1964-01-13 Special Venire Additional Jurors drawn on January 13, 1964 - For Criminal term Frances M. All, 500,' Wrightsville Ave. Pearl Monroe Anderson 1006 N. 8th St. Roger Jacques Andre 4114 Market St. Joe Baldwin 608 Meares St. Lula Blackman 107 South 5th St. Thurber Brown 221 South llth St. Mrs. T. B. Caldwell 1905 Princess St. ' Tommy Ray Dill 19 P Lake Village ' Lindsay H. Eason 5735 Wisteria E. W. Edwards 178 Colonial Cir. ? Ruth Ferris p' CaroYinPBeach, N.C. Louise P. French 1921 Nun St. Katherine Dixon Furr 1309 Princess St. Lilly Mae Pickett Luns ford 202 Greenville.Ave. Harold L. Lunsford 21+5 Davie Dr. Mozelle McGhee 412 N. 6th St. John C. Mercer 302 Barclay Hills Agnes O'Crowley 52 C arolina Apts, Otis C. Powell Kenneth G. Register Rayburn Joe Richey Leon E. Robinson,Jr. Morris N.-Robinson Donald E. Russell Odell C. Salmon Everett R. Sanders Quinton Odell Sellers W. A. 5ettlemeyer Wm. M. Shaw Jeffards Harrell Shepherd Goldie Graham Smith Annie H. Snipes W. H. Stokley, Jr. Charlie Frank Sturdivant E. E. Uber Lambert T. Voet,Jr. 210 Calhoun Dr. 22291 Pla2a Dr. RFD 3, sox 303 (}1 Elisha Ave. RFD 3, B 256 RiverFront Tra??g? #17 303 M?ood Dale r, 231?S?qthvStBeach P.O. Box 186 ?,,rricthtsv. Beach 2924 Cambridge Ave. P.O. aox 521 103 Lull Water Dr. 1903 Chestnut St. 32 Carolina Apts. 10 S. 4Jalk - Hillcrest 508 Bonham Ave. 111 Parkwood Dr. Wilmington, N. C. January 20, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend J. Ray Butler, pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. MINUTES APPROVAL - Upon inoli'on o.f Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the mir.utes of the regular meeting held on January 6th, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, Iwere unanimously approved as written. SCHOOL GROUNDS - Mrs. A. C. LaCroix, Chairman of the Grounds Committee of the Carolina Beach School P.T. A., reported to the Board that they have been trying to remedy a situation where water stands on the school playground for some time after rains. The County ditching crew cleaned out the boundary ditches but the water continues to stand on the playground and it is the opinion of the P. T. A. that the remedy lies in filling the playground with 500 loads of soil which will build it up above the surrounding area. The 5tate Highwsy Depart- ment has offered some fill material but most of it has broken giass and cans mixed in it and is not satisfactory. Mr. J. O. Marshall, the Business Manager of the School System, Ihas authorized twenty-one loads, all of which helped somewhat, but is not nearly enough to keep the water off. She thinks that if the Board of Commissioners would give her a letter approving the project for 500 loads of dirt it might influence the Board of Education to help them. The Chairman explained the Budget procedure is for the School Board to make a re- q'uest for their funds needed for repairs and maintenance for school buildings and grounds. He suggested that the request be referred to the Board of Education for their disposition at the next Budget time. ,STREET CLOSING - , Mr. H. H. Mathews reported to the Board that he would like to purchase a triangle of property owned by the County, bisected by Strawberry Lane, a dedicated street which he wovld like to close. The Chairman informed the Board that it is a parcel of land donated lby him to the County in 1950 and consists in parts of Lots #36 and #37 and all of Lots #38 ?and #39 shown on the C. Van Leuven Audubon Extension. It was originally dedicated as a iPark. The County Attorney suggested that an attorney should be employed to be sure the 'proper legal steps were taken to close the street, however, the County can legally sell its property as it sees fit. Mr. Mathews stated that iT he could acquire the County's portion across Strawberry Lane, described as Part of Lot #32 of Winter Park Crarden 5ubdivision he could sell the entire property to Gordon O. Hinson and get it back on the tax books. Mr. Broadhurst then.offered a motion that the Board approve the sale of the County owned portion of the property, subject to an appraisal by the County Property Appraisors. It was seconded Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. The Chairman explained to Mr. Mathews that this action did not imply that they were closing the street but only that the property be gotten back on the tax books. dLOCAL EROSION FUNDS - The Chairman reminded the Board that on September 16, 1963 they had approved isharing in local funds for beach protection on a 40% basis and that on October 7th they had approved an ailotment of $1200.00 out of the Erosion Fund for use at Carolina Beach. The uroency of some repair work at the northern end caused the engineers to recommend a change in the location which increased the cost of the project and now the County's share of local funds needed is $1540.00. He recalled that he had requested the Executive Secretary to poll the Board for appro.val of this change and now is asking them to ratify it for the record "nunc pro tunc". Mr. Metts then offered a motion that $1540..00 be allocated out of the Erosion Fund to the Carolina Beach Project provided the change is recommended by the engineers and the amovnt does not exceed the 40% ratio previovsly agreed upon It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ? I IIJ 0 C1 M_inutes of the Meettng Januar_y 6_.-19_61LJContinue_d1 Jurors for the week beginning February 10, 1964 - Civil Isabelle Abraham 908 Queen St. Ruby Dyson 2536 Burnett Blvd. Emma Laurence Agree 613 Chestnnt St. W. R. Eakins 2001 Pender Ave. T. E. Allen, 2421 Princess St. Miss Georgia Ezzell 215 Wrightsv. Ave. Frank I. Ballard 118 Pine Cone Rd. Floyd Fennel 10 N. Libert Court ! George E. Ballard RFD 1, B 196 Freddie Foy RFD 1, Box 3}1 ' L. D. Ballard 430? Greenfield St. John B. Funderburg RFD 1, Castle Hayne N.c' R. F. BarePoot 1?63 Mockingbird Harold Gornyo 30Z Wright St. Robert Coo er Black j706 Winston Blvd. Norman Grad 415 Swann St. Marshall Boney 1117 S. 7th St. Frederick E. Hansley 1012 S. 6th St. ? Joseph T. Branch L?9 Lennon Dr. E. N. Hardie 222 Midland Dr. Alex Brown E109 Chestnut St. Ruby Hardin 07 N. lOth.St. Walker T. Brown P. Q. 275,Wrightsv.Beach Rosa Lee Hemby ?1'7 S. th St. David E. Bulluck 106 Stradleigh Rd. James G. Henderson 2223 Kl?en Rd. Oscar Burnett 765 Lumina Ave. W. " Thomas E. Herring 3601 Market St. Roland Cowan Burney 319 Calhoun Dr. Robert Hewett 110 Alabama Ave. J. D. Carnes B 241? Wrightsv. Beach David J. Hilburn 21!} Oakcrest Dr. Johri A. Craven 713 S. 3rd St. J. D. Hines % Mrs. P.L. C2?5?yMett: James E. Crews R.1 B 179 K Luther Hoffman Evans St Thomas Crisp 88 Market St. Mary L. Howell ?SO Lake St. . Sidney Daniels ??06?aMarket ieffer Ave. EleanIo?yr Carole Hunt 015 Barnett Ave, Gra M. DanDavenport ?lSt. Artie R.,tJohnsoner i087MSrni?gfissie Dr• Abraham S. Drapkin 1?3 Strad1 igh Rd, Clyde Jones, 17 E. LakeVillage ! Murdock MacRae Dunn P.O. Box 6? Doris M. Jones 112 N. Kerr Ave. I Mrs. M. H. Duvall 12(} ForeSt Hills Jean ,lordan 430 Lake Ave. Jurors for the week beqinninq February 17, Corine Vivian LeBoo 9062 Green St. a L 3 B Wrig htsv . Beach W rold neonard o? 131 d le D h J G a g Nf i D l 01 Pine St. o n c an e . 212 Page Ave. G. T. McDonald 1204 Dawson St. L. E. McDowell 60 N. Blvd. Graham McDuffie 90 5. 1}th St. Stacy B. Mc,Gowan R, B 437 Claren ce McKee ?33 Oak St. C. M. McKinnon 22 0 ?7 ?7 Mimosa Pt1 s. ha?l ?Nance . MSh rw o C e E 1?11 ? o d e Jesse D. Neal 3 03 Carolina Beach Harlee W. Odum Sr. 616 S. 2nd St. Katherine McH. Page RFD 2,B 270 Charlotte Jones Parker P John Thomas Piner R Charlie Puqh 1? Sidney J. Rivenbark 1 Leroy Dail Robinson 25 Luther T Ro rs J R et St. Buren St. ge , r. „ a ?,., John W. Rusher 6 772, City William Rutland 620 Woo ter Joseph P. Rutten 217 N. ?3rd St. ,lurors for the week beainninq FebruarV 2li, Nell H. Trask 8 H drangea P1 Charles M. Traynham 241? Oleander N. L. Tripodes 2414 Shirley Jane Gre Truelove ? P.O. Box f?1,Wri?htsv, W. P. Tu kett 116 Color? ial Cir. Mabel J. Turnage 712 S. 16th St. David L. Turner 3012 Jefferson Robert Turner "309 Ann St. Julian H. Tusch 215 S. 2nd St. Callie Jane Tyler 311 S. 3rd St. James W. Tyner 2310 Maple St. Mack Tyson M Il E 2103 Gibson Ave. rs. a . Ulmer R 1 B 7 0 E W. Howard Ulsh 2012 Kl e3n Rd. Louise Umstead 1? S. 6th St. Fred T. Usre Pierce T Ut?e Jr 22 Hlein Rd. 0 K d . y, . W J. Vaught V enwoo 0 Campbell or e ernon ? V l g 10 7 Hutaff Alley enr er2aa 023 Cherry Ave. W. H. Vollers 05 Princess St.Rd. Henry VonderLieth 07 Princess St. Rob ert L. 'Waddell 1209 S. E?th St. W w a L ?? er g ?' o emo . F. W l C 62 R s nt 1964 - Civil B. W. Sams,Jr. P. Box 1176 Henry H. Saunders B 1 b Carolina Beach Joe E. Sellers 250 Adams St. T. G. Seilers 16 Church St. Mary A. Shflw ?18 Red Gross 5t. ' Gertrude Moore Shedrick 710 Harnett St. Theodore Shedrick 710 Harnett St. Charles Shepard 421 N. 5th St. Charlotte Johnson Shepard 916 N. 2nd John H. Shepard 820 Wooster St. Ivey D. Shepard 30 Kenwood Ave. R. G. Shepard 1 06 Per Ave. Henrietta S. Shne 1 13 S. ?}?h St. Ivey J. Sidbury 2 6 MacRae St. L. C. Sidbury 272 Jackson St. Wilbur R. Simmons 220 Maple St. Johnnie May Simpson1217 Loves Alley Israel Singleton 11 15 S. 2nd St. Emma T. Spindle lOtf Church St. CGrace Elaine Spooner 3025 Louisiana Ave. Aflantat?tingSTaylorK?r?.BBoxhC. ' G. L. Teeter Box 94, Kure Beach,N.C. J. C. Thompson 1 20 Live Oak Pkwy I William F. Tillery, ?r.2721 Monroe St. I 196lL - Criminal ar Tµrbev?lle 7CLingo St. harlie Wa iace Graham G. Webster lOl} S. lst St. B. Rev. Stacy Allen Wells 1 Lake Vil. George A. Wheeler,Jr. 1320 Queen St. Benton Grier White,J ?723 Harrison Letha H. White 1?7 Lake Forest Pkwy. Orville M. White 2409 Shirley Rd. Ann Douglas Whitehead 116 N. 3rd St. Ann Whitten 24 Pinecrest Pkwy. Charles T. Williams221 Adams St. Frank Delon Williams2309 Moss St. I RoY R. Williams 108 Church St. Wilbur A. Williams 199 Pinecrest Pkwy. Winnie Williams 3206 W.rightsv. Ave. ' Georgia Lee Williams 1 Lake Forest ? Jose h Charles Williar? son 2423 Monroe St. gh?Il1?on Williamson ? tt S. ?th St. Wiis Wi son I,ee rive I Edward J. Wood Jr. 1?15 Market St. Naomi Jean Wopd 2 N St. Mrs. [. B. Woodbury 187 ??iestnut Dewey V. iniright 110 N. (}3rd St. Oscar Wrenn Jr. Kure ea?h. N. C. John Wrublewske 15o5/s?. ?t: I ADJOURNMENT - Upon motionof Mr. Mayhan, 9econded by Mr. Bra,k?e??oard unnimously voted to adJ'ourn the meetin ? W. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) COUNTY OF NEW NANOVER ) SUPERIOR COURT ,IANUARY 1964 CRIMINAL TERM O R D E R It appearing to the undersigned Presiding Judge at the January 13, 1964 Criminal ' Term for New Hanover County that after selecting nine new members for the Grand Jury. there are only nineteen jurors left to try the criminal cases for this Term; and It further appearing to the Court that this number is not sufficient to conduct . the scheduled business for said criminal term and that there is a need for an additionall number of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the nineteen jarors above re- ferred to in order to adequately conduct the said business of the criminal court; It is therefore Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed that the Sheriff of New Hanover Count,r and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County be and they are hereby directed to draw 36 jurors from said jury box and have said jurors re- I port to the Superior Court at 9:30 on January 14, 1964 to supplement the nineteen jurorsi shown above in order that the criminal business during this term of Court may be adequaLt- ly conducted. i This 13th day of January, 1964. II /S/ Howard H. Hubbard I Judge Presiding continued- II I