2003-08-18 RM Exhibits28.17.1.a NEW HANOVER COUNIY SETILEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 2002 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll DIscoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Advertismg Fees Charged Interest Collected Cost Collected $ 113,867,124-48 4,211,633 92 6q6,070 S7 $ 117,382,687 83 86,545 81 9,182 50 264,986.71 14,S17 T~ $ 117,757,920.18 Real Estate Liens* $ 999,656 27 Delinquent Personal Property* 1,600,291.82 DeposIted 11.Cï,lS7,q72.08 - 117.7.Cï7,q20 17 $ .01 DIfference due to distribution error of late list fees. *Uncollected amounts include $ 273,414.51 owned by known bankrupt accounts and accounts under appeal. Respectfully submitted, j) ~)Y\'l; I... Ð . ~çý Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue P JR sw 28.17.1.b ~ o u ~ ~ ~ ~ z rJ). ¡;.;¡ ~ ~ ~ OJ Z ~ ~ ¡;.;¡ ~ ~ o ~ ¡;.;¡ =s ¡;.;¡ ~ ~ ¡;.;¡ rJ). C\l1:'-.1:'-. "'Í" I:'-."'Í"""Í" 0 ,....¡ ò ,....¡ ~ O\""Í"M O\.-il:'-. 0 ~ .-i .-i 0\ ~ ~ .-i~ .-i 0 -fh ~ -fh -fh ~ o ..... ~ ~ ""Í"C\I.-iC\lM 0\0Lf) I:'-. ML6~\O ~ \000\ ;.-i \0 I:'-. 0\ ~ oo~ .-i~ -.D \0 \0 \0 C\lMO 0\ M .-iC\lO\ .-i -fh ~I -fh -fh -fh MOoooo .-i M.-i.-iC\l 0 Må-\OO O\OM 00 Lf) Lf) ~Mti3 0\ \0 M C\I C\I \O.-i C'J'" ~P\ I ~I -fh ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ o en ~ ç.i¡ ~ ........"'OU)U) o Il) ~ +-' .Þ "'0 0 ~ ~ "'0 ....... O<:t)S UU)..s¿~ C\I Il) Õ ro o ~U...o -...... ro <: .-i..J:: t:::U -fh ........ o ¡.... +-' ~î:1 o Il) U S M+-' o ~ -""",..J .-i..s' t:::<: .-i o -fh C\I o -fh ,......, U) Il) ~ +-' U) ...... ........ Il) +-' ro ........ 4-c o U) ¡.... o ¡.... ¡.... Il) ~ o ...... +-' ;j ...0 ...... ¡.... +-' U) -B o +-' Il) ;j Q ........, .-i C\I \0 o ""Í" C\I~ M C\I -fh Q ç.i¡ ~ U ç.i¡ ~ ~ o U E-< en ç.i¡ ~ ç.i¡ ~ Z ..... ........ ro ~ "'0 ~ ro ........ ro ~ o U) ¡.... Il) ~ R:t!:- ;l '(, 17, I. h 28.17.1.c NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 2002 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Interest Collected $ 2,977,704·37 149,458.06 S8,286.27 3,068,876 16 2,367.16 6,q88 os $ 3,078,231 37 Real Estate Liens* Delinquent Personal Property* Deposited 24,169.16 44,793·92 ~.00q.268.2q ~,078,2~1 ~7 $ .00 *Uncollected amounts include $4,664.56 owed by known bankrupt accounts and accounts under appeal. Respectfully submitted, "0 _ ~ ~ f2. ý" .-Yrd·yq,¿., . lI~)->O PatricIa J. Ray or Collector of Revenue PJR:sw 28.17.1.d t) ~ ~ rJ). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o u ~ ~ o ~ ~ ¡;.;¡ z rJ). ¡;.;¡ ~ ~ ¡;.;¡ ~ OJ Z ~ ~ ¡;.;¡ ~ ~ o ~ ¡;.;¡ =s ~ ~ ¡;.;¡ rJ). ~ .-i~000 Lf) 'r!:'-.C\I 0 o ,....¡ 00 . 00""Í"C\l0 ~ ~ U? .-i~ C\I ~ 00 \0 0\ .-i 0 0\ ""Í".-i ~ -fh l-fh -fh ~ o ..... ~ ~ .-i \0 0 ~ !:'-. \0 .-i 000.-i0.0 . Lf)' O~C\I\C)oooo M\C)ooC\loooo \O.-iooO ~ J3 .-r .-i ~ 0\ C\I .-i .-< -fh -fh-fh ~I M M Lf) \0 C\I ""Í"""Í"O\.-i r-:- .0 --o1:\i""'¡Ò\O\O ""Í"!:'-.O\\O\O\O "? 0\ C\I~ C\I r;: M .-i ~ Lf) .-i 00 00 .-< -fh -fh-fh ~I !:'-.Lf)Lf) O\C\IC\I ML6~ 00Lf) O""Í"O\ 6 M .-i~ \0 ""Í" -fh ~ ~ ~ Q Z <: ~ z o en ~ ç.i¡ ~ õ"'OU)~ 'þ1l)~~ ~ "'0 0 Il) o "'0 .P S u<:~1l) C\I U)........ +-' o ~õ ro -......¡....u':9 .-i ro ....... O..J:: t:::u ""Í"C\IC\I C\I C\I 0 Ò Ò o 0 Lf) I.[) \0 .-i .-i -fh -fh ........ o ¡.... +-' J:: +-' o J:: U Il) ME o+-' -...... U) .-i ;j 0..s' t:::<: ,......, U) Il) ~ +-' U) ....... ........ Il) ~ ........ 4-c o U) ¡.... o ¡.... ¡.... Il) J:: o ß ...0 ...... ¡.... +-' U) -B o +-' Il) ;j Q ........, ~ J±- -:¿ 'I. I 7, I, d 00 C\I 00 !:'-. \0 Lf) -fh Q ç.i¡ E-< U ç.i¡ ~ ~ o U E-< en ç.i¡ ~ ç.i¡ ~ Z ..... ........ ro Il) ~ "'0 ~ ro "@ ~ o U) ¡.... Il) ~ 28.17.1.e August 2003 State of North CarolIna County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County You are hereby authonzed, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth m the tax records filed m the office of the Tax AdmmIstrator and m the tax receIpts herewIth delIvered to you, m the amounts and from the taxpayers lIkewIse therem set forth Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lIen upon all real property ofthe respectIve taxpayers m the County of New Hanover and thIS order shall be a full and sufficIent authonty to dIrect, reqUIre, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, m accordance wIth the law WItness my hand and OffiCIal seal, !hI >,1 ""day of ~ 2003 Attest~d d~ Clerk of the Board of Com mISS lOners of New Hanover County I, PatncIa J Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receIpt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Pomt, CarolIna Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, WnghtsvIlle Beach, Masonboro, and WIlmmgton TownshIPS, for New Hanover County ThIS!"!1.\.. day of ~ 2003 ~ A-M l. ~ À.... <0. rz.. ~'1"îor Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County 28.17.2.a CONSENT 'AGENDA DATE:..:._______ ITEM NO.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COlLECTIONS,THRU 06/30/03 , CURRENT-TAX YEAR - 2002 ----------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS BACK TAXES ..------ REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDEO lESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~~"J. ~y~rn.. COLLECTOR O~EVENUE MOTOR VEHICLE AD VALOREM --...---------- ---....-----..--- $ 2,610,119.32 148,491.16 53,848.46- -----------.-..-- $ 2,164,828.02 2,367.16 ------------- $ 2,761,195.18 2,733,055.17- ------------- $ 34,139.41 96.17%* $ 307,525.05 960.90 4,437.81- -------------- $ 304,048.14 .00 --------------- $ 304 048.14 26'9 :224.r.7- ...-------------- $ 34,823.61 88.55%* 98.93%** 88.56%** 98,980.41 6,541.74 11,240.98- --------......---.... $ 94,281.11 49,128.20- ------------- $ 45,152.97 52.11% JULY 1, 2002. * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 91.15% ** COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND,APPEALS - 91.90% 28.17.2.b CONSENT AGENDA DATE ITEM NO NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 07/31/03 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2003 AD VALOREM ----------------------- --------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES $ 3,368,081.78 649 36 00 --------------- $ 3,368,731 14 1,268.99 --------------- $ 3,370,000 13 $ 77.34- --------------- $ 3,369,922 79 $ 00%* ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS 114,116.00 238 96 357 31- --------------- TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 113,997 65 11,981 45- --------------- $ 102,016 20 10 51% THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY I, 2003 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, j)~)ì-ì t;t.. 71' ~'1"'crv PATRICIA J RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - .54% $ MOTOR VEHICLE --------------- 51,241 50 54 06 205 51- --------------- $ 51,090 05 00 --------------- 51,090 05 18,511 84- --------------- 32,578 21 36 23%* 28.17.2.c NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 06/30/03 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2002 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ ] 04,590,76269 4, ]94,21893 564.207 13 $ ]08,220,77449 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 9,]8250 86,545 81 00 $ ] 08,3 ] 6,502 80 - 106,867.89432 $ ] ,448,608 48 98 66%* PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS 9891%** BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 4, ]09,991 72 ]38,14047 42U3444 $ 3,826,797 75 1,927.731 47 $ ] ,899,066 28 5037% RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS JUN 2003 19,99476 $ 537,531 13 30,23009 $ CONSENT AGENDA DATE ITEM NO MOTOR VEH]CLE $ 9,276,36] 79 17,4] 4 99 13] ,86344 $ 9,]6],91334 00 00 00 $ 9,16],9]334 8.010,573 72 $ ],151,33962 8743%* 8745%** F]SCAL YTD 233,91954 /3,369,72494 45,459 31 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF W]LMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $]72,141,97383 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2002 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, PATRICIA J RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 97 79% ** COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS - 98 01% 28.17.2.d CONSENT AGENDA DATE , ITEM NO NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 07/31/03 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2003 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ 105,524,243 25 31,82149 00 $ 105,556,064 74 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 00 32,813 72 00 $ 105,588,878 46 3.01350 $ 105,585,86496 00%* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 4,499,01444 3,37956 22.207 00 $ 4,480,187 00 409,526 33 $ 4,070,660 67 914% RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS JUL 2003 18,554 50 $ 776,910 52 5,962 50 $ MOTOR VEHICLE $ 1,542,755 04 1,422 84 5,546 22 $ 1,538,631 66 00 $ 00 00 1,538,631 66 548,321 15 990,310 51 35 64%* $ FISCAL YTD 18,554 50 776,910 52 5,962 50 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $2,283,830 97 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2003 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, PATRICIA J RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 51% 28.17.3 GHSP-02-A North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOLUTION Form GHSP-02-A (To be completed, attached to and become part of Form GHSP-02, Highway Safety Project Contract) WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sherlff' s Offlce (THE APPLICANT AGENCY) has completed an application contract entitled Stop Stlck Grant and that The County of New Hanover (herein called the "Governing Body") (THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE AGENCY) has thoroughly considered the problem Identified and has reviewed the project as described In the contract, (herein called the "Agency") THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE County of New Hanover (GOVERNING BODY) MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF ìhlmlngton IN OPEN , NORTH CAROLINA THIS 18th DAY OF August , 20 03 ,AS FOLLOWS That the project referenced above IS In the best Interest of the Governing Body and the general public, and 2 That New Hanover County Sherlff' s Ofhce be authorized to file, on behalf of the (NAME AND TITLE OF REPRESENTATIVE) Governing Body, an application contract In the form prescribed by the Governor's Highway Safety Program for federal funding In the amount of $ 27,690 to be made to the (FEDERAL DOLLAR REQUEST) Governing Body to assist In defraYing the cost of the project described In the contract application, and 3 That the Governing Body has formally appropriated the cash contribution of $ -0- (LOCAL CASH APPROPRIATION) as required by the project contract, and 4 That the Project Director designated In the application contract shall furnish or make arrangement for other appropriate persons to furnish such information, data, documents and reports as required by the contract, If approved, or as may be required by the Governor's Highway Safety Program, and 5 That certified copies of this resolution be Included as part of the contract referenced above, and 6 That this resolution shall take effect Immediately upon ItS adoption (¡ 0~ORSON_YOR. ATTESTED ~.'<-/ ~~ ~ ~ (C~ERK) ~ DATE P. .:ì tJ3 DONE AND ORDERED In open meeting by Rev 7/02 28.17.4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, leadershIp by the PublIc Schools to achIeve balanced racIal and economIC dIversIty m all schools wIll contrIbute to Improvmg the levels of student achIevement, creatmg stronger neIghborhoods and mcreasmg land values and economIC prospenty for New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, all cItIzens and communItIes m New Hanover County benefit from polIcIes establIshed by the PublIc Schools that provIde for and encourage the elImmatIOn ofthe achIevement gap between black and whIte students, and WHEREAS, research and expenence demonstrate that schools wIth balanced dIversIty and eqUItable achIevement by all students are better able to attract new busmesses to the commumty WhICh help mamtam economIC growth and development, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED that the New Hanover County Board of CommISSlOners supports the New Hanover County Board of EducatlOn m Its commItment to take actIOn to elImmate the achIevement gap between black and whIte students m all publIc schools m the New Hanover County, that such actlOn wIll facIlItate and encourage collaboratIve efforts among New Hanover County Schools, New Hanover County neIghborhoods, area busmesses and fmth- based organIzatlOns to address the cntIcalIssues, and that the entIre community, mc1uding busmess, CIVIC and government organIzatIOns, IS encouraged to adopt thIs proclamatIOn and act now to elImmate the achIevement gap for all chIldren m our communIty -' Adopted the 18th day of August, 2003 ~aQ£l~ Board of County CommIssIOners 28.17.5 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution in Support of Secondary Road Construction Program WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of COmmISSIOners conducted aPubhcHeanng on the planned constructIOn of Secondary Roads m New Hanover County on August 18, 2003, and WHEREAS, presented at the meetmg were the North Carolma Department of TransportatIOn's plans for Secondary Roads to be scheduled for pavement m the near future, saId plans presented m a document publIshed at that meetmg and nammg the VarIOUS roads and theIr locatIOn, and WHEREAS, the allocatIOn for New Hanover County IS estImated to be $18,0000 and was to mclude both the resIdential/subdIvIsIOn roads, and the rural roads that WIll serve the cItIZens of New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, the PublIc Heanng gave the ComrrussIOners and the cItIzens of New Hanover County an opportumty to illqurre and have explamed to them the partIcular facets of the Secondary Road Improvements m the County, and WHEREAS, the ComrrussIOners found the plans satIsfactory for the 1ll1ß1edIatefuture ofNew Hanover County, hopmg that progress for road Improvement ill New Hanover County would contmue to expand, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of ComrrussIOners, meetmg ill Regular SessIOn on tills date, does approve the Secondary Roads ConstructIOn Program that has been devIsed for FISCal Year 2003-2004 for New Hanover County, and WIll endeavor to have all roads ill New Hanover County meet the needs of ItS cItIzens and VIsItors Adopted thIS the 18th day of August, 2003 ~/J!J~ 28.17.6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 A-331, 07/03 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN SectIOn 1 That the ZOnIng Ordmance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same IS hereby further amended as follows: Amend Section 23-42 Add HVAC un1ts elevated to comply with Floodpla1n reqUlat10ns may be permitted 1n any slde yard prov1ded the supportinq structure lS at least f1ve (5) feet from the adlo1n1nq property llne. SectIOn 2 Any ordmance or any part of any ordmance m COnflIct WIth thIS ordmance, to the extent of such conflIct, IS hereby repealed SectlOn 3 ThIS ordmance IS adopted m the mterest of publIc health, safety, morals and general welfare of the mhabItants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolma, and shall be m full force and effect from and after Its adoptIOn Adopted the 18th day of August 2003 ~Q::rJ~IITnan Attest 28.17.7 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, due to the damage sustamed to the # 3 scrubber at W ASTEC, staff proceeded WIth the Proposal procedure outlmed m General Statutes 143-129.2 for Spray Dryer Absorber, RFP # 03-314, AND WHEREAS, thIs process was utIlIzed to enable the W ASTEC facilIty to contract WIth a company to desIgn and complete the project m a turn-key method to provide a more expedIent solutlOn than regular formal bid procedures, AND WHEREAS, after reVIew of the proposals, It has been determined by staff that selectmg the desIgn presented by one of the bidders and awardmg the contract for desIgn only and allowmg County staff to formally bId the constructIOn of the urnt wIll be more expedIent and also provide a cost savmgs to the County, AND WHEREAS, after thorough reVIew of the desIgns provided, the staff determmed that the desIgn recommendatlOns provIded by Turbosomc, Inc of Waterloo, ON, Canada best match the needs of the operatlOn of the WASTEC FacIlIty AND WHEREAS, because of the type of facilIty, recommendatlOn of the desIgn firm for the contract IS made m accordance WIth General Statute 143-1292, AND WHEREAS, because thIs has become an engmeenng servIces contract and not a constructlOn contract, all bId deposits received by the bIdders are unnecessary and need to be returned, AND WHEREAS, upon approval of the desIgn contract and receIpt of design, staff wIll pursue a constructlOn formal bId process to secure bIds for the replacement of the scrubber as expedItIOusly as possIble, AND WHEREAS, the EnvIronmental Management Department Director, the Fmance Duector and the County Manager recommend that the contract for the desIgn of the scrubber UI1It be awarded to Turbosomc, Inc ofWateroo, ON, Canada m the amount of$141,828, AND WHEREAS, funds have been prevlOusly appropnated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4193-6300 to cover tills contract, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board OfCOUIlty CommIssIOners of New Hanover County that the contract for desIgn servIces for the replacement of the scrubber unit for the WASTEC FacIlIty be awarded to Turbosomc, Inc m the amount of$141,828, and that the County Manager IS hereby authorIzed and dIrected to execute contract # 03-0314, contract fonn to be approved by the County Attorney The County Manager IS hereby authonzed and dIrected to enter 111tO a contract wIth the lowest bIdder for constructlOn wIthout further Board action under G. S 143- 1292 provIded the bid does not exceed $445,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasmg Agent is hereby authorIzed to return the bId deposIts to all bIdders ThIS 18th day of August, 2003. ~~.u~unry ComnusslOncrs ATTEST ~>V )Ý~ Cle to the Board