06_16_2020 Meeting Agenda June 16, 2020 8:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chair, Dr. Smith) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Est Time Presenter 1. Old Business 20 a. Review of Edits and Continued Discussion on HHSB Rule to Dr. Smith Prohibit the Use of Smoking and E-Cigarettes in county, Town, and Mr. Tarte city Buildings, Vehicles and Grounds and in Public Places in the County Mr. Burpeau of New Hanover 10 b. Summary of Online Public Comments Ms. Oelslager 10 c. Vote on Pool Rule Repeal Mr. Tarte Mr. Suggs 20 d. COVID-19 County Public Health Update Ms. Brown 20 e. COVID-19 Community Impact and Health Equity Update Mr. Conway Dr. Paul 2. New Business 20 a. Review and Vote on HHSB Operating Procedures Dr. Smith 5 b. Vote on HHSB Monthly Schedule for Standard Agenda Items Dr. Smith for FY 20/21 5 c. Identify Nominating Committee for Chair, Vice Chair Dr. Smith 10 3. Closing Remarks Dr. Smith