2004-09-07 RM Exhibits f '.., .L.J- ..L/ I, '-' f I CONSTITUTION WEEK September 17-23, 2004 BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A PROCLAMATION \VHEREAS, September 17, 2004 marks the two hundred seventeenth anniversary of the drafting of the 'Constitution of the United States of A¿nericaby the Constitutional Convention; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition tot11ÍS magnificent document and its memorable anniversary, and 10 the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and VlHEREAS, PublicLaw 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President oillie United States of America designating September 17 ,through 23 as Constitution Week, NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE COMMISSIONERS OF NEW BANOVER COUNTY, do hereby proclaim September 17-23,2004 as "CONSTITUTION WEEK" in New Hanover County, and ask our citizens to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties, remembering that lost rights may never be regained. Adopted this 7111 day of September, 2004. ·1?,tJA~ Robert G. Greer, ChaITlllan Attest: ~\\:\~ \ - ~~~\k\~ Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board , :' .~: ;'jift .~< )~~~3~':; '~' w-,·t~2.~~~:.~" ~': ,~.-t~~;"r..,;:,:,,:-·,. ,~.;:' ....-9..., Kif.2 9.~.Þ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY , BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS PROCLAlI1ATION , , , ' ',' . ""WHEREAS, the welfare of our children is the most importantrespònsibilityvjehav~ as ' lJarents; ?11d children 'should be able to depend 'on sµpportfrom bot4parellts; and ¡,"WHEREAS,dûldrenwho d~ not receive adequ:ate fmanciaÏ and emotionals~pþo.rt:from !", b01:l1.p<lrel1ísmay,expe1:"Ïence, greater, difficulty in becoming healthy, ,hapPY'al1d' " , I, ,,'produCtiye,citiz~nS'ofthis;State; and ' '.. :'/' ;T{7JIE~,:.iiipases ,wherechìl,dren' do not receive flIÙmcial and elllÒtionalsüpportJrom ',' " r.."2othpaF~.l1tslliet~pâyeís of this State support theêhildren whosep81'entsfaíltomè¥t " ' ':':~s,re~pc:.msiÞili1:y; and" "",' -,'. "". ::,-" '.' ", ' , :~y:~~,.::.;;:<~.::. " - ,~.,,' '," "-', ,', ' ", " , " ,":' ," ,'-'-' ", '" ,,- ,- i;::,:::,t7EIE:IŒÂS;inanycoricerned ,and dedicated judges, districtattömeys;' clerks of cQwi,,:, , ',J::'1~46iiff~'::,pèI"sòmlelàt)dchìlc1support enÎor~enìent professionals work tb,est~blišl1~äP.d· ""; .' ;:',;ÞB:f9i9ébþi1d'stlþpPrtfor)~orthCårolinå',schDdr~~Who aTe our: ~e;' .' ",::,.'-, '> ~ ,l(,<" :~. -~.,::;,~:' . ':"-", ,'.,' .~., ,~"", ?{ffQff,,"'i/ii13Í1El!OR$,BEl'Tl'ROCLAIMED by the N ~wHanover'C()UntŸBQå:!-(t(')t i',,;;f(~< .~~ :~~i,~,:1'6:;/~~ì.;~' S~ptel1lbêí 2004bedèdäredChild'Suppmi A wareness::Mónth~iri,' , , i/, \'c';, : 1:1"1;'" ;.~:. ("¡,:::,~y,~aD.dtliàtcitizensbe Ul"gedto support this obsèr&ance; , · '" .,' C'. -;~" ,.' ,. , . ~;;:i~4þ~t~4'~Í11e.7;~iµay'.'otš~Pte.ri:rb.eÌ 2004., '4/ :',;:.~' . r,' , ' . .. . .,... ,.' - - . . , /), /JI} 4 .......¿, ··.·..i .. / J{V/.·oc\~ Robert G. Greer,CháÏr1i1ai1, ,0. C :' ,~12,;>~~' .);;~~ - ~, ': ~i..~~~-':"~¡j ~ . ,tf{î:~:-:\~¥~ - ,'I'.' . , ' , , ~ ' ~- " - , , - - . " ' ' , - ..... . ~ . ',' , . . ' " . - :,', .',... ,--- ,': '.-', " " , . " " " ' ~ .. ' , " " - . : '\i~~'\..._ '\ ~\ÅÙ '.:;Sh~ilaSchult,Clerk to the Board .. -.' I I I I t I I I I LmRARY CARD SIGN-UP MONTH September 2004 BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM:MISSIONERS A PROCLAMATION· WHEREAS, libraries playa vital role in the lives of North Carolina's citizens; and WHEREAS, libraries are key to the foundation of North Carolina's communities; and WHEREAS, libraries are to be celebrated in, our communities for the values of learning and discovery they ,build among children, teens and all North Carolinians; and WHEREAS, the library card opens doors to the many library resources; NOW, THEREFORE, 'WE, THE COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, do hereby proclaim September 2004, as "LIBJURY CARD SIGN-UP MONTH" in New Hanover County, and urge our citizens to visit their library and sign up for library cards and to lllake use of the library's lllany valuable resources. , Adoptedtms 7tb day of September, 2004. {(JJ-J!J ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman . .~, ~ .~~, "", ,'. .::.,.iI....::. , .1. .:.~~... ,~-.".;O'i. \\h:¿.··.;¡.:~.~,?#:/ \, 1)""..",", ",," ,,,,,,...~ .," ~,,,,, 1.".' ,,"'~"":-"" ".''')' ",_" \,¡.... '.1.. . "~'~,7'=':,,~-:'. ..~:' ,~~"';',.. Artes1. ......'.,~... ." ~ \~,\~ "-. ~ (ì \u \\ Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board , Ii. ~ . " , -1<.Jf 2- q, S>-¡- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMA TION ,~ '. f'} WHEREAS, throughout American history, prisoners of war and those still listed as missing in action have been called upon to make uncommon sacrifices; and WHEREAS, in fulfilling their duty as citizens of the United States, they have defended American ideals while suffering unimaginable indignities under the absolute control of the enemy; and WHEREAS, all Americans should recognize the special debt we owe to our fellow citizens who, in the act of serving our Nation, relinquished their freedom so that we might enjoy the blessings of peace and liberty; and WHEREAS, the annual observance of PO W /MIA Recognition Day honors fonner American prisoners of war and those missing in action, while providing an opportunity for citizens throughout North Carolina and the Nation to remember, with special sympathy and concern, the courageous families who maintain their steadfast vigil in their search for peace that comes only with certainty; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, that September 14, 2004 be declared PO W /MIA Recognition Day in New Hanover County, a day dedicated to all former American prisoners of war, to those still missing, and to their families, and that all residents of the County are encouraged to join in honoring these outstanding individuals. Adopted the seventh day of September, 2004 /ÇJJ6~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: ~\\., ~. ~~\\ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board