2004-08-16 RM Exhibits29.4.1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE 1-74 AND 1-20 CONNECTIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, Interstate highways are critical to the economic development of the greater Wilmington urba¡ area and all of southeastern North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the construction of new liighways and the improvement of existing infrastructure would provid for many economic benefits, such as increased tourism and commercial shipping; and " WHEREAS, the proposed interstates would provide for safe and more efficient evacuation in the event c . natural disasters, such as hurricanes and flooding; and WHEREAS, significantfederal resources have been invested in both the Wilmington Port and the southeaster North Carolina beaches, and interstate highways are critical to maximize the economic benefits of thi investment through easier and quicker passe~ger and freight travel; and WHEREAS, portions of US Highway 74, the future Interstate Highway 74 corridor, have been the scenec many fatal accidents, further underscoring the need to improve US 74 by enhancing public safety and meetin interstate standards; and WHEREAS, the eXtension of Interstate Highway 20 from Florence, South Carolina to Whiteville, Noli Carolina would serve as a major economic catalyst for several economically-challenged counties and wou] allow for bothfreightand passenger travel on interstate highways all the way from Wilmington, North Carom to Los Angeles, California; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ful . supports any and all efforts to further the construction, ex'tension and improvement of Interstate Highway 'j .' and Interstate Highway'20 through southeastern North Caroliria. This the 16th day of August, 2004. . ·\',1"\(0')111/1,"'0' ",<~\-\!.:.-)\l' \. ,In\ (t! /~ ~\ \\^ c. 'I.'(f/Ii { ~i::~/~1IÜ.·( ,~IYj>, :.~ Ii, '1::"1' .~.;~ ï~'(;"('.J(i / \\7. ,;~; \, i/ ~I'·\d:tr,\.., 1"..,1,.,':. - ",.' . ' ,.r:M'J.".:"," ..r .", .... II ,'···""·0,..···"·!,,I. ,\ III \ '. .....:... . .~. .. . '. ." 'I . I" ".:', ..: /.. ~. ,~. . ¡ ~ \ ',: ,,' ..". "1" .\, -.\ ;. <¡,..".¡" :.,.' "'.' :,:,./ 'f'~~S\~~;lif~~~\~:~>' ......·.~~·::r':': ~J.J¡j.~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: ~\'h\~~ \. .~r\II\\- 29.4.2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES TO INCORPORATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONCERNS INTO THE COASTAL HABITAT PROTECTION PLAN (CHPP) BEFORE ITS ADOPTION AND SUBSEQUENT IMPLEMENT AITON PHASE Whereas, The County supports the overall premise of the CHPP to protect, and where realistic and feasible, to also enhance coastal fish habitats; and Whereas, the County appreciates the level of effort and organization required to prepare the CHPP; and Whereas, the CHPP was developed without a defined stakeholders group of local governments, Federal agencies, industry experts, academia, and other non-State Departments in order to gain a broad consensus concerning the direction and formulation of the CHPP and its final recommendations; and ' Whereas, the CHPP appears to propose rather inflexible impervious surface and setback design standards on all new development without allowing for innovative or engineered solutions; and Whereas, the CHPP needs to carefully consider the positive impacts of beach nourishment; and Whereas, the CHPP appears to not adequately evaluate mandatory State and Federal regulatory mechanisms to determine if these measures adequately protect, and possibly enhance, coastal fish habitats, nor what applicability these regulations have to the final recommendations in the CHPP; and Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Draft CHPP should undergo an extensive revision reflecting stakeholder input, practical and socio-economic factors in the body of the document, and address existing environmental regulations and any perceived shortcomings before recommending additional plans, designated areas, or other conceptual or regulatory vehicles; and Be it further resolved, that the recommendations contained in the CHPP also be reassessed in the framework described herein this resolution before the CHPP is approved by the Coastal Resources Commission, Environmental Management Commission, and Marine Fisheries Commission, and prior to the implementation phase; and Be it also resolved, that the body and final recornmendations in CHPP shall acknowledge beach nourishment as the only viable large-scale ocean/inlet shoreline preservation method available to local communities under State law, 'and structure the CHPP to streamline and consolidate beach nourishment/sand management efforts without compromising coastal fish habitats to the most practical and reasonable extent possible. This the 16th day of August, 2004. 2,¿¡~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: ~~\~ \... ~t~~~~ Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board 29.4.3 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules require that Municipal Solid Waste Landfills be designed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice engineerin~ in accordance with a.s. 89C and the Administrative Rules developed thereuncÌer; I I AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management is responsible for the operation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management System to serve the: citizens of New Hanover County; ! AND WHEREAS, one of the responsibilities of the Department of Environmental Management is to Rrovide for adequate disposal capacity while conserving landfill property; AND WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Management and its Engineer have detetmined that substantial additional landfill capacity is available by permitting and constructing a vertical expansion over the existing footprint of lined area of the landfill; I AND WHEREAS, the vertical expansion will require no ,additiònal base liner , construction cost saying the citizens substantial funds in landfill construction costs; AND WHEREAS, a vertical expansion will preserve landfill property for future disposal units; AND WHEREAS, the Engineering firm of McKim & Cr,eed of Wilmington, North Carolina has'submitted a Scope of Services to provide for engineering services to obtain a permit to apow for a vertical expansion of the landfill; AND WHEREAS, the firm of McKim & Creed has partnered with the Engineering firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. in the past to provide pemiitting, design, and construction quality assurance of Cell 6 at the New Hanover County Landfill and has demonstrated its ability to meet the design criteria; , AND WHEREAS, the Director of Environmental Management, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that contract #05-0057 be awarded to McKim & Creed in an amount not to exceed one hundred forty thousand dollars; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-4~0-4191-3700 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of~ew Hanover County, that Contract No. 05-0057 for Vertical Expansion Engineering Services including the permitting and design of a vertical expansion for Cells' 2 through 6 at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to McKim & Creed for an amount not to exceed one hundred forty thousand dollars ($140,000.00), and ¡that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract f¿rm to be approved by the County Attorney. I I This the I 6th day of August, 2004. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] /ÇJJ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST; ~ \..", l, ~,,\ \- Clerk to the Board ¡ 29.4.4 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, Fire;Services has need of self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and has received a FEMA Fire Act Funding grant, in which the SCBAs are an eligible purchase under; AND WHEREAS!, Newton's Fire and Safety Equipment, Inc. is the sole authorized distributor for the patented replenishable self contained breathing apparatus, manufactured by Mine Safety Appliances Company; AND WHEREAS', General Statute 143-129(e) allows an exemption from formal bidding for purchase contracts when a needed product is available from only one source of supply; AND WHEREAS, funds are available in account # 130-436-4340-3950 to cover the purchase; , AND WHEREAS, the Fire Chief, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend thªt., the contract be awarded 10 Newton's Fire and Safety Equipment, Inc" the sole source for these SCB~;~',:"~{:' '. ¡ "I ",.11.' NOW, THEREFCDRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract # 05-0015 for self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for Fire Services be awarded to Newton's Fire and Safety Equipment, Inc, in the amount of three hundred eighty-one thousand, ninety-one dol(ars and twenty cent ($381,091,20); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute tre contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney, ~,I . ""_,' ,,'" I This the 16th daX of August, 2004, (SEAL) ATTEST: /ØlI1~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners i ~\1.~ '- ~~\A.\\ Clerk to the Board 29.4.5a RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLEQTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS I PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS I I TOT AL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROIlINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $177,419,204,52, I THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2003. 1fJEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 06/30/04 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2003 ¡ ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCRÒLL DISCOVERIES ADDED ! LESS ABATEMENTS ! TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ 105,524,243.25 4,241,342,91 794,945.80 $ 108,970,640,36 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGEDj' CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY i COLLECTIONS TO DATE : OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 9,410,50 98,220.40 ,00 $ 109,078,271.26 - 107,985,119.77 $ 1,093,151.49 99,00%* j I ¡ PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXOLUDING , BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS, I , , BACK TAXES ' REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED ¡ LESS ABATEMENTS I TOT AL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE , OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 99.06%** $ 4,499,014.44 141,210,72 197,863,78 $ 4,442,361.38 - 2,152,668,75 $ 2,289,692.63 48.46% $ JUN 2004 21,572,76 $ 639,222,80 30,610.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, '7<1±-2. '1. '1-. ~O- CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. MOTOR VEHICLE $ 9,545,404.98 15,485,20 136,705.55 $ 9,424,184.63 ,00 .00 ,00 $ 9,424,184,63 8,288,125.93 $ 1,136,058.70 87.95%* 87.97%** FISCAL YTD 246,425,89 5,729,203.20 46,776,65 PATRICIA 1. RAYNOR I COLLECTOR OF REVENUE I i I * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 98,12% I ** COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS - 98,18% 29.4.5b NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS THRU 06/30/04 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2003 AD VALOREM __________e__~_~_~___~ _________~_____ ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL .$ 3,368,081.18 DISCOVERIES ADDED I 188,106.53 LESS ABATEMENTS 1 __m___!~Z!l~~~~- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED! $ 3,481,009.43 LISTING PENALTIES C~ARGED 3,735.51 ¡ --------------- TOTAL LEVY ¡ $ 3,484,744.94 COLLECTIONS TO DATE¡ __Þ~Z==~z~~::l~- OUTSTANDING BALANCEI $ 35,110.82 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 98.99%* ! PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS I PER?ONAL PROPERTY .$ I TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATEj OUTSTANDING BALANCEI PERCENTAGE COLLECTED I THIS REPOR~ IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JUL~ 1, 2003. RE~CTFULLY SUBMiftED, --YCtn1tì"" t), O~~n- PATRICIA J. RAYNOR ¡ COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ¡ * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 98.04% I I ** COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES· AND APPEALS - I I I I I. K:I± 2. q , '-f, ~b CONSENT AGENDA DATE:..;.__..;._____ ITE"', NO.______ COLLECTIONS MOTOR VEHICLE -_._------------ $ 366,253.83 1,105.98 5,040.53- --...----.-- ------ $ 362,319.28 .00 ---------.:.---.. $ 362,319.28 321,946.09- -------------:--- $ 40,313.19 88.86%* 99.04%** 88.87%** BACK TAXES _.....-____:m_ REAL ESTATE AND CHARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS 114,116.00 6,652.18 2,772.85- --------------- .$ 117,995.33 64,058.88- ----:------------; .$ 53,936.45 54.29% 98.09" 29.4.5b ;0 -.2.. ------.---- ______0..;.· ,C"" (0"1' ',.u.:;',c' at;. ..: ~.. t? ~-' \' l", J, ,,\ ,;. ~ 1:., ,. () r.' . .... ~ .¡r ti , . . (, ,< 0 - \' . ø .]. ~ .. )r.. ';" '" ~¡ \. .r ¿ ~ "t~ . t'" ;- t .' ~ .. -. i - ... I " '. r 1 . -, " " \ r , " . , ) T ,J " , , ~ -'" r:< \;": ..f;\ : ~ . . ~ ..I. f'. 'I' _ f',. . ~ f~ .. "J .. ( -_ f' ; " .. .. .... , . ~ '. :.. ~ .,'\ :t , ,- .. f. '. t" a , . . ~ t,:;:" e- If .1 .. - " "" r ,~ I. iY: .. ~ r íI"':.! ~ 1": t- :.. ... *' .~ 'J -:: fI' ~'.. ... ~_" 1> .. r \ " r . J. .. ;'" L. " . c , ..) 9' .. ç 1 ;... r,-' " ,. I.....; ~" - i.# Þ' .; ': t ~, ,..;:1 i" . .. . t .. ý J ..\ ...1 ,ð. ~"": r:- ~: . . ,', . .. ',t , .. .1." ::± ~ ? J!: IT ."" ": !\ \; '; .~ ,. . v t... t.. ..- I .# .,f Î r .r ~'~ /' :.,' t" I " _.~ . t..'"'":t.f"\ " t t, ". r'¡' \~ ~. ~ ',' \l ~ .. .. ~ , ~.., 1",-4 I ~ t .. .., r.... ' -. t.. /' /', .1...) ,... , 1:". "....'.. " . : l·~ ! ~"' V :::c It, ~::-:.J t ¡.".... " , .. 't I I ;. . <. ", ,,;...i :,:. ~! 'T . I' - ,....-... .,¡ ,_ l t, -: . J - .,. .., ! J. · J I - ..J T . ,. . I . . : ~ .' ., h_' , , J - -' :....J,;' '. ': :. T :..' J I . ~ '. .::'" - r;:¡7:,;:, iJ : /~..?:~ I..,' T<,'.. ,- ft J'i- .' ,...- -f'- .-, '". " , I . .:, ;> t ' ~ ~, ..j l'" ~ ','" r - r :: ~' :. A r ~. , :). ~..., :' :: ~~, :' t~ . ,": I".. .~ :: r .*, , ~, :' :: r 1,' t.. I , r' r; f ? j'" :.. "t' .- ': :¡,.~ I o~ . - í I. .' .1... - e' · ' . ,', I, X I . . · .. ....,..... I' I!I -r , "'I ~ : . , ; /. ; - .J ~ .. ~ - ~. ".).,..j ~I~ :.:; ~ ~ J~. J ": .,~ ~ \' ...1 /.. :.;~ ¡ ..~, r- -: ~ ,> ,,,\ y . . I' . ( ,,~.., ""':~),C; -; ~ ¡:"' r :.' ." ..:"1' ", ;. ¡ - f', ? :r ,,'f .. .~, .~ T ;- ; £-' ':: lJ:: 't-' J J -.:. . T J - (¡:; ': I , , ,,'; I .., _ Vi ..:. .., ! :; .:," t.t "".; ,) 'ë', ..,- T ....; .,... "t. " ~ ,o<t l' t;. -t. .,,-, J J..... .:. .. "c, J . T 29.4.5c RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLEqTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLL$CTIONS ' PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS : i TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CARO~INA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $ 2,412,025,94, , , I I I ~EW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS I I I CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2004 ! ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL I DISCOVERIES ADDED i I LE$S ABATEMENTS I TOTAL TAXES CHARGED COLLECTIONS THRU 07/31/04 AD VALOREM $ 108,009,979,30 3,472,93 ,00 $ 108,013,452,23 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED .06 36,890.76 .00 $ 108;050,342.99 133,410.46 $ 107,916,932,53 .12%* , , i ! i , BACK TAXES I REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGESÀDDED ! I LESS ABATEMENTS . TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 4,518,902,83 1,205.47 5,481.64 $ 4,514,626,66 336,393,04 $ 4,178,233.62 7.45% $ ]UL 2004 27,840.45 $ 785,600.50 9,923,]3 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2004. I RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, i I ¡ I I * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - ,69% I I PATRICIA], RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE 7(lf 2-D¡. <f.6L CONSENT AGENDA DATE: , ITEM NO. MOTOR VEHICLE $ 1,551,534,61 1,644,12 7,346.58 1,545,832.15 $ ,00 $ .00 ,00 1,545,832.15 621,437,19 924,394,96 40.20%* $ FISCAL YTD 27,840.45 785,600,50 9,923.13 29.4.5d CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS . COLLECTIONS THRU 07/31/04 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2004 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS --------------- --------------- $ 3,466,285.94 150.59 .00 $ 62,738.77 96.74 261.50- --------------- --------------- , TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO :DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES $ 3,466,436.53 1,866.20 $ 62,574.01 .00 --------------- --------------- $ 3,468,302.73 .00 $ 62,574.01 25,819.16- --------------- --------------- $ 3,468,302.73 $ .00%* 36,754.85 41.26%* ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS 129,420.46 124.51 207.10- --------------- TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 129,337.87 12,343.70- --------------- $ 116,994.17 9.54% THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2004. RE~CT~ULLY SUBMITTED, -YtirntÎ,,-- Ç) ~rn... PATRICIA J. ~NOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - .73% 29.4.6 TERMINATION OF STA TE OF EMERGENCY IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, on August 13,2004 at 3 :25 p,m" the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners determined and proclaimed a local state of emergency for the County of New Hanover; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has determined that a state of emergency no lònger exists in the County of New Hanover; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above-referenced proclamation of a local state of emergency and all of the restrictions and orders therein are hereby terminated effective immediately. Proclaimed this 16th day of August, at 9:15 a.m. 1JM~ Robert( G, Greer, Chairman Attest: ~:\, '--- ~~\).\\ Sheila....~hult, Clerk to the Board 29.4.7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION VHEREAS, John E. Carriker was appointed Assistant District Attorney for the Fifth Judici )istrict serving citizens of New Hanover and Pender ·Counties in 1972 and continued to serve. hat capacity until his appointment as District Attorney in 1995; and, VHEREAS, during his' career of more than three decades his professionalism has earned hi ecognition as President of the Fifth Judicial District Bar, appointment to the North Carolir :riminal Justice Information Network Governing Board, the Advisory Committee for Leg ~esources, the Courts Technology Advisory Committee and other professional organizations; and, VHEREAS, having served on various boards and committees such as the North CarolinaCrimil1 ustice Information Network and the Technology Committee of the NC Conference of Distri, ~ttorneys, John Carriker has advocated for and increased the use of electronic technology in tl ourtroom, and has been in the forefront of North Carolina's Judicial System in the use of wire Ie: ~chnologies; and; VHEREAS, John Carriker has also displayed the compassion necessary to assist victims of crin 1Tough his establishment of or involvement in the Domestic Violence Unit, Homicide Suppo TroUP, WortWess Check Program, Drug Treatment Court, the North Carolina Victims Assistanc ¡etwork, and the North Carolina Statewide Automated Victims Assistance Network; and, VHEREAS, John Carriker,has demonstrated his vision for helping youth, in particular, before th{ ecome a part of the criminaljustice system by establishing the New Hanover County Teen Cou nd other programs that have helped child victims and their families access the services needed 1 ecome contributing members of society; row, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board c ;ommissioners does hereby express its thanks and congratulations to John E. Carriker upon h ~tirement after serving the citizens of New Hanover and Pender Counties for 33 years. ..doptedthis, the 16th day of August, 2004. ,~ ":~~~~~/~:'~i':¿:;rr$~~' '" 't·G. ~ ':.'," ~ , ~,~'~ :::,~ . (~~:~:,':~~ :. .? ':'.::.":~. ~ 3~',;:r ,,~ , ?:~~~!:\ ~"~::~"',:";:.;~~'" ....~""; . ~: ,- ~.'.=:' 1?JJ-IJ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ..ttest: ~\:\rA ~'~('~\I\+ 29.4./8 August 2004 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empo.wered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Witness my hand and official seal, this I/.Jndayof 7 t 2004. . . ~,¿M~ Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: ' ~~\~ \.. ~~~\\' Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County I, Patricia], Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New ,Hanover County. This 11..h1dayof BolA,) T 2004. YAm \.:<--C4" )~~ Collector ofReve~ of New Hanover County NEW HANOVER COUNTY f' SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 2003 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Advertising Fees Charged Interest Collected Cost Collected $ 115,069,648.23 4,256,828.11 q:U,651.~S $ 118,394,824·99 98,220-40 9,410·50 258,126·55 17,~60.66 $ 118,777,943·10 Real Estate LÏens* $ 667,806.10 Delinquent Personal Property* 1,561,404.07 Deposited 116,548,732.q1 - 118,777,Q43.08 $ .02 Difference due to distribution error of late list fees. *Uncollected amounts include $ 77,627.66 owned by known bankrupt accounts and accounts under appeal. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue PJR:sw ~ o u ~ ð ~ ~. ~ z ír.J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ =s ~ ~ ~ ~ ír.J ""'" C\I L1j '" L1j '" .-< ""'" I:'-. r:; I:'-....c: ...c: ° .' 'C\IC\I """'000C'f:0\0' ~ .-<'-<"'''' oC\l"'oo"'''' ó\ ~ C\I~ r:-: ó\ ¿. .....:¡ ~.-<~~~~ ~ .f C\I C\IC\I I 0 -fh -fh ~ -fh ~ o ~ A.. MO 1:'-.0\0C'f:2{C\l0 M""oo cv:: . . . ......,' ·.-<MC'i", OMO\C\I"'''' I:'-. 00 '" 00 I:'-. r;. 1:'-.""",'" . ~""'" 6 ~61f."""'.-< OOC\loo::1.-:, M C\I.-< .-<~ .-< .-<~ I -fh -fh ~I ooM""",lf.C\lC\lO ~"?llìt;~~o L1j8-.-<lf.00 ~~~i'g'g 001:'-.0\0'r-.::r:-: 0\ L1j '" .-< '" '" L1j C\I MC'f: I -fh I -fh I -fh' ~I 0\0.-<000.-<.-< ° ""'" ""'" '" "t" "t" ~ 00 u) r'-.ó 0\ 0' ""'" 00 '" 0' '" '" 0\ ~ "t u:; "'~ ~ Ó\C\lC\lC\lI:'-.I:'-. 0\ '" '" 0' ° ° L1j ~ 0000 ~ .-< C\I I -fh -fh .....:¡ ~ ~ Q ~ .....:¡ ~ o U) ~ µ:¡ A.. ........O""C1V1V1 ( ) ~ ~ .Þ""C1o( ) ~ ""C1....... d o~t)¡::¡ UV1.22 ( )........ ro fj ~8 ~ -.....ro .-<...c:: 'j::::u ......... o .... .¡..¡ ~~ o ( ) U S """'.¡..¡ ° V1 -..... .g., '-<""C1 'j::::~ -fh -fh ~ V1 ( ) ~ .¡..¡ V1 ....... ........ ( ) .¡..¡ ro ........ '+< o V1 .... o .... .... ( ) ~ o ....... .¡..¡ ::: ..0 ....... .... .¡..¡ V1 ;.e o .¡..¡ ( ) ::: Q '-' M "t" L1j 0\ I:'-. C\I~ M C\I -fh Q µ:¡ ~ U µ:¡ .....:¡ .....:¡ o U ~ U) ~ µ:¡ ~ Z ..... ........ ro ( ) ~ ""C1 ~ ro ca ~ o V1 .... ( ) A.. ,"' NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT SETILEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 2003 I"» Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Interest Collected $ 3,734,335·61 189,212·51 80,219.41 3,843,328.71 3,735·51 8,198.84 $ 3,855,263.06 Real Estate Liens* Delinquent Personal Property* Deposited 23,804·81 51,679·21 ~,779,779.0.') - ~,8.')S,26~.07 $ - .01 Difference due to distribution error of late list fees. *Uncollected amounts include $2,035-43 owed by known bankrupt accounts and accounts under appeal. . Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue PJR:sw ~ ~ E-4 rJj ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ o u ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ z rJj ~ ~ ~ ~ þ a z ~ ¡..,;¡ ~ Q ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ¡..,;¡ ~ rJj ~ o 00 00 \D -.:t "t 0 o~~oo"t~ 0 \ÓC\l00C\Ï\D\D ...-<Lt')Lt')t---Mcr: .....:¡ ...-<\D0t---0\0' ~ ~ \D~ ~ C'i M c-r: ~ \D Lt') Lr: 0 ~ -Y7 I -Y7 -Y7 ~ o ~ ~ O-.:tt'--Ot'--t---O t'--0U?r;"t~~ C\ÏC\Ï...-<O'Mcr: Lt') Lt')MOO \D -.:t C\I 11", t'-- t'-- ~ooM~~-¢ 00 C\IC\I C\I -Y7 -Y7-Y7 ~I C\I...-<t'--C\l-.:t-.:tO C\lOM"t-.:t-.:tO óC\ÏóooMci: 0\D0\0\D\D Lt')-.:tM...-<-.:t"t \D~ C\I~ oo~ Ô Ó ...-< ...-< ...-< -Y7 -Y7-Y7 ~I ooM-.:t-.:tMMO 0...-<0\t'--Lt')Lr:0 MOO \Ó ..f 0\ 0=- \D -.:t =- C\I \D \D O\M".,'-:'t'--t'-- oo~ M C\I ...-< oo~ 00 \D Lt') ...-<...-< -Y7 -Y7-Y7 .....:¡ ~ Q ~ .....:¡ ~ o C/) ~ µ:¡ ~ Õ""I:j[/)[/) ~ Cl) ~ +-' +-'''''I:j0~ ~ ........... Cl) o'-'+-'S u<á$Cl) M [/) ........ +-' o ~õ cO .........~u:9 "'-<cO ...... o~ t::::u ........ o ~ +-' ~+-' o ~ U Cl) -.:tS o+-' ......... [/) ...-< ;:J 0·...." t::::~ C\I t'-- o M t'-- \D~ -Y7 Q µ:¡ ~ u µ:¡ .....:¡ .....:¡ o u ~ C/) ~ µ:¡ ~ Z .... '"@ ~ ""I:j ~ cO '"@ ~ o [/) ~ Cl) ~ 29.4.9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DECLARING OCTOBER 2, 2004 AS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BIG SWEEP 2004 DAY . . . ' . . ; .:. , .WIIEREAS;New Hanover Countyis rich in natural resources and beauty; and .. . . .. , '.: 'WIŒREAS, water is a basic and essential need for all life; and . , . . . . . . . , . :>'~REAS',tré!S4 fouls our waterways aS,well as our landscapes; and .. '. ":'WHE~ÁS, .:evç:ry citizen ·shouldcoritriblltèto keeping' our 'environment deanau.d heálthy.:'· I." ..bywotking toge0-ertopreserve clean water ,arid ,the n3:turalbeautyof our surroUJ;dirigs;arid, .'., I . . " . ,:WIIKREi\S, North Caroli~a BigSwe~p is. ~stitewidecomniunity effort to retIÏ.~ve tr'~s~ . .... f,[pm NorthCarålina's waterways and landscapes; '," ,,/. : " >': .N.q'\V,·;WRE::I.~~EOR$,BE IT MSOL V§D, that~eBoardofro;l~m: ~<;i~H1~:':- or~~'\\' ,; ':};;:::Hi:anover'County,NorthèarolinadoesherèbydeClareOctober2,200~ a:' "\ I:\\' I 1:\ \0\'1 ~R ,;r;".<·,::;dº~]3IfiS\VEEP 2Ó04DAyo' in New Han~ÝerC()unty,ánddoesßll'therhe];eþy~~gé' , <:_'eve:ryi'citïz6ntddühis or h~r .part fotestortthe beauty andfunçtiQn bfourbeiiçbei;;)alœs; '-., . 'st¡-e<l111s;'ánâri~ers'by volUÍlteèringinthe'Big'Sweep event. ..... '.' ". ":'. .> . . -' . . . . . , . . ..... -' .." . . . '. .,. 'th' .' . .... ,This the 16, day of August, 2004., - . . ". . .... ../'A¡.,' (8¡-l4. /. 1(11:. V~ . '-' Róbert G. Greer; Chairman Attest: . ~\! .\~ '-- '~C~lA\~' '. . 'Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board r . r ~ i ~ .. .. ,. -- t Ii I 29.4.10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 A-337, 07/04 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Revise Section 50.5 Table of Permitted Uses REVISE; Table of Permitted Uses R-20S B-I Indoor/Outdoor Recreation Establishments Commercially Operated S P REMOVE Revised Table of , Permitted Uses PD thru RA Membership Sports & Recreation Revise Section 72-36 as noted; Indoor/Outdoor Recreation Establishments Commercially Operated - . . . Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare ofthe inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption , Adopted the I 6th day of August 2004. ,f t ,I;' Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: ~~.~c.. \.. ~,\\ Clerk to the Board 29.4.11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED FEBRUARY 17, 1969 A-336, 06/04 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: , , Section I. That the Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina ådopted February 17, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: AMEND Section 41-1(6) (g) of The Subdivision Regulations as noted; (g) Each lot of a subdivision shall individually abut or be adjacent to an approved public or approved private street or private access easement. Condominium and townhouse-style subdivisions may be exempted from this requirement at the discretion of the Technical Review Committee, provided that in all cases each individual lot shall be assured safe and reasonable vehicular access to and from an approved street. (3/03). Every Conventional residential lot shall front a public or private street or access easement for a distance of at least 34 feet. Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is herebyrepealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the iriterest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption 1?J.Ji!J.~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: . ~ \.~.\. '-'~~\L\ \ Clerk to the Board 29.4.12 A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, New Hanover County GIS services requires that the geographic' boundaries of Castle Hayne be designated for standardized mapping purposes; and WHEREAS, the U, S. Postal Service has specified the limits of Castle Hayne pursuant to Federal classification as a Postal Service Area; and WHEREAS, the U, S, Postal Service identifies Castle Hayne as the area within the U,S. Postal Service 28429 zip code boundaries; and WHEREAS, by adopting the U, S, Postal service boundaries for Castle Hayne, mapping uniformity and consistency will be promoted. NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby resolve to and does designate the U. S, Postal Designated Place boundaries for Castle Hayne for GIS address mapping purposes only, This the 16th day of August, 2004. [SEAL] Nf~A Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: ~\.~L ~,~~\~\\ Clerk to the Board ß ~ t:rJi-++PJt!Jì1(/~~.,~~~\.J);rtM,\ ¡;,,~ <1 ¡¡. , Q) Z 'S! ·cc....c-~è:' ìf ü I: Q)"'Oc::..c:::..c::I....OOOO:;:;Q)CO '\ os; i £; ~ ID ~ ~O t5 ~ ..c:: t5 § ð -g ~ [..0') 1_ "U£CJ)(/)~Q)Q)"5Q) _C:J ë~ Q)N c~::;} '"~(f)o(f)'tJOJo Ø: en ~ - ª.8 ~ c: c~:a2 ((J2a::I~ ~ Q) _ CO ~ g g OJ -"=',~ 'tJ ,~ è:' ~ 'E :). ,.. roN ~~¡fi¡fic(¡jQ)~Q)~~5 f.ft IrI.. ...... CO L... .L... 0 ....... ..r:::..c::: "U ~ en ~ ~ OJ-,gi5--' ~-'tJ:::~ Q)ü ~ _ 0 ro V> OJ C ¡: 0~.9D:: oU):5 (¡j í;1 '" a.."O Æ OJ ~ -"=' £ - t: -"=' è:' ûí g' 0 e; ..,.. if) c: ':jË ~ ,- ~ Q) c 0 ~ ::;} OJ 0 - C ì<tÌ ..... .......Cf)a::,S-oca>..Qw->.ro 1. ~ ~ .- en ~ :;:; û) "D ....... ro ï:: I ~ (1) --I 0 tf) I.... roQ)uroroü)C;>,W ~ _,...., _ OJ.!: OJ Q) Q) Q),o-.:ûí~ ,,; .... Q) LoU fì."~ Q) ,= C .!: .... It) Q) OJ Q) W 1ft £ ~ Q) .!: LL C ~ 'tJ .- t: 0 ûí Q) Z } VI ...... 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