2003-02-03 RM Exhibits28.7.1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Amery Wells has served the citizens òf Southeast North Carolina since 1992 when he joined the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources as a Temporary Crewman; and WHEREAS, Amery Wells, was rapidly promoted to Assistant County Ranger for Pender County, where he served until 1998 and transferred to New Hanover County where he has diligently worked toward the safety of New Hanover County residents; and WHEREAS, Amery Wells has helped protect life and property in New Hanover County through his work with the Division of Forest Resources and his co11aborative work with New Hanover County Fire Services and New Hanover County Emergency Management; and WHEREAS, Amery Wells has been promoted to District Ranger for the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources and will be serving residents in the DuplinfPender County Zone District Eight; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby sincerely thank and recognize District Ranger Amery Wells on his promotion and for his years of dedication to protecting the lives and property of the citizens of New Hanover County. Adopted this, the 3rd day of February 2003. [Attest] R· JYÄ __/ ~~arrell, Clerk~ 28.7.2 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Umted States Coast Guard and the Umted States Coast Guard Reserve enJoy a long and proud hIstory m New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, smce September 11 2001, the Umted States Coast Guard, both ActIve Duty and Reserves, have been takmg part m the largest homeland defense and port secunty operatIOn smce WW II, and WHEREAS, the Coast Guard homeland secunty role mc1udes the protectIOn of ports, the flow of commerce, and the manne transportatIOn system, and WHEREAS, approxImately 360 Umted States Coast Guard ReservIsts have been caned to actIve duty as part of OperatIOn Endunng Freedom and are assIstmg m provIdmg secunty for mIhtary outloads at the North Carohna State Ports m WIlmmgton, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIoners does hereby welcome the men and women of the Umted States Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserves to New Hanover County and recogrnze theIr Important dutIes m the global war on terronsm Adopted thIs, the 3rd day of February 2003 New Hanover County Board of CommIssIOners [Attest] (;(! ~J"//Ý4M.dI ~ ~e; F Harren, Clerk to the Board h;£~{)~ 28.7.3 RESOLUTION REQUESTING NCDOT TO PLACE SIGNS IDENTIFYING THE MONKEY JUNCTION AREA WHEREAS, the mtersectIOn ofU S 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and N C 132 (College Road) has been known as Monkey JunctIOn smce the mId-1900's, and WHEREAS, many persons use the term "Monkey JunctIOn" m gIvmg dIrectIOns to VIsItors and m descnbmg locatIOns of busmesses NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of CommISSIOners of the County of New Hanover does hereby request the North Carolma Department of TransportatIOn to place mformatIOnal sIgns at appropnate locatIOns at the 421/132 mtersectIOn IdentIfymg the area as Monkey JunctIOn ADOPTED tills 3rd day of February, 2003 1dDß~ ATTEST: ~Í1~~~ 28.7.4 NEW lIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission, the Greater WiJmington Chamber of Commerce and the Friends of Human Relations are sponsoring Human Relations Month; and WHEREAS, the theme for Human Relations Month is "Human Relations: 40 Years of Pro aress ". and b , WHEREAS, all citizens are encouraged to respect and work to establish equal lights for all petsons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability or familial status; and WHEREAS, through practicing the principles of Human Relations Month on an every day basis, the lights of each person to freedom, liberty and justice are preserved, protected and perpetuated; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the month of February 2003 be declared Human Relations Month in New Hanover County and that all citizens are called upon to sincerely join forces in creating and practicing a mutual bond of fellowship with all citizens and resolve to accept a personal challenge to improve the status of all people through assurance of the basic human rights of justice, freedom and dignity. Adopted the third day of February, 2003. / /li t:l:Q Ted Davis, JI. Challman of the Board rP·.,V~~ ~~Harrell, Clerk to the Board 28.7.5 RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND/OR REFINANCING OF COUNTY WATER AND SEWER, FIRE STATION, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND AIRPORT PROJECTS AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR APPROVAL OF SUCH INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND REFINANCING WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIOners desIres to hold a public hearIng m connectIOn with the msta11ment financmg and/or refinancmg by the County of certam water and sewer, fire statIOn, admmIstratIOn bUIldmg and airport pro] ects to be located m the County, and WHEREAS, the County IS reqUIred to file an applicatIOn with the Local Government CommIssIOn of North Carolma (the "LGC") requestmg approval of the proposed msta11ment financmg and/or refinancmg of such proJects, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of CommISSIOners as fo11ows 1 That a public heanng addressmg the proposed msta11ment financmg and/or refinancmg of certam water and sewer, fire statIOn, admmIstratIOn bUIldmg and airport proJects m the County sha11 be held on the 17th day of February, 2003, at 9 00 am m Room 301 of the HIstonc New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North ThIrd Street, WIlmmgton, North Carolina 2 That the Clerk to the Board IS hereby dIrected to cause a notIce of such public hearmg to be published m a qualified newspaper no fewer than ten (10) days pnor to such public heanng 3 That the County Manager and the Fmance DIrector are hereby authonzed and dIrected to file an applicatIOn with the LGC for the LGC's approval of the msta11ment financmg contract pursuant to N C G S SectIOns 160A-20 and 159-148, and to execute a sworn statement of debt of the County pursuant to N C G S SectIOn 159- 150, m connectIOn with the financmg and/or refinancmg of the proposed proJects ThIS the 3rd day of February, 2003 (SEAL ~a"er ~aty /~¡~.Jy . Ted DavIs, Jr , Irman 28.7.5 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The New Hanover County Board of CommISSIOners met for a regularly scheduled meetmg at 5 30 pm on February 3, 2003 m Room 301 of the HIstonc New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Thud Street, WI1mmgton, North Carolina Those present were Ted DavIs, Jr , Chairman Robert G Greer, VIce-Chairman WIlham A Caster, CommIssIOner Julia Boseman, CommIssIOner Nancy Pntchett, CommIssIOner Also present were Anen O'Neal, County Manager Wanda M Copley, County Attorney LUCIe F Harre11, Clerk to the Board * * * * * * V Ice-Chauman Greer moved the adoptIOn of the followmg resolutIOn RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND/OR REFINANCING OF COUNTY WATER AND SEWER, FIRE STATION, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND AIRPORT PROJECTS AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR APPROVAL OF SUCH INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND REFINANCING WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIOners desues to hold a public heanng m connectIOn with the msta11ment financmg and/or refinancmg by the County of certam water and sewer, fire statIOn, admmistratIOn bUIldmg and airport proJects to be located m the County, and WHEREAS, the County IS reqUIred to file an applicatIOn with the Local Government CommIssIOn of North Carolma (the "LGC") requestmg approval of the proposed msta11ment financmg and/or refinancmg of such proJects, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIOners as fo11ows That a pubhc heanng addressmg the proposed mstanment financmg and/or refinancmg of certam water and sewer, fire statIOn, admmIstratIOn bUIldmg and airport proJects m the County sha11 be held on the 17th day of February, 2003, at 900 am m Room 301 of the HIstone New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North ThIrd Street, WI1mmgton, North Carolma 2 That the Clerk to the Board IS hereby dIrected to cause a notIce of such pubhc heanng to be published m a qualified newspaper no fewer than ten (10) days pnor to such pubhc heanng .. -<. 3 That the County Manager and the Fmance Director are hereby authorIzed and dIrected to fiJe an applicatIOn with the LGC for the LGC's approval of the msta11ment financmg contract pursuant to N C G S SectIOns 160A-20 and 159-148, and to execute a sworn statement of debt of the County pursuant to N C G S SectIOn 159-150, m connectIOn with the financmg and/or refinancmg of the proposed proJects The motion was- seconded by CommISSIOner Caster and was adopted by the fo11owmg vote AYES Ted DavIs, Jr , ChaIrman Robert G Greer, VIce-Chairman WIlliam A Caster, CommIssIOner Julia Boseman, COnlITIlSSIOner Nancy Pntchett, CommIssIOner NAYS None NYA 43670715691000604