HomeMy WebLinkAboutMasonboro Zoning Area Map (Adopted October 6, 1969)
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. . 1C71A6t7V1{BOR0 ZaIiRltPiJ k'4RI.iA
Bsgf.ruting at a point in che easeern rigtat of way tine of N. C. 132, sai.rl point b+~ing 1dcaCed 935 fetet netirth of the inC~secti+nn of
the easCern rfght of way l.ine of N. C. 132 saith thes norGherrt ri..,,,,ht of
vaq line of socErndary road #I589 (beCter k;nown as Brag7 Dri.ve),and
further deaeribect as the pc>int of inter$ectivn of the octe mile zsaning
juri3dictian of Ctte Cicy of Wfl.mington with the eaatern rfght of waq
lf.ne of N. C. 232. Thence frrnm eaid b~ginni.ng pofnt in a northeasterlq
direction along and wfth Che arte mf.Pe zonfng jurisdlction of the Citp
of Wiimi,ngton 9400 feet =aore oc 1ess tcr a point, saie1 point being the
id:tersection of the aforementic+ned ane mf1e x.orcing ;urfsdiction wich
the eenterline aF BeasIy's Creek; thence alang anc1 wi.th the centerline of
Besstp's Creek to its intersectfon wiCh the centerline of Hewlett's Creek;
thence a1.ong and witlt the cenCerline of Rew1ettrs t:reek ag %t meactders in
a southeasCwqrdly direc.tion €:o itu intereeetf.an with the centerlirae of the
Intracrsaetal Waterway, thence along and wi.th the ceneerl3.ne of the Zatra-
coastal Watervra►y irt a southwestwatdly direction tv a pe>int, said poittt
beiag ttte intersetcti.an of the centerlfne of tYte Zntracoastsl 4J.nterwAq
with a l.ine that passes th:cough a point located 4000 feeC south a~ ~ea~ured
aloag the xestern right of way line of secandary road .I 92~ of the iater-
seetioa of Lhe southezn right of roaatp 1ine of secoruiary road #I563 (I40hic$n
Traii) vith the western right of woy lfne of secons!$xy roed , and
is at rf.ght adgl~s tD the eenterline of the Ir►tracoastal Weterwaq; thenee
fa a westnarthwestward2y direction arad at r3.ght angles tQ the canterlin+a
of the ZaCS'scoasCa1 WxsCez'wap, 3700 faet aor+e or lesa Ca a paint ict the
1 q2
we~gtern z'ight ea~' ~aoq line of sec+~nc3ary ac+~ad , safr# point befng
4000 f'eet eourh of the intersectiva of the scruthern right of wa,y lina
of s+~onda~~ ~oad #1565 (Mehican Trait) rrith the M~~t~sru r#.ght of arsy
line of seetondary soad #14" as stasured alodi~ said r~~~~ern right o!
way 1ine of s~oosdary rood A140; thumo sontfaruiut in the $smae wee+c-
aarttwe~~~~~~ diracti~ 5440 feet wre or 1ose te~ a po9,rat !a th+a eas~~~
right of rtray Zi** o! S. C. 132, saii point being lacsted 4000 fact from
the S.ntersectiean a~~ the eestarn right of ~oy l~ne of P. C. 132 with
the southartt acight of vsy 1ine of mrecondary r+aad #1565 (Moblaas Trail)
aa "nouret ~loug ths onstere tight c+# way 1ine of N. C. 132; thaaca
in a nc►rthweetvardiy dis~~~~~n 6150 taet more or I"s tc► a peiat,
uaid point boing ioeot+~ 4004 feat ttsst of as ee"urpd ~t r~ght anglas
tc► the a+eertern rigbiE of ra►ay ttne of U. C. 132; thoetes io a na~tbwardiy
direction 4000 feat watt of oW para11e1 to tbo westorr► -right +~f way
li.ne of N. C. 132 7000 leet *or* or le+~~ to ~ point the ma mtle
zs►ning Jurfadiccion of tha Cfty of Wilmington; ~~eme to e raortb"at-
wardly directian a10ng aW with ttto smne mi1e metag jurisdiation t+a
tha ps>i~~ of beginnfng.
It i~ the inteut mt the aboae descriprtion to doscrib~ ~he origi-
naI ouCer ImmadAries of ths area kbmm as tho Xasodb*ro, Zooiog Ar+ao
to shmm oo eh+r Sw Rtmn►or Caackty Zssfng oap • Ka~~boro Zoning Area
as apprc►vod by actiot of ebe ~ty Cvmtssforrers at thei.r aeoting oa
October 6 1969 ,
~~O =RIM AM ~~reby divide1 intc~ ~h-a fall.onoing sanittg
The berofwa do~~~~ted araa doseribed ss the Maso*ibora Zoni~ Area
shall bo designat~ ~s 1*15 (Rgsidential), thaso eveas :p*ci~ fi-
LOi1y deViignatYed as any othoi Ai1rntF3ffi diVlYriYMtY .
A 1y20 {~osid4Rn1"ial} AistricIG bitiiag adjaco1k$ ttd and sQuth of Noil's
lett' s Cr~ek and adj~~~~~ to ~ost of the Intracoaatal Watenta►ay#
destribei as fcstlaawss
a~goua#rqg st a point itr the r~~terza right +~f way liao of secondtry
road ~1515 (bett+er ksow as tbe #as+qrabore Sound Road), said bogLcaing
pvint b~ing the fnt~section of the western right of way 1l.ne of aftoad«
arp road #I515 (Aascnbora Souad Road) with the aortbos~tern xi$ht of
way Iino of saacondary road #1578 (Siaore~od Drivm) ; eheate alcng and
witb the erestern right of aay line of secondary rosd #1515 (Xas#Wmr*
Soasncf Ros+3) as i.t curves aand ~~rnt t+a"rd tha wast and the western
right of wuy now b+tcames the eou+~~~ righ~ of xay 9530 feet ware or
1e~~ mossurad aloag the western right of way of said secocdarp rraad
#1515 (Hasonbaro Setrund leaed) tc► a pariQto sa#d poiat baing located 1504
feet +aast u~ the intersectfon of the eastern right o$ way line of
seconctary rosct W48 (Masotiboro Lwp Aosd) With Che aaettha~n right of
way Lino of socandary roa! #15I5 (Mosauboro Stund Rt►ad); theme fn a
nortEwsrdly directian 2500 feet *or* or less and porpeadioulaac to th*
cetterliae of Rwlott's Creek tca a poiet iri the casnt+~ti~t o€ HmS.tttrs
Crooie; theme along Amd wi.th the cont+asrlicee of Hew1ett's Crook in a
easCwwrd3.y dl.reeti.ort to fts interatetion vith the cons+eriine ra~ the
lutrecoestsl Watavay; thence in a soc~thvestorardly direction almg ani
with the ~enterline of the tntxac+~~~~~l WaL~rway to a p+aint; said
point being laaatott 2750 ~~et more ar lesa sost of and as meaaured
at rfght ang1es to the wee~~~n ri~~t of w,ay Iine of secoodarg ressd #1515
(Mascuboro Sound B*ad) at ita intersectia~n witts the ttortbaru rf,ghe of
way 13na c~~ secandsry soad #I578 (Bborewood Driva); ch+rnce, itk a morth-
aa~~twardly direcCion, 2754 feet mare ar 1ose to the point of begian3.ng.
The fol1.uaing 3-1 luninesar L3istriets of the MASONIM Z04TIM ARKA
ara datrasibod as PolLowet
1! 8•I (Busia"s) Distsict alon.g the westerct ri.ght of vsay of N. C.
132 an+d ad jaetent to Dr~ ~ive„ +~~ser~~ed ~s follows z
Begfnatng at a poirtC in the soaatk~~~n right of aay bourdar~ of
Aragg IIrivar, said pCain€: being loc~ted at the itktersecti.an of the, west
right of way boundarp of N. C. 132 oW tho south right of +~y bcrundary
of Brag$ Dcive. T'h+ence fgvm the pofnt of begirisiag a southeriy dirnctivn
along aM with the xast r~ght +~f way► boundaryr of N. C. 132 1280 feet
to a puint In the weat.ern right of way bc►undary of X. C. 132; thence
a rresterly direction $00 foet tm► a peint, said point being Io+cated 900
feet west of and nomaI tra the rreet right of way bou~ary of W. C. 3321
thsnce a nartherl.y► directioa p►asa11eI to snd $00 f"t wast of the west
right of tray b~ridary o4 N. C. 132 1360 faot~.~. ta a point itt the atocxth
right of way boutdary of gvsgg Drive„ eaid pari~~ ~eir~gy 1ocatgd $55 feet ~
west of the i.tkteraf.ction e+t the sorath rfght of way boundory of Bragg
Drive and the vast right of waX "ndary of M. C. 132 an meaaur e!
a1ong astd with the svueh right of way baundary of Bragg Drive; thence
a2ong end vfth the south r1ght of way b~urtdaxy of Bragg Drtve an east«
orlp direction 565 feet w ta a point, said pHaint being 300 €eet west
of the west right of way boa,ndary of N. C. 132; C'henee a northesly
dLrection pasal2el to arud 300 feet wtat of the vest right of way boani-
ary of N. C. 13' to a point, said paiat beiag Iacated 360 fgot nnrth
of and narmal to Che aouth ri.gbG of rvsy boundary of Bragg I3rive; chence
an easterly directf.can perpendtcular ta ttae west right of way bcundary
of N. C. 132 300 ~eet to a pc~tat, s,e#.d poi~~ ~~ing on the weat rfghe
of way bocxAdar~ ~f H. C. 132 and bef.ng 300 feet r~orth of and normal
to the intezsection of ehe taorth r#.ght of waay bc►undary of Bragg Drive
and the west righe of way bausadazy of N. C. 132, thouct escaueher2y
direction alang and xith the westexa right of way bomndary of S. C.
132 360 feet tv the gcaint of beginnl.~~.
A H»1 (ausiness) District 1ocatad at the incersecr.i.c►n of s+econdaxy
road #I516 and seeondaxp rc►ad #4148 (Mosc►ubvzo Loop lc►ad) gnd extssading
seauthward Co include an saresa at tlae, interaectlon of iecondery road
#14:48 (Masonborc► Loop losad) and aecoadary soad #1515 (Xaaouboro Socnd
Road) described as fo13ou+a:
~egineing at apoint fn the nor~~herce right of sisy Ifne of second-
ary road #I516, araid potnt bo#.ng at the intersecti.an of the tkozthere
rtght of wary linez of secondary rc+ad #1516 with the western ri$ht of
1 2
~ay lise secondary road (Mosouboxo Loop Rvad); thence from
said btgir►n3.ng point in an eaetraxdl.y directiu~ along s theareticaI
txtensiort of the nvrtMern rlght of way iine of seccresda;ry raad #I516
360 feet ta a point, said point betng 300 feet eaat of the eastere
right of wny 2iae sscorWary ra~ #14-" (2~soubor* Loap Road) and
300 le+et rxorth of the narthere right of way s~~ secoztdaazy ro,ed #1515
(Hasonbaro SoundE Road) t~ence im m~ ~~~thvardly dfiaarection b~~ ~eet t+a
a point, said pc3int being 300 ieet ease of the eastern rigttt of way
3.ine of a~oad~~r rr~aci s~~ (Xasoabotcc► T.oop load) and 300 feet south
of the souther~ right of way line of secand~ry road #1515 (Havoubaro
Svumd Road) thenc~ ~ ~~stwardly diror.tion 660 feet ess a paint, said
point being 1ocated 300 fact west c~~ ~~e weotera right of wsy line of
s~c~r►dary xcrac3 #1444 (~sot¢~ra L+~t+p ~Ea~ad) aeed 33~E? fast ~ aouth of the
southern right of ~ay of secardary rosd #15I6; thence in a rtorthwardIg
direetion 940 feee to,a pvint, sai.d potnc bs4ng 330 Eoot nvrth af tho
northern right of way line of se+condary soad #2516 asd 300 fee€ west
of the western ri4ht of way 2iae of serondary road M* (Hasr~uboro
Loop Road); thortce ia ~~asewardlq direction perpendiculas t,er wbe
wostern rf.Aht of waq line of secondary road #3lW (H+ieonboro t,crrrp
Rcad) 300 feet to a po3.nt, said pc+int being Ln the wastern right of
1 t1.q2
vay line of second,~ry road MO (Masaubc~~c Lcrap Ro,sd) mst ffi1sca being
:300 feet north of ~he intersectign +~f the weateru r#.gh+r of way line of
14G 2
seccrmdary road #tt*' (Masoubarro Latrp Roa~) witia tbe nortter* right of
way line of secandary road #1516 as measra~~ along tk~e western right
of way linoa of secandary road (Msesoubaro L+aop load) ; thence in
a southwardly directian slc►ug and vith tt~t vestern right of way line
1 2
of secondary r+):zd # (.Mssog►taoro Lraap Road) 300 foot to the poietc of
A Bw1 (Susinesa) District st the intersection of Secoadary Road
#1444 (Mosauborc Loop IRoad) and secoudery road #1513 (Max~nboro 9r,und
~oad), described as frrllow.
Beginnfng at a point itt Che weatercn rigiat of way bounduy of
1 2
se+eondary road # (~~eaboro Loop loard) said prt3.nt boi" Iocated
$40 feet noreh of the i:ntersect3.on of the north right of way boundaacy
of seeoudarp rc+ad #1505 and the westarz~ ri~~t o~ way bouadery of
secandary raa+d (Mgssorboro Loop Road). Tttence tram tha point
of bffiginning a westerIy dfrrctf.c►n 300 f"eet to a pcairat, said po#.nt
being loeated 340 foet west of aced normal e+~ tho weet sight of wrp
bauaadarq of seccsndsry road M44 (Maaonborta Loop Rasd); thence e
ttorth+erly dirrectiots 590 fe~t tcr a point in the sc+uthern r4.ght of
aay boundarq of s+~condary rt►ad said proint bisi.ng Icaca~ted 300 feet
northaest of the intereection of th~ ~est right of wap boundary of
s+~tso~ary raad (Masoebaro Loc►p Road) and the sauth rfght of aay
bc~~neiaxy of secondary toed 4+44 (Moeonbaro Loop Raad); the~e a
northeasterly direetiaan 360 feot to~ a point, said poine being lo+eated
360 feot north t~~ and ncrrmal to thae soutb right of aray► 8oundary of
se+condary read #H** (Maaouberv Loopr Road);+thence an eaeter1y directtan
684 foet t to e point, seid pafnt bting located 300 feet noreh of aad
normal to t~* aorthern right of aey boczndary of secondary road #1515
(Msaoaborv So►and Road) ; thenee a a~~~herIy directfon 360 feet to a
pcrint in the soath rfght c+f way brrundary of sacondary road #1515
(Masoe►bor~ ~ound Rood)! said pc+int bei,r~g lucsteet 300 foot egst of the
interuetctiorr of the tast r#ght of wraty boun3ary of vecondery road #WA
(Masamborcr Loop Rcaod) actd gtre sauthern right of aay batiiederyr of second-
ary road #1313 (Masvubaro Sound Roa3); thetce a seauthweetealy directioct
400 feet t to the point of beginming.