TRC Agenda Packet 3.25.2020TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA March 25, 2020 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference Room 119 of the New Hanover County Government Center located at 230 Government Center Drive to review the following: 2:00 p.m. Item 1: Timberworks Warehouse – Commercial Site Plan Request by Stroud Engineering, P.A. for a commercial site plan for the construction of an approximately 24,350 square foot warehouse building to be used for manufacturing and storing trusses for residential structures. The subject property consists of 4.00 acres, is located at 2565 Blue Clay Road with direct access to Harnett Avenue, and is currently zoned AC (formerly AI under the Zoning Ordinance). 2:15 p.m. Item 2: Quality Chemical Labs Facility Expansion – Commercial Site Plan Request by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. for a commercial site plan for an expansion of the existing commercial laboratory to construct an approximately 72,041 square foot building with on-site and remote parking. The proposed structure is located at 3300 Corporate Drive and the remote parking lot is located directly across the road at 3301 Corporate Drive. The subject properties are currently zoned PD and consist of 5.96 acres. Future Items:  April 8th TRC Meeting o Anchors Bend Townhomes and Ranch Lots – Performance Residential Development  Preliminary plan for 24 townhome units and 2 ranch lots within the Anchors Bend performance development.  The property is zoned R-15. It consists of 26 acres and is located at the northwestern terminus of Anchors Bend Way. o Sea Lilly – Conventional Residential Development  Conventional subdivision consisting of 9 single-family lots.  Previously approved as Phase 3 of Inlet Point Harbor in the late 1990s, then recombined back into one property. Proposal is to reestablish a portion of the previous subdivision.  The property is zoned R-15. It consists of 9 acres and is located near the 200 block of Gazebo Court. o Southern Asphalt – Commercial Site Plan  Commercial site plan for the site development of Southern Asphalt, including grading, paving, stormwater infrastructure, and an office trailer.  The property is zoned I-2. It consists of 10 acres and is located at 5600 Holly Shelter Road. o 2909 Orville Wright Way – Light Industrial/Warehouse Building – Comm. Site Plan  Commercial site plan for the construction of a 12,000 square foot light industrial/warehouse building within the N. Kerr Industrial Park.  The property is zoned I-2. It consists of 1.03 acres and is located at 2909 Orville Wright Way. o Coastal Christian High School Addition – Commercial Site Plan  Commercial site plan for a 4,600 square foot addition to the Coastal Christian High School.  The property is zoned R-15. It consists of 19.36 and is located at 1150 The King’s Highway. o Tarin Woods II Amenity Area – Commercial Site Plan  Commercial site plan for an amenity center for Tarin Woods II consisting of an open shelter, athletic courts, and parking.  This is part of a rezoning request that is currently under review in order to develop 499 dwelling units (97 single-family dwellings and 402 townhome units). The Planning Board recommended approval with conditions at their March 5, 2020 meeting, and it is tentatively scheduled for the April 6, 2020 Board of Commissioners meeting.  The property is zoned R-15. It consist of 2.97 acres and is located at 6010 Ironwood Drive. Timberworks – 2565 Blue Clay Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Luke Menius – Stroud Engineering P.A, lmenius@stroudengineer.com ) From: Ron Meredith Current Planner Date: March 20, 2020 Subject: Timberworks – 2565 Blue Clay Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the March 25, 2020 TRC meeting. Please note: Following the TRC meeting, a revised site plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving approval. Planning, Ron Meredith 910-798-7441 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Please show sight triangles (10x70). b. It appears that the dimension for the side yard setback is incorrect. The setback is to be taken from the parcel boundary not the minimum 35’ setback. 2. Please show the regulated trees, significant trees, and the specimen trees on the landscape plan. a. Please show tree protective fencing on the landscape plan if applicable. b. Are there any plans to remove significant trees, if so please indicate the total inches proposed for removal? c. If tree removal is proposed, please work with Staff on a tree removal permit as soon as possible. 3. Harnett Drive private roadway: a. Please provide documentation stating that there is legal access to use Harnett Drive for this proposed use. b. Has there been communication with the adjacent property owners for a maintenance agreement for Harnett Drive? 4. Please provide the estimated traffic counts and land-use code based on the 10th edition ITE Manual to determine whether or not a Traffic Impact Analysis is required. 5. Landscape Plan: a. Please note on the landscape plan that additional plantings in buffer may be required as needed to meet opacity requirements. b. You may want to consider an alternative interior landscaped tree; Wax Myrtles grow to be large may not be best choice for the landscape islands. c. Please indicate the square footage for the parking island to the south. d. It appears that the island to the south does not have any trees located within it. Timberworks – 2565 Blue Clay Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 2 One planted or existing tree shall be required for every 144 square feet of total interior landscaped area, with a minimum of one tree in each island. 6. Please provide a 100 percent opaque solid wall to shield the residential use from the Loading/unloading areas per Section 5.4.5 of the New Hanover County UDO. 7. Is there currently enough space between the proposed gate and the existing private right of way to prevent stacking within the right of way. If not, Staff recommends to modify the location of the proposed gate. 8. The proposed site is located within an Airport Overlay District. Please include the following notes on the site plan. a. No use may be made of land or water within any zone established by this section in such a manner as to: I. Create electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between the airport and aircraft; II. Make it difficult for flyers to distinguish between airport lights and others; III. Result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport; IV. Impair visibility in the vicinity of the airport; V. Create bird strike hazards; or VI. Otherwise in any way endanger or interfere with the landing, takeoff, or maneuvering of aircraft intending to use the airport. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-798-7448 1. I have reviewed the County Portion of this project. It appears this project will be done in phases. The Building B portion is 1,250 sq. feet. It appears to be the offices. Building A is the wood working portion of this project. No sprinklers will be required if this is true and an adequate and RATED FIRE WALL is in place by the two units. NHC Building will see this in their plan review process and call for the rating. Fire services has no problem with this type of phasing. The fire hydrant on the street will also meet County Fire Expectations. 2. They will have to complete the Section 510 study per the 2018 NC Fire Code for first responder radio coverage. 3. They will also follow the Guidelines of the 2018 NC Fire Code Appendix J – Building Info Signs 4. The above two items are required for each phase of construction. 5. When they build the Future 200 x 100’ Future Building, they will have to sprinkler and add an additional fire hydrant within 100 feet of the FDC. 6. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. NHC Engineering, Phil Bevilacqua 910-798-7072 1. The applicant has applied for a stormwater permit and review comments have been provided 2. Existing conditions survey is needed for the channel carrying off-site water through the site and for the Harnette Ave. right-of-way along the property frontage. 3. Delineate off-site drainage and provide calculations showing design adequate to convey the 25- yr storm and provide analysis for the 100-yr storm. 4. Provide a drainage easement on the channel sized according to county standards. 5. Clear any debris from the drainage easement prior to recording. 6. Show a trash screen on the outlet structure slot. NHC Engineering, Beth Wetherill 910-798-7432 1. Project needs to be submitted for a land disturbing permit. Timberworks – 2565 Blue Clay Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 3 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA plan review has been completed and approved. 2. CFPUA water available via a water main extension. 3. CFPUA sewer is not available. NHC Environmental Health, Marie Hemmen 910-798-6664 1. IP approved OSWPIP-19-0055. Site plan has changed and a revision will be required for the IP prior to the Authorization to Construct. Septic location has not changed, but building plans and site characteristics have. Please apply for new revised IP at same time as applying for construction authorization. NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel/Nick Drees 910-398-9100 1. We have no comments on the Timberworks Development as it connects to a private road. I will say that eventually when developments come in a turn lane may be required by a different applicant (info purposes). Planning (Addressing), John Townsend 910-798-7443 1. Unique addresses will be required for each separate building. 2. Contact planning for address assignment. New Hanover County Schools, Mark Clawson 910-254-4084 1. No impacts to New Hanover County Schools. WMPO, Abby Lorenzo 910-341-7890 1. TIP Projects in the Area: U-5863 a. Project Description: Route NC133 from I-140 to Division Dr, widen to multi-lanes b. Construction Date: 2024 2. TIP Projects in the Area: U-5954 a. Project Description: NC 133 at 23rd st, roundabout b. Construction Date: 2024 3. WMPO 2040 Projects: n/a a. New Hanover County CTP: Bicycle lanes proposed on NC133 b. TIA: May be required. Applicant will need to contact the WMPO. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila USACE, Rachel Capito Quality Chemical Labs Facility Expansion – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Phil Norris – Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. (pnorris@ntengineers.com) From: Gideon Smith Current Planner Date: March 19, 2020 Subject: Quality Chemical Labs Facility Expansion – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the March 25, 2020 TRC meeting. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised site plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving approval. Planning, Gideon Smith 910-798-7571 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. It appears that there are 12 parking spaces shown in the northern most parking row on the parking lot side of the site plan, but 13 spaces are noted. As shown, there are 180 total parking spaces, but 181 spaces noted in the Site Data Table. Please reconcile to reflect the total proposed parking spaces. i. It appears that the 1:300 to 1:400 parking to structure square footage calculation was used in the previous phase, but please provide the calculation used for this proposal in the Site Data table. ii. In order to assist in making a determination for both parking and estimated trip generation, please provide a narrative detailing the facility operations (i.e. number of employees, time of arrival, shifts, typical number of visitors, etc.). As this is an expansion of an existing facility, trip generations can be taken from the existing facility to determine specific peak hour trip generation based on their actual business type. iii. After discussion with NCDOT, a TIA may be required. However, please provide the 10th edition ITE code used for the Traffic Impact Worksheet to verify the total number of estimated trips associated with this proposed expansion. It appears that this use may fall under several Office Categories in the 10th edition ITE Manual, and an explanation of why a certain code was used may help determine if a TIA is required. As stated above in subsection ii., additional information will help determine the final determination on whether or not a TIA is required. Quality Chemical Labs Facility Expansion – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 2 b. Please verify that all interior landscaping islands are a minimum of 12’ in width when measured from back of curb to back of curb and meet the standards prescribed in Section 5.4.6.D of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). c. Please note that interior landscape islands within the streetyard area cannot be used to meet the minimum requirements of both calculations (the streetyard calculation and the parking lot interior calculation). i. Please clarify the location of the 253 square foot landscape island that is shown in the middle of the proposed driveway on the proposed parking lot side. If these 253 square feet is not incorporated, the parking lot side of the proposal will not meet the 8% landscaping requirement for parking lots. ii. It appears that there may be area to the northern side of the parking lot to move/increase the area of landscape islands, if needed. d. Please show/verify that all parking spaces are blocked or curbed to prevent vehicles either from overhanging planting islands or landscaped yards by an average of more than one foot. 2. Is there a possibility that the properties will be recombined? If not, additional SHOD standards may apply, such as lot coverage and setbacks from all property lines. 3. It appears that a portion of the parking is located within the 40’ drainage easement on the parking lot side of the proposal. Please reconfigure the parking so that parking areas are not within this easement. 4. Please submit a Landscape Plan in accordance with Section 5.3 and 5.4 of the Unified Development Ordinance. a. Please note that this must be submitted before or at the time of building permit application and a Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until all required plantings are installed. b. Please ensure that any vegetation that is shown on the submitted Landscape Plan, and planted, is outside of the NCDOT sight triangle at driveways/roadway intersections. c. Please show the foundation planting areas that are located between the building face and the parking lot/drive aisles per Section 5.4.8 of the UDO. 5. Please verify that the length of the parking lot side streetyard. Staff finds that there is approximately 467 LF of streetyard frontage after subtracting the driveway. a. Please show the streetyard landscaping on the Landscape Plan to ensure compliance with Section 5.4.7 of the UDO. Please note that if the interior parking islands are left within the streetyard, they will not count towards the streetyard calculation, and additional plantings will be required to meet the streetyard requirement. 6. Please show the location of any proposed dumpster, if applicable. 7. Are there any proposed loading areas? 8. Is there any intention of installing new signage? Quality Chemical Labs Facility Expansion – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 3 Fire Services, Troy Davidson 910-798-7464 1. Fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed a 10 percent grade. 2. All new buildings shall comply with Section 510 of the NC Fire Code, Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Survey must be conducted. 3. All new buildings shall comply with Appendix J of the NC Fire Code, Building Information Signs. 4. If fire hydrants are to be added, they need to be called out on the final site plan. 5. If building is to be protected by a fire sprinkler system, the proposed FDC location must be called out on site plan and approved by the NHC Fire Marshal's Office. 6. If building requires a fire sprinkler system a fire hydrant must be located within 100 feet of the FDC and must be annotated on the final site plan. NHC Engineering, Phil Bevilacqua 910-798-7072 7. A New Hanover County Stormwater Authorization-to-Construct is required. Stormwater control measures are required to maintain the pre-development runoff rate for the 2-, 10- and 25-yr storms. Analysis for the 100-yr storm is required to verify that no buildings are flooded. 8. On-site collection systems are required to be designed for the 25-yr storm and analyzed for the 100-yr storm. NHC Engineering, Beth Wetherill 910-798-7432 1. No comments. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. Utility Plan Review required by CFPUA. 2. CFPUA water and sewer available. 3. Any existing water and sewer service not used will need to be properly abandoned. 4. Project will be required to submit a CFPUA Meter Sizing Form. NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 1. Additional information required in order to determine if a TIA is required. WMPO, Abby Lorenzo 910-341-7890 1. TIA may be required. Applicant will need to contact the WMPO. 2. TIP Projects in the Area: I-6037 a. Project Description: Route I-140 from US 421 to I-40 pavement and bridge rehabilitation b. Construction Date: 2026 3. TIP Projects in the Area: I-5760A a. Project Description: I-140 Open graded friction course b. Construction Date: Under Construction 4. TIP Projects in the Area: R-2633D a. Project Description: I-140/US 17 Wilmington Bypass Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) implementation b. Construction Date: Under Construction 5. TIP Projects in the Area: I-6039 Quality Chemical Labs Facility Expansion – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 4 a. Project Description: Pavement rehabilitation on Route I-40 from milemarker 420 to NC 210 b. Construction Date: Under Construction 6. WMPO 2040 Projects: N/A 7. New Hanover County CTP: N/A New Hanover County Schools, Mark Clawson 910-254-4084 1. There are no impacts to New Hanover County Schools. Planning (Addressing), John Townsend 910-798-7443 1. Please contact Planning for address assignment. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison NCDEMLR USACE, Rachel Capito