2003-04-07 RM Exhibits28.9.1 Ted DavIs, Jr Chairman ~fftre of lßoarb of QCommÍssÍoners j,F},ew ~anober QCountp 320 QCbe%tnut ~treet, 3L\oom 305 Wllm11tßton, j,F},ortb QCarollna 28401-4093 melepbone (910) 341-7149 §ax (910) 341-4130 WWW nhcgov com Robert G Greer Vice-Chairman Julia Boseman Commissioner William A Caster Commissioner Wanda M Copley County Attorney Nancy H Pritchett Commissioner Allen O'Neal County Manager Lucie F Harrell Clerk to the Board RESOLUTION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the UnIted States Congress has established the Workforce InveMment Act of 1998, PL 105-220 on August 7, 1998, requIrIng fullllnplementatlon by States no later than July I, 2000 WHEREAS, North Carolll1a has opted to be an early IInplementll1g state and will Implement July 1, 1999 and has elected to follow provIsIons 111 the Workforce Investment Act whIch penmt the utIlizatIOn of North Carolina's eXlstll1g delivery structure, the Governor of the State of north Carol 111 a will desIgnate the current "servIce delivery area" under the Job Trall1ll1g PartnershIp Act as the "workforce II1vestment area" under the provIsions of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 whIch Il1cludes the Counties of BrunswIck, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender, to be known as the Cape Fear Workforce Development ConsortIum WHEREAS, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 IS authorIZed under a dlffelent piece of federal legislatIOn than the Job trall1ll1g PartnershIp Act and current agreements only govern receipt of JTP A, NCETGP and WtW funds and do not Il1clude local liability for Workforce Investment Act funds, the Issue of responsIbilIty for the Workforce Investment Act must be addressed It will be necessary to execute and update the eXlstll1g State/ServIce Dehvery Area Memorandum of Agreement and the local ArtIcles of AssocIation and AgI'eement fOl' the Cape Fear Workforce Development ConsortIUm to reflect the liability, addItIonal functIons and responSibilitIes assocIated wIth the Workforce II1vestment Act to II1clude deslgnatton ofthe "chIef elected officials" for the ConsortIUm and ChIef Elected Official for the workfol ce II1vestment area, designatIOn of an admllllstratlve/fiscal agent to admll1lster the program on behalf of the Consortium, and certIfication of eXlstll1g Workforce Development Board to sel ve as the workforce Il1vestment board for WIA, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tIllS County does hereby approve the amended ArtIcles of AssocIatIOn and Agreement for the Cape Fear Workforce Development ConsortIUm to II1clude the addItIonal liability, functtons and lesponslbIlltles associated wldl the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, desIgnates the "chief elected officials" fOI the ConsOltlum and the Chief Elected OfficIal for the SDA/WIA and requests certIfication of the eXlstll1g Cape Fear Workforce Development Board as the workforce Il1vestment Board for pLll poses of the Workforce Investment Act, RESOLVED FURTHER, that Lynwood Noms, as the representative ChIef Elected OfficIal for the Counties of BrunswIck, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender IS authorized, upon receipt, to \J execute the amended State and ServIce Delivery Area Memorandum of Agreement to leflect the mcluslon of the federal Workforce Investment Act and IS fLlliher authorized to execute the Admll1lstratIve/Fiscal Agent DesIgnation Form for the workforce Investment Act deslgnatll1g the Cape Fear Council of Governments as the admmlstratlve/fiscal agent to carry out the dutIes of the Consortium assocIated WltIl WIA program management, financial management (receipt and disbursement of grant funds), and support to the local Cape Fear Workforce Development Board, RESOLVED FURTHER, that the County's board member on the Cape Fear COLlI1cll of Governments' Board, designated as the "chIef elected officIal" ofthls County for the Cape Fear Workforce Development ConsortIUm Board and all purposes as required by the Job Trall1ll1g Act and Workforce Investment Act and foregomg Articles of AssocIation and Agleement for the Cape Fear Workforce Development ConsortIum IS hereby authorized and dIrected to execute on behalf of the County the amended ArtIcles of AssocIatIOn and Agreement fOl' the Cape Fear Workforce Development ConsortIUm and to take any and all actIons which may be appropriate to carry out the foregomg resolutIons mto effect &n,º~~nty Board of Comm ISSloners ~~~J/xI~~ I hereby certify that dUring a regular meetmg of the New Hanover County Board of CommIssioners held on Apnl 7, 2003, the above resolution was duly adopted rA2._~J ~/ ~"'~ '- """21~ the Board 28.9.6 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHING A GOVERNMENTAL CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION Preamble On January 13,2003 the New Hanover County Board ofCommIsslOners and the WIlmmgton City CouncIl voted unanImously to estabhsh a ConsohdatlOn Study CommIsslOn pursuant to North Carolma General Statute 153A-401 The ConsohdatlOn Study CommIsslOn will prepare a plan for consohdatmg all functlOns and services of New Hanover County and the CIty ofWIlmmgton The plan will be voted on by the cItizens In the November 2004 general electlOn after ratIficatlOn of the consohdatÌon plan by the Board of County Commissioners and the WIlmIngton CIty Council The plan approved by the Board of County CommIsslOners and the WIlmmgton CIty Council will be submitted to the General Assembly so that consohdatlOn may become effectIve by enactmg the plan Into law The plan approved by the General Assembly will then be submitted to the voters In the November 2004 general electIon The Board of County CommIsslOners and the CIty CouncIl shall proceed wIth dIscussmg functlOnal consohdatlOn of mdIvIdual departments Article 20 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolma General Statutes authonzes CountIes and CitIes to estabhsh a charter or governmental study commISSlOn by concurrent resolutlOns of then governIng bodies, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of CommisslOners and the WIlmmgton CIty CouncIl that 1 There IS hereby estabhshed the New Hanover County-WIlmmgton Governmental ConsohdatlOn Study CommIsslOn pursuant to the prOVISlOns of Article 20 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolma General Statutes 2 The CommlsslOn IS hereby charged wIth the followlllg purposes a To study the powers, dutIes, functlOns, responsibIlItIes and orgamzatlOnal structures of New Hanover County and the CIty of WIlmmgton, b To prepare a report on Its studies and findIngs, c To prepare a plan for consohdatmg New Hanover County and the CIty of WIlmmgton mto a smgle government, d To prepare drafts of any legIslatlOn necessary to effect the plan of governmental consohdatlOn, e To prepare and recommend the proposed charter for the consohdated governments of New Hanover County and the CIty of WIlmmgton to the governmg bodIes of the County and the City, f To call for a referendum, as provIded m G S 153A-405 on the plan of governmental consohdatlOn, subject to the approval ofthe consohdatlOn plan and charter by the WIlmmgton CIty CouncIl and the New Hanover County Board of CommIsslOners 3 The CommisslOn shall be composed of eleven (11) members who shall serve until the work of the CommIsslOn IS completed ApphcatlOns for membershIp shall be submItted to the Clerk to the Board of County CommIsslOners by May 15, 2003 The members shall be appomted m accordance wIth the procedures set forth m ExhIbIt "A" attached hereto and mcorporated herem by reference The members shall be appomted by July 1, 2003 Currently sIttmg elected officials wIll not be ehgIble for appomtment to the CommisslOn VacancIes occurnng on the CommIsslOn by reason of resIgnatlOn or otherwIse shall be filled m accordance wIth the ongmal appomtment procedure 4 An organIzatlOnal meetmg of the CommIssIon shall be scheduled by the New Hanover County Board of CommIsslOners and the WIlmmgton CIty CouncIl wIthm thIrty days after the members of the CommIsslOn have been appomted The officers of the CommIssIon shall be a chaIrperson, vIce-chauperson and secretary The officers shall be elected by the CommIsslOn from Its membershIp at the orgamzatlOnal meetmg 5 A maJonty of the members of the CommIsslOn shall constItute a quorum for the transactIon of busmess, and an affirmatIve vote of the membershIp of the CommIssIon shall be reqUIred to constItute actlOn The meetmgs ofthe CommIsslOn shall be subject to the Open Meetmgs Law, ArtIcle 33C of Chapter 143 of the North Carolma General Statutes 6 No compensatlOn shall be paId to the members of the CommIsslOn by eIther New Hanover County or the CIty of Wllmmgton, but the members may be paId or refunded any necessary and essential expenses mcurred by them m carrymg out theIr dutIes consIstent wIth any approved budget 7 No financIal support shall be budgeted for the CommIsslOn by eIther New Hanover County or the CIty ofWllmmgton However, the CommIsslOn may request fundmg from New Hanover County and the City of WIlmmgton If approved by both the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIoners and the WIlmmgton CIty CouncIl, the fundmg shall be shared equally The CommIsslOn may utIhze officers, employees and facIlItIes of New Hanover County and the CIty ofWIlmmgton as may be needed to carry out the CommIsslOn's purposes The County Attorney and CIty Attorney shall be aVailable as legal resources for the CommIsslOn The CommIsslOn IS encouraged to utIhze the expertIse and resources of the UmversIty of North Carolma at WIlmmgton and the InstItute of Government m prepanng the proposed plan and charter 8 The CommIsslOn shall present Its plan for consohdatlOn to the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIoners and the WIlmmgton CIty CouncIl by July 1, 2004 9 As set forth m G S 153A-404, the CommIsslOn may a Adopt rules and regulatlOns for the conduct of Its busmess, b Apply for, accept, receIve, and dIsburse funds, grants, and servIces made avaIlable to It by the State of North Carolma or any agency thereof, the federal government or any agency thereof, any unIt of local government, or any pnvate or CIVIC agency, c Employ personnel, d Contract wIth consultants, e Hold hearmgs m the furtherance of Its busmess, and f Take any other actlOn necessary or expedIent to the furtherance of ItS busmess g Any actlOn mvolvmg the receIpt and expendIture of funds and the employment of personnel and consultants shall be subject to the approval of the New Hanover County Board of CommIsslOners and the WIlmmgton CIty CouncIl For the purposes of the Local Government Budget and FIscal Control Act, the employment of personnel, purchasmg procedures and financIal management, the CommIsslOn shall be deemed to be a department of New Hanover County Adopted at a regular meetmg on Apnl 7, 2003 ATTEST ~~t~V~ -1:I~rk to the Board Adopted at a on [SEAL] ATTEST City Clerk NEW HANOVER COUNTY liiv~f:1 meetmg ,2003 CITY OF WILMINGTON Harper Peterson, Mayor ~ Exhibit A QualmcatlOns ResIdent of New Hanover County Leadersmp expenence in corporate merger or acqmsItlOn, government reorgamzatlOn and productIVIty/efficIency, corporate management, financIal analysIs, asset management, etc Reasonable farmlianty wIth state and local government operatlOns · Availability oft1ll1e for numerous meetings · Able to serve without compensation Letters may be sent to known qualified persons to encourage application, and appropnate postmgs will be made m the medIa · ApplicatlOns wIll be pre-screened by the CIty and County Clerks for appropnate qualIfications, resIdence, expenence, etc All applicatlOns will be made available to all steenng COmmIttee members at any tIme CouncIl and CornmIsslOn members wIll be gIVen COpieS of the apphcatlOns of all quahfied applicants and should select ten applIcants Any names appeanng on both CouncIl and COmmISSlOners lists shall be appomted to the study cOmmIssion · Beyond that number, Council and COmmISSIOners will reconvene until a total of eIght members have been mutually selected Those eIght will be notIfied by the County Clerk, convene, select the remamder of the Study COmmISSlOn from the remaImng applicants or may solicit addItlOnal applicants as needed, elect officers and determme the scope and time frame of work to be accomphshed Ethmc, racIal, demograpmc, and gender representation WIll be considered through the Council and CorrumsslOner appomtments New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Application to Serve on ConsolidatIon Study Commission Prmt or type tIllS applicatIOn and be sure to completely answer ALL questIOns You may attach supplemental mformatlOn regardmg your qualificatIOns. ApplIcation must be receIved by 5:00PM, Thursday, May 15, 2003. (See side 2 for further InstructIOns on how to subrmt your applicatIOn.) For further questIOns, you may contact the Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of ComrmsslOners at 910.341.7149. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Sex. Race' Age: (Last) (FIrst) (M!) (InformatlOn for the purpose of assunng a cross-sectlOn of the commumty) Employer. Contact InformatIOn: OccupatIOn: (Horne Phone) (Business Phone) (Cell Phone) (FaA Number) (E-maù Address) Horne Address: (Street) (Apt #) (City) (State) (ZIp) Mailmg Address (If dIfferent) (Street or PO Box) (Apt #) (City) (State) (ZIp) Where IS your przmaIJ' resIdence located? (Check one) o Unmcorporated area of the County o WIthm the Wllrrungton cIty hrruts o Other (specIfy) How long have you been a New Hanover County resIdent') EXPERIENCE '1~~iórce~~b~~ra;~o?~~îò~)~¡:H:\fominÌ'tfée exº~fi~IÍce 'tgo"~~'rJ~eihf\~ivîc,t;elîgioûs;p~id;' ûn;aid, eté.)' , "'l~*'¿ "~",,_dJ'¡<f':'':::~..::]Xf~,,-~''~,,,"&d..¡~~~ ::'J-1Q¡(>:5x-~_-£:,,ffi>..1~t:U;~t\.4:,,~~rZ:L"w 311¿.w..M:~~ k¿~::~V:;....w",^)"«'.J..-¡;I':: ~~ Ð..,~~~';~", ~<...... ~w.w "- Üst each one and what YOUl office was ../ 1?.( ( , Í"?, OrgamzatIon Office Held Dates Served OrgamzatlOn Office Held Dates Served Consolzdatw17 Study C0I1111USSLOI1 ApplzcatL017 - Pàgc 2. " OW:':) t. ~:4 ~ :) :~ I :) ~(Ij :4".'HPToj IFI' r.JíJ (1),Pl~'I\¡'¡4i'lI.'¡"'''';'i..t'l . ~',Whàt;ls:yoùr 'tib~~of tliç f,~le o~ theJ;;ônsòF4,ªliorì'Stù(h CónÙmssloÌ1?}:~? :!'Whftì i~~ò'ur"èdtiAaiìòì\i" ~:~'xp-€ffèiÆHhå't~f;1illiffet~ö1ì;fu getVJ;¡;fi',iliis:t{fonsólidri'tiõn' štJä~~€JÍiÍiilisšiò;1~",~-~ ,,"»:m -ð~1i-J_.< >.^"'" ...... »,h= -...«_ "';:".0. .->."'~~.-.......,.-ô/~..... :;{.,"""=-"-».-"".....->:"",.'"""'.....~;<w.. """'"'..........;..&"'~~_"'""....'-....-"""'w fi,...."""_Jk_«....... 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"''*' <<-/t"- {$ #~ i' i~ ~~ :¡~ }' 5!~ "$- ~$n,. -i(F ~+ ,,*' ¡ s,-}" ;>- ~,^^~e_, ',,;¡trt;'Yt;- .. f .,t~* >( ~ d~,Comnusslon: ,'},'" ,~ fti ""'x1 "'Y- ~ ¡ '<- ,¡i') ~f "\ t Name Phone Number RelatIonship APPLICANT SIGNATURE If selected for the ConsolidatIOn Study CornnusslOn, I understand I will not be paId, except for the reImbursement of necessary expenses I also understand that servIce on thIS ConsolldatlOn Study CornrrusslOn may reqmre a cons1derable tIme COlmmtment from me for the duratlOn of 1tS eXIstence, wh1ch may be a year, and I agree to fully commIt to that responslb1lIty I further understand thIS apphcatlOn IS public mformatlOn and may be dIscussed at a pubhc meetmg Apphcant SIgnature Date HOW TO SUBMIT TIllS APPLICATION >F....>.--~ ~"';:i~-,¿L_ ~..':>¡'::c;';.^-......)!..,.>+¡" ->"*Æ,:. ",""::.<fY:".{~....t",../'¿~~:>-&t~¿:V,~-~~-" ri.¡ ~"'.¡d~r",,;~<f.J::?-I'<'7'J1:-A,·::"J.Jri~J..r;;"'tr ...-~",.r ~ 1~<#~~- .¡;¡~"'kjp'~' ....~} ik,_',\«:-^,,( t }-.1't".t,\-~"þ'<'~,,""\--'{:::......~~t;:~k '.J". , ÂppI¡¿ã~i~n, inRspi~;~eC;~1V~1i ~y,:,~;,,~~PM;',!hürs,4aý', 'May' ~?,,~2pº~v~~œm~y :b~c~ub~1¡{~il !tsing:,t!1~\!?noWT!g ,~ê~Ij'ç~¡ :~' i" .< ,d".#,z'" ,","¿.~-;>",~".....«)'-0:j 1.'.>.,)o! ~!>c"'",,"'- '" ..1.....'" _"'"" ~ ~ýN~.....A /.«Al__ -M H~« »....¡.., ,t!! ... _r-_f (~ ........:à~.->.",... ~ .........ßH~~'v....... _"'"£....~.>.! _'i_...v... '" Mail' Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of CommIssIOners ConsolIdatIOn Study CommIssIon 320 Chestnut Street, Smte 305 W¡]rrungton, NC 28401 Fax- 9103414130 (Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of CornrrusslOners) 28.9.7 Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of Five Acre Road Skipper's Meadow Division Whereas, a petItlOn has been filed pursuant to NCGS 153-A-241, requestmg the Board of CommIsslOners of New Hanover County to close the followmg descnbed portlOn of a road, Begmnmg at an Hon pIpe m the northern lme of FIve Acre Road (30' PublIc Right of Way) at the eastern termmus of the western portlOn of said FIve Acre Road, as shown on Map of SkIpper's Meadow SubdIvIslOn, recorded m Map Book 38 at Page 324 of the New Hanover County RegIstry, said Iron pIpe also bemg the northwest comer of Tract #1 of Skipper's Meadow, and runlllng thence, wIth the western lIne of Tract #1 of Skipper's Meadow, S 02 degrees 38'03" E 30 feet, more or less, to an Hon pIpe m the southern lme of said FIve Acre Road, a comer of Tract #1 of Skipper's Meadow, runlllng thence, wIth the southern lme of said FIve Acre Road, S 86 degrees 18'19" W 716 feet to an Iron pIpe, a comer of Tract #1 of Skipper's Meadow, runnmg thence, wIth the southern lme of said FIve Acre Road and along the northern lIne of Lot 1 of the DIvIslOn of the Ida Murray Yopp Estate, as shown on map recorded m Map Book 20 at Page 17 of the New Hanover County RegIstry, S 86 degrees 14' W 276 41 feet, more or less, to an Iron pIpe, the Northwestern comer of Said Lot 1 ofthe DIvIslOn of the Ida Murray Y opp Estate, runnmg thence N 3 degrees 45'52" W 30 feet, more or less, to a pomt m the northern nght of way lme of Said FIve Acre Road, same bemg also the southern lme of Tract 5 of the WOITlck Tract, as descnbed as Tract No 3 m deed recorded m Book BlOat Page 1023 of the New Hanover County RegIstry, runnmg thence, wIth the northern nght of way lme of Said FIve Acre Road and the southern lme of Said WOITlck Tract, 285 85', more or less, to the pomt of begInnmg Now, Therefore, be It resolved that thIS Board IS consIdenng closmg a portlOn of FIve Acre Road to publIc use and that a publIc heanng on thIS questlOn wIll be held on the 2nd day of June 2003, at 600 p m m the Assembly Room of the Old County Courthouse at 24 North ThIrd Street m WIlmmgton at whIch tIme the Board wIll hear all mterested cItIzens and make a final determmatlOn as to whether the road shall be closed The foregomg resolutlOn was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of CommISSlOners on the 7th day of Apnl 2003 ~vº~ Attest -- 28.9.2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , ,', .... PROCLAMATION . - . . " WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Drug Treatment Court provides the focus and~ leadership for community-wide ànti-drug systems, bringing togethefcriminal justice, tre<!-tment(; .: education and other community partners in the fight against drug abuse and criminality; and':}: ",- . ~.' WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Drug Treatment Court combines intensiý~', judicial supervision, mandatory substance abUSe treatment and drug testing, and escalatillg:t,. sanctions and incentives ino~derto break the cyèle of drug addiction and its concomitant ¿rimè;)'.~::< änd' '. . ",,' ,'"" " ..' . . ',.¿:'<, ','. , . ". '.. ..0 '. " '. '. . . ,':~f:,'}~\'~;,1}i WHEREAS, the judges, prosecutors, defense attomeys,treatínent and rehabÜitatio1).;·F~(:~. . professionals, law enforcement.and correctiòns personnel, researchers.a,nd educators; national åndJ':~/ cOmrIlunity leaders arid others dedicated to the movement havehad.a profound impactthrougfl':;< hard work and commitment to their ,communities; and ' 'J, , ',' \ '~:,_._,.-....;, . ',,' :.',:,,.? :... ~~.:F: .' '.,' .', . ." , - -- .- . -:. . ";'~-:<:".>.">\.. WHEREAS, thenatiorial dfugtreatmentcoúrtmovement has,grown from twei\;~');:Sf} .' ori~al ~g cóurts in 1994 to o~er' 1 ,200 drugéoUrts' tþat are in operation or ~in the plannii1@,~M';,~~ .: stages;';'-"';'-;:< ..··;;::,/,~r:,,:,;:· ,. . NOW, THEREFORE BE ITRESOL VED, that the New Hanover County Boardo~i,>.: Commissioners does hereby dedarê the month of April, 2003 tò be "Drug Treatment Cou~C:.";': :Month" in recognition of the practitioners and participants who make the New Hanover Dru&>r:( . Treatment . Court work, 'and for the significant.. contributions. that the New Hanover DnÌ&;t?!:Li:('i '.' Treatment Court has made and continues to make in reducingdrûg.usage and associated crime,.::·"'Y,· . " ...·.1·.·.'.1..;.."· , .',-. ',:",.,' Adopted this the 7th day of April 2003 .... ...~./\\'. '~.'Fl:¡jj:0¡i.))<.".:,.·..·., . h/,\"t.,,~,... "1. (.)" '. J1:'ì~l( ,~~ '¡¡~~>f:,(YlE'''':'O¿, '\ t:;}::,~~:-,:;:" ~F~J~>.t~?:.~=/t~ ~f0, \ '-J>;?0 ,J.b~J1t""" /ifh.-,"" I ;,"if~~bt;-~t~) :&aQ~Q~ 28.9.3 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAIID OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, campus athletics remain an importaÌ1.tpartoftheover~all campus expe[ienceat the IIniversit: of North Carolina at Wilmington, and through the years;uNCW bas developed-I?-uníerous:higW.Y successfu teams; and' . . - ~ WHEREAS, the 2002-2003 UNCWMen's Basketball Team~ontheir s~cqnd straight Colonial Atb.1eti Association Regular Season Championship and setaconfere1.1ce reco~dfo! victories with a 15-31eaguemaik and . . . . ,- ."". .... . WHEREAS, the '2002~2003 Men's Basketball Team also w6~their secondstrafghi ÇAAt~uni~ent~, .·became the first team in-íwelve years to·winbachto:"backCAA championsmps;'and' : .:" . . . . . . .', '" . . . - .. . . " '. . . .' ,- ," . . :, '," . . .' WHEREAS, the2002-2003 Men's Basketball Teåm set scllOolre¿Qrdšf()rhomevic1:or:ies>.roadvi~t()ri~šfIÌl totálvictories in a season with a 24~7 record; and .' . .: ..,""" - . " . ", WHEREAS,.. the 2002-2003 UNCW .Men's Basketball Tecull capturedtherr secÒlldstraightNCAl Tournament berth, which is the program's.third NCAAbidirithelastfour yearséU1dtJiefi~ posl~seå~o appearance .Ïi1.!he last.$ix y~~rs; and ..... WHEREAS, Senior guardBrettBlizzard becíll11ethe mostdecÖraiedplayetinCAAhist()ry~henhe receive, First-Team All Conference honors .for the fourth stiaight~eas0ria.hd ·w~s'.theCAA TouÍi1íll11eritMV-Pfo.... r:th third time inÆour seásons; and '. '. . . , ." - ..'" . . ." '" ',' . . "" WHEREAS, Head Coach Brad Brownell was namedCM Coach of the Y ear in his first season asheadc?ac' of the UNCW Men's Basketball Team, . ,- . - . . . . . .. . . . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that the Ne'YHånover CountyBoa~dofComriûssian~r . congratulates. Coach Brownell and the"2002-:-2003 Men's BaskëtballTeam ana successful seaspnaridthe hono they bring to both UNCW and the dtizens of New Hanovér County. '. . . . .' . This the seventh day of April, 2003. -----.. ,.\ "Ñ¡'\ll~\V JLII,(~~.,,- .'\ ,v. -" 'II" ~ '.tJ¿."\: ~(~~~.\ ;1 '¡\ f,Y: !'J<;ì'\d;i'\ ',,-\.¡ I.....' I (, /',1 j' '\ )\' .... . If . r. -'// -,,'" \ ! ~." ~ f;~:,"~\!'l~"/' .';/J:.;;., ~ .~)\. r \. ~'~;,\ .,:<i~~ <~Y'J : ¡ .:Y' / . \""","-1.\\"""",' ""C'" ;1;'./",,1/ / " \,< Ò'C..!.,:'.fI'. J',;, ovY~)',/ , '~~Ñ:Qi¡ín\~/ -<t:.1-'·~2:~~·_:~~~:~~_/' 1J:¡ a/~~. Ted Davis, Jr., ChU' ATTEST: ~~~~~;; 28.9.5 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution, Fair Housing Month April 2003 WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission and the Friends of Human Relations ate sponsoring Fait Housing Month; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission seeks the elimination of housing discrirnination through public awareness and housing community education and understanding of Fait Housing Laws; and WHEREAS, the Commission encourages all citIzens to respect, work, and support the establishment of fait and equitable housing for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, color, disability, and familial status; and WHEREAS, through personal commitment to the value of justice and CiviLRights, specifically as they pertain to housing each of us can help to prese1\Te, protect, and perpetuate the lights of others tp freedom, liberty, and justice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the month of April 2003, be declared Fair Mo usingMo nth in New.J:1:anover County BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board calls upon all citizens to join forces in creating and practicing a mutual bond of recognizing and respecting differences, and to resolve to accept a personal challenge to provide fait housing opportunities to all citizens of New Hanover County. /\í"!'/"',--- /~~\ÌÌ'ìJir, /, _ ((;(Ô),íi;'> ,,);;,\- 'ït "'~ (,:/-1,,', '/''',N\, ';'--", " ,'I "'Ir'k" '\,' " /,' /7 "/)/' /~ ¡;(1 \'\iif;,\)í ,\;"\:,.' . 'illl..':'-i~J 'I'/~/~r, \\.j ;t;-¡ t " """;' ;::,p." ,,\:,¡\ ,,},I :,', ", "', .,~ '1'\ " ' '-l' ") '. ;: :.( \'..~...¡t.:.~,,~ .... :..t~,ì \ , I,." ~ . '. ' '. '. ;-~ '~\.;:....: ·':'/''\I,.\:1.!J:_j~1\ '..t,"'I-)/ / '-'-',r'~',.,.._""i">;:>;"¡,I,,',,i,'í,,,'/,1 ',~~,~/. ' I " (",' '-,!.",.:",,;£,/ \.,,\:-..~./"/ '''<:-:,Q!AI;\'I(tD\\~'g~/' "<-73£2::>/ A TrEST: é7£^:\ /' d~k( ~~e Board ADOPTED this 7th day of April 2003 J:¿ a~U' 28.9.4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH APRIL 2003 WHEREAS, child abuse contìnues at ]lear record levels across our Nation and OUT State; and WHEREAS, April 2003 has been proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, beyond the family unit, the effects of child abuse are most immediately felt in neighborhoods and communities; and WHEREAS, child abuse, like other crimes and social pro þlems, destroys the tranquility of families, neighborhoods and communities and robs children oftheir childhoods and neighborhoods oftheir vitality; and WHEREAS, the family unit is the building block of the community, and healthy families 111,Wce healthy communities; and WHEREAS, the most effective solutions are local solutions and there. are within OUT community, professionals of all disciplines and volunteers from all walks of life dedicated to the amelioration of effects of child abuse; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thatthe New Hanover County Board ofCOlmnissioners proclaims the month of April 2003 as CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners pledges and asks citizens, public and private, professional and volunteer, to redouble their efforts to obliterate the social problem of child abuse from OUT families, OUT neighborhoods and OUT community. , ADOPTED this the 7th day of April~ 2003 /i.;,,~\~WIP.Jif((;~ ,\~'i;>;¡¡\-!«~g ,,~ '\' "~ ' .-', 1\' 1\'Ji"<;Ý,~:--. ~;{ll\ <[~i -:t-' ~ :~t~~J1~)\~/~; " ',S /Y.,)J;i",,¡., :" :,·lJ; h" \) ( .' \" 'I' " .. '. ,~~;, ;,;'};'{\¡~)~; ~ATTEST: Yk :<1:>;/:.-:'·,";;:;';\~>·,',~· ./ '"',,,,,,1..,,,,," \. -y ~ ,;;,,,:,¿ C to the Board & (J/~\. Chai;àlf y