Agenda 2020 05-04NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301, Wilmington, NC 28401 Julia Olson - Boseman, Chair I Patricia Kusek, Vice -Chair junathan Barfield, Jr. , Commissioner I Woody White, Commissioner I Rob Zapple, Commissioner Chris Coudriet, County Manager I Wanda Copley, County Attorney I Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board MAY 4, 2020 4:00 PM PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference. Live meeting will be available on NHCTV.com and NHCTV's cable stations: Spectrum channel 13 and Charter channel 5 MEETI N CALLED TO ORDER (Chair Julia Olson - Boseman) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Adoption of Travel and Tourism Week Proclamation 3. Adoption of Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month Proclamation 4. Adoption of Foster Care Awareness Month Proclamation 5. Ratification of a Grant Application Submitted to the N.C. Governor's Highway Safety Program /Regional Forensic Laboratory 6. First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Blackburn Hauling & Maintenance 7. First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for TriCounty Trash 8. Approval to Request Grant Funds from Meals on Wheels America COVI D -19 Response Fund 9. Approval of March 2020 Tax Collection Reports 10. Appointment of Vice -Chair Kusek to the New Hanover County Health and Human Services Board 11. Adoption of Child Care Provider Appreciation Day Proclamation ESTIMATED MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 5 12. Consideration of Approval to Purchase Real Estate PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 13. Persons wishing to submit a public comment on a non - agenda item to be shared during the meeting may do so by 9:00 p.m. on May 3, 2020 by calling Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 (910) 798 -7411 to leave a message or by emailing comments @nhcgov.com. The public comment voicemails will be played aloud and the public comments emails will be read aloud by a staff member during the meeting. ESTI MATED MINUTES ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 14. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 15. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity - Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY. Approve minutes from the following meeting: Regular Meeting held on April 20, 2020 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: County PRESENTER(S): Kim Hufham, CEO and Connie Nelson, Communications /Public Relations Manager Director, Wilmington and Beaches Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager SUBJECT: Adoption of Travel and Tourism Week Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: In recognition of the unique significance of the American travel industry in the lives of the citizens of New Hanover County, the Wilmington and Beaches CVB has prepared the attached proclamation to recognize May 3 -9, 2020 as Travel and Tourism Week. The CVB will observe this year's National Travel and Tourism Week virtually via social media posts, videos, electronic industry updates, and other online resources. As an example, below are links to two versions of the CVB's National Tourism Week videos which are existing videos that we repurposed for our virtual observance of National Travel & Tourism Week. We plan to share the Local tourism /hospitality employee version with industry partners and local media (including NHCTV!) during the week of May 3 -9. We will also share the Visitor version via the destination's social media platforms during National Travel & Tourism Week. CVB 2020 NTTW Spirit of Travel video - Local Tourism/ Hospitality Employee version: https:Hvimeo.com /408956532 CVB 2020 NTTW Spirit of Travel video — Visitor version: https: / /vimeo.com /409837993 And here's a link to the US Travel Association's 2020 NTTW "The Spirit of Travel" video: https://vimeo.com/403057165 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 37th ANNUAL NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM WEEK PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, travel has a critical role in New Hanover County and the nation's economic prosperity; and WHEREAS, businesses and workers in the travel industry were some of the first and hardest hit by the economic crisis resulting from coronavirus; and WHEREAS, travel and tourism - dependent businesses, 83% of which are small businesses, depend on our community's support during and after this crisis; and WHEREAS, even while we cannot welcome visitors in person at this time, the spirit of travel and hospitality remains the enduring ethos of the travel industry, and will be a necessary and prominent component of our return to everyday life and must be supported and protected at all costs; and WHEREAS, in the United States, a robust travel industry has provided significant economic benefits for the nation, generating more than $2.6 trillion in economic output last year, with $1.1 trillion spent directly by travelers in the U.S. and supported 15.8 million jobs and $180 billion in tax revenue to support essential services and programs; and WHEREAS, in North Carolina, travel and tourism is among the state's fastest growing industries. Domestic travelers spent a record $25.3 billion in North Carolina in 2018; and WHEREAS, in New Hanover County: • Travel and Tourism infuses millions of new dollars into the local economy each year that helps to fund beach nourishment, the convention center, lifeguard programs and more. • In 2018, the economic impact of Tourism was estimated at $612.92 million, ranking New Hanover as #8 among North Carolina's 100 counties in tourism expenditures. • Provided more than 6,470 jobs and supported a payroll of $149.14 million. • Generated approximately $54.27 million in state and local tax receipts, representing a $228.31 tax saving to each county resident. • Travel contributes to economic growth by sustaining businesses in many sectors that depend upon visitor spending, including: hospitality, retail, food service, sports, arts and entertainment, and transportation, to name only a few; and WHEREAS, the travel industry has a significant effect on the local economy and a profound impact on the lives of the citizens of New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 3 -9, 2020 will be recognized as "National Travel and Tourism Week" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 41h day of May, 2020. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson- Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Health and PRESENTER(S): Mary Beth Rubright, Assistant Director of Social Services and Jeff Human Services Lee, Co- Chair, Elder Abuse Prevention Network (EAPN) CONTACT(S): Mary Beth Rubright and Jeff Lee SUBJECT: Adoption of Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Between Mother's Day and Father's Day, Elder Abuse awareness and prevention efforts are conducted nationally to bring awareness and to educate the public about the types of elder abuse, prevention methods, community resources and support. This year's proclamation is submitted for the board's consideration by Mary Beth Rubright, Assistant Director of Social Services and Jeff Lee, Co -chair of the Elder Abuse Prevention Network. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ELDER ABUSE PREVENTION AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, elder abuse is the broad term used to identify mistreatment of elderly and disabled adults; and WHEREAS, abuse and neglect of elderly and disabled adults is one of the most under - recognized and under - reported social problems in this country; and WHEREAS, the magnitude of the problem is likely to increase for several reasons, especially with the increasing rise in the number of elderly population; and WHEREAS, mistreatment can take many forms: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect by a caregiver, self - neglect, exploitation, and financial exploitation; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately five million people age 60+ suffer elder abuse every year; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately one out of every twenty -four cases of elder abuse is reported; and WHEREAS, abuse of the elderly and disabled is preventable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 10, 2020 through June 21, 2020 be recognized as "Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month" in New Hanover County. All residents and other jurisdictions are encouraged to become more aware of this problem and join in the prevention of elder abuse. ADOPTED this the 4t" day of May, 2020. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson - Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Health and Human PRESENTER(S): Mary Beth Rubright, Assistant Director of Social Services Services CONTACT(S): Mary Beth Rubright SUBJECT: Adoption of Foster Care Awareness Month Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: In May, we recognize that there are 350 children of all ages in Foster Care. We also recognize and thank foster mothers and fathers committed to fostering these precious children. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in New Hanover County there are approximately 350 children of all ages in custody of the Department of Social Services and of those children, over half reside in foster homes, group homes, hospitals, and with relatives; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of this community to provide these children with safe, stable and nurturing family environments; and WHEREAS, we turn more and more to the family foster homes of New Hanover County to nurture the bodies and spirits of the children in our charge while our social workers support parents in building on their strengths to provide safe, permanent homes for their children to return; and WHEREAS, foster parents frequently adopt their foster children, which results in a continual need for more foster families; and WHEREAS, May is singled out as Foster Care Awareness Month to be the one month we publicly recognize the tremendous contribution made by foster parents, numerous individuals, and public and private organizations to the child welfare system and to the lives of the young who are somehow entangled in that system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2020 will be recognized as "Foster Care Awareness Month "; and BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in recognition of Foster Care Awareness Month, thanks all foster mothers and foster fathers for their commitment of time and talents to these precious children and encourage all citizens to celebrate the contributions of foster parents and child welfare professionals. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners further encourages the community, businesses, faith -based organizations, and families to participate in efforts to recruit and support foster families in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 4t" day of May, 2020. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson- Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Chief Deputy Kenneth Sarvis CONTACT(S): Major Lachlan MacNeish SUBJECT: Ratification of a Grant Application Submitted to the N.C. Governor's Highway Safety Program /Regional Forensic Laboratory BRIEF SUMMARY: This grant will continue funding the salary and fringe of the existing Lab Technician position, lab supplies, and training and travel costs from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021. This is to fund an existing position, not a new position. The funding breakdown is as follows: Existing Lab Technician position (one year salary & fringe) - $58,000. Supplies, Training and Travel $28,500. Total grant amount is $86,500 with no match required. Governor's Highway Safety Program encourages extending the position beyond the grant cycle; however it is not mandatory. The Sheriff has to re- apply each year for funding. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize the Sheriff's Office to submit grant application and Local Government Resolution to Governor's Highway Safety Program. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 5 Resolution North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program Local Governmental Resolution WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriffs Office (herein called the "Agency ") has (The Applicant Agency) completed an application contract for traffic safety funding; and that New Hanover County (The Governing Body of the Agency) Board of Commissioners (herein called the "Governing Body ") has thoroughly considered the problem identified and has reviewed the project as described in the contract; THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE New Hanover County Board of (Governing Body) Commissioners IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF Wilmington, NORTH CAROLINA, THIS 04 DAY OF May, 2020, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Governing Body and the general public; and 2. That New Hanover County Sheriffs Office is authorized to file, on behalf of the (Name and Title of Representative) Governing Body, an application contract in the form prescribed by the Governor's Highway Safety Program for federal funding in the amount of $86,500.00 to be made to (Federal Dollar Request) the Governing Body to assist in defraying the cost of the project described in the contract application; and 3. That the Governing Body has formally appropriated the cash contribution of $ 0.00 as (Local Cash Appropriation) required by the project contract; and 4. That the Project Director designated in the application contract shall furnish or make arrangement for other appropriate persons to furnish such information, data, documents and reports as required by the contract, if approved, or as may be required by the Governor's Highway Safety Program; and Rev. 7/11 Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 1 Page 1 of 2 Resolution 5. That certified copies of this resolution by included as part of the contract referenced above; and 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DONE AND ORDERED in opening meeting by ATTESTED BY DATE Rev. 7/11 (Chairperson/Mayor) (Clerk) Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 2 SEAL Page 2 of 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau and Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director SUBJECT: First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Blackburn Hauling & Maintenance BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County requires a county issued franchise to collect solid waste. Pursuant to Section 44.55, the applicant has provided information about his business organization, equipment, personnel and fiscal responsibility. The Environmental Management Director and the Chief Financial Officer have no objections to the franchise request. The decision to approve the current solid waste franchise agreement was considered against the implications of House Bill 56 and its impact on the county's ability to control the flow of solid waste. Staff believes that private solid waste collection companies will ultimately make post -2020 final disposal decisions based on two factors: price and convenience /location. The New Hanover County landfill is competitive in both areas and will continue to seek methods to control costs while offering cutting -edge services to the public. The renewal franchise period would run for seven years. A second reading is required RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve franchise. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 6 BLACKBURN'S HAULING & MAINTENANCE 4716 OLD AVE. CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 910 - 675 -0240 11101yiyP.[e]AlauJd_yfftePL0:T►1 WE HAUL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS FOR COMMERICAL & RESIDENTIAL. WE HAVE TWO ROLL OFF CONTAINER TRUCKS WITH 52 CONTAINERS. WE HAVE TWO EMPLOYEES THAT WORK FULL TIME. WE HAVE BEEN IN BUSSINESS JANUARY 1, 1998. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY. SINCERELY YOURS JIMMY BLACKBURN OWNER -SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney and Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director SUBJECT: First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for TriCounty Trash BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County requires a county issued franchise to collect solid waste. Pursuant to Section 44.55, the applicant has provided information about his business organization, equipment, personnel and fiscal responsibility. The Environmental Management Director and the Chief Financial Officer have no objections to the franchise request. The decision to approve the current solid waste franchise agreement was considered against the implications of House Bill 56 and its impact on the county's ability to control the flow of solid waste. Staff believes that private solid waste collection companies will ultimately make post -2020 final disposal decisions based on two factors: price and convenience /location. The New Hanover County landfill is competitive in both areas and will continue to seek methods to control costs while offering cutting -edge services to the public. The renewal franchise period would run for seven years. A second reading is required RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve franchise. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 7 T 413 CLARENDON BLVD. CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 ADM I N@TRICOU NTYTRASH.COM 910.547.9283 Franchise Agreement New Hanover County 44 -55. (c) (1) Tri County Trash LLC 480 Buckingham Ave, Wilmington NC 28428 (2) Equipment List 2002 International 4900 2001 International 4700 1999 International 4700 45 Dumptsers (3) 2 Employees at business (4) 2 years owner of Tri County Trash, 8 years construction waste removal previous to ownership. (5) See Attached P &L (J) Liablity with Able Auto - Representative is Haley Pate Auto, 2 million, with Allstate Lagamarcino— Representative Loreen Moraster .: TRICOUNTYT'RASH.COM Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Senior Resource Center PRESENTER(S): Amber Smith, Senior Resources Center Director CONTACT(S): Amber Smith SUBJECT: Approval to Request Grant Funds from Meals on Wheels America COVID -19 Response Fund BRIEF SUMMARY: The Senior Resource Center is requesting approval to apply for grant funds from the Meals on Wheels America COVID-19 Response Fund. The fund was created to support Meals on Wheels network members at a time of intense need in serving older adults with nutritional needs as an effort to secure additional food and supplies and adapt to new procedures and delivery methods during and after COVI D -19. The total amount we are requesting is $25,000 and does not required a match. If awarded $25,000, this will cover the cost of 7,353 meals served to older adults in New Hanover County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 8 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Application Process: The Meals on Wheels America COVID -19 Response Fund Contact Info Request Applicant: Mrs. Amber King Smith asmith @nhogov.00m 910- 798 -6410 2222 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Organization: New Hanover County Senior Resource Center 56- 6000324 910- 798 -6400 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28411 Page 1 of 8 Public Profile J* Contact Email History (D If your organization information does not appear correct, please contact the funder. Thank you. Application 0 Fields with an asterisk (•) are required. v ABOUT THIS FUND ProJect Name* Name of Project. ® Question List The Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund was created to support the Meals on Wheels network at a time of intense need. Leveraging the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Fund, Meals on Wheels America will solicit, receive and distribute funds on behalf of the nationwide network. https:/ /www.grantinterface.com/Regm" "W i 1tdoW%. quest= 5171322 4/20/2020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Page 2 of 8 The following information contains answers to what we anticipate to be the most frequently asked questions from Members about the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund (may also be referred to as the "Fund -). As the national situation continues to change rapidly, there is still much we do not know. As such, the Fund will retain flexibility to respond to evolving and emerging needs — both nationally and locally. Please check back often as this information is subject to change. In the near -term, the Fund will make one -time emergency grants to Meals on Wheels programs to help meet the basic needs of senior population they serve. The aggregate amount of money that will be available to Members in the form of emergency grants will depend on the amount of revenue raised for the Fund. We will begin taking grant award applications upon announcement of the grant program and will keep you informed on all important aspects of the Fund on the COVID-19 Response Fund webpage. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. What are the eligibility conditions for participation In the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund? In order to be eligible to apply for, and receive, an emergency grant from the Fund, a Meals on Wheels America Member must: a. be a Member of Meals on Wheels America in good standing during the grant period and have an active nonprofit or government tax status; b. have a demonstrated need for the funds (as described in more detail below); c. have made an effort to seek emergency response funds from local donors, governmental entities or corporations so as to reduce the demands on the Fund; d. have developed an emergency response plan for COVID-19 that meets the following standards: I. is documented and available to all appropriate staff; ll. identifies specific criteria for prioritizing which clients will receive home - delivered meals first; ill. provides a mechanism for the delivery of frozen or shelf stable meals to senior clients; iv. outlines the operations plan to be in place during this period; v. shows evidence of joint planning with members of the local community responsible for emergency response; and, vi. includes an evaluation process to track the use of funds and the impact on your ability to serve clients. https : / /www.gmntinterface.com/Rec t/SUlaRNgNrbp tr4bAW8quest= 5171322 4/20/2020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Page 3 of 8 2. What qualifies as a demonstrated need which may trigger availability of funds? While there is no precise definition of the kind of circumstances which would trigger disbursement of funds, the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund Review Committee will prioritize applications that have the greatest need. Grants from the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Fund are designed to be a temporary funding mechanism and are short-term, 'stop-gap" emergency grants specifically to offer relief during emergency situations resulting from the COVID -19 pandemic. Specifically, the Review Committee will focus on applications that have addressed various alternatives and increased delivery of services to senior clients. This could include, but not be limited to: • substituting traditional daily hot meals with alternative meal types such as frozen or shelf stable meals or other nutrition services with supplements such as nutraceuticals; • replenishing and expanding the supply of shelf - stable meals, frozen meals and/or other nutrition services; • subsidizing additional transportation and personnel costs that would be necessary when sites close where older adults currently receive meals in a group setting (e.g., senior centers, congregate cafes, community dining sites, etc.), as many of those affected will then become home - delivered meal recipients; and • enabling implementation of telephone reassurance and other tech -based programs to check in and connect with isolated seniors. The Review Committee will prioritize circumstances where services have already been interrupted to seniors for several days or an interruption is imminent without additional resources. Regardless of the intensity of the virus in a given area, the Review Committee will make its decisions independently in light of the totality of the circumstances. The Review Committee will likely not authorize each funding request; for example, a reduction in donations alone will not be a sufficient reason to access limited monies available in the Fund. The decision of the Review Committee is final and cannot be appealed. 3. Who site on the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund Review Committee? Meals on Wheels America's Chief Strategy and Impact Officer will establish the review process including identification of internal staff and external advisors as needed to serve as reviewers. The timing of reviews will mirror the rolling application process with the goal of conducting reviews and awarding grants as quickly as possible. 4. When will emergency grants be available from the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund for disbursement? Applications will be accepted beginning March 23, 2020 and continue through the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency declared by the federal government or until the Fund is hops :llwww.grantinterface.com/Re4$ &&W Vp�UdAPYriquest= 5171322 4/20/2020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Page 4 of 8 depleted. Applications will be assigned to reviewers immediately upon receipt with notification of awards within 5 business days. Checks to awardees will be mailed one week following notification. S. What Is the administrative breakdown of funds raised for and received from the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund? 100° of donations made to the Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund will support our senior nutrition program network. Unless otherwise directed by a donor, no less than 80% of funds raised will be distributed to local programs based on need. The remainder will be used to benefit all programs through information gathering, curating, and disseminating, upgrading technology for finding meals, sourcing product, etc., and other activities that are needed to ensure a cogent national response during this time in crisis and all year long. S. Is there a certain amount that a Meals on Wheels America Member program may request for their response to the COVID-19 emergency? Grants of up to $25,000 can be awarded with the amount of the award directly related to the cited emergency as well as the Member's size and annual budget. A rule of thumb is that a participating Member may seek a grant from the Fund in an amount that is no more than % of one month's budget. The Review Committee has discretion to grant an amount larger or smaller than this threshold depending on the circumstances and demand. 7. How will the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund operate? The Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund will be administered by Meals on Wheels America and is designed to make funds available quickly to respond to desperate situations. As such, the application process will be straight- forward. The review process will generally be completed within five business days from the receipt of an application. A decision may be made for partial funding of the grant request and may be released in more than one disbursement. Funds will be disbursed within one week of award notification. It is expected that funds made available through the Fund will be used immediately to respond to emergency needs and to restore and/or expand meal service. Funds may also be used to support telephone reassurance and other tech -based programs to allow for check -ins with isolated seniors to identify other needs that warrant immediate attention. B. What kind of follow -up reporting Is required for the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund? Within ninety (90) days of the issuance of a grant award, Grantees are required to complete a final report (using a report format to be provided) outlining the specific expenditures of funds, and the impacts of the grant awards (i.e. number of meals served; number of seniors served, etc.). If all expenditures have not been made within the initial ninety -day period, the report shall specify how the remaining funds will be used, and then a final report will be due to Meals on Wheels America following the complete expenditure of funds from the grant. All grantees are required to https : / /www.grantinterface.com/Re &SWRIM KDp tloiWgquest= 5171322 4/20/2020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Page 5 of 8 maintain a Membership status in good standing throughout the duration of the grant period. v AGREEMENTS Meeting Eligibility Requirements* We affirm that our Organization meets all of the following eligibility requirements to apply for a grant from the COVID -19 Response Fund (check all that apply): ❑ A Member of Meals on Wheels America in good standing throughout the grant period; ❑ A Member of Meals on Wheels America with an active nonprofit tax status; ❑ Has a demonstrated need for the funds (as described in more detail in the application); ❑ Has sought emergency response funds from local donors, governmental units or corporations; ❑ Developed a COVID -19 emergency response plan including standards listed in the Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions* Please carefullly review, and agree to, the Terms and Conditions for participation in the Response Fund Grant program. ❑ Yes, I have read, and agree to, the Terms and Conditions. Electronic Agreement and Signature By entering my name and date below. I consent to the use of an Electronic Agreement and Signature and indicate my agreement to the Terms and Conditions. Signature - Name* Signature - Date* PhotolVideo Release Form* It is the Member's obligation to obtain, and hold, a valid photography or recording release for any /all persons or organizations that may be identified in any photo or other content, such as a recording. This release form must be submitted upon request from Meals on Wheels America. ❑ I Agree to provide a PhotoNideo Release Form upon request from Meals on Wheels America. https : / /www.grantinterface.com/Re jfk &4M$ 4�62A n'req° uest= 5171322 4/20/2020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Page 6 of 8 If you do not have a release form, you can click the link for an example of Meals on Wheels America's Release Form. v APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE FORM Designated Contact Person* (please include name, title, email and phone number) 750 characters left of 750 CEO or Executive Director' (please include name, title, email and phone number) 750 characters left of 750 Requested Amount of the Grant' Program Need and Use of Funds* Please describe your program's needs and how you plan to use the requested funds. Be as specific as possible. 1 2,000 characters left of 2,000 https : / /www.gmntinterface.com/Re4ad W dh$oAV&quest= 5171322 4/2012020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Annual Senior Nutrition Budget* Page 7 of 8 OAA Funding* What percentage, if any, of your Annual Senior Nutrition Budget is funded through the Older Americans Act? (please round up) Emergency Response* Please explain the emergency procedures you have put in place with respect to your home - delivered and congregate meal program in response to the COV1D -19 pandemic. Please make sure to address the requirements as stated in the first question of the FAQ section above. e 5,000 characters left of 5,000 Fundralsing Efforts to Date* Has your organization made an effort to raise additional funds to support your efforts at this time? Q Yes Q No If you answered Yes,* Please describe your efforts and include the amount you have raised to date. 1,000 characters left of 1,000 hops:/ /www.grantinterface.com/Re4&VA W &Mquest= 5271322 4/20/2020 Application - Grant Lifecycle Manager Page 8 of 8 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AGREEMENT By submitting this form, we certify that our Organization meets the Meals on Wheels COVID -19 Response Fund eligibility requirements listed above (and in other Fund supporting materials) as of the date identified below, and will continue to meet the requirements for the Term of the Agreement outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Participation. We affirm that the information provided herein is accurate and truthful, and that we have read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions. We acknowledge and agree that our request for Grant funding may not be approved in whole or in part, that the decision of Meals on Wheels America is not reviewable or appealable, that funds may only be used for the purposes stated herein, and that any funds not used from the designated purposes are due back to Meals on Wheels America. Name of President 1 Chief Executive Officer's Name of Person Submitting Application' Title* Date" Q I am, or have the power to act on behalf of, the Executive Director, President or CEO of this Organization's Senior Nutrition Program and have authority to bind the Organization/Applicant to the terms and conditions contained herein. ® Yes Q No Abandon Request Save Application i Submit Application https:// www .grantinterface.com/Reoquest= 5171322 4/20/2020 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Trina Lewis, Collections Supervisor CONTACT(S): Trina Lewis SUBJECT: Approval of March 2020 Tax Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: NCGS 105 -350 requires the Tax Collector to submit a report showing the amount of taxes collected. Overall Collection Percentages for March 2020 are slightly behind collections for March 2019. We have had an increase of payment arrangements for our tax year 2019 versus our 2018 tax year. The report for March 2020 in comparison to March 2019 is as follows: New Hanover County March 2020 March 2019 Real Property 98.92% 98.99% Personal Property 94.31% 94.45% Motor Vehicle 100.00% 100.00% Overall Collection Rate 98.59% 98.65% Total Collected YTD $167,674,812.79 $164,876,870.56 New Hanover County Debt Service March 2020 March 2019 Real Property 98.92% 98.97% Personal Property 94.39% 94.69% Motor Vehicle 100.00% 100.00% Overall Collection Rate 98.60% 98.67% Total Collected YTD $22,085,724.24 $21,665,294.23 Grand Total Collected YTD $189,760,537.03 $186,542,164.79 New Hanover County Fire District March 2020 March 2019 Real Property 98.84% 99.02% Personal Property 96.40% 94.88% Motor Vehicle 100.00% 100.00% Overall Collection Rate 98.63% 98.69% Total Collected YTD $10,524,318.92 $9,768,759.55 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 9 Approve the reports. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 9 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for March 2020 Current Year 2019 -2020 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 146,571,779.81 $ (58,283.72) $ 10,162.95 $ 14,526,013.82 $ (271,428.11) $ 311,899.65 $ 8,745,795.08 $ $ $ 169,843,588.71 (329,711.83) 322,062.60 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 146,523,659.04 145,691,721.28 744,570.53 10.06 $ $ $ $ 14,566,485.36 13,771,493.93 32,490.88 (1,207.57) $ $ 8,745,795.08 8,745,795.08 $ $ $ $ 169,835,939.48 168,209,010.29 777,061.41 (1,197.51) Outstanding Balance $ 1,576,498.23 $ 828,689.88 $ - $ 2,402,793.09 Collection Percentage (28.55) 98.92 1,096.05 94.31 $ 100.00 $ 98.59 YTD Interest Collected $ 155,880.06 $ 14,166.58 $ 72,817.27 $ 242,863.91 $ 4,903.65 $ 573,521.75 *Refunds $ 46,501.28 $ 13,783.17 Total 2019 -2020 Collections YTD 167,674,812.79 Prior Years 2009 -2018 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,459,819.12 $ 4,149,078.44 $ 498,544.61 $ 6,107,442.17 Abatements $ (7,796.26) $ (60,194.27) $ - $ (67,990.53) Adjustments $ - $ 1,124.60 $ (28.55) $ 1,096.05 Total Levy $ 1,452,022.86 $ 4,090,008.77 $ 498,516.06 $ 6,040,547.69 Collections to Date $ 426,618.73 $ 141,999.37 $ 4,903.65 $ 573,521.75 *Refunds $ 46,501.28 $ 13,783.17 $ 1,363.74 $ 61,648.19 Write -off $ (23,606.36) $ (177,620.98) $ (91,925.84) $ (293,153.18) Outstanding Balance $ 1,095,511.77 $ 4,139,413.55 $ 586,901.99 $ 5,235,520.95 YTD Interest Collected $ 72,980.89 $ 26,417.01 $ 2,589.91 $ 101,987.81 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 613,861.37 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 168,288,674.16 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chair Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for March 2020 Current Year 2019 -2020 Total 2019 -2020 Collections YTD $ 22,085,724.24 Prior Years 2009 -2018 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Combined Combined Scroll /Billed $ 19,340,467.56 $ 1,907,280.78 $ 1,153,855.65 $ 22,401,603.99 Abatements $ (7,691.08) $ (35,817.75) $ Adjustments $ (43,508.83) Adjustments $ 1,341.07 $ 41,158.30 $ $ $ 42,499.37 Total Taxes Charged $ 19,334,117.55 $ 1,912,621.33 $ 1,153,855.65 $ 22,400,594.53 Collections to Date $ 19,125,877.57 $ 1,805,991.02 $ 1,153,855.65 $ 22,085,724.24 *Refunds $ 731.69 $ 459.07 $ (19.55) $ 1,190.76 Write -off $ (41.42) $ (188.57) 186,647.30 $ $ (229.99) Outstanding Balance $ 209,013.09 $ 107,277.95 $ - $ 314,640.30 Collection Percentage 98.92 94.39 100.00 98.60 YTD Interest Collected $ 20,523.84 $ 1,859.42 $ 9,525.07 Total 2019 -2020 Collections YTD $ 22,085,724.24 Prior Years 2009 -2018 Total Prior Year Collections YTD *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chair Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 1 $ 61,091.26 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 125,664.51 $ 202,476.73 $ $ 328,141.24 Scroll Abatements $ (770.78) $ (5,182.27) $ (5,953.05) Adjustments $ 122.29 $ 122.29 Total Levy $ 124,893.73 $ 197,416.75 $ $ 322,310.48 Collections to Date $ 44,300.41 $ 12,280.08 $ $ 56,580.49 *Refunds $ 897.42 $ 1,491.08 $ $ 2,388.50 Write -off $ (10.41) $ (19.55) $ $ (29.96) Outstanding Balance $ 81,501.15 $ 186,647.30 $ $ 268,088.53 YTD Interest Collected $ 5,402.52 $ 1,496.75 $ $ 6,899.27 Total Prior Year Collections YTD *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chair Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 1 $ 61,091.26 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for March 2020 Current Year 2019 -2020 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 8,768,856.40 $ (1,649.86) $ 5,408.79 $ 1,217,391.16 $ 958.49 $ 201.15 $ 664,213.04 $ $ $ 10,650,460.60 (691.37) 5,609.94 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 8,772,615.33 8,670,817.14 243.73 (29.25) $ $ $ $ 1,218,550.80 1,174,920.79 159.49 (129.33) $ $ 664,213.04 664,213.04 $ $ $ $ 10,655,379.17 10,509,950.97 403.22 (158.58) Outstanding Balance $ 102,071.17 $ 43,918.83 $ - $ 145,672.84 Collection Percentage 0.41 98.84 220.92 96.40 $ 100.00 $ 98.63 YTD Interest Collected $ 8,628.94 $ 828.68 $ 5,313.55 $ 14,771.17 $ 150.49 $ 28,610.99 *Refunds $ 524.45 $ 1,100.90 Total 2019 -2020 Collections YTD 10,524,318.92 Prior Years 2009 -2018 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 81,964.21 $ 227,667.50 $ 28,940.89 $ 338,572.60 Abatements $ (1,150.61) $ (3,223.59) $ (3.69) $ (4,377.89) Adjustments $ 220.51 $ 0.41 $ 220.92 Total Levy $ 80,813.60 $ 224,664.42 $ 28,937.61 $ 334,415.63 Collections to Date $ 20,200.12 $ 8,260.38 $ 150.49 $ 28,610.99 *Refunds $ 524.45 $ 1,100.90 $ - $ 1,625.35 Write -off $ (902.88) $ (8,873.07) $ (4,710.18) $ (14,486.13) Outstanding Balance $ 62,040.81 $ 226,378.01 $ 33,497.30 $ 292,943.86 YTD Interest Collected $ 3,986.28 $ 1,357.73 $ 114.78 $ 5,458.79 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 34,069.78 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 10,558,388.70 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chair Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chair Olson - Boseman CONTACT(S): Chair Olson - Boseman SUBJECT: Appointment of Vice -Chair Kusek to the New Hanover County Health and Human Services Board BRIEF SUMMARY. Appoint Vice -Chair Kusek as the Commissioner representative on the New Hanover County Health and Human Services Board to replace Commissioner White. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve appointment. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Appointed Vice Chair Kusek by a vote of 3 -2. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Consent DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Commissioner Zapple CONTACT(S): Commissioner Zapple SUBJECT: Adoption of Child Care Provider Appreciation Day Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Child Care Provider Appreciation Day is Friday, May 8, 2020. Jane Morrow, Executive Director of Smart Start of New Hanover County, has requested that the Board consider adopting a proclamation recognizingthe early educators working in our community during this pandemic crisis and for the work that is done throughout the year. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 11 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CHILD CARE PROVIDER APPRECIATION DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, early educators working in childcare centers and family childcare homes strive throughout the year to help children grow caring and inquisitive minds, and build strong and healthy bodies so that they are prepared for success in life; and WHEREAS, early educators provide an invaluable service to our economy by enabling parents with young children to work knowing their children are well cared for; and WHEREAS, early educators serve as the workforce behind the workforce. In New Hanover County, these educators typically teach 4,400 children under the age of six who are enrolled in licensed childcare programs. There are typically over 600 early educators working in these programs; and WHEREAS, during the COVID -19 pandemic, just over half of the childcare programs have been able to remain open to serve essential workers. Early educators working in these programs have placed themselves on the front lines of combating this crisis; and WHEREAS, early educators are maintaining routines in their classrooms, continuing to develop important skills through play, story time, outdoor activities, and are providing extra nurturing during this unprecedented time; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County joins with Smart Start of New Hanover County, the nonprofit dedicated to supporting the early education workforce, in honoring the early educators working during this pandemic crisis and for the work that is done throughout the year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 8, 2020 will be recognized as "Child Care Provider Appreciation Day" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 4t" day of May, 2020. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson - Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 11-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 5/4/2020 Regular DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval to Purchase Real Estate BRIEF SUMMARY: The Environmental Management Department requests approval to purchase eight (8) acres of undeveloped real estate located at 5124 U.S. Highway 421 North, directly adjacent to the landfill, from Tidewater Transit Company, Inc. This property will be used to expand the footprint of the landfill at the southwest corner, with frontage along Highway 421. This real estate purchase will provide the land necessary to relocate the administrative and maintenance facilities, thereby opening up the land where the existing structures are currently situated so as to allow the construction of future landfill cells for solid waste disposal. The asking price of the real estate is $879,000 and the NHC Tax Department's FMV estimate is $799,000. The negotiated selling price is $780,000. Funds in the amount of $750,000 were included in the adopted budget for fiscal year 2020 for the purchase of real estate. The funds were originally budgeted to purchase land at the southeast corner of the site, but due diligence revealed that the subject property had contaminated soils present. The remaining $30,000 in additional funds required are also available in the Environmental Management Fund's current adopted FY 2020 expenditure budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the purchase of eight (8) acres of unimproved real estate from Tidewater Transit Company, Inc., at a cost of $780,000. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 4, 2020 ITEM: 12