1973-06-12 thru 06-29 Budget Work Sessions4~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) BICENTENNIAL COMPIITTEE - ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS (CONTINUED) Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that the Board approve the proposal as submitted by the Committee incorporating the two changes that.Commissioner Wright had re- quested and that the County transfer $8,333.33 from Contingencies for the Bicentennial Committee for Fiscal Year 1973-1974 and that they commit themselves for the same amount for the next two fiscal years. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. In discussion on hiring an Executive Director, it was determined that the Committee would work in conjunction with the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, the County Manager, the Mayor of the City of Wilmington, and the City Manager, provided the City also approved the Program. Commissioner Hall left the meeting after this discussion and was absent for the rest - of the meeting. DISCUSSION OF COUNTY'S STORM DRAINAGE PROGRAM At the Board`s meeting of August 20, 1973, the County Manager had been directed to make a recommendation to the Board as to how the County should proceed with a storm drainage program. Mr. Eller, County Manager, reco~ended that the County employ a draftsman and an additional engineer to assist the County Engineer, Mr. Epling, in order to free him to take over the prob- lem of storm drainage and design of the construction standards and kind of structures that would be necessary in the watershed basins being delineated by the Soil Conservation Service. Mr. Eller stated that these two additional staff inembers could be hired through funds received throug :the Public Employment Program. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the services that the County Manager and the County Engineer recommended, which could not be performed by the present staff, be supplied through the Public Employment Program. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Votine Noe: Co~issioner Wright. REPORT FROM COMMISSIONER POWELL ON THE DIKON-HILLSDALE COMMUNITY CLUB Commissioner Powell stated that he had been to the Dixon-Hillsdale Community Club with the Connty Nianager and that the area was too small to be considered for development by the County as a recreation park. Commissioner Powell was asked to work with the School Board to see what could be done at the school in the vicinity for additional recreational facilities. APPROVAL OF BUDGET MfiNUTES ~ Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Co~issioner Davis, that the following Budget Minutes of June 12, June 14, June 20, June 21, June 25, June 27, June 28 and June 29; 1973, be approved. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. 'Minutes of Budget Discussion Meeting ~ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~une 12, 1973 8:00 AM ASSEMBLY ' The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, June 12, 1973, at 8:00 AM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to begin the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Commissioner Wright stated that she was very unhappy with the budget as it was worked up. She said she felt that the way salaries had been done was an improvement and would help to control it more but that the budget had insufficiencies in other areas that did not give the needed control. COURT Of JUSTICE The first item heard by the Board was the Court of Justice. The District Attorney's budget on page 31-A was left as recommended. As the Clerk of Court was not present, this secdon was deferred until he could be present. AIRPORT OPERATING The following chan9es were made in the Airport Operating budget from the recommended amounts. Page 35-A, Piedmont Airlines was added at $25,000. • Paye 36-A, the Salaries & Wages (650 02) figure changed from $121,008 to $121,644 and Travel (650 14) changed from $2,000 to $1,Q00. Page 36-B, ~ohn Westbrook's salary changed from $13,068 to $13,704. Except where noted above, the recommended amounts were left for the Airport Operating budget. JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITY The following changes were made in the Juvenile Detention Facility budget from the recommended amounts. Page 17-A, Salaries and Wages (522 02) was changed from $65,330 to $65,342. Page 17-B, Ronald Knopf's salary was put on a Grade 71, Step 3, at $13,068 from the recommended amount of $13,056. ~4~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES (CONTINUED) Budget Session, June 12, 19j3, JUVENiLE DETENTION FACILITY (CONTINUED) Page 17-B, the following were put on a July 1, 1973, anniversary date: Pullen, Walker, Coates (Eugenia), Coates (James), Blackwelder, Walls, Wilson and Clemmons. Page 17-B, "Part-Time" was removed from Wilson and Clemmons, changing their position to "Attendant." Except where noted above, the recortunended amounts were left for the Juvenile Detention Facility. SHERIFF The following changes were made in the Sheiff's budget from the recormnended amounts. Page 15-A, Salaries and Wages (510 02) was changed from $512,735 to $510,445. Page 15-A, Uniforms (510 36) was changed from $12,980 to $12,220. On Page 15-B-1, the following changes were made. Jarrell, Rudolph, had terminated; therefore, this classification was changed to Grade 72, Step 1, at $12,480 instead of the recommended $13,704. Whitman, Hiram, had terminated; therefore, this classification was changed to Grade 69, Step 1, at $10,860 rather than the recommended $11,916. Perry, William, changed from Sergeant to Detective. Schley, Robert, changed from Civil Deppty to Sergeant and his classification changed to Grade 65, Step 2, at $9,444 instead of the recommended $9,900. It was decided that, in cases such as this where a person was promoted to a higher grade, that he would carry his step with him. Chairman Vaughan stated that he would check on Radewicz, Watt, Dunford, Brown and Spell on Page 15-B-1 and Davis and Pickler on Page 15-B-2 as there was some question on their anniversary dates and the date of their last raise. On Page 15-B-2, it was noted that Robertson, Michael, was at a:Grade 62, Step 2, for six months at $4,234 and at a Grade 62, Step 3, for six months at the same amount, $4,234. These figures were changed to $4,122 (Grade 62, Step 2, 6 months) and $4,314 (Grade 62, Step 3, 6 months.) Page 15-B-3, Bright, Margaret, was changed to a Grade 54, Step 2, effective July 1, 1973, which changed her anniversary date accordingly. Except where noted above, the Sheriff's budget was left as recommended. CORONER The following changes were made in the Coroner's budget from the recommended amounts. Page 21-A, Salaries and Wages (600 02) was changed to $7,192 from $6,937. Page 21-B, Winston D. Thompson was changed to $1,200 from the recommended $945. Commissioner Wright dissented on the oncrease in Mr. Thompson's salary and in the amount recommended for car allowance. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts were left in the Coroner's budget. HEALTH DEPARTMENT The following changes were made in the Health Department's budget. Page 39-A, "N.C. Matching" was removed from "N.C. Matching - Misc. Fees" and "N.C. Matching- Medic. & Medic." ~ The following changes were made on Page 40-A. Salaries & Wages (590 02) was changed to $552,156 from $582,900. M& R Equipment (590 16) was changed to $2,000 from $1,800. Drainage (590 65) was changed to $13,100 from $15,100. Page 40-B-1, ~r. J. C. Knox's salary was changed to Grade 89, Step 3, at $31,164 from Grade 89, Step 2, at $29,688. Page 40-6-2, W. H. Cranford's salary was changed to ~rade 76, Step 3, at $16,62U from Grade 76, Step 4, at $17,460. The following changes were made on Page 40-B-3. Dr. J. C. McKay was changed to $6,600 from $6,300. The vacant Laborer (Perc. Test) position was changed to $5,000 from $4,500. The vacant VD Epid. Asst. position was deleted. The anniversary dateswas changed to July 1, 1973, for the following: Susan Stanton (who replaced Lois T. Buck), Elizabeth 5imeone, Pamela Horne, and 4ynn Walton. On Page 4o-B-4, the three Saoitarian Aide positions and the Labor (Drainage) position•r:were deleted. . ~~~ NffNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 12, 1973. (CONTINUED) HEALTH DEPARTMENT Chairman Vaughan requested Dr. Knox to send him a memo on the following positions: Lutha Mintz, Robert Chadwick, V. M. Gilbert, and John McCormick. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts were left in the Health Department's budget. MENTAL HEALTH Discussion of this budget was deferred to study the concept of an area Mental Health Board. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Page 55-A-1, Salaries - Maint. Personnel was deleted. Page 55-A-1, Salaries - Janitors was changed from $33,075 to $32,857. Page 55-B, Miller, Richard L., had terminated; therefore, this position was taken back to a Grade B, Step 1, at $2,184 rather than the $2,402 recommended for this position. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts were left in the Cape Fear Technical Institute budget. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Yaughan adjourned the budget session to reconvene on Thursday, June 14, 1973, at 4:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, ~ • Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k Minutes of Budget ~iscussion Meeting New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 14, 1973 4:00 PM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, June 14, 1973, at 4:00 PM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to continue the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Uaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. SOCIAL SERVICES The following changes were made in the Social Services Department's budget from the recommended amounts. Page 22-B-1, the New C II requested was changed to a C I, Grade 51, Step 1, at $4,812. Page 22-6=5, the vacant T I position was changed to a Grade 51, Step 1, at $4,812. Page 22-B-5, Annie Williams was changed to a Grade 51, Step 1, at $4,812. Page 22-B-5, Irene Justice was changed to a Grade 49, Step 1, at $4,428. Page 22-B-7, the Helper position at $1,400 was deleted. Page 22-B-8, the New ES I was changed to $6,576 from $6,276. There were several inconsistencies in salaries questioned by the Commissioners, and it was agreed that Chairman Vaughan would work these out with the Social Services Director and report back at a subsequent meeting. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Page 38-A, 5upplemental Public Assist. was changed from $158,744 to $100,000. Except as noted above, the Public Assistance budget was approved as recommended by a majority of the Board members present. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Page 46-A, under Sr. High Athletics Program, "State" shouil.d have been "Gate Receipts." Chairman Vaughan dissented on the six positions for vocational education. Chairman Vaughan dissented on the $27,845 requested for Telephones. . ' Page 51-A, Salaries and Expenses Elementary & High School Teachers was increased by $20,000 because it had been determined that this additional amount would be received from the State. Chairman Vaughan dissented on the Supplementary Budget, Page 51-A, and stated that he was against anything having to do with the supplementary budget because it represented funds voted against by the taxpayers. Chairman Vaughan dissented on the purchase of ten buses and expressed the desire to cut this back to nine. Except as noted above, there were no changes made in the Public Schools budget; and the requested amounts were approved by a majority of the members of the Board present. 4~Z MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 ;(CONTIN[JED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES - JUNE 14, 1973 -(CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the budget session to reconvene on Wednesday, June 20, 1973, at 8:00 AM. Respectfully submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k Minutes of ~Budget Discussion Meeting New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 20, 1973 8:00 AM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Wednesday, June 20, 1973, at 8:00 AM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to continue the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. ~ouglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. CAPE FEAR HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the Appropriation for the Cape Fear Health Planning Council be left at the requested $967. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commigsioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Wright. Voting Noe: Chairman Vaughan. LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the County's appropriation for the Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments be the amount requested, $11,793. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting 1{ye: CommiSsioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Wright. Voting Noe: Chairman Vaughan. COURT OF JUSTICE - CLERK OF COURT The following chan9es were made on Page 32-A. M&R Bldgs. & Grounds was changed to $2,000 for renovation of office space on the third floor of the Courthouse for the Probation Department. Capital Outlay - Building was changed from $5,000 to 0. Except as noted, the Clerk of Court's budget was approved as recormnended by a majority of the Board members present. MENTAL HEALTH On Page 41-A, Contribution-Brunswick,was changed to $2,500. On Page 42-A, the $30,000 in Capital Outlay-Building was to be transferred to the Capital Reserve Fund. On Page 42-B, the vacant position of a Clinical Social Worker was changed to Grade 68, Step 3, at $11,376. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that Jean Davidson on Page 42-B be raised to $15,096 rather than the $15,852 requested unless it became mandatory that she be raised to the requested salary. Motion carried unanimously. Page 42-B, Sylvia Nollar was changed to a Grade 54, Step 3, at $6,OOQ. Except as noted above, recommended figures were approved for Mental Health by a majority of the Board members present. Mr. John Wilson, Local Mental Health Administrator, presented an additional budget request from the Mental Health Board for a Semi-Day Hospital. It was determined that this would be discussed at a regular meeting of the Commission. CIVIL DEFENSE Page 18-B, the salary of Francis G. Haines was changed to $3,600. Except for this change, the Civil Defense budget was approved as recommended by a majority of the Board members present. INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT The following changes were made on Page 19-A. Auto Allowance was changed to $19,500. Capital Outlay = Equipment was changed to $4,340. M& R Auto was changed to 0. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that a Berm & Dune Erosion Cont. & Ease. be reduced to $1?,000 from $36,000. ~~~ ~ MZNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 20, 1973 CCONTINUED) INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ~pon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Wright, and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioner. Powell (Commissioner Hall had left the meeting) Commissioner Davis stated that he would reconsider on this issue if-it were shown that the County would lose funds. The following changes were made on Page 19-B-1. Thomas M. Sellers was changed to a Grade 66, Step 7, at $9,444 for 12 months, changing his anniversary date to July 1, 1973. Milton T. Webb was changed to a Grade 64, Step 1. The salary remained at the recommended amount. Brenda James was changed to a Grade 52, Step 1, for 12 months at $5,016, changing her anniversary date,to July 1, 1973. Barbara Lehrschall's anniversary date was changed to July 1, 1973. The following changes were made on Page 19-B-2. Pete Cullins and Dick Bryant were both changed to a Grade 62, Step 1, for 8 months at $5,256. This made the total yearly salary for each employee $8,004. On Page 19-B-2, the request for the addition of a Messenger-Clerk was declined. It was determined that the County Manager would be asked to study the feasibility of adding this position. On Page 19-C, the following requests were denied. 9 Automobiles - Compact at $23,400. 4 Automobiles - Intermediate at $12,800. Commissioner Davis stated that he felt the County would have to go to a 12¢ per mile on mileage allowance. Except as noted a6ove, the recommended amounts for the Inspections Department were approved by a majority of the Board members present. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the budget session to reconvene at 4:Q0 PN on Thursday, June 21, 1973. Respectfully submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k Minutes of Budget Discussion Meeting New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 21, 1973 4:00 P.M ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, June 21, 1973, at 4:00 PM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to continue the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M: H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan ca7led the meeting ~to order. BOARD OF ELECTIONS The following changes were made on Page 7-A. Salaries & Wages (430 02) was changed to $14,244. Professiona]3Services (43004) was changed to-$25,295 Precinct Personnel • Chairman, Board of Elections Two Board Members @$85 for twelve months Two Additional Board Members @$85 for four months Capital Outlay - Equipment was changed to $29,750. . - . ~ _ % This figure was.made up of the following: $19,575 3,000 2,040 680 ~n Pa9e 7-8, "Registration Commissioners" was changed to "~ffice Salaries" and this amount was changed to $6,000. On Page 7-C, Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Coimnissioner Wright, that the request for two 5houp Voting Machines @$2,500 each be approved in order to supply the Kure Beach precinct. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts for the Board of Elections were approved by a majority of the Board members present. ~ 4~9 ~: ~.. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 21, 1973 (CONTINUED) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that $40,000 be appropriated for Advertising through the Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Vaughan made the substitute motion that $4,500 be appropriated, which represented 10 percent of their request. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote, Commissioner5Ha11's motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. ST. JOHN'S ART GALLERY By common consent, the $1,000 requested by St. John's Art Gallery was approved. MUSEUM The following changes were made on Page 24-B. Gary Eyster was placed on Grade 68, Step 3, at $11,376. Bernard Brady had terminated; therefore, this position was placed on Grade 62, Step 1, at $7,884. As Rebecca Johnson had terminated, Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that this position be placed on a Grade 51, Step 1. Mr. Eyster explained that he was in the process of trying to rehire her and asked that it remain at the Step,2 requested. Commissioner Wright moved the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that th~s position remain in the requested Grade 51, Step 2, at $5,016. Upon vote, the substitute motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Wright. Voting Noe: Commissioner Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Except as noted above, the Salaries and Wages sheet was left as recommended and approved by a majority of the Board members present. On Page 24-A, the following changes were made. Salaries & Wages (625 02) changed to $25,791. M& R Buildings & Grounds (625 15) was changed to $1,000. Exhibit Rental - Temp. Displays (625 21) was changed to $600. Advertising (625 27) was changed to $900. Dept. Suppiies & Equipment (625 33) was changed to $1,265. Insurance & Bonds (625 54) was changed to $1,500. On Item 625 72, Capital Outlay - Bldg. Renov., Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that this be left at the recommended $3,150. Upon vote, motion v~as defeated as follows: ~ r~ Voting Aye: Commissioner Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioners Davis, Hall, and Wright. ~n Item 625 72, Capital Outlay - Bldg. Renov., Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the $3,800 requested by the Museum be appropriated. Upon vote, { motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, and Wright. Voting Noe: Commissioner Powell and Chairman Vaughan. On Item 625 74, Capital Outlay - Equipment, Displays & Labor, Chairman Vaughan moved.. that this appropriation be.$8,000.,"Motion.died foi' lack of a second, ~On.Item b25 74,.Capita9 Outlay - Equipment, Displays & Labor, Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright; that this appropriation be the requested $10,000. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting qye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Wright. Voting Noe: Chairman Vaughan. On Item 625 71, Capital Outlay - Land, Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the recommended $56,000 be appropriated. Motion carried unanimously. On Capital Outlay - Parking Lot, Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that $750 be appropriated. Motion carried unanimously. ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 21, 1973 (CONTINUED) MUSEUM On Page 24-C, $2,000 was added for Labor. This amount was included intthe $10,000 on Page 24-A, Account No. 625 74, Capital Outlay - Equipment, Displays, Labor. Except as noted above, a majority of the Board Members present agreed upon the recormnended amounts for the Museum. AGRICULTURE & ECONOMICS The following change was made on Page 23-B. As Verna Belle Lowery had terminated her employment with the County, this position was changed to $3,500. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Cormnissioner Davis, that all other items in this budget be left at the recommended amounts. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting /{ye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Wright. Voting Noe: Chairman Yaughan. On Page 23-A, $325 was added for the Farm Census Report. On Page 23-C, the recommended amount fpr purchase of a tape recorder was changed to $200 from $50. By common consent, $1,700 was added to this budget for the Special 4-H Summer Program, which had been formerly approved by the Commission. These funds were to be paid back in August, 1973. ~ COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Wright made the following comment for the record. "You will recall that at our first Budget Hearing, I made a s#atement for the record that I thought our proposed budget was very unsatisfactory from the standpoint of a Commissioner who wanted to know what was in it. I feel that azbudget should reflect clearly and accurately aur revenues and expenditures. Unfortunately, I feel our budget does neither. After an intensive study of this proposed budget, I feel more strongly than ever that our Board should require much more detail than has been provided in order that we might be able to consider items in a more informed way. I feel no confidence in our budget as it stands now and I do not plan to support its adoption until I feel certain that it is correct." Chairman Vaughan stated that he felt that the Commission was very fortunate to have one Commissioner who had gone into the budget in the detail that Commissioner Wright had. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the budget session to reconvene in a joint session with the City of Wilmington at 8:00 AM on Monday, June 25, 1973. Respectfully submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k Minutes of Joint Budget Oiscussion Meeting New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council June 25, 1973 8:00 AM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday,June 25, 1973, at 8:00 AM in City Hall, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss joint fundings with the City of Wilmington. Members of the Commission present were Commissioners Peter R. ~avis; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to4the Board, Lise K. King. LIBRARY,. PAGE 27-A Both the City and the County voted unanimously to appropriate $64,230 for the Library. This figure represented the full amount requested by the Library. ANIMAL CONTROL, PAGE 27-A Both the City and the County voted unanimously to appropriate $53;840 for Animal Control. This figure represented the full amount requested by this Agency. MUSEUM Chairman Vaughan outlined to the City Council the changes that the Commissioners had made at their meeting of June 21, 1973. Both the City and the County unanimously approved the new position for a Collections and History Curator at an annual salary of $8,244. This changed Salaries & Wages (625 02) to $34,035. Telephone & Postage (625 11) was changed to $850. Except as noted above, the Museum budget as agreed upon by the County Commissioners at their meeting of June 21, 1973, was left unchanged. 4~a MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, ,TUNE 25, 1973 (CONTINUED) SERVICES FOR THE AGdNG The City unanimously approved the $7,500 requested by the Services for the Aging. Commissioner Davis and Powell expressed the desire that the $7,500 requested by this Agency be appropriated. ~ Chairman Vaughan and Commissioner Wright expressed the desire that $6,875 be appropriated for this Agency. As Commissioner Hall was not present to break the tie, this item was deferred. Councilman Luther Cromartie requested the County Commissioners to give serious consideration to the request from the Services for the Aging for $35,000 to secure a permanent location. BRIGADE BOYS' GLUB ~ Mr. John G. Ormsby appeared before the Joint Board to repeat his June 18, 1973, request for $50,000 from the Revenue Sharing Funds from both the City and the County for construction of a new clubhouse in the areas of Sunset Park and Long Leaf Homes. Chairman Vaughan stated that this request had been heard by the Commissioners at their regular meeting of June 18, 1973, and that it had been the Commission's understanding, at that time, that the City had agreed to match any funds the County would appropriated. Mayor Brand stated that no funds had yet been appropriated by the City. GIRLS CLUB OF WILMINGTON Dr. B. P. Curtis, representing the Girls Club of Wilmington, appeared before the joint committee requesting that the same consideration be given to the Girls Club that would be given to the Brigade Boys' Club. PUBLIC BUS SYSTEM Councilman John Symmes requested the County Cortmiissioners to give consideration to participation in the retention of the Bus System inasmuch as this System served boty the City and the County. ADJOURNMENT The joint meeting was adjourned to reconvene in a County budget session on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, at 4:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k Minutes of Budget Discussion Meeting New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 27, 1973 4:00 PM A$SEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, at 4:00 PM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to continue the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. PUBLIC BUILDINGS On Page 14-B, the following changes were made. Winfred Simpson's anniversary date was changed to July 1, 1973. John Sellers was replaced by Miley Smith at Grade 48, Step 1, for 70 months at $3,540 and a Grade 48, Step 2, for two months at $738. George Locke's anhiversary date was changed to July 1, 1973, and he was changed to Grade 48, Step 2, for 12 months at $4,428. Mr. Epling, County Engineer, was requested to give the County Auditor a Utilities amount for the Jail so that this amount could be taken out of the Public Buildings budget and be redistributed to the Jail. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts in the Public Buildings budget were agreed upon by a majority of the Board members present. COUNTY GARAGE The following changes were made on Page 20-B. George E. Albury was changed to a Grade 57, Step 1, for 4 months at $2,092 and a Grade 57, Step 2, for 8 months at $4,384. Franklin D. Sullivan was changed to a Grade 57, Step 1, for one month at $523 and a Grade 57, Step 2, for 11 months at $6,028. Herbert Nobles' anniversary date was changed to July 1, 1973, and he was placed on a Grade 53, Step 3, for 12 months at $5,736. . ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 27, 1973 (CONTINUED) COUNTY GARAGE ~ue to the changes in salaries on Page 20-B, Account No. 555 02 on Page 20-A, was changed to $33,639. Capital Outlay - Equipment (555 74) on Page 20-A was changed to $500. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts for the County Garage were approved by a majority of the Board members present. CEMETERY AND PARK The following change was made on Page 25-B. Henry Jordan had terminated; therefore, this position was changed to a Grade 48, Step 1, for 12 months at $4,248. This changed the Salaries and Wages figure on Page 25-A to $17,304. On Page 25-A, the Utilities figure was changed to $1,600 to cinclude a Dempster Dumpster at Hugh MacRae Park. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts in the Cemetery and Park budget were approved by a majority of the Board members present. JAIL The following changes were made on Page 16-6. James Lockamy was placed on a Grade 65, Step 2, for 8 months at $6,296 and a Grade 65, Step 3, for 4 months at $3,300. The two Utility positions were changed to a Grade 48, Step 1, for 12 months at $4,248. Tivo new deputy positions were added for Assistant Jailers on a Grade 62, Step 1, for 12 months at $7,884 each. The following changes were made on Page 16-A. Salaries and Wages (520 02) was changed to $95,005. Travel (520 14) was changed to $800. Contract Services (520 45) was changed to $5,560 to reflect the physician's fee for the Jail of $4,16D. Misc. Expenses (520 57) was changed to $10,840 by taking out the Physician's fee of $4,160. ~ Capital Outlay - Equipment (520 74) was changed to $1,850. This change was due to the request for $625 for a deep fryer being changed to $450 and the request for air conditioners for $750 being changed to $600. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts in the Jail's budget were approved by a majority of the Board members present. TAX LISTING AND COLLECTING The following changes x~ere made on Page 10-B-1. ~ Elizabeth Rhodes was placed on a July 1, 1973, anniversary date at a Grade 61, Stepll, for 12 months at $7,536. The anniversary dates of Janie B. Straughn and Mae B. Stuart were changed to July 1, 1973. Loretta Rose was placed on a July 1, 1973, anniversary date at.Grade 60, Step 1, for 12 months at $7,200. Doris Patterson was placed on a July 1, 1973, anniversary date at a Grade 56, 5tep 3, for 12 months at $6,576. Juanita Rappleye was placed on a July 1, 1973, anniversary date at Grade 56, Step 2, for 12 months at $6,276. Elaine Smart was placed on a Grade 51, Step 1, for 6 months at $2,4o6 and a Grade 51, Step 2, for 6 months at $2,508. The following changes were made on Page 10-B-2. Donna P. Gore was placed on an anniversary date of ~uly 1, 1973, at a Grade 53, Step 2, for 12 months at $5,484. Betty Spinks was~placed on an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at a Grade 53, 5tep 3, for 12 months at $5,736. Beth We~b was placed on an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at a Grade 53, Step 2, for 12 months at $5,484. Marveleen Ross was placed on an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at a Grade 53, Step 1, for 12 months at $5,244. Julia Lewis replaced Olive Best with an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at a Grade 52, Step 1, for 12 months at $5,016. • 49~ . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 27, 1973 (CONTINUED) TAX LISTING AND COLLECTION Debbie Tindall was placed on an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at a Grade 49, Step 3, for 12 months at $4,812. Mary Ann Torres was placed on an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at a Grade 49, Step 1, for 12 months at $4,428. The following changes were made on Page 10-C-1. Electric Typewriters was changed to $350. Electric Printing Calculator was changed to $445. The following changes were made on Page 10-A. Salaries & Wages (450 02) was changed to $203,995. Contract Services.(450 45) was changed to $11,075. Capital Outlay-Equipment (450 74) changed to $3,926. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts for the Tax Listing and Collecting Department were approved by a majority of the Board members present. GOVERNING BODY The following changes was made on Page 5-B. Lise K. King's salary was placed on a July 1, 1973, anniversary date at a salary of $7,008 for 12 months. The following changes were made on Page 5-A. Salaries & Wages (410 02) changed to $23,208. Professional Services (410 04) changed to $8,500. Travel (410 14) changed to $9,300. ' Advertising (410 27) changed to $44,230. Dues & Subscriptions (410 53) changed to $3,488. As Mr. Allen Cobb would be appearing before the Board on June 28, 1973, on behalf of the Azalea Festival, no action was taken on Contributions - Other Agencies (410 93). The above changes were approved by a majority of the Board members present. ADMINISTRATION On Page 6-B, Wanda Gideon's salary was changed to a Grade 51, Step 3, for 12 months at $5,244. On Page 6-A, the following changes>were made. Salaries & Wages (420 02a) changed to $27,244. Dept. Supplies & Equipment was changed to $3,000. Except as noted above, the recommended amounts for the Administration Department were approved by a majority of the Board members present. FINANCE The following changes were made on Page 8-B. Lynne Thomas was promoted to Clerk IV at a Grade 60, Step 1, f.or 12 months at $7,200, replacing Edith Bailey. Nikki Davenport replaced Mildred Brown at a Grade 53, Step 7, for 12 months at $5,244. Emily Mack was promoted to Clerk III with an anniversary date of July 1, 1973, at Grade 56, Step 1, for 12 months at $6,000. She filled the vacancy left by.Lynne Thomas. Cheryl Daniels was put on a Grade 53, Step 1, for 9 months at $3,933 and a Grade 53, Step 2, for 3 months at $1,371. The Acct. Clerk I position vacated by Emily Mack was left at Grade 53, Step 7, for 12 months at $5,244. The above adjustments changed Salaries & Wages (440 02) on Page 8-A to $55,480. Except as noted above, the recormnended figures for the Finance Department were approved by a major.3t,yy of the Board members present. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT On Page 15-A, $2,050 was added to M& R Autos and Trucks (510 17), changing this total to $44,850. 12~ The remainder of the Sheriff Department's budget had been reviewed on June.8; 1973. 49~ , tl !I [7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) t I APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 27, 1973.(CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT There being no further bus9ness to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the budget session to reconvene at 4:00 PM on Thursday, June 28, 1973. RespectfuTly submitted, Lise K. King ~ Clerk,to the Board , k Minutes of Budget Discussion Meeting New Hanover County_Board of Commissioners June 28, 1973 4:00 PM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, June 28, 1973, at 4:00 PM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to continue the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to ;'the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. REGISTER OF ~EEDS " The following changes were made on Page 12-B. Peggy Thomas and Darlene Edwards were placed on a Grade 55 -2, Step 1, for 6 months at $2,622 and a Grade 55 -1, Step 1, for 6 months at $2,742. The following changes were made on Page 12-A. Salaries & Wages {480 02) changed to $71,789. Telephone & Postage (480 71) was changed to $4,200. M& R Equipment (480 16) was changed to $2,200. Dept. Supplies & Equipment (480 33) was changed to $7,480. Fees & Charges (480 59) was changed to $400. Except for the changes noted above, the recommended amounts in the Register of Deeds budget were approved by a majority of the Board members present. SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT - CONTRACT SERVICES (660 45) Chairman Vaughan stated that Mr. Sam Cox, District Conservationist, had suggested to him that the Commission indicate approval of $6,750 (%zto be paid by the City and yz by the County) to get a soils expert into the Planning Department. Mr. Vaughan recommended that this amount be put into the budget to hire a soils expert when the County approved its ordinance. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the request of $5,200 for the Soii & Water Conservation District be approved. Chairman Vaughan offered the substitute motion, seconded by Cbmmissioner Wright, that $3,750 be appropriated for a half-day secretary. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE - CONTRACT SERVICES (660 45) By common consent, Pitney Bowes Postage remained $350, the recommended amount. AZALEA FESTIVAL - CONTRdBUTIONS OTHER AGENCIES (410 93) Mr. Allen Cobb, President of the Azalea Festival Committee, appeared before the Board to request a$3,500 appropriation for the Azalea Festival, which was $500 more than 1972-1973. Commissioner Davis and Powell expressed the desire to appropriate the requested $3,500. Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan expressed the desire that this appropriation be $2,500 and that the Azalea Festival gradually get out of the County budget. Commissioner Hall was temporarily absent from the meeting and was needed to break the tie. LOWER CAPE fEAR COUNCIL OF THE ARTS Commissioner Hall moved that the $20,000 requested by the Lower Cape Fear Council of the Arts be appropriated. Motion died for lack of a second. ' Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that $15,000 be appropriated for the Lower Cape Fear Council of the Arts. Commissioner Wright offered the substitute motion, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that $13,500 be appropriated for the Lower Cape Fear Council of the Arts. Upon vote, the substitute motion was defeated as follows: ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. Votine Noe: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. 4 9r~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES, JUNE 28, 1973 (CONTINUED) LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF THE ARTS Upon vote, the or.iginal motion was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM Upon motion by Chairman Vaughan, seconded by Co~nissioner Powell, $10,108 was unanimously appropriated for the Open House Program on Page 42-A. These funds were for a 10-month period beginning July 1, 1973. CONTRIBUTIONS - FIRE DEPARTMENTS (660 91) - Paqe 27-A Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioer Nall, that the $52,500 requested by the Volunteer, Fire Departments be appropriated. Chairman Vaughan offered the substitute motion that they be given a 10 percent increase over last year's budget figure. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote, the original motion was unanimously approved. Chairman Vaughan presented the Chiefs of the Fire Departments a memo from Mr. Richard Epling, County Enqineer, requesting their cooperation with the Inspections Department and a suggested format for notifying the Inspections Department of damages. They stated that they would cooperate in this manner with the Inspections Department. CONTRIBUTIONS - RESQUE SQUAD (660 92) - PAGE 27-A Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the $$,280 requested by the Ogden Rescue Squad be appropriated with the stipulation that it be used toward the purchase of their crash truck. Chairman Vaughan requested that Ogden Rescue Squad assure the Commission that they would try to arrive an an accomodation with the~p'rivate ambulance service. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Vaughan requested that the minutes reflect that he thought the money would go in a revolving fund to the Ogden Rescue Squad. NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSES, PAGE 27-A Professional 5ervices {660 04) was reduced to $12,000 eliminating the $500 for the Minimum Housing Study. Under Miscellaneous Expense (660 57), Community Hospital Collection Expense was changed ~-~to $200 from $350 and the Bicentennial Celebration was changed to $350 from $200. The following changes were made under Contributions - Other Agencies (660 93). Port Waterway Development Commission was reduced to $500. Southeastern Development Commission was deleted. Bio-Medical Lab was deleted. Services for the Aging was changed to $7,500, the requested amount. (Commissioner Hall broke the tie that had occurred at the joint funding meeting by going with 'the $7,500 figure.) Pensions {660 08) was increased to $104,665 to cover Margaret Nixon. Utilities (660 13) was changed to 0. Travel (660 14) was changed to $1,000. M& R Buildings & Grounds (660{15) was to be checked out with the County Engineer, Mr. Richard Epling. Contract Services was changed to $9,100. These changes were approved by a majority of the Board members present. MUSEUM Chairman Vaughan stated that a land purchase had been completed by the Museum and that the appropriation of $56,000 for Capital Outlay - Land (625 71) on Page 24-A could be reduced to $41,000. By common consent, this reduction was unanimously approved by the Board. AZALEA FESTIVAL Commissioner Hall broke the tie that had occurred earlier in the meeting by voting for an appropr~iation of $3,500 for the Azalea Festival, the requested amount. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the budget session to;~reconvene at 8:00 AM on Friday, June 29, 1973. Respectfully submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k 4~~ rarnrrES oF xEC~r~x r,~;lu~c, ~.-~~~z 4, 1973 (CANTINUID) APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES (CONTINUED) Minutes of Budget Discussion Meeting New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 29, 1973 8:00 AM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, June 29, 1973, at 8:00 AM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to continue the budget sessions. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. PLANNING & ZONING On Page 13-A, the following changes'were made. Salaries & Wages (490 02) was changed to $51,147. Auto Allowance (490 10) was changed to $1,980. Dept. Supplies & Equipment (490 33) was changed to $2,433. And $4,062 was added for Contracted Services for the Soil Services man. ~ Except for the changes noted above, the recommended amounts for the Planning & Zoning Department were approved by a majority of the Board members Present. AIRPORT OPERATING On Page 36-A, $10,000 was added to M& R- Other Improvements {650 18) for a septic tank. BERM & DUNE EROSION CONTROL & EASEMENT Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the Coimnission authorize Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, to put the $36,000 appropriated in past years in a restricted capital reserve account for Berm & Dune E`r.osion Control & Easement with no understanding of how much might be added next year. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Commissioner Davis moved,that the County mileage allowance be~~changed from .10 to .12 per mile. Motion died for lack of a second. NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE, PAGE 27-A M& R Buildings & Grounds (660 15) was changed to 0 as each department in other buildings had their own funds for this. COUNTY ATTORNEY Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that the County Attorney's monthly retainer be changed to $1,500. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. By common consent, the recommended amounts for the Legal Department on Page 11-A were unanimously approved by a majority of the Board members pr:esent. SHERIFF'~ DEPARTMENT The Commission had received a letter from Sheriff Grohman dated June 26, 1973, requesting an additional $5,416 to the salary account (510 02) to upgrade three deputies. By common consent, the Board unanimously agreed to add $5,416 to the salary account of the Sheriff's Department; however, it did not approve any position changes. BIO-MEDICAL LAB By common consent, the $5,000 appropriated last year for the Bio-Medical Lab was reappropriated because the building, heating and air-conditioning~contracts would not be comple't'ed and invoiced prior to July 1, 1973. This changed Account No. 660 93, Contributions - Other Agencies on Page 27-A to $42,810. ADJOURNMENT The'r,er~beirg no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Li se K. Ki ng ~ Clerk to the Board k ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting at 3:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k