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Crowell, K m
From: Jeffrey WNtn g <Jeff reyBWh iti ng @ rnsn.co m >
Sent: "fuesday, June 9, 2020 8:17 AM
To: Con'-mer'As
Subject: NHRMC Proposals
The last report that 1. heard on HQR. said that in addition. to the six. proposals receive(.,]. that the PAG and
council wotdd consider a) internal reorgarfiz,,ation and/or restructuring and b) lvtainirig the current
orgaii.iza.ti.oii/operatior.i.s. Who will present those two options and when will the publ dc, be able to hear them?
Jeff Whiting
jeffreybwhiting((?n -. sayocom
Crowell, K m
Annie <ats224@ec.rr.com>
Friday, June 19, 2020 2:29 PM
Definitely DUKE. !!!!!
Sent from my Whone
Crowell, K m
Jeff klunnicutt <hLit-irticuttjeff@grriail.COITI>
Saturday, June 20, 2020 9:02 AM
NHRMC Proposals commentary
I'd like to make the point that when the decisio.ri to build the hospital was naade, it was put to a vote oft he
citizens of'New Hanover County—Any decision on the.future of NIIRM(..' should require a vote of'the citizens
whose tax dollars built it,
Jeff Hwmicutt
Wilmington, NC
Crowe ��, K., m
From: Jeff Minriich <347b1oomroad@grnad,COa1>
Sent- Swiday,June 21, 2020 915 AM
'ro: Cornments
Subject: NHRMC Partnership / sale
I arn a 56 year old resident of New Hanover County since 2004. My professional background is lboth clinician
and inedical. product man.agetrient /sales, I have been in a medical sales role f-.(.)r tile past six. years calling on
large hospitals in SC' -old NC. My professionaC experience puts. rune jinn a trnique position to objectively weigh in
on quality care as well as ethical / legal business conduct.'rhe federal governirient flarough vario Lis req Uirernents
and laws such as'anti.-kickback., xxxxx'has both irnproved patient care, and clinical outconle.These federal
rules goven.-ting niedicare / medicaid reinibUrsement have reduced financial rnisconduct by physicians seeking
to supplement their medical compensation.These gray areas are still in existence at.POIRMC, and demonstrates
the oversight is lacking.
NfIR.-MC needs to partner with a facility with. hilpeccable ethical requirerne�ii-its by their entire workforce., This
entity would be Duke Health Systeni, an truly outstanding prof ssional organization requiring high ethics and
professional expertise, NFIRNIC shOUld be honore d. that .Duke would consider expansion on the east coast. The
name recognition and prestige Duke brings would. both elevate the hospi Cal iniage and nlake ale. wl-lanover
County a destination for niedical care. In rily opinion, Duke would. improve heafttl care to the growing
population of southeastern NC and add to business grow th. in the county.
As an professional medical vendor representative,, 1. interacted with both. medical professionals including
physicians as well as hospital f hiance and adrninistrative profiessionals, While Atri urn Health Systeinn has
clearied up their organization. and reduced. corrupt and questionable practices,, tJ,.iey have not eliminated this
corripletely. They have aTor.-protit' supply chain business group called. Atrium Health Supply Chain
Management, White they clah.n. to provide group bulk pricing advantages, this entity places unbalanced
emphasis on cost over quality and clinical outconie.
My experience and knowledge ofthe Duke Flealth ystern management, their ethics requireinciat, and medical
expertise is beyond comparison to Atrium and Novant, Duke demonstrates abalariced. al.-)proach to product cost
and clinical outcomes. They uliderstarid and can. track best practices.
Novant is not well managed as an health system. They make costly mistakes on. both staffing and product
sele(..,,tion. They are unable to retain exce.11.1enee among their medical specialties.1 have personally worked with
sorne oftheir physicians that complain about the poor decision.nia.king by a iinistration. Some of these
physicians have selected Wilmington as as retirernent. destination and I hope they weigh.-in on this proposal.
My family de es utilize; any medical specialty groups in New Ulanoveir county, We tried the NHRMC several
times when we first arrived., bull found. the overall expeirience sub par. All of our specialty niedical needs are
addressed by the medical professionals at Duke., It is as 2 - 2 1/2 hour inconvenience to iny farnfly, bat. the piece
of mine and confidence in their care is well worth the drive. My family is aware that if I require ernergeiicy
care,, they are to drive nie to the closest DuRe facility in Raleigh NC.
.1. would suggest the hospital board form an group ot'uribiased medical professionals with broad experience and
expertise to cortsult and provide insight. Retired medical. professionals should be an objective group able to
provide experience of both. good and bad hospital management,
Thank you
Anonymous Wilmington NC resident
Crowe ll, K m
From: Deidra Kubeck <deidrakubeck@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 11:36 AM
To: Comments
Subject: partnership sale of NHRMC
After reading today's paper I am concerned that the committee will not select Duke but rather go with the
money....... Duke is the best choice for Wilmington given the academic and research centers. I am one of the
20% that goes to Duke for any major surgerys and have always had
the best care and doctors. I am hoping your choice will be Duke!
K Crowe K
, m
From: rcdO127@aoLcorn
Sent: Sunday, .fore 21, 2020 1139 AM
To- Comments
Subject: NHRMC Purchase Optlorr
I had the honor to train as a resident in the IDuke University Medical Center for four years (1966-1970), and l am still
practicing rneftine here [n Wilmington. I strongly recornrnend the choice of IIDUKE, I-his institution brings a trernendous
reputation for excellence iri every aspect of medlclne: education, training programs, research, MUltiple SUbspecialfies,
and a national recognition as one of the best.
Ronald C. Dernas, MID
Cry i`, K m
From, Marian L. Beckett <thebeckettfirm E. verizon.net>
Sent: Sunday, .June 21, 2020; 12:51 PM
To: Comments
Subject: New Atrium proposal of June 17, 2020 regarding new partnership or sale of NH MC
In the StarNews paper dated today, June 21, it is noted that Atrium submitted a new purchase option
of NHRMC On June 17, 2020, after the deadline for proposals had expired. The changes between
Atrium's initial proposal and the June 17 purchase: option include additional items that were initially
proposed by l ov nt and/or Duke., if Atrium was willing to offer the new benefits it should have stated
those provisions in its original proposal.
In all fairness, either the June 17 proposal by Atrium should be disregarded or both Novant and Duke
should be given the opportunity to submit new proposals,,
Marian n L. Beckett
Nurse practitioner and Health Care Attorney
K Crowe K
, m
Sunday, June 21, 2020 1-20 PM
DUke for NFRMC
My husband., John, and I have both been patients in New Hanover (it one time oi- ainother during our 12 years
here in 1.,eland. We liave always relied on "our" hospital for emergencies and/or admissiosisfor whatever
reason, 1 hate the thought of selling this Jewel of a hospital to arty other organizationthan Duke University
Hospital, NfIR.MC always provides the best in. patient care so we have no problems with other than "hospital
We would very much like to see Duke [Jiniversity Hospital take oveir.N.11RIAC. Our experience with Duke has
been excellent although we have not been the patient(s). Ilowever, our 48 year of daughter, who lives in
Raleigh, was in liver fiti.11[ure. She is now as 2 112 year survivor with. a liver transplai.-it provided. by .Duke. Their
`rransplant'rearn is excellent! The coritinuing care they provide to her, in. our observations, has been
outstanding, They have included us in her care plans for w1aich we are eternally grateful, She would very mucla
like to move down here to Wilrnin.gtor-i, and really wanted to come down for Father's Day but Dake told her that
was not as good idea. at this time. The care, monitoring, testing, treatment and instruction they give tier is
outstanding. There are r10 words to explain fUrther how rnuelli we would lovd to have our daughter here, Duke
is as three hour car trip fro.ni Leland. which is as con.sideratiora for heir possible relocation, Certainly having Duke
would be a plus for ber since she has to have blood draws periodically, The tearn, monitors her anti-re i
drugs and lets her Imow when -to aqjust which. drug and how rnuch. She is only one patient. But in our small
part of Waterford, there are 4 people who have had. conditions severe enmagh to send therm to Duke. One of
whorn is as liver transplant survivor.,
In these pan dernic tinies, our cornmentis for you. to look closely at Duke and holieffilly you will see what we
have experienced through our daughter, If we had. as vote, it would be at least froirn the two of us
wtiolelaeart eel ly,
John and Maureen Watson
1027 Golderi. Sands Way
Lelaiiad NC 28451
C: 910 5998782
Crowe ll, K m
Bob Snitzer <bob@bobsnitzer.com>
Sunday, June 21, 2020 5:51 PIVI
Comments on Hospital Sale
I am opposed to the hospital sales for as number of reasons;
I � Sales would inean loss of local control, Now the public can go to conarru.mity leaders to voice
conlcerns. With a sale, that avenue is gone and. nothing of equal force would be available.
I Pie culture of quality care and community arnong the medical practitioners would be eroded 1--)y outside
I the atmosphere of goodwill which flows Bonn the practitioners to the patients would be eroded when
outside rnanagernent takes over,
4° We will lose good doctors and. nurses who came here because of the hospital structure that now prevails.
5a Quality of care is already excellent, Don't jeopardize that in the hopes of a big payday.
My oppositioti is also based on the fact that I have seen no plan for how the naoney is to be wised. Before any
consideration we need to know exactly where the money will be spent. And when I say exactly, Irnean lirte Iby
.line so tliiat public officials are held accountable when the spending begins.
One 1.0 two billion dollars is alot of money and. without iron clad public accountability in place prior to any deal
would mean that the citizens would riot only lose control of the hospital, but also the financial proceeds as well.
In. iny seventy years of observing public officials, I have found. that big money brings big temptation., I want to
know where the nioney will be spent and how munch. in each place, Without that, any deal is grossly prernature,
T'hank. you,
Bob Snitzer
Castle flayne, NC
Crowe K
, m
From: IEIliizcabeth <6fgOO@grnaH.conn>
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 836 PM
To PAG Comments,, Cornirnents
SubJect. M RMC sa0 e concerns beyond health access
11 llo, I hope that you will continue to explore and address job security 1'(,.)r all ofthe cur. rent NfIRNIC
employees, During COVID-19 as the related recession it is a frightening idea thiatjobs inay be lost. I urge you
to consider tt�at NI IRME is made up of'great employees both clinical and non-clinical at. various levels and they
deserve job security. Many are being asked and will be asked to complete tasks related to the sale- asking this of
people that are highly concerned. with tfwirjob sectarity, especially in the current climate, is not ok- The CEO
has talked about a point of pride being not firrIoughing employees while he has been in charge,, Please ensure
this continued comiriftment to the people that ni.ake NI-I.RM(.' great.
Crowe , K m
Frorn- Mary Johnson <n*jn d0412@grnai1.corn>
Sent: Sun(Jay, June 21, 2020 9:02 PM
To: Cornrnents
Subject: Fwd- Atrium Health's proposed "buy-out" of NHRMC
Please see the e-tnail below., sent to the Federal Trade (-onimission last week.
It appears Atrium Health. is the front runner in. this "contest" to sell NIJR-MC.
You only need to look at Mission. Memorial in Asheville or Ballad Health in Johnson city,,I-N, to see how
utterly destructive mtga-rnergers can 1,)e to service s/pro vi d ers on the ground. Those making these decisions are
usually chasing the maney and not really thh.Aing about what happens on. the ground after the "honeymoon" is
over. And inost do not suff'e.r, the direct consequences of their decision.
It is always the people on the ground.
Mary IL Johnson, M,D, FAAP
Pediatric Ilospitalist
) -905-9026
A shcboro, NCI
---1---.- Forwarded ryiessage
From.: Mary Johnson < Jul
Dart Fri., Jun 19, 2020 at 11:27 AM
Sutjjcact: Atrium Health's proposed 1-MY-OUt" of NHRMC
T 'o:'Wilfiams, Cathleen qwilliqni,!jr.�ftjgov>
Ccu h
Ms. Willianis,
Atrium Health (based in Charlotte, N,C.) continues to corporately push and shove its way around North
It is my understanding that Atrium got rnilliaris in pandemic relief,
litt�i://www,char]otteobservei-,c )r.yi/news/coroiiavirLus/a,rti.c][c243301846 Iiit,nil
.......... ........ . . . . ......... . . . . nil
I have no idea where the Atriurn-Baptist (Winston-Salem) merger currently stands. But it remains Iny position
that the very last thing that, North Carolina needs (inn the face of the massive layoffs of doctors/nurses/anci➢lary
staff "excused" by the COVID pandernic) is as statewide medical monopoly. or another triedicalschool - to
flood and devalue "the market" with MI) labor, not currently needed.,
Now, Atriunl is trying to take over New Hanover Regional in Wilmington.
1-Y...com./local-news/2 020/06/18/ bid d j Y.IL-, -,-war-atriuni--h ea � th -- oll5ers-n q w-2 --bi Ili on -,L)q L -- - -
. . . . ........ ...... . ......... ...... . ..... ..... ............ . ... ....... .... nq lase7
opt. ion-for-iffirinc/
Atrium Health is THE SAME healtheare conglomerate that "managed" Cone Health (Greensboro) while
it ran Randolph Hospital (Asheboro) Into the ground - and then abandoned it to bankruptcy - and the
'rhat was at.)out "feeding" Cone business. My Mother recently had shoulder replacement surgery at a COTIC
facility in Greensboro. One of her nurses told her that the hospital was FLOODEF) with "business" diverted
frorn, Asheboro .. , "business" that could stay "hoine" if -the corporate "parents" were held responsible for their
Atrium can fork out 2 billion dol.l.ars for N11R.MC, But they cannot afl.6rd the cornparative piddling amount of
cash it would take to salvage Randolph.?
The poor.-arid iriedical ly-under- served county, sy.nack-dab in the middle of the stare, having been BLED DRY by
men-of-business, can REMAIN medically poor-and-under-served - while the shark moves on to bigger ffis.1-i?
And ofcourse, my contracting grouy) (ApolloMl)), who does LOADS of'business with. Atrium, can.jt.1st cut one
loose (firorn. a position. at CC11 in Sanford, N.C. - a Duke Lif-epoint Facilty) .. ju.st 'FW0 DAYS after raising
concerns about the sorry state of Pediatric preparedness at tny con]Murlity hospital and in the wake of none
speaking out publicly against Atrium.'s corporate games and buflY
� tactics,
Duke Health, of course, is one of NIIRMC's other "suitors". I could riff ALL DAY LONG about their
wholesale abandonment of "inedical parenting" duties in a corporate partnership.
Plot these places out on a in.ap. LOOK at what is happening.
Wl-IERE is the FTC? Are youju.st going to stand by and allow all of this all to happen?
Mary H. Johnson, M.D., FAAP
Crowe K
, m
Dear Comfivittee Mernbers:
Danny Hudgins <danny@drh-media.com>
Sunday, June 21, 2020 9:45 PIVI
Atrium Health Commissioner Comments
My f'aniily and I evacuated hurricane Florence after Wilinington. health OBGYN noti-fied my wife, Lindsey, that
best practices would be to leave based on her due date (9/1.9). Keep in inind our farrifly was new to the east
coast and this was child :41 f6r us, so you can imagine the panic that took over as went through with the process.
We packed up our d.og arid. cat and hit the road not knowing what we would be returning to after it was all. said.
and done.
Lindsey was adrnitted to CMC on the aftemoon. of 9/15, After 32 hours of labor and an. emergency c-,
section., our son Grayson. James Hudgins was born at 1.26 am on 9/18/18. By this tinie hurricane Florence had
ravaged Wilrnin.gton arid much if the southeast.
The entire staff of (..M(,.' was AMAZING. 11.1 filCt, OD.e of the ni.any nurses who helped keep us corrifortalble in
the first few days of parenthood has becorne a dear friend end tlie family, As we prepared to leave the hospital we
had another major challenge ahead of us; how do we get Lirldsey and Grayson home safely and cornfortabty
with. a truck, 2 atrinials, and rrnury of our belongings?
When a friend from Wilmington was congratulating our fatnily or-i the welcoming of our healthy boy, he asked
if there was anything he arid his family could. do arid. I jokingly said, "I need a Y)rivatc jef, ride horne for Grayson
and Lindsey," To my complete disbelief, by later that day, we were contacted by a firiendly Atriurn Health staff
member who graciously offered Yviy son. and wife a free, private, flight horne to Wil.m.ii.i.gtot.i,,'f'lirOLIglllOkIt the
hurricane, Atrium had been. sending rnedical. help to New Ha.nover Hospital via this plane and niy 1'�rnily was
lucky enough to benefit frorn this partnership, Our family cannot say enough about the selflessness, servitude,
and professionatism that Atrium Health provided us in the brief tirric we spent with them, We coutcl only hope
that niany more farriflies of Wilmington could be blessed with the incredible care of Atrium's team.
tjn.111,,_i://www.foxtiews.com/heaLth/ iic rLigpl.-COU )le who-fled -horn e.- ahead of-florence-welcog,yie.-baby.-bo\
Danny &Lindsey Hudgins
Bob Peek <boboeek@f/ontierzom>
Sunday, June 21,ZO2D1Oi)3PM
As a New Hanover citizen I strongly admonish our county officials and the press for referring to three sale options as the
sole remaining choice regarding the hospital. There is a fourth option, one I strongly endorse--that of continuing the
hospital as county-owned asset.
If our hospital is sold, we will remember every official who was involved or who supported this infamous giveaway,
Robert F. Peek
From- tartanstar@earthlirik.net
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 '1118 PM
To: Cornments
Cc: Chei,yC.Wii�taker@Sti,News0i'�li�ie.com
Subject: Re"from George & Winifred Meiser Ref: Comments on Proposed sale of the nonprofit
Newhanover Regional Medical Center
'To: The New Hanover County Board of Cornmissioners and the Partnership Advisory Group (PAG)
From George & Winlfred Meiser
Date: June 21, 2020
Ref: Cornments on Proposed sale of the nonprofit Newhanover Regional Medical Center
Dear Commissioners & PAG Group,
We being treated for an ongoing medical conditions and get the majority of my care front NHRKAC medical staff. Many of
the questions we want answers to are being asked by other, interested parties, but we have not heard any
questions/answer or cornments on the status for the following simple but important service - free parking at the various
current and futurefacilfties over which the winning bidder would (or should) have control.
While this is currently available at all of the NFIRMC sites where we receive treatment, it's riot that way at orle of the other
large rnedical centers in the Chapel Hill area, 'The subject, discussed frankly in a University publication by a patient,
described how it was a major expense, stressful, and a hardship for the family.
S0000! Please make sure anyone wishing to purchase NIHiRMC agrees to never "rent out" any the parking lots in any
present orfrAtUre medical center they own, as part of their budget plans or for any other reason, ( sucii as not purchasing
adequate parking space in arryfacifty they build, or using cornrinercially operated parking lots. Fleople vvtm are receiving
rTiedical outpatient treatments arid visiting or transporting a patient to or from a facility, shouldn't need to to add parldng
fees etc. to their list of things to worry about.
Thank you
George & Winifred Meiser
Crowe', K m
From: Stephen Jeffcoat <topsaflev@gmaH,cor,n>
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 711,04 AM
'ro: Comments
Subject: Why � oppose he same of NFIRMC
I oppose the sale of NII.R.MC for one sirnl)le reason it will inevitably lead to higher costs fior patients (residents
of'New Han.over County). Any cotripany wanting to partner� with or purchase th[e hospital needs to make that
nioney back, and the way t1i.ey do it is by cutting staff and raising prices, I have seen this play out befi,-.)re in the
coynM.Unity an my parents live .. the courity owned hospital was sold and prices almost immediately
The purpose of the county-owned hospital is to provide essential services to the residents of the county at an
at'llordable price, NOI` to .serve as as temporary cash infusion into the local budga, T'hus, I retnaiv[ firmly
opposed to t1te sale of NFIRMC.
Thank you.,
Stephen Jeffcoat
Resident, New Hanover County
Science'feacher,'l I opsail High School
From Shel|eyPowen'Pearaon /She/ ley. Powers- Pearson @[NSA.cnm/
Sant Monday, June 22,Z02O7:55AK4
To: Comments
Subject: New Hanover Letter Anthony Asher K4D
Attachments: New Hanover comments@nhcgovzom.pdf
NeuroSurgery & Spine
A s s 0 (3 ATES
By email:
I am a physician with Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates, one of the oldest and currently
the largest neurosurgical practice in the country. Over the course of my 25-year career, I have had the
opportunity to work with both Novant Health and Atrium Health, I hope my experience with Atrium
Health, described below, will help you in your decision making process.
Medical Education:
neurosciences to work and learn in a singular training environment. Atrium continues to prioritize the
needs (if the community as they evaluate other opportunities to increase graduate medical education,
as evidenced by their willingness to start a new psychiatry residency in the last five years with no state
or federal appropriation, funding the program themselves.
I offer here just a few examples of how Atrium has partnered with CNSA to advance the health and
well-being of the patients we cooperatively serve:
Thanks for the opportunity to offer these thoughts. Please do not hesitate to reach out if I can provide
other information that may assist in your decision making,
Anthony L. Asher, MD, FAANS, FACS
President, Atrium Health Neuroscience Institute
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, UNC Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University
Director, American Spine Registry
Treasurer, American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates
225 Baldwin Road
Charlotte, NC 28204
Crowe K
, m
From: Robert Bowen <rmbowen2@gmaiI.com>
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 8:52 AM
To: Comments
Subject: Hurried Timeline
Why is the review of hospital proposals being pushed ahead so rapidly and not being extended in time in
recognition of the fact that full community focus and involvement in the process has been limited by the wide-
ranging effects of the Covid pandemic and the focus and reaction to the tragic deaths of George Floyd and other
young men?