Z19-14 - In Opposition Public Comments - 1 - 50 PUBLIC COMMENTS Z19-14 Total: 336 IN OPPOSITION PUBLIC COMMENTS Z19-14 Group 1 - 50 IN OPPOSITION 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jamie Howell <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Monday, May 18, 2020 3:34 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jamie Howell Address 848 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jlb9274@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The traffic in our neighborhood (on Reisling, Winery and Chablis as well as Porters Neck Road and Futch Creek going out to Market St.) is already a mess. Porters Neck Elementary School principal just spoke on a Zoom call last week saying that we will likely open AT CAPACITY (that's over 500 students) this year...and that is without the new development Logan is proposing. As a victim of Hurricane Florence, with massive amounts of damage to our home, I am concerned with the water runoff as well. In terms of traffic....we take our oldest son to Holly Shelter and must make a right hand turn onto 17, then an immediate U turn. There are lots of "touchy" moments with anxious, hurried drivers. There was already a death there. Logan talked about adding a right turn lane, but I would venture to guess that their traffic study did not take into account that most of that traffic in the most dense parts of the day would not be using the "new" right lane....they would be making that immediate u turn so they would need to "left right turn lane". Lastly, Porters Neck is a beautiful area and I do not feel as though apartments are the right thing to do. What was interesting at the hearing I attended is that the chairwoman mentioned the need for "affordable housing" for "students, teachers, police, firemen, etc)" stating that those people cannot afford the median home price in Wilmington which she stated was around $350,000 and that's why Wilmington needs more apartments. Logan's representative (at the same hearing) stated that these are "luxury" apartments....and that they would be targeting "people in the $100,000/year income category" as to who would live there. I do not know ANY students, firemen, policemen or teachers that fall into that category. Seems like a lot of double talk to me. So which is it? Also, the lady that owns the land was crying and made a comment at the hearing of "being the last ones to the party" to sell her land. She is selling that land because Logan is offering her over 5 million dollars....and he can't pay her that unless he gets that zoning changed, so those tears aren't for not being able to sell. She could sell that land for 2 million or a little more...but that wasn't good enough for her. She wants the 5 million...so those tears are really frustrating to see. It is hard to believe that this development is being considered for anything other than profitability for Logan....not what is right for this area. Single family homes? Sure....that is in keeping with this area. That is my vote! Of course, we would prefer no development, but if there has to be development then single family homes is what I would support. Also, I think it is important to note that when the Logan rep was asked about just doing single family homes, he said "the numbers won't work" that way. Again, the numbers would work if Logan was buying that land for a lesser price....as the property owner has been offered before, but the apartments that NO ONE wants is what demands that 5 million that she wants. Thank you for listening to my concerns as a parent and home owner in this area. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of David and Kathy Weitner <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Monday, May 18, 2020 5:43 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name David and Kathy Weitner Address 8531 Reisling Avenue Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Kweitner@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please honor the existing zoning laws for this area. Apartment buildings are not acceptable for this small space. Flooding is a serious problem in this area. Stop the overcrowding! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of David Forcinito <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 19, 2020 1:34 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name David Forcinito Address 523 Tibbys drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email daforcinito@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Hi I oppose the proposed project The Oaks at Murry farm. I think the density of this proposed development will increase traffic, stormwater issues and additional pollution into Pages creek. I live directly behind this property and during Florence the water came off of this property and flooded my drinking well, we were without safe drinking water for over two months. If they would amend their project to be without apartments I would approve of this project. Sincerely David Forcinito 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Elizabeth Bauereis <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 19, 2020 1:59 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Elizabeth Bauereis Address 416 Black Diamond Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email dbauereis@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We do not object to single family dwellings but the density with apartment houses exacerbates problems that already exist in the Porters Neck area. 1. traffic is terrible even in the pandemic. 2. Storm water runoff is a serious problem and the design presented in inadequate to handle the kind of storms we have experienced. Furthermore runoff will end in up in a small creek in a residential area with additional fertilizers from lawns and toxic chemicals from parking lots. The amount of paved area is a considerable concern. I make the comments with 35 years of environmental management experience. Dr. Elizabeth Bauereis. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Erin Dills <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 19, 2020 9:43 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Erin Dills Address 607 Chablis Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Ecdills@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We already have too much traffic in Porter’s Neck, and the new elementary school is at capacity. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Marisa Gallaher <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 20, 2020 3:15 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Marisa Gallaher Address 503 Chablis Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Marisagallaher@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The overwhelming majority of residents in the Porters Neck peninsula oppose the requested change in zoning for the Murray Farm project. The infrastructure, schools and the environment cannot handle the proposed increase in density. All of these things will already worsen with the many projects already approved, changing the zoning to increase the density of this 50 acres is absurd. Logan homes impact analysis is completely misleading and they have no concern for the community. Their only concern is their profit margin, leaving the residents to pay the price which is far more than just monetary. Our safety, environment and quality of life will all be negatively impacted. The residents have brought you expert analysis contradicting Logan homes claims. You were elected to represent your constituents, not the developers. Your constituents do not want this change in zoning. Please listen to us and deny this request. Respectively, Marisa Gallaher 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lynn Matthews-DeGroot <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Thursday, May 21, 2020 12:11 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Lynn Matthews-DeGroot Address 408 Tibbys Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Rachellyn03@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment In the nearly a year long process, Logan Homes plan has not addressed the effects on our traffic infrastructure, environment, public safety and schools. Neither the Porters Neck peninsula, nor northern NH county, can manage this volume in this small space. The developer, and their politically motivated/minded representation, are working harder to handle the experts presenting the information than they are the concerned citizen neighbors’ questions. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jill Ivey <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 22, 2020 9:13 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jill Ivey Address 7002 Northbend Road Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Jillivey68@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Why in the hell would we possibly build more apartments and townhomes. This is absolutely ludicrous and ruining the beauty of this wonderful town. We have more than enough people & which is already creating serious traffic issues and over crowding of schools. Please.....ENOUGH 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Thomas Handel <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 22, 2020 4:37 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Thomas Handel Address 8716 Champion Hills Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email thhande@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The development as proposed is entirely inconsistent with the surrounding communities. As I understand it, preventing this kind of inappropriate development from encroaching on - indeed landing squarely in the middle of - existing communities of an entirely different character is precisely what zoning is (or should be) all about. The traffic issue is also a major concern. Please deny the proposed re-zoning of this tract. Thank you for your attention. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jennifer Patterson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Saturday, May 23, 2020 5:13 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jennifer Patterson Address 416 Tibbys Drive Wilmington, NC 27411 United States Map It Email Jennifercvrm@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please vote no to the apts. and duplexes. The 28405 and 28411 area is inundated with apt and townhomes they cannot even sell or rent. The traffic is dangerous enough as it is in our area of Porters Neck and as it is proposed, If we have another storm event anywhere near the magnitude of Florence, our home and possibly the entire street will flood for certain as we sit on the creek bank, Tibby's Branch. Please don't allow this builder to put our home values and very living conditions in peril, not to mention the over burden already on fire and EMS. Thank you. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jon McCarthy <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Sunday, May 24, 2020 7:39 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jon McCarthy Address 738 Winery Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email jpmph85@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This proposal does not correlate with the surrounding community. Current residential zoning should remain in place and be developed under existing zoning. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Samuel Colman <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Sunday, May 24, 2020 12:21 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Samuel Colman Address 718 Wine Cellar Cir Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email colman11040@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment hello NHC Board - I just over the plans, and updates. I still do not agree with the traffic analysis. if you have 300 homes/apartments. at least half or more ( like 250) people will be leaving for work. that is not a un-realist number. most households nowadays have at least 1 person working, if not 2. so if you have 300 units, that 300+150 = 450 divide that by 2 entrances, and you get, what, 225 at each entrance/ exit to this development. they analysis said, how many with update- peak 160 AM 203 pm? I was an mechanical eng. have done work on real life projects, know a little math. you do the analysis. see what you get... its not hard to do it.... And LOS in one analysis it said the future was down to a D not an A you want to live in a D zone.???? we have enough problems now. with this new development on ports neck road... and add this to the analysis and it is going to be a BIG MESS trying to get out of here... Your positions on the NHC Board are elected and you are suppose to look after the people in the country. not the developers interest. they live someplace else and they do not give a DAM about us when they leave the ares... we have to live here.. yes the land is going to be developed but this is a single family home area. You have already approved apartments all over this area. at the head of futch creek that is going to add to this mess. think about what your doing... to the area and people who live here... the new development on ports neck road, is going to look like a swamp. how did you every approve that... ??? THINK sam colman 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jacquelyn Adams <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 26, 2020 12:29 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jacquelyn Adams Address 8608 VINTAGE CLUB DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 United States Map It Email kadams9053@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Apartments are not appropriate for this largely single-family home community and would most assuredly cause significant congestion on Porters Neck Road. With the Watermark complex going in on Edgewater, congestion and road damage will be even greater. This will be an infrastructure nightmare for all of us that will have to navigate this area. It will also cause our area to lose some of its tranquility and charm. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Robert Kaess <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 26, 2020 7:22 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Attachments:MessageNHC.Commissioners.pdf Name Robert Kaess Address 738 Tuscan Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email in.kaess@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Our challenge and our hopes to you, our County Commissioners: • REGARD the FULL IMPACT in Porters Neck • REPRESENT ALL CITIZENS of Porters Neck • REJECT this project. REGARD the full impact of density development in Porters Neck: Please see Position Papers in supporting file—email 1/25/2020 to you and your staff: WRONG PLACE “Apartments are detrimental and unfit in all aspects to Porters Neck” • There is nothing “typical” about Porters Neck/Figure 8 traffic access. In fact, we claim this area has the most restricted access per capita in New Hanover County. The entire area is constrained by one full intersection at Market Street and one limited access Futch Creek to US-17. • We reviewed 14 Existing & Construction Apartment Communities between Mayfaire and Pender County: NOT ONE VALIDATES APPROVAL for the apartments proposed in Porters Neck. WEAK ANALYSIS “Traffic Impact Analysis is incomplete” • Traffic issues caused by supply and demand. The supply of Porters Neck access and arteries is constrained and being overcome by developing demand. It’ll take years to increase Porters Neck infrastructure supply. The immediate challenge for County Commissioners--limit the rate of growing Porters Neck demand. • Why incomplete? 1) Limited Scope of Traffic Counts—a “snapshot”—4 hours on a single day at 4 intersections. 2) No risk analysis for demand and first response access. 3) No impact analysis of future traffic from over 300 homes approved for development (almost 500 now with those being added in Davis Community). 4) No analysis of growing retail, restaurant and hotel demand on Market St intersection. PLEASE NOTE—Highly Relevant Criteria: • The Wilmington Director, Planning, Development & Transportation lists Ten Ways to Build an Even Better Wilmington. Consider #3: Welcome density, but not just anywhere. Dense development, particularly dense residential development, works well when it adjoins service, has direct access to a well- connected network of streets, and is served by transit. Conversely, dense development, whether residential or commercial, adds heavily to traffic congestion when isolated, unconnected, and automobile dependent. • Apartments in The Oaks at Murray Farm will have no direct access to network streets, they will not be served by transit, they 2 will be isolated, unconnected, and automobile dependent. In short, proposed apartments in Porters Neck are “dense” development negative to all criteria. REPRESENT all the citizens of Porters Neck • Pertinent question: Will you, our County Commissioners represent all the people of Porters Neck or only those who stand to gain from approval of this project? • The County Planning Board, at best, had “tunnel vision”–their deliberations were limited to the four corners of the rezoning proposal. They heard and “flat-out” disregarded relevant contextual arguments, and even published County Policy, cited by our attorney. Their sole amendment was limited to inside traffic flow next to the apartments. We witnessed “blindness” to community concerns. • ROI is the ONLY Justification for Apartments in Porters Neck. D. Logan agreed: “At the end of the day, it [the proposal] will just not work without apartments.” This recorded 11/8/2019 during a meeting Logan Homes requested with HOA leaders. [Exchange between D. Logan and Jonathan McCarthy – MP3 available] • You represent all the residents, not just those few individuals who will benefit financially from this rezoning. Will you recognize the thousands of us who will have years to bear the burden of this rezoning? Will you demonstrate concern for us, from school children to senior citizens—the people of Porters Neck? REJECT this proposal. • For over 9 months we have suited up, shown up, and spoken at every opportunity—not solely with emotion, but with fact- based arguments. We don’t oppose all development. We do oppose adverse impact of apartments in our community • Traffic demands reduced by Stay at Home Orders will soon be more intense with ongoing development in Porters Neck. Construction proceeds for 137 homes in Waterstone; new occupancy in The Villages at Plantation Landing; and proposed new use development within the Davis Community adding 150-unit multi-family and 32 single-story cottage units. ALL this increase daily traffic demands and for residents and risk delay for first responders • Please don’t allow COVID-19 Concerns to cover up this issue. Risks with COVID-19 have certainly diverted our attention, but nothing mitigates the risks of lasting negative impact if you approve this rezoning proposal. • We repeat the pertinent question: Will you, our County Commissioners, represent thousands of families in Porters Neck or only those receiving financial gain if you approve this project? To paraphrase the City of Wilmington: WELCOME DENSITY, BUT NOT HERE – PLEASE REJECT this project. Robert Kaess, President, Bella Sera Homeowners Association Upload supporting files  MessageNHC.Commissioners.pdf From:Bob Kaess in.kaess@gmail.com Subject:Porters Neck--Perspectives and Positions on Dense Development Date:January 25, 2020 at 2:07 PM To:joboseman@nhcgov.com,pkusek@nhcgov.com, Barfield Jr. Jonathan jbarfield@nhcgov.com,wwhite@nhcgov.com,Zapple Rob rzapple@nhcgov.com Cc:kcrowell@nhcgov.com,dkianpour@nhcgov.com Bcc: Dear Commissioners, New Hanover County I recently heard a presentation from the Wilmington Director, Planning, Development & Transportation who described a list of Ten Ways to Build an Even Better Wilmington. Please consider number [3] on that list: Welcome density, but not just anywhere. Dense development, particularly dense residential development, works well when it adjoins service, has direct access to a well-connected network of streets, and is served by transit. Conversely, dense development, whether residential or commercial, adds heavily to traffic congestion when isolated, unconnected, and automobile dependent. Logan Homes’ is proposing dense development in Porters Neck, an area with the most restricted access per capita in New Hanover County. Apartments included in The Oaks at Murray Farm will have no direct access to network streets, they will not be served by transit, they will be isolated, unconnected, and automobile dependent. In short, these proposed apartments in Porters Neck are exemplary of “dense” development in every negative sense of the word. You will soon hear several arguments regarding quality of life and environment. There are even credible arguments regarding risk to life itself. Out of respect for others from my community and your time, I am attaching three single page position papers all related to traffic that advocate: (1) Apartments as part of The Oaks at Murray Farm are detrimental and unfit for this area. (2) The Traffic Impact Analysis was incomplete and describes what’s missing. (3) The Proposed new Futch Creek Rd access to US-17 may risk life itself. I chose to submit information in this format to prepare you, in part, for the public hearing February 3rd. As a former senior USAF staff officer, I have used single page point papers for background and advocacy preparation prior to Pentagon and Congressional Committee hearings. I have copied your staff, clerk and deputy clerk, to assist if you seek anything further prior to the meeting. Thank you in advance for your consideration, Bob Kaess Tuscan Way, Porters Neck APARTMENTS ARE DETRIMENTAL AND UNFIT IN ALL ASPECTS TO PORTERS NECK There is nothing “typical” about Porters Neck/Figure 8 Island traffic access. In fact, we claim this area has the most restricted access per capita in New Hanover County. The entire area is constrained by one full intersection at Market Street and one controlled access to US-17. Our concerns for traffic impact were dismissed January 9th by Ernest Olds, Member of the Planning Board who lives in Marsh Oaks, when he reported better than forecasted impact to Market St access, following development of Amberleigh Shores Phase I Apartments. While Mr. Olds’ experience is a fact, it is not a relevant comparison to the Logan proposal for The Oaks at Murray Farm. This figure illustrates the reasons Marsh Oaks is blessed with much greater traffic access than Porters Neck and virtually no burden from approved Apartment Communities. In fact, there is no relevant comparison to the Logan proposal for Porters Neck. We identified and studied fourteen (14) Apartment Communities (Existing & Construction) between Mayfaire and Pender County. NOT ONE apartment community in New Hanover County is a valid comparison to the apartments proposed in Porters Neck. Benefits of apartments in The Oaks at Murray Farm are limited to D. Logan and the sellers. Every other impact of this development, requiring rezoning for density, is detrimental: Traffic, Public Safety, Schools, and Environmental are all threatened. ROI is the ONLY Justification for Apartments in Porters Neck. D. Logan agreed with the following statement: “At the end of the day, it [the proposal] will just not work without apartments.” This was based on ROI at the contracted price. * Furthermore, Logan Homes would only agree to remove one, not two 24-unit buildings, proposed by Planning Board Member Paul Boney for internal traffic safety. * This direct acknowledgement from D. Logan was recorded November 8th during meeting Logan Homes requested with HOA leaders. [Exchange with D. Logan and Jonathan McCarthy – MP3 available] Bottom line: There is absolutely nothing positive presented by Logan Homes for this apartment development and no confidence in this community. PLEASE PREVENT DENSE DEVELOPMENT! TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS IS INCOMPLETE Traffic infrastructure issues are driven by supply and demand. The supply of Porters Neck access and arteries are constrained and being overcome by developing demand. It will take years of Federal, State, and County resources and effort to change Porters Neck supply. The immediate opportunity for County Commissioners is to limit the rate of growing Porters Neck demand. The people in Porters Neck and Figure 8 Island are not opposed to development. Our concerns regard the rate of development and the threats to environment and quality of life. Principal among those threats are the impacts of traffic. Traffic Impact Analysis has become a key talking point within the community and with County decision makers. During the recent Planning Board Meeting there was a claim that NCDOT “approved” Logan’s Traffic Impact Analysis. From residents came the call “Fake Study”. The Ramey Kemp & Associates (RKA) TIA presented for Logan Homes was called a “Fake Study”. This TIA was prepared by licensed professionals. Why call it a fake study? NCDOT may “agree” with the TIA, but how could they “approve” it? What’s wrong? What’s missing? When you live in Porters Neck you are the traffic and you experience its impact during countless days, in and outside the boundaries of the communities. It does not take professional license or expertise to realize the RKA TIA was limited in scope of time and area studied. What’s wrong? What’s missing? • Scope of Traffic Counts: Traffic counts were conducted during a single day with AM and PM 2hour peak periods at several intersections. Real life Porters Neck traffic counts vary widely during different days, different hours, different locations at intersections beyond the RKA TIA scope. Porters Neck Road is not simply a traffic circle and Market Street intersection. Connection between these points in this most important artery also includes uncontrolled access streets for 6 communities and 35 driveways. It is literally an artery of life support for EMS to the Davis Community and beyond. • Public Safety for Futch Creek traffic: The hazards of traffic departing and returning were not included in the RKA TIA. There was no risk analysis. Indeed, there will be new avoidable risk introduced by Logan Homes planning a second exit lane onto US-17. This must not be approved without resolution of other US-17 issues. Because this risk is identified—it will not be unintended consequence. • Known increase in demand from over 300 homes approved for development. Here are the details not discussed in RKA’s analysis: o Edgewater Club Impact on Traffic Circle: Waterstone at time of TIA, only 10 homes were occupied. [Add 137 more in process/approved]. o Porters Neck Road Impact on Traffic Circle: Forest Creek approved to triple in size from 45 current lots. [Add 90 homes]. o Porters Neck Road Direct Access Impact: Porters Point (58 homes) approved to double in size [Add 50 homes] o Futch Creek Road: The Villages at Plantation Landing under construction. [Add 49 homes] • Growing outside demand for Market Street-Porters Neck intersection. No analysis of commercial retail and restaurant development northwest of the intersection including the new Holiday Inn. Bottom line: There are no quick fixes to supply greater access—there’s little NCDOT can do. There are opportunities to limit demand and detriments to public safety. PLEASE PREVENT DENSE DEVELOPMENT! DISAPPROVE NEW RISK - Logan Homes’ proposed 2nd Futch Creek Rd lane to US-17N This 2-lane right turn is NOT similar to the previous Military Cutoff merge to Northbound Market Street. There are two relevant differences to RISK of life and property: (1) Right Turn on RED traffic from 2 lanes risks highway speed traffic at (or above) 55MPH limit. (2) Right Turn on GREEN traffic from 2 lanes competes with high demand for short distance to U- Turn for Southbound US-17 and I-140. (1) Traffic causing hazards is indicated in RED. Vehicles in the left lane obstruct view of oncoming traffic for drivers in the right lane attempting right turn on RED. (2) Demand for the U-Turn access lane (150 yards away) risks hazardous merges and a growing queue caused by dense development increasing obstruction risk for US- 17N #1 lane 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Amy Lusk <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:33 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Amy Lusk Address 8813 Sawmill Creek Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email amy.lusk1202@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am strongly opposed to this project. It will have such a negative impact on our community. We do not need more traffic on our roads, overcrowding our already overcrowded schools, and the potential flooding that could be caused by not having enough room for runoff water. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Frances Scarlett <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:36 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Frances Scarlett Address 8538 Jadewood Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email fran_scarlett@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Logan Homes proposal is beyond reasonable growth/development with nearly 300+ homes/apartments on only 51 acres. Their proposal is ripe with misleading information, and inaccuracies, provided to those charged with making the decision. I know that this proposal will have dire consequences for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm water and water quality, and schools. I call in our county officials to do what’s in the best interest of the residents of the area. This project is not in our interest. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Anna Marie Allegretto <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:41 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Anna Marie Allegretto Address 8600 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Anna_allegretro@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Porters Neck Road is already congested with traffic from over 20 subdivisions in the Kirkland area and cannot support the influx resulting from this project. The developer has said that 50% will go out Futch Creek Road (a restricted intersection) and 50% will use Porters Neck Road. This will not happen for the simple fact that people are not going north to make a u-turn and come south. An additional lane is not going to help people on Futch Creek merge left to make the u-turn. There would not be adequate space on the road for both lanes to merge into the left lane to make the u-turn. Additionally, the people on Tibby’s Creek already have major run off when it rains. For Logan to come in, build up the area and expect it not to run off is naive. We have seen how builders spin the numbers to make it look favorable and leave the community in a lurch with additional flooding problems. Look at the flooding in the many subdivisions already built. We are asking the county commissioners to maintain the current zoning and not increase density to minimize damage to the community. A short term profit for the developer is not worth a long term problem for the community to resolve. Logan has indicated that affordable housing is needed in NHC but rezoning in this area is not the right place. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of L Rupp <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:41 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name L Rupp Address 8818 Champion Hills Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email rupp8818@twc.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This development is not appropriate for our area. The access to the highway is limited and the area is already a traffic nightmare with the development of Waterstone going into its final phase, the new Porters Neck Elementary School Up and running and the assisted living facility adding to its footprint. There have been numerous accidents, with one in particular involving a child being struck on Porters Neck road. Please leave the zoning as single family like it was meant to be. Thank you. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Steven Barnhill <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:59 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Steven Barnhill Address 8421 Rosemary Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Sbarnhill@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment With many meetings being held between neighborhoods, it is evident this project is opposed by all it will affect. Vote not to these apartment buildings on this plan to appease the citizens of Porters Neck. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Andrea Johnson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:02 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Andrea Johnson Address 8715 Lowes island drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email andreajohnson950@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Very concerned about the negative effect on traffic. The roundabout circle on Porters Neck Road is already very busy and there can be long wait times at the light on market street. Directing people to go north on 17 and then make u-turn to get to market street is unrealistic. Plus the schools are already overcrowded. The zoning should not be changed - the number of apartments needs to be reduced. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Mary Sheffield <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:23 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Mary Sheffield Address 8709 Plantation Landing Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email mjsheffi@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We already have storm drainage problems which would increase with removal of natural forest. We already have noise due to continued growth. We already have too much traffic and this will certainly add to the problem. I understand the need for more housing but apartments are not in the best interest of the neighborhood. Single family yes. Duplex townhomes maybe. I live in Plantation Landing and we are currently having what they say are town homes but they are 2 story so 48 units will be added to the site. That’s probably another 100 cars to hit Futch Creek Road and Hwy17 u-turn. There is a development close to the roundabout on Portersneck so again trees already removed. More traffic. There needs to be a moratorium on building until the roads are able to hand the traffic. Thank you for your time and please vote NO! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Ben Morman <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:25 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Ben Morman Address 707 Chablis way Wilmington, Nc 28411 United States Map It Email Benmorman@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Not enough infrastructure to include this project. The streets and drainage systems are overwhelmed and need support. The transition from market at to us 17 N is a joke and must be redone. Now that the Hampstead bypassed is holding, the traffic report needs to be redone to include the increased traffic. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lisa Pelosi <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:26 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Lisa Pelosi Address 8913 CHAMPION HILLS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 United States Map It Email TOMASURALISA@GMAIL.COM Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Dear Board of Commissioners, Please consider opposing the project and encourage similar density housing and more thoughtful town planning, instead. The surrounding roads are already too dangerous to walk and cycle, as is. They are too narrow with insufficient shoulders for safety that are also eroding at the edges. Stormwater drainage is already a serious issue. Eliminating too much natural surfacing (no matter what type of man-made solution is implemented) will only worsen the existing problem. Market Street is constantly congested. Please ask yourself if the benefits of this high density project outweigh the concerns and benefits of the existing taxpayer residents of this area? Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Respectfully, Lisa & Bob Pelosi 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Patty Screen <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:39 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Patty Screen Address 626 Wild Dunes Wilmington, N.C. 28411 United States Map It Email Pvscreen@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I do not support. We need more infrastructure preparation to accommodate that building plan. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Mary Allison <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:46 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Mary Allison Address 1404 Avenel Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email mallison@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My main concern in the traffic. The traffic congestion is already horrible and dangerous on this stretch of Market Street. There are not enough roads to handle the traffic on a daily basis, and this would be disastrous in the event of an emergency. Orderly evacuation would be impossible. Also, our schools are already overcrowded. Fund new roads and new schools first! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Linda Ritenour <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:05 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Linda Ritenour Address 8530 Jadewood Dr. Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email linda.ritenour8530@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Good Evening- I am a resident of Porters Neck and am very concerned about the negative impact of The Oaks at Murray Farm development in our neighborhood. The intended parcel of land is too small for the planned community. It will impact the only school in the area, the infrastructure, the drainage and most importantly the roads. Traffic is very congested now and with the budget constrictions for proposed roadwork that was thought to help relieve some of this our roads in the area cannot handle more cars. Please do not give this community the go ahead. Protect those you are suppose to protect. Thank you. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Dana West-Mcelwee <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:32 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Dana West-Mcelwee Address 8706 Champion Hills Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email dmwm36@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I hope I checked the correct project. As for this proposal: this proposal will have dire consequences for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm water and water quality, and schools. Also, the homes down Porter’s Neck road will be bombarded with traffic and you’ll be destroying nature which is my favorite thing about this road. Stop the madness and build elsewhere! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jennifer Boughton <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:30 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Attachments:IMG_0415.JPG; Florence-2018_Vineyard-Plantation.pdf; IMG_0454.JPG; Florance-2018- Vineyard-Plantation-2.pdf Name Jennifer Boughton Address 616 Chablis Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jenboughton613@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We have been opposing the current planned development for close to a year now. With all of the flooding, traffic accidents (some fatal), and school over crowding, the proposed plan would propose far too many risks to the area. Now with the addition of phase 3 being executed in Waterstone, the proposed development by Logan Homes would put our community at further risk of flooding during storms, traffic accidents (estimated 1200 addition drivers on 1 road), and additional burden to the local school. The porter's Neck area needs to have a thorough assessment as a whole for development before any further development is granted. Two additional projects are in the works off Futch Creek/ old Market street that cannot be supported by the current infrastructure in place. Our community is not opposing development, we are asking that careful consideration is made when evaluating and approving changes to the area and enforcing that sufficient infrastructure is added by the builders to support these changes. All of the clear cutting is also impacting the flora and fauna in the area driving coyotes into residential areas. This is harmful to the public and if there is insufficient land to support the wild life, they will pose a threat to the local communities. Please put yourselves in our shoes when considering the approval of these development plans, would you approve it if it was in your back yard? (pictures from hurricane Florence) Upload supporting files  Florance-2018-Vineyard-Plantation-2.pdf  Florence-2018_Vineyard-Plantation.pdf  IMG_0415.JPG  IMG_0454.JPG 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Ann Garrett <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:53 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Ann Garrett Address 108 Hallbrook Farms Cir Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email ann_garrett_2000@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment During the initial "stay at home" b/c of the virus, it was refreshing to use PN Road and Market St. It was shades of days past with a manageable traffic load. Those days have passed and traffic levels seem to be even higher than prior to "stay at home". As I've asked before and ask again "what is the cost/benefit" of this development? Looks like it's very lopsided and the only entity to benefit is the developer, Logan. THE LOSERS; RESIDENTS, ENVIRONMENT AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN THIS PART OF NHC. - 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Joanne Cavan <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 10:14 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Joanne Cavan Address 721 Winery Way Wilmington, Nc 28411 United States Map It Email Joannecavan99@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am very concerned about the flooding of the area, especially Porters Neck Road. Also the polluting of the creek is a concern. The schools are overcrowded already and adding all of these apartments will not only overcrowd the schools, but the roads will not withstand the added traffic. Please reject the apartments. We are okay with single family homes to be added to our single family area. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Julie Crow <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 10:18 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Julie Crow Address 8770 Ramsbury Way Wilmington, NV 28411 United States Map It Email Julieocrow@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This neighborhood is too high density. The added traffic will be a nightmare. Now the delay to the Hampstead bypass will just add to this. If Logan planned a nice neighborhood with single family homes the opposition would be less. Plan upscale living homes that’s match what Porters Neck currently has. Apartments are too much. The high density is too much. The traffic is too much. The over crowding of schools is too much. It’s all too much! 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of John Cavan <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 10:40 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name John Cavan Address 721 Winery Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email cavan@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am extremely opposed to the development plan proposed by Logan Developers. It will severely aggravate traffic flow on all adjacent roads with major impacts on Porters Neck Road, Market Street, and Futch Creek Road. Also, I am concerned about flooding (particularly with the digging of a new drainage pond just off Ports Neck Road near the traffic circle), and the ability of emergency vehicles to access the various neighborhoods. I believe that protecting and maintaining the quality of life for the residents of the existing communities should take priority over the financial priorities of the Developer and the County. I strongly urge the Commissioners to deny this rezoning request. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Charles Kitchen <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:05 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Charles Kitchen Address 8402 yearling lane Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Charles.j.kitchen@ice.dhs.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Only single family homes and possibly duplexes should be allowed. This area’s infrastructure is not capable of supporting so many apartments. The quality of the school’s will deteriorate due to over crowding. The roads are already congested with vehicles. Our homes would have flooded during hurricane Florance if not for that farm. With all the roads and parking lots you are laying ground work for devastating the surrounding communities. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of D Lehocky <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:25 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name D Lehocky Address 854 Wine Cellar Wilmington, Nc 28411 United States Map It Email Woody4700@msn.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Area cannot support increased traffic 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Mary Sanza <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:35 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Mary Sanza Address 8511 Reisling Avenue Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Marysanza@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment As a homeowner, I oppose the rezoning because it will negatively impact Porters Neck. The proposed high-density project cannot be supported by the local infrastructure and institutions. Porters Neck is over burdened and additional traffic flows could endanger citizens safety and property. Additionally, flooding will be increased with this dense development proposal in an area which already gets frequent flooding damage. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Bette Bauereis <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:43 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Bette Bauereis Address 416 Black Diamond Dr Wilmington, N.C 28411 United States Map It Email dbauereis@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Flooding is inevitable with the amount of impervious surface. Do away with the apartment houses. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Steve Miller <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:47 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Steve Miller Address 8116 Wade Hampton Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Novelwriter45@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Along with a few thousand of my Porter's neck neighbors, we vehemently oppose this rezoning request. The traffic analysis that was performed only dealt with signaled traffic and not with traffic coming out of unsignaled intersections. With the obvious delays and the Hampstead bypass, Market Street traffic will become even worse than it is and it's pretty bad right now. Stormwater runoff problems and flooding will only be exacerbated on Porter's Neck road. I can't believe that you commissioners will not take into account the fact that the local school is already woefully overcrowded and locals have to be bussed to Castle Hayne More than 45 minutes away. As a final note, there are thousands of homes in this area which are all single family. Placing a number of three or four story apartment units right in the middle of this residential neighborhood will be the least harmonious use of land that I can possibly imagine. The apartments need to go where there are other apartments and or mixed use facilities. I urge you commissioners to flat out turn down this request. The community does not support it in any way shape or form. Please demonstrate that you do not exist just for the benefit of developers. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Louise Woltz <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:51 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Louise Woltz Address 1308 edgewater club road Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Woltzl@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The greed of developers throughout NH county appears to be supported by all county commissioners regardless of political party. How can this kind of crowding be sanctioned by our elected/appointed officials? The numbers speak clearly that this amount of growth in addition to Waterstone is not supported by our infrastructure. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Susan Flater <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 11:59 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Susan Flater Address 8632 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email snflater@outlook.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The housing proposal is too dense for the acreage. There is only one way out of the development. It will negatively impact traffic and can cause flooding 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of larry Graham <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:01 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name larry Graham Address 8728 Fazio Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email lgrah@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Traffic is a disaster and NCDOT has just announced they are below funding and will not be building the Hampstead bypass any time soon. The roads in this area FLOOD...very dangerous. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Nancy Kuhn <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:03 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Nancy Kuhn Address 8425 Ventana Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email nbkuhn@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Building this proposed density of housing will have a detrimental impact on storm water and traffic in the Porters Neck area. We already contend with flooding in the area and another 300 homes will only further exacerbate the current problems. Traffic has increased significantly in the eight years we have lived in Porters Neck with no major improvements to Porters Neck Road, the traffic circle, pavement and this cannot continue on its current trajectory. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Don Bradley <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:05 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Don Bradley Address 8402 Ventana Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email donaldebradley@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Porters Neck Road and Futch Creek Road are both narrow 2 lanes with no shoulders. Existing homes, Davis Community, Plantation Village, elementary school, and NH fire station already generate more traffic that these two access roads can handle. Logan Homes or other developers need to abandon this proposal and search for another location in NH or Pender that isn't already at over capacity for traffic. Don Bradley 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jeffrey Barnes <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:07 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jeffrey Barnes Address 8814 Champion Hills Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email stjjcb@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am not opposed to development, but the developer is asking for too far a jump from how this parcel of land was zoned upon purchasing. Multi-family homes (duplexes) should be permitted, but apartments to the extent planned should not. Take into account the density of the neighborhood, the size of the roadways and the availability of schools and approve accordingly. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Donna Owens <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:06 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Donna Owens Address 8414 Reisling Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email murphy0804@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please, please look into this project with everything you have. This will be devastating to our area with all these homes and apartments going in on only 51 acres. The traffic is so bad already on Porters Neck Rd with only two lanes. I have heard that Logan homes isn't being upfront on all details. I just ask you look at everything before making your decision. Thank you! Donna Owens 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Pam Fuller <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:09 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Pam Fuller Address 8700 Thornblade Circle Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Jfuller8@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Traffic is going to be a huge problem with this high density project. Growth in this area must be balanced with quality of life. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Brandon Belisle <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:12 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Brandon Belisle Address 312 Humphrey Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email bdbelisle@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The overdevelopment of our town has to stop until the infrastructure is in place. These developers should have to contribute to the costs of the schools that need to be built to accommodate all the housing/population increases. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jennifer Dicksey <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:28 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jennifer Dicksey Address 809 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email jls8591@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Still oppose this project after 9 months 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Ashley Bright <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:29 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Ashley Bright Address 709 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email ashleybright2@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I firmly oppose this development. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Victoria Tucker <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:29 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Victoria Tucker Address 826 wine cellar circle Wilmington, North carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Vickiemannion@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We have opposed this project since introduced and as it has worked through the last 9 months of more proposals we oppose it even more. It will negatively impact our community and its environment. Thank you for your time. 1 Schuler, Brad From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of daniel smith <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:32 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name daniel smith Address 1110 Tennwood Drive wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email dmsmith@financialguide.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment having moved from Long Island and Ct i have seen first hand what over building without regard to traffic, water pollution, school overcrowding, and public safety can do to a community. Our community here in Porters Neck Plantation is so very much at risk already from flooding, excess traffic with very limited means of ingress and egress. to permit Logan to build that many more homes, primarily condos, is not only in keeping with what we expected when we bought here just two years ago but it risks the quality of life on so many levels. Our children will be forced to go to schools that are nearly 45 minutes away by school bus. It is patently unfair especially when the school here is at 103% of capacity without hundreds more children moving in. It wouldbe different if we had more than one way in and out but that is not the case. Another 1000 cars at a minimum added to our tiny street in and out would be disastrous. Single family homes-certainly...condos-bad decision-please vote NO!!!!!