2002-05-20 Water & Sewer Distri NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 20, 2002PAGE 726 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, May 20, 2002, at 4:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman Nancy H. Pritchett; District Commissioner William A. Caster; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the District Board, Lucie F. Harrell. District Commissioner Boseman was absent. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. DISCUSSION OF FILING AN “UNSEWERED COMMUNITIES GRANT” WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA RURAL CENTER County Engineer Wyatt Blanchard reported that Staff had been searching for grant funding and feels that the District might be eligible to receive a N. C. Rural Center grant. The money is part of the “Unsewered Communities Grant Program and will provide up to $3,000,000 to eligible communities. The grant is divided into tiers with Tier 1 being the most eligible and Tier 5 being the least eligible. New Hanover County falls under Tier 5 which will make it more difficult to receive a grant award. The total grant preparation cost will be approximately $25,000 because a preliminary engineering report and income survey have to be conducted and submitted with the grant documentation. However, if the District should receive a grant, the funds could be used for the Kings Grant and Castle Hayne sewer projects. He requested direction from the Board. A lengthy discussion followed on the improbability of the District receiving a grant award. District Commissioner Caster expressed concern for spending $25,000 to file a grant application when the County is ranked in the fifth tier and suggested not filing an application with the current budget situation. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board not to file the grant application. REMOVAL OF ITEM 3, CONSIDERATION OF THE I-40 ASSESSMENT FEE, TO THE REGULAR AGENDA County Engineer Wyatt Blanchard requested removal of this item from the Water and Sewer Agenda because the action involves an ordinance change in the New Hanover County Code which requires approval by the Board of County Commissioners. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 20, 2002PAGE 727 Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to remove this item from the agenda. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer called for a motion to adjourn. Motion: District Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Pritchett, to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 to 0. Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 4:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District Board