2002-03-11 RM Exhibits27.16.1 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 12:00 noon, on the 12th day of February, 2002, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and bids were received. for furnishings (as per attached bid tabulation) for the Judicial Building, Bid # 02-0236; AND WHEREAS, the bid received from Office Supply Services, Inc. was not complete and therefore not considered; AND WHEREAS, Mac Thrift Office Supply Furniture and Alfred Williams Express submitted letters requested that their bids be withdrawn due to errors and therefore were removed from consideration; AND WHEREAS, the most cost efficient method is to award project by groupings made by manufacturer as follows: The Office Showcase: Group 1 $6,942.10 Group 2 $57,067.38 Group 3 $684.60 Group 7 $17,943.52 Group 13 $4,151.37 Group 14 $2,278.42 Group 15 $2,464.47 Group16 $9,958.63 Group 20 $4,473.28 Total $105,963.77 Institutional Iriteriors: Group 11 Group 18 $48,714.00 $24,708.00 :f:.'" Total $73,422.00 Raleigh Office Interiors: Group 5 $6,214.96 Group 6 $20,367.68 Group 8 $23,096.51 Group 9 $7,440.72 Group 1 0 $1,375.88 Group 19 $1;084.50 Total $59,580.25 Interior Systems: Group 4 Group 17 Total $25,000.26 $16,600.00 $41,600.26 Carswell Business Systems: Group 12 Total $5,243.69 $5,243.69 AND WHEREAS, the Project Engineer, the Finance Director and the County M~nager recommend that contracts be awarded to the following Vendors in the following amounts, each Vendor being the lowest responsible bidder of the individual groupings listed above: Carswell Business Systems $105,963.77 $73,422.00 $59,580.25 $41,600.26 $5,243.69 $285,809.97 The Office Showcase Institutional Interiors Raleigh Office Interiors Interior Systems Total \ \ ~ AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 370-434-3700-7300-6000 Job#JBLDGOIE to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contracts for furnishings for the Judicial Building, Bid # 02-0236 be awarded to the vendors listed below in the amounts specified below; and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the referenced contracts, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. The Office Showcase $105,963.77 Contract # 02-0236A $73,422;00 Contract # 02-0236B $59,580.25 Contract # 02-0236C $41,600.26 Contract # 02-0236D . $5,243.69 Contract # 02-0236E $285,809.97 Institutional Interiors Raleigh Office Interiors Interior Systems Carswell Business Systems Total This 11 th day of March, 2002. ~:IIIf ~ fm\ f\.'t-.~~ .. . I ATT~ST: / !./ / ():?~~¿/Y~ ~k to the Board ~fJOf:.rd ~~unry Commissione~ 27.16.2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Department of Social Services purchased a queen size hospital bed with safety rails in October 2000 for a client located at Century Care in Morehead City; AND WHEREAS, the bed is no longer needed and must be moved from the care facility in Moorehead; AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover Regional Medical Center is in need ofthis oversized hospital bed and has agreed to handle transporting the bed to the hospital; AND WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services is requesting approval to donate the queen size hospital bed to New Hanover Regional Medical Center pursuant to General Statute 160A-279 with the understanding that the hospital will assume all responsibility and costs to - transport the bed from the care facility in Moorehead City to Wilmington; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the queen size hospital bed with safety rails be donated to New Hanover Regional Medical Center with the understanding that the hospital will assume all responsibility and costs to transport the bed from the care facility in Morehead City to Wilmington and that the County staff is directed to process any required documents to consummate the transaction. This 11 th day of March, 2002. (SEAL) 1d ili (t. Chairman, Bo~f County Commissioners I 27.16.3 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA TO RESTORE FULL FUNDING OF STATE REIMBURSEMENTS OF REPEALED TAXES TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, local governments have been receiving reimbursements from the State to replace local revenues lost in the late eighties when the General Assembly repealed certain local property taxes, and WHEREAS, local governments have been highly committed to being fiscally responsible, and WHEREAS, local governments provide essential services upon which the citizens of North Carolina depend, and WHEREAS, local governments preparing their fiscal year 200 1-2002 budgets last year were promised and anticipated funds in the form ofInventory Tax Reimbursements and Elderly Homestead Exemptions in order to provide essential services, and i WHEREAS, the loss of this reimbursement during the fiscal year 2001-2002, after local governments have adopted budgets and set tax rates, would have a significant impact on the operations oflocal governments and their ability to provide essential services, and WHEREAS, the loss of these reimbursements in future years would be detrimental to State mandated fund balancè amounts and the ongoing operations of State mandated programs, including current expense and capital expense needs of the local Boards of Education, and WHEREAS, recent legislation signed by Governor Easley committed the State of North Carolina to funds for distribution to North Carolina Cities and Counties for replacement of the repealed Inventory Tax Reimbursements and other reimbursements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that: 1. The Governor of North Carolina is requested to restore full funding of the Inventory Tax Reimbursements and the Elderly Homestead Exemptions for fiscal year 2001-2002, and that 2. The Governor of North Carolina is requested to continue support for full funding of all State reimbursements of revenues lost when the General Assembly repealed certain local property taxes, and that 3. The Clerk to the Board is instructed to forward this resolution to the Governor, the North Carolina General Assembly, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, the North Carolina League of Municipalities, the North Carolina Association of School Administrators and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for their information. Adopted this the II tll day of March, 2002. ~ fP ~;:'r~~1- l;(~sQ2[) . New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 27.16.4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the welfare of our children is the most important responsibility we have as parents, and children should be able to depend on support from both parents; and . WHEREAS, children who do not-receive adequate financial and emotional support from both parents may experience greater difficulty in becoming healthy, happy and productive . citizens of this State; and . WHEREAS, in cases where children do not receive financial and emotional support from both parents the taxpayers of this State support the children whose parènts fail to meet this responsibility; and' . WHEREAS, many concerned and dedicated judges, district attorneys, . clerks of court, sheriffs' personnel and child support enforcement professionals work -to establisha.nd enforce child support for North Carolina's children, who are our future; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of .Commissioners that March 2002 be declared Child Support Awareness Month in New Hanover County, and that citizens be urged to support this observance. Adopted the 11 tit day of March, 2002.' ~ ~Q~illnn~ . .' "',' \:/~. ~arrell, Clerk to the Board 27.16.5 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY'BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING ASSISTANCE BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTOFI TRANSPORTATION IN THE TIMELY FUNDING AND COMPLETION OF FIVE PRIORITY ROADWAY PROJECTS WHEREAS, five transportation improvement projects are vital to the area~s public safety; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners expresses their sincere appreciation to tl Secretary of Transportation and Members of the Board of Transportation for their efforts to date in suppo of these five critical projects; and WHEREAS, the foIIowing organizations are unified in their support of these projects: the City .( Wilmington, New Hanover County, Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Cape Fear Coæ Convention & Visitors Bureau, Cape Fear Community CoIIege, Committee of 100, New Hanover S:ount Airport Authority, New Hanover County School System, New Hanover Health Network, New Hanov( County Board of Education, the North Carolina Black Chamber of Commerce, North Carolina' State Por1 Authority, North Carolina's Southeast, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington; and WHEREAS, these projects are key components of our Urban Area Transportation Plan which will proviê area residents a safe and efficient transportation network, and the New Hanover County Board ( Commissioners remains committed to their timely completion; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington wiII ensure appropriate envirorunent< guidelines, appropriate support of Land Use policies and concerns ahd appropriate community neighborhoo economic concerns are investigated and resolved; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissionel requests the North Carolina Department of Transportation's leadership and assistance in securing fundin and ensuring the completion of the foIIowing ròad and highway projects: Continuation of theJndependenc Boulevard extension from RandaII Parkway to Martin Luther King, J r. Parkway; Assurance that thewidenin of Kerr Avenue to five lanes starts in 2008 as scheduled in the TIP; Assurance that the Wilmington By-pas remains on schedule in Brunswick County; Examination of alternatives to relieve extreme traffic congest~o at the interchange ofCoIIege Road and Oleander Drive; and the widening of Village Road from the Lelanc BelviIIe interchange to Mount Misery Road. , Adopted this the eleventh day of March, 2002. JdwQ.., . Ted Davis, , Chairman Attest: ~.{.~;f,(~~~ ~ 27.16.6 RESOLUTION (1) AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT AUTHORIZED BY NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES SECTION 160A-20 AND (2) APPROVING AN INST ALLMENT FINANCING AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS: the Board has decided to pursue the financing of the preliminary funding of the Shaw Speaks Building (the "Project") pursuant to an installment financing contract (the "Contract"), as permitted under N.C.G.S. § 160A-20; and WHEREAS: it is anticipated that the cost of the Project will not exceed $650,000, including the cost of issuance thereof; and WHEREAS: financing pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 160A-20 must be approved by the North Carolina Local Government Commission (the "LGC") and will only be approved if the findings of N.C.G.S. § 159-151(b) are met; and WHEREAS: the Board has this day held a public hearing with respect to the Project and the Contract; and WHEREAS: the staff of the County has solicited bids for the financing from numerous financial institutions, and has recommended that the proposal of Bank of America, N.A. be accepted; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the North Carolina General Statutes, the-County is authorized to acquire real or personal property or to construct or repair fixtures or improvements on real property; and WHEREAS, the County desires to finance the Project; and 1 WHEREAS, the County desires to finance the Project by the use of an installment contract authorized under North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 160A, Article 3, Section 20, which will be secured by a deed of trust on the Project; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the North Carolina Local Government Commission will approve the Project and the financing thereof contemplated hereby at its meeting on March 11, 2002; and WHEREAS, there have been presented to th,e Board substantially final forms the following documents which Bank of America, N.A. (the "Lender") and the County propose to use in connection with the financing of the Project: (a) Installment Financing Agreement between the County and the Lender in the principal amount of not to exceed $650,000 (the "Agreement"); and (b) Deed of Trust and Security Agreement from the County to a trustee in favor of the Lender (the "Deed of Trust" and, together with all other security documents required by the Lender, the "Security Documents"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, meeting in regular session at Wilmington, North Carolina, on March 11, 2002, as follows: 1. The Chairman, other officers, and the employees of the County are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the Project and are hereby authorized and directed to deliver all certificates and instruments and to take all such further action as they may consider necessary or desirable in connection with execution of the Agreement, the Security Documents 2 and the undertaking of the Project. 2. The proposed Contract is necessary and expedient because it will enable the County to expand its services to juveniles in the County. 3. The proposed Contract is preferable to a "general obligation bond issue for the same purpose because of the particular needs to be financed, the short term nature of the financing, the aggregate volume of financings to be accomplished and the desirability of having available the alternativè' financing structures and repayment provisions possible in the propOsed negotiated installment financing. 4. The cost of the proposed undertaking exceeds the amount of funds that can be prudently raised from currently available appropriations, unappropriated fund' balances, and non-voted general obligation bonds that could be issued by the County in the fiscal year pursuant to Article V, Section 4, of the North Carolina Constitution. The Project is non- revenue producing so revenue bonds are not an option. 5. The cost of financing under the proposed Contract is not greater than the cost of issuing general obligation bonds. I~ 6. The sums to be provided under the Contract are adequate and not excessive for the stated purposes of acquiring the Project. 7. The County I s debt management procedures and policies are good and have been carried out in strict compliance with law and will henceforth be so carried out. 8. Any increase in taxes necessary to meet the sums estimated to fall due under such proposed installment financing agreement will not be excessive. 3 · r·, 9. The County is not in default in any of its debt service obligations. 10. The attorney for the County has rendered an opinion that the proposed Project is authorized by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina. 11. The Chairman , other officers of the County or County staff are hereby authorized and directed to make application to the LGC in connection with the Project and the financing therefore. 12 The County hereby approves the selection of Bank of America, N .A. (the "Bank") to provide the financing, in accordance with the term sheet dated February 5, 2002 from the Bank to the County. 13. All other acts of the Board and the officers of the County which are in conformity with the purposes and intent of this Resolution and in furtherance of the financing of the Project are hereby approved and confirmed. 14. The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Agreement and the Deed of Trust, which shall be in substantially the form presented to the Council, which are hereby approved, and the other Security Documents, with such completions, omissions, insertions, and changes as may be approved by the Chairman, including such changes as may be required by the North Carolina Local Government Commission, such execution to constitute conclusive evidence of his/her approval of any such completions, omissions, insertions and changes. The Clerk to the Board shall attest and seal such dócuments as require the Clerk's attestation and the,seal of the County. ./ 4 ;, 't, ",:: .. E: 15. To the extent permitted by law, the officer or employee of the County as may be responsible from time to time for the preparation of the annual budget of the County, is hereby authorized and directed to carry out the obligations imposed by the Agreement on such officer or employee. 16. All other actions of the officers of the County which are in conformity with the purposes or intent of this resolution and in furtherance of the execution of the Agreement and the undertaking of the Project, including the execution of the Security Documents, are hereby' ratified, approved and confirmed. The representations of the County made in the Agreement and the Security Documents are hereby confirmed. The approval by the County of the Agreement and the Security Documents is contingent upon approval of the Agreement by the North Carolina Local Government Commission. 17. All Resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 18. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Commissioner Julia Boseman moved the passage of the foregoing Resolution and Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett seconded the motion, and the Resolution was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Robert G. Greer, Vice-Chairman Julia Boseman, William A. Caster Nancy H. Pritchett 5 ~¡ . .- ...::-" ... Nays: Commissioner: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman \.. Commissioners Not Voting: None This 11 th day of March, 2002. (SEAL) 1d D(b; \} Chairman, Board of County Commissioners c¥:v ~~ Clerk to the Board 6 27.16.6 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Excerpt of Minutes . .. of Meeting on March 11, 2002 Present: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr., presiding, and Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer, Commissioners Julia Boseman, William A. Caster; and Nancy H. Prit¿hett. Absent: None * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Chairman stated that a Notice of Public Hearing was published on February 28, 2002, in the Wilmington Star News and that the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of New Hanover County (the "County") would hold a public hearing regarding the execution of an installment financing contract in connection with the proposed purchase of the Shaw Speaks Building to be used for a juvenile day care reporting facility. At 6:50 o'clock p.m., the Chairman declared the public hearing open and announced the Board would hear anyone who wished to be heard on the proposed funding of the purchase of the Shaw Speaks Building project. No public comment was received._ After hearing no comments, the Chairman closed the public hearing. The Chairh1an then asked the Board to consider and take action on a resolution approving the acquisition of the Shaw Speaks Building project through an installment financing contract. Commissioner Boseman introduced the following resolution which was discussed and its title was read: RESOLUTION (1) AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT AUTHORIZED BY NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES SECTION 160A-20 AND (2) APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH / ~: ,.-.'. - WHEREAS: the Board has decided to pursue the financing of the preliminary funding of the Shaw Speaks Building (the "Project") pursuant to an installment financing contract (the "Contract"), as permitted under N.C.G.S. § 160A-20; and WHEREAS: it is anticipated that the cost of the Project will not exceed $650,000, including the cost of issuance thereof; and WHEREAS: financing pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 160A-20 must be approved by the North Carolina Local Government Commission (the "LGC") and will only be approved if the findings of N.C.G.S. § 159-151(b) are met; and WHEREAS: the Board has this day held a public hearing with respect to the Project and the Contract; and WHEREAS: the staff of the County has solicited bids for the financing rrom numerous fmancial institutions, and has recommended that the proposal of Bank of America, N.A. be accepted~ and WHEREAS, pursuant to the North Carolina General Statutes, the County is authorized to acquire real or personal property or to construct or repair fixtures or improvements on real property; and WHEREAS, the County desires, to finance the Project; and } WHEREAS, the County desires to finance the Project by the use of an installment contract authorized under North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 160A, Article 3, Section 20, which will be secured by a deed of trust on the Project; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the North Carolina Local Government Commission will approve the Project and the financing thereof contemplated hereby at its meeting on March 11, 2002; and WHEREAS, there have been presented to the Board substantially final forms the following documents which Bank of America, N.A. (the "Lender") and the County propose to use in connection with the financing of the Project: (a) Installment Financing Agreement between the County and the Lender in the principal '. amount of not to exceed $650,000 (the "Agreement"); and (b) Deed of Trust and Security Agreement :fi:om the County to a trustee in favor of the Lender (the "Deed of Trust" and, together with all other security documents required by the Lender, the "Security Documents"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, meeting in regular session at Wilmington, North Carolina, on March 11, 2002, as follows: 1. The Chairman, other officers, and the employees of the County are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the Project and are hereby authorized and directed to deliver all certificates and instruments and to take all such further action as they may consider necessary or desirable in connection with execution of the Agreement, the Security Documents and the undertaking of the Project. 2. The proposed Contract is necessary and expedient because it will enable the County to expand its services to juveniles in the County. 3. The proposed Contract is preferable to a general obligation bond issue for the same purpose because of the particular needs to be fmanced, the short term nature of the financing, the v aggregate volume of financings to be accomplished and the desirability of having available the alternative financing structures and repayment provisions possible in the proposed negotiated installment financing. .... --. 4. The cost of the proposed undertaking exceeds the amount of funds that can be prudently raised from curren~y available appropriations, unappropriated fund balances, and non-voted general obligation bonds that could be issued by the County in the fiscal year pursuant to Article V, Section 4, ofthe North Carolina Constitution. The Project is non-revenue producing so revenue bonds are not an option. 5. The cost of financing under the proposed Contract is not greater than the cost of issuing general obligation bonds. 6. The sums to be provided under the Contract are adequate and not excessive for the stated purposes of acquiring the Project. 7. The County's debt management procedures and policies are good and have been carried out in strict compliance with law and will henceforth be so carried out. 8. Any increase in taxes necessary to meet the sums estimated to fall due under such proposed installment financing agreement will not be excessive. 9. The County is not in default in any of its debt service obligations. 10. The attorney for the County has rendered an opinion that the proposed Project is authorized by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina. 11. The Chairman, other officers of the County or County staff are hereby authorized and directed to make application to the LGC in connection with the Project and the financing therefore. 12 The County hereby approves the selection of Bank of America, N.A. (the "Bank") to provide the financing, in accordance with the term sheet dated February 5, 2002 from the Bank to the , County. ;;;... ~ 13. All other acts of the Board and the officers of the County which are in conformity with the p.urposes and intent of this Resolution and in furtherance of the financing of the Project are hereby approved and confirmed. 14. The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Agreement and the Deed of Trust, which shall be in substantially the form presented to the Council, which are hereby approved, and the other Security Documents, with such completions, omissions, insertions, and changes as may be approved by the Chairman, including such changes as may be required by the North Carolina Local Government Commission, such execution to constitute conclusive evidence of his/her approval of any such completions, omissions, insertions and changes. The Clerk to the Board shall attest and seal such documents as require the Clerk's attestation and th~ seal of the County. 15. To the extent permitted by law, the officer or employee of the County as may be responsible. fÌom time to time for the preparation òf the annual budget Qf the County, is hereby authorized and directed to carry out the obligations imposed by the Agreement on such officer or employee. 16. All other actions of the officers of the County which are in conformity with the purposes or intent of this resolution and in furtherance of the execution of the Agreement and the undertaking of the Project, including the execution of the Security Documents, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. The representations of the County made in the Agreement and the Security Documents are hereby confirmed. The approval by the County of the Agreement and the Security Documents is contingent upon approval of the Agreement by the North Caròlina Local Government Commission. ( 17. All Resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ·... '. . :;;;:-. . 18. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Commissioner Boseman moved the passage of the foregoing Resolution and Commissioner Pritchett seconded the motion, and the Resolution was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioner: Robert G. Greer, Vice-Chairman Commissioner: Julia Boseman Commissioner: William A. Caster Commissioner: Nancy H. Pritchett Nays: Commissioner: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman This 11th day of March, 2002. (SEAL) 1d {)~ Cl ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~v/~ Clerk to the Board ...... .. ,,...::..,, Exhibit A Certificate and Summary The undersigned Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby certifies: , 1. Notice of a public hearing (the "Hearing") to be held on March 11, 2002, with respect to the financing of the purchase of the Shaw Speaks Building thereof as a juvenile day care reporting facility through an installment financing agreement was published on February 28, 2002, in the Wilmington Star News. 2. The presiding offic,er of the Hearing was Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman of the Board. 3. Hearing: The following is a list of the names and addresses of all persons who spoke at the No public comment was received. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, my hand and the seal of New Hanover County, this~*ðay of March, 2002. r;eA~_·~ \_/ ~ . "-éÍ~~ard of Commissioners New Hanover County, North Carolina RALEIGH 170031vl 27.16.7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A-313,11/01 The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover CoÙnty, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 23, Environment, Article VII, Stormwater Management, Division 6, New Development, Section 23-432, of the New Hanover County Code be amended as follows: Amend Subsection (f) of Section 23-432, Applicability, as follows: (f) All projects subject to the provisions of this article shall require the issuance of an "Authorization-To-Construct" by the County following approval of construction plans for subdivisions and before receiving building permits for non-subdivision projects. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Except as specifically herein amended, Chapter 23 shall remain in full force and effect. Adopted the 11 th day of March, 2002. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TftaQ~.'~i;man Board of Commissioners ~~J~ "'-/= to the Board 27.16.8 ADDENDUM TO: A-313, 11/01 ' ADD , 32-3(3)C Noland-disturbing activity or tree removal may begin on any site subject to the provisions of this ordinance until all applicable County Permits have been issued. Adopted the 11 th day of March 2002. Attest: Íf!¿ fl~ Qi~an (£~~v!~ "'--/€ to the Board AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NE\V HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NE\V HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 18, 1965 A-313,11/01 I ;.1 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina adopted October 18, 1965, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Revise *50-2 Improvements Following approval of the preliminary plan, the sub-divider shall submit to the County Engineer and other appropriate State and local a,gencies design and construction plans for the installation of the improvements as required by the Ordinance and other specifications and policies of New Hanover County. ADD *50-3 Upon satisfactory completion of the construction plans, the County Engineer shall issue an approval letter for the installation of the required improvements in accordance \vith the approved plans and the design standards specified in this Ordinance. The Planning Department, in conjunction \vith the appropriate agencies shall revie\v and approve all required improvements prior to the Final Plat being approved. ADD *50-4 Construction Procedures (1) Access -All public agencies shall have access to the premises and structures of a subdivision under this chapter during reasonable hours to make those inspections deemed necessary by them to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. (2) Inspection - The subdivider and !òr contractors, prior to commencing any work within the subdivision. shall notify those public agencies charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance to allow scheduling for adequate inspection of these improvements. Section 20 Definitions ADD 20-23 Plans. Constructions: Plan. profile, and detail drawings sufficient to indicate the construction of all improvements associated with the property to be subdivided. prepared by a professional. legally recognized by a State of North Carolina licensing board as being licensed to perform such activities or undertakings. Section 32 Preliminary Plan Revise 32-2(3) The name and address of the owner, and the individual or firm preparing the plan; construction plans, if included shall be prepared by a professional, legally recognized by a State of North Carolina licensing board as being licensed to perform such activities or undertakings. I / Revise' 32-3(3) Preparation of Construction Drawings Upon approval of the preliminary plan, the subdivider may proceed in accordance \vith the preliminary plan as approved and the requirements of this Ordinance in the preparation of Construction Drawings. . a) Construction Plans and drawings shall be submitted and approved by - the county engineer or other agencies p'rior to the install~tion of any required improvements. b) Following the installation of the required improvements the súbdivider may proceed in accordance with the preliminary plan as approved and the requirements of the Ordinance in the preparation of a final plat. Revise 32-4 Building Permits Issuance Subject to sewer availability, building permits may be issued after approval of Construction Plans. Such preliminary approval of building permits shall in no way alter the requirement that the final plat be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds prior to the sale or lease of land or buildings within the subdivision. . Section 2. Any ordinance'or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Adopted the Th day of January 2002. / Q' lL(dQ:x, Chairman Attest: