Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 1 of 10 STAFF REPORT FOR Z20-10 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z20-10 Request: Zoning Map amendment to rezone 4.79 acres from R-15 to (CZD) R-7 in order to construct a 28-unit townhome development Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions Ripwood Company, Inc. Location: Acreage: 600 block of Spring Branch Road, NW corner of N. College Road and MLK Parkway 4.79 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R04900-001-014-000; R04220-011-001- 000; R04908-004-005-000; R04908-004- 004-000 General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Quadraplex Dwellings (4-unit townhome structures) Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15 (CZD) R-7 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential R-15 East N. College Road Right-of-Way, Single-Family Residential R-15 South MLK Parkway Right-of-Way, Electrical Substation, Corning Industrial (City of Wilmington) West Undeveloped, Single-Family Residential R-15 Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 2 of 10 ZONING HISTORY July 1, 1972 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 9A) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Specific design will be determined during site plan review. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Murrayville Schools Wrightsboro Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools For more information, see school data below Recreation Kings Grant Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation Conservation resource maps indicate that swamp forest may be present in the southwestern corner of the site, however according to the applicant, there is no evidence of wetlands on the property. The location of any wetlands will be verified during the TRC review process. Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 3 of 10 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN  The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 4.79 acres from R-15 to (CZD) R-7 in order to construct a 28-unit townhome development under the County’s performance residential standards.  The conceptual plan shows seven sets of quadraplex dwellings on either side of a circular drive aisle at the terminus of Spring Branch Drive. The proposed units within the development will have a driveway large enough for two vehicles and will be accessed via a private drive. In addition, there are three visitor parking areas that provide an additional 14 spaces. A 5-foot-wide sidewalk connects the proposed development to the existing Spring View Estates neighborhood to the north.  The subject site is located at the northwest corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and N. College Road where future NCDOT improvements are planned. To anticipate these improvements, the applicant has shown the area that NCDOT may require for future right- of-way and has designed the site to accommodate the land needed for that project. Additional information is provided in the Transportation Section below. Proposed Conceptual Site Plan with Staff Markups Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 4 of 10 ZONING CONSIDERATIONS  Under the County’s performance residential standards, the subject property would be permitted up to 12 dwelling units at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is proposing a total of 28 townhome units on 4.79 acres at a net density of 5.85 dwelling units per acre, which is slightly less than the maximum permitted in the R-7 district. R-15 R-7 Proposed CZD Min Lot Size (Conventional) 15,000 sf 7,000 sf N/A Max Density (Performance) 2.5 du/ac (12 total units) 6 du/ac (29 total units) 5.85 du/ac (28 total units) Additional Dwelling Unit Allowance SUP 10.2 du/ac (49 total units) N/A N/A Permitted Housing Types Single-family, mobile home, duplex, townhomes, multi- family Single-family, mobile home, duplex, townhome, multi- family Townhomes (4-units/building) Nonresidential Uses ≈ 20 uses w/ SUP (convenience stores, kennels, camping) ≈ 15 uses by-right (wholesale nurseries, stables) ≈ 20 uses w/ SUP (convenience stores, marinas, RV Parks) ≈ 7 uses by-right (telecommunication facilities, private boating facilities, golf courses) N/A  A 20-foot opaque bufferyard is required along the northern property boundary because the proposed development is adjacent to single-family dwellings within the Spring View subdivision. In addition, the opaque buffer is also required along the western property boundary as it abuts undeveloped residentially zoned land within the General Residential place type. TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided to the subject property using the internal roads of Spring View Estates. Specifically, via Spring Branch Road (SR 2059) which connects to N. College Road (NC 132/US 117) by way of Spring View Drive (SR 1378) and Kings Drive (SR-2057). Spring View Drive is currently an unsignalized intersection with limited turning movements to enter the neighborhood and exit onto N. College Road. Kings Drive, however, is a signalized intersection allowing traffic to enter and exit the neighborhood from all directions.  Townhomes generate approximately 0.5 trips in the peak hours, while single-family dwellings generate approximately one trip in the peak hours. A by-right residential development on the site under the current zoning (R-15) would allow 12 dwelling units, which is estimated to generate about 13 trips in both the AM and PM peak hours. Under the proposed R-7 zoning, 28 townhomes could be constructed on the site, which is estimated to generate about 14 trips in the AM peak hours and 19 trips in the PM peak hours. Although the proposal increases the number of dwellings by 16, the expected net Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 5 of 10 difference in traffic would be an increase of 1 AM and 6 PM peak trips when compared to current zoning. Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 12 single-family homes 13 AM / 13 PM Proposed Development under Proposed R-7 Zoning: 28 quadraplex dwellings 14 AM / 19 PM Net Increase under Proposed R-7 Zoning: – 1 AM / 6 PM  Because there have been no recent traffic impact analyses in the area addressing relevant intersections, staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and N. College Road near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. The peak hour traffic estimated to be generated by this proposal represents less than 1% of the capacity of the large adjacent limited access highways and is not expected to have a noticeable impact on those roads. NCDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) - 2017 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C MLK Parkway East of N. College Road 27,000 34,600 0.78 West of N. College Road 37,000 34,600 1.07 N. College Road North of MLK Parkway 46,000 53,000 0.87 South of MLK Parkway 39,000 53,000 0.74 Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 6 of 10 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects:  U-5792 (College/MLK Interchange) & U-5881 (College Road Improvements) o The NC State Transportation Improvement Program includes two projects (U-5792 & U-5881) that will upgrade College Road from Gordon Road to New Centre Drive. NCDOT’s recommended plans for these projects include converting certain intersections along College Road into interchanges, including at MLK Parkway and Kings Drive. The current preliminary plans for the roadway project show that additional right-of-way will likely be required from the subject site. o The production schedule for the College/MLK Interchange and College Road Improvements projects were to begin right-of-way acquisition in 2024 and 2025, respectively, and bidding of the projects in 2026 and 2028, respectively. However, both of these projects are currently on hold for the foreseeable future. o According to preliminary plans, the STIP projects will also close existing accessways to N. College Road. Specifically, Spring View Drive and Kings Grant Road will be converted into cul-de-sacs, and Kenningston Street will be converted into a right- Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 7 of 10 in/right-out intersection that directs traffic towards Kings Drive without entering N. College Road. Traffic from the existing neighborhoods would have to utilize Kings Drive to access N. College Road. This intersection will be converted to an interchange in order to accommodate the additional traffic. The interchange is currently designed with N. College Road overpassing the intersection with a roundabout installed under the bridge, which will allow for the existing signal at the intersection to be removed, permitting free flow east and west movements. Levels of Service  According to the Build Capacity Analysis Report for the College/MLK Interchange and College Road Improvement projects, which considered an annual approximate 2% increase in traffic volumes to the year 2040, the intersections of both N. College Road/Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and N. College Road/Kings Drive are expected to operate at or above acceptable Levels of Service during the AM and PM peak hours once the improvements are constructed. In addition, the Kings Drive roundabout is also expected to operate at or above an acceptable Level of Service in both the AM and PM peak hours. Proposed NCDOT Improvements Along N. College Road (STIP U-5792 & U-5881): *Based upon 15% Plans that are preliminary and subject to change Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 8 of 10 Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: There are no pending or recently approved Traffic Impact Analyses within the 1-mile radius of the subject property that include improvements that affect this proposal. SCHOOLS  Students generated from this development would be assigned to Wrightsboro Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools.  Twelve dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and 28 units would be allowed under the proposed zoning for an increase of 16 dwelling units.  Based on average student generation rates,* there are an average of 0.24 public school students (0.11 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. The proposed development can be estimated to generate 3.8 (1.7 elementary, 0.9 middle, and 1.2 high) more students than if developed under existing zoning. *Average student generation rates are calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year by the estimated number of dwelling units in the county. While different housing types and different locations typically yield different numbers of students, these average generation rates can provide a general guide for the number of students to anticipate. Total projected student enrollment was used, which includes students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTECH. School Enrollment* and Capacity**—2021-2022 Estimates *Enrollment is based on projected New Hanover County Schools enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined by New Hanover County Schools for the 2020-2021 school year and are based on NC DPI Facility Guidelines & Class Size Requirements. Modifications refer to specific program requirements unique to a particular school. These may include exceptional children’s classrooms beyond the original building design; classrooms to serve a unique population such as ESL; or classrooms designated for art and music if the building wasn’t specifically designed with those spaces. ENVIRONMENTAL  A small portion of the southwestern portion of the property, approximately 2,900 square feet in area, is within the AE Special Flood Hazard Area, however, no buildings are proposed within this area.  The property does not contain any Natural Heritage Areas.  The property is within the Smith Creek (C;Sw) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class II (moderate limitation) and Class IV (unsuitable) soils. However, the Unified Development Ordinance requires the development to be served by public water and sewer. Level Total NHC % Capacity School Enrollment of Assigned School Capacity of Assigned School w/ Portables % of Capacity of Assigned School Funded Capacity Upgrades Elementary 97% Wrightsboro 547 564 97% None Middle 107% Holly Shelter 917 934 98% None High 105% Laney 2,063 1,903 108% None Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 9 of 10 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Types of uses include single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational. Analysis The General Residential place type provides opportunities for lower- density housing (up to approximately eight units per acre) and associated civic and commercial services. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that single family residential and duplexes are typical and also lists multi-family residential (including the type of attached townhomes that are proposed) as appropriate for this place type. The subject property is located between the residential portion of the Spring View neighborhood and the intersection of North College Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. It would be appropriate for new residential development on this site to provide an orderly transition between the high intensity roadway corridors and the existing residential neighborhood. The overall project density of 5.85 units per acre for the proposed R-7 development is within the preferred density range for the General Residential place type (0-6 units per acre). Due to the proposed townhouse product, it also supports the Comprehensive Plan’s goal to increase the diversity of housing types as a strategy for providing housing for residents at different income levels. The design of the proposed project supports the transitional nature of this development, clustering the new homes to provide a buffer from the high Z20-10 Staff Report PB 6.4.2020 Page 10 of 10 intensity roadways while including design features to maintain compatibility with the existing residences. The height limits for the proposed townhome structures are in-line with the single family homes in the existing development. In addition, the building footprints outlined in the conceptual plan are set back further from property lines shared with single family lots than required by the ordinance. Consistency Recommendation The proposed (CZD) R-7 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the Comprehensive Plan because the project’s density is in line with the density and housing type recommendations for the General Residential areas and aligns with the county’s goals of providing for a diversity of housing types and range of price points. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed (CZD) R-7 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the lower-density residential development would provide an orderly transition between the high intensity roadway corridors and the existing residential neighborhoods, and it would align with the Comprehensive Plan’s goal of providing more diversity of housing types. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-7 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project’s density is in line with the density and housing type recommendations for the General Residential place type, and it will provide an orderly transition between the high intensity roadway corridors and the existing residential neighborhoods. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal assists with providing a diversity of housing types in the area and supports opportunities for housing with a range of price points. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) R-7 district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project’s density is in line with the density and housing type recommendations for the General Residential place type, and it will provide an orderly transition between the high intensity roadway corridors and the existing residential neighborhoods, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods.