WHAC-January 2020 Minutes New Hanover County-City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Advisory Committee January 14, 2020 Regular Meeting Committee Members Present: Shamonique Brantley, Patrick Brien, Brandon Harris, Katrina Knight, Katrina Redmon, R. Frank Smith, Jr., Steve Spain, David Spetrino, Paul Stavovy, Glenda Tate, Staff Present: Tufanna Bradley (NHC), Wayne Clark (NHC), Amy Beatty (CoW), Rachel LaCoe (NHC), Suzanne Rogers (CoW), Rebekah Roth (NHC), Dylan McDonnell (NHC) Call to Order The meeting was called to order and quorum established at 3:03 pm by Vice Chairperson David Spetrino. Approve Agenda Katrina Knight made a motion to approve to the agenda, which was seconded by Steve Spain and adopted unanimously. Approve Minutes Katrina Redmon made a motion to approve the draft minutes from the December 16, 2019 meeting. The motion was seconded by Shamonique Brantley and adopted unanimously. Public Comments No members of the public had signed up to provide public comment. New Business Vice Chairperson Spetrino recognized New Hanover County Workforce Housing Planner Rachel LaCoe. Action Item: RFP for Housing Needs Study/Public Opinion Survey Discussion Planner LaCoe facilitated a discussion of the draft Request for Proposals (RFP) included in the committee’s agenda packet. After committee members provided feedback, the following edits were identified:  Clarify that the study is intended to include both homeowner and renter affordability.  Add NHC funding of housing organizations to the background section.  Ensure all types of housing- single family, multifamily, mobile homes, etc. are included in the analysis.  Specify that housing supply and need projections should be provided at 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-year intervals.  Add 50% (LIHTC) and 80% (HUD cap) AMI categories to the existing conditions income breakdowns.  Expand the scope of services to include an identification of barriers to affordability. After a brief discussion, the committee also highlighted some considerations to include when considering consultant proposal. These included the framework and components included in the strategy toolbox and the topics that would be included in the public opinion survey. The committee specifically requested that resident transportation costs and attitudes regarding development be included as survey topics. Steve Spain made a motion to approve the RFP with the identified edits, the motion was seconded by Glenda Tate and approved unanimously. Announcements Vice Chairperson Spetrino asked if anyone had additional questions or comments or announcements. He reminded the committee of the Cape Hear Housing Coalition Legislative Breakfast in January. Planner LaCoe let the committee know that Richard Moore has resigned from the Committee. He was the Business/Education Community Representative from the City of Wilmington. To prepare for the February meeting, Vice Chairperson Spetrino requested the committee members envision themselves as the CEO in charge of solving affordable housing issues in the community and come up with three strategies for a toolbox. Adjournment With no further questions or comments, Vice Chairperson Spetrino adjourned the meeting at 3:31 PM.