2020-03-23 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 34 REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 23, 2020 PAGE 496 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, March 23, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. via teleconference in Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present via teleconference: Chair Julia Olson-Boseman; Vice-Chair Patricia Kusek; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Woody White; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present via teleconference: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chair Olson-Boseman requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Zapple requested the removal of Consent Item #2: Approval of an Application for the Waiver of Landfill Tipping Fees for Eden Village of Wilmington, Consent Item #6: Approval of the First Reading of a Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Waste Partners, Consent Item #7: Adoption of a Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statutes - Chapter 160A, Article 12, and Consent Item #8: Adoption of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) 404/407 Management Costs Budget Amendment and Procurement Policy from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and consideration. Hearing no other comments, Chair Olson-Boseman requested a motion to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Commissioner Zapple MOVED, SECONDED by Chair Olson-Boseman, to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote by roll call, the MOTION CARRIED: Voting Aye: Chair Olson-Boseman; Vice-Chair Kusek; Commissioner Barfield; Commissioner White; and Commissioner Zapple. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes – Governing Body The Commissioners approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 9, 2020. Approval of the Second Reading of a Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Waste Management – County Attorney The Commissioners approved the second reading to award a solid waste renewal franchise to be granted to Waste Management. Pursuant to Section 44.55, the applicant has provided information about his business organization, equipment, personnel and fiscal responsibility. The Environmental Management Director and the Chief Financial Officer have no objections to the franchise request. The renewal franchise period would run for seven years. The first reading was approved unanimously on March 9, 2020. Approval of the First Reading of a Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for SeaDawgs Enterprises, Inc. dba College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving – County Attorney The Commissioners approved the first reading of a solid waste renewal franchise to be granted to SeaDawgs Enterprises, Inc. dba College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving. Pursuant to Section 44.55, the applicant has provided information about his business organization, equipment, personnel and fiscal responsibility. The Environmental Management Director and the Chief Financial Officer have no objections to the franchise request. The renewal franchise period would run for seven years. A second reading is required. Approval of the First Reading of a Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Tangerine Carting, Inc. – County Attorney The Commissioners approved the first reading of a solid waste renewal franchise to be granted to Tangerine Carting, Inc. Pursuant to Section 44.55, the applicant has provided information about his business organization, equipment, personnel and fiscal responsibility. The Environmental Management Director and the Chief Financial Officer have no objections to the franchise request. The renewal franchise period would run for seven years. A second reading is required. Board of Education Budget Amendment #4 for Information – Budget On March 3, 2020, the Board of Education approved Budget Amendment #4, which includes the following for state lottery appropriations:  Budgets additional lottery revenue totaling $115,000 for Sea Tech-Phase III ($13,000) and Electrical Upgrades ($102,000) at various schools. The budget amendment is presented for information. NCGS 115C-433 does not require approval by the Board of County Commissioners for budget changes to capital projects funded through state lottery appropriations. Discussion of Consent Item #2 - Approval of an Application for the Waiver of Landfill Tipping Fees for Eden Village of Wilmington – Environmental Management In response to Board questions, County Manager Coudriet stated that it is staff’s understanding that the tiny homes project is within the City of Wilmington limits and does not know if Planning and Land Use Director Wayne Clark would have an opinion on the zoning. Environmental Management Director Joe Suleyman stated the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 34 REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 23, 2020 PAGE 497 property is located at 1302 Kornegay Avenue and based on an email he received from the agency, active discussions were being held as of February 1, 2020 with the City of Wilmington’s Planning Department to address the zoning issues with the expectations that it was to be done by the time the waiver application was received. As to whether or not the zoning was approved, he cannot confirm that. There would be a demolition of two existing properties and the new structures will be stick built structures. Additional information: Eden Village of Wilmington is a non-profit agency designed to house the unsheltered homeless based upon a model developed in Springfield, Missouri. This request is for the waiver of fees for up to 800 tons of construction waste (valued at $40,000) generated during the building of 36 tiny homes to house the homeless. The removal of two old condemned recreational buildings previously utilized by the Creekwood homeowner's association will generate the construction waste under consideration for tipping fee waiver. The NHC Landfill has waived a total of $365,154 in tipping fees (7,998 tons) fiscal year to date. Discussion of Consent Item #6 - Approval of the First Reading of a Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Waste Partners – County Attorney In response to Board questions, Mr. Suleyman stated that approximately three weeks ago an effort was made to provide more efficiency of the solid waste line coming through. A memorandum was sent to all commercial haulers explaining they have to have a franchise agreement, as required by ordinance, in place with the County in order to benefit from the use of the Waste Wizard which is a fully automated system that allows haulers to bypass traffic due to having stored tared weights and an account with the County Finance Department. It allows for control as to the final disposition of the waste and it remains within New Hanover County. This also helps ease some of traffic congestion issues at the landfill site. He will send Commissioner Zapple a copy of the letter. Additional information: Pursuant to Section 44.55, the applicant has provided information about his business organization, equipment, personnel and fiscal responsibility. The Environmental Management Director and the Chief Financial Officer have no objections to the franchise request. The renewal franchise period would run for seven years. A second reading is required. Discussion of Consent Item #7 - Adoption of a Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statutes - Chapter 160A, Article 12 – Finance Commissioner Zapple stated that non-profit organizations will have the opportunity to inspect and purchase certain property prior to being sold by auction until April 2, 2020. Chief Financial Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher confirmed that the contact person is James Derseraux at Property Management at 910-798-4321 and information is located under the “Doing Business with New Hanover County” section of the County’s website. Additional information: Nonprofit organizations will have the opportunity to inspect and purchase the property prior to being sold by auction. Afterwards, all remaining property will be disposed of according to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 160A-270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service. Staff will utilize the services of GovDeals, an online internet based provider servicing governmental entities. Any items not sold electronically will be disposed of by any other method authorized by the statutes including discarding. Discussion of Consent Item #8 - Adoption of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) 404/407 Management Costs Budget Amendment and Procurement Policy – Strategy In response to Board questions, Strategy Analyst Eliza Baldwin stated the funds would be used to pay for services provided by Holland Consulting Planners to assist with managing the project and for acquisition of the 11 properties in connection with Hurricane Florence. She reconfirmed that the County is paying Holland Consulting and it is part of the established contract with the company. Additional information: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved management costs for the 404 Buyout/407 Demolition HMGP project in the amount of $110,530.00. FEMA defines management costs as any indirect costs, direct administrative costs, and other administrative expenses associated with a specific project. The procurement policy that accompanies this budget amendment lays out specific criteria and guidelines for the program. Motion: Commissioner Zapple MOVED, SECONDED Chair Olson-Boseman to approve Consent Items 2, 6, 7, and 8 on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote by roll call, the MOTION CARRIED: Voting Aye: Chair Olson-Boseman; Vice-Chair Kusek; Commissioner Barfield; Commissioner White; and Commissioner Zapple. A copy of the resolution for Consent Item #7 is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XLI, Page 6.1. A copy of the budget amendment and procurement policy for Consent Item #8 is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XLI, Page 6.2. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 34 REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 23, 2020 PAGE 498 REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS There were no regular items of business. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chair Olson-Boseman stated that there would be no public comments at this meeting. By North Carolina General Statute 153A-52.1 "...the board of commissioners shall provide at least one period for public comment per month at a regular meeting of the board..." The board met this statutory burden at the March 9, 2020 meeting. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Consideration and Approval of Ground Lessor’s Recognition and Attornment Agreement County Attorney Copley stated she previously sent the Board information regarding this request. New Hanover County Airport Authority requests the Board approve the lease agreement with NGP VI Fund, LLC Land Lease. Sublessee NGP VI Fund, LLC is a private equity firm focusing on acquisition and management of assets leased to U.S. governmental entities. The use of the facility will continue as a VA medical clinic. This is for the subleasee to secure refinancing as previously approved by the County and Airport Authority in October 2018. There will be no burden on the County. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED Vice-Chair Kusek to approve the execution of the Ground Lessor's Recognition and Attornment Agreement with NGP VI Fund, LLC. Upon vote by roll call, the MOTION CARRIED: Voting Aye: Chair Olson-Boseman; Vice-Chair Kusek; Commissioner Barfield; Commissioner White; and Commissioner Zapple. ADJOURNMENT Chair Olson-Boseman thanked and expressed appreciation to County staff and Public Health officials for keeping our community safe and informed. COVID-19 is unlike anything we have seen before and is why unprecedented measures are being taken across the country and in our community. It's important to listen to the guidance being given. Stay home if you can, don't gather in groups of more than ten people, and stay six feet away from each other. Now is the time to take these precautions to keep our community as safe as possible. She thanked everyone for their patience, support of each other, and for those serving on the front lines serving others during this difficult time. There being no further business, Chair Olson-Boseman adjourned the meeting at 9:14 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and checkout at all New Hanover County Libraries and online at www.nhcgov.com.