Zoning Area No. 3 Map (Adopted May 18, 1970) ~ ~f . . . " ~ ~ f... . . ZONIM .A$IA Nl3. 3 TIN NM VANWU COVATY SOW= 16RR1 90, 9IS D8M?BBD AS B't3LLMs &"taniing at a polm it1 the oosttort t~sht O!' "W lbw of 8oe"Wrry ~4sed #~.+409 (bstter ini, a " tht Hi1itary Owt-oOff I+eW) # "i8 poitat bitiag located 20500 fqKtt from the lai~~taction of tbo owtwa right of wrtar 1in+e o! 5econdary Rod (Mi'titary Cat«~f loai) wi~ the owthpra ritbt vf t+ay Itso of U. S. Bighway #74 as netswad along sa,ia1 oartma :ftbt of voy lias a~ ~econdary lt"d #1409 (MitiLtwy Cut*@!f Seed)& W~ ~~uutog pviot aI" bsing in ehe northersowst bamiary of #ho Sar Noww~ ~~y Zo►i" Ar+ea NO. 2; tbome #rou "id bogiontsg point ta s W"twardly direction a2ang OW rri€h the aforemensticsed awthwmwot Wondary a#' Nor Htnavsr Comty► Using 1rea No. 2 aad parpmdieuiu ta th+e oaatwu right of way li,ve of Secouidary Ao" #1489 (ZZiliLaary Oak.«Ol°f Road) 1.100 feet manre ar loss to a poiat„ said polut being lvcatee3 l,fl00 farrt vott of ehe western right of roy lin+e of ~ ~ ~ to ~twa riSbt of w*r; t#ome in awrtbwwdiy 8iroat.ten pua1,lot to +md 1,000 #art r"t of the wstwa ri.ght of vay liua of Sonamdwy Rood #1409 (~litsry 4ut• 4ff Road) 7;400 f"t owe or l+rss +to apoiat, "id go#.nt being the #ntar- •octim of s liae ~ing para11e3 tv OW 1,000 faet aest of the wister* riot of way Uaa of Saraoodary Road #1409 vith a liu+e vanisg par,silol to and 1,500 f~t amthosst of the s~th"ataaru right of riy lin+e of U. S. Hi;glavaY #171 theme io aaaacthaest-wardly dimoation parailel Co anl 3,504 fset amtb- tut tit tho soutbo"two right of +woy live of U. S. Slgbmy #17 iQ,5flO feet vtors cc isss a pomt in the aoutbwo► L3ne of lot 119 of Sa~~ion 3 of laythoaro Rttwtes irt,e~ reaftode1 in ftp boo1c 7, l~ago 71 of tIe Now Unaver County Registry., "iet polut boir,,g 204 f"t amth of tbe santhara rig1t of vay lite of Sa"bors Drive (50•foot rigltt of w&y)i thoutis along mad rrith tho aeathms tts" ~f lou 13#, ~20* 121,, 1221, 1~3# 124, md 125 +~f the saL+d Seatton 3 o# beg►sWo 2etat" . *nrth 740-U~' West 900 f +fft ams or lms ts the omdw"two ~na ot lst 125 ~tim 3 +mf Bagsb+~o Betstdr; tbsae+e ~long ant vith tbo owtWrt line of "JA 'lot 1259 oa!tth l3°-4$%i mot 200 foot to a point is the toothera atight of' uqr ~no o# Bayshme Dhritns; theme r1an OW wi~ ~ ~bwo right of a~ IUN of Baysbws 3rivo mstb 740«3,i%' +me ~4' .45 fart to • poirt~~ ~bwoo mrft UO+.4%' "st 260 f~ ~o the morttrimtwa earaw eert' 1ot 12+6 0~ ~ection 3of Uyabor* Estatear, sai+d p►int bsing 200 fset tawth a# the ow~lmwa rLghC af way line vf Bayaleero ftiv*; thes,c* oimw aad tith the nortbwo 1ion of 1oEs 1260 127, 1;~8# 129& 1300 1310 192, 133„ 1340 'iaik 135 of said Soctioa 3 o# IIayehort BnEatos# smth 740-i1k" ~st I,OOO #oat uors ar lsa* to a point i.o the uaar~~~ Ii" of lot 135; thowe amtimisg 3n sawthe"twwdly divoctiOu par4ilal to D +tod 1,,30 f+ot *Mtbasrt ai' the ioutbamtwn right of wty lict: of U. S. ~111111 #17 825 ts~t sere or 1"r t~ a POiSes Saiad goiut b0flmg 1,ooo fe:t owtL tba wwtbnrn riot s! "W I.3ae of Uyshoac* Dr3.va and the aa4.d 1.9500 laet sautl~~~t Of tho "OthOastem rigkt of way line of u. S. aishnf #17; themr taa a sonsta1~y oastvwetly dixtat~~ parailel to smd 1,000 faet awth 6.► the owtbwr iia+e of sayehwo Drive 79,300 foot more ~ too* to the 4goetwlise of pso" Craok; thmes a1ftS sW +~ith tho eoutwlt~o of Fagas Ctootc 90&25 fa+et mts or liree " ue"ufsd aIOMS the e6sterl#ne of ftgee #e+*, to the eauterlino O!` tht IstraO"iea1 Ti~twnwi theme aioug OVd with tht eastor#.~m of the utraco"ta~ ~twwty 170550 fort mr+a of` laese to a p"st,w "ld priut betug 2,508 t~ ~thOort Oi" the O*fth*&St+~ riSht of vey 1in+s af ij. S. ~gbwWs #74 sW #76 (at Ch+e Cwps of 8ngie+arnn uirsr 8ac1i3ge), as ssnsw+tid along the cOut+er1i" Of the tutrae"stal 1ktw"Y, i petat a1" b~ft tbe riawthaattaft ~t tomiw of ~he sm nomww eftuty sesio$ At,** ft. 2~ themM► sleft aid I with the owtbimas1►me bomw,iry +lif tbL um bmwv4w ~oniag At** No. ~ a ontwrd$y directii@ 106SO fOt WWa tM U" tO tht P*t*L Of B~imt3:ft, i D ' ~ , ~ ~ ~ j i K-U R~~~~ DtVMCT The bereft 44ftested ares, 4awribo1 aus Sw Hammet ~~ty Zent" Area so~ ~ gba11 be dorig"taii as R-15 (RAar~dantisl) moa~ ~boo* ma" #pea4fleall~r de~ipwtad an eny oth+s~ ~iag 41s-trict. RvIt? IMIDMEUt # = S+eginnin,g ~t a rAut in the scutk►tester~ right vf vay line of Nw~h Core►l*aa Secand~ Read #1403 (bd foot right of ~ay) #sW gaint being the iollawing cowsoo aud distaue" Prm a railroad spitce ia the eonterrlive e►f locth Caroliua Ssexn4avy Rosd #1403; eouth 470-45' eaet 650.361, seuth 5OP-W eerrt 54.30'. Thmee frcam euid beflivaing goinc south 500-10' east 12.58' ta a point; thenee south 510•291 sa;st 128.57' to a po4at; t:heme acmth 31°-27' e"t 700.001 t+a apoint #.n the narthwestern ri,gbt tf D W*j li.n+e of tomwe Urtve (?5# right of *W); theme aouth 5104:17' +Nase 75.00* to e point tn the -south+eaatern aright of tray 7.ine of Keraaore t)rfve; tboace scuth 5I0-27* east 500' more or 3ose tc► a psrint; thance scuth 4S°-52' vost 2541 avocr oic less to a concroto isovinest, sue3,d mommout beiag the easte~ torom ef gacti+Qa 1 of ~~ywine Subdivieiou as ve- eorded i.n xw# "~ook 10 at page 50 v! ~bo Sm Hammer Regiatry; theme sauth 4e,,S2} Vait to as aU ir+an pi~*,, hoing th~ southern moet coraer of tb+e "W ~~~ion 1 eat BrandywiAs Sua►d&vLstoa; thema north 330-47' Varrt M. 681` ~o an 014 lutrt axie,j tbmto nmth 530-15' w"t 436.571 to a~ 03.d "T" treu,, btiog thr western snt wwow of ga#.d Soction ioi 83randy- vOw Subdiviatool theme owth 431*»244 *rr*t 605.71" to an oI4 iran pipei ~bouto 58°'-3S' oeet 365."' to # emerate monument, ~&td mommes►t 4~~ag the ortbwa a►~t owr~ ~f 9,aid S+~ti~ ~ ~f BrmWvwiua Su"iv#.sica; thowe narth 580*3~1 *"t 203' tror* *r 1~~ ~o the polnt ot Bsgtantsg. a,-~ ~nonm strwa. J~ ~~Umat~~~ ~~strlet 1~~~ ~t of the caetortiere of tba InCaacoastal Vrtoway aud wrth of thee MW NGWVW Cfte~ty Zonisg Aree No. 2 end south of Pa;ga~ Crook, 4"cribod " lai lawo. BrgionlLng at a~ old 3ron gipe marldog tbo southwo mat +cocaec of Ssction 1 of Broadywis+e Subdivisi.+an m~ reeftdsd in M+cp Sook 14 at page W~af the Mm Rmw+aqr Comty Se,gistry and rumirng t#meo from "id baginnrfsg point south 350*47" wsst i,SO0 fest ta a poist, thence in a northea»twoardly etiaroctioo 2,150 faet are or loss to apoint isk t~~e wrthsastern Yigbt of tray Iine of Secendary R+o►ad #1403 (kattecr kikoa as the Mi,ddl+~ Som~d Loop eni), stid poiat being lacstsc! 1,004 feet southsast of Che interaeetion o# tb►* nortttasstaswt right ~f way lisa of Se+comdasy Raad #1403 (Middlt ~otmd Leop R+wa) with tho southesatarn right of way '3ina of Wellington Drirro; atheme in a•cuthe,rtattwaret3y directioa alooS and with thd aorthesatern ri.ght v o# waty live 2,500 feet tcr a psint, eai+d poi.nt ba~ing 2ocaeed 3.500 feot soutb+e+est a# the lut+e"aeation of th+c noxtle+mstiem right of wy liae of ecvWary xoad #1403 (Middis Sc~md Loop R* ad) with tho soatheastern right of riray liee of Wellingtaa Dtive, as msasvrod aloug the northeastera right m# wsy iino of Seemdary Read #1403 (Mdd1* Souad Loop R+QaB); tlaence tct ;e northeastuar+dly etlr+eatiaud► 39175 feet aon or lase to apoint, sai.d point b" tha iotarmacties of the imagi~~ exte4sien of the northweeewa rigbt o# voy tin+e of Sec+andar~ RmW #1488 vizh a lin+e para11,a1 to and 204 f+ast ss~tbnwt a#' tho aoutbmitwa righfi of veq of &econdary xo" #1487; tlrasce im a s+authaastworvdly diroct#.on paral1el to aud 200 fast ssutkv"t of tbs smtbire,sxem r3ght of way Iis►e a! Secondary Rvrad #1487 1s158 #eet mmare or Iaas te a po4nt ia ths aortharrostera r#ght of wsy 1#.ve of Secoaary Roal #1403 (Middle Sou4d Zaap Baad), aaid goiat being 200 feet sswttaxast of the iatersection of the ncwthwestera right of way line of Secondsrq RQad #1403 (3iidd1e &cund Lcaop Rowd) w1th the ac+nthwestorn right of vay liae of Secondary 8aad #1487; tbmce alaag apd xitb tbe mwthirastera right of WsY ii.aa of Se:caadaty Rou] #1403 (Middle ffiouad Loop Raad), firat in a aostbasstaardXy +dLrection 1.900 feot mare o;r lesa aa mea#urett along the ~ soid right of iray; tb+eauae " tha right of gsy tvrqs at abCiut 9410 t+Ewsrds the northwest (tha said right of way nav becaaing the acsutlawsstesrn right rl of way of Secoadaury Road ,#1403) in anortbWestvatdly directian 1,$25 #eet J mo3c: ar lesa as eeasurad alang the said xi.gbt of vay tfl a poiat, said poiet ~ being lacated perpanii+celar to a poiat in th• nmrtheastern right of waq iiae I I ~of Saacandaay Bmsd #1403 (Mf.ddle Sound Laop Road), aaid point im the north- eastern right of way line of Secoadarr Road #1403 (Middle Soand Loop Road) ~ beiqg ~.aeated 340 #eet nocthvest cr# Che interaecticm of the aorthwestern r right of vay line of Saecndary Road #1404 wiLh the uortheestacn right of tr+ty iine of Secondarp Road #1403 {Middle S+ound Loop Roac} ; theme per- peadicuiar to the aosthwestern right of aay liat of See:ondary Itoed #1403 (#iddla Souxtd Laop Road) ia a northeaatvardlq diractioa 60 foet mare or lese to s point in the aorthwstst+eru right of way lins of Sscondarq Road #11+03 (Hidttle SomW Loop Aoad). sai+d poiat beiAg ivcated 340 feet aorttnPest of the iatersacticn of tbs northeasttrn rigbi of voy liae of Secaedary koad #1403 (Ml.ddlo Sound Loag ltoad) with the northrestern right of wry line of Se+eondary Raa:d #1404, ssid poiat aiso being the southsacn sost corner of Sea Uaks Mobiis Hm+a Villat$e as it apgsara era a prelimiiaary lapaut by Stacks Matxke dateeef Marah, 1970; thems alaag aad With the boundary of the saic2 Sea► Uaks !#obixe 8oms Yillaga ths fcrllofrl.n; ceursee and dista►aees: noarth 49°•47' aast 398.63 feet to a point; thence eauth 43°-4tf' east 210.0 f"t ta s potat; theuae nortb 48°•25' eart 840.63 ieet eo a point; thence aarth 390 •27' uest 335.65 faet to a paint; thmee north 410-43' west 659.19 faet to a poiat; thence north 400-30' ea.st 1,282 feet + to a point; ~ thems continuiag north 400•30' "st, but l"vimg the boesndary o# the Sea t?aks M*bile I3oeae Yiilage. 770 feet vc>re crr lsas to a point in the cent+er- lins of Pagar Cresic; tben+ce along and vith the centeriir►d of Pagea Creek 5,I00 feat mora or lass, se msasursd aloqg the centerlxue af Pag" Cr"k, to s goint 3.n the centearline of the IntracoaetaY Wstervay; thetce along and vith the center2ino ot the Iatrscoastal iia+terway 37,550 feet mare vr lese to ia p►oint, said point '6eing 2,500 feet a~r►rtheaat of the nrnrehesstern right of way line af U. S. Higtways #74 and #76 (at the Corps 4f 8ngineers Draw Bsid$e), as e"aurart n1mM the eeciteriine of the Iatracoaetgi Waterway, D ssiS point also being the nssxtheastern aoet cornw of the New Hik.nover Ca►nty Zoning Axes No. 2; thence along and with the nortt3esetern boundary of the New N+tcEOVer Cc►unty Zoning Area No. 2 in a westvardly directfon 5,400 feet more or ies• to apaint, said poiat beiag 2,400 feet 4aet nf the eutarn r:lght of waX Iiare of Sec+andary Road #140$ (better known as ths Militsry Cut-Off ROid) om aiaswed 4tt right togle►s tQ same, aaid pwinr also bting 20325 faet sanr+e c►s larao aortheast of the nort~e"tern rfght nf vay line of U. S. Bighwoy #74 as ma"tired at right suglea tfl sm+e; thestce parallei to and 2,000 f"t eaat of the sasterm right of wayr line of Secondary Road #1409 {Miiitax}► {;ut•Off Rotd), in • ac>rClwardiy directicm, - 8,550 faet more or ioes to e pvi.aE in the +eon#etliAo of Howas Creek; thsnCe a1mg ond wiCh the centerliae of Hvo►ea Creeh as it mean3ers in an reastvsrdlq diraetian approcimately 2,950 feat to a point, said point batag the iatersaetivn dt the csnterlise o! H,darar Croek aith the iaaaginaxy ext+ensicra of the south"stara bownduy of Section 1 of Braudywina Sub• division aa r+accrded tn Map Book 14 gage 54 0# the Nor Hanavsr CoaCy A+egistry; thence aloa$ aod with the imaginarj► ecte~~on of the sauth"steru boundarq of Section 1 of Srandywipe Subdivision north 480-53' sast 2,425 faat mor• or 1Nrs to the poiat of Boginaing. ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ r-°--° ~ YAN ~ y~=..~- _ ..r,, ~