09/03/1997 I I I ~4 (; Mr. Keith Elmore, Chairman, called the regular business meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Health (NHCBH) to order at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 3, 1997, in the Carl Thomas Durham Auditorium, New Hanover County Health Department, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members Present: W. Keith Elmore, RPh, Chairman Mary King Dean, Vice-Chairman Mary Lou Alford, RN Thomas V. Clancy, MD Michael E. Goins, OD Robert G. Greer Dennis L. Jackson, DVM William O'Kelly Jewell, DDS Anne Braswell Rowe William T. Steuer, PE/RLS Estelle G. Whitted, RN Members Absent: Others Present: Lynda F. Smith, Acting Health Director Frances F. De Vane, Recording Secretary Invocation: Mrs. Mary King Dean gave the invocation. Minutes: Mr. Elmore called for corrections to the minutes of August 6, 1997. MOTION: Dr. Goins MOVED, SECONDED by Mrs. Rowe, to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1997, of the New Hanover County Board of Health. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Board of Health corrected and approved the minutes of the August 6, 1997 meeting. The minutes of the Board of Health in Closed Session on Monday, August 25, and on Tuesday, August 26, 1997, to consider applicants for the position of Health Director at the New Hanover County Board of Health were approved. Recognitions: Staff Recopitions Ms. Smith recognized the following health department employees: New Employees Robin Potter, Environmental Health Specialist, Environmental Health Michelle D. Walters, Animal Control Services Officer, Animal Control Services On behalf of the Board of Health, Mr. Elmore welcomed the new employees to the health department staff. Other Recognitions: 72 UNCW Nursine Students Ms. Smith recognized nursing students from the University of North Carolina @ Wilmington attending and observing the Board of Health meeting. Mr. Elmore welcomed the nursing students. I Department Focal: Environmental Health Food Service Education Mrs. Alicia Pickett, Environmental Health Program Specialist, presented the department focal on Food Service Education. Mrs. Pickett summarized a report from Health and Human Services Secretary, Donna E. Shalala; Department of Agriculture Secretary, Dan Glickman; and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Carol M. Browner. Mrs. Pickett stated President Clinton's five point plan to reduce foodbome illness from microbial contaminants includes a $43.2 million request in FY 1998 Budget. In observance of Food Safety Education Month, Mrs. Pickett presented national and local food safety initiatives, guidelines for safe foodhandling and sanitation, and the dangers of foodbome pathogens. She prepared an exhibit entitled Beware of Foodborne Pathogens, which was displayed at the Coastal Area Health Education Center. Excerpts from a video entitled E-coli Dangers featuring Jill Callahan, TV-3, were shown to the Board. A discussion followed regarding the safety of seafood handling and the use of radiation in foodhandling. Mrs. Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director, advised Rules I Governing the Operation of Retail Seafood Markets and Vehicles were passed by the New Hanover County Board of Health on December 1, 1993. Mr. Elmore thanked Mrs. Pickett for her presentation and the information on Serving Safe Food Committee Reports: Search Committee Mr. Keith Elmore, Chairman, Search Committee, reported the committee has finished Committee meetings, and the full Board of Health met in Closed Session on Monday, August 25, Tuesday, August 26, 1997, and on Friday, August 29, 1997, to consider applicants for the position of Health Director at the New Hanover County Health Department. He stated no action was taken and the full Board of Health will meet in Closed Session on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, to consider applicants for the Health Director position. Unfinished Business: Youth Access Leeislation Passes Ms. Smith, Acting Health Director, informed the Board the North Carolina General Assembly passed Senate Bill 143, Youth Access To Tobacco Legislation, effective December 1, 1997, as formerly endorsed by the New Hanover County Board of Health. The legislation will I strengthen the current law in the following areas: removes the word "knowingly"; requires retailers (clerks) to check photo IDs, requires continuous supervision or locking devices on I I I is vending machines; requires retailers to train their employees about the law; requires retailers to post signs; increases the penalty from an infraction to a Class 2 misdemeanor for a minor who attempts to purchase, purchases or receives tobacco products; maintains the penalty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for anyone who sells or gives tobacco products to a minor; and establishes deferred prosecution for the first violation by a retailer or a minor. Ms. Smith reiterated if a person is charged a second time in twelve months, district attorneys could seek prosecution for both offenses. Report on HIV Peer Educator for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Ms. Vivian Mears, Public Health Nurse - Communicable Disease, gave a six-month report on the HIV Prevention Activities performed by the HIV Peer Educator for Persons with Developmental Disabilities. She stated in November 1996 the Board of Health recommended an evaluation report six months following the implementation of the HIV prevention education. Ms. Mears advised the first class was conducted in February 1996; ten classes were conducted with 60 participants. The peer educator was hired at $5.00 per hour as a temporary employee not to exceed three hours per week. The first six months evaluation of the peer educator's activities indicates an effective and cost efficient method of providing continuous reinforcement of HIV prevention to a group of underserved persons. Ms. Mears requested for the Board to consider the continuation of this successful program and a salary increase for the HIV Peer Educator from $5.00 to $6.00 per hour not to exceed three hours per week. She reported the educator has successfully assisted with the educational endeavors for persons with developmental disabilities. MOTION: Mr. Steuer, MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Goins for the Board of Health to approve the continuation of this program and to approve a salary increase for the HIV Peer Educator to $6.00 per hour not to exceed three hours per week. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. New Business: Comments: Board Members: Thermometers Dr. Goins expressed the importance of every home utilizing a food thermometer to check the temperature of food. Dr. Clancy advised the visiting UNCW nursing students that any type of thermometer may be a lethal weapon. He gave examples of emergency room cases of people with stab wounds. Youth Access To Tobacco Legislation Dr. Clancy congratulated the board and the health department staff for their endorsement and support of the Youth Access To Tobacco Legislation. He stated analysis of the Smoke Free Establishments List exemplifies successful tobacco control measures. 74 Acting Health Director: North Carolina Group To Alleviate Smokine Pollution. Inc. (GASP) Ms. Smith distributed information on the North Carolina Group To Alleviate Smoking Pollution, Inc. (GASP), a statewide non-profit education corporation of volunteers, whose purpose is to protect non smokers from the health risks of secondhand smoke and to support the rights of non-smokers. She advised the GASP publication entitled Breath of FRESH AIR features an article on the North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling Against Halifax County Board of Health regarding Halifax County Smoking Control Rules. A statewide summit focusing on tobacco control is to be held later this year for Local Health Directors, health professionals, and organizations concentrating on tobacco control. Ms. Smith referred the Board to a North Carolina Smoke-Free Accommodations and Dining Establishment List which now includes New Hanover County Smoke-Free Dining Establishments. She expressed her appreciation to Fred Michael, Project ASSIST Health Educator, for adding New Hanover County smoke-free establishments to the list on Internet. Mr. Michael announced the Great American Smokeout Smoke-Free Day is to be November 20, 1997. He stated 264 establishments were awarded Smoke-Free Establishment Certificates by the Board of Health prior to 1994. Ms. Smith suggested and it was the consensus of the Board of Health to reestablish awarding certificates to smoke-free establishments. North Carolina Pubic Health Association (NCPHA) 1997 Annual Conference Ms. Smith encouraged Board members to register for the NCPHA 1997 Annual Conference to be held on September 9-12, 1997, at the Adams Mark Hotel, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Association of North Carolina Boards of Health - Leadership Institute ''Academv at the Beach" Ms. Smith reminded Board members to register for the ANCBH - Leadership Institute, "Academy at the Beach, " to be held on October 10 - 11, 1997, at the Blockade Runner Hotel on Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Five Board members are registered to attend the "Academy at the Beach." Dr. Goins encouraged Board members to attend the Leadership Institute which features excellent speakers. Cancer Posters I I Ms. Smith displayed a poster entitled "Breast Cancer Facts in North Carolina" and an educational fact sheet developed by the State Central Cancer Registry at the request of the North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer, Coordination, and Control. She stated the purpose of the information is to educate North Carolina citizens about breast cancer and to inform them of what the state is doing to lessen the impact of breast cancer since one in every eight women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. Ms. Smith explained North Carolina Legislators sent letters and signed posters to their local health departments. The poster and data include the following topics: Public Health Saves Lives, Breast Cancer Facts, Your County's Breast Cancer Risk, Early Screening Saves Lives, I Breast Cancer Research Sites, and Breast Cancer Statistics. The Public Health Goal is "675 Lives Saved by the Year 2000". The Motto is "Early Detection Is Your Best Protection". I I I .... r- / . Ms. Smith stated health department staff is to review, display, and disseminate this information to the public and clients. Mrs. Betty Jo McCorkle, Women's Health Care Director, advised the Board lives are being saved in New Hanover County in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) implemented in the health department in January 1997. She reported from January 1997 through August 8, 1997, 67 women in the BCCCP Clinic received mammogram screenings with 8 abnormal results. Letter Re: Rabies in New Hanover County from Thomas C. Needham, DVM Ms. Smith referred to a letter from Dr. Needham sent to the Board Health and to Animal Control Services addressing Rabies control in New Hanover County. The letter stated Dr. Needham's Clinics have been giving Rabies booster vaccinations to 9-12 week old puppies and kittens for a $5.00 charge. Beginning October 1, 1997, through October 1998 during the first week of each quarter, his three clinics will give Rabies vaccinations for a $5.00 charge. Distribution of July Monthly Reports Ms. Smith distributed the July 1997 Health Director's Report, New Hanover County Health Department, to the Board of Health. Other Business: Coneratulations to Mr. Greer Mr. Elmore congratulated Mr. Greer, who was elected First Vice President of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. Minutes of August 6, 1997 Mr. Greer stated a correction needed to be made to the minutes of August 6, 1997 meeting of the Board of Health. AMENDED MOTION: Mr. Greer amended the motion to correct and to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1997, of the New Hanover County Board of Health to reflect Mr. Greer's attendance and presentation of the invocation at the Board meeting on August 6, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There being no further business, the regular business meeting of the Board of Health was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. ~A~;'-ch&nnan New Hanover County Board of Health ~~~ Lynda . Smith, Acting Health Director New Hanover County Health Department Approved: II II I 77 Mr. Keith Elmore, Chairman, called the regular business meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Health (NHCBH) to order at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, in the Dr. Thomas Fanning Library, New Hanover County Health Department, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members Present: W. Keith Elmore, RPh, Chairman Mary King Dean, Vice-Chairman Mary Lou Alford, RN Thomas V. Clancy, MD Michael E. Goins, OD Robert G. Greer Wilson O'Kelly Jewell, DDS Dennis L. Jackson, DVM Anne Braswell Rowe William T. Steuer,'PE, RLS Estelle G. Whitted, RN Members Absent: Others Present: Frances F. De Vane, Recording Secretary Invocation: Mr. Keith Elmore, Chairman, gave the invocation. Mr. Elmore entertained a motion for Closed Session of the New Hanover County Board of Health for the purpose of considering applicants for the position of Health Director at the New Hanover County Health Department. MOTION: Dr. Goins MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Greer for the New Hanover County Board of Health to go into Closed Session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(6) to consider applicants for the position of Health Director. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was the consensus of the Board of Health to adjourn Closed Session of the New Hanover County Board of Health at 3:55 p.m. on Tuesday, September 16, 1997. The Board concurred to return to Open Session of the Board of Health at 3:55 p.m. on Tuesday, September 16, 1977. Upon vote, Mr. Elmore returned the New Hanover County Board of Health to Open Session. He stated no action was taken in Closed Session except the Board of Health authorized the Chairman of the Board of Health to make an offer for the Health Director position. Other Business: There being no further business the Board of Health meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. W.~~h, Ch&nnan New Hanover County Board of Health Approved: