1974-06-20 BM Exhibits W. OGUC3LA5 POWELL, CHM. yl s\ , M. HA_L, JR.. V-CHM. P r.+T • ~ ~t PL-TER R- DAVIS Fi S, n',. ~~I!~rs, sv=r*='Yn•+r'^~ -1-*r'rc i t7• a k~' J/ v.Z ~+'6AY~IL~i~Ili~..ii,~ilLK.~4iL~.~.►r 'e , 1 Ni N VAUGNAN '~y ♦ ; ~ x ~i ViViAiV S. WRIGHT DAN W. ELLER COUNTY MANAGER II ~urtEl ~L`~iCD ~YTfCt ~j~ JAMES C. FOX COUNTY ATTORNEY y? ,rw[iIUiligtUtl, ;1.VUCtEj ~421TUliIT2l ZS`SDL ~iStc K. KING CLERK TO THE BOARD June 19, 1974 MEM0RANDUM To: Board of Commissioners From: Vivian S. Wright Re: School I3udget Reductions In addition to budget reductions proposed by the Board of Education in a letter from the School Superintendent dated June 17, 1974, I believe additional reductions could be made without damaging the quality of ciass- room education. I respectfully offer the following suggestions for your consideration as areas where I believe reductions could, and should, be made. Acct. 611 Inasmuch as classroom teacher supplements were not proposed to be increased any this year, it would seem ~ appropriate to a11ow supplements for the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, and Associate Superintendent to remain at the '73-'74 1evels (Acct. 611-1, 611-2a, 611-2b, 611-2c, and 611-2d). Reduction $1549.00 Acct. 611-2i Salary of the Business Manager reflects an inc-rease oi 14.86%. Inasmuch as the county and state have O✓ A/-,~. adopted 7.5% cost of living and employees going up a step in the personnel plan receive an approximate 5% more, I r)\0 would propose that this salary be increased by 12.5% to $139809. Renuction $ 291.00 Acct. 6;.5-2 Board of Educati.on Expense lists an extru $500 in the '74-'75 ojrer the '73-'74 approp-riation or $2500. Mrs. Pailla Williams, Bd. of Educ. member, nas told me that $916 had been spent on breaicfast meetings as of May 1st. There ~ ;:auvs been at least 4 breakfast meetings since that date, averag- ~ ing about $20 each r.or a total af approximately $1000. I feei t:zat t::is account could safely be ieft at the '73-74 level, without damage to classroom education. Reduction $ 500.00 3d. of Coi,,iissioners Page 2 Acct. 641 This account could safely be reduced by $249900 in the following manner. The May 7th Sch.ool Bond issue contained many Items under the heading o-IL' "Renovations" which are virtually the same as items listed under Acct. 641 as "Repairs to Buildings and Grounds" (Pxampl.es: parking 1ot paving, door replacements, ceilings, Q etc.). Ttie Bond Issue under "Renovations" also contained many items which are virtually the same as items listed under tlcct. 643 °'Repairs cC Replacements - Heating, Lighting, Plumbing, etc." (examples: water coolers, urirzals, etc.). By mistake, the Bond Issue listed 10o as Architect's rees on a11 the above items. Since the Bond Issue election, school persor.nel have isolated a 1ittle over $249,000 of such items which need no architect fee, thus freeing an amount of $24,900 which could be used for items now listed under Acct. 641. Redaiction $24,900.00 Acct. 643 This account includes $700 for nine additional lights in the gym at Chestnut Street school. Inasmuch as the '73-'74 budget included $1700 for improved lighting in the Chestnut Street gymnasium, it would appear that this year's request for $700 would be unnecessary and could be omitted. Reduction $ 700.00 Acct. 643 This account includes 11 water coolers @$154 for a total of $1694 which I believe could be omitted due to the following. The ' May 7th Bond Issue included 3 water coolers at MCS Nob1e School ($1050), 3 water coolers at Peabody School ($1050), 3 water coolers to Tileston School ($1050), and 2 water fountains at Winter Park School ($400), It would appear that water coolers wi11 be we11 taken care of by the Bond Issue for this year. Reduction $ 1,694.00 Acct. 643 This account includes 16 urinals @$47 for a total of $752 which I believe could be omitted due to the following. The May 7th Bond Issue included $3000 for replacing boys' urinals at Carolina Beach School, $5800 to add 4 urinals at Chestnut.St. School, $1600 to add boys' urinals at Wm. Hooper School, and $1000 for 4 urinals at G~ Winter Park School - making a total of $11,400 for urinals included ~ in tne bond issue. The Bond Issue also contained approximately $103,834 listed in varying ways as "upgrading restrooms, remodel restrooms, install toilet drains, modernize restrooms with tile wa11s, new fixtures, etc.". Thus, it would appear that restrooms wi11 be we11 taken care of by the Bond Issue. Reduction $ 752.00 Acct. 642 This account (page 44 in brown detailed school budget book) lists $10,000 for "Other School Furniture". In addition, the Capital Outlay Budget under "Furniture & Instructional Apparatus" ~ lists $5,000 for "Other School Furniture" (page 64 in brown detail \ school budget book). I would suggest, therefore, that $5,000 of the "Other School Furniture" incLuded in this account be deleted. • Reduction $ 5,000.00 . . . . 1 . . Bd. of Conii.~issioners Page 3 Acct. 635 This account contains $178.20 listed as being for one 1ine and one extension for Joh:n T. Hoggard Nigh.t School. It wouLd -f 0 yyti~'~~ appear that phones which are suffic:i.ent to serve Hoggard during D 1--tle day would also be sufficient to serve tlze Ni.ght School, unless ~ there is some comoelling r.Pason not readii-y apparent. Reduction $ 178.20 Caoital Reserve Fund I believe serious consideration shouLd be given to eliiziination of the extra $200,000 placed in this furid. As you know, we are presently in the process of investi.ng $500,000 in imprcvements .-o Le,i.on Stad--Tum. To malce tliis worthwhile, the stadium needs maximum 1-Ise. With this in r!.ind, I betieve the $175,122 included in the May 7th Boncl Issue for a 3000 seat stadiurn at the new high school could Ue recluced and a much less expensive practice field provided at the new , high school. The extra money freed in this manner could be used if necessary for the purposes presently assigned to the $200,000 in the Capital Iteserve Fund. A1so, a review of the local and state bond issue proposals seems to indicate that building plans do not reflect 'V consideration of the 15 rooms at Lalce Forest which can be converted to classroom space upon constructior_ of the new School Administration Building. Perhaps some other bond issue money could be freed in this ' mannex. With regard to use of Legion Stadium, it would appear that with three iiigh schools in the county, the stadium could be scheduled for one team while two others were travelling;or for two home games, one could be scheduled for Friday and one for Saturday. Reduction $200,000.00 If the above reductions were made, they would total $235,564.20. Togethc:r with reductions suggested by the Bd. of Education, I believe school expenditures then would be about in line with the 15% growth in the tax base this year. I wi11 appreciate your consideration of these suggestions. VSW c/c Bd. of Education Members Dr. H. Bellamy Mr. Dan E11er, County Manager