Zoning Area No. 2 Map (Adopted December 15, 1969) ZONING AREA N0. 2 TEiE NEW HANOfIEtt COLiNTY ZONING ARBA Np. IS DLSG'LtIBED AS FOLLOiW5: Begiaafag at a poigt in the northera righc of way liae of eecandary road #1421 (better kaosvn e$ the Greenville Loop Raad) , said pcsiext being l.ocated 500 feet i eaet nf ehe iaterseetiou of the northeastern right csf i4ci2 way line of secondary zaad #+I" arut the nart:iern right of wsq line nf secoc►dary rrrad #1421 (GreenviZle Locsp Rosd) and being 1`urther describl:d as che poiat of tntereectiaa of the northera right of way line of secondary road #1421 and the one mile xoning jurisdictioa arf the City af Wilmington. Theace from ssid beginning pafnt, ia a northwardly direction slon3 a.nd with the afarementioned vne mile aonin$ ,jurisdiction of the City of Wil- roington 1000 fec±t to a paint, said point being the intersectiQn of the one mile zoaing jurisdiction with a liae that is 1004 feet north o£ and ss purallel to the northera ri$ht of way line of secflndary rtaad #1421 (GreenviZle Loop Road); thence in an easterly direction parailel with and I000 feet nnrthward of the northern right af wsy line of secondary road #1421 (Greeaville F:aop Raed) for a distaace af 5600 €eer t to e poiat, said poiat being located in the aorthwestezn line of Fox Croft Subdivisian 8s Burveyed and recorded in map book 10, page 38 a£ the Regfistry of Nsw Hsaaver Gounty. From said poinC in a narCheaaterly direc- tian aloag the nozChwrestera hauadery of sforeraeationed Fox Croft SuGdivisian 1500 feet more ar less co a point, said point being the narthern most caraes af the Fax Cro€t Subdivision; thence ia a southeasterly c3irection alaag the northeza line of the Fox Croft 3ubdivi$ian 1164 feet 1 to s point, aaid poiat bein$ the interaectfan of aaid narrthern line of the Fox Croft Subdivisian with e line that ih 1004 feet north of mnd at right an,gles tv the north+western right of Way line a€ secondary r'oad #1421 (Greenville Lvap Road); theace in a northeaeterly directioa parsllel wi.th aad 1040 feet northwest of the norttxwestera ri$ht of way line of secondary road #1421 (Greenville i.OQp ROAd) for a di$kance of 3904 feet i tfl a point, eaid point being the intersectioa of aaid line, which fs parallel with aad 1000 feet naxchvegt of the narthwestern right of way line of Secandarp roed #1421, aith s line which is 200 fee.t aautheast of aad parallel co the southeastera right of way 1ine of secondary road #1567; thence ia a narth- eseterly ditecrion 200 feeC fxom and paralle2 to the sauCheastern right of way Iine of secondary road #1567 1050 feet more or lees to a pofnr in the southern right of wny Iine of U. S. Highurey 176 (better knowm as Oleander 3Jrive); $a!d point bei.ng 7.30 feet -4..- easw of the 9.nte=eection of the aouthern xi„ht of way line of TJ, S. Hi3hwty #76 (Oleandex Drive) xith the eastern right of way line of secondary raad #1567 as measured alang the southern right of way litzc of U. S. Hi ;hway 176 (t3leanc#er F?rive); thence in a narthEyastErly direction Fl.oa.; and wf_th the southern right 4f waay line of U. S. Eii;Thzaay #76 (Gl.eanc?e.r Drive) 4_r11 feet more or less to a point; said paint being r:he pnint of inrergection of the soathern right o€ way 2ine of U. S. Highway k76 (b1eander Drivo) with the eastern xighc of wey li.nc of secor,dary road #1411 {Greenville TI-sop Ro$d} ; thence in a north- erlq direction acrass U. S. Highway #76 (Olearadex Brive) 100 feet mvrtt or less to a point, said poiat being Che interscct2on of the nozth«:rn right of aay line of U. S. Hi3hwsy M (Oleaader Drive) with the narthamstern right of way line of eee+andary road #1421; thezuce in a northwester2y direc- tion a1ong anct with the aorthe:astern riyht af way Ziae of secandary road #1421 26D feet mare or 1ess to a point, said poiae being the intexsectioa of ehe eastern right of wsy line of se+cocedary road #1421 with a iine that is 200 €eet west of and parallel to the wesCern right of vay line of U. S. Aigtiway #76 (Oleander Drive); thence in a nc3rtheasterly direceion 200 feet £rom and para11e1 to the western right of way line of U. S. Highway #76 (Oleaiuler Drive) 3240 feet more or leas t4 a poine, said point being the inCersection of eaid lioe, which is parsllel wtth and 240 fe$t weat of the western right af way line af U. S. Highway #76(Oieaader Drive) wit'h the southern right rrf way line of scedndary road #I411, thence in c nQrtheasterly direction 200 geet weati of and para11e1 to the western right af waty line of seconelary road #1409 2610 feet more ar less to a point, said pofnt beiu,& che in[::r3¢ctivn of said 2ine, winich is 200 feet Mest of snd para11e1 to Che western right of way line of secondary zoad #1439, wieh a line which i<i `r)') f=--et saut4i af and para11e1 to tht3 southern right of way line of U. S. :ii;~hway 074; Chence in a nortl,,westcrly direction 590 £eet frctm mxid pax'allel to the southetn right Qf waq line of U. S. High- way #74 2530 feeG more ar l.ess to a point in the westexn lipe of en unaamed road which connecCs seconc4ary roaif #1419 (Ro~~crsvil2e Road) with U. S. Highway #74; thence in a sr,uthwescerly d3.rectiQn alaan;; snd Witli the westerq line oE the unnamed raad 300 feet woxe or iess ta a point, said poictt being the point of intarsection af the w~stLern line of the unnacne3 road with the eastern rfght of way line of secoadary road #I419 (better icnown as Rogtra- vi21e Rwad) ; theur-e a2oag aud wirh thc eastern right of way line caf second- ary road "1"1419 (Rogereville 4toed) in a northwester2y directian 1250 feet ware ar leas to a point, saaid point being the intersection af the eabCern right of wey line of secoadnry road #1119 (Rogeravillo Road) with tht svuthezn ri$ht of wsy line of U. S. HigMaay #74; thence in a north-north- eestarly dirsctfon aAd perpendicuiar to the :vuthern sight of way line of U. S. Highway #74 1150 feet Co a paint, said paint beiag 2000 feet from the northeastHacn ri6ht vx caay line of U. S. Hi;;haay 074; tkieace in aa easterly direation 3100 #eet more or less to a point fn the eastern line of aecondary roed #1409 (better kaowm► as che Military Cut-off), said point being loaeted 2500 feet aorth as measurec3 slotg the eaatera rfght aE way of secQnelary road #1409 (Military Cut•oft) frrsm fts iatereection wit(a the northern right af way 2iae of U. S. Highway #74 ; thecsce i,n a southeesterly direction 7580 feet aare or 1ess to a point !n the CoCltCr'1il1@ nf the channel af the Intracoaatal Waterveey, maid point beinYg 2504 feet northeaac eaf the northeasterex right of wap of U. S. Higl'T+aqs #74 and #76 (at th$ Ct>rp of Engiueexs Draw Bridge), as mrsesurad along the centerline of the Chaasel of the Iatracoastal Watsrweyr; thencs in a aauthwesterly direction ayong snd wlth the centerline of the channel nf the Iatracoaseal Wat,erway, which iEar ashort distance (same 2800 fest more or Iess) is also the na►zthvsatern moat bQUadciary of the carporate Iimits of Wrfghtsril2c Beaeh, fnr s distancs of I5200 feet mare or 1esa to a poiat, said point beiag the intereection nf the conterline vf the chacutel of the Iatracaastal Waterxay aith rhe reaterline of Hewrlett'a Creek; thence in s narthwesCer2y df.atetCion along and wieh the centerline of Hewle[t'a Creek 7800 feet more ar less to a point at `rhich Besely's Creek begins; thence alang eaid Eeasly's Croek in a nsrthaesteriq directicrn to a point, aaid point being the tntersection of Beaaly's Creek with the one e+fie zaniag juriseliction of the Clty of Wilneingtoa; aaid point betng further described aa beiag 500 feeC =souCh of the southern right of wap Line of secondary zoad #1421 (Greeaville Loop Road) as meaeured a1Qng the one mi3.e zonia$ jurisdictitm; theace from said point in a northwardly dirsction along and xith the afaxe- menticmed ane milc zoain$ jurisdictian 560 fest+- to the point of beginni.ng. Tt is the iat+ent of the above descripticsn to describe the original outer bourklaries of the araa known as Zoning Area No. 2aa ehcnra oa the Now HAnover Ccyunty Zoning Map •Zaning Area Nb. 2 as approved hp aetian of the Cauntq Cvmissic3ners at thcir apeeting on 11, 1969 ~ R-15 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT The herein delineated area described as the Zoning Area No. 2 shall be designated as R-15 (ltesidential), except those areas specifically des- ignated 8s any other zoning district. R-10 RESIDENTIAL DISTRZCT ThaC area containing and being all the subdivision designated as Fox CroEt as approved by the Wilmington-New I3aaover Planning Gommission aud recorded in Map Book 10, Yage 38 in the Office of the New Hanover County Register of Daedb. R-20 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT A R-20 (Residential) District lacated south of secondary xoad #1411 (Airlie Road) on the northjwest 4f the Intracoagtal Waterway on the east, and north of Hewlett's Creek on the soueh,described as Pollows: Beginning ati a point at the intersection of the southern right of way boundary of secondary road #1411(Airlie Road) and the eastern right of way boundary of U. S. Ilighway ;k76 (Oleander i7rive). Thence from the point o£ beginning a southeasterly direction alUng and witn the course of the southwestern right of way boundary of secondary road #1411 (Airlie Road) and continuing in a northeasterly direction as secondary road #1411 (Airlie Road) turns in a northeasterly direction Lo a point, said point being located 1000 feet southwest of and normal to the southwestern right of way boundary of U. S. Highway;474 and #76; thence at right angles a southeasterly direction 200 feet to a point, said point being the center- line of the Channel of the Intracoastal Wsterway; thence along and with the centerllne of the Channel of the Intracoastal Waterwsy a southweaterly direction to the point of its intersection with the Channel of Hewlett's Creek; thence along and with the channel of Hewlett's Creek a northwesterly direction 7$00 feet more or less tn a point at which Beasly's Creek begins; thence along said Beasly's Creek in a northwesterly direction 1650 feet more or less as measured alon$ the centerline of said Beasly's Creek to a poine where Riley Branch begins; thence along with Riley Brench in a nvrth- wardly direction to its intersection with secoudary road #1421 (Greenville Loop Road), said point being 2500 feet inore or less east of the intersection of the southern right of iaay line of secondary road #1421 (Greenville Loop Road) with the easterly rigkat o£ way line of secondary road #114$; thence in a southeasCwardly direciion a1ong and with the southern right of way of secondary road 41421 (Jreenvilie Loop Road) to its intersection with the northeastern ri$ht of way of secondary road #1514; thence in a southeastern direction along and with the nvrtheastern right of way of secondary road #1514 1500 feet to a point; thence parallel with and 1500 feet sout_hesst uf sec undary road #1421 (Greenville Loop Road) 6200 feet more or less to a point, said poinL being iQi the centerZinE of seaondary road #1512; thence in a nartheasterly direction alon- and wi.th the centerline of seeondary road #1512 1600 feet more or less to a point; thence in a nort;zeasterly directian 1400 feet tuore or less to a point in the centerline Af Bradley Creek, said point befng located 2600 feet as measured along the c2nterline of Bradley Creek, southwest of the eaetern rignt of way of U. S. Highway 076 (Oleander Drive); thence in a narthwesterly direction along the center- line of Bradley Creek 2600 feet to a point in Che eastern right of way of U. S. Highway #76 (Qleander Urive); thence along and with the eastern right of way of U. S. Highway #76 (Oleander Drive) in a northeasterly direction 1400 feet more or less to the pvint of begi,nning. R-20 RESIDENPIAL DISTRZGT A R-20 Residential Diatrict lying on the northeast side of U. S. High- way #74 and adjacecet to and on the northwest side of the Intracvastal Water- way, described as fo2lows: Beginning at a point in the northeastern right of way of U. S. Highway #74, said beginning point beicag located 1730 feet ± northwest of the inter- section of the northeastern right of way line of U. S. Hiohwgy 474, and the northwest right of way line of secondary road #1417 (Summer Rest Road), said point of beginning also being the intersQCtion of the centerline of Motts Creek with the northeastern right of way of U. S. Highway #74; thence from said be„inning point in a northeasterly direction at right axaSles to the northeastern right of way oE U. S. Hfghway YA74 2400 feet more or less to a. point; thence from said point in a southsasterly direction 2920 feet more or less to a point in the centQZline of the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway, said point being 2500 feet northeast of the northeast ri;ht o£ way of U. S. Highways #74 and #76 (at [he Carp of En$ineers Draw Bridge), as measured along the centerline o£ the channel of the Intracoastal Water- way; thence ia a southwesterly direction along and with the centerline of the safd channel 2300 feet more or less to a point, sai.d point lying in the aorthwestern most boundary af the corporate limits of Wrightsville Beach, said point alsa being 240 feet aortheast of the northeast right of way line o£ U. S. Highways #74 and #76 as measured at right angZes; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel with and 200 feet northeast of the northeastern right o£ way of U. S. Highwaya #74 and #76 (also bping along the centerline of Motts Creek after 2esving the Intracoaatal Waterway) 850 feet more or less Co a point in the northwestern right of way line of secondary road #1417 (Sumsner Rest Rosd), said point being located 240 feet t northeast of the interasction of the northwest right of way line of secondary road #1417 (Summer Rest Road) and the northeastern riQht of way ±.ine of U. S. Highways #74 and #76, as measured alnng the northwest right af way line of secondary road #1417 (Summer Rese Road); thence in a south- westwardly direction along the southwestern right of way line of, secondary roed #1417 (Summer Rest Road) 104 feet more or less to a point, said paint being the southwestern shore line of an unnamed artificial lake (sometimes referred to by 2oca1 residenta as Sidbury's Pond); thence in a wester2y direction following the southwestern shore line of the unnamed ^rtificial lake and continuing with the course of Motts Creek as it meanders to the point of beginning. B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT A B-1 (Bueiness) Distriet lyiag and being on both sides of U. S. High- waq #74 aad adjacent to and weet of the Intraeoastal Waterway, described as follaws: Beginning at a point in the northeastern right of way boundary o£ U. S. Highway #74, said be;inning point being located 1730 feet ± northwest of the interaection of the northeastern right af way boundary of U. S. H3ghway # 74 and the northwest right of wsy boundary of secondary road #1417 (Summer Rest Raad), also being Lhe intersection of the centerline of Motts Creek with the northeastern right o£ way boundary of U. S. Highway #74. Thenae from the point of beginning a northeasterly directian along and with the centerline of Motts Creek in en easterly direction to an unnamed artificial lake (sometimes referred to by local reaidents as Sidbury's Pond); thenee following the soutlrwestern shore line of the unnamed artificial lake to a point in the northwestern right of way baundary of secondary road # 1417 (Suamer Rest Road), said point being located 240 feet ± northeast of the intersection of the norttiwest right of way boundary o£ gecondary roaa # 1417 (Summer Rest Road) and the northeastern xi.-ht of way boundary o£ U. Highways #74 and ,k76 as measured along the narthwest right of wap boundary of secondary road #1417 (Summer Rest Road); thence a noitheast- wardly direction alon,r and with the aarthwest right af way boundery of secondary road #1417 (Summer Rest Road) 100 £eet more or less to a point, . sa&d point beinu .-:-ie intiersection of said northwest right of way boundary of secondary road #1417 (Sumner Rest Road) w:ith a line that is 200 feet northeast of and para11e1 with the northeastern right of way boundAry of U. S. Highways #74 and #763 thencc an assterly direction parallel to and 200 feec northeast af the northeastern ri;;ht of way boundary af U. S. High- way #74 and #76, also bein6 aloag the centerline of creek 854 feet more or less to s point in the centerline of th:: channel of the Intra- coastal Waterway, said point bein; locmted 200 teet northeast of and normal to the northeastern right af way boundary af U. S. Highways #74 and #76; and being further describecl as being located in the northwestern most boundary of the curparate limits of Wright.sville Beach; thence a southwest- erly directian 1400 feet ± along and witiz the centerline of the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway, whieh is also the northwestern most :)oundary of the corpozate limits of Wrightsville Beach, to a point, aaid point bein; locnted 1040 feet aouthwest of the southwestern right af way of U. S. High- ways #74 and #76 and 250 feet i east of snd normal ta the eastern right of way boundary of secondary road #1411; thence at right angles to the center- line of the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway in a westerl.y direction 250 feet ± to a point in the eastern right of way boundary of secondary road #1411, eaid point being located 1000 fest ~ sauthweat of and normal to the southwestern riaht of way boundary of U. S. Hfghways #74 and #F76; tlzence a1ong and with the course of the eastern rinht of way boundary of secondary road #14I1 a northeasterly direction 800 feet t-o a point, said ?oint being located 200 feet southwest af and normal to the soueheastern ri~ht af way baundary of U. S. Hibhway 174 and 476; thence a norti.weseerly direction parallel to 3nd 200 feet southwest of the southwestern right of way boundary of U. S. Hig.iway 474 and #76 a distance of 2200 feet i to a poinC, said poira:: being located 200 feet southwest and normal to the south- western rinht of way boundary of U. S. Highw;ay #74; thence in anorrheast- erly direction at rinht angles 4o the southwestern right of way boundazy of U. S. Highway 4k74 350 f eet ta the poiat of beginning. B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT A B-2 Bustness District along the eastern right of way of U. S. Hi;h- way #76 (0leander Drive) and south of and adjacent to Bradley Creek, des- cribed as follows: Be;inning at a point in the eastern right af way boundar.y of U. S. Highway #76 (Qleander Drive), said beg[.tiainv point being located 175 feet nortli af the interseccion of the eastern ri:;ht of way line of U. S. Righ- uray #76 (Oleander Drive) and the northern right of way of Bradley Drive, as measured along and with the eastern ri;ght o£ way of U. S. Highway #76 (Oleander Drive). Thence from tlze point of be;inning a northeasterly direction along and with the easrern riuht of way boundary of 4'. S. Highway #76 (4leander Drive) 1200 feet ± to a point, said point being the centerline of Bradley Creetc; thence along and with the centerline of Bradley Creek in a sautheaeterly di.recrion 1350 feet ± to a point, said point being 850 feat ± north of and norrnal to Isradley Drive; thence a southerly direction 675 feet t to a point, said Qoint being Iacated 175 feet north of and normAZ to Bradley Arive; thence i.n a westerly direction 1253 feet ± to the point of beginning. I-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT An I-1 (industrial) DistricC on the narth weatern shore li.ne of the Intracoaetal Waterway (Greenville Sound) described as followss BBGINNING at the intersection of the high water mark of Gxeenville Sound with the dividing line between the now or former W. H. Sprunt pzoperty and the propertp coneeyed as Tract 1 by John Spillman, Jr., and wife to E. B. Towles by deed recorded 9-17-63 in Book 726 at Page 243 of the New Hanover County, N. C., Regist=y; and as Tract 1 by E. B. Tawles and wife ta Greenville Sound Land Company b y deed recorded 31 Dec- ember 1963 in Book 726 at Page 465 of aforesaid registry; said beginning point also being located the following caursee and distances from a xefer- ence Point at the intersection of the center line of the Greenville Loop Ruad with the center line of a culvert paesing uader the said road 0.5 mile 3outh on said road from the intersection of said road with U. S. Righway 76 near Bradley Creek Schvol (said reference goint being shown on a mgp entitled "Survey of Two Tracts on Greenville Souud for B. B. Towles by George Losak dated 24 December 196311) fram said Reference Point SouCh 82 degrees east 31.95' to an old pipe; thenee south 84 degreem 49' 34" east 605.7' to an old pipe; thence south 33 degrees 52' west 13.25' to a marble stone marking the Northweat corner of Lot 1 in the subdivision of Greenville 3ound Eatatea as shown on the map thereof recorded in Map Book 2 at Page 51 of the New Hanover County, N. C., Regiatrq; thence aiong the northern line of said Lot 1(said northern line of Lot 1 baing the southern line of the now or former W. H. Sprunt praperty) south 64 degzees 16' east 915.4' to its intersection with the western line of a 25' avenue, said iatersection being marked by an old gipe and said intersecCion being the nartheastern corner of Lat 1 of the eaid Greeaville Souad 8states; thence south 63 degreea 20' east 24.65' to an oId pipe markiag the interaectian of the northern line of Lot 7 in said Greenville Sound Estates (said Narthern line being a continuation of the southern line of the now or former Sprunt property above referred to) with the eastern line of said 25' Avenue, said interaection being the northwestern corner of said Lot 7; alang the northern line of said Lot 7 and a continuation of the said Sprunt Southern line SauCh 64 degrees S' east 2362.3' more or less to the high water mark of Greenville Seund, the point of beginning, the same being the northeast corner of that tract shown on the aforementioaed eurvey pre- pared by Losak for Towles; thence from said beginning point narth 64 degrees S' west, along the said Spruat Southera line and the said northern line of Lot 7, 600' to an iron pipe in said liae; thence south 25 degreee 55' west 200' to an iron pipe; thence south 64 degrees S' eaet and pargllel with the said northern line of lot 7 and the said Sprunt aouthern line, 600' more ot less to Che high water mark af Greenville Sound; CheACE along and with the said high water mark northwardly 200' mora or lees te the point of beginning; evntaining 2.75 acres more or less. The above description being all of a parcel of land owned by Intercontinental Trimarana, Inc.