2003-03-10 RM Exhibits (¿:/:l 21. </./ RESOLUTION SUPPORTING STATE ASSUMPTION OF LOCAL SHARE OF MEDICAID WHEREAS, the counties' share of MedIcaId reImbursements m North Carolma have mcreased tremendously m the past few years, and WHEREAS, approxImately forty-three states do not reqmre county contnbutIOns to MedIcaId, and WHEREAS, local budgets have been adversely affected by recent decIsIOns by the Governor to wIthhold reImbursements due to cIties and counties, effectively depletmg fund balances, and WHEREAS, demands on local governments to fund county mfrastructure, publIc schools, commumty colleges and other publIc facIlIties and serVIces have grown, thus creatmg an mcreased burden on ad valorem taxes, and WHEREAS, Senate BIll 55 has been mtroduced the North Carolma General Assembly by Senator JIm Forrestor (Gaston) to provIde MedIcaId RelIef to counties, and WHEREAS, Senate BIll 55 reqmres a reductIOn of the five percent local partIcIpatIOn rate, by one percent per year, begmmng July 1,2005, and WHEREAS, adoptIOn of Senate BIll 55 wIll result m the phase out of the county share of the non-federal share of MedIcaId costs over a five-year penod NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of CommIssIOners of the County of New Hanover does hereby petitIOn the General Assembly of the State of North Carolma to adopt Senate BIll 55 and MedIcaId for all counties m the State of North Carolma ADOPTED thIs 10th day of March, 2003 ~Q~ Q,:man ATTEST: \)Ç!A'~~ ~~ Harrell, Clerk to the Board R. J± .27. 'to ;¿ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the ImplementatIOn of the aiINDEX enabled software as marketed by Hart InterClVlc, Inc has been determmed by the InformatIOn Technology DIrector and the RegIstrar to be advantageous m the routme operatIOn of the RegIster of Deeds Office, AND WHEREAS, the aiINDEX enabled software IS a sole source Item and only aVaIlable through Hart InterClvIc, Inc and IS the only program to provIde the features and system capabIlIties necessary to meet New Hanover County's needs and be compatible wIth the eXIstmg system, AND WHEREAS, General Statute 143-129(t) allows an exemptIOn from formal bIddmg for purchase contracts when a needed product IS aVaIlable from only one source of supply, AND WHEREAS, budget amendment # 03-0138, presented as part of thIS resolutIOn, establIshes a budget for funds to be used pursuant to General Statute 161-11 3 regardmg AutomatIOn Enhancement and PreservatIOn Fund, AND WHEREAS, the aIINDEX enabled software project through Hart InterCIvIc, Inc totals nmety-four thousand two hundred nme dollars ($94,209 00), AND WHEREAS, the RegIstrar, the Fmance Duector, the InformatIOn Technology DIrector and the County Manager recommend that the contract for the purchase aiINDEX enabled software be awarded to Hart InterCIvIc, Inc, as a sole source agreement to be handled as a contract amendment to the prevIOus contract # 00-0282, resultmg m a contract amount of mnety-four thousand two hundred nme dollars ($94,209 00), AND WHEREAS, approxImately twelve thousand dollars ($12,00000) of the aVaIlable funds wIll be used to purchase the reqUIred computer hardware, related eqmpment and serVIces that are not mc1uded m the award of thIS contract to Hart InterCIvIc, Inc , Items to be purchased through normal County procedures, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County CommIssIOners of New Hanover County that the contract for acqUIsItIOn of an aIINDEX enabled software be awarded to Hart InterClvIc,Inc m the amount ofmnety-four thousand two hundred mne dollars ($94,209 00), and that the County IS hereby authonzed and dIrected to execute the amendment to contract # 00-0282, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney, and that the County Manager IS hereby authonzed and duected to execute the amendment to contract # 00-0282, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney, and that the staff purchase the remaming reqUIred computer hardware, related eqUIpment and servIces that are not mc1uded m the award of thIS contracts, Items to be purchased through normal County procedures, and that budget amendment # 03-0138 IS approved ThIS 10th day of March, 2003 (SEAL) 'f1tJoÍ Counry COmnllssioners ~S~vi ~ \J"~ the Board R421~.~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, GIrl Scouts of the USA, the world's largest volunteer orgamzatIon for gIrls, was founded by JulIette Gordon Low on March 12, 1912, and WHEREAS, the GIrl Scout movement IS dedIcated to mstIllmg hIgh Ideals of character, conduct, servIce and patnotIsm m gIrls and has msplred generatIons of gIrls to Improve the world around them m theIr homes, commumtIes, and SOClety, and WHEREAS, the GIrl Scouts of New Hanover County and the Coastal Carolmas are celebratIng the 91st anmversary of the Gul Scout orgamzation, and WHEREAS, Saturday, March 22, 2003, has been set aSIde as Girl Scout Day at Westheld Shoppmgtown Independence The shoppmgtown Wlll be showcasmg GIrl Scout accomplIshments to the commumty Wlth troop dIsplays, councIl exhIbIts, and more NOW, THEREFORE, be It resolved that the New Hanover County Board of CommlSSlOners does hereby proclalm March 22, 2003 as Girl Scout Day and the Board urges air ItS cItIzens to Jom m recogmzmg GIrl Scouts for theIr countless contnbutIons to our towns, cItIes, states, and Its people Adopted thIs the 10 day of March, 2003 ~OO~an ~v~ Lu~ F H~rrell, Clerl~ to the Board 28.8.4 NEWHANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS R.ESOLUTION \VIIEUEAS, the bravc in en and womcn of the Armed Forces o'f thc rnitcd SÜltes of .' ":'. ;-:;.:":'~::. Amcdcaarc'deplo);cd Ù'f'oUlid the world to~¡¡d iif the jH~otectioÚ of.ir.1I1oéent livcs .Ùnd·:":. ".",. propcrtY;}lBd.,. '.. .;:....;. ........ ::.....::.".......;..:.. . ...... ::.:. n·:·.···,':·>... .. "c,:," . . j;:~:.~... <i:?:: ", \VllI;:RtAS, tJ.leir mission is an honorahle ()n~ and ~\'od.d:pe:!cc·is.our.c()mm()n ol.JjecHvc;·· '..' ..' ... " . ·~nd···.. ...... . . ........ " ::,'. .;' ". .... '. .'; . :'~". ...... .j.....' '. .:," . '.:' ':"': ...,::', '; . '" . ',' ..' . . . . . '."" ::...... .?'.. . ';~'.. .,:..~.....,'...::,,:..,.' ~.. .' '.' .:~.;., ., .'. '.;'.t, ...... ".,\";.~...., '~..'~~:, ,,;) ;i..:. ..... ; '. ..... \\'.11 EnEAS, a conccrned peovle c~lI1not stand idly by""hilc othcrs arc dcnied frcedom ,:. :.~.::. :,'.::<: <"';' 'aild"'saf~th aiid .' ./..... :..... .:....': ::--: ...' ':". '." J:;...' " .;,;.:.:.......~..,.(-.,.,',;:-:.<... :",". ,". ""'..:!... .~.;..::.:..,:...:,"'.:...:.:~.~. .' .." . :.':' . :!'.." ,,:. '\\'HERE:!\S, \,'c arc' gi:~lt~~~1i f\)Ì" thcir sacrifice and for the r;~:.;::;<.:?:::;<>;:> p~e.d~ccss,örs ;,q).o ~~,c.'pcd:thi:.~:.~OUl?l:J~y.tq be· and rcmain free;.. ... sacrificcs of thcir .,..; . n. . . ~ .' ;:;>.:«?::.,.;.( .;\0'\1 ,"ii-I EJ~EFORE,'ÚE ·.í+RtSOL\lED;:that the .:\cw 'iI~uwver'Count~' ·..BÒal-d' 0f:Ú':·." ...... .... .,':' ." . .':.:' .".:' Commissioners docs hereby. pledge its.supp()rt.ill~d· gnltitudetothç me~l. aJ1d'\:()Jn.el~.;· :;:- :·..:·::·:i .: ':. s(:~r\'ing in the Armed forces of the Uilitcd "SÙîtC!( ()f l('lil;Úid~ 'where\'cr' dl;¿·i.r·:·dlÙS(·:·(·' <:.~.... ~~~L::/;:::'::,:<\: stati~~·n,a.nd ·h~rcb~'.()ffers its r~raycrs for theirs:l.fe 1."~~ur'p::~p.)I.~fil~"t~I!1.i.HH~. "H~~~. !!>.~;çd..;;...:::;,',.·,";:.., . ",:;; .. .' '. ones. .... . . '. : ". . :' .: '. . . ....... ,...,' :..,' .':." .,"" .., I::. :u :;:i/~>':'<~"" .. ". ' ,"" .' :, ....,' ..This the J Oth day .of ~ 1 a rcl~\2 003_ ;:':~":':" .;';::!'\. :' ;'.. . ·r '.,. ;::....::.,:.. ,:,::.'\'.~: ,.:}~::..:. ''-:·:5 ;;:'" ,':, ;., . . .," ~ . : .\.~'::.' . . .: . .' .' .' '''.;' . '".',. :" ,.' :~;~.;;. . ',,','.' ?I,,~. ': ~::; .' .' ~ :. .. ",.'::'. ,<;> :.....,'.,<;.::;. . ....:> ::. :.:';; :.': <>:::.: ,')'\"'>' "~¡; ~:':<. ~ '.":.:. '~'.~~'~~ ..~.~. . . '. / ....: I,j (l .('\. .l4-f. LJæýt;·J-··.. Ted Da\·is. Jr-,' Chainl~an '. ....' '. ",,:; .:..,:,,; .; \ \ I .. '.·1 ", l' .'. .. '.' '.: ':.'::" \. . ATTJ:ST: ¿/". (;f2". -/ \/ ß/tûYlðb __,' ~~. JJarrell, CierI.: to the Board .. .... , . " ." , .L~,:~').:~~":_'~<': !.~f ,:",.:.:-Y;' .;,', . .' . . ~. > . . .'.