Z20-10 Application PackagePage 4 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: ______________________ Total Acreage of Proposed District: __________ Only uses allowed by right in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (please provide additional pages if needed). ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Proposed Condition(s) Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding General Use District regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (CZD)R-7 4.79 AC. The purpose of the R-7 district is to encourage medium density development where adequate services are already available. Attached housing is permitted in the residential districts by performance development standards. The townhome style of development adds an alternative housing option in this area of the County that has historically been limited to single-family homes on larger lots. Reference the site plan for project layout. All landscaping requirements for an attached housing project would be applied to add shading, visual interest and aesthetic quality. Page 5 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: _________________________________________________________________________________ Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.): __________________________________ AM Peak Hour Trips: ___________________________ PM Peak Hour Trips: ______________________________ CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community-at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Use Zoning District meets the following criteria. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development? (For example: the Comprehensive Plan and applicable small area plans) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property’s classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 230 - RESIDENTIAL CONDO /TOWNHOME PER UNIT @ 28 UNITS 12 15 The policies for growth and development encourage safe and affordable housing to be available to every citizen. Sustainability of the County depends on sensible in-fill and maximizing use of lands already accessible to urban services. Increased density of development not only adds to the tax base, but makes better use of the existing infrastructure. Rezoning this property for moderate density provides alternative housing opportunities in an area that already has public services available to it. Clustering by performance standards allows for more open common area. Since the original Spring View neighborhood was created, the construction of I-40 as an extension of N College Road, and of MLK Parkway, has made this vicinity more attractive for housing opportunities because of the increased ease of commuting from home to jobs and services. Adding modest increase of density for new development is not uncommon. Legal Description for  Conditional Zoning District    Beginning at a point along the eastern boundary of Spring Branch Road, a 60’ public right‐of‐ way; said point being at the southwestern corner of “Lot 13 – Spring View / Section 2,” a  division recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 8,  at Page 50; and running thence:    South 79043’ East, 192.38 feet to a point; thence  South 10017’ West, 118.00 feet to a point; thence  South 79043’ East, 159.43 feet to a point in the western boundary of North College Road (NC  Hwy. 132, a public right‐of‐way; thence with that right‐of‐way,  South 10017’ West, 269.23 feet to a point; thence  South 59025’18” West, 115.82 feet to a point; thence  North 79043’ West, 71.83 feet to a point; thence  North 8305025” West, 382.12 feet to a point; thence leaving the right‐of‐way,  North 07028’31” East, 286.91 feet to a point; thence  North 03043’ West, 36.00 feet to a point; thence  North 86017’ East, 240.00 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of the terminus of Spring  Branch Road;  thence with that eastern right‐of‐way,  North 03043’ West, 32.00 feet to a point; thence  Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 537.13 feet and Length of 81.03 feet, a Chord of   North 00036’28” East, 81.01 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 4.79   acres, more or less.     REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Project Name: Spring Ridge Townhomes Proposed Zoning: R-15 to (CZD) R-7 The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting and an exhibit of the site layout for the above proposed zoning application was sent to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on March 18, 2020. A subsequent mailing, to cancel the meeting due to the COVID issue, was mailed on March 20, 2020. Both mailings gave the recipients opportunity to contact us with questions or comments via telephone or email. Copies of those written notices and the site layout are attached. The persons responding were: Reference attached compilation of comments and questions received from calls and emails. Date: April 6, 2020 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Lionel.dod1@gmail.com    Lionel Dodson  4649 Spring View Dr.  Wilmington, NC 26405     I received the letter from you concerning the building of a Townhome at the end of Spring Branch Rd. This is the  second time that this situation has come up in the 3 yrs. we have lived here. Since it is possible that you will not  be able to have the meeting scheduled for March 31, due to the Corona Virus, I want to share some thoughts  with you.  Almost all of our neighbors do not want this project to happen. The primary concern is EXCESSIVE TRAFFIC.  There is NO access to this area from Martin Luther King Highway. The nearest way in is off of N. College Rd. onto  Spring View Dr.  There is NO traffic light at this intersection. This is already a dangerous intersection. There is an  accident there almost every week. Adding 60 or more vehicles to the situation will not help.  Plus adding all of  the trucks and such coming in and out during construction of the building. There is an intersection onto N.  College about a mile down Spring Branch Rd. that does have a traffic light. However, this is also and entrance to  a school, a church and some other buildings.  At different times of the day, the traffic REALLY gets backed up there.    Another concern with more traffic is that the streets in this neighborhood are very narrow and there are no  sidewalks. We have a lot of people walking, many with children and pets. Also riding bicycles. When cars drive  by, the people have to step off of the street to keep from getting hit.  Also, the narrow streets cause vehicles, to run off the side of the road, particularly when making turns, causing  deep tire tracks and pot holes.  These are a few of the reasons I am asking you to not precede with this project.                    gstorch@ec.rr.com    I looked at the drawing.  No amenities. No sidewalks.  No retention pond visible.    Is there a fence around it paid  for by the developer?  Just another plopped in area of housing in a high traffic area.                    Tmesser1943@gmail.com    Tom and Nancy Messer  640 Spring Branch Rd.  Wilmington, NC 28405  Cell 910 777 3581    We received your letter concerning the subject housing project.  We live at 640 Spring Branch at the southeast  corner of Spring Branch and Spring View.  A similar project was attempted last year.  Our residents nearby and  throughout Spring View Estates rose up against it.  The builder rep decided not to pursue it at that time.     After speaking with several residents all are against this project too.  Every morning during rush hour there is  already a long line of cars trying to get out on to College street.  We've also had multiple accidents of residents  trying to get in and out of Spring View Estates.  A 28 unit housing project would add at least 56 more cars using  the exit and entrance to Spring View and make the situation worse.        I spoke with Sheriff Ed McMahan and his wife the other day.  They live about a block away from us.  They are  against the project.  Ed was troubled that you are calling a meeting on March 31 as we are still under Corona  virus guidance of limiting a meeting to 10 or less people.  I'm sure more than 10 people want to come to  complain.    We're not against your attempting to work on behalf of the builders but believe you should postpone the  meeting until the restrictions are lifted so that all who want to may attend the meeting.  We'd appreciate your  reply soon so we can notify the residents.                    jason@teakettlejunction.com    Jason Frye  Teakettle Junction Productions  910.431.0274    I'm a resident of King's Grant in Wilmington, located just up Spring Branch Drive from the proposed Spring Ridge  townhome development, and I'm one of those who will be negatively impacted by and strongly oppose the  construction of this development.     Not only will new development in our neighborhood further dampen home prices (which are dropping thanks to  the townhome development across College Road just off Gordon Road), it will place unnecessary and unwanted  traffic on our roads. Already we face a tremendous backup at our one stoplight, thanks to the morning drop‐off  and evening pick‐up at Wilmington Christian Academy, and the addition of another 40+ cars (figuring two cars  per household in Spring Ridge, plus or minus a few) will be greatly inconvenient.     Many of the folks in this neighborhood are out for a walk, jog or bike ride on Spring View and other roads, plus  the dog walkers and kids out on bikes and skateboards on these same streets, and the addition of the traffic 28  residential units will pose an inherent risk to those in our neighborhood. Since we have neither sidewalks nor  bike paths here, we have no choice but to use the roads for recreation. I hope you and county authorities take  this into account.     One question before I hit my final point. What exactly is a "Performance Residential Townhome Development?"  When I was a reporter with the Greater Wilmington Business Journal I wrote extensively about development  and building in the region and never have I encountered such a jargon‐laced subtitle for a development (it will  look horrendous on the signage, by the way) and I have a genuine curiosity, nay, need, to have it translated out  of industry‐speak and into plain English. Can you translate for me?    Finally, and I say this to you as a writer (author of 19 books), editor (of four top 100 novels and countless smaller  projects), poet (MFA in Creative Writing from UNCW, published many times over), former middle school teacher  (it's a chore teaching kids to write, but I did it well) and journalist (I've written for or write for just about every  magazine and newspaper in town), the name, Spring Ridge, is the verbal equivalent of the sad trombone sound.  What ridge? Which spring? Just call it what it is: Cut all the Trees and Grab all the Cash Estates.    I genuinely hope you find a willing, welcoming and proper place for Spring Ridge (or whatever name you decide  upon; I am for hire), but know that it is not this neighborhood.     RESPONSE TO CONTACTS:  cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Cindee Wolf  Design Solutions  Project Planner    We appreciate your comments and will include them in the report that will be submitted with the application.    “Performance Residential” is a conditional subdivision provision in the NHCo Ordinance.  Its purpose is for  alternative housing options – clustering to preserve more open space ‐ rather than including it in large individual  yards.  It still limits the density of development to the same total of units had the tract been subdivided into  conventional lots.  I’ve included that section from the Code for your convenience.    As this tract exists at 4.79 acres, in an R‐15 district, it will already support up to twelve (12) homes.  However,  the Comprehensive Land Use Plan promotes infill housing at a greater density in locations like this that already  have public water and sanitary sewer services.  We are seeking to rezone it to R‐7, which will allow up to six (6)  units per acre – which would top out at 29.  The plan includes only 28.  There are close to 1000 residences in this  neighborhood bounded by College Road, MLK Pkwy & the power line.  An increase of 16 homes will have a  negligible impact – if any – on traffic.     It is very common to transition density between busy highways & more established neighborhoods.  Also, the  past tax re‐evaluation showed no evidence that small infill housing projects such as this have had an adverse  effect on older single‐family homes just about anywhere in our community.  On the contrary, new development  constructed to current building standards and having sidewalks, restrictive covenants, etc. often adds value  because the new sales provide higher comparables in adjacent neighborhoods.      You will be notified by the County whenever the Planning Board schedules this petition for public hearing –  perhaps May 7th, but dependent on the current pandemic situation.                ADJACENT OWNER NAME MAILING ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP SITUS ADDRESS ACEITUNO FERNANDO V ETAL 4702 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4702 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON ACEITUNO FERNANDO V ETAL 4702 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4702 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON ALDERMAN CAROLYN S 4637 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4637 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON ALDERMAN CAROLYN S 4637 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4637 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON ALLEN CHARLES 4701 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4701 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON ALLEN CHARLES 4701 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4701 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON BLANCHARD MICHAEL DEBORAH A 4922 NORTHEASTERN DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 4642 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON BLANCHARD MICHAEL DEBORAH A 4922 NORTHEASTERN DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 4642 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON BLASZKA WILLIAM ETAL 626 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 626 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON BLASZKA WILLIAM ETAL 626 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 626 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON BREWER JERRY JASON JR ETAL 4638 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4638 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON BREWER JERRY JASON JR ETAL 4638 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4638 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON BYSTROM LAUREN L CARL E 639 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 639 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON BYSTROM LAUREN L CARL E 639 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 639 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON CAPE COTTAGES HOA INC 2002 EASTWOOD RD #202 WILMINGTON, NC 28405 705 SUMMERTIME LN WILMINGTON CATLIN JOHN CATHERINE 4703 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4703 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON CATLIN JOHN CATHERINE 4703 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4703 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON CHESTNUT STREET PARTNERS LP 1 MUSOGEE AVE NW ATLANTA, GA 30305 616 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON CHESTNUT STREET PARTNERS LP 1 MUSCOGEE AVE NW ATLANTA, GA 30305 620 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON CHESTNUT STREET PARTNERS LP 1 MUSOGEE AVE NW ATLANTA, GA 30305 616 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON CHESTNUT STREET PARTNERS LP 1 MUSCOGEE AVE NW ATLANTA, GA 30305 620 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON CORNING INCORPORATED 1 RIVERFRONT PLAZA CORNING, NY 14831 521 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON CORBETT JOSEPH N BRENDA D 632 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 632 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON CORBETT JOSEPH N BRENDA D 632 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 632 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON COSTIN EBERN MARGARET REV LIV TR 2608 WHITE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 4622 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON COSTIN EBERN MARGARET REV LIV TR 2608 WHITE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 4622 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON DODSON LIONEL A LEILA H 4649 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4649 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON DODSON LIONEL A LEILA H 4649 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4649 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON DOVER CLARENCE W SHIRLEY M 701 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 701 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON DOVER CLARENCE W SHIRLEY M 701 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 701 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON FOSTER MARK JOSEPH 4634 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4634 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON FOSTER MARK JOSEPH 4634 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4634 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON FREEMAN LAUREN MEADOWS 714 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 714 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON FREEMAN LAUREN MEADOWS 714 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 714 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON GRIECO JULIE CHERYL ANTHONY V 116 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON, NC 28405 116 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON GRIECO JULIE CHERYL ANTHONY V 116 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON, NC 28405 116 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON HOLMES KENDALL L 4706 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4706 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON HOLMES KENDALL L 4706 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4706 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON HOWARD LOUIS J JR JOHNNIE C 4633 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4633 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON HOWARD LOUIS J JR JOHNNIE C 4633 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4633 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON HUFHAM CHRISTOPHER D ROBIN A 4622 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4622 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON HUFHAM CHRISTOPHER D ROBIN A 4622 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4622 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON HUNNICUTT TERRI RIPA ETAL 606 HILLVIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 627 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON HUNNICUTT TERRI RIPA ETAL 606 HILLVIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 627 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON JONES DAMON M LATOSHA S 4626 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4626 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON JONES DAMON M LATOSHA S 4626 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4626 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON KENNEDY ELBERT H FAY M 4629 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4629 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON KENNEDY ELBERT H FAY M 4629 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4629 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON LEWIS CYNTHIA THOMAS 4708 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4708 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON LEWIS CYNTHIA THOMAS 4708 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4708 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON MCCOY WINFRED S 117 MARSH FIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 4621 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON MCCOY WINFRED S 117 MARSH FIELD DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 4621 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON MESSER TOM E NANCY VIVIAN 640 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 640 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON MESSER TOM E NANCY VIVIAN 640 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 640 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 5501 BARBADOS BLV CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429      NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 5501 BARBADOS BLV CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 120 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 5501 BARBADOS BLV CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 120 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 5501 BARBADOS BLV CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429      NORRIS CARLYLE T LIFE ESTATE 4209 EDNA BUCK RD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 635 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON NORRIS CARLYLE T LIFE ESTATE 4209 EDNA BUCK RD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 635 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON OXENDINE DAWN M ETAL 4630 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4630 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON OXENDINE DAWN M ETAL 4630 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4630 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON PARHAM NECIE L LIFE ESTATE 639 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 639 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON PARHAM NECIE L LIFE ESTATE 639 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 639 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON PETERSON CHARLES L GEORGIA 4626 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4626 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON PETERSON CHARLES L GEORGIA 4626 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4626 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON POLLARD PATRICIA D 636 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 636 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON POLLARD PATRICIA D 636 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 636 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON RENOVO HOMES INC 321 FRONT ST N WILMINGTON, NC 28401 631 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON RENOVO HOMES INC 321 FRONT ST N WILMINGTON, NC 28401 631 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 619 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 615 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 620 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 623 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 615 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 620 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 623 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON RIPWOOD CO INC 4608 CEDAR AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 619 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON ROLES  MARTHA S 710 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 710 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON ROLES  MARTHA S 710 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 710 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON ROOKER MARK F 3304 DOUGHER CT WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 4630 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON ROOKER MARK F 3304 DOUGHER CT WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 4630 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON ROURK ROBERT I ANNA JANICKI PO BOX 749 REIDSVILLE, NC 27323 4634 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON ROURK ROBERT I ANNA JANICKI PO BOX 749 REIDSVILLE, NC 27323 4634 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON SCAFFA RALPHAEL MARYLOU 112 DOGWOOD DR CAMDEN, NC 27921 112 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON SCAFFA RALPHAEL MARYLOU 112 DOGWOOD DR CAMDEN, NC 27921 112 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON SCHROEDER ALLAN F BARBARA 6713 CARMEL TRL WILMINGTON, NC 28405 108 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON SCHROEDER ALLAN F BARBARA 6713 CARMEL TRL WILMINGTON, NC 28405 108 CRESTWOOD DR S WILMINGTON SMITH SHARON D JON MICHAEL 4633 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4633 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON SMITH SHARON D JON MICHAEL 4633 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4633 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON SUGGS ALVY JAMES JULIA 628 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 628 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON SUGGS ALVY JAMES JULIA 628 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON, NC 28405 628 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON SUMMERS DIANE H 4625 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4625 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON SUMMERS DIANE H 4625 RIPLEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4625 RIPLEE DR  WILMINGTON THOMPSON STANLEY G 4705 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 109 CRESTWOOD DR N WILMINGTON THOMPSON STANLEY G 4705 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 109 CRESTWOOD DR N WILMINGTON THOMPSON STANLEY G JOANNE H 4705 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4705 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON THOMPSON STANLEY G JOANNE H 4705 MILFORD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4705 MILFORD RD  WILMINGTON VANN RACHEL S 105 HERMITAGE RD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 631 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON VANN RACHEL S 105 HERMITAGE RD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 631 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON WATSON WILLIAM ROBERT 701 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 701 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON WATSON WILLIAM ROBERT 701 SPRING BRANCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 701 SPRING BRANCH RD  WILMINGTON WILLIAMS JEFFREY TOD 4638 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4638 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON WILLIAMS JEFFREY TOD 4638 SPRING VIEW DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 4638 SPRING VIEW DR  WILMINGTON WILMINGTON CITY OF PO BOX 1810 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 575 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON WILMINGTON CITY OF PO BOX 1810 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 575 COLLEGE RD N WILMINGTON March 20, 2020 To: Adjacent Property Owners Re: Spring Ridge Townhomes This message is follow-up to a letter recently sent to you as notice for a project information meeting. Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus, however a physical gathering is not feasible and it has been canceled. Instead, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Telephone: 910-620-2374, or Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz if you have comments or questions. Thank you. Cindee Wolf March 20, 2020 To: Adjacent Property Owners Re: Spring Ridge Townhomes This message is follow-up to a letter recently sent to you as notice for a project information meeting. Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus, however a physical gathering is not feasible and it has been canceled. Instead, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Telephone: 910-620-2374, or Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz if you have comments or questions. Thank you. Cindee Wolf March 20, 2020 To: Adjacent Property Owners Re: Spring Ridge Townhomes This message is follow-up to a letter recently sent to you as notice for a project information meeting. Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus, however a physical gathering is not feasible and it has been canceled. Instead, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Telephone: 910-620-2374, or Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz if you have comments or questions. Thank you. Cindee Wolf March 20, 2020 To: Adjacent Property Owners Re: Spring Ridge Townhomes This message is follow-up to a letter recently sent to you as notice for a project information meeting. Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus, however a physical gathering is not feasible and it has been canceled. Instead, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Telephone: 910-620-2374, or Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz if you have comments or questions. Thank you. Cindee Wolf P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal    March 18, 2020    To: Adjacent Property Owners    From: Cindee Wolf    Re: Spring Ridge ‐ A Performance Residential Townhome Development    My clients are interested in developing a 28‐unit residential community on lands within the  proximity of your property.  This proposal would require a Conditional Zoning District approval  from New Hanover County.      A Conditional Zoning District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with  specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project.   Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be  developed.  A sketch plan of the project layout is enclosed.    The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet  of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties.  This provides neighbors with an  opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning  project improvements, benefits and impacts.    A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 31st, 6:00 p.m., at the Pentecostal Freewill Baptist  Church, 801 N College Road.  If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at  telephone # 910‐620‐2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions.    We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an  asset to the community.