Z19-14 - In Opposition Public Comments - 51 - 100 PUBLIC COMMENTS Z19-14 Group 51 - 100 IN OPPOSITION 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Audrey Kennedy <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:35 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Audrey Kennedy Address 921 Saltwood Lane Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email akennedy757@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The traffic on Porters Neck Road simply will not support a development that includes apartments. Despite what the pretense of a traffic study says, Porters Neck Road is already overburdened. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Dee Hughes <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:35 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Dee Hughes Address 8413 Ventana Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email deirdrehughes14@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The Board of Commissioners should examine carefully the proposal details for accuracy of content. The project as presented will have massive impacts on Porters Neck traffic, schools, infrastructure etc. It is not something the neighborhood is in favor of. This should be apparent based on earlier attendance at public forums by large numbers of local folks who will bear the brunt of impact. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of George Benford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:43 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name George Benford Address 413 Black Diamond Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email gbenford@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I have worked with numerous groups opposed to this project. The main concern for all of us is the traffic, the storm water and the safety of the children in what will become a heavily traveled road in the middle of quiet neighborhood with many families with young kids. Please do not rezone this project. Thanks 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Trevor Matthes <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:48 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Trevor Matthes Address 821 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Good Afternoon - we opposed this project and in the nine months that it has worked its' way through the system we have come to only oppose it, as proposed, more vehemently. The Logan Homes proposal is beyond sensible growth with this proposed density. Simply claiming that they have reduced their scope by 25% has only taken this plan from outrageous to less ridiculous. We intend to show how grievous this will be for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm water and coastal water quality, and the perilous impact on our schools. This plan, with the included apartments, is quite simply density for density sake and does not benefit anyone in the region except for the developer. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Trevor Matthes <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:07 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Trevor Matthes Address 821 Wine Cellar Circle Wilimington, NC 28411 United States Map It Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Good Afternoon - we opposed this project and in the nine months that it has worked its' way through the system we have come to only oppose it, as proposed, more vehemently. The Logan Homes proposal is beyond sensible growth with this proposed density. Simply claiming that they have reduced their scope by 25% has only taken this plan from outrageous to less ridiculous. We intend to show how grievous this will be for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm water and coastal water quality, and the perilous impact on our schools. This plan, with the included apartments, is quite simply density for density sake and does not benefit anyone in the region except for the developer. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jon Larmee <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:50 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jon Larmee Address 808 Wild Dunes Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email rlarmee@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The board should carefully examine the truthfulness of statements made by Logan Homes. This project will greatly impact many residents for years to come... the developer could not care less about the effects and problems this will cause. Residents are relying on the board to do the right thing here. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Celeste Russ <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:56 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Celeste Russ Address 1508 Jupiter Hills Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email celeste_russ@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I have lived in Porters Neck for 6 years. In that time I've seen a pretty, rural community become congested and clogged with new commercial and residential construction precisely in this area, major traffic issues at Porters Neck Rd and Route 17, flooding issues that have not been addressed and even the construction of a new school to accommodate all of these new residents in a variety of single family home developments and enormous apartment living communities. While I am not against progress, I AM against unreasonably sized developments that would further burden an already burdened community. The projected size and home congested development at Murray Farm IS MOST DEFINITELY UNREASONABLE IN SIZE. When I voted last year, I specifically voted for those candidates who promised to carefully view future development with an eye towards a comfortable, healthy and safe lifestyle v. those supporting the building of anything that would bring in tax dollars to New Hanover County. (as evidenced by the already tremendous growth in this area in just a few years. I respectdfully request that you further reduce this development at The Oaks. 300 homes is far too much in an area already saturated with development. I did not move here to live in a congested, city- like area. The commercial property/ business hideousness of Route 17 and the lack of restrictions on commercial properties for safety and appearance (as well as the redundancy of these businesses-when is enough actually enough???) is an unwelcoming vision as one drives down Market Street. Please don't allow another beautiful community to become overdeveloped and unattractive and unsafe. I voted for you to control development. Please do as you committed to your electorate. Celeste M Russ 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kerrie Grant <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:57 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Kerrie Grant Address 8224 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email kerriegrant@bellsouth.net Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Cramming so many homes into so few acres will create serious problems with traffic infrastructure, storm water, water quality, schools. Some of these issues are already apparent with all the recent building in the area. PLEASE do not add to it with more thoughtless planning. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Angela Loughran <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:01 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Angela Loughran Address 622 Wild Dunes Cir Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email angiel@ptd.net Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The addition of 300 more homes and apartments adds to the overwhelming existing congestion on Market St during rush hours. The new 3rd lane expansion is a waste of money because all 3rd lane traffic spills back into the existing 2 lanes in just a short distance. Who's bright idea was this? 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kristin Dallos <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:05 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Kristin Dallos Address 8425 Rosemary Lane Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Kristin.dallos@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am strongly opposed to this project. PLEASE keep our neighborhood Residential District Zoning. This is our first home, our first neighborhood for my son to be raised and grow up, our forever home. Please help keep our neighborhood R15. I am not opposed to homes coming in, thats understandable, but no apartments! We choose to buy in an R15 zoning and I ask for it to stay that way. Thank you. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Erin McCarthy <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:07 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Erin McCarthy Address 738 Winery Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email eredee@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Will increase traffic way too much for the area with no room to improve roads. Will increase the numbers of students in attendance at the new elementary school to where they will have to put trailers on the property. This is NOT an apartment community; if you need to build, build single family homes. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jared Jagutis <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:11 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jared Jagutis Address 702 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jagutis3@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We opposed this loudly back in sept. 19 and the updated plans continue to not satisfy the safety, traffic and overcrowding concerns. Please do not rezone. Thank you. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of James McLawhorn <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:12 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name James McLawhorn Address 887 Wine Cellar Cir Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jwmclawhorn1@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Strongly oppose. This will make the only way in and out of Porters Neck impassable in the mornings and afternoons and will overcrowd the brand new school, which is already at capacity. The traffic patterns outlined in the proposal do not take into consideration real world conditions of what drivers actually do to get in and out of PN. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Bronwyn Jagutis <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:12 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Bronwyn Jagutis Address 702 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jagutisbg@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Our community opposed this unsafe plan 9 months ago and continue to strongly oppose it today. Please stop this safety, traffic and overcrowding issue. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Bill Ritenour <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:13 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Bill Ritenour Address 8530 JADEWOOD DR Wilmington, NC 28411, NC 28411 United States Map It Email bill.ritenour@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Too much of a project on such a small area of land. Traffic is already a problem, and this would only make it worse. Problems with water drainage. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Beckett Jagutis <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:14 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Beckett Jagutis Address 702 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jagutis3@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This will unnecessary change will hurt our community and put the stability of the area at risk. Please turn this down. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Renn Carroll <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:14 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Renn Carroll Address 839 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email renn01@bellsouth.net Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Rezoning this area for apartments and the proposed density is unacceptable. This area doesn’t have the roads and infrastructure needed to support this size of a development. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jane Albers <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:17 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jane Albers Address 8217 Blue Heron Dr. E #3 Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email janalb@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am against the Logan Project, The Oaks at Murray Farm, as there is already flooding problems in that area, especially during times of storms. Also, there already is too many problems with traffic in that area, getting out on Hwy. 17 N. Additionally, schools in that area already are crowded, some over-crowded. Indiscriminate building in NHC has already led to infrastructure problems. This would be another one of those projects. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jeanne Gordon <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:18 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jeanne Gordon Address 1106 Tennwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email gordon.jeannel@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I believe The proposed density of apartment or town homes in this area would adversely affect the health, welfare and lifestyle of this residential area. I am not opposed to single family housing, which the area is already zoned for. There are other high density housing projects which have already been approved nearby which will affect the traffic flow and school density. This project would only compound those issues unnecessarily. It is my hope you will please consider ALL the impacts to the area before you make your decision. If you do that I'm confident you will see this change in zoning will have a negative economic impact on the surrounding homes and nearby communities. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Michele Brandon <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:27 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Michele Brandon Address 8828 Olympic Ln Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email chelmise@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This already over developed area can’t possibly handle more traffic from not only a single family home development but the proposed multi family units will be catastrophic. The flooding was awful in the area after Florence and can only get worse when the rest of the trees are taken down and replaced with pavement. Please do not consider allowing this to happen. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Ben Howell <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:30 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Ben Howell Address 848 Wine Cellar cir Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email benhowell1@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We opposed this proposal upon initiation, and since have only become more convinced that opposition is the correct posture. All reasons for opposition were mentioned during public meetings. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Susan La Forgia <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:34 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Susan La Forgia Address 8526 Jadewood Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email susanlaforgia@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Would result in extreme safety issues in this already populated area. Blair elementary school, the new residential construction project underway on Edgewater Rd, the new residential townhomes off Old Market St in The Village at Plantation Landing have already impacted the area. There are only two access exit roads ( Porters Neck Road and Old Market St.) to mainland Market Street Rt 17 for all the residents living in all of the Porters Neck area and Figure Eight Island. In the event of an evacuation mandate it would be disastrous for those trying to reach safe ground. Rezoning for The Oaks @ Murray Farm apartment/townhome/home project is unacceptable. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Susan MacAloon <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:39 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Susan MacAloon Address 8853 Plantation Landing Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Scale of project beyond excessive. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Linda Alexander <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:42 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Linda Alexander Address 507 Windstar Ln Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email lalexandermcc@me.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Logan Homes proposal is beyond reasonable growth/development with nearly 300+ homes/apartments on only 51 acres. Their proposal is ripe with misleading information, and inaccuracies, provided to those charged with making the decision. We know that this proposal will have dire consequences for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm water and water quality, and schools. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Shawn Carroll <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:43 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Shawn Carroll Address 839 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email spcarroll01@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I strongly oppose this project. The proposed density is NOT consistent with surrounding property use. And for all the other reasons that were voiced in objection during the public portion of the planning meeting (which the Planning Board largely ignored) this project is not in the best interest of the Porter's Neck community or the citizens of the northeast region of the County. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Patty Rogers <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:43 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Patty Rogers Address 1011 Wild Dunes Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email pattywrogers@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment It's time for a more balanced, sustainable growth in our county. Driving throughout the county it is disheartening to see an over abundance of construction, loss of green space, diminished animal habitats, traffic, trash from construction sites, environmental pollution and flooding. We can be a better community than this! Surely, residential and commercial development is not the only economic driver for a community. If we lose sight of our quality of life and public safety we lose period! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of J.C.Haycraft <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:47 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name J. C. Haycraft Address 8519 Bella Sera Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email will48hay@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The Logan Proposal for our area is, without a doubt, a dire proposal which will affect our traffic (already a problem with building in the area off Futch Creek, the Davis Community's planned building project off Porter's Neck Road and building going on right now on Edgewater Club Rd., a big extension of homes) -- we have only 2 outlets onto Market St.; a safety hazard (one child was already hit by traffic on Porter's Neck Rd. exiting a school bus) water system problem for flooding and drinking water, etc. The list goes on and on. I hope your board will please consider the residents living in this area and not just the realtors! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Charles Gaver <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:49 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Charles Gaver Address 8105 Saltcedar Drive Wilmington, Nc 28411 United States Map It Email Charles.gaver@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please don’t allow this proposed building to take place. Let common sense be your guide. That is an unreasonable volume to housing to go there. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Sara Maurer <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:49 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Sara Maurer Address 8433 Ventana Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email sararae75@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Very worried about more overcrowding around the Porters Neck area. The land for The Oaks at a Murray Hill is not suitable for mass rental apartments which really benefits the pockets of the builder. I am opposed to transient residents. I am opposed to expected increased traffic on Porters Neck Road, the rotary circle and Market Street. Our roads are already in poor condition. I am opposed to overcrowding the schools. I am very worried about additional flooding. I am not opposed to new single moderate and higher priced homes. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lynne Loeser <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:54 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Lynne Loeser Address 816 winged foot lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email lkwloeser@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We are writing in protest of the proposed Porters Neck development called Logan’s Oaks at Murray Farms development. We currently live in the Bishops Park neighborhood in Porter's Neck and will be significantly impacted by this proposed development. Our concerns include the following: · Added traffic congestion at peak times on Porters Neck Road and Market Street · Density of the housing which includes apartments · Flooding · Loss of wildlife habitat and trees · Crowding at nearby Porters Neck Elementary School I have heard the statement from county officials that “we cannot stop growth.” This is true. However, we can control growth through thoughtful planning to ensure the infrastructure is in place to accommodate the increased traffic and water runoff and flooding. We can also preserve trees for the enjoyment of all and to preserve wildlife habitats. There is no reason to have a higher density of housing within this area. There are ample apartments up and down Market Street that are affordable. Do not change the zoning to allow for higher density and limit to single-family homes and duplexes or townhomes. Require that valuable trees are maintained and setbacks are established to create barriers between existing homes in the area and the development. Limit the number of non-permeable surfaces and ensure retention ponds and other solutions are in place to prevent flooding of surrounding homes. We have been residents of Wilmington since 1994. We have seen tremendous and mind-numbing change in Wilmington, some for the good, but much for the bad. While people continue to pour into Wilmington due to the climate and amenities here, many of us greatly miss the “small town” community we once had. We recognize this is long gone, but we do hope our county commissioners make thoughtful and well-researched decisions that maintain the ambience of our county and safety for its citizens. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Eric Kennedy <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:54 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Eric Kennedy Address 7202 Oyster Ln WILMINGTON, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email theappraisalconnectionnc@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Good Morning - please help Protect Porters Neck, and all of NH county. My opinon is that a moratorium on new growth is enacted until you can provide the infrastucture and storm runoff plans to support it. Logan Homes proposal is beyond reasonable growth/development with nearly 300+ homes/apartments on only 51 acres. Their proposal is ripe with misleading information, and inaccuracies, provided to those charged with making the decision. We know that this proposal will have dire consequences for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm water and water quality, and schools. Sincerely 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Marianna Staks <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:55 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Marianna Staks Address 734 WINERY WAY WILMINGTON, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email marsta37@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am, like my other neighbors are voicing my concern about this development. Porters neck infrastructure just can not support 300 units on 51 acres: just one main road can not sustain so much traffic...not even talking about storm water disposal. Even with current woods we have flooding, with all that gone, and concrete everywhere, the flooding disaster will be created. Please help us protect Porters neck area, vote for smart development. Please, do not reward greedy developers out there. Thank you. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Melanie Smallwood <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:59 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Melanie Smallwood Address 8900 Tilbury Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email smallwood_20@me.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Schools and roads are already overcrowded in this area! This development will turn this area into a nightmare! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Paul Johnson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:02 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Paul Johnson Address 8715 Lowes Island Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email johnsonbeagle@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Porters Neck Road is already overburdened, and the high intensity of the proposed apartment will make this road more congested and lethal. Market Street improvements have yet to be completed and we are concerned that such improvements will only add to the traffic in the area. Thank you 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of marie pendola <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:05 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name marie pendola Address 1102 Tennwood Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email pendolam@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This project will negatively impact traffic around the circle and porters neck road. Not to mention all the streets surrounding this area. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Dan & Alane Shapiro <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:08 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Dan & Alane Shapiro Address 217 Brockway Rd Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email shappys@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This proposed development is way too large And dense for the area it will be located. Porters Neck has limited access and many wetland / natural areas that support the vital wildlife in our area. This project will destroy the environment, overwhelm our resources and make Porters Neck no longer a desirable area to live. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of John Koropatnick <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:13 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name John Koropatnick Address 1200 Congressional Ln Wilmington, NC 28411-8316 United States Map It Email jkoropatnick51@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We are no longer the Port City. We are the Apartment & Storage Unit City. I'm not against growth. But besides money, greed and profits, why else would you consider changing a zone from single family homes, to a higher density apartment zone. You won't have to live with the congestion at the small round about on Porters Neck Road, or the traffic light at Market Street. It's so frustrating that we don't have the insight into who and what connections exists that even allows this to be considered. So when you approve this because of the "connected" few, and ignore the overwhelming majority of residents...go ahead and approve another Mattress Store next to it. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Karyl Dowd <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:13 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Karyl Dowd Address 613 Tibbys Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Krdowd@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Continued concerns with increased traffic, overcrowded schools, and reduction in property value which have not been adequately addressed. We currently do not have a storm water issue and hope that will always be the case. The land should remain at R-15 as currently designated. Thank you! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Diane Cortiglio <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:14 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Diane Cortiglio Address 8406 EMERALD DUNES RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411-8117 United States Map It Email deecortiglio@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Dear NH Cty Commissioners, Please consider the harmful consequences to the current homeowners regarding the impact to traffic, infrastructure, public safety, storm water and water quality, and schools this construction with the dense occupancy that result. We do not oppose individual homes being constructed at this location. That would be in keeping with the surrounding neighborhoods. Let them build homes...not apartments. The area should not be penalized with multi-level apartment housing because the developer paid too much for the property and now needs to over build to make the project work for him. This is not in the best interest of our area. Thank you for your consideration. Diane Cortiglio 8406 Emerald Dunes Road (Porters Neck Plantation and Country Club) Wilmington, NC 28411 deecortiglio@gmail.com 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Martin Michaelson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:15 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Martin Michaelson Address 746 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email afinadm@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The idea of Apartments as part of the Z19-14 project is WRONG. The SAME thought process that allowed Town Homes at the eFutch Creek Rd. entrance to Plantation Landing should be applied for the Z19-14 Project. Town Home instead of Apartment. That might be acceptable and fair to all concerned. Respectfully Submitted. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jason Lanier <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:18 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jason Lanier Address 1004 Creekside Lane WILMINGTON, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Jlanier21@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This project is not consistent with the surrounding community. It would over-burden all infrastructure and destroy the present setting. Single family development with green space is the only reasonable use for this area. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of William Bartlett <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:21 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name William Bartlett Address 901 Wild Dunes Circle Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Wmbcg@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I have been a resident of the Porters Neck area for more than eight years and I have been amazed at the rate of development in the area. The entire nature of the place has changed for the worse, with apparently little or no thought given to traffic and flooding concerns. I strongly oppose further development in general, but especially until after adequate work has been done to solve traffic, congestion and drainage problems. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Wilson Rogers <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:24 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Wilson Rogers Address 1011 Wild Dunes Cir. 1011 Wild Dunes Cir. Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email gwilsonrogers@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment ingress and egress from the proposed development would have been bad enough with the Hampstead Bypass open and carrying traffic, but now that funding has been withdrawn by NCDOT, this new road is years in the future. there is no good way in and out of this project either to US 17 or Porters Neck road. this project should not be built 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Virginia Scott <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:30 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Virginia Scott Address 8704 Abbey Glen Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jenny.scott71@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I have been a resident of the area in discussion for more than 20 years and a resident of NHC for more than 70 years. The proposed project, if approved as presented, will most adversely affect the Porters Neck, Old Market St. and Futch Creek Roads due to the increased pedestrian and vehicular traffic (private and emergency vehicles, delivery and service traffic). Surrounding developments recently completed and those under construction may not have been considered at the time of initial application and are now demonstrating the impact. During the time of "stay at home" the pedestrian and bike traffic has increased which has been a very positive thing for families, children and pets; however, the current traffic though reduced has been worrisome/dangerous due to the lack of sidewalks, bike and walkways. Increased "feeder traffic " from Futch Creed Rd. and Old Market St. in to Vineyard Plantation onto Jade Wood Dr., Chablis Way and Shiraz Way will increase hazards for children and adults. There is too much growth without forethought and proper infrastructure for this development to be approved as presented. Please take into consideration the amount of current neighborhoods, traffic, business and apartments before adding more to the mix and then regretting it later. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Marvin Vick <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:32 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Marvin Vick Address 741 squire lane wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email gvick1950@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The Porter' s Neck area is already inundated with heavy traffic for such a compact community. Adding these units and homes will further hinder travel about our community and school district. This development will also add a burden to the already dangerous and high traffic count Market Street/ Porters Neck Road/ Highway 17/Futch Creek corridor. It will also be in a dangerously close proximity to a fire station and large retirement community, not to mention the Figure Eight community. Please consider the tax paying people in this area over another developer trying to make millions just to destroy another community with over development for person gain. Wilmington is becoming a city many do not recognize because of this type developing that is taking place constantly in New Hanover County. My wife, Georgia and I strongly oppose this project! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Patricia Benford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:38 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Patricia Benford Address 413 Black Diamond Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Patty.benford@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am very much opposed to The Oaks at Murray Farm. I believe the Logan Homes proposal is beyond reasonable growth for our area. Building 300 plus apartments/homes will cause major traffic problems on Porters Neck Road. Their suggestion of using Futch Creek road as an alternative route to get to Market is not realistic and ridiculous. Their proposal to the Planning Commission is ripe with misleading information, and inaccuracies. Please don't allow this to happen. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of David Fialk <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:44 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name David Fialk Address 886 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email David@DavidFialk.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am a resident in this area! I OPPOSE this application!!! I am not opposed to development of this tract of land. It's one thing to try to use the increased population in Wilmington to create a need for higher density housing zoning and more Rental units; and it's another thing to disregard the current zoning and current nature of the housing in this area. The current area consists totally of one family homes. There are only two roads to enter this area. This application looks to change current zoning and to build some new residential one family and lots of multi story apartments. I have attended every meeting! Not once did any Member of the Board suggest or ask the Applicant if they ever considered a combination of constructing one family detached homes and duplex designed one family homes. A neighborhood like that exists in Bella Sera, just .25 miles from the subject property. I am amazed at the amount of new construction of multi story apartments within 1/2 miles of this location. And every new apartment complex being built and which are similar to the apartments being planned here has entry and exit to them onto a main road, such as Market St or Military Cutoff Rd, rather than entering and exiting and driving through all Residential One Family Neighborhoods!. It does not make sense! It is not logical! Again, use common sense in reviewing the application. Deny multi story apartment approval and grant approval for mixed development of one family and duplex designed construction! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kristine Ludtke <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:46 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Kristine Ludtke Address 8648 Vintage Club Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Supermomakl@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Traffic is already a problem on porters neck road and the flooding with mass amounts of rain cause many problems. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Patrick Sullivan <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:51 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Patrick Sullivan Address 1017 Callawasse Island Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Pemny@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment As a resident of the area for over 15 years, I have witnessed a tremendous amount development in Porters Neck over that time. We are already heavily developed and many new hom 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Harold Ludtke <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:52 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Harold Ludtke Address 8648 vintage club drive Wilmington, North carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Hludtke@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Sewer and drainage issues already exist without multiple dwellings being added! Please do not allow this project to go forward!!! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Carol and Chris Anderson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 3:08 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Carol and Chris Anderson Address 1209 Congressional Lane 1, North Carolina Wilmington United States Map It Email manhattancarol@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This project will be tragic to the existing neighborhoods. Traffic will increase and the municipal water supply and sewer lines will be over taxed with additional usage. Flooding needs to be considered as well as . The only winners would be more taxes being paid as well as wind and hail insurances being sold. There are a lot of seniors in the area to include Plantation Village and the Davis Community. This developing of this property will have a negative impact on all of us.