1964-03-02 Special Venire, 390 Minutes of the Neeting March 2, 1964 Jurors for the week beqinninq April 13, George A. Green 817 S. 11St. Henry Green, Jr. is Mercer Ave. Edward Godwin P. O. Box 1888 Benjamin Gurr 2103 Brandon Road YJilliam Henry Hammond Box 975, City Howard A. Hanby 16 Grace St. Neptune Hansley Jr. 905 Walnut St. Gracie Harrell 3602 Carolina B ach J. W. Harris? 25!}1} S. Front S?a' Mrs. Be'tty P. Helms 1920 Pender Ave. E. C. Herrina,Jr. 8 N. 9th St. Oscar C. Herring 604 S. Kerr Ave. Betty A. Hewett 5116 Market St. Elease Hewett 83 Lee Drive Elizabeth Hill 1715 Ann St. W. W. Hinton P.O. Box 1408 Claudius R. Hobbs 31 Jackson Dr. Virgin H. Hoggard 504 Oranee St. Clarence L. Holland 1915 Nun St. R. M. Houston Kure Beach,N.C. Henry Jennings; 704 S. lsth St. C. B. Johnson 2009 Creasy Ave. Mrs. Bessie Jordan 205 5-. 39tn St. Freddie Lee Keliy 1003 S. 13th St. Jack L. Kirkham, Jr. 628 Colwell Ave. Continued 1964- civil E. L. Lee, Jr. P.O. Box 36 Ernest C. Lennon 520 Oran?etU; Beach' I ? Staniey S. Lineback P. O. Box 616 C l h B aro ina eac Glenn Ludlum RFD #2,"Box 221 A A T. Robert Lyons;.Jr. 220 Brightwood Rd. Myrtie A. Marley P. O. Box 396 Lloyd McDowell 309 Calhoun Dr. Delmar A. McGowan 4501 Oleander Dr. J. A. McGranahan Jr., 807 Country Club Rd. 5. Frank NcNeill, P. 0. Box 327 Dorothy E.'Memory 2318 Chestnut St. J. Mills , RFD 2, Box 111C N. E. Moore, Jr. • P. O. Box 404 Alberta C. Newkirk James T. Newkirk, 507 S. 1l?th St . Lonzie Ruffords Norris 2836 , Adams St. Thomas E. Parker 2538 S. Front S t. Claren ce Peterson RFD C 1 Box 230 tl H B N C as e ayne, . Willia m Paul Phillipps 104 Calhoun Dr. Bennie Pierce 116, S. 6th St. James Ed4?ard Pollock 1207 North 7th St.. Bobby Le Roy Pridgen RFD 3, Box 185 A Glenda Mae Radcliff 12 North l?th St. Robert Allen Raynor ?}09z Nun St.. Jurors for the week becinning Aaril 20, 1964 - Civii Delmus C. Russ RFD 2, Box 1 Hubert Sharmen Ward 2527 Jackson St. II Adrian A. Roberts 6353 Oleander Joseph Niack Ward 1 J Lake Village ? S. J.•Robinson RFD 2, Sox 384 Leta Merrill Ward 2840 Jefferson St. Wilson Rogers 2511 Washington St. Major Paul Ward 1}13 S. 17th St. Earl Russ; 221 Thurston ivan Watkins, Jr. 103 Robert E. Lee Dr'. N.?; Carl Watson 809 Ann St. Gerome.J. Ryden 239 Wood Dale Dr. G. ',?T. Watson 109 S. Front'St. Leonard Sanders, Jr. 1305 S. 3rd St. T. Marvin ?nlatson 233z I{enwood Ave. John P. Russ L?710 Carolina Bea?Y? R. T. Webster 109 Morningside Dr. Everett H. Seeger 305 McNillan St. John J. Weeks, 2002 Aietts Ave. I W. L. Shaw 518 Red Cross St. D. G. Westbrook P. 0. Box 331 I Goldie Robinson Shep ard 1?06 N. Kerr Ave. Malichi Pumpy Weston 804 Church Alley ' I D. S. Silvia 2731 Park Ave. D. R. Wheeler 505 Mercer Ave. Robert L. Smith RFD 3, Box 179 Gerhardt Joseph Whildhen 217 N. 17th St. R. H. 'Sneeden 239 S. Live Oak Pkwy.' Abram Newkirk Williams 79 Pinecrest Pkwy, Joseph A. Strahler 5051 Wrightsv. Ave. Eddie N. Williams 8 Q Lake Village Jere D. Strawn 3205 Caswell L. C. Williams •• 117 Meares St. ' Toby Sugg 1?.l+6 Decatur Dr. Margaret Lewis Williams RFD 1, Box 80 I, Louis Tomlin 721 Swann St. Horace E. Williamson 22Jackson Dr. ' Marie Tucker 1311 S. 7th St. L. C. Williamson 252 N. 25th St. ? Dainty Harriet Turne r RFD 3, B 209 Pearl Bonham Willis 15 C. Nesbitt Cts. Peter G. Valli 1111 Chestnut St. James Donald Wilson 507 S. 6th St. Thomas Vinning 1120 S. 9th St. James W. Wiison Castle Hayne N. C. Charles 1?Jalker RFD 2, Box 43 A Dewey M. 'Wright 1508 S. 15th St. Z. J. Walker 133 Mercer Ave. Jimmy Yarborough 301} Church St. Christine Bradshaw ?rl ard 2012 Creasy Ave. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board voted unani- mousiy to adjourn the meeting. . W. G. noucx, ?;xecucive Secretary - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA . NEW HANOVER COUNTY . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MARCH 2, 1964 CRIMINAL TERM It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at the'2 March, 1961a Criminal Term of New Hanover County, that only twenty-eight ,Turors are available for the trial of criminal cases at this Term; and It further appearing to the Court that this number is not sufficient to conduct the scheduled business for said criminal term, and that there is a need for an additional ' number of ,)urors to be drawn on.this date to supplement the number of Jurors above referre3 to in order to adequately canduct the business of the Court. It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Boar ' I shall forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of t4?enty (20) scrolls to be drawn from the box by a child said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned Superior Court of New Hanoves County Courthouse at 9:30 as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. 9 of Commissioners for the County the County, and shall cause under the age of 10 years., and by the Sheriff to appear in the A. M. on 3 Nharch, 1964 to serve This the 2 March, 1964. /S/ JUDGE PRESIDING C rolina Beach N.C. 120 ? Charlotte.St. \ 301 , JURORS - CRIMINAL TERM, SUPERIOR COURT ORDER - March 2nd, 1964 IJurors draw for March 2nd, 1964 - Criminal Term Harry Eleas Abrams 411 Peachtree Tilon Vance Allen 2304 Carolina Beach Road Mrs. Edna Arinder, 3806 Peachtree Ave. Herbert Atkinson '1109 Grace St. Jimmy R.,Barnhill • 2851 C Adams St. ' Virginia S•. Bryant;' 207- Borden Ave. C. G. Carney, Jr. .403 North Carolina'Ave. John F. Cox, Jr. 11202 Greenfield St. Mrs.: Dorothy Craig RFD 3, Box 201 W. E: Davis P. 0. Box-296, Wrightsville Beach 'Cecil S. Everett• 3 Colonial Drive George Fashaw 1108 Dock St. Walter Iredell Gore (}35.Rosemont Ave. R. M..Harris RFD 2, Box 379 Maurice K. Lefler 5317 Ridgewood Heiohts Dr. Lucille M. Marvin 1201} Live Oak Pkwy. ?Gracie Newkirk 26 B. Taylor Homes George Stevens 814 S. 9th St. F. S. Taylor 2109 Barnett Ave.. Norman A. Whaley 710 S. 5th St. • '- ' Andrew White la.llz McRae St. Emma T. Williams 108 Church St. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissioners'Room County Courthouse, Wilmington, N. C. March 9th,1964 10:00 A.M. ?ASSEMBLY - A called meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on• ,this date at 10:00 A. M. with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.•, J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak and E. R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery i,and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Mr. Broadhurst was out of town and could notr attend. ? INVOCATION The Chairman called the meeting +tb order and•requested the Executive Secretary Lo open the meeting with a word of prayer for. guidance. • WAIUER OF NOTICE - • Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously waived ?the notice required by GS 153-8• iPURPOSE - ` . . . The Chairman explained that the purpose of the meeting was to hear a request from Ithe Industrial Education Committee with reference to a proposal for presenting the matter of issuing bonds in the amount of $575,000 as the Countyts portion of the total project to cost ?$8761000. He introduced the Chairman of that Board, Mr. J. D. Wethern, along with Nr. Fred J. Galehouse, Mr. W. Mercer Rowe and Dr. H. A. Eaton and their'Administrator, Mr. Pfialcolm J. McLeod. Chairman Wethern reported that the Board of Trustees had authorized the Committee to ask permission to proceed with plans for the building of a new structure to house the ex- panding Industrial Education Center. They propose to purchase an area in the Urban Renewal Development extending from Front Street to the River from Walnut to Red Cross Street at an es- timated figure oP $207,000 covering the cost of the land and its preparation. The architects ihave included a contingency of $30,000 and an architects' fee of $37,000. Project Cost Estimate ? i 1. Total Project Cost: $876,000.00 2. Anticipated Matching Funds, State and Federal: 301,000.00 N • 3. Additional Funds required: 575,000.00 In discussing this proposition, the Board felt strongly that the cost of the land could be reduced but that at the present time they were unable to determine a lesser figure. The area Irecommended, they feel, is large enough to.expand'as the development of the Center progresses 'to the extent of State support. The estimated cost of $14.00 per square foot takes into account the cost of piling which would have to be used near the river but the bvildino itself would probably not exceed $11.00 per square foot. They requested that an immediate decision be made so that a Public Hearing might be held at the first Board meeting in April. The County Attorney advised that pubiic notice wouid have to be made 10 days prior to the Hearing. After a brief discussion, Mr. Netts offered a motion that the Board authorize the County Attorney to prepare the bond order for the issuance of $575,000 Industrial Edvcation Center bonds to 'be introduced at the earliest possible date but not less than 10 days before the Hearing date. The motion rras seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT - ? No further-business being presented, Mr. 4Mettsofferedd a on that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanied Wxecutive Secretary n I