intensity residential neighborhoods. Existing development along this section of Carolina Beach Road includes townhome and multi-family units along the west side (south bound) of the South College Road corridor. The subject parcel is one of the few parcels on the east side (north bound) of South College Road where there is opportunity to provide housing options other than detached single-family homes. Housing forms such as townhomes tend to use land more efficiently and be smaller in size, making new units more affordable and providing a greater range of housing price points in the area. The Comprehensive Plan identifies a suggested density range for residential development in each place type to assist in identifying what might be appropriate depending on the context of a site and adjacent development patterns. The Community Mixed place type calls for up to 15 multi-family dwelling units per acre and 8 dwelling units an acre for single family residential. The proposed density at 8 units an acre falls in line with the place type. The 7.3 unit per acre density of the proposed townhome development is in line with this recommendation and would provide the intended transition from higher density uses along South College Road to the lower density existing neighborhoods. Consistency Recommendation The proposed (CZD) R-5 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the Comprehensive Plan’s intent of providing an orderly transition of residential densities from higher intensity to lower intensity areas, is in line with density range recommended for the Community Mixed Use place type, and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 9 Z20-04 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 10 of 10 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed R-5 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it contributes to providing a mix of housing options in the area, provides for the orderly transition of between existing lower density residential neighborhoods and South College Road, and the overall project density is in-line with those recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a conditional R-5 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition of residential densities from higher intensity to lower intensity areas and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is in line with the density range recommended for the Community Mixed Use place type, and it supports opportunities for more affordable housing and assists with providing a range of housing types to the area. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a conditional R-5 district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition of residential densities from higher intensity to lower intensity areas and provides for the provision of a range of housing choice and diversity in the area, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 10 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 1 Page 4 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: ______________________ Total Acreage of Proposed District: __________ Only uses allowed by right in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (please provide additional pages if needed). ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Proposed Condition(s) Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding General Use District regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CZD /R-5 3.00 AC. PERFORMANCE SUBDIVISIONW/TWENTY-TWO(22)TOWNHOME-STYLERESIDENCES **HOMESWILLBEACCESSEDFROMHIDDENVALLEYDR.,APUBLICSTREETROW,BYAPRIVATEDRIVE. **HOMESWILLBE2-3BEDROOM,MAXIMUMTWO-STORY,ANDHAVE1-CARGARAGES. **PROJECTWILLBESERVICEDBYCFPUAWITHCONNECTIONTOPUBLICWATER&SANITARYSEWERMAINS. **REFERENCESITEPLANFORSITELAYOUT&IMPROVEMENTS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 2 Page 5 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: _________________________________________________________________________________ Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.): __________________________________ AM Peak Hour Trips: ___________________________ PM Peak Hour Trips: ______________________________ CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community-at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Use Zoning District meets the following criteria. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development? (For example: the Comprehensive Plan and applicable small area plans) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property’s classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ RESIDENTIALTOWNHOUSE /ITECODE230 CALCULATEDPER22DWELLINGUNITS 1011 Thepoliciesforgrowthanddevelopmentencouragesafeandaffordablehousingtobeavailabletoevery citizen.SustainabilityoftheCountydependsonsensiblein-fillandmaximizinguseoflandsalready accessibletourbanservices. ThetractisidentifiedintheComprehensiveLandUsePlanasaCommunityMixed-useplacetype.Theplan suggestshigherdensitiestosupportthesmall-scale,compactdevelopmentpatternsthattheplacetype promotes.Theproposedtownhomedevelopmentisanacceptabletransitionbetweenthebusyhighway corridorandthemoreestablishedsingle-familyhousingbeyondtheboundaryofthetract. Thepropertyhadpreviouslybeendesignedforareligiousinstitution,butthoseplansnevercametofruition. S.CollegeRoadisathoroughfareofthecommunity.Single-familyresidencesarelessattractivealongvery busytrafficcorridors.Adenserhousingstylemakesinfillpossiblewithbetteraffordability. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 6 Legal Description for  Conditional Zoning District        Beginning at a point at the intersection of the northern boundary of Hidden Valley Drive (S.R.  1704), a variable width public right‐of‐way, with the eastern boundary of South College Road  (N.C. Hwy. 132), a 200’ public right‐of‐way; said point being shown on the plat for Hidden Valley  – Section 1, recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book  18, at Page 50; and running thence from the beginning with the South College Road right‐of‐ way,    North 01019’58” West, 266.81 feet to a point; thence  South 74057’02” East, 504.24 feet to a point; thence  South 01019’58” West, 266.81 feet to a point in the northern boundary of Hidden Valley Road;   Thence with that right‐of‐way,  North 74057’02” West, 504.24 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 130,699  square feet, or 3.00 acres, more or less.    Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 7 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Project Name: Hidden Valley Road Townhomes Proposed Zoning: R-15 to R-5 (CZD) The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on January 16, 2020 . A copy of that written notice and a list of recipients are attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 6:00 p.m.; at the Arab Shrine Club, 4510 S. College Road. The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Reference attached sign-in List and attached emails received. The following issues were discussed at the meeting: A presentation was given on the proposed project, how it relates to the Comp Plan and the particulars about Conditional Zoning Districts. The majority of the conversation revolved around flooding in the vicinity of The Hidden Valley Drive intersection with S. College Rd, stormwater management, traffic and overall development density. The majority of attendees were strongly opposed to any infill other than 3-4 single-family homes – although it was explained that up to eight (8) residential units are permitted, by-right, as the tract exists today in the R-15 district, and that there are no restrictions on the housing style under the “performance” standards. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the petition: No changes were made to the concept layout of eighteen (18) units, but the plan has been better detailed and labeled for submittal. Date: February 3, 2020 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 8 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 9 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 10 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 11 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 12 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:Michael Troja <michael.troja315@gmail.com> Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2020 4:36 PM To:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Subject:Development @ Hidden Valley and S. College I find your proposal appalling .This type of compressed building would destroy this neighborhood. The appeal of living in  a wooded single family home development brought me here 11 years ago, and I've enjoyed the character of this area  ever since. this sort of careless development is what destroyed areas like northern New Jersey generations ago. There is  a reason for the zoning being the way it is , and many of us here on Hidden Valley are here because we all have a little  room on adequate size lots. 20 more households would affect trafffic and conjestion, and drive down the property  values of those nearest to this unatractive proposal.  Michael Troja owner 315 Hidden Valley Rd.   Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 13 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:Suzanne Hutchinson <malvern1213@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 28, 2020 2:03 PM To:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Subject:Hidden Valley Rd Hello,  I am sorry I will not be able to attend the meeting tonight in regards to to the rezoning of Hidden Valley Rd.  I am very much opposed to this plan. I think the present zoning should be kept in place for the good of this  neighborhood!       Suzanne Hutchinson         330 Hidden Valley Rd.        910‐232‐2766lo    Sent from my iPhone  Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 14 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:Patrick M. Erwin <tropicalreef@gmail.com> Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2020 11:37 PM To:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Cc:Jordy Rawl; Chase Elam Subject:Re: Hidden Vally Road Townhouse Development Dear Mrs. Wolfe,    Thank you for the quick response and additional information. I am certainly no development/zoning expert and  appreciate the clarifications.     It is good to hear thoughtful consideration of logistics regarding traffic, utilities and stormwater. The information I  received indicated 22 townhome units, not 2, but I imagine these considerations hold true. I can say that inadequate  ditching is a major concern on our street, as many have filled in and flood (including our front yard) with even moderate  rainfall.     It is less encouraging that the argument for being an asset to our community consists of being less negative than other  options ‐ less traffic than a place of worship, or a commercial building. Or being only possibly negative ‐ not “necessarily"  decreasing property values. If the land is to be developed, why not develop consistent with the zone and area that  already characterizes our neighborhood and the surrounding ones?     Most consistent with current land usage would be a few single‐family home plots. I have no doubt that new residents  are looking for different housing options, but I do doubt that this area has the pedestrian access to businesses and public  transportation required by this demographic. Crosswalks and walk/bike paths are popping up north of us, but are not  accessible to our neighborhood.    All in all, this just seems out of place, and presumably it must be considered so from a development standpoint since re‐ zoning is needed to change the land usage ‐ as far as I understand.    Thank you again for your time and consideration.    Best regards,    Patrick      On Jan 26, 2020, at 11:31 AM, cwolf@lobodemar.biz wrote:    We appreciate your comments.  I’ll offer some explanation.     Traffic:  Hidden Valley Road is a NCDOT‐maintained public street (SR #1704), and certainly adequate to handle  the trips generated from just 2 townhomes.  It already has the advantages of a dedicated taper & right‐ turn lane from the South and a “left‐over” for turns from the North.  The original plan for this site was a  church, which probably would have introduced more traffic overall – albeit at more concentrated  times.  As you can imagine, property with frontage along a busy thoroughfare could be attractive to a  multitude of uses – many more intense.  We feel that a residential project is much more appropriate  than office(s) or something commercially oriented at the entry into your neighborhood.     Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 15 2 Utilities:  There is a public sewer main stubbed to the northern boundary of this tract from the system in  Wedgefield Drive.  We would be extending that service into this project.  There would not be a septic  system.  Of course the water service will come from the main in Hidden Valley Road.     Stormwater Management:  As is often the case with older neighborhoods, such as Hidden Valley, there were no stormwater  detention requirements when they were developed.  All new development must meet pre‐ / post‐  runoff standards – meaning that all surfaces created must drain to a pond or other management facility  that is sized to control drainage such that the runoff cannot leave the site any differently than it does  today in its natural state.  We have completed preliminary calculations for the pond area that is shown  on the exhibit.  Overflow in larger storm events would drain into the highway ditch along S College Road,  and then routes southward to the Motts Creek drainageway ultimately towards the Cape Fear  River.  New Hanover County has recently enacted a stormwater utility program.  That will be intended to  assist in remedying existing issues with inadequate ditching – such as you’ve described.     Value:  New development, even at a greater density, does not necessarily affect surrounding property values  adversely.  It’s normal to transition density between a busy road corridor and older established  subdivision.  New construction to more current building codes and with more sustainable materials  often enhances values in a neighborhood, because of the higher sale prices in the market today.  New  residents to Wilmington are looking for alternative living styles to the classic single‐family home on a  larger lot that entails more maintenance.  With garages, these townhomes are considered more up‐ scale.  They will be marketed to individual owners and maintenance of the stormwater pond and all  common areas the responsibility of a homeowners’ association.              Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have other questions.  Thank you.     Cindee Wolf  Tel. 910‐620‐2374        From: Patrick Erwin <tropicalreef@gmail.com> On Behalf Of Patrick M. Erwin  Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 9:41 AM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Subject: Hidden Vally Road Townhouse Development     Dear Mrs. Wolf,    I am contacting regarding your letter informing my neighborhood of the pending townhouse  development project on Hidden Valley Road. I appreciate the notification and opportunity to attend to  impacted property owners meeting this Tuesday.     In the letter, you indicate that the developer looks forward to being an asset to our community. Can you  provide any specifics on how the development will positively impact our neighborhood?      Our initial reaction is that such a high‐density development in a single‐family home neighborhood is out  of place and would cause logistical issues (e.g. increased traffic, water drainage problems).    Thank you for your time and consideration.    Best regards,  Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 16 3 Patrick M. Erwin  —————  437 Hidden Valley Road  (910) 619‐5401    Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 17 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:Yopp, Emily Ann <Emily.Yopp@ncr.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 28, 2020 7:34 PM To:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Subject:Hidden Valley Road Development To whom it may concern, I am a homeowner on Hidden Valley road in Wilmington, NC. I would like to strongly OPPOSE the development of the proposed 22 unit townhome community. I have small children and I am concerned about the influx of traffic to the area, and our street being used more as a ‘cut through’. With the increase traffic, this causes concern for the safety of my children at the school bus stop. I also encounter heavy flooding and I am concerned that this development will cause increased flooding to my property. Thank you for your time. Emily Yopp Get Outlook for iOS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 18 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Sent:Monday, January 27, 2020 9:36 AM To:'Julian' Cc:Jordy Rawl; Chase Elam (carolusbuildingco@gmail.com) Subject:RE: Hidden Valley Road proposal Mr. March,    1. There will certainly be sidewalks within the community, and to include one along the frontage(s) could be a  condition of approval.  There are long‐range plans by the County for a multi‐use trail along College Road –  similar to what has been installed from 17th Street to Holly Tree by the City of Wilm – from approximately the  location of the old Monkey Junction library up to 17th Street.  The issue would be whether it will be located on  the East or West side of the busy road.  Crosswalks would obviously need to be located at signalized  intersection.  2. There is a public sewer main stubbed to the northern boundary of this tract from the system in Wedgefield  Drive.  We would be extending that service into this project, but any further extension eastward onto Hidden  Valley Road would be a project for the CFPUA.  The depth of the existing manhole invert is not adequate for  positive flow for more than 500‐600 linear feet.    3. An “attached” housing development is required to meet all landscape regulations in the NHCo Ordinance for  street yard, interior shading and buffer plantings.  Regulated trees can only be removed for essential site  improvements – buildings, streets, stormwater & utilities.  Trees within around the perimeter of the site would  certainly be preserved, and supplemented as necessary to provide the full planting requirements – along with  the aesthetics desired for new homes.    Please do not hesitate to re‐contact me if you have additional questions.  Thank you.  Cindee          From: Julian <jmarchnews@gmail.com>   Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 3:25 PM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Subject: Hidden Valley Road proposal    Good afternoon Cindee,    I received your letter with information on the proposal for the lot at the corner of Hidden Valley Road/South College  Road. I'm not sure yet if I will be able to attend the meeting Tuesday, but did have a couple of questions/comments for  you.     1. Is there a sidewalk planned alongside the Hidden Valley Road portion of the proposed development? It seems this  would be prudent if there would be additional foot traffic on that section of the road to keep pedestrians safely away  from vehicular traffic. Because of the center median in that section of the road, cars cannot move over to the oncoming  lane if pedestrians are in the roadway.     2. It is my understanding the first block of Hidden Valley Road (between South College and Rushing Drive) remains still  on septic systems while surrounding areas are on CFPUA sewer service. If the development were to move forward, do  you know if that would mean CFPUA would extend sewer service to the 600 block of Hidden Valley?     3. I see some additional landscaping trees are planned in the rendering. If the development moved forward, would all  the existing trees be removed, or would some trees be left behind?   Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 19 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Sent:Friday, January 24, 2020 4:51 PM To:'thomas lackey' Cc:Jordy Rawl; Chase Elam (carolusbuildingco@gmail.com) Subject:RE: A Performance Residential Townhome Development Mr. Lackey,  We appreciate your comments.  I’ll offer some explanation.    On the traffic issue:  Hidden Valley Road is a NCDOT‐maintained public street (SR #1704), and certainly adequate to handle the trips  generated from just 2 townhomes.  It already has the advantages of a dedicated taper & right‐turn lane from the South  and a “left‐over” for turns from the North.  The original plan for this site was a church, which probably would have  introduced more traffic overall – albeit at more concentrated times.  As you can imagine, property with frontage along a  busy thoroughfare could be attractive to a multitude of uses – many more intense.  We feel that a residential project is  much more appropriate than office(s) or something commercially oriented at the entry into your neighborhood.    Utilities:  There is a public sewer main stubbed to the northern boundary of this tract from the system in Wedgefield Drive.  We  would be extending that service into this project.  There would not be a septic system.  Of course the water service will  come from the main in Hidden Valley Road.    Stormwater Management:  As is often the case with older neighborhoods, such as Hidden Valley, there were no stormwater detention requirements  when they were developed.  All new development must meet pre‐ / post‐ runoff standards – meaning that all surfaces  created must drain to a pond or other management facility that is sized to control drainage such that the runoff cannot  leave the site any differently than it does today in its natural state.  We have completed preliminary calculations for the  pond area that is shown on the exhibit.  Overflow in larger storm events would drain into the highway ditch along S  College Road, and then routes southward to the Motts Creek drainageway ultimately towards the Cape Fear River.  New  Hanover County has recently enacted a stormwater utility program.  That will be intended to assist in remedying existing  issues with inadequate ditching – such as you’ve described.      Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have other questions.  Thank you.    Cindee Wolf  Tel. 910‐620‐2374             From: thomas lackey <toko3781@yahoo.com>   Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 1:02 PM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Subject: A Performance Residential Townhome Development    As a adjacent property owner , located at 638 hidden valley rd, Wilmington . I do have a few concerns about your proposed development # 1 . Traffic is a concern Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 20 2 #2 . Sewer service #3 . Water run off and flooding issues I realize that we all have county water but none of have sewer , are you going to have a large septic system installed or what will you do The water runoff is a major concern .. the fist number of lots on the left of hidden valley , when you are entering hidden valley from S. College, have a large drainage ditch behind our property …….. farther down hidden valley there are flooding issues each time we have a heavy storm …. I feel that with the scope of your development we would be affected in a negative way ., especially in regards to the water , drainage issues . Regards Thomas Lackey PO Box 6 Vale, NC 28168 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 21 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 22 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 23 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 24 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 25 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 26 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 2 - 7 - 2 7 NAMEADDRESSCITY STATE ZIPSITUS ADDRESSALI MOHAMAD A SHAMIEH4709 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094709 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTONALTAMIRANO ALVARO & MARIA SOSA 5909 TROPIC CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095909 TROPIC CT  WILMINGTONAPPLEWHITE CARLOS M COLLEEN4665 ANDROS LN  #200WILMINGTON, NC 284094665 ANDROS LN  WILMINGTON ARNOLD KAREN MICHAEL 170 HARLEYVILLE RD SALTVILLE, VA 24370653 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON AV HOLDINGS LLC100 AQUA VISTA DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094580 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON BENBASSAT SABRINA 4669 ANDROS LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124669 ANDROS LN  WILMINGTON BENNETT TIMOTHY R5003 BLUE GRASS CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095003 BLUE GRASS CT  WILMINGTON BERRY BRUCE708 CROWS NEST CT WILMINGTON, NC 284094804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON BESNER REJEAN NATHALIA9317 KITE ST BURKE, VA 220154804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON BLACKMAN PATRICK DECIA JOHN4612 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094612 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON BLACKMORE CORONADA 4804 COLLEGE RD SWILMINGTON, NC 284124804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON BOVA DAVID A SHEILA M11 STRATTON CIR TROY, NY 121824564 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON CLUCAS ASHLEY B4708 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094708 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON CPGPI STILL MEADOW LLC 1330 SAINT MARYS ST STE 1RALEIGH, NC 276054632 STILL MEADOW DR WILMINGTON CREECH FREDERICK E BEVERLY L 4707 WOODS EDGE DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094707 WOODS EDGE DR  WILMINGTON CUNLIFFE JOSEPH D KATHLEEN M645 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409645 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON DORAN KELLY5001 RANCHWOOD CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095001 RANCHWOOD CT  WILMINGTON FERDINANDO KEITH5116 TREYBROOKE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409649 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON FINCANNON DAVID L LISA P 4607 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094607 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON FIRST STEP LLC8909 BLUFF CT WILMINGTON, NC 284114804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON GARRISON MICHAEL R ETAL 654 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409654 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON GOODMAN RODNEY ETAL 4576 EXUMA LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124576 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON GRIFFIN TIMOTHY A JILL RENEE5002 RANCHWOOD CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095002 RANCHWOOD CT  WILMINGTON GRUNDMAN WARREN J661 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409661 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON GULISH KRISTIN4566 EXUMA LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124566 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON HALL NOVELLA669 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409669 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON HALL SUSAN ANNETTE650 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409650 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON HILL LINCOLN GLORIA S4617 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094617 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON HOWARD JASON W 4586 EXUMA LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124586 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON JARVIS HAROLD W JENNIFER R4608 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094608 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON JEWEL MICHAEL C TAMMY B637 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409637 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON JOHNSON LINDA C TITUS D4616 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094616 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON JOHNSTON BARBARA S4578 EXUMA LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124578 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON KEENAN MICHAEL J SR DIANE P4700 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094700 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON KEGLEY GEOFFREY G ROBIN M5912 WINDJAMMER DR WILMINGTON, NC 284095912 WINDJAMMER DR  WILMINGTON KELLY WALTER L DAISY W4701 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094701 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON KINNEY MICHAEL R ROBIN S646 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409646 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON KRUEGER CHARLES C ETAL657 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409657 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON KUHNE JUANITA S5000 BLUE GRASS CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095000 BLUE GRASS CT  WILMINGTON LACKEY THOMAS R JUDY L 924 MOUNT CALVARY LN VALE, NC 28168638 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON LAROSE KENNETH E KOREEN M4604 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094604 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON LAWRENCE JERRY KAREN6040 MARION POINT CT BELEWS CREEK, NC 270094804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON MAJAC PROPERTIES LLC 3600 COLLEGE RD SWILMINGTON, NC 284124804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON MANNING RICHARD RACHEL 5000 RANCHWOOD CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095000 RANCHWOOD CT  WILMINGTON MCCARTHY BRIAN ETAL 4705 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094705 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON MEEHL JOHN B CATHERINE M4704 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094704 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON MILLER WALTER J II RITA L 4712 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094712 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON MUTHAIAH MUTHUVEL RAMYA8012 WADE GREEN PL CARY, NC 275194804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON NOLES LLOYD G TERESA A4620 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094620 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON PALESE EILEEN J4667 ANDROS LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124667 ANDROS LN  WILMINGTON POWELL MORRIS F JR KAREN S 5002 BLUE GRASS CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095002 BLUE GRASS CT  WILMINGTON RIGDON RONALD JR STACEY 5005 BLUE GRASS CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095005 BLUE GRASS CT  WILMINGTON RISLEY RYAN665 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409665 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON RIVERA DONNA A ETAL 4568 EXUMA LN WILMINGTON, NC 284124568 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON SAVIANO CLAUDIO5911 TROPIC CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095911 TROPIC CT  WILMINGTON SAYLORS WATCH HOA 3530 LEWIS LOOP BOLIVIA, NC 284224590 EXUMA LN  WILMINGTON SELVARAJ PUNJAI UMARANI403 CARRIAGE WOODS CIR CARY, NC 276074804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON SHARPE JEFFREY L SHAWN W PO BOX 217ALAMANCE, NC 272014804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON SIMPSON COLIN W 641 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409641 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON SMITH ELIZABETH C5001 BLUE GRASS CT WILMINGTON, NC 284095001 BLUE GRASS CT  WILMINGTON SOUZA WELLINGTON JOANNA4716 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094716 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON SPEARS GRANT H2540 BATCHELDER ST APT 3EBROOKLYN, NY 112354613 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON STAUF MARGUERITE D642 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409642 HIDDEN VALLEY RD  WILMINGTON STOWE FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 15773WILMINGTON, NC 284085912 TROPIC CT  WILMINGTON SURESH BABU VIMALA 516 CARRIAGE WOODS CIR RALEIGH, NC 276074804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON TEAGARDEN APRIL 4600 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094600 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON THOMA DAWN M3500 BAILIWYCK WAY WILMINGTON, NC 284095917 WINDJAMMER DR  WILMINGTON TRINITY REFORMED ORTHODOX CHURCH3801 WILSHIRE BLVD WILMINGTON, NC 284034725 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON TROUT ROBB KACEY L5916 WINDJAMMER DR WILMINGTON, NC 284095916 WINDJAMMER DR  WILMINGTON VALDIRI ERNESTO MARTHA GARAY 3901 WILLOWICK PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094804 COLLEGE RD S WILMINGTON WEDGEFIELD/CROSSWINDS SO HOA 4744 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094602 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON WILLIAMS ANGELO D ANITA M B 4713 WEDGEFIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 284094713 WEDGEFIELD DR  WILMINGTON Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 28 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal January 16, 2020 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: A Performance Residential Townhome Development My clients are interested in developing a 22-unit residential community on lands within the proximity of your property. This proposal would require a Conditional Zoning District approval from New Hanover County. A Conditional Zoning District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed. A plan of the project layout is enclosed. The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties. This provides neighbors with an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28th, at the Arab Shrine Club, 4510 S. College Road, 6:00 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 910-620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 29 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2- 7 - 30 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 8 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 2- 9 - 1 N E W HA N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 3/5/2020 Regular DE PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Gideon Smith C O N TA C T(S ): Gideon Smith, B rad Schuler, Senior Planner, Wayne C lark, Planning and L and U se D irector S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 20-05) – Request by Design S olu4ons on behalf of the property owner, Redland Development I ncorporated, to rezone approximately 7.15 acres of land located at 8814 M arket S treet, north of Futch C reek Road, from R-15, Residen4al District, and B-1, N eighborhood Business District, to (C Z D) R M F-M , Residen4al M ul4-Family M oderate Density District, and (C Z D) C B, C ommunity B usiness District, in order to develop 96 mul4- family dwelling units and a 4,000 square foot retail sales/office building. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 7.15 acres from R -15 (approximately 6.70 acres) and B -1 (approximately 0.45 acres) to (C ZD) R M F -M and (C ZD) C B for the develo pment of mul1-family dwellings (apartments) and a retail sa les/offi ce building. As propo sed, the R MF-M po r1o n o f the site would be 6.50 acres and the C B por1on would be 0.65 acres. T he co nceptual plan indic ates the propo sed apartments will consist o f four 24-unit buildings (96 total units). Each of the apartment buildings will be three-stories and limited to 45 feet in height. T he commerc ial co mponent of this proposal will be a one story/4,000 square foot retail sales/offi ce building and will share access with the residen1al por1on of the site, as well as the B enjamin Moore Paint commercial development to the north. As currently zo ned, R -15, the subjec t site wo uld be permi<ed a maximum o f 17 dwelling units under the performance residen1al standards. T he property c o uld currently generate approxima tely 13 trips in the AM pea k and 17 trips in the P M peak hours. T he trips generated from the B -1 po r1o n o f the property would vary based on the commercial use of the site. For general ref erence, if the B -1 por1on of the site was develo ped with a typical approximate 25% building footprint, a 5,000 square f o o t shopping/strip center or co mparable develo pment co uld be built and would generate an es1mated 59 trips in bo th the A M and P M peak ho urs. T he total trips es1mated to be generated f ro m the site as currently zoned is about 72 in the A M peak and 76 in the P M peak hours. T he pro posed applica1o n to condi1onally rezo ne the subjec t property to a (C ZD ) R MF-M district is for 96 mul1-family dwellings. T his pro posed mul1-family use is es1mated to generate about 33 trips in the A M peak and 43 trip in the P M peak. I n addi1o n, the proposed 4,000 square foot retail/office building is es1mated to generate 50 A M and P M peak trips. As a result, the to tal number of trips es1mated for the site under the propo sed zoning is 83 trips in the A M peak and 93 trips in the P M peak. W hen co mparing the propo sed rezoning to the current zo ning, the cumula1ve impact is expected to increase traffic by 11 trips in the A M peak and 17 trips in the P M peak. Access is provided to the subject pro perty by U S 17, just north of Futch C reek Roa d. As pro posed, the co mmercia l and residen1al uses will share one driveway o ff U S 17. Preliminary N C D OT c o mments indicate a right turn lane will be required and specifi c details will be determined during the driveway permiEng process. I n addi1on, the applicant has agreed to c o nnect the pro posed co mmercial parking lot to the exis1ng commerc ial lot to the no rth (B enjamin Moore Paint). Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 Turning mo vements associated with the propo sed driveway are limited to right-in/right-out because of the median along U S 17. Motorists leaving the subject site and wan1ng to travel south wo uld be required to exit the site and travel north approximately 400 feet to the nearest signalized U -turn. Although the pro posed use does no t meet the 100 peak ho ur trips thresho ld to require a T I A, the T I A completed for the nearby O aks at Murray Farms in December 2019 analyzed intersec1ons near this propo sed development. T hat T I A concluded tha t the intersec1o ns of U S 17 at Market Street/Futch C reek Ro ad and the U S 17 u-turn no rth o f Futch C reek Ro ad are currently o pera1ng at acceptable levels o f service and a re projected to con1nue to be at acceptable levels in the future with or without the O aks at Murray Farms project. According the C ounty ’s general watershed data, the downstrea m ouGall o f the site flows southeast to a tributa ry of Futch C reek. I f this request is appro ved, direc1o n of the downstream flow will be verified during the T R C review process when mo re detailed engineering design is completed. T he a pplic ant is pro posing to design the stormwater facili1es for the pro ject to meet the C ounty ’s requirement to a handle a 25-year sto rm event (≈8 inches o f rain o ver a 24-hour period). T he subject property is located in an area designated as a C o mmunity Mixed U se place type because the C omprehensive Plan an1cipated the development o f higher intensity uses alo ng this corridor. T he propo sal includes moderate density mul1fa mily (a ppro ximately 14.8 units per acre) to provide an addi1o nal transi1on between the commercial area along the corridor and exis1ng residen1al develo pment. T he proposed residen1al densi1es for the project are in line with tho se recommended for residen1al develo pments in C ommunity Mixed U se Areas (12-15 units per acre for mul1family). I n addi1on, the propo sed development would loca te community-scaled retail and office immediately adjacent to the highway and exis1ng commercial uses. T he requested C B rezoning could allow for a variety of offi ce, retail, housing, and recrea1o nal uses that wo uld be appropriate in this area, and co mmercia l districts, like C B, are iden1fied as typical zoning categories for use in the C ommunity Mixed U se Place type. T he pro posed co ndi1o nal R M F-M and C B rezoning is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the 2016 C omprehensive Plan because the propo sed C B por1on of the pro ject will pro vide for the types o f retail and offi c e uses reco mmended for C ommunity Mixed U se a rea s, the densi1es propo sed f o r the mul1-family po r1o n of the project a re in line with those suggested for that place type, and the projec t will provide an appro priate tra nsi1o n between a majo r highwa y corridor and exis1ng lower density residen1al development. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Economic DevelopmentE ncourage development of complete communi1es in the unincorporated countyC i1zens have daily needs met by N H C businesses and support themE nsure N H C has appropriate housing to support business growthI ncrease connec1vity of residents to each other and their investment to N ew Hanover C ounty R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends approval of this applica1on and suggests the following mo1on: I move to A P P R OV E the pro posed rezoning to a (C Z D ) R M F-M and (C ZD ) C B district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purpo ses and intent of the C o mprehensive Pla n because the pro posed C B po r1o n of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for C ommunity Mixed U se areas, the densi1es proposed for the mul1-family po r1o n of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the pro ject will provide an appropriate transi1on between a major highway corridor and exis1ng lo wer density residen1a l development. I also find A P P R OVA L of the rezo ning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal has poten1al to provide services to the adjacent residen1al neighborhoods and could reduce the need to travel on Market Street Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 A lterna4ve M o4on for Denial I move to D E N Y the pro posed rezo ning to a (C ZD) R M F-M and (C ZD ) C B district. While I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purpo ses and intent of the C o mprehensive Pla n because the pro posed C B po r1o n of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for C ommunity Mixed U se areas, the densi1es proposed for the mul1-family po r1o n of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the pro ject will provide an appropriate transi1o n between a major highway corrido r and exis1ng lo wer density residen1al development, I find DE N I A L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anager) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 SCRIPT for Conditional Zoning District Application (Z20-05) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Redland Development Incorporated, to rezone approximately 7.15 acres of land located at 8814 Market Street, north of Futch Creek Road, from R-15, Residential District, and B-1, Neighborhood Business District, to (CZD) RMF-M, Residential Multi-Family Moderate Density District, and (CZD) CB, Community Business District, in order to develop 96 multi-family dwelling units and a 4,000 square foot retail sales/office building. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion of Approval I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed CB portion of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for Community Mixed Use areas, the densities proposed for the multi-family portion of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the project will provide an appropriate transition between a major highway corridor and existing lower density residential development. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal has potential to provide services to the adjacent residential neighborhoods and could reduce the need to travel on Market Street. Example Motion of Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed CB portion of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for Community Mixed Use areas, the densities proposed for the multi-family portion of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the project will provide an appropriate transition between a major highway corridor and existing lower density residential development, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning to a conditional (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 1 of 12 STAFF REPORT FOR Z20-05 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z20-05 Request: Zoning Map amendment to rezone 7.15 acres from R-15 and B-1 to (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB to develop 96 multi-family dwelling units and a 4,000 square foot retail sales/office building. Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions Redland Development Incorporated Location: Acreage: 8800 block of US 17 7.15 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02900-003-032-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Multi-Family Dwellings & Retail/Office Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15 and B-1 (CZD) RMF-M Residential Multi-Family Moderate- Density & (CZD) CB Community Business SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Professional Office, Commercial, and Institutional B-1, (CZD) B-1, R-15 East Single-Family Residential R-15 South Single-Family Residential, Commercial, Undeveloped R-15, R-7, B-1 West US 17 Right-of-Way, Single-Family Residential, Multi- Family Residential, Undeveloped R-15, (CUD) O&I Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 2 of 12 ZONING HISTORY July 6, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 and B-1 (Area 5) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Specific design will be determined during site plan review. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Porters Neck Schools Porters Neck Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools For more information, see the full School statistics below. Recreation Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 2 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 3 of 12 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN  The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 7.15 acres from R-15 (approximately 6.70 acres) and B-1 (approximately 0.45 acres) to (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB for the development of multi-family dwellings (apartments) and a retail sales/office building. As proposed, the RMF-M portion of the site would be 6.50 acres and the CB portion would be 0.65 acres.  The conceptual plan indicates the proposed apartments will consist of four 24-unit buildings (96 total units). Each of the apartment buildings will be three-stories and limited to 45 feet in height. The commercial component of this proposal will be a one story/4,000 square foot retail sales/office building and will share access with the residential portion of the site, as well as the Benjamin Moore Paint commercial development to the north. Below: Applicant’s Conceptual Plan with Staff Markups. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 3 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 4 of 12 Above: Commercial (CB) Component of the Applicant’s Conceptual Plan with Staff Markups Below: Multi-Family (RMF-M) Component of the Applicant’s Conceptual Plan with Staff Markups Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 4 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 5 of 12  According the County’s general watershed data, the downstream outfall of the site flows southeast to a tributary of Futch Creek. If this request is approved, direction of the downstream flow will be verified during the TRC review process when more detailed engineering design is completed. The applicant is proposing to design the stormwater facilities for the project to meet the County’s requirement to a handle a 25-year storm event (≈8 inches of rain over a 24-hour period).  If approved, the applicant will be required to obtain both a State and County Stormwater Permit prior to construction. New Hanover County Engineering will require a Stormwater Authorization-to-Construct and stormwater control measures are required to maintain the pre-development runoff rate for the 2-, 10-, and 25-year storms. In addition, analysis for the 100-year storm is required to verify that no buildings are flooded. Other New Hanover County stormwater requirements will be reviewed and verified during the TRC review process. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS  Under the County’s performance residential standards, the current residentially zoned portion of the property (R-15/6.70 acres) would allow up to 17 dwelling units at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is proposing 96 multi-family dwellings on 6.5 acres at a net density of 14.77 dwelling units per acre, which is an increase of 79 dwelling units over the current zoning, but is below the maximum density of the RMF- M district that would allow 111 dwelling units (17 dwelling units per acre).  The portion of the property zoned B-1 would allow for the development of traditional commercial uses like restaurants, offices, and retail establishments. At approximately 0.45 acres, it is estimated that the portion of the property zoned B-1 could support about 5,000 square feet of commercial related uses based on a typical 25% building area. Alternatively, the B-1 portion of the site could be developed residentially if a special use permit is obtained. However, any dwelling units would have to be part of a mixed use development.  A 20-foot opaque bufferyard is required between the multi-family buildings and the abutting single-family housing. TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided to the subject property by US 17, just north of Futch Creek Road. As proposed, the commercial and residential uses will share one driveway off US 17. Preliminary NCDOT comments indicate a right turn lane will be required and specific details will be determined during the driveway permitting process. In addition, the applicant has agreed to connect the proposed commercial parking lot to the existing commercial lot to the north (Benjamin Moore Paint).  Turning movements associated with the proposed driveway are limited to right-in/right-out because of the median along US 17. Motorists leaving the subject site and wanting to travel south would be required to exit the site and travel north approximately 400 feet to the nearest signalized U-turn.  As currently zoned, R-15, the subject site would be permitted a maximum of 17 dwelling units under the performance residential standards. The property could currently generate approximately 13 trips in the AM peak and 17 trips in PM peak hours. The trips generated from the B-1 portion of the property would vary based on the commercial use of the site. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 5 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 6 of 12  If the B-1 portion of the site was developed with a typical approximate 25% building footprint, a 5,000 square foot shopping/strip center or comparable development could be built and would generate an estimated 59 trips in both the AM and PM peak hours.  The total trips estimated to be generated from the site as currently zoned is about 72 in the AM peak and 76 in the PM peak hours.  The proposed application to conditionally rezone the subject property to a (CZD) RMF-M district is for 96 multi-family dwellings. This proposed multi-family use is estimated to generate about 33 trips in the AM peak and 43 trip in the PM peak. In addition, the proposed 4,000 square foot retail/office building is estimated to generate 50 AM and PM peak trips. As a result, the total number of trips estimated for the site under the proposed zoning is 83 trips in the AM peak and 93 trips in the PM peak. When comparing the proposed rezoning to the current zoning, the cumulative impact is expected to increase traffic by 11 trips in the AM peak and 17 trips in the PM peak. Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 17 single-family homes 5,000 sf shopping/strip mall 72 AM / 76 PM Proposed Development under Proposed RMF-M/CB Zoning: 96 multi-family dwellings 4,000 sf of retail/office 83 AM / 93 PM Net Increase under Proposed RMF-M/CB Zoning: – 11 AM / 17 PM  Although the proposed use does not meet the 100 peak hour trips threshold to require a TIA, the TIA completed for the nearby Oaks at Murray Farms in December 2019 analyzed intersections near this proposed development. That TIA concluded that the intersections of US 17 at Market Street/Futch Creek Road and the US 17 u-turn north of Futch Creek Road are currently operating at acceptable levels of service and are projected to continue to be at acceptable levels in the future with or without the Oaks at Murray Farms project.  Staff has also provided the volume to capacity ratio for US 17 near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. Traffic Counts - 2019 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C US 17 10000 Block (north of Sidbury Road in Pender County) 47,656 31,900 1.49 Market Street 8000 Block (north of Sweetwater Drive) 46,539 43,700 1.06 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 6 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 7 of 12 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects:  STIP Project U-4751 (Military Cutoff Extension) o Project to extend Military Cutoff from Market Street to I-140. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in late 2022/early 2023. o The project will also install a sidewalk and multi-use path along the extension of Military Cutoff and the sections of Market Street included in the project.  NCDOT Project – Installation of an Additional Southbound Exit Lane on US-17 onto Market Street o The Board of Commissioners recently adopted a resolution to support the installation of an additional southbound exit lane at the US 17/Market Street Interchange. The project is a candidate for funding through the State’s High Impact Low Cost program. o While funding for this program is currently on hold due to NCDOT's cash flow balance, NCDOT Division 3 has been requested to submit everything needed for the Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 7 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 8 of 12 fund requests to the Board of Transportation so there is no delay when funding becomes available. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Porters Neck Development (Oaks at Murray Farm)  58 Single-family dwellings  348 Multi-family dwellings  Approved December 6, 2019  Full Build: 2023 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a second right turn lane on Futch Creek Road/Market Street at its intersection with US 17. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Waterstone Development Status: Pending approval of the conditional rezoning. The item is scheduled to be heard at the April 6, 2020 Board of Commissioners meeting. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 2. Scotts Hill Medical Park  132,000 sf Office  18,000 sf Medical Office  32,000 sf Shopping Center  9,000 sf Pharmacy with Drive-Through  Approved August 5, 2019  Phase 1 & 2: 2020 Build Out Year  Full Build: 2022 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a northbound U-turn lane on US 17 south of Scott Hill Loop Road.  Installation of a southbound left turn lane on US 17 at Scotts Hill Medical Drive.  Installation of a northbound right turn lane, removal of the barrier from the southbound left turn lane, and signalization of the intersection on US 17 at the site’s southern access point. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Scotts Hill Village  Coastal Prep Academy Development Status: Phase 1 of the medical park has been platted consisting of 3 lots. Currently, one office building is being constructed. No roadway improvements have been completed at this time. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 8 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 9 of 12 SCHOOLS  Students generated from this development would be assigned to Porters Neck Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools.  Seventeen dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and 96 units would be allowed under the proposed zoning for an increase of 79 dwelling units  Based on average student generation rates,* there are an average of 0.24 public school students (0.11 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. The proposed development can be estimated to generate 18.9 (8.5 elementary, 4.3 middle, and 6.2 high) more students than if developed under existing zoning. *Average student generation rates are calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year by the estimated number of dwelling units in the county. Whi le different housing types and different locations typically yield different numbers of students, these average generation rates can provide a general guide for the number of students to anticipate. Total projected student enrollment was used, which includes students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTECH. School Enrollment* and Capacity**—2021-2022 Estimates *Enrollment is based on projected New Hanover County Schools enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined by New Hanover County Schools for the 2020-2021 school year and are based on NC DPI Facility Guidelines & Class Size Requirements. Modifications refer to specific program requirements unique to a particular school. These may include exceptional children’s classrooms beyond the original building design; classrooms to serve a unique population such as ESL; or classrooms designated for art and music if the building wasn’t specifically designed with those spaces. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  The property is within the Futch Creek (SA;HQW) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class III (severe limitation) soils, however, the site will be served by CFPUA water and sewer. Level Total NHC % Capacity School Enrollment of Assigned School Capacity of Assigned School w/ Portables % of Capacity of Assigned School Funded Capacity Upgrades Elementary 97% Porters Neck 475 552 86% None Middle 107% Holly Shelter 917 934 98% None High 105% Laney 2063 1903 108% None Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 9 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 10 of 12 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Analysis The subject property is located along U.S. Hwy 17 just east of the intersection with the I-140 Bypass and the Porters Neck growth node. It is immediately adjacent to both existing commercial and single family residential fronting the highway. The site is designated as a Community Mixed Use place type because the Comprehensive Plan anticipated the development of higher intensity uses along this corridor, as conversion of existing single family homes to commercial is likely and new single family homes are unlikely in the future. This place type designation is common for areas along major roads and provides a transition to lower density residential properties located away from the roadway. The proposed development would locate community-scaled retail and office immediately adjacent to the highway and existing commercial uses. The requested CB rezoning could allow for a variety of office, retail, housing, and recreational uses that would be appropriate in this area, and commercial districts, like CB, are identified as typical zoning categories for use in the Community Mixed Use Place type. In addition, the CB district was one of the new zoning tools added to the county’s development ordinances in 2019 and is intended to serve as a buffer between higher intensity Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 10 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 11 of 12 development (including major roadways) and lower density multi-family and single family neighborhoods. The proposal also includes moderate density multifamily (approximately 14.8 units per acre) to provide an additional transition between the commercial area along the corridor and existing residential development. The proposed residential densities for the project are in line with those recommended for residential developments in Community Mixed Use Areas (12-15 units per acre for multifamily). Consistency Recommendation The proposed conditional CB and RMF-M rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed CB portion of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for Community Mixed Use areas, the densities proposed for the multi-family portion of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the project will provide an appropriate transition between a major highway corridor and existing lower density residential development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed CB portion of the project has potential to provide services to the adjacent residential neighborhoods and could reduce the need to travel on Market Street. The community scale commercial and moderate density residential would provide an orderly transition between existing lower density residential neighborhoods and development adjacent to Market Street, and would align with the Comprehensive Plan’s goal of providing more diversity of housing types. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed CB portion of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for Community Mixed Use areas, the densities proposed for the multi-family portion of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the project will provide an appropriate transition between a major highway corridor and existing lower density residential development. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal has potential to provide services to the adjacent residential neighborhoods and could reduce the need to travel on Market Street. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-M and (CZD) CB district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed CB portion of the project will provide for the types of retail and office uses recommended for Community Mixed Use areas, the densities proposed for the multi-family portion of the project are in line with those suggested for that place type, and the project will provide an appropriate transition between a major highway Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 11 Z20-05 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 12 of 12 corridor and existing lower density residential development, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 12 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 1 Page 4 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: ______________________ Total Acreage of Proposed District: __________ Only uses allowed by right in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (please provide additional pages if needed). ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Proposed Condition(s) Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding General Use District regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (CZD)MF-M 6.50 AC. PROPOSED FOUR(4)THREE-STORY/24-UNITAPARTMENTBUILDINGSWITHACCESSORYAMENITYAREA, PARKING&STORMWATERFACILITY. **REFERENCESITEPLANFORSITELAYOUT&IMPROVEMENTS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 2 Page 5 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: _________________________________________________________________________________ Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.): __________________________________ AM Peak Hour Trips: ___________________________ PM Peak Hour Trips: ______________________________ CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community-at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Use Zoning District meets the following criteria. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development? (For example: the Comprehensive Plan and applicable small area plans) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property’s classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 4000S.F.RETAIL (820)/96MID-RISEAPTS (221) CALCULATEDPERGFA&DWELLINGS 53 /33=86 53 /43=96 Thepoliciesforgrowthanddevelopmentencouragesafeandaffordablehousingtobeavailabletoevery citizen.SustainabilityoftheCountydependsonsensiblein-fillandmaximizinguseoflandsalready accessibletoservices. ThetractisidentifiedintheComprehensiveLandUsePlanasaCommunityMixed-useplacetype.Theplan suggestshigherdensitiestosupportthesmall-scale,compactdevelopmentpatternsthattheplacetype promotes.Theproposeddevelopmentisanacceptabletransitionbetweenthebusyhighwaycorridorand themoreestablishedsingle-familyhousingbeyondtheboundaryofthetract. MarketStreet(USHwy17)isamajorthoroughfareofthecommunity.Single-familyresidencesareless attractivealongverybusytrafficcorridors.Transitionofdensityisanacceptableplanningstrategy. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 5 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 3 - 7 - 6 Legal Descriptions for  Conditional Zoning Districts  at 8814 Market Street    Rezoning 0.65 acres+/‐ from R‐15 & B‐1 to (CZD) CB:    Beginning at a point in the southeastern boundary of Market Street (U.S. Hwy. 17), a variable width public  right‐of‐way; said point being located approximately 410 feet along the boundary from its intersection with  the northeastern boundary of Old Market Street (a.k.a. Futch Creek Road Extension); and running thence with  the Market Street right‐of‐way:    North 42024’57” East, 155.75 feet to a point; thence  South 48001’59” East, 196.60 feet to a point in the southeastern boundary of a 30’ Duke Power  Right‐of‐way; thence with that easement,  South 42022’34” West, 138.89 feet to a point; thence  North 53001’58” West, 193.47 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 0.65 acres, more or less.    Rezoning 6.50 acres+/‐ from R‐15 & B‐1 to (CZD) RMF‐M:    Beginning at a point in the southeastern boundary of a 30’ Duke Power Right‐of‐Way; said point being located  approximately 410 feet along the southeastern boundary of Market Street (U.S. Hwy. 17), a variable with  public right‐of‐way, from its intersection with the northeastern boundary of Old Market Street (a.k.a. Futch  Creek Road Extension), thence North 42024’57” East, 155.75 feet, thence South 48001’59” East, 196.60 feet to  the point of beginning; and running thence from the that point of beginning:    South 48001’59” East, 4.09 feet to a point; thence  South 44028’37” East, 177.72 feet to a point; thence  South 47007’47” East, 135.05 feet to a point; thence  South 47020’31” East, 134.59 feet to a point; thence  South 43008’49” West, 236.54 feet to a point; thence  South 46011’17” West, 419.97 feet to a point; thence  South 49041’16” East, 105.47 feet to a point; thence  South 46005’01” West, 40.20 feet to a point; thence  North 49043’30” West, 512.22 feet to a point; thence  North 47027’07” East, 1.28 feet to a point; thence  North 00057’32” West, 33.46 feet to a point; thence  South 51018’49” East, 183.63 feet to a point; thence  North 43004’42” East, 150.37 feet to a point; thence  North 51018’49” West, 100.05 feet to a point; thence  South 43003’39” West, 47.17 feet to a point; thence  North 50054’37” West, 113.33 feet to a point; thence  North 42030’50” East, 242.05 feet to a point; thence  South 52038’43” East, 45.99 feet to a point; thence  North 42037’10” East, 75.22 feet to a point; thence  South 53004’19” East, 124.09 feet to a point; thence  North 42034’31” East, 134.89 feet to a point; thence  North 53001’58” West, 131.00 feet to a point in the Duke Power Right‐of‐Way; thence with that line,  North 42022’34” East, 138.89 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 6.50 acres, more or less.  Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 7 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Project Name: Pinnacle Apartments (8814 Market Street) Proposed Zoning: R-15 & B-1 to (CZD) RMF-M The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on December 16, 2019 . A copy of that written notice and the list of recipients is attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Wednesday, December 30, 2019, 6:00 p.m.; at the Pender County Annex auditorium, 15060 Hwy 17, Hampstead. The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Reference attached sign-in list. The following issues were discussed at the meeting: A brief presentation was given on the proposed project. Several people were confusing it with the on-going Oaks at Murray Farms petition. It was explained that all traffic from this project would access Hwy. 17 directly. Other concerns were over the drainage that currently traverses the site. That flow will be bi-passed within a piped system in a public drainage easement. Runoff from the subject development will be maintained in an on-site pond meeting the pre- / post- detention requirements. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the petition: No changes were made to the concept layout for four (4) three-story / 24-unit buildings, but the plan has been better detailed for submittal. Date: February 4, 2020 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 8 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 9 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 10 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 11 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 3 - 7 - 1 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 3 - 7 - 1 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 3 - 7 - 1 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 3 - 7 - 1 5 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 3 - 7 - 1 6 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 17 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 8 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 9 - 1 N E W HA N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 3/5/2020 Regular DE PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): B rad Schuler, Senior Planner C O N TA C T(S ): Ron Meredith, B rad Schuler, Senior Planner S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 20-06) - Request by B lue Ridge Atlan5c C ommunity Development on behalf of the property owners, B H C P roper5es, L LC , to rezone approximately 4.77 acres of land located at 205 and 217 M iddle S ound L oop Road, from R-15, Residen5al District, to (C Z D) R M F-M , Residen5al M ul5-Family M oderate Density District, in order to develop 72 S enior L iving mul5-family dwelling units. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is propo sing to rezone approximately 4.77 acres from R -15 to (C ZD) R M F-M in o rder to c o nstruct a senior living apartment complex consis*ng of 72 units. T he residents of the propo sed develo pment will be restricted to 55 yea rs o f age and o lder. T he 72 units will be located within o ne 3 story building with a pro posed height o f 42 feet. T he propo sed building and driveway loca*on have been posi*oned to save exis*ng large trees along Middle Sound L oop Road. T he site is located nea r the O gden co mmercial no de, east of the intersec*o n o f Market Street and Middle Sound L oop Road, and will have direct access to Middle Sound L oop Road. As c urrently zo ned, the subject site site wo uld be permi4ed a maximum o f 12 dwelling units under the performance residen*al standards. A detached single-f amily ho me typically generates abo ut o ne trip during the P M pea k hour. As a result o f their classifica*o n as a4ached Senior Adult Housing, the propo sed 72 senior living apartments are es*mated to generate a bout 14 trips in the AM peak and 20 trips in the P M peak. T heref o re, the proposal would result in an es*mated increase of 5 trips in the A M peak and 8 trips in the P M peak. T he 2016 C o mprehensive Plan classifi es the property as General Residen*al, however, the site abuts the U rban Mixed U se place type and is abu<ng a religio us ins*tu*o n and is nearby to the Publix sho pping C enter. W hile at a higher density than generally recommended for Genera l Residen*al areas, the propo sed development, which is lo cated in a transi*onal area between the General Residen*al and U rban Mixed U se places, is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the C omprehensive Plan’s intent to transi*on between higher intensity uses and exis*ng residen*al areas, to preserve natural areas, and to provide for a range of housing types, opportuni*es, and choices. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: Good GovernanceEffec*ve C ounty ManagementD eliver quality service at the right *me R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 S taff recommends approval and suggests the following mo*on: I move to A P P R OV E the propo sed rezo ning to a (C ZD ) R M F-M district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C o mprehensive Plan because the propo sal pro vides an orderly transi*on between higher intensity uses and exis*ng residen*al areas, preserves natural area, and pro vides a range of housing types. I also find A P P R OVA L o f the rezoning request is reaso nable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by pro viding diverse ho using o p*ons a nd will preserve exis*ng large trees on the site. [Op5onal] N ote any condi*ons to be added to the district: 1. T he residents will be restricted to 55 years of age and older. 2. I n addi*on to the C ounty ’s tree reten*on standards, the property o wner shall retain and preserve all trees as illustrated on the proposed conceptual site plan unless: T he tree has been proven to directly a ffect the installa*on, or cause damage to, any required infrastructure (i.e. water/sewer lines, stormwater, etc.); T he tree is proven to be dead, dying, or severely damaged; or T he tree is in an unsafe condi*on that may cause harm to the residents or general public. A lterna5ve M o5on for Denial I move to DE N Y the propo sed rezo ning to a C Z D R M F-M district. W hile I fi nd it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C o mprehensive Plan because the propo sal pro vides an orderly transi*on between higher intensity uses and exis*ng residen*al areas and provides a ra nge o f housing types. I find D E N I A L o f the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the pro posal is not consistent with the desired character of the surro unding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anager) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z20-06) Request by Blue Ridge Atlantic Community Development on behalf of the property owner, BHC Properties, LLC, to rezone approximately 4.77 acres of land located at 205 and 217 Middle Sound Loop Road, from R-15, Residential District, to (CZD) RMF-M, Residential Multi-Family Moderate Density District, in order to develop 72 Senior Living multi -family dwelling units. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion of Approval I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-M district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential areas, preserves natural areas, and provides a range of housing types. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options and will preserve existing large trees on the site. [Optional] Note any conditions to be added to the district: 1. The residents will be restricted to 55 years of age and older. 2. In addition to the County’s tree retention standards, the property owner shall retain and preserve all trees as illustrated on the proposed conceptual site plan unless: a. The tree has been proven to directly affect the installation, or cause damage to, any required infrastructure (i.e. water/sewer lines, stormwater, etc.); b. The tree is proven to be dead, dying, or severely damaged; or c. The tree is in an unsafe condition that may cause harm to the residents or general public. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a CZD RMF-M district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential areas and provides a range of housing types. I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning to a conditional RMF-M district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 1 of 11 STAFF REPORT FOR Z20-06 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z20-06 Request: Rezoning to the Residential Multi-Family Moderate Density Zoning District (RMF-M) Applicant: Property Owner(s): Christoper L. EIsenzimmer of Blue Ridge Atlantic Community Development BHC Properties, LLC Location: Acreage: 205 & 217 Middle Sound Loop Rd 4.77 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R04410-001-008-000, R04410-001-007- 000, R04410-001-009-000, and R04410- 001-010-000 General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Multi-Family Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15 (CZD) RMF-M SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential R-15 East Undeveloped, Multi-Family Residential, and Single-Family Residential R-15, R-15 Additional Dwelling Allowance (8.92 du/ac ) South Single-Family Residential R-15 West Religious Institution R-15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 1 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 2 of 11 ZONING HISTORY May 18, 1970 and July 7, 1972 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 3 and Area 8B) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer will be provided by CFPUA. Specific design will be determined during site plan review. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Ogden Fire District Station 16 Schools Castle Hayne Elementary, Ogden Elementary, Noble Middle, and Laney (No impacts expected due to age restricted condition) Recreation Ogden Park, Parkwood Recreation Area, Smith Creek Park ,Smith Creek Park Preserve, and Kings Grant Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation Conservation resource maps indicate that swamp forest wetlands may be present on the site. The location of wetlands will be verified and any impacts addressed through the TRC review process when any specific developments are proposed. Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 2 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 3 of 11 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN  The applicant proposes to construct a multi-family development that will consist of up to 72 units, located within one building. The residents will be restricted to age 55 and above. The proposed building will be 3 stories with a maximum height of 42 feet.  The proposed building and driveway location have been positioned to save existing large trees along Middle Sound Loop Road.  The Unified Development Ordinance requires opaque buffers to be provided along property lines of attached housing developments that abut detached or duplex residential uses and undeveloped residentially zoned land within the General Residential place type.  The stormwater pond will be located in the northeastern portion of the site.  The applicant is proposing to design the stormwater facilities for the project to handle up to a 25-year event. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS  Under the current zoning, R-15, the subject site would be permitted a maximum of 12 dwellings at a density of 2.5 du/ac. The proposed 72 units equates to a density of 15.1 du/ac.  The proposed rezoning would increase the number of allowable units on the site by 60 units. However, impacts from senior living apartments are generally less than other multi-family housing (i.e., traffic, noise, schools). Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 3 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 4 of 11  The site is located near the Market/Middle Sound commercial node, east of the intersection of Market Street and Middle Sound Loop Road.  This node contains several commercial businesses including, but not limited to, retail establishments (Publix and Big Lots shopping centers), restaurants (Odgen Tap Room, Smithfields BBQ, Denny’s, Bojangles), personal services (Tame The Mane, The Corner Buzz, dry cleaners), specialty restaurants (Casa Blanca Coffee, Starbucks), and craft beer establishments (Fermental Wine & Beer, The Sour Barn). Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 4 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 5 of 11 TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided to the subject property by Middle Sound Loop Road.  As currently zoned, the estimated total trips associated with 12 single-family homes is about 9 in the AM peak and 12 in the PM peak.  As a result of their classification as attached Senior Adult Housing, the proposed 72 senior living apartments are estimated to generate about 14 trips in the AM peak and 20 trips in the PM peak. Therefore, the proposal would result in an estimated increase of 5 trips in the AM peak and 8 trips in the PM peak. Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 12 single-family homes 9 AM / 12 PM Proposed Development under Proposed (CZD) RMF-M Zoning: 72 age restricted units 14 AM / 20 PM  While the proposal does not meet the 100 peak hour trip threshold to require a Traffic Impact Analysis, traffic impacts are analyzed and improvements may be required by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process.  A recent Traffic Impact Analysis conducted for a proposed mixed-use project on Lendire Road found that the adjacent intersection of Middle Sound Loop Road and Market Street operates at an overall acceptable Level of Service (LOS) of D during the peak hours and is expected to operate at a LOS of E during those hours in 2021.  While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. Recent daily traffic counts for Middle Sound Loop Road in the vicinity of the site indicate the average traffic volumes currently exceed the capacity of the road. However, the proposed development is not expected to significantly impact traffic more than when compared to a development under the existing zoning. Traffic Counts – August 2018 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C Middle Sound Loop Middle Sound Loop 200 Block (directly in front of the site) 12,412 9,600 1.29 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 5 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 6 of 11 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects:  STIP Project U-4751 (Military Cutoff Extension) o Project to extend Military Cutoff from Market Street to I-140. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by early- 2023. o The extension of Military Cutoff will run about 1.15 miles west of the subject site. Lendire Road/Brittany Lakes Drive, Torchwood Boulevard, and Putnam Drive/Bradfield Court will connect to the Military Cutoff extension, allowing access to neighborhoods west Market Street. o The project will also install a sidewalk and multi-use path along the extension of Military Cutoff and the sections of Market Street included in the project. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 6 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 7 of 11 o Installation of an additional exclusive eastbound right-turn lane on Lendire Road at Market Street is required as part of the Ogden Starbucks development. The installation of this improvement will be coordinated with the Military Cutoff Extension project. o NCDOT also intends to perform widening and striping of Lendire Road in 2020. The widening will consist of the addition of 4 feet of asphalt to each side of the road for a total widening of 8 feet. The widening of the road will be from Ogden Business Lane to the Military Cutoff extension right-of-way.  STIP Project U-4902D (Market Street Median) o Project to install a center median and pedestrian accessways along Market Street from Middle Sound Loop Road to Marsh Oaks Drive. The pedestrian accessways will consist of a 10-foot multi-use path on the eastern side of the street, and a 5- foot sidewalk on the western side of the street. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in early- 2023. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 7 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 8 of 11 Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Middle Sound West  288 multi-family units  Small office with 32 employees  Approved August 14, 2019  2021 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a westbound right-turn lane at the site’s access on Lendire Road. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Ogden Starbucks Development Status: Special Use Permit request under review. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 2. Ogden Starbucks  2,200 square foot coffee shop with drive thru  Approved May 10, 2019  2021 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of an additional exclusive eastbound right-turn lane on Lendire Road at Market Street (improvement installation to be coordinated with the Military Cutoff Extension project U-4751). Modification of the signal timing at the same intersection to incorporate the new dual right-turn lanes. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: Complete, however the installation of right-turn lane will be completed with the Military Cutoff extension project. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 8 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 9 of 11 3. Bayshore Commercial Development  20,000 square feet of Medical/Dental Office  70,000 square feet of Shopping Center  8,000 square feet of High Turnover Sit Down Restaurant  4,000 square feet of Fast Food Restaurant  TIA approved September 11, 2019  2022 Build Out Year The TIA requires improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of an additional westbound left turn lane on Bayshore Drive to Market Street  Extension of existing northbound right turn lane on Market Street from Bayshore Drive to the site’s access points Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: The property is zoned B-2, which allows for this development by- right. However, no site plan or permit application have been submitted to County staff for review at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  Existence of wetlands will be verified during the development review process for the site.  The property is within the Howe Creek (SA;ORW) watershed and the Pages Creek (SA;HQW) Watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, Class III (severe limitation, however, the site is expected to be served by CFPUA water and sewer. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 9 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 10 of 11 Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Types of uses include single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational. Analysis The subject property is located near the intersection of Market Street and Middle Sound Loop Road, near the Ogden Market Place shopping center. It is situated between Living Water Ministries Church to the west and an undeveloped lot to the east, with single family homes located to the north and across Middle Sound Loop Road to the south of the property. The overall project density of 15 units per acre is considered moderate according to the range of densities outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. While that is higher than the 0-6 units per acre recommended for General Residential, it is in line with the bordering Urban Mixed Use place type, which is intended for moderate to high (16+ units per acre) residential density. Additionally, the site layout concentrates a majority of the housing units along the western Urban Mixed Use border with approximately only a quarter of the units along the northern property line where the project is closer to existing single family houses. By placing the majority of the density along the adjacent Urban Mixed Use property, the requested CZD RMF-M zoning could assist in providing an orderly transition between the regional business district along Market Street, properties anticipated for higher intensity uses, and existing lower density residential areas. It also supports a range of housing opportunities and choices in the area, as the proposed project is intended, and will be conditioned, to provide affordable age-restricted homes. In addition, the design of this project orients the building along the northern and western side of the property in an effort to preserve a majority of the Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 10 Z20-06 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 11 of 11 significant trees. The existing natural vegetation in the required buffer along the property boundaries will remain undisturbed, as well, to aid in providing an appropriate buffer between the proposed development and existing residences. Consistency Recommendation While at a higher density than generally recommended for General Residential areas, the proposed development, which is located in a transitional area between the General Residential and Urban Mixed Use places, is generally CONSISTENT with the Comprehensive Plan’s intent to transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential areas and providing a range of housing types, opportunities, and choices. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed (CZD) RMF-M rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposal has potential to assist in providing an orderly transition between the regional business district along Market Street, properties anticipated for higher intensity uses, and existing lower density residential areas. It also supports a range of housing opportunities and choices in the area. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-M district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential areas, preserves natural areas, and provides a range of housing types. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options and will preserve existing large tress on the site. [Optional] Note any conditions to be added to the district: 1. The residents will be restricted to 55 years of age and older. 2. In addition to the County’s tree retention standards, the property owner shall retain and preserve all trees as illustrated on the proposed conceptual site plan unless: a. The tree has been proven to directly affect the installation, or cause damage to, any required infrastructure (i.e. water/sewer lines, stormwater, etc.); b. The tree is proven to be dead, dying, or severely damaged; or c. The tree is in an unsafe condition that may cause harm to the residents or general public. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a CZD RMF-M district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential areas and provides a range of housing types. I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 11 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 2 Page 3 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_______________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina Telephone (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT Application Applicant/Agent Information Property Owner(s) If different than Applicant/Agent Name Owner Name Company Owner Name 2 Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email Email Subject Property Information Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Total Parcel(s) Acreage Existing Zoning and Use(s) Future Land Use Classification Application Tracking Information (Staff Only) Case Number Date/Time received: Received by: ChristopherL.Eisenzimmer,CPA BlueRidgeAtlanticCommunityDevelopment 2018EastwoodRoad Wilmington,NC28403 (910)338-3349 chris.e@blueridgeatlantic.com BHCProperties,LLC P.O.Box431 WrightsvilleBeach,NC28480 (910)256-3528 Haroldc@nexthomecapefear.com 205&217MiddleSoundLoopRoad R04410-001-007-000,R04410-001-008-000,R04410-001-009-000,R04410-001-010-000 4.77 R-15(SingleFamilyResidential) FLUP=GeneralResidential;ProposedZoning=CZ-RMF-M(ConditionalZoning,ResidentialMulti-Family-ModerateDensity) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 1 Page 4 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: ______________________ Total Acreage of Proposed District: __________ Only uses allowed by right in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (please provide additional pages if needed). ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Proposed Condition(s) Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding General Use District regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CZ-RMF-M 4.77 Theprojectwillconsistofaproposed72-unitSeniorLivingApartmentCommunityadjacenttoMiddleSoundLoop RoadinWilmington,NC.TheprojectiswithintheNewHanoverCountyPlanningandZoningDistrict.Toachieve theprojectasdesired,aConditionalZoningDistrictapprovalfromR-15toRMF-M(ResidentialMulti-Family– ModerateDensity)isnecessary.TheConditionalZoningDistrictprocessispursuanttotherecentlyadoptedNew HanoverCountyUnifiedDevelopmentOrdinance(the"UDO")underArticle3:ZoningDistricts,section3.2.13RMF- M;Article5:GeneralDevelopmentStandards;Article7:StormwaterManagement;Article8:Erosionand SedimentationControl;Article9:FloodDamagePrevention;andArticle10:AdministrativeProcedures,section 10.3.3ConditionalZoning.OnlyusespermittedunderRMF-MareallowedwithinthisConditionalZoningDistrict. PleaseseetheattachedProjectNarrativeforResidenceatCanopyPointe,SeniorLivingApartmentCommunity. ResidenceatCanopyPointeisnotproposinganyadditionalconditionstoourCZ-RMF-Mrequest. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 2 Page 5 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: _________________________________________________________________________________ Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling u nits, etc.): __________________________________ AM Peak Hour Trips: ___________________________ PM Peak Hour Trips: ______________________________ CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community-at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Use Zoning District meets the following criteria. 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development? (For example: the Comprehensive Plan and applicable small area plans) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2.How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property’s classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan ? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ SeniorAdultHousing-Attached(252) 72-units Enter(5),Exit(9)Enter(11),Exit(9) TheprojectiswithintheGeneralResidentialClassification,theproposedCZ-RFM-Misconsistentwiththe policiesunderGenResfordensity,promotingenviromentallyresponsiblegrowth,fiscallyresponsiblegrowth, encouragesawalkablecommunity,andprovidesarangeofhousingtypeinthearea. ResidenceatCanopyPointeiswithinthe"GeneralResidential"ClassificationundertheFLUP.PlanNHC statesthatGeneralResidentialisappropriateforsingleandmulit-familyresidential.Italsoencourages mixed-income(diversityinhousing)projectswhichbeginstoaddresstheaffordablehousingdiversityneeded inNHC.Thereisnotasmallareaplanthatcoversthisproperty. WiththeMarketStreetDevelopmentpatterncommercialandinstitutionalusesareadjacentandacrossthe street.Theseservicesareneededincloseproximitytomulti-familyprojects,andthemulti-familyprovidesa transitionalbuffertothecurrentR-15zoning.Multi-familyandhigherdensityprojectsareconstructedtothe eastofthisproperty. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 3 Page 6 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Staff will use the following checklist to determine the completeness of your application. Please verify all of the listed items are included and confirm by initialing under “Applicant Initial”. If an item is not applicable, mark as “N/A”. Applications must be complete in order to process for further review. Required Information Applicant Initial Staff Initial 1 Complete Conditional Zoning District application. 2 Application fee – ($600 for 5 acres or less, $700 for more than 5 acres. An additional $300 fee must be provided for applications requiring TRC review). 3 Community meeting written summary. 4 Traffic impact analysis (for uses that generate more than 100 peak hour trips). 5 Legal description (by metes and bounds) or recorded survey Map Book and Page reference of the property requested for rezoning. 6 Site Plan including the following elements: Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads. Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For reside ntial uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and ar ea to be occupied by each structure and/or subdivided boundaries. For non- residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. Development schedule including proposed phasing. Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right-of-way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right-of-way for internal streets and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights-of-way, buffering and signage. The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable. Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 62 of the Zoning Ordinance. Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations or other limitations on land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change (Ref. Article VII, as applicable). 7 1 hard copy of ALL documents AND 8 hard copies of the site plan. Additional hard copies may be required by staff depending on the size of the document/site plan. 8 1 PDF digital copy of ALL documents AND plans. x x x x x x x x Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 5 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development? The subject property is located within the New Hanover County growth node known as “Kirkland/Porters Neck, just off the intersection of Market Street and Middle Sound Loop Road in Ogden. This growth node will focus on more density, redevelopment and increased building height. This area is designated for General Residential, Community Mixed-Use and Urban Mixed-Use which propose a wide range of single and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses and retail uses. The design of the project proposes a land use that would be acceptable under the Community / Urban Mixed-Use place type. 2.How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property’s classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan? Per the Future Land Use Map, the subject property does fall into the General Residential category however, it abuts right the Urban Mixed-Use designated area. Given this, a senior independent living facility which would have minimal impact of traffic and is designed in an environmentally cognizant manner would be an acceptable conforming use for the subject property. As stated above, the subject property is within a growth node in Ogden which does provide consistency with the Future Land Use Map in a way of encouraging higher density and has the best opportunity to become commercial, service, and housing hubs. Further the proposed project would be designed in such a way to preserve the Live Oaks Trees to the best extent possible which would allow the site to maintain as much of its green and general residential character as possible. 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? The original zoning in place reflects a lower residential density than the Future Land Use Plan projects in the commercial/residential corridor right off the Market Street and Middle Sound Loop Road intersection. A significant neighborhood change that makes the R-15 zoning inappropriate is the new commercial development, Ogden Marketplace as well as the continued progress of re-development in the immediate area of the site. As a byproduct, this creates somewhat of a “new Urbanism” character which promotes more walkable communities and in turn assists in alleviating traffic issues by less need for auto travel. The conditional rezoning to RMF-M allows for a maximum of 17 units/ acre which would promote a higher density use for the subject property and aligns with the County’s growth node on redevelopment and increased building height and/or walkable community. The higher intensive land use and increase in density would be much more suitable and blend well with the new commercial development Ogden Marketplace which is diagonal of the subject property. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 6 February 6, 2020 079210001(40) Ron Meredith, Associate Planner New Hanover County Department of Planning & Land Use 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Project Narrative: Conditional Zoning District RMF-M Residence at Canopy Pointe a Senior Living Community 205 & 217 Middle Sound Loop Road Wilmington, NC PROJECT NARRATIVE – Residence at Canopy Pointe The Residence at Canopy Pointe will consist of a proposed 72-unit Senior Living Apartment Community adjacent to Middle Sound Loop Road in Wilmington, NC. The project is within the New Hanover County Planning and Zoning District. To achieve the project as desired, a Conditional Zoning District approval from R-15 to CZ-RMF-M (Residential Multi-Family – Moderate Density) is necessary. The Conditional Zoning District process is pursuant to the recently adopted New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (the "UDO"). Developed by Blue Ridge Atlantic, Residence at Canopy Pointe exemplifies the type of mixed income apartment development that New Hanover County is encouraging in our community. Residence at Canopy Pointe will be nestled into the existing property fabric by preserving as much vegetation as possible, provide buffers to adjacent properties, and employ low impact design techniques for stormwater management. The single building is a 3-story, 42-foot tall structure accommodating 72 Senior Living Apartments (mixture of 1 and 2-bedrooms). The site plan is arranged with the building tucked into the northwest corner of the property to provide as much buffer and tree preservation along Middle Sound Loop Road as is practical while meeting the minimum design guidelines provided by the county. Parking ratios meet the minimum number required to limit impervious surface, or built upon area, which reduces the overall stormwater impact. The 100-year FEMA flood line does not extend on this property nor are there jurisdictional wetlands on-site. A Transportation Consultant (Ramey-Kemp & Associates) provided a traffic summary report providing the details of this project’s traffic impacts to surrounding roadways. A Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 7 Residence at Canopy Pointe Project Narrative Page 2 Traffic Impact Analysis (the “TIA”) is not warranted based on the traffic engineer’s report and criteria established by NHC, NCDOT, and the Wilmington MPO. As a senior living apartment community, it will have less traditional peak hour trips and more off-peak trips into and out of the community. The traditional peak hour trips in and out of the community are less than 11 trips in the AM and PM peak hours. Total daily trips during a 24-hour period are 264 trips. See the traffic letter report by Ramey-Kemp & Associates included in this submittal package. We request a Conditional Zoning (“CZ”) within the Residential Multi-Family, Moderate Density (“RMF-M”) be applied to the Residence at Canopy Pointe. The NHC Future Land use Plan describes this property a “General Residential” and multi-family is an appropriate use and transition to traditional single-family residential. There exists directly east of the property a multi-family apartment community and a higher density residential development. This project meets the spirit and intent of the policies for growth and development provided by New Hanover County. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 8 I-140 F u t u r e I -1 4 0 I- 4 0 R I V E R I-140 U S H W Y 421 S I D B U R Y C A S T L E H A Y N E S. COLLEGE BLUE CLAY OLEANDER 3 R D H O L L Y S H E L T E R MYRTLEGROVE EASTWOOD MLK JR. MASONBOROLOOP PIN E G R O VE PINER MILITARY CUTOFF S A N D E R S US HWY74/76 S H I P Y A R D COLLEGE N . C O L L E G E M A R K E T C A R O L I N A B E A C H MARKET So urce: Esri, DigitalGlobe, Geo Eye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid , IG N, IG P,swisstop o, and the GIS User Community The F ut ure Land Use Map is not legally binding like the New Hanover County Zoning Map. It is intended to be a general representation of the 25 year vision for New Hanover County, created by the citizens who were involved with Plan NHC , and will be used to guide future development decisions. PenderCounty PenderCounty Brunsw ic kCounty P l a c e T y p e EMPL OYMEN T CENT ER GE NER AL RESIDENT IAL COMM UNITY MI XED U SE RUR AL RESI DENTIA L CONSE RVATION GROWTH NODES URB AN MI XED USE WATER FEATURES COMM ERC E ZON E NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Fe etProjection: Lam bert Conformal ConicLinear Unit: Foot U.S.GCS: N orth American 1983Datum: N orth American 1983Scale: 1:34,470 2 Miles ®HNCNew Hanover CountyFuture Land Use Map Plan NHC: Chartin g the Course Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 9 DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY MODE CHOICES DEFINITION GENERAL RESIDENTIAL Street Pattern: Warped Grid & Limited Cul-de-sacs Block Length: 1000 - 2500 ft Setbacks: Residential: Away from street or in line with existing development Non-residential: Away from the street Pedestrian Amenities: Sidewalks, Street Trees, Open Space, Shade 4-6 ft sidewalks (some areas) Street lamps Crosswalks at schools, busy intersections Arterial, collector & local roads 2-4 travel lanes On and off-street parking Vanpool commuting Limited fixed-route transit On-road wide outside lane Greenways & multi-use paths DESIRED USES Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Office & Institutional Planned Unit Development Single-Family Residential Low-Density Multi-Family Residential Light Commercial Civic Recreational Mix of Uses Typical Zoning CategoriesTypes of Uses / Projects Massing / Scale Recommendations Transportation Infrastructure Recommendations Urban Design Recommendations Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 1-2 Low Retail 1-2 Low Planned Development 1-3Medium Low- Density Multi-Family 1-32-6 du/acre Single-Family Residential 1-31-6 du/acre This placetype provides opportunity for lower- density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Housing is typically single- family or duplexes, with setbacks on all sides. Block sizes are large, at ¼ to ½ mile wide. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Access to areas outside these residential areas is provided by arterial roadways, but still allowing for interconnection between other placetypes. However, limiting cul-de-sacs is encouraged to promote better internal circulation and minimizing high-volume traffic roads within the area. Flooding hazard avoidance should be taken into consideration when abutting coastal areas. EXAMPLE AREAS Middle Sound Myrtle Grove Castle Hayne Porter’s Neck Wrightsboro Masonboro Loop HOUSING Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 10 DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY MODE CHOICES DEFINITION URBAN MIXED USE Street Pattern: Arterial & local; grid or partial grid Block Length: 200 - 800 ft Setbacks: Varies Pedestrian Amenities: Sidewalks, street trees, street furniture, shade trees, bike racks, lighting, crosswalks, plazas, pedestrian malls 5-12 ft Sidewalks Pedestrian malls & paths Crosswalks Arterial, collector & local roads 2-4 travel lanes On-street, off-street & garage parking Limited fxed-route transit Covered transit stops Transit hubs Bicycle lanes Wide shoulders Bike racks DESIRED USES Moderate to High-Density Residential Mixed Use Office & Institutional Commercial Retail Office Mixed Use Single & Multi-Family Residential Small Recreational Mix of UsesTypes of Uses / Projects Massing / Scale Recommendations Transportation Infrastructure Recommendations Urban Design Recommendations Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 3-7Moderate/ High Retail 1-3Low/Moderate Planned Development 2-7Moderate/ High Residential2-5Moderate/ High Commercial/ Mixed Use 2-7Moderate/ High This placetype provides access to a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at higher densities. Multi-family residential uses are preferred, though higher-density single family developments will not be prohibited. Mixed uses are encouraged in the same footprint in a vertical pattern, but they can also be adjacent, or separated by lower traffic local and collector roads in a horizontal pattern. This placetype can include big box retail that has included appropriate urban design features. These areas place an emphasis on multimodalism through the requirement of sidewalks on all non-local streets, crosswalks at all intersections, dedicated bicycle lanes or wide outside lanes, and bus access. Types of uses include office, retail, mixed use, small recreation, single-family and multi-family residential. EXAMPLE AREAS Ogden Kirkland Monkey Junction CFCC North Campus Area RETAIL OFFICE MIXED USE HOUSING Typical Zoning Categories Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 11 DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY MODE CHOICES DEFINITION COMMUNITY MIXED USE Street Pattern: Grid or radial Block Length: 200 - 500 ft Setbacks: Residential: Near sidewalk Non-residential: At sidewalk Pedestrian Amenities: Sidewalks, street & shade trees, street furniture, bike racks 5-12 ft Sidewalks Crosswalks Arterial & collector roads 2-4 travel lanes On and off street parking Fixed-route transit Bicycle lane / shoulder Bicycle parking DESIRED USES Moderate Density Residential Commercial Office & Institutional Mixed Use Office Retail Mixed Use Multi-family Residential Single-Family Residential Recreational Mix of UsesTypes of Uses / Projects Massing / Scale Recommendations Transportation Infrastructure Recommendations Urban Design Recommendations Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 1-2Moderate Retail 1-2Low/Moderate Mixed Use2-3Moderate Multi-Family Residential 2-3Moderate (12-15 du/acre) Single-Family Residential 1-3Moderate ( 8 du/acre)* This placetype focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve multimodal travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. These areas share several qualities with higher-intensity mixed use, including a combination of retail with office and housing above, wider sidewalks and an emphasis on streetscaping. However, these centers are generally small, no more than a few square blocks. Civic uses, particularly recreation and public gathering places are encouraged here. Lower denisity single family development may be acceptable when limitations to mixed use development exists. Ideally, large-scale, lower density commercial and industrial developments are prohibited. EXAMPLE AREAS Castle Hayne Sidbury Road Carolina Beach Road NorthChase OFFICE RETAIL HOUSING MIXED USE RECREATION Typical Zoning Categories +- Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 12 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 13 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 14 Canopy Pointe WSI Map U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Standards and Support Team,wetlands_team@fws.gov Wetlands Estuarine and Marine Deepwater Estuarine and Marine Wetland Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Pond Lake Other Riverine February 6, 2020 0 0.06 0.120.03 mi 0 0.1 0.20.05 km 1:3,609 This page was produced by the NWI mapperNational Wetlands Inventory (NWI) This map is for general reference only. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is not responsible for the accuracy or currentness of the base data shown on this map. All wetlands related data should be used in accordance with the layer metadata found on the Wetlands Mapper web site. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 15 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 16 February 5, 2020 Abigail Lorenzo Senior Transportation Planner Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) 305 Chestnut Street, 4th Floor Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject:Trip Generation Letter Middle Sound Loop Senior Apartments - Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Ms. Lorenzo: This letter provides trip generation information prepared by Ramey Kemp & Associates, Inc. (RKA) for the proposed Middle Sound Loop Senior Apartments located on Middle Sound Loop Road just west of Sunnybranch Road in Wilmington, North Carolina. The proposed development is anticipated to consist of a 72 attached senior adult housing dwelling units. Average weekday daily, AM peak hour trips, and PM peak hour trips for the proposed development were estimated using methodology contained within the 10th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Traffic volumes for Senior Adult Housing - Attached (ITE Code 252) were generated utilizing ITE equations [for the peak hour adjacent street traffic] and dwelling units as the independent variable. Refer to Table 1 for a breakdown of the trip generation for the proposed development. Table 1: Site Trip Generation Land Use (ITE Code) Independent Variable Average Weekday Daily Traffic (vpd) AM Peak Hour Trips (vph) PM Peak Hour Trips (vph) Enter Exit Enter Exit Senior Adult Housing - Attached (252) 72 Dwelling Units 264 5 9 11 9 It is estimated the proposed development will generate 264 daily trips (in and out) during a typical 24-hour weekday period with 14 total trips (5 entering and 9 exiting) generated during the AM peak hour and 20 total trips (11 entering and 9 exiting) during the PM peak hour. The expected daily and peak hour trip generation are well below the WMPO’s [1,000 vpd daily and 100 vph] and NCDOT’s [3,000 vpd] thresholds; therefore, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) should not be warranted based on each agency’s guidelines. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 17 Middle Sound Loop Senior Apartments – Trip Generation Letter Page 2 of 2 If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (336) 725-5470. Sincerely, Ramey Kemp and Associates, Inc. Jayson B. Clapp, Jr., P.E., PTOE Attachments: Site Plan Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 18 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 19 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 20 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 21 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 22 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 23 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 24 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 25 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 26 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 27 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 28 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY FOR CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT REZONING REQUEST To: Department of Planning & Land Use Re: Residence at Canopy Pointe Case No.: To Be Assigned Location: 205 Middle Sound Loop Road Proposed Zoning: RMF-M (Residential Multi-Family – Moderate Density) The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice (invitation) of a community meeting on the above rezoning application was given to the adjacent owners set forth on the attached list via USPS certified mail on January 24, 2020. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Tuesday, February 4th, 2020; 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM at The Covenant Church, 210 Station Road, Wilmington, NC 28405 ______________ The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Please see attached Sign-In sheets. In addition to the guests, the following development team representatives were present: Sam Weldon, Joe Taylor, Rick Moore, Kathryn Espinoza, Emily McArthur, Brock Daniel, Derek Shrewsberry, Jay Clapp and Tara Murphy ________ _____ In summary of the community meeting, our team felt that there was a lot of support for the project and its merits related to mixed-income housing for senior apartments. Several attendees stated they are willing to attend the Planning Board and County Commissioners Public Hearings to express their support of the project. We are following up with these individuals to discuss this in more detail. Comments were discussed related to tree preservation, stormwater management, and transportation. With implementation of the County’s Tree Preservation Ordinance the large oaks and other hardwoods onsite are being designed into the project. We are locating these trees by specific location, size, species, and tree canopy for use in site planning. The county’s stormwater ordinance provides the avenue for collection, treatment and disposal while limiting flooding events. Based on information prepared by our transportation engineer a traffic study is not warranted, however we will be very cognizant of our traffic entering and exiting the project. With senior apartments the daily traffic does not follow the traditional peak hour movements and as such limits direct impacts on Middle Sound Loop Road. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 29 Eighteen (18) adjacent neighbors attended the community meeting out of the 60+ certified mail invites and the county’s sunshine list email posting. The meeting had a positive tone with respectful, thoughtful questions and comments from the attendees. We feel that our team heard the comments and will take them under advisement during the next steps of the planning process. The following comments were received at the meeting: 1. Project Support a. Several people that would be qualified tenants for the project which are living in Ogden area expressed interest in getting on waitlist as soon as possible b. Over abundant support for elderly living that is reasonably priced for elderly individuals and in a great location was immense. c. Seniors of the Ogden area continued to reiterate throughout entire meeting this is a great step in the right direction for Wilmington and New Hanover County as the need for this type of product continues to outgrow production. d. Several stakeholders are planning to address their positive comments at the Planning Board and County Commissioners Public Hearings. 2. Trees and Buffers a. Neighbors expressed interest in having trees adjacent to the Middle Sound Loop Road right of way retained to the extent possible. Reply: The site plan as presented has pushed the building and parking as far north on the property as possible to provide a buffer adjacent to Middle Sound Loop Road. b. Neighbors expressed interest in maintaining large trees on site to the extent possible especially any large live oaks and magnolias. Reply: These trees are located on the southern part of the property in the “buffer” area along Middle Sound Loop Road. c. One neighbor recommended an arborist be consulted with regard to the big trees on site. Reply: An arborist would be consulted only if there are diseased or poor health/condition trees exist that would otherwise be required for preservation to determine how practical preservation would be. 3. Traffic and Transportation a. The issue of increased traffic on Middle Sound Loop and Market Street was discussed. Reply: Based on a report provided by Ramey-Kemp & Associates, a TIA is not warranted for the project. The proposed use as senior apartments only generates 264 total trips per 24-hour day with less than 11 entering and exiting during the traditional peak hour times. b. Concerns were voiced with regard to an ambulance trying to turn left into the development as vehicles are trying to get to Market Street. Reply: As with all emergency situations on-road motorists are to yield for emergency vehicles. This condition applies to each and every development or single-family lot in New Hanover County. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 30 c. Will there be a multi-use trail on Middle Sound Loop Road? Reply: New Hanover County Planning Staff and the Wilmington MPO / NCDOT will need to address any proposed MUP on Middle Sound Loop Road. 4. Stormwater a. Several neighbors indicated concern about the potential for flooding, some indicated that there is flooding that occurs at the Cloverfield Court /Wendover Lane intersection during stronger storms. Reply: We will provide the required stormwater management on-site for our project. This will reduce the site’s post-development runoff to be equal or less than the 25-year pre-developed condition. The situation discussed is north of the project and not within our purview to remedy. b. A neighbor indicated that “fairly recently” White Oak Apartments had to clean out the ditch on their property at their cost. Reply: Unfortunate, but necessary in certain situations. c. A neighbor indicated a “box” at the corner of our property and another at Darden Street may need repair or replacement. Reply: We will investigate the existing stormwater structure and provide comments and discussion with the NHC Stormwater Engineer. d. A neighbor asked if the ditches will be cleaned out to help with drainage from Market Street. Reply: Middle Sound Loop Road is an NCDOT road. NCDOT should be consulted along with NHC Stormwater Engineering related to ditch cleanout to Market Street. 5. General a. A neighbor expressed concern about the potential for an open field (adjacent to the subject property) to be used by residents with dogs and asked if there would be a pet policy for the residents of the proposed apartment facility. Reply: Our project will be situated and design for the enjoyment of its residents. This may include a dog park for exercise and provisions for dog waste. b. One neighbor inquired as to the maximum number of residents that will be allowed per unit. Reply: Without physical lease documents a maximum number of residents per unit cannot be determined. Suffice it to say that a 1-bedroom unit would house 2-residents, and a 2-bedroom may house up to 4-residents. c. One neighbor expressed concern for the wildlife that may be impacted. Reply: We are providing the required 20% Open Space on-site and providing tree preservation peer the NHC Unified Development Ordinance. An undeveloped parcel exists east of the project site and natural creeks and streams remain for wildlife corridors within the area. d. Several neighbors expressed concern about activities on an adjacent single- family rental property. Reply: This was a general comment and has no bearing or effect on the proposed project. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 31 e. One neighbor indicated he would like to see all minimum requirements be exceeded including the size of parking spaces since this was to be an age qualified development. Reply: We are providing a site plan enough in size and design to meet the needs of our project’s residents. To artificially “exceed” all minimum requirements is unnecessary as the county’s rules and regulations take these matters into consideration. By contrast, we have not requested any variance to reduce the minimum requirements. 6. Rezoning Processes a. Next step in the process is the Planning Board meeting and public hearing. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: No immediate changes to the rezoning petition were deemed necessary as a result of the Community Meeting. See the Reply’s provided above to each comment. Date: 02.05.2020 Applicant: McKim & Creed, Inc. By: Tara S. Murphy, PLA/PMP Encl: Copy of Invitation Exhibits (as presented at the meeting) List of Recipients (and associated Exhibit Map) List of those that were not able to be contacted and reason(s) why Sign-In Sheets (roster of the persons in attendance at the meeting) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 32 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 33 COMMUNITY MEETING INVITATION Dear Neighbor: Please join us on Tuesday February 4, 2020 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at The Covenant Church (210 Station Road, Wilmington, NC 28405) to learn more about Residence at Canopy Pointe, a proposed senior living apartment development located at 205 Middle Sound Loop Road in Wilmington. The project will be located on approximately 5 acres with street frontage on Middle Sound Loop Road, adjacent to Living Water Ministries to the west, White Oaks Apartments to the east, and The Fields at Wendover neighborhood to the north. Developed by Blue Ridge Atlantic Community Development, Residence at Canopy Pointe exemplifies the type of mixed income apartment development that the County is encouraging in our community. Residence at Canopy Pointe will be nestled into the existing property fabric by preserving as much vegetation as possible, provide buffers to adjacent properties, and employ low impact design techniques for stormwater management. On behalf of Blue Ridge Atlantic Community Development, McKim & Creed is submitting a request to New Hanover County to rezone the Middle Sound Loop property from R-15 to Conditional Zoning District RMF-M (Residential Multi-Family – Medium Density). Representatives from Blue Ridge Atlantic Community Development, McKim & Creed and the development team look forward to meeting you at the February 4, 2020 community meeting. Tuesday February 4, 2020, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. The Covenant Church (210 Station Road, Wilmington, NC 28405) Sincerely, MCKIM & CREED, INC. Richard M. Collier, PE Regional Manager / Asst VP Enclosure: Residence at Canopy Pointe - Site Exhibit Cc: Chris Eisenzimmer Sam Weldon Joe Taylor Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 34 Nu m b e r O w n e r Ow n e r _ A d d r e s s O w n e r _ C i t y Se n t I n v i t e Ce r t i f i v e d M a i l Re c e i v e d C e r t i f i e d Ma i l No Return Receipt Received 1 AD A M S G E O R G E F A M I L Y T R U S T 85 V A N R E Y P E N S T P H 7 T H F L O JE R S E Y C I T Y , N J 7 3 0 6 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 2 AI K M A N M A R K S M E L A I N E 71 2 0 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 3 AL B R I G H T A D A M E L I Z A B E T H 20 9 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 4 AM H N C P R O P E R T I E S L P 30 6 0 1 A G O U R A R D S U I T E 2 0 0 P T AG O U R A H I L L S , C A 9 1 3 0 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1- F e b - 2 0 5 BA L L O U B R A D L E Y C H R I S T I N 20 9 B O X E L D E R W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 6 BA R N E S L A R R Y A J R J O N I L 22 0 W E N D O V E R L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 5 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 7 BH C P R O P E R T I E S L L C P O B O X 4 3 1 WR I G H T S V I L L E B E A C H , N C 2 8 4 8 0 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 8 BI G G S F R A N C E S E H R S 21 4 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 9 BL A N C H A R D B U I L D I N G & P R O P E R T I E S I N C 41 4 3 D O N N E L L Y L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 9 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 10 BO B B I N S S T E V E N R 20 8 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 11 CA R R O L L P A T R I C K M E T A L 22 4 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 12 CH U R C H O F G O D I N W I L M I N G T O N 69 5 G R A Y S Q U I R R E L D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 9 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 13 CL A R K P A U L E D O N N A M 72 0 4 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 14 CO V I L C E C I L T H O M A S 12 9 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 15 CO V I L J W P O B O X 6 9 6 9 SY R A C U S E , N Y 1 3 2 1 7 24 - J a n - 2 0 1- F e b - 2 0 16 CO V I L S H I R L E Y 12 9 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 17 DE L A C R U Z F R A N C I S C O R J E N N I F E R 20 5 B O X E L D E R W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 18 DE G E N I T O J O H N 16 0 D E L A W A R E A V E OA K H U R S T , N J 7 7 5 5 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 19 FE R R E L L S T E P H A N I E M E T A L 20 5 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 20 FO D R I E E L I Z A B E T H A S H L E Y 72 0 0 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 21 FR A N C I S B R Y C E C R E B E C C A A 72 1 6 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 22 GE S L E R K A R E N R 71 9 1 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 23 GR A N T R O B E R T 15 8 8 L A N G L E Y D R LO N G S , S C 2 9 5 6 8 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 24 GU R G A N U S W I L L I A M P 21 6 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 25 HA L L V A L E R I E G M U R P H Y W 22 0 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 26 HA L P E R N O G D E N L L C 52 0 0 R O S W E L L R D AT L A N T A , G A 3 0 3 4 2 24 - J a n - 2 0 27 - J a n - 2 0 27 HA N K I N S M E L O D Y S E T A L 22 5 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 28 HA N S E N V I C T O R I A J 20 8 B O X E L D E R W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 29 HO W E L L S U S A N H 71 2 8 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 30 HU B I S A N T H O N Y P A U L J R F R A N C E S H A R R E L S O N 80 1 7 S I D B U R Y R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 31 JO N M A S O N & A S S O C I A T E S L L C P O B O X 1 0 2 8 4 WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 4 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 32 LE W I S K A T H E R I N E E 71 8 4 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 33 LO G A N D E V E L O P E R S I N C P O B O X 4 4 0 8 GR E E N S B O R O , N C 2 7 4 0 4 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 34 LO G A N D E V E L O P E R S I N C 60 G R E G O R Y R D S U I T E 1 LE L A N D , N C 2 8 4 5 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 35 LU T H E R C H R I S T O P H E R S H A N N A 71 8 7 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1- F e b - 2 0 36 MC C A B E T O D D B 21 2 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 37 MC C A L L J O H N D O R T C H 22 6 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 5 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 38 MO W E R Y K E L L Y R 20 4 B O X E L D E R W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 39 NA B O R S R O B E R T L S U S A N J E A N 72 0 9 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 40 NE W B E R G A N D R E W J J I L L I A N C 13 1 1 E L E M E N T W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 41 NE W T O N J O H N K H R S 72 1 7 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 Co m m u n i t y M e e t i n g f o r R e s i d e n c e a t C a n o p y P o i n t e - L i s t o f A d j a c e n t N e i g h b o r s / I n v i t a t i o n L i s t ( p l u s N H C S u n s h i n e L i s t ) Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 4 - 7 - 3 5 42 OG D E N A D V E N T C H R I S T I A N C H U R C H 14 1 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 43 OG D E N C O M M U N I T Y A D V E N T T R U S T E E 14 1 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 44 PA R N E L L J O H N C 22 8 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 45 PA R R I S H C A R O L Y N B P O B O X 5 4 HA M P S T E A D , N C 2 8 4 4 3 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 46 PE R M E N T E R M O R R I S J A C K S O N 31 0 6 J O Y P L WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 9 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 47 PU R C E L L R I C H A R D V M I C H E L L E L 30 0 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 5 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 48 RA C K L E Y O G D E N L L C 11 8 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 27 - J a n - 2 0 49 RO D E R I C K M A R I O N L E E J R M E A G A N M 20 0 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 50 SA N M I G U E L C R I S T I N A K J O R G E L 71 2 4 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 51 ST A N T O N W I L L I A M A E L I Z A B E T H C 21 6 W E N D O V E R L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 52 ST R I C K L A N D J O H N I L A 72 1 2 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 53 ST R O N G R O G E R O E L I S A M 71 3 2 A R B O R O A K S D R WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 54 TR A V I S K E I T H W K A T H R Y N M 20 4 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 55 VE S L I G A J B R E N D A M A R I E 72 1 3 C L O V E R F I E L D C T WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 56 WE N D O V E R S O U T H H O A P O B O X 4 1 2 7 WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 6 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 57 WE N D O V E R S O U T H H O A I N C 50 2 2 W R I G H T S V I L L E A V E WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 24 - J a n - 2 0 29 - J a n - 2 0 58 WH I T E F R A N C E S A N N 21 3 B L O O M I N G T O N L N WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 59 WH I T E O A K A P A R T M E N T S L P 72 3 5 D A R D E N R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 24 - J a n - 2 0 1 60 WI N S L O W T A M M Y C 43 7 V A L L E Y M E A D E D R KE R N E R S V I L L E , N C 2 7 2 8 4 24 - J a n - 2 0 28 - J a n - 2 0 60 2832 To t a l M a i l e d To t a l R e c e i v e d Total No Receipt Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 4 - 7 - 3 6 Imagery ©2020 Maxar Technologies, New Hanover County, NC, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA Farm Service Agency, Map data ©2020 200 ft Residence at Canopy Pointe (205 Middle Sound Loop Road) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 37 3 S T O R Y B L D G . 70 U N I T S ST O R M WA T E R P O N D 4 EN T R Y S I G N RA I S E D B E D P L A N T I N G GA R D E N W / W A T E R S E R V I C E OU T D O O R S I T T I N G AR E A SC R E E N E D P O R C H (1 S T F L O O R MU L T I - P U R O S E R O O M (3 R D F L O O R ) RESI D E N T I A L M O V I E R O O M (2 N D F L O O R ) RESIDE N T C O M P U T E R C E N T E R (1 S T F L O O R ) OUTDOO R S I T T I N G AR E A OUTDOOR SITTINGAREATYPICAL ACCESSIBLE DUMPSTER &RECYCLE CENTER W/VINYL SURROUND ANDLANDSCAPE PLANTINGS 25 ' S E T B A C K 2 5 ' S E T B A C K 25' SET BACK 25' SET BACK P R O P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E P R O P E R T Y L I N E P R O P E R T Y L I N E 5 10 5 5 5 5 11 11 6 8 7 7 7 6 7 2 5 ' S E T B A C K 2 5 ' S E T B A C K EX E R C I S E R O O M (3 R D F L O O R ) MA I L C E N T E R (1 S T F L O O R ) IN D O O R S I T T I N G A R E A INDIVIDUAL TENANT STORAGEAT EACH UNIT AC C E S S I B L E G A Z E B O M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R1 5 / U N U S E D L A N D R15/UNUSED LAND R1 5 / S F R R1 5 / S F R R1 5 / S F R R Sc a l e : 1 Si t e P l a n _ P r o p o s e d 1" = 3 0 ' - 0 " N 1 i n c h = 3 0 f t . 0 15 ' GR A P H I C S C A L E 30 ' 60 ' 12 0 ' Sit e P l a n Si t e 1 . 1 R/ D A IS S U E F O R : DA T E : SET#DATE REVISIONS PROJECT# @ Copyright 2019 Ross/Deckard Architects, PAMailing Address: P.O. Box 98044, Raleigh , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 7 6 2 4 - 8 0 4 4 S t r e e t A d d r e s s : 4 0 1 0 W a k e F o r e s t R o a d , R a l e i g h , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 7 6 0 9 E- m a i l : m a i l @ R o s s D e c k a r d A r c h i t e c t s . c o m F a x : 9 1 9 . 8 7 5 . 9 2 0 0 P h o n e : 9 1 9 . 8 7 5 . 0 0 0 1 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONJa n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 NC H F A A p p l i c a t i o n 20 - 4 1 4 . 0 0 Re s i d e n c e atCa n o p y Po i n t e BR A D R e s i d e n c e a t Ca n o p y P o i n t e , L L C Wi l m i n g t o n , No r t h C a r o l i n a Ro s s / D e c k a r d A r c h i t e c t s Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r s SHEET# TO T A L S H E E T S I N S E T SH E E T O F CH E C K E D B Y : DR A W N B Y : CONSULTANTS SEALS SI T E I N F O R M A T I O N SI T E I N F O R M A T I O N : ( = / - ) 4 . 7 7 A C R E S SI T E A C C E S S : F R O M M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P TO T A L P A R K I N G S P A C E S P R O V I D E D : 1 0 9 S P A C E S TO T A L N U M B E R O F B U I L D I N G S : ( 1 ) R E S I D E N T I A L FL O O D P L A I N : Z O N E X - P A N E L 3 1 5 9 - A R E A DE T E R M I N E D T O B E O U T S I D E T H E . 2 % A N N U A L CH A N C E F L O O D P L A I N RE T A I N I N G W A L L S : N O N E E X P E C T E D Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 4- 7 - 38 5/ A 3 . 1 A 3 . 1 R/ D A IS S U E F O R : DA T E : SET#DATE REVISIONS PROJECT# @ Copyright 2019 Ross/Deckard Architects, PAMailing Address: P.O. Box 98044, Raleigh , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 7 6 2 4 - 8 0 4 4 S t r e e t A d d r e s s : 4 0 1 0 W a k e F o r e s t R o a d , R a l e i g h , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 7 6 0 9 E- m a i l : m a i l @ R o s s D e c k a r d A r c h i t e c t s . c o m F a x : 9 1 9 . 8 7 5 . 9 2 0 0 P h o n e : 9 1 9 . 8 7 5 . 0 0 0 1 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONJa n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 NC H F A A p p l i c a t i o n 20 - 4 1 4 . 0 0 Re s i d e n c e atCa n o p y Po i n t e BR A D R e s i d e n c e a t Ca n o p y P o i n t e , L L C Wi l m i n g t o n , No r t h C a r o l i n a Ro s s / D e c k a r d A r c h i t e c t s Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r s SHEET# TO T A L S H E E T S I N S E T SH E E T O F CH E C K E D B Y : DR A W N B Y : CONSULTANTS SEALS Sc a l e : 1 FR O N T E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N 1/ 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " Ex t e r i o r E l e v a t i o n s Sc a l e : 2 LE F T W I N G F R O N T E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N 1/ 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " Sc a l e : 3 RE A R E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N 1/ 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " Sc a l e : 4 LE F T W I N G R E A R E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N 1/ 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " Sc a l e : 5 SI D E E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N 1/ 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " Sc a l e : 6 SI D E E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N 1/ 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " EL E V A T I O N K E Y OC W E A T H E R E D W O O D C O L O R ( O R S I M I L A R ) 30 Y E A R A R C H I T E C T U R A L , D I M E N S I O N A L AN T I - F U N G A L A S P H A L T S H I N G L E S , O N O N E L A Y E R OF 1 5 # B U I L D I N G F E L T O N 7 / 1 6 " O S B T Y P . MA R K R O O F MA R K B R I C K V E N E E R MA R K V I N Y L S I D I N G MI N . . 0 4 4 H E A V Y G A U G E CE D A R S H A K E P R O F I L E BR I C K V E N E E R W I T H M A S O N R Y T I E S @ 1 ' - 4 " O . C . BO T H D I R E C T I O N S M1 M2M5M3 MA R K V I N Y L S I D I N G MI N . 0 4 4 H E A V Y G A U G E BO A R D A N D B A T T E N P R O F I L E MA R K V I N Y L S I D I N G M4 HO R I Z O N T A L S I D I N G - M I N . 0 4 4 H E A V Y G A U G E TR I P L E 3 E X P O S U R E Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 4- 7 - 39 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 2 WE N D O V E R L N M A R K E T S T MID D L E S O U N D L O O P R D DARD E N R D BR I G H T L E A F R D LEN D I R E R D RESIDENCE AT CANOPY POINTE7921-0001 ww w . m c k i m c r e e d . c o m 24 3 N o r t h F r o n t S t r e e t Wi l m i n g t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 8 4 0 1 Ph o n e : ( 9 1 0 ) 3 4 3 - 1 0 4 8 , F a x : ( 9 1 0 ) 2 5 1 - 8 2 8 2 FEBRUARY 6, 2020 CI T Y O F W I L M I N G T O N NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y , N O R T H C A R O L I N A RES I D E N C E A T C A N O P Y P O I N T E NC L I C E N S E N O . F - 1 2 2 2 CO N C E P T U A L P L A N S E T CO N C E P T U A L P L A N S NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N FE B R U A R Y 6 , 2 0 2 0 DEVELOPMENT INFORMATIONNAME OF PROJECT:Residence at Canopy PointeWILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINANEW HANOVER COUNTY,OWNER:BHC PROPERTIES, LLCPO BOX 431WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480HAROLDC@NEXTHOMECAPEFEAR.COM(910)256-3528DEVELOPER:CHRISTOPHER L. EISENZIMMER, CPABLUE RIDGE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT2018 EASTWOOD ROADWILMINGTON, NC 28403CHRIS.E@BLUERIDGEATLANTIC.COM(910)338-3349PROJECT ARCHITECT/REPRESENTATIVE:RICHARD BLAKESLEEROSS/DECKARD ARCHITECTS, P.A.PO BOX 98044RALEIGH, NC 27624R.BLAKESLEE@ROSSDECKARDARCHITECHTS.COM(919)875-0001PROJECT ENGINEER/REPRESENTATIVE:RICHARD COLLIER, PEMCKIM & CREED, INC243 NORTH FRONT STWILMINGTON, NC 284RCOLLIER@MCKIMCREED.COM(910)343-1048PROJECT LAND PLANNER/REPRESENTATIVE:TARA S. MURPHY, PLA, PMPMCKIM & CREED, INC243 NORTH FRONT STWILMINGTON, NC 28401TSCHWENZFEIER@MCKIMCREED.COM(910)343-1048 FO R C O N D I T I O N A L Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T P U R P O S E S NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N SH E E T I N D E X SH E E T NU M B E R SH E E T TI T L E SH E E T D E S C R I P T I O N 1 G0 0 1 CO V E R 2 CX 1 0 0 EX I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S 3 OV E R A L L S I T E P L A N SI T E CS 1 0 0 SC A L E : 1 " = 7 5 0 ' NO R T H PR O P E R T Y A D D R E S S : 20 5 & 2 1 7 M I D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 1 PA R C E L I D E N T I F I C A T I O N N U M B E R S : R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 0 R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 CU R R E N T Z O N I N G : R- 1 5 PR O P O S E D P R O P E R T Y Z O N I N G : CZ - R M F - M PA R C E L I N F O R M A T I O N 4 BU I L D I N G E L E V A T I O N S CS 1 0 1 RE V I S E D F E B R U A R Y 2 0 , 2 0 2 0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 4- 9 - 1 N/ F OG D E N A D V E N T C H R I S T I A N C H U R C H PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 3 3 1 3 P G 0 0 0 6 7 6 AC R E S : 5 . 1 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : I N S T I T U T I O N A L N/ F AM H P R O P E R T I E S L P PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 5 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 6 0 1 7 P G 0 0 1 1 1 0 AC R E S : 0 . 3 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : R E S I D E N T I A L N/ F EL I Z A B E T H A S H L E Y F O D R I E PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 4 8 8 4 P G 0 0 1 5 3 9 AC R E S : 0 . 3 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : R E S I D E N T I A L N/ F RO N A L D A T K I N S PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 7 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 6 1 4 1 P G 0 0 1 5 9 6 AC R E S : 0 . 3 7 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : R E S I D E N T I A L N/ F JO N M A S O N & A S S O C I A T E S PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 2 3 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 4 6 4 5 P G 0 0 0 9 3 3 AC R E S : 3 . 1 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : U N D E V E L O P E D L A N D MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD 60' PUBLIC R/WDESCRIPTIONSDATEREV.NO.REVISIONS SC A L E HO R I Z O N T A L : VE R T I C A L : M& C F I L E N U M B E R DR A W I N G N U M B E R RE V I S I O N SE A L ST A T U S : DR A W N PR O J . M G R . DE S I G N E D CH E C K E D DA T E : MC E P R O J . # SEAL ww w . m c k i m c r e e d . c o m NC L I C E N S E F - 1 2 2 2 Re s i d e n c e a t C a n o p y P o i n t e MI D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N O R T H C A R O L I N A PR E L I M I N A R Y D E S I G N NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 24 3 N o r t h F r o n t S t r e e t Ph o n e : ( 9 1 0 ) 3 4 3 - 1 0 4 8 , F a x : ( 9 1 0 ) 2 5 1 - 8 2 8 2 Wi l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 0 1 1SITE PLAN MODIFIED PER TREE SURVEY02-20-2020 TO W N S H I P O F W I L M I N G T O N Re s i d e n c e at C a n o p y P o i n t LE G E N D R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 ID E N T I F I C A T I O N NU M B E R PA R C E L AC R E A G E 0. 9 3 A C R E S R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 0 1. 4 2 A C R E S R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 2. 3 0 A C R E S R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 0. 1 2 A C R E S NO T E S 1. TR E E L O C A T I O N S B A S E D O N M C E F I E L D SU R V E Y D A T E D 0 2 - 0 6 - 2 0 2 0 . 2. NO W E T L A N D S O N S I T E A C C O R D I N G T O TH E N A T I O N A L W E T L A N D S I N V E N T O R Y . 3. NO 1 0 0 - Y E A R F L O O D L I N E E X I S T S O N T H E PR O P E R T Y . TREE CANOPY (TYP.)30" CALIPER OAK WITHMEASURED CANOPY PR O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y PA R C E L B O U N D A R I E S CANOPY LINE LIMITED BYDUKE POWER LINES INRIGHT OF WAYTREE CANOPY (TYP.)CANOPY LINE LIMITED BYDUKE POWER LINES INRIGHT OF WAYPlanning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 4- 9 - 2 TYPIC A L A C C E S S I B L E D U M P S T E R & REC Y C L E C E N T E R W I T H V I N Y L SURR O U N D A N D L A N D S C A P E PLAN T I N G S AC C E S S I B L E G A Z E B O RAISED PLANTERGARDEN WITH HOSE BIBTREE CANOPY(TYP.) TR E E C A N O P Y (T Y P . ) ONE-WAY PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY L I N E PROPERTY LINE ST O R M W A T E R BM P MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD 35' BUILDINGSETBACK4'ADDITIONALBUILDINGSETBACK 4 ' A D D I T I O N A L B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 2 5 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B C K 4' A D D I T I O N A L BU I L D I N G S E T B A C K 20 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 41' 5 1 ' 5 2 ' 20' BUILDING SETBACK4' ADDITIONALBUILDING SETBACK N/ F OG D E N A D V E N T C H R I S T I A N C H U R C H PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 3 3 1 3 P G 0 0 0 6 7 6 AC R E S : 5 . 1 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : I N S T I T U T I O N A L N/ F AM H P R O P E R T I E S L P PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 5 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 6 0 1 7 P G 0 0 1 1 1 0 AC R E S : 0 . 3 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : R E S I D E N T I A L N/ F EL I Z A B E T H A S H L E Y F O D R I E PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 4 8 8 4 P G 0 0 1 5 3 9 AC R E S : 0 . 3 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : R E S I D E N T I A L N/ F RO N A L D A T K I N S PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 7 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 6 1 4 1 P G 0 0 1 5 9 6 AC R E S : 0 . 3 7 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : R E S I D E N T I A L N/ F JO N M A S O N & A S S O C I A T E S PI D : R 0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 2 3 - 0 0 0 BK 0 0 4 6 4 5 P G 0 0 0 9 3 3 AC R E S : 3 . 1 4 Z O N E : R - 1 5 US E : U N D E V E L O P E D L A N D DESCRIPTIONSDATEREV.NO.REVISIONS SC A L E HO R I Z O N T A L : VE R T I C A L : M& C F I L E N U M B E R DR A W I N G N U M B E R RE V I S I O N SE A L ST A T U S : DR A W N PR O J . M G R . DE S I G N E D CH E C K E D DA T E : MC E P R O J . # SEAL ww w . m c k i m c r e e d . c o m NC L I C E N S E F - 1 2 2 2 Re s i d e n c e a t C a n o p y P o i n t e MI D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D WI L M I N G T O N , N O R T H C A R O L I N A PR E L I M I N A R Y D E S I G N NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 24 3 N o r t h F r o n t S t r e e t Ph o n e : ( 9 1 0 ) 3 4 3 - 1 0 4 8 , F a x : ( 9 1 0 ) 2 5 1 - 8 2 8 2 Wi l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 0 1 1SITE PLAN MODIFIED PER TREE SURVEY02-20-2020 TO W N S H I P O F W I L M I N G T O N Re s i d e n c e at C a n o p y P o i n t SI T E I N F O R M A T I O N Re s i d e n c e a t Ca n o p y P o i n t e PA R C E L A R E A : 4. 7 7 A C R E S SI T E A D D R E S S : 20 5 & 2 1 7 M I D D L E S O U N D LO O P R D TO T A L N U M B E R O F B U I L D I N G S : (1 ) R E S I D E N T I A L FL O O D P L A I N : ZO N E X - P A N E L 3 1 5 9 AR E A D E T E R M I N E D T O B E OU T S I D E O F T H E 0 . 2 % A N N U A L CH A N C E F L O O D P L A I N PH A S I N G : 1 P H A S E BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 42 ' PA R C E L I D E N T I F I C A T I O N N U M B E R : PR O P O S E D Z O N I N G : CD - R M F - M EX I S T I N G Z O N I N G : R- 1 5 SE T B A C K S : RE Q U I R E D AD D I T I O N A L F O R BU I L D I N G HE I G H T O V E R 3 5 ' F R O N T RE A R 3 5 ' 4 ' 2 5 ' 4 ' 2 0 ' 4 ' BU I L D I N G SU R F A C E M A T E R I A L L E G E N D SI D E W A L K PA V E M E N T OP E N S P A C E : RE Q U I R E D PR O V I D E D 0 . 9 4 A C R E S 0 . 9 4 A C R E S R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 - 0 . 9 3 A C R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 0 - 1 . 4 2 A C R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 - 2 . 3 0 A C R0 4 4 1 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 - 0 . 1 2 A C NU M B E R O F S T O R I E S : 3 NU M B E R O F U N I T S : 72 PR O J E C T D E N S I T Y : RE Q U I R E D PR O V I D E D 17 D U / A C 15 . 1 D U / A C NO T E S : 1. TR E E P R E S E R V A T I O N A S S H O W N I S B A S E D O N B E S T A V A I L A B L E I N F O R M A T I O N AN D M A Y B E S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E D U R I N G T R C R E V I E W A N D A P P R O V A L Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 4- 9 - 3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 4- 9 - 4 N E W HA N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 3/5/2020 Regular DE PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Ken Vafier, Planning Supervisor C O N TA C T(S ): Ken Vafier; Wayne C lark, Planning & L and U se Director S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing & Quasi-J udicial Hearing Rezoning & S pecial U se Permit Request (Z 20-07) – Request by Bowman M urray Hem ingway A rc hitects on behalf of the property owner, C ornelia N ixon Davis, I nc., to: 1. Rezone approximately 67.38 ac res of land located near the 1000 block of Porters N eck Road, from R-20, ResidenDal District, and (C U D) O &I , Offic e and I nsDtuDonal District, to (C U D) R -20, C ondiDonal U se ResidenDal District; and 2. Obtain a special use permit to expand the exisD ng campus and establish a C onDnuing C are ReDrement C ommunity within the area proposed to be rezoned. B R I E F S U M M A RY: I n 1966, T he D avis C ommunity was constructed to serve as a skilled nursing ho spital with 87 beds, and by 1968 had expanded to a to tal of 119 beds. A0er the adop1o n of the N ew Hanover C ounty Zoning O rdinance in 1969 and the applica1on of R -20 zoning to the site in 1971, the campus co n1nued to expand in size and sc o pe using a combina1on of rezonings, special use permit appro vals, and minor and majo r modifica1ons to approvals. T he current use o f the campus includes a 179-bed skilled nursing facility, a 123-unit assisted living facility, a pharmacy, administra1ve buildings, parking areas, and open space areas. T he propo sed co ndi1o nal use rezoning request is to expand the ma in campus to an adjacent 17.91-acre parcel and will consist of a four-story 150-unit independent living mul1-fa mily building, 32 a ssisted living duplexes, a 25,000 square foot wellness and amenity center, a central services building, and a memorial garden. T he exis1ng stormwater reten1on po nd will be removed, and a new infiltra1on basin, designed to accommodate the 100-year storm event, will be constructed on a por1on of the 12-acre parcel to the southeast of the exis1ng campus. T he po r1o n of the site currently zo ned (C U D) O &I is propo sed to be rezo ned back to R -20, and the accompanying Special U se Permit would permit a C on1nuing C are Re1rement C ommunity. T his ac1on is propo sed to pro vide a consistent zoning cla ssifi c a1on amo ng the en1re campus and adjacent c o mmunity, as well as to provide a use classifica1on that will mo re accurately desc ribe and co nso lidate the sco pe of ac1vity within the en1re f acility. T he U nified Development O rdinance defines C o n1nuing C are Re1rement as a residen1al community that accommodates changing lif estyle preferences and health care needs and off ers several levels o f assistance, including independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care, most commonly on one campus. T he undevelo ped area o f the site, with the current zo ning designa1o n o f R -20, could poten1ally be developed with up to 57 dwelling units at a density of 1.9 units per acre. T he typical single-f amily dwelling unit generates approximately 1 peak hour trip. A development a t this density c o uld yield an addi1onal 57 peak hour trips. Due to the classifica1on as senior adult housing and congregate care, the proposed expansion and improvements to the exis1ng D avis C ommunity campus are es1mated to generate 41 A M peak hour trips and 22 P M peak hour trips less than if the site was developed Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 with the exis1ng zoning. T he propo sed expansion of the D avis C ommunity is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the 2016 C omprehensive Plan because it is a co n1nua1o n of a long standing senio r living co mmunity and its associated services a nd has an overall density in line with what is recommended for General Residen1al areas. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Economic DevelopmentE ncourage development of complete communi1es in the unincorporated countyE nsure N H C has appropriate housing to support business growth R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : A . R E ZO N I N G R EQ U E S T Staff recommends approval and suggests the following mo1on: I move to A P P R OV E the proposed rezoning of the subject property to a C ondi1onal U se R -20 district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because the proposed overall density is in line with what is recommended for General Residen1al areas. I also find A P P R OVA L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the use is appropriate for the General Residen1al place type and the proposed expansion is a con1nua1on of a long standing senior living community and its associated services. B . S P EC I A L U S E P E R M I T R EQ U E S T E xample Mo1on for Approval: Mo1on to recommend approval, as the B oard finds that this applica1on for a Special U se Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the staff summary and/or the applicant's narra1ve. [O P T I O N A L ] N ote any addi1onal findings of fact related to the four required conclusions. [O P T I O N A L ] Also, that the following condi1ons be added to the development: [L ist Condi ons] E xample Mo1on for Denial: Mo1on to recommend denial, as the B oard cannot find that this proposal: 1. W ill not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required condi1ons and specifica1ons of the Zoning O rdinance; 3. W ill not substan1ally injure the value of adjoining or abuIng property; 4. W ill be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity of the plans of development for N ew Hanover C ounty. [State the finding(s) that the applica on does not meet and include reasons why it is not being met] Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 *T he B oard shall immediately rescind their approval of the Condi onal U se District if the companion S U P is denied. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anager) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 Conditional Use Zoning District Application (Z20-07) A. REZONING SCRIPT Request by Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, on behalf of the property owner, Cornelia Nixon Davis, Inc., to rezone approximately 67.38 acres of land located in the 1000 block of Porters Neck Road from R-20 and (CUD) O&I to (CUD) R-20, Conditional Use Residential District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning of the subject property to a Conditional Use R-20 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed overall density is in line with what is recommended for General Residential areas. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the use is appropriate for the General Residential place type and the proposed expansion is a continuation of a long standing senior living community and its associated services. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning of the subject property included in this application to a Conditional Use R-20 district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 1 Conditional Use Zoning District Application (Z20-07) B. SPECIAL USE PERMIT SCRIPT Request by Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, on behalf of the property owner, Cornelia Nixon Davis, Inc., to obtain a special use permit for a Continuing Care Retirement Community on 67.38 acres of land located in the 1000 block of Porters Neck Road. 1. Swear witnesses: Announce that “the Special Use Permit process requires a quasi-judicial hearing; therefore, any person wishing to testify must be sworn in. All persons who signed in to speak and wish to present competent and material testimony please step forward to be sworn in. Thank you.” 2. This is a quasi-judicial hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 3. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 4. Close the hearing 5. Board discussion 6. Ask Applicant whether he/she agrees with staff findings and any proposed conditions. 7. Vote on the Special Use Permit application. Motion to recommend approval of the permit - All findings are positive. Motion to recommend approval of the permit, subject to conditions specified below: (State Conditions) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Motion to recommend denial of the permit because the Board cannot find: a. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed for the following reason: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ b. That the use meets all required condition and specifications: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 2 - 1 c. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ d. That the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and is in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary. [OPTIONAL] Note any additional findings of fact related to the four required conclusions. [OPTIONAL] Also, that the following conditions be added to the development: [List Conditions] Example Motion for Denial: Motion to recommend denial, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity of the plans of development for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons why it is not being met] *The Board shall immediately rescind their approval of the Conditional Use District if the companion SUP is denied. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 2 - 2 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 1 of 14 STAFF REPORT FOR Z20-07 CONDITIONAL USE ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION CONDITIONAL USE ZONING OVERVIEW  Applications for conditional use district are broken down into two decisions. The first being on the rezoning to the conditional use district (a legislative decision), and the second on the special use permit for the proposed use (a quasi-judicial decision).  Decisions which are legislative are policy decisions made by the Board of Commissioners. The Board may take into account both opinions and facts when considering legislative rezoning proposals. In making a decision on a legislative rezoning, the Board must state whether the proposal is or is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and if the Board’s action of approving or denying the request is reasonable and in the public interest.  Quasi-judicial decisions, on the other hand, must be based only on competent, material, and substantial evidence presented at the hearing. Only parties with standing should present evidence to the Board, and that testimony should relate to the four conclusions required for a special use permit to be granted. In some situations, the only competent evidence is provided by someone regarded as an expert in the subject field.  In order for a conditional use district to be approved, the Board of Commissioners must approve both the rezoning and special use permit for the proposed use. APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z20-07 Request: A) Rezoning to a Conditional Use R-20 Zoning District B) Special Use Permit for a Continuing Care Retirement Community consisting of a 150-unit independent living multi-family building, 32 assisted living duplexes, a 25,000 square foot wellness and amenity center, and a central services building. Applicant: Property Owner(s): Bruce Bowman, AIA, Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects Cornelia Nixon Davis, Inc. Location: Acreage: 1000 block of Porters Neck Road 67.38 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R03700-001-005-000 R03700-002-001-000 R03700-002-002-001 General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Nursing Care Facility/Undeveloped Continuing Care Retirement Community Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: (CUD) O&I, R-15 (CUD) R-20 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 1 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 2 of 14 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential (Vineyard Plantation, Porters Neck Plantation) R-20 East Single-Family Attached Residential, Continuing Care Retirement Community (Plantation Village) R-20 South Single-Family Residential (Porters Neck Plantation) R-20 West Single-Family Residential (Vineyard Plantation), Undeveloped R-20 ZONING HISTORY July 6, 1971 July 6, 1992 November 10, 2008 May 7, 2012 Initially zoned R-20 (Area 5) 24 acres of site zoned (CD) O&I for Health Care Center Additional 2.64 acres zoned (CD) O&I for expansion Additional 7.56 acres zoned (CUD) O&I for expansion and renovation Note: CD Zoning approvals were renamed to either a CUD or CZD in 2012 and the prior CD approval is now considered a CUD Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 2 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 3 of 14 COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, Porter’s Neck Station Schools Blair at Porter’s Neck Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High Schools Recreation Pages Creek Park Preserve, Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation The southeastern portion of the site contains a small area of pocosin wetlands, however, this area of the site is not anticipated to be disturbed and is designated as conservation space on the site plan. Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources A. Z20-07 REZONING REQUEST  In 1966, The Davis Community was constructed to serve as a skilled nursing hospital with 87 beds, and by 1968 had expanded to a total of 119 beds. After the adoption of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance in 1969 and the application of R-20 zoning to the site in 1971, the campus continued to expand in size and scope using a combination of rezonings, special use permit approvals, and minor and major modifications to approvals, the most notable of which include: o In 1972, a special use permit was granted to allow an expansion of the health care facility by up to 80 beds. o In 1992, approximately 24 acres of the site, including the initial campus, was rezoned from R-20 to (CD) O&I in order to accommodate additional health care uses on the site consisting of a geriatric clinic and physician services. o In 2008, an additional 2.64 acres were rezoned to (CD) O&I to accommodate a 20-room addition and the reconstruction of an on-site pharmacy and doctor’s office. o In 2012, an additional modification to the campus was approved, rezoning 7.56 acres of additional land to (CUD) O&I to accommodate two additional buildings and the renovation of pre-existing facilities.  The current use of the campus includes a 179-bed skilled nursing facility, a 123-unit assisted living facility, a pharmacy, administrative buildings, parking areas, and open space areas.  This conditional use rezoning request is to expand the main campus to an adjacent 17.91- acre parcel and will consist of a four-story 150-unit independent living multi-family building, 32 assisted living duplexes, a 25,000 square foot wellness and amenity center, a central services building, and a memorial garden.  The existing stormwater retention pond will be removed, and a new infiltration basin will be constructed on a portion of the 12-acre parcel to the southeast of the existing campus. This facility will be designed to accommodate the 100-year storm event, containing a design Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 3 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 4 of 14 capacity capable of retaining a minimum of 10 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period. The remainder of this tract will be preserved for conservation.  The portion of the site currently zoned (CUD) O&I is proposed to be rezoned back to R-20, and the accompanying Special Use Permit would permit a Continuing Care Retirement Community as defined by the Unified Development Ordinance: A residential community that accommodates changing lifestyle preferences and health care needs and offers several levels of assistance, including all of the following: independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care. It provides a written agreement or long-term contract between the resident and the provider community that offers assurance of a continuum of housing, services, and health care, most commonly all on one campus, and frequently last for the resident’s lifetime.  This action is proposed to provide a consistent zoning classification among the entire campus and adjacent community, as well as to provide a use classification that will more accurately describe and consolidate the scope of activity within the entire facility.  The applicant may be subject to any applicable licensure requirements to certify the proposed uses on the site with the respective governing agencies.  As currently zoned, the undeveloped portions of the subject site would be permitted an approximate maximum of 57 dwelling units under the performance residential standards and 127 units with an Additional Dwelling Allowance Special Use Permit. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 4 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 5 of 14 R-20 Proposed CUD Min Lot Size (Conventional) 20,000 sf N/A Max Density 1.9 du/ac (Performance) 4.25 du/ac (Additional Allowance SUP) 4.5 du/ac Max Dwelling Units for Subject Property 57 (Performance) 127 (Additional Allowance SUP) 150 additional independent MF units, 32 duplex/triplex units Transportation  Access is currently provided to the subject property via two locations on Porters Neck Road and two locations on Champ Davis Road, all controlled with automated gates. With this proposal, an additional point of ingress and egress is proposed on Futch Creek Road on the northern boundary of the site, for a total of five gated access points. In addition to these vehicular connections, a bicycle and pedestrian connection is proposed near the intersection of Shiraz Way and Winery Way.  Delivery trucks will utilize the existing access on Porters Neck Road to consolidate deliveries to the new central services building, and from there vans or small trucks will make individual deliveries using the internal transportation network.  As currently zoned, R-20, the subject site would be permitted a maximum of 57 dwelling units under the performance residential standards. A detached single-family dwelling typically generates about one trip during the peak hours. With the existing zoning, development of the property is estimated to generate approximately 57 trips during the peak hours.  Due to the classification as senior adult housing and congregate care, the proposed expansion is estimated to generate an estimated 16 AM peak hour trips and 35 PM peak hour trips, representing a decrease of 41 AM peak hour trips 22 PM peak hour trips from the trips generated if the site were to be developed under the existing zoning classification. Comparison of Potential Trip Generation Scenarios Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped (29.93 of 67.38 acres) 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 57 single-family homes 57 AM / 57 PM Development under Proposed (CUD) R-20 Zoning: 150 unit congregate care facility 32 senior adult housing units 16 AM / 35 PM Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 5 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 6 of 14  As the number of anticipated trips does not equal or exceed 100 peak hour trips, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is not required. However, the applicant has prepared a technical memorandum to assess traffic impacts, and it concludes that the proposed expansion will have relatively minimal impact on nearby road capacity with less than a second increase in delay. Regardless of the requirement to conduct a TIA, an NCDOT Driveway Permit will be required for the additional connection to Futch Creek Road.  Because a TIA is not required to analyze transportation impacts, staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for Futch Creek Road and Porters Neck Road near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. The volume to capacity ratio indicates that both of these segments are currently operating below the capacity for a 2-lane, unsignalized corridor. Traffic Counts – 2018 (Source – Davenport Technical Memorandum) Road Location Volume Capacity V/C Futch Creek Road 400 block (north of subject property) 2,200 17,000 0.13 Porters Neck Road 800 block (west of Porters Neck Road roundabout) 14,500 17,000 0.85 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 6 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 7 of 14 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects:  STIP Project U-4751 (Military Cutoff Extension) o Proposal to extend Military Cutoff from Market Street to I-140. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in late 2022/early 2023. o The project will also install a sidewalk and multi-use path along the extension of Military Cutoff and the sections of Market Street included in the project.  STIP Project U-4902D (Market Street Median) o Project to install a center median and pedestrian access ways along Market Street from Middle Sound Loop Road to Marsh Oaks Drive. The pedestrian access ways will consist Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 7 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 8 of 14 of a 10-foot multi-use path on the eastern side of the street, and a 5-foot sidewalk on the western side of the street. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in late 2022/early 2023.  NCDOT Project – Installation of an Additional Southbound Exit Lane on US-17 onto Market Street o The Board of Commissioners recently adopted a resolution to support the installation of an additional southbound exit lane at the US 17/Market Street Interchange. The project is a candidate for funding through the State’s High Impact Low Cost program. o While funding for this program is currently on hold due to NCDOT' s cash flow balance, NCDOT Division 3 has been requested to submit everything needed for the fund requests to the Board of Transportation so there is no delay when funding becomes available. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. The Oaks at Murray Farm*  348 Multi-Family Housing  58 Single-Family Housing  December 6, 2019  2023 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a second westbound right turn lane on Futch Creek Road at US 17, and revising the signal timing plan at that intersection. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Waterstone Development Status: Development pending rezoning consideration. *The current proposed number of units being considered by the Board of Commissioners has been reduced since the TIA. The above figures reflect the density analyzed with the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 2. Waterstone  151 Single-Family Dwellings  Approved June 18, 2015  2020 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a southbound right turn lane on Edgewater Club Road at the site’s northern access. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 8 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 9 of 14  Porters Neck Elementary Development Status: 98 lots have been platted at this time, and approximately 20 units are occupied. The right turn lane has been installed. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property is not within a Natural Heritage Area or Special Flood Hazard Area.  The property is largely within the Futch Creek watershed, with a small part of the southwestern portion of the site within the Pages Creek watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation), Class II (moderate limitation) and Class IV (unsuitable) soils, however, the project will connect to CFPUA sewer services. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes, though low-density multi-family residential is included as an appropriate use. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Analysis The subject parcel is the location of the existing Davis Community, a senior care campus adjacent to the Plantation Village independent senior living facility. The current senior care community has been located on this site for Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 9 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 10 of 14 53 years and was in place prior to much of the single family development in the Porters Neck area. The proposed development would expand the existing project with a 150-unit independent living building, 32 single story cottage units, a wellness facility, and relocations of existing services (i.e., shipping, laundry, maintenance, and storage). Like the majority of the Porters Neck area east of the Market Street/Highway 17 corridor, this parcel has been designated as a General Residential area in the Comprehensive Plan. The intent of this place type is to preserve existing residential neighborhoods and provide opportunities for similar lower density housing and associated services. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that single family residential and duplexes are typical, but it also lists multi-family residential (including the type of independent living building proposed) as appropriate for this place type. The proposed development continues the senior living uses currently on the site and on the adjacent Plantation Village property, which have been in existence for several decades. Its total proposed density (including existing units) of 4.5 dwelling units per acre is in line with the 1-6 units per acre recommended for General Residential areas. Even including the 179 existing skilled nursing beds, which are generally not factored into density calculations, the density is still only slightly higher at 7.2 units per acre. The requested 4-story building is taller than the 3-story buildings included in the guidelines for this place type. This building scale recommendation was based on the most common form of development in existing residential neighborhoods and, a no-longer accurate, expectation that 4-story tall buildings were unlikely due to an elevator requirement triggered at that height. However, the proposed height of the independent living building is similar to the height of nearby structures in the Plantation Village community. Consistency Recommendation The proposed expansion of the Davis Community is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it is a continuation of a long standing senior living community and its associated services and has an overall density in line with what is recommended for General Residential areas. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Zoning District and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning of the subject property to a Conditional Use R-20 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed overall density is in line with what is recommended for General Residential areas. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the use is appropriate for the General Residential place type and the proposed expansion is a continuation of a long standing senior living community and its associated services. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 10 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 11 of 14 B. Z20-07 SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN The application proposes to expand The Davis Community by developing a four-story 150-unit independent living multi-family building, 32 assisted living duplexes, a 25,000 square foot wellness and amenity center, a new central services building, and additional parking and open spaces. Proposed Conceptual Plan  The multi-family independent living facility is proposed at a maximum height of 50’ and four stories. In order for the building height to exceed 35’, the building must be setback a distance equal to the building’s height. The closest proposed building to a single-family structure is approximately 185 feet away.  The Unified Development Ordinance requires a vegetative, opaque buffer to be provided along all property lines, which the applicant has proposed at a width of 20’, and 25’ surrounding the multi-family building. New SF Attached New MF Independent Living, Wellness Center, and Memorial Garden New Central Services Building New Access Relocated Stormwater Management Existing Campus Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 11 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 12 of 14  The site plan was reviewed preliminarily by the Technical Review Committee and it complies with the applicable zoning regulations as proposed.  The site is currently accessed via Porters Neck Road and Champ Davis Road. The proposed expansion will add an access point on Futch Creek Drive to provide a point of vehicular access on the northern boundary of the site, resulting in a total of five points of gated access to the site. In addition, a bicycle and pedestrian access point will be provided to the site at the intersection of Shiraz Way and Winery Way.  The existing stormwater retention pond will be removed, and a new stormwater infiltration basin will be constructed on a 12-acre parcel to the southeast of the existing campus. This facility will be designed to accommodate the 100-year storm event, or a design capacity capable of retaining 10 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period.  As proposed, the site plan meets all Unified Development Ordinance requirements for a Continuing Care Retirement Community. STAFF PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS OF FACT: Staff has conducted an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package and has created preliminary findings of fact for each of the conclusions required to be reached to approve the special use permit request. These preliminary findings of fact and conclusions are based solely on the information provided to date, prior to any information or testimony in support or opposition to the request that may be presented at the upcoming public hearing at the Board meeting. The applicant has also proposed findings to the conclusions within their application narrative. Conclusion 1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site will be accessed from Porters Neck Road, Futch Creek Road, and Champ Davis Road, all of which are maintained by the NCDOT. B. Based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual, the proposed use is estimated to generate an additional 16 trips in the AM peak and 35 trips in the PM peak. C. The subject property is located in the New Hanover County North Fire Service District. D. The site is not located within any Special Flood Hazard Area. E. Water and sewer services must be provided and designed in accordance with CFPUA’s standards. CFPUA has indicated water and sewer capacity is available and a Utility Plan Review is required to verify provision of services. F. Stormwater retention will be provided with a design capacity capable of accommodating the 100-year storm event, exceeding the minimum requirements of the New Hanover County Stormwater Ordinance. Conclusion 2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The site is proposed to be zoned (CUD) R-20, Residential District. B. Senior Living Options, specifically a Continuing Care Retirement Community, are allowed by special use permit in the R-20 zoning district, subject to supplemental standards. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 12 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 13 of 14 C. The conceptual site plan has been reviewed preliminarily by the Technical Review Committee and complies with all applicable technical standards in Section 72-43.1: Senior Living Options of the Unified Development Ordinance. Conclusion 3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The surrounding area generally contains single-family housing, with a Continuing Care Retirement Community, Plantation Village, to the east. B. Bufferyards must be provided between the development and adjacent residential property. C. To date, no evidence has been provided to show that the proposed development will substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. Conclusion 4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County. A. The Davis Community has operated as a skilled nursing facility since 1966. Over the years, it has been expanded with a variety of additional facilities and services, however it has been comprised of office, institutional, and medical land uses since its inception. B. The property is located in the General Residential place type as classified in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. C. The proposal is consistent with the recommended uses and densities of the General Residential place type. D. The requested 4-story building is taller than the 3-story buildings included in the guidelines for this place type. However, the proposed height of the independent living building is similar to the height of nearby structures in the Plantation Village community. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 13 Z20-07 Staff Report 3.5.2020 Page 14 of 14 EXAMPLE MOTIONS Example Motion for Approval: Motion to approve, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary. [OPTIONAL] Note any additional findings of fact related to the four required conclusions. [OPTIONAL] Also, that the following conditions be added to the development: [List Conditions] Example Motion for Denial: Motion to deny as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons why it is not being met] *The Board shall immediately rescind their approval of the Conditional Use District if the companion SUP is denied. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 14 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 5 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 6 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 2 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 3 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 4 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 5 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 6 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 7 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 8 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 9 Attachment 1 - Proposed use(s) and written description The proposed new use that will be added to the 53-year-old senior care campus will be a 150-unit independent living four-story multi-family development with an additional 32 single-story cottage units consisting of duplexes and triplexes. There will also be a one-story wellness facility of approximately 25,000 square feet. The existing 179-bed skilled nursing facility and 123-unit assisted living facility will remain in use as well as the detached pharmacy and administrative buildings. The existing zoning has been designated as 0+1 (CUD) for decades since the facility did not meet New Hanover County1 s (NHC) definition of a continuing care retirement community. As such, these uses could not be located in an R-20 zone. The original facility pre-dated the NHC Zoning Ordinance. With the addition of independent living as a new use the owner is now seeking a reversal of the 0+1 (CUD) zone to R-20 for the existing developed tract in addition to seeking a special use permit for both the developed tract and adjoining R-20 tract with proposed independent living for combined use as a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). The central portion of the skilled nursing facility known as The Community Center is currently undergoing extensive renovations with partial rebuild. This is the oldest portion of the existing facility and will be replaced with a modern one-story building of similar footprint. Centralized services such as shipping, receiving, laundry, maintenance and storage is proposed to be moved from the current community center building to a new outbuilding located off of the existing service drive behind the fire station. This new facility will consolidate all large truck deliveries near the service drive behind the fire station. Deliveries to individual structures will utilize vans or small trucks. Other design elements include relocation of the storm water pond across the street, removal of the existing water tower and partial relocation of overhead power lines. I Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 10 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 11 Attachment 3 - Criteria Required for Approval of Special Use Permit 1. The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and approved. a. The existing health care facility has been a convenient source for licensed senior health care in the Porters Neck area for more than half a century. The comprehensive plan cites a fast pace growth in census between 2000 and 2010 including a 27.8% growth for ages 25-44 and 25.9% growth for ages 45-64 which will be the target demographics for this facility. b. The new independent living element is consistent with the surrounding general residential use map with a medium high concentration of elderly (65+). The addition of independent living with the new wellness facility providing both campus and neighboring residents’ locally sourced services meeting residents’ needs without adding traffic to local traffic arteries. c. Traffic impact will be less then 100 daily trips for AM and PM trips combined (see attached analysis from Davenport Engineering). d. Public water and sewer capabilities are available to the site. CFPUA has agreed to receive effluent in a preliminary statement for capacity as calculated on the proposed density. e. This site is located adjoining the local fire station affording quick emergency responses. f. The on-site wet storm water pond designed to a 25-year storm will be replaced by a larger infiltration storm water pond across the street, designed to a 100-year storm exceeding both county and state water requirements. BMP practices will also be incorporated into the developed site to aid in process and infiltration of storm water on site. g. The facility was a receiving site for seniors-at-risk during Hurricane Florence. The facility has emergency stand-by power including air conditioning. 2. The use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zone ordinance. Senior Living: Continuing Care Retirement Community or Life Care Community is permitted via special use permit within the R-20 Zone District. The existing developed skilled nursing facility with 179 licensed beds and existing assisted living facility with 123 licensed beds will be combined with the new 182-unit independent living project proposed to create the continuing care retirement community under Section 72.43.1 Senior Living Options of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance as follows. 1. Total developed acreage is approximately 70 acres, exceeding the minimum required 20 acres. 2. On-site parking will exceed the minimum required of 1. Skilled nursing beds 179 ÷ 4 = 45 spaces 2. Assisted living units 123 x 1.5 = 184.5 spaces 3. Independent living units 183 x 1.5 = 274.5 spaces 4. Wellness Center 25,000 SF ÷ 400 SF/Space = 62.5 spaces Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 12 5. Employees of the largest shift 105 x 1 = 105 spaces Total Parking Spaces Required 671 spaces Total Provided Spaces 734 spaces 3. Maximum impervious areas do not exceed 40% of the developed acreage. Storm water infiltration systems designed to a 100-year storm will be provided to satisfy the Coastal Storm Water Provisions. 4. Commercial uses do not exceed 2% of the new developed acreage. All of the independent structures that do not contain senior residential living are directly related to the CRCC rather than the outparcel shops. They are as follows: • Existing former residence (now Human Resources) 2,000 sf • Pharmacy support and training building 6,000 sf • Central Services building proposed 10,000 sf • Independent Living Wellness Center 25,000 sf 5-6. All building setback lines are represented at 50’, permitting consideration of 50’ tall structures. All buildings are one-story approximately 25’ tall except as follows: • Existing assisted living – 3 stories –35’ tall • Proposed I.L. multi-family building – 4 stories – 50’ tall 7. Public water and sewer serve the site. 8. Open space and improved recreational area exceed 35% of the net acreage. 9. Vegetative buffers exceed 20’. 10. Traffic impacts will be reviewed and approved by MPO and NCDOT. The CRCC fronts on a neighborhood collector street. 11. All other local, state and federal guidelines will be satisfied. NHC TRC requirements will be satisfied. 3. The use will not materially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. a. The proposed development shall improve neighborhood access to locally sourced services and be an enhancement to neighboring properties. b. The original development of this site as a skilled nursing facility began in 1967, prior to the development of a county ordinance and has maintained continued operation since. Nearly all of the developed surrounding properties were constructed after development of this site. c. Convenient senior housing and licensed skilled assisted and nursing beds serves a public health necessity for this community’s elderly population. d. The proposed construction provides a more up to date and residential appearance that will have a positive impact on neighboring residential properties. 4. The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. a. The site was constructed prior to the adjacent Plantation Village, an assisted living and independent living complex, which is contractually allowed continual care retirement community which creates a harmonious environment. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 13 b. The project is in conformity with New Hanover County plan for development by serving the surrounding areas with convenient access to the senior housing, assisted and skilled nursing facility. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 14 514 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 phone 910.762.2621 www.bmharch.com The Davis Community Independent Living Community Meeting Minutes for Conditional Use District Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Church January 23, 2020 Attending for owner’s team: Bruce Bowman, BMH Architects – Presenter David Ball, BMH Architects – Architect Charles Long, CEO – The Davis Community Angie Barr, Davis Administrative Team Jeff Winecoff, Davis Administrative Team Amy Schaefer, Lee Kaess Law Firm – Land Use Attorney Phil Tripp, Tripp Engineering – Civil Engineer Tim Lowe, Davenport Engineering– Traffic Engineer Cal Morgan, J C Morgan Company – Appraisal Specialist Community Attendees: See Attachment #1 for list of attendees for 3:30pm and 5:30pm community meetings Presentation: Each presentation opened with an 8-minute video on the history of The Davis Community since 1963. The video was followed by a 34 slide Power Point (see Attachment #2). Mr. Bowman discussed each slide and requested that questions be held until after the presentation. 3:30 Community Meeting Summary of Questions and Answers Q 1 Denny Casterline (Plantation Village) Did the traffic study collect data on school traffic, work traffic and does it include traffic impact from neighboring Logan Home Development? A 1 Tim Lowe, Davenport Engineering School and work traffic loads were extrapolated using accepted methods and practices. Morning peak traffic captures school load. Afternoon traffic at the school will hit ahead of PM peak load. The Logan Home Development was included in the study. Q 2 Julia Worth (Bald Eagle Lane) This area has a large elderly population creating some confusion and, in turn, traffic delays. Have you considered adding turn lanes to lessen this? Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 15 A 2 Bruce Bowman The calculated traffic load does not warrant turn or decelerating lanes with only 56 total daily peak load increase. We will, however, look at opportunities to improve signage at the various entrances as well as altering the main driveway gate to improve car stacking off of the Porters Neck roadway. The driveway proposed at Shiraz Way has been reduced to just a bike path and trail. This was modified since the community meeting announcement at the request of Trevor Matthews and neighbors to the west. Q 3 Mary Michaelson (Vineyard Plantation) Please consider a solid privacy fence along Shiraz Way behind the centralized services building. Will a turn lane be provided for trucks at this entrance? A 3 Bruce Bowman We will add an opaque fence here and will maintain the existing landscape buffer. A turn lane will not be provided but adequate truck egress queuing will be provided on the campus side of the gate. The gate is set back 100’ from the right-of-way allowing for stacking of two trucks on the road side of the gate. We may study increasing the west bound turn radius from the existing 25’ radius to 30’ radius to improve truck egress into Porters Neck Road. Q 4 Tom Owens (Vineyard Plantation) We have flooding concerns after Hurricane Florence with all the new proposed developments in the neighborhood. When will storm water details be finalized? A 4 Bruce Bowman The storm water design is conceptually complete but will be finalized for the county technical review process. The design calls for replacement of the existing wet storm water pond designed to meet a 25-year storm with a larger infiltration storm pond across the street to meet a 100-year storm. Local infiltration beds and rain gardens will be included in the site development to minimize the water leaving the site to the new pond. We have conducted soil borings and the soils are very favorable to infiltration. Our wet pond remains mostly dry at the existing pond location for this reason. Q 5 Sandy Clark (Plantation Village) Please show us the location of the existing power lines. Have you included accessible design in the site and facility? A 5 Bruce Bowman The overhead energy power lines were identified. There will be a study as to the possibility of partial relocation of these. The campus site and all buildings are designed to meet barrier free requirements. In several cases these requirements have been exceeded. Q 6 Porters Neck Plantation We have flooding concerns related to the storm water pond. A 6 We have strategically located the new pond on the southeastern parcel to route storm water away from Porters Neck Plantation. The northeastern parcel will not be the receiving site but will continue to infiltrate storm water in a passive fashion. The new design will handle larger storms and should improve flooding at Porters Neck Plantation due to the relocation. Q 7 Connor (Reisling Avenue) Can you improve the distance of the cottage drive away from the west boundary including possibly flipping the cottage orientation with the drive for a back yard to back yard arrangement? Also, will trucks use this driveway? Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 16 A 7 Bruce Bowman The cottage drive will not have service traffic. Service traffic will be on the internal road by the Health Care Center. We will relocate the cottage drive to improve setback and will study buffer yard improvements. We will study flipping the cottage orientation but cannot agree to that at this time. Some in the audience mentioned that the current arrangement provides a greater separation between the cottages and the neighboring houses. Q 8 John Sawyer (Lincolnshire) The Futch Creek and Champ Davis intersection is dangerous. The new driveway should be carefully designed. A 8 Bruce Bowman The design of this driveway will involve the relocation of a power pole and will include fill dirt to raise the driveway to improve visibility to oncoming vehicles. Conclusion - Bruce Bowman Thank you for attending our community meeting. Please feel free to contact myself or the County Planning staff if you have any further questions. The public hearings for this item should be scheduled in March for the Planning Board and April for County Commissioners and will be announced through a public notice process. The 3:30pm community meeting ended at 4:50pm. 5:30pm Community Meeting Summary of Questions and Answers Q 9 Is the project funded and ready to start after the rezoning process and is it your intention to keep the facility open during construction? A 9 Bruce Bowman The project financing is pending but expected to finish shortly. The community will remain open during construction. Phase I pond relocation and centralized services building will begin after the rezoning process is concluded. The cottages will be complete in early 2021 and the Wellness Facility and Multi-Family Buildings are scheduled for completion mid-year 2022. This timeline is still tentative. Q 10 Have you considered the effect of other nearby development in your design? A 10 Bruce Bowman Yes, we have included the Logan Home traffic impact in our traffic planning. The peak trip are 56 addition peak load trips per day for the proposed development. This only exceeds the by-right traffic impact for half-acre lots by 27 additional vehicles per day at peak times for just the two adjoining parcels excluding the pond parcel. Q 11 The site coverage is concerning with respect to stormwater and flooding problems. A 11 Bruce Bowman Our design of the multi-family building is proposed at four-stories rather than three stories to minimize site coverage and building footprints. We will incorporate storm water infiltration measures on site in addition to the new infiltration basin across the street. These will be designed to meet a 100-year storm. The storm water design will be well vetted once approved at the County Technical Review and State Division of Water Quality. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 17 Q 12 Please show and describe the buffer yard. A 12 Bruce Bowman We have a 20’ buffer yard within a 50’ building setback. We propose to adjust the drive along the west boundary to exceed the buffer requirements. Existing tress will remain in this buffer yard. Q 13 How will the four-story building appear from outside the development? A 13 Bruce Bowman The multi-family building will not exceed the 50’ height limit permitted. Existing trees along the roadway will remain to provide a visual buffer as well as new landscaping plantings. The building will be visible from the street between the trees. The building placement is about twice the distance back from the right-of-way than it is tall. This site placement was chosen to buffer the taller building from the neighbors since the Champ Davis Roadway falls between the four-story building and adjoining residential neighbors to the north. Q 14 What will happen with the existing deer population? A 14 Bruce Bowman They will likely disperse during construction with some possibly returning after the construction concludes. Conclusion repeated from Session One. The 5:30pm community meeting concluded at 6:32pm. Prepared: Bruce Bowman Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 18 Attachment #1 Attendees - 3:30pm and 5:30pm meetings. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5- 8 - 19 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5- 8 - 20 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5- 8 - 21 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5- 8 - 22 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5- 8 - 23 January 23, 2020 COMMUNITY MEETING Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 24 Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Davis Community Properties 17.91 Acres 37.45 Acres 12.0 Acres 6.51 Acres 1.97 Acres Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 25 Current Zoning O+I CUD Existing Developed Site R-20 R-20 R-20 R-20 R-20 Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 26 Undeveloped Parcels Undeveloped This Parcel Undeveloped This Parcel Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 27 Parcels for Development New Independent Living Development Existing Site to be Redeveloped Open Space Conservation Area Stormwater Infiltration Pond 100 Year Design Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 28 New Proposed Zoning R-20 CUD R-20 R-20 R-20 CUD 20’ Buffer Yard Typical Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 29 Proposed Campus Plan Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 30 Existing Skilled Nursing Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 31 Existing Assisted Living Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 32 Support Buildings Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 33 Independent Living Cottages Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 34 Independent Living Multi Family Building Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 35 Wellness Building Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 36 Memorial Garden Memorial Garden Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 37 Proposed Davis Community Site Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 38 Site Access Diagram New Independent Living Entrance Existing Rear Entrance Existing Main Entrance Existing Service Entrance Bicycle & Trail Entrance Only Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Existing Rehab Entrance Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 39 Site Phasing Plan PHASE 1 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 40 Proposed & Existing Heights 25 Feet 35 Feet 50 Feet 50 Foot Setback for 50’ Permitted Height Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 41 Proposed Parking Plan Parking Calculations Skilled Nursing 179 Beds 1 space per 4 beds = 45 Employee Largest Shift 1 space per employee = 105 123 Assisted Living Units 1.5 spaces per unit = 185 150 Independent Living Units 1.5 spaces per unit = 225 32 cottage units 1.5 space per unit = 48 Wellness Building 25,000 sf 1 space per 400 gsf = 63 Total Required =671 Total Provided = 671 Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d Porters Neck Road N Sh i r a z W a y Fu t c h Cre e k Ro a d Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 42 Reforestation Plan •Tree Survey Update Now in Progress •No Heritage Trees are Present on Site •CountyArborist will be Considered •Landscape Architect Engaged to Design Mitigation Plan •2”Tree ReplacementRequired for Every 1” of Regulated Tree Requiring Mitigation •191 2” Trees Planted on the Developed Site to Mitigate Trees Removed to Build Current Retention Pond •Tree Mitigation Required for •Flowering Trees > 8” •Deciduous Trees >24” •Pine Trees >24” Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 43 Independent Living @ The Davis Community Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 44 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 45 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 46 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 47 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 48 Community Services @ The Davis Community Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 49 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 50 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 51 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 52 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 53 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 54 Traffic Analysis Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 55 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 56 Thank You Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 8 - 57 N O R T HExisting Site Plan A100 Ex i s t i n g S i t e P l a n CO N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T HI- HICKORY P- PINE O- OAK M- MAGNOLIA CM- CRAPE MYRTLE D- DOGWOOD G- GUM H - HOLLY LEGEND scale: 1" = 100'-0" 0'100'200'400' FOR ZONING REVIEW ONLY Th e D a v i s C o m m u n i t y Th e I n d e p e n d e n t L i v i n g C a m p u s 10 1 1 P o r t e r s N e c k R o a d Wi l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 1 1 2/5/20, 11:19 AM JOB NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NUMBER Ball REVISIONS 514 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Tel - (910) 762-2621 Bowman February 6, 2020 5951 W IL MING T O N , N CH CA R N O RT O L I N A B R U C E F.BOW M A N RE G S T E R E D ARCH T E C T II SITE DATA 1. TREE SURVEY FROM SURVEY DATED 2009 FOR DAVIS COMMUNITY 2. NEW 2020 TREE SURVEY UNDERWAY SH I R A Z W A Y PORTERS NECK ROAD JEAN E L L E M O O R E B L V D . 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All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding, is 100% recyclable. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM February 11, 2020 Davis Community New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, PC Project #: 190263 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 1 Q oAVEN>ORT Technical Memorandu m Davis Co mm unity New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, PC February 11, 2020 Analysis by : Tou Lee, El Drafting/Graphics by : Tou Lee, El Reviewed by : Robert Gey, PE Timothy Lowe, PE Sealed by: Robert Gey, PE SEAL I\ I II II I/// ,,, ,,, ,, CA 1, (. ,, . . "',.. ·., -:, - --. 3 \,, ....... ~,\,GI N~~'.-···{ ,f ', 1>o ·········· , 111, o'f:RT 'I<. 111 1 // II I .. 0 This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer content. • All paper is FSC Certified . The entire document, including binding, is (!l 100% recyclable . This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein , is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared . Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT shall be without liability to DAVENPORT and shall be a violation of the agreement between DAVENPORT and the client. Home Office : 119 Br ookstown Ave . Suite PH1 Wins ton-Salem , NC 27101 Main : 336 74 4 .1636 ; Fa x . 336 458 .9377 Wilmington Regional Offi ce: 3722 Shipyard Bo ulevard, Suite E Wilmington , NC 28403 Main 910 251 8912 , Fax 336 458 9377 Serving the Southeast since 2002 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 2 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 1 Intersection Capacity Analysis for Davis Community Technical Memorandum DAVENPORT Project Number 190263 Prepared for Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects, PC February 11, 2020 Introduction DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of the Davis Community Independent Living project and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The proposed project is to be located north of the existing Davis Community in New Hanover County, NC. The project proposes 32 senior adult housing and a 182 congregate care facility dwelling units. One (1) new site access point is proposed along with interconnectivity to the existing Davis Community. The new site access is proposed to be located at Futch Creek Road and Champ Davis Road. Methodology Figure 1 in the Supporting Documents illustrates the site plan. The vicinity map and the existing lane geometry are illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively. Quality Counts staff collected existing traffic counts at the study intersection on November 5, 2019. Approved developments are developments that have been recently approved in the area, but not yet constructed. There are two (2) approved developments to be considered in this analysis. The first is Oaks at Murray Farm (previously known as Porters Neck Development) located north of Porters Neck Road and west of Shiraz Way. This development consists of 58 single family homes and 348 multi-family housing units to be built by 2023. The second approved development is Waterstone Development located on Edgewater Club Road and south of Porters Neck Road. This development consists of 151 single family homes to be built by 2020. Existing volumes were projected out to a future analysis year of 2022 by applying an 1% annual traffic growth rate and adding the approved development trips. Existing volumes and 2022 future no build volumes are shown for AM and PM peaks in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The trip generation potential for this site was projected based on the 10th edition of ITE Trip Generation Manual. Table 1 presents the results. Site trips for this project were distributed based on the existing traffic patterns and engineering judgment. The trip distribution model is shown in Figure 6. The 2022 build-out traffic volumes were obtained by summing the 2022 future no build volumes, and site trips generated by the proposed Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 3 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 2 project. Site trips are shown in Figure 7. The 2022 future build volumes are shown for AM and PM peaks in Figure 8. Synchro traffic software and SIDRA 8.0 were used to determine the level of service of the study intersection. Queue lengths were reviewed based on the SimTraffic simulation. In general, the analysis for this project was conducted utilizing commonly accepted NCDOT standards. The following intersections were included in the study: 1. Porters Neck Road at Shiraz Way / Edgewater Club Road (ROUNDABOUT) 2. Porters Neck Road at Davis Community Service Driveway 3. Porters Neck Road at Jessie Ball Dupont Road 4. Porters Neck Road at Champ Davis Road 5. Champ Davis Road at Davis Nursing Home Road / Jeanelle Moore Blvd. 6. Champ Davis Road at Futch Creek Road / Proposed Site Access 1 The intersections were analyzed during the AM (7-9 am) and PM (4-6 pm) peaks for the following conditions:  2019 Existing Conditions  2022 Future No-Build Conditions  2022 Build Conditions Capacity Analysis Overall, the study intersections currently operate at level of service (LOS) A or B during the AM and PM peak hours, as shown in Table 2 through Table 7 on the next page. The 2022 future no build conditions (without the project site trips) remain at the same levels of service. In 2022 future build conditions (which includes the proposed project site trips) the studied intersections remain at the same levels of service. Overall, a slight increase (less than a second) in delay is expected at all intersections. A summary of the queue length analysis is shown in Table 8.1 and Table 8.2. No queuing issues are expected based upon the analysis results. Based on the NCDOT turn lane warrant charts, no turn lanes are warranted. Therefore, it is recommended to design the site access according to NCDOT standards. Figure 9 shows the recommended improvements. Table 1 - ITE Trip Generation Davis Community Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method/Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Congregate Care Facility 253 182 Dwelling Units Adjacent/Equation 368 7 4 16 14 Senior Adult Housing 252 32 Dwelling Units Adjacent/Equation 103 2 4 5 4 Total Unadjusted Trips 471 9 8 21 18 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 4 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 3 Table 2 - Porters Neck Road at Shiraz Way / Edgewater Club Road (ROUNDABOUT) Scenario Overall LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (7.3) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.3) A (7.3) A (7.3) A (7.4) A (7.4) A (7.4) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.1) A (7.3) A (7.4) A (7.1) 2022 Future No Build A (9.2) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.2) A (8.2) A (8.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (9.9) B (10.6) B (10.6) B (10.6) A (8.2) A (9.2) A (9.9) B (10.6) 2022 Future Build A (9.4) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.3) A (8.3) A (8.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (10.0) A (10.0) A (10.0) B (10.7) B (10.7) B (10.7) A (8.3) A (9.3) A (10.0) B (10.7) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (8.7) L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.5) A (8.5) A (8.5) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (8.7) A (8.7) A (8.7) A (8.4) A (8.4) A (8.4) A (8.5) A (9.3) A (8.7) A (8.4) 2022 Future No Build B (12.6) L T R L T R L T R L T R B (12.8) B (12.8) B (12.8) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (12.5) B (12.5) B (12.5) B (11.5) B (11.5) B (11.5) B (12.8) B (13.0) B (12.5) B (11.5) 2022 Future Build B (13.1) L T R L T R L T R L T R B (13.3) B (13.3) B (13.3) B (13.6) B (13.6) B (13.6) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (11.8) B (11.8) B (11.8) B (13.3) B (13.6) B (13.0) B (11.8) Table 3 - Porters Neck Road at Davis Community Service Driveway Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (10.7) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.7) B (10.7) A (0.9) A (0.0) B (10.7) 2022 Future No Build B (10.7) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.7) B (10.7) A (0.9) A (0.0) B (10.7) 2022 Future Build B (10.5) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.5) B (10.5) A (1.0) A (0.0) B (10.5) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.8) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.8) A (9.8) A (0.1) A (0.0) A (9.8) 2022 Future No Build B (10.0) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.0) B (10.0) A (0.2) A (0.0) B (10.0) 2022 Future Build B (10.1) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.1) B (10.1) A (0.4) A (0.0) B (10.1) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 5 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 4 Table 4 - Porters Neck Road at Jessie Ball Dupont Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (10.4) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (0.5) A (0.0) B (10.4) 2022 Future No Build B (10.4) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (0.5) A (0.0) B (10.4) 2022 Future Build B (10.4) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (0.5) A (0.0) B (10.4) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.9) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (0.2) A (0.0) A (9.9) 2022 Future No Build B (10.1) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.1) B (10.1) A (0.2) A (0.0) B (10.1) 2022 Future Build B (10.2) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.2) B (10.2) A (0.2) A (0.0) B (10.2) Table 5 - Champ Davis Road at Porters Neck Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (11.7) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (12.8) B (12.8) B (9.2) B (11.2) B (11.2) B (11.2) A (1.8) A (0.1) B (11.7) B (11.2) 2022 Future No Build B (12.0) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (13.1) B (13.1) A (9.2) B (11.4) B (11.4) B (11.4) A (1.9) A (0.1) B (12.0) B (11.4) 2022 Future Build B (12.1) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (13.2) B (13.2) A (9.2) B (11.4) B (11.4) B (11.4) A (1.9) A (0.1) B (12.1) B (11.4) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing B (13.7) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.7) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (14.1) B (14.1) A (9.0) B (10.2) B (10.2) B (10.2) A (2.8) A (0.0) B (13.7) B (10.2) 2022 Future No Build B (13.9) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (14.6) B (14.6) A (9.0) B (10.5) B (10.5) B (10.5) A (2.8) A (0.1) B (13.9) B (10.5) 2022 Future Build B (14.1) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (14.9) B (14.9) A (9.0) B (10.6) B (10.6) B (10.6) A (2.9) A (0.1) B (14.1) B (10.6) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 6 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 5 Table 6 - Champ Davis Road at Davis Nursing Home Road / Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.7) EB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.7) A (9.4) A (1.6) A (0.3) 2022 Future No Build A (9.7) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.7) A (9.5) A (1.7) A (0.3) 2022 Future Build A (9.6) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.5) A (9.6) A (2.1) A (0.3) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.6) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.6) A (0.2) A (0.5) 2022 Future No Build A (9.7) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.3) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.3) A (9.7) A (0.3) A (0.5) 2022 Future Build A (9.8) WB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (9.8) A (9.8) A (9.8) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.8) A (0.8) A (0.5) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 7 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 6 Table 7 - Futch Creek Road / Site Access 1 at Champ Davis Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.2) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (1.8) A (0.0) A (9.2) 2022 Future No Build A (9.2) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (1.8) A (0.0) A (9.2) 2022 Future Build A (9.5) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.5) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (9.4) A (1.7) A (0.8) A (9.5) A (9.4) PM Peak Hour 2019 Existing A (9.6) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (5.3) A (0.0) A (9.6) 2022 Future No Build A (9.7) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (5.3) A (0.0) A (9.7) 2022 Future Build B (10.0) SB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (9.9) B (10.0) B (10.0) B (10.0) A (4.9) A (0.3) A (9.9) B (10.0) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 8 Ho m e O f f i c e : W i l m i n g t o n R e g i o n a l O f f i c e : S e r v i n g t h e S o u t h e a s t s i n c e 2 0 0 2 11 9 B r o o k s t o w n A v e . S u i t e P H 1 3 7 2 2 S h i p y a r d B o u l e v a r d , S u i t e E Wi n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 2 7 1 0 1 W i l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 0 3 Ma i n : 3 3 6 . 7 4 4 . 1 6 3 6 ; F a x : 3 3 6 . 4 5 8 . 9 3 7 7 M a i n : 9 1 0 . 2 5 1 .8 9 1 2 ; F a x : 3 3 6 . 4 5 8 . 9 3 7 7 7 Ta b l e 8 . 1 - Q u e u e R e s u l t s AM P e a k H o u r Q u e u e s Sc e n a r i o Po r t e r s N e c k R o a d a t S h i r a z W a y / E d g e w a t e r C l u b R o a d ( R O U N D A B O UT ) Po r t e r s N e c k R o a d a t D a v i s Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e Dr i v e w a y Po r t e r s N e c k R o a d a t J e s s i e Ball Dupont Road 20 1 9 E x i s t i n g EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R SB L R EBLT WBTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 6 0 . 5 3 1 . 6 3 8 . 7 1 6 . 2 3 1 0 5 5 0 0 3 1 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 6 0 . 5 3 1 . 6 3 8 . 7 1 6 . 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F ULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e N o B u i l d EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R SB L R EBLT WBTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 7 7 . 9 3 7 . 8 6 3 . 3 3 8 5 2 0 3 5 3 3 0 3 0 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 7 7 . 9 3 7 . 8 6 3 . 3 3 8 2 0 1 1 0 1 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F ULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e B u i l d EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R SB L R EBLT WBTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 7 9 . 6 3 9 . 2 6 3 . 9 3 8 . 6 4 9 0 3 0 2 2 0 3 5 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 7 9 . 6 3 9 . 2 6 3 . 9 3 8 . 6 2 0 2 1 0 1 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F ULL PM P e a k H o u r Q u e u e s Sc e n a r i o Po r t e r s N e c k R o a d a t S h i r a z W a y / E d g e w a t e r C l u b R o a d ( R O U N D A B O UT ) Po r t e r s N e c k R o a d a t D a v i s Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e Dr i v e w a y Po r t e r s N e c k R o a d a t J e s s i e Ball Dupont Road 20 1 9 E x i s t i n g EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R SB L R EBLT WBTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 8 8 4 5 . 2 4 2 . 7 2 0 . 9 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 1 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 8 8 4 5 . 2 4 2 . 7 2 0 . 9 0 0 2 0 0 2 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F ULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e N o B u i l d EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R SB L R EBLT WBTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 1 6 6 . 1 7 0 . 6 8 5 . 4 4 0 . 3 2 4 0 4 4 1 6 0 3 5 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 1 6 6 . 1 7 0 . 6 8 5 . 4 4 0 . 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F ULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e B u i l d EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R SB L R EBLT WBTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 1 7 5 . 5 7 8 . 2 8 9 . 7 4 1 . 5 5 1 0 3 5 3 3 0 3 5 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Q u e u e ( f t ) 1 7 5 . 5 7 8 . 2 8 9 . 7 4 1 . 5 1 0 3 0 0 2 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F ULL Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 5 - 1 0 - 9 Ho m e O f f i c e : W i l m i n g t o n R e g i o n a l O f f i c e : S e r v i n g t h e S o u t h e a s t s i n c e 2 0 0 2 11 9 B r o o k s t o w n A v e . S u i t e P H 1 3 7 2 2 S h i p y a r d B o u l e v a r d , S u i t e E Wi n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 2 7 1 0 1 W i l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 0 3 Ma i n : 3 3 6 . 7 4 4 . 1 6 3 6 ; F a x : 3 3 6 . 4 5 8 . 9 3 7 7 M a i n : 9 1 0 . 2 5 1 .8 9 1 2 ; F a x : 3 3 6 . 4 5 8 . 9 3 7 7 8 Ta b l e 8 . 2 - Q u e u e R e s u l t s AM P e a k H o u r Q u e u e s Sc e n a r i o Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d a t P o r t e r s N e c k R o a d Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d a t D a v i s N u r s i n g Ho m e R o a d / J e a n e l l e M o o r e B o u l e v a r d Fu t c h C r e e k R o a d a t C h a m p D a v i s R o a d / Site Access 1 20 1 9 E x i s t i n g EB L T EB R WB L T R NB L T NB R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R NBLTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 2 8 0 0 2 8 2 4 5 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 7 0 0 45 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Qu e u e ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 9 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L 1 5 0 F U L L 5 0 F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L FULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e No B u i l d EB L T EB R WB L T R NB L T NB R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R NBLTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 3 6 0 9 3 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 2 7 1 4 0 0 0 49 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Qu e u e ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 9 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L 1 5 0 F U L L 5 0 F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L FULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e Bu i l d EB L T EB R WB L T R NB L T NB R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NBLTR SBLTR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 3 0 0 6 3 2 2 4 7 0 4 6 2 7 2 4 1 0 1 7 1 5 3 0 6 0 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Qu e u e ( f t ) 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L 1 5 0 F U L L 5 0 F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L PM P e a k H o u r Q u e u e s Sc e n a r i o Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d a t P o r t e r s N e c k R o a d Ch a m p D a v i s R o a d a t D a v i s N u r s i n g Ho m e R o a d / J e a n e l l e M o o r e B o u l e v a r d Fu t c h C r e e k R o a d a t C h a m p D a v i s R o a d / S i t e A c c e s s 1 20 1 9 E x i s t i n g EB L T EB R WB L T R NB L T NB R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R NBLTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 2 7 0 0 2 7 2 3 5 2 3 2 2 1 0 0 2 8 0 57 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Qu e u e ( f t ) 5 0 0 3 0 9 1 1 0 0 2 0 7 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L 1 5 0 F U L L 5 0 F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L FULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e No B u i l d EB L T EB R WB L T R NB L T NB R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T WB T R NBLTR SBLR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 3 0 0 3 6 1 9 4 9 5 0 5 0 0 0 2 8 0 51 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Qu e u e ( f t ) 5 0 0 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 8 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L 1 5 0 F U L L 5 0 F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L FULL 20 2 2 F u t u r e Bu i l d EB L T EB R WB L T R NB L T NB R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NB L T R SB L T R EB L T R WB L T R NBLTR SBLTR Ma x Q u e u e ( f t ) 4 2 0 0 2 8 2 4 5 1 3 6 2 2 9 5 2 9 9 3 9 4 4 95 t h P e r c e n t i l e Qu e u e ( f t ) 6 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 3 0 1 9 St o r a g e B a y ( f t ) F U L L 1 5 0 F U L L 5 0 F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L F U L L Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 5 - 1 0 - 1 0 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 9 Summary and Conclusion DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this project and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. Based on the trip generation rates and equations published in Trip Generation (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 10th Edition), this development has a trip generation potential of 17 trips in the AM peak and 39 trips in the PM peak. Overall, this capacity analysis shows that the proposed project will have a relatively minimal impact on capacity (less than a second increase in delay). Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate future build traffic. In conclusion, this study has reviewed the impacts of both background traffic and proposed development traffic and has provided recommendations to accommodate future traffic. Please note that all site accesses should be designed according to NCDOT standards. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Figure 1: Site Plan 2. Figure 2: Vicinity Map 3. Figure 3: Existing Lane Geometry 4. Figure 4: 2019 Existing Volumes 5. Figure 5: 2022 Future No Build Volumes 6. Figure 6: Trip Distribution 7. Figure 7: Site Trips 8. Figure 8: 2022 Future Build Volumes 9. Figure 9: Recommended Improvements Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 11 Home Office: Wilmington Regional Office: Serving the Southeast since 2002 119 Brookstown Ave. Suite PH1 3722 Shipyard Boulevard, Suite E Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Main: 336.744.1636; Fax: 336.458.9377 Main: 910.251.8912; Fax: 336.458.9377 10 Supporting Documents Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 12 FI G U R E 1 SI T E P L A N   Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 5 - 1 0 - 1 3 FI G U R E 2 VI C I N I T Y M A P ST U D Y I N T E R S E C T I O N S BA C K G R O U N D PR O P O S E D    SI T E   1 2  3  4  5  6  Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 5 - 1 0 - 1 4 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE 3 EXISITNG LANE GEOMETRY DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Sh i r a z Wa y SPEED LIMIT 15 Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s Co m m u n i t y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d 150' 50 ' FU L L 4,100 5, 2 0 0 14,500 SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 25 SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 35 600'625'600' 12 0 0 ' XXXX 2018 AADT VOLUMES1, 8 0 0 2,200 ROUNDABOUT Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 15 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE 4 2019 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Sh i r a z Wa y Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s C o m m u n i t y Se r v i c e D r i v e w a y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d 0 / 2 170 / 224 14 / 10 25 / 81 168 / 194 175 / 186 19 3 / 2 1 7 26 / 8 13 / 7 82 / 9 4 9 / 1 1 1 / 2 32 / 4 229 / 229 1 / 2 178 / 220 5 / 1 7 0 / 1 15 / 6 214 / 225 0 / 1 173 / 210 5 / 1 2 0 / 2 2 / 14 128 / 139 1 / 1 52 / 82 161 / 132 1 / 14 5 / 8 0 / 0 0 / 1 41 / 6 3 0 / 1 29 / 9 0 / 3 0 / 2 5 / 5 2 / 2 0 / 0 1 / 8 9 / 3 28 / 9 3 5 / 6 14 / 5 81 / 5 1 0 / 0 11 / 35 21 / 6458 / 2 9 34 / 4 0 60 / 18 19 / 42 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 16 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE 5 2022 FUTURE NO BUILD VOLUMES DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Sh i r a z Wa y Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s C o m m u n i t y Se r v i c e D r i v e w a y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d 0 / 3 176 / 231 16 / 16 48 / 152 174 / 200 203 / 264 26 4 / 2 6 6 42 / 2 5 18 / 1 1 15 4 / 1 3 7 22 / 3 0 2 / 3 33 / 5 240 / 239 2 / 3 185 / 232 6 / 1 8 0 / 2 16 / 7 225 / 235 0 / 2 180 / 222 6 / 1 3 0 / 3 3 / 15 133 / 149 2 / 2 54 / 85 170 / 139 2 / 15 6 / 9 0 / 0 0 / 2 43 / 6 5 0 / 2 30 / 1 0 0 / 4 0 / 3 6 / 6 3 / 3 0 / 0 2 / 9 10 / 4 29 / 9 6 6 / 7 15 / 6 84 / 5 3 0 / 0 12 / 37 22 / 6660 / 3 0 36 / 4 2 62 / 19 20 / 44 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 17 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE 6 TRIP DISTRIBUTION DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 10 % I N Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Sh i r a z Wa y Si t e Ac c e s s 1 Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s C o m m u n i t y Se r v i c e D r i v e w a y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d 20% 10% 60% UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT 10% 60% OUT 10% OUT 10% IN 20% IN 20 % O U T 10 % O U T 40 % O U T 40 % I N 40% OUT 60% IN 30% OUT 30% IN 30% OUT 30% IN 30% IN 30 % O U T DESTINATION NODE% 40% IN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 18 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE 7 SITE TRIPS DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Sh i r a z Wa y Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s C o m m u n i t y Se r v i c e D r i v e w a y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d 0 / 0 5 / 11 1 / 2 0 / 0 5 / 13 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 2 3 / 6 0 / 1 0 / 0 4 / 8 3 / 6 0 / 0 2 / 5 3 / 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 6 0 / 0 2 / 5 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 7 4 / 8 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 Si t e Ac c e s s 1 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS 2 / 4 2 / 4 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 5 0 / 0 0 / 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 19 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE 8 2022 FUTURE BUILD VOLUMES DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Sh i r a z Wa y Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s C o m m u n i t y Se r v i c e D r i v e w a y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d 0 / 3 181 / 242 17 / 18 48 / 152 179 / 213 203 / 264 26 4 / 2 6 6 42 / 2 5 19 / 1 3 15 4 / 1 3 7 22 / 3 0 2 / 3 37 / 13 243 / 245 2 / 3 187 / 237 9 / 2 5 0 / 2 16 / 7 228 / 241 0 / 2 182 / 227 6 / 1 3 0 / 3 0 / 4 0 / 3 6 / 6 3 / 3 5 / 16 14 / 1 2 29 / 9 6 6 / 7 15 / 6 84 / 5 3 12 / 37 22 / 66 60 / 3 0 36 / 4 2 62 / 19 20 / 44 Si t e Ac c e s s 1 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT AM / PM PEAKS 2 / 4 2 / 4 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 17 133 / 149 2 / 2 57 / 91 170 / 139 2 / 15 6 / 9 0 / 0 0 / 2 45 / 7 0 0 / 2 30 / 1 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 20 *** NOT TO SCALE *** Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthe specificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocument byotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORT,shallbewithoutliabilityto DAVENPORT,andshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTand theclient. FIGURE9 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS DAVIS COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER 190263 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND ROUNDABOUT Jeanelle Moore Boulevard Davis Nursing Home Road Ch a m p D a v i s Ro a d Futch Creek Road Fu t c h C r e e k Ro a d Je s s i e B a l l Du p o n t R o a d Porters Neck Road Da v i s C o m m u n i t y Se r v i c e D r i v e w a y Ed g e w a t e r C l u b Ro a d Si t e Ac c e s s 1 600'625'600' 1, 2 0 0 ' 150' 50 ' FU L L Design siteaccess according to  NCDOT standards Sh i r a z Wa y Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 10 - 21 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 11 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 11 - 2 N O R T HProposed Site Plan New Independent Living Multifamily Building - 120 Units / Four Story / 50’ High SEEKING HEIGHT EXTENSION TO 50’ New Wellness Center for Healthy Living - One Story / 35’ High New Independent Living Cottages - 32 Units / One Story / 25’ High New Central Services Building - One Story / 25’ High New NCDOT Drive - Gate at North Entrance Independent Living Campus Future Independent Living Expansion - 30 Units / Four Story / 50’ High New Memorial Garden Existing Community Center - One Story / 25’ High (Under Renovation) Existing Fire Station Existing Skilled Nursing Pods - 34 Beds / One Story / 25’ High Existing Assisted Living - 123 Beds / Three Story / 35’ High Existing Skilled Nursing -145 Beds / One Story / 25’ High Existing Main Entrance - Existing Gate to Be Relocated to Improve Vehicle Stacking Existing South Service Drive - Independent Living / Wellness Center Undeveloped Parcel Existing Admin / Pharmacy - One Story / 25’ High Existing Rehab & Wellness - One Story / 25’ High Existing HR Building - One Story / 25’ High New 100 Year Storm Stormwater Infiltration Pond Conservation Zone Nature Trails Greenspace Remove Existing Wet 25 Year Storm Pond Remove Existing Tower - Cell Antenna Relocated New Gated Bike & Foot Trail (Non-Vehicular) Champ Davis Memorial Garden Overhead Power Easement Memory Care Courtyard Existing Service Area Trails to Be Reworked or Embellished Covered Parking Level One East Driveway Entrance - Rehab East Driveway Entrance - IL & SN Future Parking for 30 Unit Expansion Future Covered Surface Parking Enclose Existing Carport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 22 23 A101 Pr o p o s e d S i t e P l a n CO N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T PHASE ONE JUNE 2020 - NOVEMBER 2020 INSTALL NEW POND AND CENTRALIZED SERVICES BUILDING PHASING SCHEDULE PHASE TWO DECEMBER 2020 - MAY 2021 RENOVATE COMMUNITY CENTER, FILL IN OLD POND & BUILD FIRST COTTAGES PHASE THREE JANUARY 2021 - JUNE 2022 BUILD MULTIFAMILY BUILDING & WELLNESS BUILDING PHASE FOUR JANUARY 2021 - JUNE 2022 BUILD FINAL PORTION OF COTTAGES TO SYNC COMPLETION WITH MULTI FAMILY BUILDING NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINT LEGEND EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT MAIN BUILDING ENTRANCE NEW PAVED SURFACE EXISTING PAVED SURFACE 404 WETLANDS NO WORK UNDEVELOPED PARCEL OPEN SPACE scale: 1" = 100'-0" 0'100'200'400' 50’ SETBACK - 50’ MAX HEIGHT 25 26 27 28 29 EXISTING DECORATIVE FENCE & GATE 30 NEW DECORATIVE FENCE & GATE 31 LIMIT OF SITE DISTURBANCE EXTEND STORM WATER PIPES TO MEET NCDOT REQUIREMENTS - TEMP ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSURE TO BE COORDINATED WITH NCDOT 32 33 DATES TENTATIVE RELOCATED CELL ANTENNA FROM WATER TOWER NEW DECORATIVE WOOD FENCE 20’ MINIMUM PLANTED BUFFER YARD - INTERIOR OF PROPERTY LINE 34 35 36 FEBRUARY 21, 2020 Th e D a v i s C o m m u n i t y Th e I n d e p e n d e n t L i v i n g C a m p u s 10 1 1 P o r t e r s N e c k R o a d Wi l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 1 1 2/13/20, 9:39 AM JOB NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NUMBER Ball REVISIONS 514 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Tel - (910) 762-2621 Bowman February 6, 2020 5951 W IL MING T O N ,N CHCAR N O RT O L I N A B R U C E F.BOW M A N RE G S T E R E D ARCH T E C T II FOR ZONING REVIEW ONLY 2/13/20, 9:39 AM 11 2 22 34 1 1 2 22 34 1 2 3 4 SH I R A Z W A Y PORTERS NECK ROAD JEAN E L L E M O O R E B L V D . CH A M P D A V I S R O A D CHAMP DAVI S R O A D FU T C H CR E E K R D 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 11 12 12 1314 15 15 16 17 19 20 21 18 22 KEYED NOTES 23 24 SITE DATA EXISTING DEVELOPED SITE AREA 37.45 ACRES NET ADDITIONAL PROPOSED DEVELOPED AREA17.91 ACRES NET DEVELOPED POND AREA 5.00 ACRES NET TOTAL DEVELOPED SITE AREA 60.36 ACRES NET UNDEVELOPED SITE AREA 15.48 ACRES CONSERVATION SITE AREA 7.12 ACRES TOTAL SITE AREA 75.60 ACRES GROSS MINIMUM SITE AREA REQUIRED 20.00 ACRES GROSS MINIMUM OPEN SPACE REQUIRED 21.13 ACRES OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 22.73 ACRES NET TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5.00 ACRES APPROX TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 35.00 ACRES APPROX PARKING DATA PREFERRED POWERLINE RELOCATION TO EXISTING POWER EASEMENT SEE SHEET A102 FOR ALL EASEMENT LOCATIONS 25 26 27 2727 28IN T E R I O R S E R V I C E D R I V E NEW 29 31 31 3030 COTT A G E DR I V E 32 33 28 30 30 34 35 36 35 179 SKILLED NURSING BEDS/ 1 SPACE PER 4 BEDS 45 SPACES 1 PER EMPLOYEE @ LARGEST SHIFT (PENDING VERIFICATION) 105 SPACES 123 ASSISTED LIVING UNITS AT 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT 185 SPACES 150 INDEPENDENT LIVING UNITS AT 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT 225 SPACES 32 COTTAGE UNITS AT 1.5 SPACE PER UNIT 48 SPACES WELLNESS BUILDING AT 25,000 SF X 1 SPACE PER 400 GSF 63 SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING SPACES 671 SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED SPACES 734 SPACES R1 R1 R1R1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 12 - 1 SI T E CONCEPT SITE PLANThe Davis CommunityThe Independent Living Campus1011 Porters Neck RoadWilmington, NC 28411 Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 5- 13 - 1 N E W HA N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 3/5/2020 Regular DE PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Ron Meredith C O N TA C T(S ): Ron Meredith, B rad Schuler, S U B J EC T: Quasi-Judicial Hearing S pecial U se Permit Request (S 20-01) –Request by L ee Kaess, P L LC , on behalf of the property owner, Parkside W F I nvestors, L LC , for a S pecial U se Permit for a community boa=ng facility located on 0.83 acres of land located within the S ummer Rest development and near the 200 block of S ummer Rest Road. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he community boang fa c ility is a private, non-profit facility with no commercial acvies being permi!ed. Each boat slip will be reserved for the home owners within the proposed subdivision. T he propo sed community bo ang facility is located in bo th unincorporated N ew H ano ver C o unty and in the C ity of W ilmington corporate limits. T he pier is connected to two parcels totaling 2.26-acres. T he easternmost parcel is located in unincorpo rated N ew Hanover C ounty. T he westernmost parcel is located in the C ity of W ilmington corporate limits. A proposed community boa ng facility is required to obtain a Special U se Permit if is intended to serve 5 or more residenal lots or residenal units. T his proposed facility consists of an approximate 6-foot-wide, 440-foot-long pier and gazebo. T hat have been constructed. However, the 8 propo sed boa t do cks have not been completed at this me. T he driveways for the homeowners who own slips will serve as required parking for the community boang facility. T he exisng subdivisio n to the west is lo cated within land in the C ity o f Wilmington c o rpora te limits, zoned R -20, and therefore, it is not included within this S U P applicaon. T he pro posed co mmunity boa ng facility must obtain applicable permits f ro m the N C Divisio n of C oastal Management and the U S Army C orps of E ngineers. T he exisng Summer Rest Road, which is maintained by the C ity of W ilmingto n, pro vides access to the subject property and the proposed facility. T he N ew H ano ver C o unty F uture L and U se Map provides a general representao n of the visio n for N ew Hanover C ounty ’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and f unco n of the different types of development that make up the community. T hese place types are intended to idenfy general areas f o r parcular development pa!erns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: Good GovernanceEffecve C ounty ManagementI ncrease transparency and awareness about county acons Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : E xample M o=on for A pproval: Moon to recommend approval, as the B o ard fi nds that this a pplic aon for a Special U se Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Report. [O P T I O N A L ] N ote any addional findings of fact related to the four required conclusions. [O P T I O N A L ] N ote any condions be added to the development: [L ist Condi ons] E xample M o=on for Denial: Moon to recommend denial, as the B oard cannot find that this proposal: 1. W ill not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required condions and specificaons of the Zoning O rdinance; 3. W ill not substanally injure the value of adjoining or abuBng property; 4 . W ill be in harmony with the area in which it is to be lo cated and in general conf o rmity with the C omprehensive L and U se Plan for N ew Hanover C ounty. [State the finding(s) that the applica on does not meet and include reasons why it is not being met] C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anager) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 SCRIPT for SPECIAL USE PERMIT Application (S20-01) Request by Lee Kaess, PLLC, on behalf of the property owner, Parkside WF Investors, LLC, for a Special Use Permit for a community boating facility located on 0.83 acres of land located within the Summer Rest development and near the 200 block of Summer Rest Road. 1. Swear witnesses: Announce that “the Special Use Permit process requires a quasi-judicial hearing; therefore, any person wishing to testify must be sworn in. All persons who signed in to speak and wish to present competent and material testimony please step forward to be sworn in. Thank you.” 2. This is a quasi-judicial hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 3. Conduct hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 4. Close the hearing 5. Board discussion 6. Ask Applicant whether he/she agrees with staff findings. 7. Vote on the Special Use Permit application. Motion to approve the permit - All findings are positive. Motion to approve the permit, subject to conditions specified below: (State Conditions) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Motion to deny the permit because the Board cannot find: a. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed for the following reason: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b. That the use meets all required condition and specifications: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ c. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 d. That the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Example Motion for Approval: Motion to approve, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary. [OPTIONAL] Note any additional findings of fact related to the four required conclusions. [OPTIONAL] Also, that the following conditions be added to the development: [List Conditions] Example Motion for Denial: Motion to deny, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons to why it is not being met] Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 2 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 1 of 8 STAFF SUMMARY OF S20-01 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: S20-01 Request: SUP to develop a community boating facility consisting of 8 boat slips Applicant: Property Owner(s): Amy Schaefer of Lee Kaess, PLLC Parkside WF Investors, LLC Location: Acreage: 200 block of Summer Rest Road Approx. 1.41 (parcel within unincorporated area) PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R05714-003-003-000 Conservation Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Developed (private ) Community Boating Facility Current Zoning: R-20 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Marshland, Single-Family Residential R-20 (Unincorporated County), R-20 (City of Wilmington) East Intracoastal Waterway, Single-Family Attached R-2 (Town of Wrightsville Beach) South Intracoastal Waterway G-1 (Town of Wrightsville Beach) Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 1 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 2 of 8 West Single-Family Residential R-20 (City of Wilmington) ZONING HISTORY December 15, 1969 Initially zoned R-20 (Area 2) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer is available from the CFPUA. Fire Protection City of Wilmington Station 9, Wrightsville Beach Fire District Schools Wrightsville Beach Elementary, Noble Middle, and Laney High School Recreation Airlie Gardens, Summer Rest Trail CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation Salt marsh is present within the site which is subject to the Conservation Resources standards. Piers, docks, and boating facilities may be constructed within these conservation areas provided they comply with state and federal regulations. The applicant has obtained a CAMA Major Permit which allows for the construction of the boating facility. Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 2 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 3 of 8 ZONING CONSIDERATION AND PROPOSED SITE PLAN  The proposed facility is located in the Summer Rest community, near the C. Heide Trask Bridge to Wrightsville Beach. It is located within both unincorporated New Hanover County and in the City of Wilmington corporate limits. The dock and the western portion of the intracoastal waterway are within the unincorporated limits, while the access is located within the City of Wilmington.  The proposal would allow for 8 boat slips to be added to an existing pier to be used by residents of the abutting Summer Rest community. A community boating facility is a private, non-profit facility with no commercial activities permitted. Each boat slip must be reserved for the homeowners to purchase within Summer Rest.  A proposed boating facility that serves 5 or more residential units is classified as a community boating facility and is required to obtain a Special Use Permit.  This proposed facility consists of an approximate 6-foot-wide, 440-foot-long pier and gazebo that have been constructed. However, the 8 proposed boat docks have not been completed at this time. Although not planned at this time, boat lifts are permitted.  The driveways for the homeowners who own slips will serve as required parking for the community boating facility.  The existing subdivision to the west is located within land in the City of Wilmington corporate limits, zoned R-20, and therefore, it is not included within this SUP application.  The proposed community boating facility must obtain applicable permits from the NC Division of Coastal Management and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Above: Map highlighting the property included within the SUP application and the adjacent subdivision. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 3 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 4 of 8 Looking east towards Wrightsville Beach. Looking west towards Summer Rest TRANSPORTATION  The existing Summer Rest Road, which is maintained by the City of Wilmington, provides access to the subject property and the proposed facility.  As the community boating facility is a private facility, with no commercial activities being permitted, it is not expected to generate any additional trips outside of those generated by the existing subdivision. ENVIRONMENTAL  The entire subject property is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area, specifically the AE and VE flood zones.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation) and Class IV (unsuitable) soils.  The property is within the Intracoastal Waterway (SA;HQW) watershed. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 4 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 5 of 8 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type Conservation Place Type Description Covers areas of natural open space and is intended to protect the natural environment, water quality, and wildlife habitats that serve the public through environmental education, low-impact recreation, and in their natural beauty. In these areas, increased density would be discouraged, and low impact development methods would be required. Such requirements place limits on development to ensure the protection of resources. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 5 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 6 of 8 Analysis The proposed boating facility is located in the Summer Rest single-family neighborhood located to the north of the Wrightsville Beach bridge, the reminder of which is within the City of Wilmington’s planning jurisdiction. It is adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway and other residential developments with boating facilities similar to those proposed. The intent of the Conservation place type is to highlight areas where development and land uses may need to be limited in order to protect natural resources. Lower impact uses such as environmental education and recreation are indicated to be appropriate in such areas. The proposed community boating facility would allow private property owners to access public water ways through a shared boating facility instead of individual boating docks. Development is limited to that shared boating facility thus keeping with the low-impact recreational uses indicated for this place type. Consistency Recommendation The proposed community boating facility is generally CONSISTENT with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because provides for low-impact recreation along the Intracoastal Waterway where other similar boating facilities are located. STAFF PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS OF FACT: Staff has conducted an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package and has created preliminary findings of fact for each of the conclusions required to be reached to approve the special use permit request. These preliminary findings of fact and conclusions are based solely on the information provided to date, prior to any information or testimony in support or opposition to the request that may be presented at the upcoming public hearing at the Board meeting. Conclusion 1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is located in the City of Wilmington Station 9 Fire Services District, and the community boating facility, and its access, must comply with City Fire Services’ standards. The community boating facility is required to have extinguishers located on the dock as the fire protection system. B. The community boating facility will not be used for commercial purposes and the sale or storage of gasoline products is prohibited. C. All structures must comply with the county’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. D. The community boating facility must be reviewed and obtain applicable permits from the NC Division of Coastal Management and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 6 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 7 of 8 Conclusion 2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Community boating facilities are allowed by Special Use Permit in the R-20 zoning district. B. The facility complies with the standards for Community Boating Facilities in Section 4.3.3.G.1 of the Unified Development Ordinance. C. A CAMA Major Permit for the Boating Facility has been issued. Conclusion 3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The community boating facility is a private, non-profit facility with no commercial activities being permitted. The boat slips can only be purchased by the homeowners within the existing subdivision. B. The property owner will file a declaration of covenants recorded at the New Hanover Register of Deeds which restricts the right of use of the facility to those residential lots or units within the Summer Rest community area. C. There are several other piers in the immediate area of the proposed community boating facility. D. No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. Conclusion 4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The site is classified as Conservation by the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Conservation place type is intended to protect the natural environment, water quality, and wildlife habitats that serve the public through environmental education, low-impact recreation, and in their natural beauty. The proposal generally aligns with the intent of the Conservation land use classification because it provides for low-impact recreation in a limited area. EXAMPLE MOTIONS Example Motion for Approval: Motion to approve, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Report. [OPTIONAL] Note any additional findings of fact related to the four required conclusions. [OPTIONAL] Note any conditions be added to the development: [List Conditions] Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 7 S20-01 Staff Report PB 3.5.2020 Page 8 of 8 Example Motion for Denial: Motion to recommend denial, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons why it is not being met] Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 8 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 6 - 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 5 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 6 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 7 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 8 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 9 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 0 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 5 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - M a r c h 5 , 2 0 2 0 IT E M : 6 - 7 - 1 6 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - March 5, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 8 - 2 15 Rip a r i a n C o r r i d o r U S A C E N a v i g a t i o n C h a n n e l U S A C E S e t b a c k U S A C E R / W Rip a r i a n C o r r i d o r RIPARIAN ESMT FORMER BLUE AVE R/W LINE 15 Pr o j e c t : Ti t l e : Mi n o r M o d i f i c a t i o n Re q u e s t D e t a i l WA D Dr a w n B y : Da t e : Sc a l e : 1" = 5 0 ' 5/ 1 4 / 1 9 2 o f 2 Jo b N u m b e r : Sh e e t N u m b e r : Re v i s i o n D a t e : NA NA LegendProperty Boundary 10 0 50 25 0 EasementPermitted Dredging Limits(Cut to -4 MLW) Pe r m i t t e d D r e d g i n g B o u n d a r y (N o C h a n g e s ) NOTES:1.EASEMENT LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MHW IS 152 FEET.2.ADJACENT TAX PARCELS FROM NHC GIS.3.NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING.4.BASE CAD FILE FROM PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING INC.5.PRELIMINARY. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. 14 W a t e r B o d y W i d t h Ex i s t i n g P i e r H e a d L i n e Ex i s t i n g A d j a c e n t P i e r Existing Adjacent Pie r Ou t e r E d g e o f M a r s h 22 1 S u m m e r R e s t R o a d Pe r m i t # 2 3 - 1 8 Mi n o r M o d i f i c a t i o n R e q u e s t Pe r m i t t e d D o c k i n g F a c i l i t y (N o C h a n g e s ) Co a s t a l / 4 0 4 W e t l a n d L i n e 75' City Resource Setba c k Permitted WoodenWalkway 38 0 5 W r i g h t s v i l l e A v e , S u i t e 1 5 Wi l m i n g t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 8 4 0 2 Te l e p h o n e : 9 1 0 - 4 5 2 - 0 0 0 1 Proposed 16'x16' Gazebo(Roofline)Permitted Pier MHW l i n e s h a r e s boun d a r y Planning Board - March 5, 2020ITEM: 6- 9 - 1