12/05/1990 BOH Minutes I I I 65 The New Hanover 5, 1990, at 7:30 of Wagoner Hall, North Carolina. James R. Leutze, County Board of Health met on Wednesday, December A.M. for a breakfast meeting in the Madeline Suite University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) , Dr. Marlene Rosenkoetter, Host, introduced Dr. Chancellor, UNCW. Members Present: John Leonard, DVM, Chairman Don Blake, Vice Chairman . Pascal Camak, DDS Michael Goins, OD Robert G. Greer Julius Howard, RhP Amaryallis Rehder, MA Sheram Robinson Marlene Rosenkoetter,RN ,PhD, FAAN Members Absent: Alan Thomas, MD Others Present: Robert S. (Bob) Parker, Health Director Frances F. De Vane, Recording Secretary Dr. Leonard called the business meeting to order at 8:40 A.M. Dr. Goins presented the invocation. Dr. Leonard called for corrections to the minutes of the meeting on November 7, 1990. The minutes were corrected and approved. Recognition of Dr. Pete Camak - Board of Health 1988-90 Dr. Leonard presented a plaque to Dr. Camak, in recognition for serving on the Board of Health from January 1988 through December 1990. Dr. Leonard commended and thanked Dr. Camak for his dedication and service to Public Health. Departmental Focal: Dr. Rosenkoetter gave the introduction of the departmental focal to be presented by UNCW staff on Health Promotion Activities at UNCW. Ms. Pa t Leonard, Dean of Students, Ms. Diane Reichard, Acting Coordinator of Alternatives and Ms. Deborah Haywood, Coordinator, Office of Health Promotion, LIVWELL/Alternatives Program, presented the goals, obj ecti ves and services of the health promotion and wellness programs available to UNCW students. Dr. Leonard thanked Dr. Rosenkoetter and the participating UNCW staff for their educational presentation on the health promotion programs available to UNCW students. 66 Committee Reports: Environmental Health Committee I Dr. Camak, Chairman, Environmental Health Committee, reported that the Environmental Health Committee met on Wednesday, November 28, 1990, to discuss preliminary subdivision evaluations. He referred the Board to three options considered by the Environmental Health Committee for preliminary subdivision evaluations. Dr. Camak explained these three options to the Board and stated that Options *1 and *3 would protect Environmental Health Specialists and New Hanover County from legal action. He stated that once these options are adopted by the Board of Health they will be a part of the New Hanover County Subdivision Review process. After discussion Dr. Camak moved that Option #1 and Option *3 be utilized by the Environmental Health Division of the New Hanover County Health Department for preliminary subdivision evaluations. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Attachment: Options 1, 2 and 3) Dr. Camak reported the target date for the adoption of the rules reqUl.rl.ng the health department to offer a foodservice course to foodhandling operations is July 1991. Dr. Camak stated that the Environmental Health Committee reviewed a I request from the New Hanover County Health Department Management Team urging the discontinuance of styrofoam cups for coffee for Board of Health meetings because of their danger to the environment. He stated that the committee felt that washable mugs would be more economical and environmentally effective. Dr. Leonard moved that the Board of Health discontinue the usage of stryofoam cups as a concern for the environment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Personnel Committee Mr. Howard, Chairman, reported that the Personnel Committee met to consider the recommendation of one additional Public Health Nurse II position to meet growing case load needs in the Home Health Program. Revenues generated by the Home Health Program will fund this new position. No county funds are needed. Mr. Howard moved that the request for one additional Public Health Nurse II position be approved by the Board of Health and submitted to the New Hanover county Commissioners for their consideration. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I 1 I I 67 Nominating Committee Mr. Howard presented the following nominations for the 1991 Board of Health: Dr. John Leonard, Chairman Ms. Amaryallis Rehder, Vice Chairman Dr. Leonard withdrew his name as a nominee for Chairman of the Board of Health. Dr. Leonard asked for nominations for the Chairman of the Board of Health. The following nominees for Chairman were: Mr. Don Blake Dr. Michael Goins. Mr. Howard moved that the nominations be closed. MOTION PASSED. Upon ballot vote, Mr. Blake was elected Chairman of the Board of Health for 1991. Dr. Leonard asked for further nominations for the Vice Chairman of the Board of Health. Mr. Howard moved that the nominations be closed and that Ms. Amaryallis Rehder be elected Vice Chairman of the Board of Health for 1991. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dr. Leonard congratulated Mr. Blake and Ms. Rehder upon their election as officers of the Board of Health. Unfinished Business: Smoking Pollution Control Ordinance (SPCO) UPdate Dr. Leonard informed the Board that Mr. Parker is to make a presentation on the New Hanover County SPCO at the Wilmington City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 1990. Mr. Parker encouraged Board members to attend the City Council meeting in support of the SPCo. Expanded Services in New Hanover County Schools Mr. Parker stated that the Expansion of School Based Health Services is receiving community interest and media coverage. The Board of Education is having a Public Hearing regarding this issue at 7: 00 P.M. on January 3, 1991. Mr. Parker stated he has been asked to make a 15 minute presentation at the hearing. 68 Conments: Board Members Health Director Mr. Parker invited and encouraged Board members to attend the Health Department Annual Christmas dinner to be held at the health department on December 14, 1990, from 12 Noon to 2 P.M. Mr. Parker reminded the Board members to attend a training session for Boards of Health to be held on January 16, 1991 from 2 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. in Raleigh, N.C. Mr. Parker stated the New Hanover County Commissioners will appoint two new Board members in December. Applicants for these positions must be a dentist and a professional engineer. Ms. Rehder has agreed to serve another term on the Board of Health. Mr. Parker requested that Board members plan to attend the Dedication of the Library to Dr. Thomas Fanning Wood to be held on February 22, 1991, at 4 :00 P.M. and a Reception at 5:00 P.M. Mr. Parker asked Board members to participate in Project Red Ribbon, sponsored by the New Hanover County Health Department and Sheriff's Department. This is a project to promote a safe and happy holiday and to remind people in the community not to drink and drive. J Mr. Parker introduced Ms. Sharon Brock, Administrative Officer for Home Health. Dr. Leonard thanked Dr. Rosenkoetter for a delicious breakfast and for hosting the December Board of Health meeting. Dr. Rosenkoetter invited the board to a tour of the UNCW campus facilities and the School of Nursing. There being no further business, Dr. Leonard adjourned the meeting at 10:15 A.M. ~~ Dr. John Leonard Mð°:1°fp~ Robert S. (Bob) Parker Secretary to the Board Approved: I I I