Z19-14 - In Opposition Public Comments - 301 - 336 PUBLIC COMMENTS Z19-14 Group 301 - 336 IN OPPOSITION 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lynsa Hunter <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:34 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Lynsa Hunter Address 873 Wine Cellar Circle 873 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, Wilmington 28411 United States Map It Email Hunter515@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This is a high traffic area with limited Ingress and egress points , the traffic would cause bottleneck traffic at the round about on porters neck road which is struggling to handle the current traffic volume already.Increased traffic in a residential neighborhood that is home to many young children is dangerous since there are no sidewalks. There is already a new development on edge water club road that will also increase traffic on porters neck road. In addition the elementary school will be over burdened with students and here we are again with not enough classrooms for students. This proposed high density development will cause undue infrastructure and safety concerns for the current residents in this area. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jeanne Turner <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:36 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jeanne Turner Address 515 Tibbys Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email jcstt@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My family's concerns are as follows: Packing more homes into this small area changes the feeling of the neighborhoods around it. Overcrowding of schools and roads, loss of nature which drew people to these neighborhoods, abolished privacy with decrease home values. Added noise, and simply volume of people in such a small area impacts lifestyle and movement. It seems unfair to put down roots in a place you assume will be at least somewhat private and spacious, then have new homes suddenly your view instead of beautiful trees. Any wildlife that has resettled from previous development will again be displaced. Tibbys in particular will have a most unfortunate and significant shift in the uniquely mature and private neighborhood valued by many who have made their lives here 20+years. Thank you for giving serious thought into the concerns of all neighborhoods directly impacted by the proposed development. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of James Mcmanus <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:37 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name James Mcmanus Address 8506 Reisling Ave. Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Jamesjmcmanus@msn.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I have a posed this project from the start. Nothing that has happened in the last nine months to change the proposal is acceptable. This development will greatly harm our roadways our water issue and our schools. I am vehemently against it and I’m asking the commission to vote no and end this proposal. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of ROBERT PREDDY <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:40 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name ROBERT PREDDY Address 415 Black Diamond Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email robertcpreddy@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The traffic situation in the Porters Neck area I would think would in it self justify opposition to this project. Porters Neck Road is only a two lane road and traffic congestion is fast becoming an all day event. If this project is allowed to go ahead along with the proposed Davis Community expansion the traffic situation will obviously get considerably worse, and inevitably more dangerous. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lindsay & Frank Mikloucich <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:46 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Lindsay & Frank Mikloucich Address 604 Chablis Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Lucala@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We believe that this proposal is a horrible idea. Porter’s neck road, and Futch Creek Road are already congested, and this many more cars would not only cause delays for work and school, but it would increase the risk of accidents like the boy being hit recently waiting for the school bus. Not to mention the removing all of the trees and adding all that concrete will only cause more flooding issues in that area. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of William Bright <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:46 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name William Bright Address 709 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The Vineyard Plantation neighborhood is filled with families with young children. Traffic is already a concern along Winery Way, Chablis Way, and Reisling Ave. with people using the neighborhood as a 'cut through' between US 17 and Porters Neck Rd, and many ignore the posted speed limit signs. There have been multiple near incidents. This development with 300 units will provide even more additional direct connection to Winery Way, meaning additional vehicles utilizing neighborhood roads for access to US 17, Futch Creek Rd., etc. I appreciate the developer revising the plans in an attempt to accommodate the adjacent property owners and county officials, but simply based on the logical increase in traffic and associated safety issues in the Vineyard Plantation community, this is not a development that can be supported. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Dana Thompson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:47 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Dana Thompson Address 8511 Jadewood Dr. Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Danasdreammakers@aol.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This area cannot support this project . The water run off is already an issue for us when it rains and destroying more land and trees will only make this worse. The new Blair Elementary School is already at its capacity and ride times on the buses for these children coupled with the existing traffic is extensive. The traffic study that was done is inaccurate because it was not done during the time school was letting out , it was only done with morning and evening work traffic . The additions to Davis Nursing home and the new neighborhood being built near the Fire Dept. only adds to the increasing number of traffic on Portersneck which is a 2 lane road. Recently the land that was sold in the curve on Futch Creek near market . Whether that is for commercial business or another housing development it also adds an exorbitant amount of traffic on Futch Creek which is also a 2 lane road . The intersection of Futch Creek and 17 continues to be a site for many accidents including several recent deaths . The traffic study done on this interchange assumed that the majority of traffic would turn right and head to Hampstead , but personal experience and facts show that the majority of cars will cross 2 lanes to make the u-turn to head back in to Wilmington. Their projection was that the Hampstead Bypass that was due to be completed in 2023 would alleviate the amount of traffic , but that has now been put on hold indefinitely due to state funding . It is our view that growth in Wilmington and the Portersneck area is a good thing but high density growth is happening to fast to keep up with infrastructure improvements in the area. The hold on the Hampstead Bypass due to state funding is a prime example. Growth should continue but not at such high density. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kevin Thompson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:47 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Kevin Thompson Address 8511 Jadewood Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email kevinthompson75@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This area cannot support this project . The water run off is already an issue for us when it rains and destroying more land and trees will only make this worse. The new Blair Elementary School is already at its capacity and ride times on the buses for these children coupled with the existing traffic is extensive. The traffic study that was done is inaccurate because it was not done during the time school was letting out , it was only done with morning and evening work traffic . The additions to Davis Nursing home and the new neighborhood being built near the Fire Dept. only adds to the increasing number of traffic on Portersneck which is a 2 lane road and this added traffic was also not included in their study . Recently the land that was sold in the curve on Futch Creek near Market St. , whether that is for commercial business or another housing development also adds an exorbitant amount of traffic on Futch Creek which is also a 2 lane road . The intersection of Futch Creek and 17 continues to be a site for many accidents including several recent deaths . The traffic study done on this interchange assumed that the majority of traffic would turn right and head to Hampstead , but personal experience and facts show that the majority of cars will cross 2 lanes to make the u-turn to head back in to Wilmington. Their projection was that the Hampstead Bypass that was due to be completed in 2023 would alleviate the amount of traffic , but that has now been put on hold indefinitely due to state funding . It is our view that growth in Wilmington and the Portersneck area is a good thing but high density growth is happening to fast to keep up with infrastructure improvements in the area. The hold on the Hampstead Bypass due to state funding is a prime example. Growth should continue but not at such high density. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Patricia Wadford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:47 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Patricia Wadford Address 8730 Ramsbury Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email majormom95@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Too much building in too small an area! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Monica McCaskill <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:48 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Monica McCaskill Address 894 wine cellar cir Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email bolyam08@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We opposed this proposal last year and in the nine months since it has worked its' way through the process we have come to oppose it more vehemently. This development, as proposed, will prove dire to our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm and coastal water quality, and negatively impact our schools with overcrowding. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Richard Wadford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:49 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Richard Wadford Address 8730 Ramsbury Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email misterwad58@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Overcrowded neighborhood and roads can’t support all this additional traffic. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of D Ellen Gallo <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:53 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name D Ellen Gallo Address 1112 Tennwood Drive WIlmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Degallo2@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment It’s horrifying that Logan is willing to further challenge the local school district by overbuilding and adding apartments to the project in Porters Neck. Additionally, the fragile eco-system would be even more at risk because of the density of the proposed project. AND, traffic???? Filtering heavy traffic onto Futch Creek Rd to make a U-Turn onto busy Route 17 is a dangerous proposition. The response from Logan is that they are fulfilling a need for apartments in our area for blue collar workers. NO, there are soooo many apartments being built and more and more are planned for Wilmington. It’s based on greed. Blue collar workers will not be able to afford these apartments. ENOUGH! DO THE RIGHT THING!!! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Sarah Shay <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:56 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Sarah Shay Address 1923 Deep Creek Run Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email sarahdshay@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I do NOT support this project. This area can not handle the addition of this new project. The traffic alone, on an already dangerous road, would be unimaginable. Not every single piece of land needs to be developed! Logan Homes has a terrible record of mismanaged projects and not having the public’s best interest in mind. As the planning board, that’s who’s interest you SHOULD have in mind—the citizens of New Hanover County. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Allison Parker <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 10:59 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Allison Parker Address 813 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Don’t think we need it in this area single family home maybe but no more apartments 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of JOSHUA DILLS <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:00 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name JOSHUA DILLS Address 607 Chablis Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email joshua.dills@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Traffic, schools, and storm-water are already issues that we deal with. Allowing this rezoning for this development would increase our aforementioned burdens. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Peter Sanza <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:05 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Peter Sanza Address 8511 Reisling Avenue Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email pcsanza@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I opposed this proposal last year and, in the nine months since it has worked its way through the process, I have come to oppose it more vehemently. This development, as proposed, will have dire consequences for our traffic infrastructure, public safety, storm and coastal water quality, and will negatively impact our schools and overcrowd our community. The developer has consistently glossed over valid and real concerns raised by the surrounding communities and has failed to provide compelling evidence that our best interests will be protected. This developer has consistently used delay tactics to stall, and draw out the process and to wear down the resolve of the surrounding communities. I am not, however, worn down and I continue to vigorously oppose this plan. I ask the commissioners to do the right thing and do not impose this ill-conceived plan on a community already tired of the delays and potentially reluctant to come out of the voluntary quarantine from COVID-19 in person. Hear the many voices who oppose this project. Put this issue to bed, right now, once and for all. NO MORE DELAYS. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Brittany Long <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:07 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Brittany Long Address 402 Ladybug Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Belong323@live.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The apartment complexes proposed will back up directly to my fence line. My family chose our home on a corner lot with a dead in road so that my small children ages 3 weeks, 3 and 5 could have a nice quiet area to play in with a country/ tree view behind our home. This project is going to take all of that away. We will now have to look at apartment buildings, parking lots and glaring lights at night from our back yard. Our quiet dead end road (Rosemary Ln) will now have a gate that is accessible by emergency vehicles and possibly used as an entrance way for residents of the apartment complexes. Homes and duplexes with nice landscaping, trees and small designated parking spots is reasonable as we welcome growth in our community. However, the apartments will not only cause concern and inconvenience for my family, it will raise traffic concerns, school capacity (and with COVID-19 this raises even more risks!).. In closing , please consider the impact on our families and the existing neighbors if you allow this development. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Chris Hobson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:14 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Chris Hobson Address 341 Shackleford Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My name is Chris Hobson, and I am a proud resident of Porters Pointe on Porter's Neck Road. The residents of this community have shown time and time again, through letters, emails and packed public hearings that we are in overwhelming opposition to this project. Aside from the traffic nightmare this will undoubtedly cause, the NC Coastal Federation has given ample evidence that building this set of properties will lead to enormous environmental repercussions. Let me reiterate: this isn't just about the extra time it will take for each of us to get to work or school. It's the very real likelihood of homes flooding and being destroyed unnecessarily due to storm water runoff as a direct result of this project. If you allow this project to move forward, it's something that should weigh on each of your hearts every time a major storm is forecast in our direction: the prospect of people losing their homes because of your decision. The good news is, it's not too late. Each of you on this board have the opportunity to do the right thing. Ask yourselves who you serve as a board member: a home builder looking to make a profit? Or the decent, tax-paying citizens who make the city of Wilmington a wonderful place to call home? I love my home. I love my neighborhood. But like the rest of Porter's Neck (and much of Wilmington), it's been difficult to watch every tree get cut down, every remaining piece of land get turned into a parking lot, and every open space become an apartment or car wash over the last decade often in the name of convenience and corporate profit. Where this situation becomes far more serious however, is the tangible evidence of environmental damage that will be caused to people of this community. So I implore each of you: Please do the right thing. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Darlene Wilson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:14 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Darlene Wilson Address 400 Tibbys Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email wilson_darlene@ymail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We live on the property closest to the apartments. Our concerns - impact to wetlands behind us, storm water, and the overload this development is going to cause on the infrastructure, school system, and health care. The NC DOT has had to postpone most (if not all) of the planned infrastructure that would alleviate traffic in this area due to revenue losses from COVID-19. Everyone is aware that this virus is going to be with us for the foreseeable future. It would be completely irresponsible to add developments to this end of the county which already has enormous traffic congestion. Additionally New Hanover County is currently in the process of cutting funding to the school system. Increasing the population beyond where we are now will create more financial problems. The county does not have the funding needed to cover its current student population. This development will certainly bring residents who will have school aged children. Please rethink this development carefully. This is not the time to expand beyond our means. Our families cannot and we expect our government to be as responsible. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Alexander Fuchs <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:16 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Alexander Fuchs Address 428 Tibbys Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Awardfuchs@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Do not fully oppose the project. Would be reasonable if zoning were not changed and kept as R-15 - this is the compromise that will bring harmony with the community. Also request that the maximum number of trees remain standing. Please keep promise of planning for 100 year storm and keep multiple paths for drainage of storm water. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kelly Whitesell <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:17 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Kelly Whitesell Address 8217 Furtado Drive Wilmington, NC 28422 United States Map It Email Kwhitesell@ec.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I oppose this project. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Sheila White <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:20 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Sheila White Address 8525 Coconut Ct Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email sswhite53@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The density change for this project is too much for this area! The roads, schools and drainage are already facing usage challenges. This change really is not necessary. The area should continue to be single family homes, in keeping with the surrounding neighborhoods. Please help us! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Bonnie Sanchez <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:26 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Bonnie Sanchez Address 429 lady bug lane Wilmington, Nc 28411 United States Map It Email Leeann.Sanchez@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The number of units proposed will create too much traffic down Old Market to 17 at an already deadly intersection. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Richard Sanchez <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:33 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Richard Sanchez Address 429 lady bug lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email Dernewt@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please do not approve the proposed community The Oaks at Murray Farm. The proposed plan has too many units that will cause unsafe road traffic and flooding for my home and neighborhood. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Carol Cox <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:33 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Carol Cox Address 680 Blue Point Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email Creeksde@bellsouth.net Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Our community suffers from vehicle congestion the way it is now. By changing zoning to allow apartments a dangerous situation will be made worse. Ambulancels need to freely travel Porter's Neck Road as we have nursing homes, senior care, retirement living, plus a totally full elementary school. Don' t make the situation worse, respect the reasons we all choose this neighborhood. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Dorothy Corbett <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:34 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Dorothy Corbett Address 917 Saltwood Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email corbodjc@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Do not think it’s in the best interest of this community. Totally against it. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kirk Wilson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:35 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Kirk Wilson Address 400 Tibbys Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email kirk_wilson@bellsouth.net Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My family lives on the property which will be closest to the apartments. Our concerns are the impact to the wetlands behind us, storm water, and the overload this development is going to undoubtedly cause on the infrastructure, school system, and health care. The NC DOT has had to postpone most (if not all) of the planned infrastructure that would alleviate traffic in this area due to revenue losses from COVID-19. Everyone is aware that this virus is going to be with us for the foreseeable future. It would be completely irresponsible to add developments to this end of the county. We already have enormous traffic congestion. Additionally New Hanover County is cutting funding to the school system. Increasing the population beyond where we are now will create additional financial problems. The county does not have the funding needed to cover its current student population. This development will certainly bring residents who will have school aged children. This is not the time to expand beyond the resources that our county currently has. Your vote for this development would show the community that you have zero interest in planning for the long term future of our county’s conservation, infrastructure, schools, and health care system. Our families cannot survive beyond our means and we expect our government to be as responsible. Thank you. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Brandi Hessenius <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:37 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Brandi Hessenius Address 706 Chablis Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email brandihessenius@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment It’s not possible to measure the true impacts of this development considering the immense growth our area is going through. Simply put, the people of this community do NOT want this built. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Dr.Kaitlin Nelson-Rinaldi <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:43 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Dr. Kaitlin Nelson-Rinaldi Address 426 Lady Bug Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email kaitlinrinaldi@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I strongly oppose the rezoning request being made by Logan homes regarding the parcel of land located on the 8300 Block of "Old" Market Street. I understand that the development of this property is inevitable, and I support the incorporation of single- family homes on this lot. However, the addition of apartment units will cause significant environmental impacts, public safety concerns, and substantial congestion of our local traffic infrastructure. The vast majority of Porters Neck residents also have extreme reservations about the placement of high-density housing in our community. Like many of our neighbors, we purchased in this area to avoid the busy traffic and congestion that you find closer to downtown. If the area of Porters Neck becomes overly crowded I believe there is a very high probability many valuable members of our community will be lost to relocation. I hope that you will consider our concerns as you decide whether to approve the re-zoning request being made by Logan Homes. As a side note, if the unfortunate decision is made to approve the rezoning request, I ask that gating is enforced between The Oaks at Murray Farm and Vineyard Plantation (Rosemary Ln, Yearling Ln and Peppermint Dr). I do not believe that there is a true understanding of how incredibly unsafe and inconvenient it is to make a u-turn on Market Street if traveling towards Wilmington. If gating is not enforced, I believe the majority of residents in the newly built community would choose to cut through Vineyard Plantation to gain access to Porters Neck Road. Our small community absolutely cannot handle the resulting increase in traffic. A suggestion was made to place a gate in between the single family homes and multi-family homes in the Oaks at Murray Farm. I actually feel that this is a poorly thought out proposition. If residents of the multi-family units are unable to drive through their own community to access Porters Neck Road, I think it is incredibly likely that they will funnel through our community as they will be left with only one accesible exit on "Old" Market Street. Instead, I believe it would be prudent to have a direct exit to Porters Neck Road from the multi-family units of The Oaks at Murray Farm. Alternatively, the traffic signal located at the end of "Old Market Street" could be transitioned to a four-way intersection that would allow residents to turn directly left onto Market Street if traveling in the direction of Wilmington. I believe this option could alleviate a significant portion of traffic congestion and allow for a safer alternative to the current traffic pattern that requires a u-turn. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jeffrey Stanfield <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:43 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jeffrey Stanfield Address 714 Winery Way Wilmington, NC - North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email stanfieldj@att.net Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Dear Commissioners, (Re; New Development Oaks at Murray Farms) Thank you for your service to our community. With that trust, I employ you once again to recognize the wrong that is being attempted in requesting for a rezoning of my neighborhood, my home. I attended the planning meeting of this proposal and was disappointed that I was made to feel as the ‘opposition force’ and looked upon as a villain from the planning committee as that term was used as a descriptor of our stance regarding denial of the rezone request. When did upholding/supporting the rule of law somehow become defined as the opposition? No one denies the Murray's the right to sale the land, but I do deny the Murray's on how to define/dictate how that land is to be used. They are moving, we remain! Isn’t that the purpose of the County zoning commission? I employ you to uphold that rule and purpose that R15/R20 zoning holds. That purpose is to provide spacious living so neighbors can build a community you want to raise your family, walk the streets without fear of excessive traffic, not to maximum housing/living density for profit. Why rezone? What is the need? Why did county commissioners from years past zone this property as R15 or R20 in the first place? Maybe it was because they understood the complexity of building desired neighborhoods that would attract good neighbors’ to New Hanover County. The Truth. We all know that special residential construction permits always negatively impact the existing community. Name me an example when someone says, glad I live in a place where there are more houses than originally zoned? Who is the better good here? Hundreds of surrounding homes or one family + one developer? Simple question, if this exception request was made to your neighborhood would you still approve? I know if I was in your position as shepherd for New Hanover County, the answer would be to deny the proposal. Thank You, -Jeff Stanfield 714 Winery Way 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Amy Kline <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:44 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Amy Kline Address 638 Winery Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email amyckline75@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This project would be detrimental to the traffic problems we already have in the porters neck area. Strongly oppose as this would overcrowd our infrastructure!!! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of EDWARD PENNIMAN <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:49 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name EDWARD PENNIMAN Address 8605 Plantation Landing Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email absedp@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My objections to this project is in two fold: The first is that it does not fit with the Porters Neck neighborhood, which is in direct conflict with the plan adopted by the county. The second is that no attempt has been made to enhance the infrastructure to handle the increase in car trips per day, water usage nor the increase in students that approval of this and other projects bring to the area. A. TRAFFIC 1. The traffic study they have is out of date since the Hampstead bypass has been put on indefinite hold for financial reasons by the NCDOT. 2. If you approve this project, within the next few years you will add a minimum of 2294 car trips to Porters Neck Road, a road that the NCDOT says need to be expanded, but the cost is too high. The breakdown of those trips are: Waterstone 147 homes @ 10 trips/day = 1470 additional cars on Porters Neck Road Oaks at Murray Hill Farm 62 homes @ 10 trips/day = 620 additional cars on Porters Neck Road Oaks at Murray Hill Farm 34 townhomes @ 6 trips/day = 204 additional cars on Porters Neck Road 3. The Oaks at Murray Hill Farm 204 apartments will also add 1428 car trips to Futch Creek Rd and the intersection of Futch Creak and RT-17, which is already a dangerous intersection. B. Water Fresh water is supplied by well and during the summer there is always a shortage. Where is the additional water to supply these households going to come from? The Planning Commission has not required them to address this issue, you should. C. SCHOOLS The Porters Neck Elementary school was just built, and it is already at capacity, not very good planning. Bringing in 447 more households plus all the apartments being added on Market St is just adding to the problem. 2 In closing, until you have an infrastructure to support thse types of projects you should not approve any project including the Oaks at Murray Hill Farm Rezoning Request (Z20-03) 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Amy Check <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:51 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Amy Check Address 8701 Abbey Glen Way Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email akcaperna@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My email/ concern today with the re-zoning are outside of all the facts. We moved to this neighborhood because we like being in a community to enjoy the peaceful area to live. We liked that there were not near big apartment complexes. We liked that we could feel safe and not worry about a ton of transient renters and traffic. We like not looking out our back yard and looking into an area of apartments no matter how nicely done. They are still changing the current plan and zoning laws that were put in place to protect our homes. The area in which we built our lives. When you bought your home. What did you look for in your neighborhood? Did you buy your home right beside an apartment complex? Do you look out in your backyard and see large buildings? Is that what you look for when buying a home? When you make this decision pretend you live in are area pretend you built your lives there. Pretend you had no intention of moving. Please consider more than just the facts please consider how changing the zoning also changes the reason everyone moves to this area to begin with. We want to live in a community? Next time you sit on your back deck and look out picture multiple apartment buildings. Let me know if you would still have bought your home? Please take all of this into account before voting. There is a reason this keeps getting pushed out. If it was right, they would not keeping needing more time. They are trying to force something to work that largely isn’t right to begin with. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jane Anglin <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 11:54 AM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Jane Anglin Address 8253 Sage Valley Dr Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Email chloecondo@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Traffic concerns!!! 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Shannon Santana <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 12:01 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Shannon Santana Address 668 Blue :Point Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Email shannon.a.santana@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please vote to deny Z19-14. This proposal is not in the best interests of the Porters Neck community and we would appreciate your support to allow the current zoning designation of R15/R20 to stand. One of my main concerns with the project is that I don't believe Porters Neck Rd is equipped to handle any more traffic. It is only a 2-lane road. I live in Blue Point and already have a hard time making a left out of my neighborhood onto Porters Neck Rd. I think it will be virtually impossible to make a left out of my neighborhood if this project is completed. Since many others will be in the same position, I worry that this will lead to an increase in car accidents along Porters Neck Rd. 1 Smith, Gideon From:mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Sami Genes <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent:Friday, May 29, 2020 12:08 PM To:Schuler, Brad; Meredith, Ron; Smith, Gideon; Vafier, Ken; Gartin, Jyll Subject:Public Comment on Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way Name Sami Genes Address 453 Lady Bug Ln - -, Wilmington NC United States Map It Email Samisgenes@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z19-14 – The Oaks at Murray Farm – 8300 Block of “Old” Market Street/Shiraz Way What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment My yard already floods terribly during a regular rain, and flows toward Murray farm. The traffic on Porters Neck road is awful as well. I oppose the building of the apartments.